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官方网站:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2112559495.html, 老托福听力30篇下载之天文学家(原文+翻译) 老托福听力30篇下载之天文学家(原文+翻译)。托福考试备考资料你选老托福听力30篇了吗?没选也不要紧,下面小马编辑为大家精选了老托福听力30篇中天文学家相关的原文及翻译,同学们不用下载完整版的老托福听力30篇也可以,还等什么,赶快来下载吧。 老托福听力30篇是托福听力考试备考必备的材料,下面为大家整理了老托福听力30篇中天文学家相关内容,还附带有原文及翻译,同学们可下载进行练习。 Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescopes every night. In fact, a typical astronomer spends most of his or her time analyzing data and may only be at the telescope a few weeks of the year. Some astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use a telescope at all. You might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it. Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope. 许多人认为天文学家是那种每晚都把时间花在冰冷的天文台上,通过望远镜仔细观察的人。事实上,一位典型的天文学家会把他自己的大部分时间用在分析日期上,而且也许一年只用几个星期的望远镜。一些天文学家仅仅研究理论上的问题,而从不用望远镜。你也许不知道直接在望远镜上观察到像是多么的难得。观察天空更常用的方式是将它照下来。这个过程非常简单。首先,把一个摄影用的感光片涂上一层光敏的材料。这个感光片被放好,于是望远镜接收到的图像被记录在上面。然后便可以冲洗图像,放大,出版,于是许多人都可以研究它。因为大部分天体是非常遥远的,所以从它们那里接受到的光相当微弱。但是通过将望远镜用作照相机的方法,长时间的曝光可以得到像。用这种方法,只从望远镜里看就可以让天体被照下来上百次非常微弱的光用于观察。


历年托福听力考试真题下载五(原文+音频 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年1月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2002年1月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2002年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat. Part A 1:A: With so little time left to study for the history final. I think we should concentrate on going over our lecture notes. B: That sounds good. At least we have an idea what Prof. Martin thinks important. Q: How do the students plan to prepare for the exam? 2:A: Sorry I'm late. There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic was backed up for a miles(排起长龙. B: Tell me about it. I take that road. And it took me two hours to get home last night. Q: what does the man mean? 3:A: u said u wanted to borrow my camera for Prof. Wilson's assignment. Well, here it is. B: I know this is precious to you, and I'll take good care of it. I hate using other people's things, especially expensive equipment like this. Q: according to the conversation, what will the woman do?

老托福听力93篇(45-46)-So, why did what is now

老托福听力93篇(45-46)-So, why did what is now 45 So, why did what is now called "modern dance" begin in the United States? To begin to answer this question, I'll need to backtrack a little bit and talk about classical ballet. By the late 1800's, ballet had lost a lot of its popularity. Most of the ballet dancers who performed in the United States were brought over from Europe. They performed using the rigid techniques that had been passed down through the centuries. Audiences and dancers in the United States were eager for their own, "contemporary" dance form. And, so, around 1900, dancers created one. So, how was this "modern" dance so different from classical ballet? Well, most notably, it wasn't carefully choreographed. Instead, the dance depended on the improvisation and free, personal expression of the dancers. Music and scenery were of little importance to the "modern" dance, and lightness of movement wasn't important either. In fact, modern dancers made no attempt at all to conceal the effort involved in a dance step. But even if improvisation appealed to audiences, many dance critics were less than enthusiastic about the performances. They questioned the artistic integrity of dancers who were not professionally trained and the artistic value of works that had no formal structure. Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turning "round and round like an eggbeater." Yet, the free, personal expression of the pioneer dancers is the basis of the "controlled freedom" of modern dance today. 【生词摘录】 1. backtrack: v. (由原路)返回,后退 2. ballet: n. [C]芭蕾舞 3. rigid: adj. 严格的 4. contemporary: adj. 当代的 5. choreograph: v. 设计舞蹈动作,精心编排 6. improvisation: n. 即席创作 7. scenery: n. 舞台布景 8. lightness: n. 轻盈,灵活 9. conceal: v. 隐藏 10. eggbeater: n. [C]打蛋器 11. pioneer: adj. 先驱,创始人 12. controlled freedom: 克制的自由 46 Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The term "fossil fuel" refers to the trapped remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock. You see, living plants trap energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis, and they store the energy in their chemical compounds. Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely. In this way some of the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks, hence the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of organic matter trapped in any one growing season is small, the accumulated remains from millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulation rate is so slow, millions of times slower than the rate at which we now dig up this organic matter and


老托Part C精选93篇 1 Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One On One" helps elementary students who've fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors—he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week. 【生词摘录】 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2112559495.html,ponent: n.[C]one of several parts that together make up a whole machine or system (机器或系统的)零件;成分;组成部分 2.tutor: n.[C]someone who teaches one pupil or a small group, and is directly paid by them 家庭教师,私人教师 v. to teach someone as a tutor 给… 当家庭教师;指导 3.mentor: n.[C]an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person 顾问,指导人,教练


老托福听力93篇(27-28)-It seems like only yesterday 27 It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of medical school and wondering if I'd ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live patient! Well, I have good news for you! You don't have to wait until your third or fourth year of medical school to get some hands-on experience! The dean has invited me here to tell you about the university's rural opportunity program. If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community. You won't have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like. The program was designed to encourage medical students like yourselves to consider careers in rural communities that are still understaffed. It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons. First, they don't know much about it. And second, specialists in the cities usually make more money. But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community. I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town. Let me tell you, it was really great! I got to work with real patients. I watched the birth of a child, assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experience—all in one summer. And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesn't—no pollution or traffic jams, for instance! My experience made me want to work where I'm needed and appreciated. I don't miss the city at all! 【生词摘录】 1. live: adj. not dead or artificial; living 活的;非人造的;有生命的 2. hands-on: adj. providing practical experience of something by letting people do it themselves 实际操作的,亲身实践的 3. enroll: v. to officially arrange to join a school, university or course, or arrange for someone else to 招(生),吸收(成员);注册(学习) 4. physician: n. [C]AmE formal a doctor 【美,正式】(内科)医生 5. understaffed: adj. not having enough workers, or fewer workers than usual 人员(配备)不足的,人手不够的 6. up-side: n. especially AmE the positive part of a situation that is generally bad【尤美】(不利局面中)好的一面,积极面 7. victim: n. [C]someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered 受害者;牺牲者 8. jam: n.[C]a situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so many people, things, cars etc close together 拥挤;堵塞 9. appreciate: v. to understand how good or useful someone or something is 欣赏;赏识;鉴赏 28 In the few minutes that remain of today's class, I'd like to discuss next week's schedule with you. Because I'm presenting a paper at a conference in Detroit on Thursday, I won't be here for either Wednesday's or Friday's class. I will, however, be here for Monday's. Next Friday, a week from today, is the midterm exam, marking the halfway point in the semester. Professor Andrews has agreed to administer the exam. In place of the usual Wednesday class, I've arranged an optional review session. Since it is optional, attendance will not be taken; however, attending the class would be a good idea for those worried about the midterm. So, remember: optional class next Wednesday; midterm, Friday.


2018老托福听力PartC原文整理(6)-托福 考试 托福频道为大家整理2018老托福听力PartC原文整理,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注托福频道。 To us, the environment in which fish dwell often seems cold, dark, and mysterious. 对我们来说,鱼类居住的环境通常显得冰冷,黑暗,而且神秘。 But there are advantages to living in water, and they have played an important role in making fish what they are. 但是生活在水中是有些优势的,并且他们(这些优势)扮演了一个重要的角色,使鱼之所以是鱼。 One is that water isn't subject to sudden temperature changes. 其一是水不会受制于温度的突变。 Therefore it makes an excellent habitat for a cold-blooded animal. 因此对于冷血动物来说它制造了一个优秀的生活环境。

Another advantage is the water's ability to easily support body weight. 另一个优势是水有轻易的支撑身体重量的能力 Protoplasm has approximately the same density as water, so a fish in water is almost weightless. 细胞质同水有着大致相同的密度,因此一条鱼在水中几乎是无重量的。 This "weightlessness" in turn means two things: One, a fish can get along with a light weight and simple bone structure, and two, limitations to a fish's size are practically removed. 这个“没有重量”依次意味着两件事:一,一条鱼可以同一个轻的体重以及简单的骨骼结构相处的很好,还有二,对一条鱼的大小限制几乎移除了。 Yet there is one basic difficulty to living in water—the fact that it's incompressible. 但是在水中生活还有一个基本的困难——它不能压缩的事实。 For a fish to move through water, it must actually shove it aside. Most can do this by wiggling back and forth in snakelike


1 Community service【社区服务】is an important component of education here at our university. 在我们大学这里,社区服务是教育的一个重要组成部分。 We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. 我们鼓励所有的学生在他们毕业前至少志愿参加一次社区活动。 A new community program called "One On One"【一对一】helps elementary students who've fallen behind. 一个新的社区计划,叫做“一对一”,帮助落后的小学生 You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is, tutoring in math and English. 你们教育专业的可能对此很感兴趣,因为它提供了教学的机会,也就是说,辅导数学和英语 You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. 你们必须在一学期内每周志愿服务两个小时。你可以选择帮助一个孩子的数学、英语或两个都帮。 Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. 半个小时的课程就好,所以你可以每项做半个小时, 一周做两天。


95年10月托福听力文字 1.W: How is your paper coming along? M: My typewriter is broken. Q: What does the man mean? 2.W: Have you tried Susan's apple-pie? M: I got the last piece. And it was out of this world. Q: What does the woman mean? 3.W: If you're staying late, will you be sure to lock up the office when you leave? M: Oh. I hope I won't be more than an hour. Q: What does the man mean? 4.W: Nancy really wants to ski on Thursday. M: Yes, but she can't. Can she? Q: What does the man say about Nancy? 5.M: Let me help you with those packages. W: Thanks. But it is only 3 quarters of a block. Q: What does the woman tell the man? 6.M: Did you know that Arthur has three brothers living on three different continents? W: He must get in an incredible phone bill every month. Q: What does the woman imply about Arthur? 7.M: This calculator isn't working right. W: I think you've got the battery in upside down. Q: What does the woman mean?


老托福听力30篇下载之嗓音(原文+翻译) 老托福听力30篇下载之嗓音(原文+翻译)。托福考试备考资料你选老托福听力30篇了吗?没选也不要紧,下面小马编辑为大家精选了老托福听力30篇中嗓音相关的原文及翻译,同学们不用下载完整版的老托福听力30篇也可以,还等什么,赶快来下载吧。 老托福听力30篇是托福听力考试备考必备的材料,下面为大家整理了老托福听力30篇中嗓音相关内容,还附带有原文及翻译,同学们可下载进行练习。 Today we're going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groups—the voice. There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listeners. They can result in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively. Or they can create a voice that doesn't hold attention, or even worse, causes an adverse reaction. The three elements are volume, pitch, and pace. When evaluating volume, keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of both the room and the audience. Of course, with an amplifying device like a microphone, the speaker can use a natural tone. But speakers should not be dependent on microphones; a good speaker can speak loudly without shouting. The second element, pitch, is related to the highness or lowness of the sounds. High pitches are, for most people, more difficult to listen to, so in general speakers should use the lower registers of their voice. During a presentation, it's important to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest. The third element, pace, that is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated, should also be varied. A slower pace can be used to emphasize important points. Note that the time spent not speaking can be meaningful, too. Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation. Because a pause gives the listeners time to think about what was just said or even to predict what might come next, it can be very effective when moving from one topic to another. What I'd like you to do now is watch and listen to a videotape and use the forms I gave you to rate the speaking voices you hear. Then tonight I want you to go home and read a passage into a tape recorder and evaluate your own voice. 今天我们将练习评估演讲团体所用的主要工具——嗓音。这里有3个主要的元素,它们结合后可以对听众产生兼于积极与消极之间的任何感受。这三个元素可以导致一种嗓音使人们愿意听,而且很有效。或者他们可以创造一种不能持续获得关注的嗓音,或者更糟,造成不利的反作用。这三个元素就是音量,音高和语速。当我们评估音量时,要牢记一个好的演讲者根据房间和听众来调节音量的大小。当然,在像麦克风这样的扩音设备的帮助下,演讲者可以用自然地语气。但是演讲者不应该依赖于麦克风;一个好的演讲者不用喊叫也可以声音洪亮。第二个元素,音高,联系着声音的高贵与卑贱。音高很高会让大部分人更难愿意去听,所以通常演讲者应该运用声音中比较低的音域。在整个演讲中,在某种程度上运用音高的变化去使人们保持兴趣是很重要的。第三个元素,语速,是表示你的单词与声音衔接的有多快或者多慢,它应该是变化的。慢的语速可以用来强调重点。要注意,时间的流逝而不是演讲,也可以是富有深刻意义的。暂停应该被用于表示过渡或者创建期望。因为一个暂停给予听众时间去思考刚才说了什么,或者甚至去预想接下来会说什么,这在从一个话题转向另一个话题时是非常有效的。现在我想让你们做的是看和听一部录像带,然后运用我刚才给你们的形式对你们听到的演讲者的嗓音作出评估。然后,我希望今天晚上你们回家后读一段文章录在磁带里,并且评估你们自己的嗓音。


老托听力文本 目录 校园类17+4=21 (2) 第一篇宿舍噪音 (2) 第一篇(打工场景) (10) 生物类15+13=28 (12) 第一篇reptile (13) 第一篇(实验介绍) (20) 天文类3+3=6 (26) 第一篇Jupiter (27) 第一篇(登陆月球和火星) (28) 地球科学类5+12=17 (30) 第一篇恐龙消失 (30) 第一篇(地球interior) (32) 人类学类5+3=8 (38) 第一篇The origin of farming of prehistoric times (38) 第一篇 (41) 历史类16+31=47 (42) 第一篇建筑 (42) 第一篇(舞蹈) (50) 人体生理心理学类2+7=9 (66) 66 第一篇(Baby hypothesis) (67) Business类4 (71) 语言学类3 (73)

校园类17+4=21 第一篇宿舍噪音 W: So how do you like living in the renovated dorms? M: There aren?t much different than the old dorms, ju st some new pane and windows. The windows are nice so they shut off the noise really well. The street?s just outside, but I can barely hear the traffic. W: Um, they must be good windows, I bet they must have double panes and glass; they shut off a lot o f noise that the single pane wouldn?t stop. M: Yeah, I wish I had something just the factor between me and my neighbor?s room. Sometimes he turns up the music so loud that I have trouble getting into sleep. Anyway I guess I?m better off than the people who?ll be moving into the new dorms. Did you see how thin the walls are that they putting up between those rooms? W: I haven?t seen them but I did read something about them in the campus newspaper. They are supposed to be better than the thick concrete wa ll you?ve got here. M: Better? How? W: Well, what they doing is separating each room with 2 thin layer of plasterboards and each one is nailed to a different frame. That way they vibrate independently. M: Oh, I see, so the sound from one room doesn?t just vibrate the wall and go directly into next room. There is a gap between 2 layers of wall. W: That?s right. M: Well, I?m still stuck with this neighbor and I am not sure what to do. W: You know heavy bear wall doesn?t help. You should hang somet hing up like some fur rags or some decorated cross. That would act like a kind of a second wall and absorb some sound. I got some extras you can use, people hey. M: I?d appreciate it; anything to get a good night sleep. 第二篇 W: Can I help you find something? Oh, hi, Rick! M: Oh, hi, Julie. When did you start working here? I thought you were waiting tables in Teresa?s café. W: Yeah, I quitted, because I had to work too many nights. I started here just a few days ago. It?s perfect! I work all afternoon shift. So my mornings are free for classes, and I can study at night. So what are you looking for? M: Well, I can?t seem to find the 8th book for English 626. I only found these seven. I?m probably looking right at it W: Um…English 626…English 626… Are you sure they are 8?
