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Little had altered in the village村里没什么变化。

Mum ordered me to dispose of these unfashionable clothes.妈妈命令我把这些过时的衣服处理掉。

Chemical transformations occur. 发生了化学转换。

The game was transmitted live in Spain and Italy 这场比赛在西班牙和意大利进行了现场直播。

Which is a universal constant. 这是一个宇宙的恒量.

I believe the converse of what you are saying. 我相信的和你说的相反。

They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues. 他们想要把人们的注意力从真正的问题上转移开。

Society is now much more diverse than ever before.


I came forward and embraced my sister


He has his father's suspicious nature. 他像他父亲一样生性多疑。In 1949 Bonn was a small, insignificant city. 1949 年时波恩还是个无足轻重的小城市。

Suddenly the car accelerated 汽车突然加速。

It is 250 years since the wolf became extinct in Britain.


Birds have the instinct to fly.


The range has long appealed to all tastes. 该系列长期受到各类人士的欢迎。

The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home


Anyone can appreciate our music任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐。Not everyone approves of the festival不是所有人都赞成庆祝该节日。

Bill was stimulated by the challenge这个挑战让比尔热情高涨。

He fell and twisted his ankle他摔倒了,扭伤了脚踝。

Waiting for the result was torture等待结果是折磨

I hope I'm not disturbing you. 我希望没有打扰到你。

She managed to accomplish her work in time. 她设法按时完成任务。

When he got bored he wandered around the fair 他烦了就去集市上逛逛。

What went on here was an abuse of power. 这里所发生的是一种滥用职权

The climber inched up a vertical wall of rock


This decree obliges unions to delay strikes. 该法令迫使工会推迟罢工。

The origin of the custom is obscure这一习俗的起源鲜为人知

Such events occur only when the external conditions are favorable. 这种事情只有在外部条件有利时才会发生。

The ground was scattered with decaying leaves. 地上满是腐败的落叶。

Nearby is a village with a decent pub附近的村子里有一家不错的酒馆。

a fire had devastated large parts of Castle.


he underestimates the scale of the problem他低估了问题的程度。Such lists are long and tedious to read.


He had been struggling against suicidal tendencies. 他一直在压


To some extent, this was the truth


Plants are the ultimate source of all foodstuffs植物是所有食物的最根本来源。

There is an abundant supply of cheap labour有大量的廉价劳动力。There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child


They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.


This step is optional.


Michael was in a jovial and optimistic mood.


Not everyone is so pessimistic about the future


They decided to spread the building process over three years


Jackson was the winner for a second successive year


The conference broke for a recess


The major reason for excess weight is excess eating.


Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year其研究预算每年超过7亿美元。

More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating. 5000多名中学生因为作弊被开除。

Like poles repel, unlike poles attract


We have to expand the size of the image.


Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected.


Acids in the stomach destroy the virus.


He is also acknowledged as an excellent goalkeeper


she would notify the police and the hospital.


she illness was diagnosed as cancer


The food get a bit monotonous饭菜有些单一

I will calculate your for you. 我帮您计算。

Ability to compute basic mathematical calculations.


He disputed the allegations


The nation also exports beef


Civil rights lawyers tried to halt the deportations.


I always carry a portable computer with me.


The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country. 联合国不能干涉任何国家的内政。

He needs capital and technology transfer


I don’t share his radical views.


One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes 全世界有1/4的人没有像样的家。

Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years' salary for a government worker.


She adhered to the strict Islamic dress code.


Two tanks were captured


Contact your doctor if the cough persists


When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted.


It's something I have consistently denied


They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded


You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things.


Precaution is venereal surely the wrong idea of correct.


I have always regarded him as a man of integrity


Does your software integrate with the operating system? 你的软件是否与操作系统结合?

We attach labels to things


They've been scattering toys everywhere


He scratched himself under his arm


He convinced her to go ahead and marry his.


He was sure that the man was innocent of any crime


Farmers often enclose their land with hedges.


Many of the youngsters feel excluded.


A company with a reputation for exclusivity.


Did you encounter anyone in the building?


We can't prevent what we can't predict.


She dared not contradict him


Don't dictate to me to do that.


A financial scandal.


She subsequently became the Faculty's President


The colour sequence yellow, orange, purple, blue, green and white 黄、橙、紫、蓝、绿、白的颜色顺序

There was an awkwardly long silence.


We devised a scheme to help him


It is inevitable that other trials will follow


He has no previous convictions.


She had come to China to pursue an acting career.


They were substituting violence for dialogue


They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination. 他们烹调手艺不高,也不挑食。

She professed to hate her nickname


You just go to the church and confess your sins


This was a vain but an important imagining.


The seat next to him was vacant.


Fear and mistrust will vanish.


My plans are very vague.


Their beauty is their curse.


You want me to call security?


Are you here to rescue us?


We must try to insure peace around the world. 我们必须确保世界和平。

They maintained neutral


They're a competent team


They print and distribute the bible.


Would you care to contribute?


This attribute has two values.


She has a promising prospect.


Customs officers inspect our baggage.


Children should respect their elders.


Peace and prosperity await you.


That will help to spur economic growth.


What is your inspiration?


Little presents maintain friendship.


I will retain my right.


This is just entertainment.


Offer opportunities to learn, search, inquire, and recreate. 提供机会去学习,探求,查究及娱乐。

I only want to amuse you.


Not subjected to correction or discipline.


Is this domestic terrorism?


The kitchen is my domain.


I wonder if love is constant.


The papal authority is sovereign.


I have never committed any crime


Where should I submit the application? 我应该在哪里提交申请?

What is your mission?


He couldn't distinguish right from wrong. 他是非不分。

You hope how to entitle me?


Release and pull off plug.


The family lived on relief.


He thinks I'm exaggerating


Ignorance is an enemy of progress. 无知是进步的敌人。

He went to the congress.


These fish are very aggressive


We will never shrink from difficulties. 我们在困难面前决不退缩。

It's the best contract.


Don't distract my attention!


The seaway will also adjust.


We reinforce a troop again.


We must reject them


Because you're project manager.


He was ejected from a restaurant.


I object strongly to the idea.


They wish that prices would decline.


This is a fatal thing.


Principal, I can wash the toilets!


It is the most primitive of all the models. 它是所有模式中最基本的。

Study is placed prior to all other activities. 学习被安排在优先的地位。

No law can prohibit him from doing so.


Science has made remarkable progress. 科技有了显著的进步。

It is the only remedy.


I can't undertake that you will succeed.


The greatest obstacle is fear.


Who's your opponent?


I would do anything to induce them to stay 我会做任何事情劝他们留下来

Whose computer terminal is it?


The approximate length is three inches.


You should detect virus.


I must learn to restrain myself.


They didn't check his resume


Means of modern transportation consume too much energy. 现代交通工具耗费过多能源。

I presume you're here on business


Could you clarify these remarks?


No streetlights illuminated the street


Can you isolate him?


The idea arouse much interest.


The boss exert pressure on you.


Most politician are very sophisticated.


Four wives is the maximum.


Restrict the use of this parking lot.


They partook our triumph.


The noise vibrated the table.


All labor must be voluntary.


They appoint him the secretary.


She knew that she would disappoint him. 她知道她会令他失望的。

Don't try to approach her


The financial penalty is appropriate.


You're addicted to chaos.


I'll give you a discount!


Erect a quarantine field.


Could you interpret for me?


The announcement was welcomed by conservation groups. 这宣言受到环境保护组织的欢迎。

He's very conservative.


Do you like to preserve old newspapers?


The obvious parallel is with house prices.


At first l was reluctant.


She was efficient and reliable


These facts are relevant to the case.


Utility does run queries.


What an utter fool


You need my consent?


You must conquer fear of heights.


Why don't you defect?


How did they evolve?


What don you involve me?


The planets all revolve around the sun. 行星全都围绕太阳旋转

These questions frustrated me


I feel so guilty


It is the immediate way.


英语整句造句举例(积木式英语造句法) 经过前面6章的讲解,英语语法的基本现则已全部讲解完毕了。 英语语法,是英语造句的法则,学好英语语法,为的是学会英语造句。学完了前面的造句法则以后,接下来大家就应该自己进行英语造句练习了。若只看造句法则而不练习造句,就好像只学足球比赛规则而不下场踢足球,最终还是学不会踢足球。为了引领大家进行英语造句,本章将以举例的方式讲解一种练习英语造句的奇妙方法,这个方法可谓“精、准、快”练习效果很好。它启发大家如何从一个最简单的根零件开始造句,一步一步地造出各种复杂的句子。 本章当中所举的例句,将有一定的长度和难度,因为若举太短或太简单的句子为例,不足以说明复杂句子的造句过程。读者在阅读这些例句时,遇到生词可以边查字典边阅读。对于年龄太小的、认识单词尚少的儿童,也可以不看本章的内容,转而先去学习英语发音、背单词等快步英语的其他课程,等有了一定的词汇积累后再回到这里看本章的内容。 以下的讲解仅是英语造句步骤的一般简单讲解,目的在于引领读者入门。要想彻底学会英语语法,仅靠阅读本章的几个例句是远远不够的,还要具体分析一些文章实例才行。快步英语课程里另外还有专门的《英语语法练习课程》,其中结合各种难度的大篇幅文章来讲解文章中的具体语法细节,带领大家进行英语语法练习,因此请读者看完本书后,趁热打铁地去使用快步英语的《英语语法练习课程》。 第一节积木式造句的基本步骤 1.第一步:挑选根零件 一个完整的英语句子,无论它多长,多么复杂,都含有最基本的主谓宾三大成分,交代“谁做了什么事”,而且这三大成分按照固定的三种位置排列,即按照三个根零件排列,英语造句的第一步就是造出句子的根零件,即首先把句子的最重要的主谓宾三大块找出来,并挑选一个根零件将其造出,形成句子的最初步结构。 比如要造一个英语句子,它的汉语意思如下: 一天,一个想喝点水的倒霉的狐狸掉进了一个深井里。 这个句子的最简单的“谁做了什么事”是什么呢?经过分析后发现是“一个狐狸、掉到、井里”,这是句子最基本的主谓宾三部分,将这三部分用根零件l表达出来就是: A fox fell into a well. 一个狐狸掉到井里。这里谓语fell的语态是“过去时态”( 2—l公式)。 2. 第二步:添加、替换新零件 找出根零件后的第二步,就是添加新的零件,可以用一个更大的零件替换原来的小零件,比如用一个大的名词短语替换根零件中主语位置上的小名词短语,使根零件的主语复杂起来。还可以给句子中的一个名词添加定语零件、状语零件、补语零件等。添加新零件没有先后次序,哪个零件添加起来容易就先添加哪个零件,还可以同时添加两个或多个零件。 比如用an unlucky fox(块4:一个倒霉的狐狸)替换根零性中的主语A fox , 同时用a deep well (块4:一个深井) 替换根零件中的宾语a well,则句子变成:An unlucky fox fell into a deep well. 一个倒霉的狐狸掉到一个深井里。 3. 第三步及后面步骤:重复第一、二步 反复重复第二步,逐步向句子中添加零件,就像搭积木一样逐步造出最终想要的复杂的英语句子。

关联词语造句大全 60句

关联词语造句大全 60句第1段: 1.媳妇,从今天开始,我便领教了你的个性,你有你的内在美,但你爱生气,这也是大多数女孩的通病,希望你在以后的生活当中,逐渐淡化,相信你会成为更加有个性的漂亮女孩,但生气之后,希望你不要因为生气永远都不要再不理我了,因为这对我来说就是煎熬,我希望你能改正,我会给你时间,也许是一年、两年,或者一辈子都行,谁让我选择了你呢! 2.选择诚信。因为它比美貌来得可靠。没有美貌的人生或许是没有足够亮点的人生;但若没有诚信的人生则足以是没有一丝光明的人生。 3.如果可以,我愿在回到那个年代,再去重温一遍,因为我很在意,你们是不是把我放在了心底。会不会也像我这样,不经意的就把你们想起? 4.一洼洼的不是稻田而是油烟。一片片的不再是树林而是污染,一丛丛的不再是小草而是渣山。一条条的不是小路而是垃圾练成串,爱护环境,刻不容缓,下一代的梦想,这一代的明天,不要因为今天留下遗憾。 5.置身于幸福中的人,可能觉得自己并不幸福,因为他们都过着幸福的日子,对于陌生的幸福已适应了,就变得没有特殊的意义。渐渐被遗忘,渴望自己拥有更多与众不同的幸福,渴望会一直延伸下去的。这时幸福的魅力又重现,不过这一切都会变得平凡、平淡、平静。 6.你给我一个眼神,我为你神魂颠倒!你给我一个声音,我为你心乱如麻!你给我一个信息,我为你一夜无眠!因为情人节无人陪我,等你请我吃饭。 7.天真孩童式的爱情:我爱,因为我被人爱。成熟的爱情:我被人爱,因为我爱人。不成熟的爱情:我爱你,因为我需要你。成熟的爱:我需要你,因为我爱你。 8.科学研究能破除迷信,因为它鼓励人们根据因果关系来思考和观察事物。 9.春天在学校里,春天到了,新的一学期又开始了,一年之计在于春,学校也热闹起来了,他们坚信,春天的播种,秋天必有收获。因为有播种的时期就有收获的时候。春天让学校更加生机勃勃,小朋友们啊,脱下了冬装,换上了薄薄的衣裳。 10.不再因为任性而不肯低头,不再因为固执而轻言分手。你敢天长,我就敢久。最后坚信一次,一直走,一直走,就可以到白头。 11.史莱慕掀开新娘面纱要亲吻新娘时,吃惊看?到一双红彤彤的眼睛。此时洛奇再度出面解围。他说,新娘是因为在婚礼前太过兴奋,才整整一个礼拜都没有阖眼。于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 12.不要因为努力变成别人喜欢的样子,到头来忘了最真实的自己。 13.过去的生命已经死亡。我对于这死亡有大欢喜,因为我借此知道它曾经存活。


高一英语上学期阅读理解11篇(一) 一 As a student, you must be excited to know something about American school students. In fact, just like in China, in the United States, high school is usually divided into two periods, the first two or three years are called “junior high school” and the other is “senior high school”. In China, children enjoy free education of nine years, but in the United States, the students enjoy free education until they are 18 years old. As a result of the free education system (制度), American children have little difficulty in going to senior high school. American high school students can take part in a lot of activities outside of the classroom. The activities are organized by the school, such as joining a music group or a sports team. Certainly, just like us students in China, American students have to work hard in order to get good marks if they want to go to a good university. They take classes in all kinds of subjects all through the high school period. And those who come out with low marks at the end of a school year and whoshould repeat a grade are often allowed to go on to the next grade. In American high schools, there is fighting or hurting or other kinds of bad behaviors.So children who want to go to university are often sent to suburban (郊区的) high schools, where most students want to go to university and the atmosphere (氛围) is quite different. 1. Activities outside of the classroom refer to _____. A. what the students do after class in school B. what the students learn in extra classes C. what a music group or a sports team do D. what the teachers do after class for the students 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The time of free education in China is longer than that in America. B. Those who get good marks can go to a good university. C. American students can take all kinds of subjects during the high school period. D. They can be allowed to join the next grade even if they fail the school-year exam. 3. The writer of the passage tells us the truth that ____. A. the atmosphere in high schools is quite different from that in a university B. none of the schools in cities are good for learning C. suburban high schools are good places for learning D. all the American students want to go to university 二 Americans can travel almost anywhere they choose. But to protect its people, the government lists a few dangerous places where Americans cannot go. These places are unfriendly countries or countries at war. There, the traveller might not be safe. These countries are listed in a small book called a passport. This passport is a government request(要求) for the safety of its travelling people. It is also a government' s pledge (保证) that the people will obey the rules of the host country. To receive a passport from the government, a traveller must prove(证明) that he is an American citizen. An American can not go abroad without a passport. Only some close countries such as Canada and Mexico do not ask for passports. Inside the passport is the traveller's picture. Children travelling with their parents are included(包含) in one parent's book. Thousands of people from the United States visit other countries every year. An American traveller might carry plane tickets, money, clothing and many other things, but the most important that he carries in another country is his passport. 1. A passport is not needed when an American goes to .


三年级上册英语单词表 Unit1 Hello 你好morning 早上,上午Miss 小姐I 我good好的 Unit2 mr先生mrs 夫人are是(复数)fine 健康的goodbye 再见 hi 嗨thank 谢谢you你,你们 Unit3 boy男孩girl女孩am是no不,不是not不是yes是 Unit4 tall高的short矮的fat胖的thin瘦的friend朋友is是 he 他my 我的this这,这个she她 Unit5 father爸爸mother妈妈brother哥哥,弟弟sister姐姐、妹妹 me我beautiful 美丽的who谁family家庭 Unit6 hair头发eye 眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子mouth嘴巴face脸 big大的long长的look看small小的 Unit7 blackboard黑板door门window窗户clean 把一擦干净,打扫please 请,劳烦late 迟到look at 看open打开close关 the 这个 Unit8 a(an)一个apple苹果banana香蕉orange桔子pear梨 dad爸爸good 好的here这里how much 多少钱 they (他、她、它)们it它 Unit9 chair椅子desk书桌pen 钢笔bed床schoolbag书包 book书these 这些pencil铅笔ruler尺子mum 妈妈(口语)your你的,你们的 Unit10 one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十how many 多少 Unit11 mouse老鼠cat猫dog狗rabbit兔子fish鱼its它的 tail尾巴what 什么 Unit12 spring春天summer夏天autunmn 秋天winter冬天


英语单词造句十个练习一:what’s this? 单词:兔子rabbit 钟表clock 洋娃娃doll 枪gun 什么what 这个this 那个that what s = what is 句型:Is this a cake? Yes, it is。 What’s this? It ’s a bun。 What’s that? Is it a doll? No ,it’s a rabbit。 What’s this? It s a box。 What’s in it? Is it a clock? No, it’s a gun。 二:He has a red cap 单词:床bed 猪pig 便帽cap 苹果apple 七seven 有has 有have 朋友friend 丹男名Dan 莉莉Lily 小的little 句型:I have seven big apples.我有七个大苹果。 She/He has seven big apples. 她/他有七个大苹果。 I have a red cap.我有一顶红色的便帽。 She/He has a red cap.她/他有一顶红色的便帽。 I have a little dog.我有一只小狗。 She/He has a little dog.她/他有一只小狗。 She is my friend.她是我的朋友。 三:What colour is the book? 单词:书book 颜色colour 妇女woman 母亲mother

医生doctor 这个the 看look 好的good 句型:What’s in de bag? It’s a book。 What colour is it ? It’s red .It’s a good book。 Look at the woman. Is she a doctor? Yes ,she’s a doctor .She is my mother。 四:What can you see? 单词:树tree 绿色的green 房间room 兄弟brother 你(们)you 看见see 谁who 请please 来come 句型:What can you see?I can see a tree。 What colour is it? It’s green。 Can I come in? This is my room。 Come in , please. Who’s he? He’s my brother。 五:Are you in class Two? 单词:小汽车car 小鸡chick 女孩girl 一one 二two 教师teacher 下午afternoon 是are 班级class 珀尔女 名Pearl 在…下面under 对话:Good afternoon。 Are you in Class Two? No,I'm in Class One。 Who's that girl? She's Pearl。 Who's in the car? A teacher。


小学关联词造句大全 第一,作为联接分句、标明关系的词语,关联词语总是标明抽象的关系,可以作为某类复句的特定的形式标志。 第二,关联词语性质复杂。 第三,说话时很容易发现必须带有的一到二个词语,虽然意思不同,但连在一起无论是说还是听都觉得很舒服。 常见关联词可分为以下几类复句: 1.转折关系 尽管……可是…… 虽然……但是…… ……却…… ……然而…… 2.假设关系 如果……就……、即使……便…… 、要是……那么…… 、倘若……就……、既然……就…… 3.条件关系 只要……就……、只有……才…… 、无论……都…… 、不管……也…… 、即使……也…… 4.因果关系 因为……所以…… 、由于……因此…… 、既然……那么……、之所以……是因为…… 5.并列关系 不是……而是……、一边……一边……、一方面……一方面……、有时……有时、既……又…… 6.承接关系 一……就……、起先……后面…… 7.递进关系 不但……而且……、不光……也……、不仅……还……、虽然……但、不仅……还…… 8.选择关系 不是……就是……、是……还是……、或者……或者、要么……要么……、与其……不如……、宁可……也不…… 目的是偏句表示一种行为,正句表示这种行为的目的。 以便,以,用以,好,为的是;以免,免得,省得。 例:你快让他进去,以免闹情绪。

取舍 在两件事情中衡量得失,选择其中的一件,舍弃另一件。 与其……,不如(无宁、宁可);宁可(宁愿)……不(不愿)。 其次了解关联词语误用情况: 一个复句,用不用关联词语,用哪个关联词语,是单用还是成对地配合着用,用在什么位置,都有一定的规则。关联词语的正确使用是靠语境判断,仔细推断出来的。关联词语在使用上存在如下毛病: 1、错用关联词语 例:宋朝皇帝只知道吃喝玩乐。为了喜欢踢球,就把一个流氓封为殿师太尉。(应把“为了”改为“因为”) 2、关联词语搭配不当 例:只有你意识到这一点,你就能深刻地了解我们战士的胸怀是多么宽广。(“只有”与“才”搭配,去掉“就”) 注意辨别非关联词的连续语: 有些短语看起来比较像关联词,但是并非关联词。譬如像“一会儿……一会儿……”“一下子……一下子……”等等,这些都不是关联词,也不是排比句。排比句是拥有三个或三个地方以上的相同词语连成的词语。像这种词语相同却不到三个的词语只能算是连带词或者连续词。 常见关联词: 1.因为……所以、 2.不但……而且、 3.与其……不如、 4.宁可……也不、 5.宁可……也、 6.之所以……是因为、 7.如果……就、 8.只要……就、 9.既然……就、10.即使……也、11.无论……都、12.不管……都、13.不仅……还、14.不仅……而且、15.不但……还、16.虽然……但是、17.不是……而是使用关联词语的句子往往比较复杂。同学们在使用关联词语的时候,经常会出现这样或那样的错误,因此,这里提醒同学们注意以下几个问题: 一、要正确运用关联词语,首先必须懂得各类关联词语的作用。 同一个句子,运用不同的关联词语,作用就不同,表达的意思也就不一样。例如:“我们共同努力,竞赛取得胜利。”这个句子没有使用关联词语,可以看作是并列关系。如果加上不同的关联词语,句子的关系就起了变化: 1.因为我们共同努力,所以竞赛取得胜利。 2.如果我们共同努力,竞赛就能取得胜利。 3.只要我们共同努力,竞赛就能取得胜利。 这样,第一句成了因果关系,第二句成了假设关系,第三句成了条件关系。在我们平时的说话、造句或作文当中,究竟选用什么关系,这就要根据自己表达


高一下学期英语期末考试试卷 一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 1. 阅读理解 Enjoy historic Oakland Cemetery afterdark at Capturing the Spirit of Oakland Halloween Tours, a seasonal tradition! Acostumed docent guides you through the cemetery’sbeautifully-lit Victorian gardens as you experience the stories that Atlanta’ssons and daughters come to life. Tours will be held nightly from 5: 30pm to 10: 30 pm, Friday Oct. 23—Sunday Oct. 25, and Thursday, Oct. 29—Saturday,Oct. 31. Tours last approximately one hour. The evening also includes musicalperformances. A story teller and guests are encouraged to arrive in costume toset the mood for the events. Tickets are available in advance onlyvia ticketalternative. com. Tickets are $25 for adults and $13 for childrenaged 4-12 . Children under 3 are free. This event isfamily-friendly, but is recommended for children aged 8 and up. Ticketsgo on sale to Historic Oakland Foundation members in advance, on July 1-15, andgo on sale to the general public on July 15. If you’re not a HOF member, jointoday! (1)When can we take part in Capturing the Spirit of Oakland Halloween Tours? A . At 8:30 am on Oct. 23. B . At 8: 30 pm on Oct. 24. C . At 10: 00 pm on Oct.


Unit 1 一、補充單字 1. hamburger 漢堡 2. computer 電腦 3. pool 游泳池 4. machine 機器 5. digital 數字的、數位的 6. stupid 愚蠢的 7. photograph 照片 8. shirt 襯衫 9. film 軟片、底片 10. soon 很快地、不久 二、造句練習 1. Do you want cheese on your sandwich? 2. I’ll use your laptop to type a paper. 3. Do n’t make that face at me! 4. My new phone has a camera in it. 5. Hey, silly! I’m over here! 6. This is a photo of my grandmother. 7. Look at the movie screen. 8. Let’s go into the photobooth. 9. This album has photos of the baby. 10. There are flowers in front of my house. 11. Microsoft Word is a useful program. 12. It will take two days to develop your photos. 13. The musicians had a jazz session.Unit 2 一、補充單字 1. healthy 健康的 2. trade 交換 3. tennis 網球(運動) 4. kilogram 公斤 5. weight 重量、體重 6. benefit 有益於、對~有益 7. carrot 胡蘿蔔 8. chest 胸、胸腔 9. spirit 精神、心靈 10. own 有、擁有 11. couple 夫婦、情侶 12. poop 排泄物 二、造句練習 1. Fruits and vegetables are good for your health. 2. Are you ready for the daily sales meeting? 3. William wants to be an exchange student so he can study in France. 4. Athletes must stay in shape. 5. Swimming is a very good form of exercise. 6. Do you have a partner for your science project? 7. Why did you miss the party last night? 8. What kinds of exercises do you do during your workout? 9. I gained three kilos during Chinese New Year. 10. Living in a big city like Taipei is bad for your lungs. 11. He puts his whole soul into working. 12. I can’t see m to find the owner of this car. 13. Please don’t forget to do your homework tonight.


小学常用关联词及造句归纳 在小学的学习中,我们常用的关联词及造句归纳: 一、转折关系, 1、尽管……可是 2、即使……也 3、虽然……但是 例句:(1)、虽然天气已晚,但是老师仍在灯下伏案工作。 (2)、即使我跑得不快,我也要参加比赛。 (3)、小明虽然考了第一,但是他一点也不骄傲。 二、条件关系, 1、只要……就 2、不管……总 3、无论……都 4、只有……才 例句:(1)、只要我们努力,成绩就会不断地提高。 (2)、无论前进的路上有多少困难,我们都会一直走下去。 (3)、只有努力学习,他才能考上大学。 三、假设关系, 1、假如……就 2、如果……就 3、要是……就 例句:(1)、如果明天下雨,运动会就不举行了。 (2)、假如人人都爱护环境,这世界就会变得更美丽。 四、因果关系, 1、既然……就 2、因为……所以 3、之所以……是因为 例句:(1)、因为这本书写得太精彩了,所以大家都喜欢看。 (2)、既然你知道错了,就要改正。 (3)、之所以我们买东西很方便,是因为这里有个大型超市。 五、并列关系, 1、不是……而是 2、既……又 3、是……不是 例句:(1)、这衣裳既漂亮又大方。 (2)、我不是没有认真学习,而是这次考试时没仔细看题。 六、选择关系, 1、宁可……也 2、是……还是 3、与其……不如 4、要么……要么 5、或者……或者 6、不是……就是…… 例句:(1)、我们放学后,是在教室里自习,还是到操场打球?

(2)、桑娜宁可自己委屈点,也不让孩子受苦。 (3)、我们与其在这里浪费时间,不如做些有意义的事。 七、递进关系, 1、不但/不仅/不光……而且 2、不仅……还 例句:(1)、我们不仅要学习好,还要思想好。 (2)、海底不但景色奇异,而且物产丰富。 (3)、他不仅参加了这次比赛,还获得了一等奖。 当然,还有其它的关联词,只有我们在学习中不断总结并归纳。


高一上学期英语期末考试试卷 一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 1. 阅读理解 What’sOn? ElectricUnderground 7.30pm-1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Doyou know who’s playing in your area? We’re bringing you an exciting evening oflive rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested inbecoming a musician and getting a recording contract? If so, come early to the talk at7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He’s going to talk abouthow you can find the right person to produce your music. Gee Whizz 8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Comeand see Gee Whizz perform. He’s the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedyscene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm fordrinks and snacks. Simon’sWorkshop 5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage Thisis a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy.


小学三年级英语句子教学方法 一、单词和句型有机的结合,感知语言。 语言的功能就是交际,而单词是交际的最小单位,句子则是单词 的支撑。我认为单词的教学不能离开句型而独立地教,句型的教学也 不能离开单词,这两者是相辅相成的。在平时的教学中,我每教完一 些单词,除了老师本身示范例句外,我还会让学生自己造句。例如我 在教完“need”这个词时,我就让学生用need实行造句,并看谁造的 句子多。其实就是让学生利用不同的人称、不同的名词在替换句型, 虽然看似简单,但却能让学生掌握了need这个词的用法,而且也培养 了他们开口讲英语的水平。 在语境中理解,在实践中使用,是小学英语教学的重要途径。教 学中,教师把单词放入具体的语境、情景当中,并在事物之间、在单 词与语境之间建立联想,学生的思维会十分活跃,理解会更清晰,对 语言的感知的效果会更好。如,我在教学sounds and words时,会创 设一些情境,并通过这些情境让学生找出更多有相同发音的单词。另外,充分发挥学生的想象力,让他们尝试把这些单词放在一起造句, 甚至把这些单词放在一起编成小故事,即使故事本身没有什么情节, 但却让学生使用了单词和句型。所以,学生对这几个词汇和所用到的 句型都会记忆会深刻、持久。实践证明,把单词教学和句型教学有机 地结合再一起,不但能使学生积极地掌握词汇,而且还能使他们更好 地理解教学内容,从而得到一举两得的效果。 二、源于生活,用于生活,创设情境,加深理解。 6—12岁的孩子,模仿水平强,学习积极性高。我们根据这个特点,首先每节英语课都尽可能地坚持用英语组织教学,比如我们经常实行 课前的Free Talk,与学生之间实行一些日常用语的交流What day is it today? What’s the weather like today?学习了一般过去时态,我们也会随之更新对话,What day was it yesterday? What did you


第一日造句天天练 1.above /prep. 超过;在…上面;高于;adj.上面的;以上的;adv.在上面;超过;更重要 地;上文地;n.上面的东西 2.词义辨析on/ over / above 及其对应的反义词beneath/ under / below 3.词组搭配above all 尤其是,最重要的是; 造句:Penny is a nice neighbor. He often helps me with my garden. He is also good at English Grammar. Above all, he is so handsome and kind with people around him. 4.再介绍三个有意思的above相关的词组搭配①above one’s income 入不敷出 造句: Lena is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Everything about her is perfect, but there is only one thing that I don't admire, which is that she always lives above her income. ②keep one’s head above water: means try to survive by staying out of debt.使自己免于负债;使自己免于灭顶之灾; ③ above the salt 最有意思的一个!先通过例句猜猜看~ Mini was taken up above the salt. Mini is a very important person at this conference, so she was taken up above the salt by the host. 坐上席 第二日造句天天练 1.教你分清care and concern 2.care /n. 小护照忧注:小心;护理;照料;忧虑;注意;v. 关心;在乎;照顾,担忧; 喜爱 3.词组搭配care about 关心;在乎 造句:My uncle, Bear, is one of the most outstanding teachers in his field, but the only thing he cares about is his students, not me. 4.care for 喜欢;喜爱/ 照顾 造句:Long long ago, there lived an Emperor who cared more for new clothes than anything else. 造句:Are you really willing to care for my dog when I was away? 5.词义辨析:concern 和care Concern. n. 关心;关心的事;忧虑,担心vt. 涉及;影响;关心;(使)担心n. 公司;企业Care 表小心,concern就不能;此外concern 在某些特定的情况下还能表示利害关系: have no concern with= have nothing to do with与….没有关系I wish I could say I have no concern with this business. A boy踢球不小心打破了邻居家窗户,这时小男孩说… 第三日造句天天练 1.bear n.熊v.出生;忍受:be born(bear的过去分词) 2.忍受:I can’t bear continuous high temperature in Shanghai. 3.当bear作为动词解释为"忍受"时, 还能等于stand / tolerate / put up with Virgo can't bear the chaotic life. 处女座的人无法忍受杂乱无章的生活。 4.词组:bear sth in mind= keep sth in mind老师在课堂上常说的话:同学们,这道题你们一 定要记住啊,这是一道送分题!英语怎么说这话呢: You must bear this piece of knowledge in mind , which is very essential. 第四日造句天天练 1.blind adj. 瞎的;盲目的;未察觉的 2.词组:turn a blind eye to 对…视而不见;假装看不见 造句:All of you are happy, however, you turn a blind eye to it and complain a lot. 3.词组:be blind to 未察觉….


高一英语上学期阅读理解20篇 一 1 Read the advertisements, and then choose the right answer. Driver Wanted (1) Clean driving license. (2) Must be of smart appearance. (3) Aged over 25. Apply to: Capes Taxi,17 Palace Road, Boston. 2 Air Hostesses for International Flights Wanted (1)Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old. (2) Height 1.6m to 1.75m. (3)Education to GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)standard. (4)Two languages. Must be able to swim. Apply to: Recruitment office, Southern Airline, Heathrow Airport West.HR37KK. 3 Teachers Needed For private language school. Teaching experience unnecessary. Apply to: The Director of Studies. Instant Language Ltd,279 Canal street, Boston. 1. What prevents Jack, an experienced taxi driver, working for Capes Taxis? A. Fond of beer and wine. B. Punished for speeding and wrong parking. C. Unable to speak a foreign language. D. Not having college education. 2. Ben, aged 22, fond of swimming and driving, has just graduated from a college. Which job might be given to him? A. Driving for Capes Taxis. B. Working for Southern Airlines. C. Teaching at Instant Language Ltd. D. None of the three. 3. What prevents Mary, aged 25, becoming an air hostess? A. She once broke a traffic law and was fined. B. She can’t speak Japanese very well. C. She has never worked as an airhostess before. D. She doesn’t feel like working long hours flying abroad. 4 Which of the following is not mentioned in the three advertisements? Marriage. B. Male or female. C. Education. D. Working experience. 二 Dear Carol, I wear braces (牙箍) and I know I look just terrible in them. Is there anything I can do to improve my appearance until they come off? Connie N. Philadelphia, PA Dear Connie, Start by thinking about how good you are going to look when your braces come off. If you are negative about your appearance, people will pick that up right away about you. In the meantime there are several things that you can do to lift your spirits: Change your hairstyle. Be sure to get a good cut so that the shape of your hair will be flattering to your face and also good for your type of hair (fine, thick, straight, curly, etc.) Choose a hairstyle
