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人物:(A)(B)(C) (D) (E) (F)












D: 凉风有信,凉风有兴,秋月无边,亏我思娇的情绪好比度日如年, (B想打招呼,D没搭理)虽然我不是玉树临风,潇洒倜傥, 可是我有我广阔的胸襟,外加强健的臂腕!










C:(跳舞)啊,不要迷恋姐,姐不是传说,传说当中的姐只是一个…妖娆妩媚、魅惑众生、生命与舞蹈同在的….舞林高手lady babala….姐即将参加舞动武科大舞蹈大赛,姐将会一鸣惊人,请给我掌声吧!(谢场)




D:呃…(抬头望星空)啊,我遇到了我的女神,she is so beauti ful,她有supper model的身高,魔鬼般的身材,天使般的面孔,最重要的是还有像我一样的心灵纯洁,道德高尚,温柔善良,当看到她的第一眼,我就有一种怦然心动的感觉。啊,看到她第二眼,我就决定了今生不爱江山,只爱我所爱,只求能执子之手,将子拖走,子若不走,我….也不走。(跳到中间)啊,我的女神!

B(跳到中间):我要成为领导者。 C(跳到中间):我要成为舞蹈家。 D(跳到中间):我要成为音乐家。合:我们的梦想。(音乐响起,舞,散。)


















(搭手)奋斗, A: (搭手)忍耐,D: (搭手)积累, EF:(搭手)加油(合):实现梦想。



《穷人与富人》 穷人与富人故事:乞丐分别向穷人和富人乞讨,富人拥有财富但不愿施舍,穷人贫穷但是愿意与乞丐分享自己的食物。最后乞丐化身圣诞老人,送给穷人一份礼物,礼物最后变成圣诞树。 场景1:富人在餐馆吃饭 富人(金浩蓁)(臧昱玮)(张宸):Chicken, coke ,fish, pizza,kfc ,McDonaldyummy…看着食物,边吃边说。最后吃饱了:I am full.I am full.(两边) 角色准备:西服/皮衣,金链子,墨镜,塑料食物,肯德基食物盒子和麦当劳食物盒子 穷人(吴江梓煜)穷人在餐馆外卖水果:fruits, apples, oranges,banana ,fresh fruits一边提着篮子一边拿出水果叫卖,外面风大,衣服单薄,觉得很冷:It’s cold. 角色准备:篮子,塑料水果,破旧的服装,头巾 富人走出饭店(金浩蓁)(臧昱玮)(张宸):面对观众说I am a richman, I am very rich. 穷人面对观众说(吴江梓煜): I am a poor man, I am very poor乞丐(谭柏溪)(元佳琪)(徐紫琦)(张墨涵)这个时候乞丐排队蜷缩着出场,神秘的面对观众说: Who am I? shh…later you willknow 角色准备:破洞上衣和裤子,假娃娃 场景2:乞丐走向富人 乞丐(谭柏溪)(元佳琪)(徐紫琦)(张墨涵): I am thirsty,I amhungry,拉着富人哀求的说please, please give me some food!富人(金浩蓁)(臧昱玮)(张宸):推开乞丐的手I am a rich man,整理了下衣服I am very rich, I have bread and milk,but I will notgive them to you, poor man.转身离开


How The Foolish Old Man Moved Mountains 寓言故事中英文版--愚公移山 Yugong was a ninety-year-old man who lived at the north of two high mountains, Mount Taixing and Mount Wangwu.Stretching over a wide expanse of land, the mountains blocked yugong's way making it inconvenient for him and his family to get around. 太行,王屋二山的北面,住了一个九十岁的老翁,名叫愚公。二山占地广阔,挡住去路,使他和家人往来极为不便。 One day yugong gathered his family together and said,"Let's do our best to level these two mountains. We shall open a road that leads to Yuzhou. What do you think?" 一天,愚公召集家人说:「让我们各尽其力,铲平二山,开条道路,直通豫州,你们认为怎样?」 All but his wife agreed with him."You don't have the strength to cut even a small mound," muttered his wife. "How on earth do you suppose you can level Mount Taixin and Mount Wanwu? Moreover, where will all the earth and rubble go?" 大家都异口同声赞成,只有他的妻子表示怀疑,并说:「你连开凿一个小丘的力量都没有,怎可能铲平太行、王屋二山呢?况且,凿出的土石又丢到哪里去呢?」 "Dump them into the Sea of Bohai!" said everyone. 大家都热烈地说:「把土石丢进渤海里。」


愚公移山 Mr. Fool Wants to Move the Mountain There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high. 冀州以南衡阳以北有两座大山,一座叫太行山另一座叫王屋山,两座山都很高。 Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Mr. Fool who was nearly 90 years old. With the two high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains. 就在山的北面住着一位Fool先生,老人差不多九十岁了。因为门前有这两座山,他们全家人有事出门的时候只能绕出很远的路。 One day, Mr. Fool called all his family together to talk about how to move the two mountains to other places. His wife said, "An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?" 有一天,Fool先生召集全家人开会讨论如何把两座大山移走,他的妻子说,你这样的老人一座小山都很难移走,更何况这么两座大山呢?即使你能,你要把这些土和石头都运到哪儿去呢? "The Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," Mr. Fool said.


作者:败转头 作品编号44122544:GL568877444633106633215458 时间:2020.12.13 “喜迎圣诞”三年级英语小话剧表演课-----小猫钓鱼 角色:K: Kitty(小猫曹煜青扮演) M: Mother Cat (猫妈妈刘迦楠扮演) B: Brother Cat (猫哥哥陈新宇扮演) L: Little brother Cat (猫弟弟崔响扮演)F: Father Cat (猫爸爸常浩哲扮演) Butterfly(小蝴蝶多清源扮演)Rabbit(小兔子沈子童扮演) 旁白:The Kitty’s is going camping, Kitty wants to learn fishing .Can he learn fishing? 小猫一家去野营,小猫想学钓鱼,他能学会吗? K:Hello! I’m Little cat Mimi. I’m going fishing. But…(看见妈妈在……)Hi! Mummy! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me? 大家好,我是小猫咪咪,我想去学钓鱼,但是。。。你好,妈妈,你在干什么,,你能和我一起钓鱼吗? M: Sorry. I am cooking dinner. (对不起,我在做午餐) K: That’s OK! Bye! (闷闷不乐地来到哥哥身边) Hi! Brother! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me.(那好吧,拜拜。你好,哥哥,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?) B:(哥哥正在打电话): Sorry. I am answering the phone.(对不起,我正打在打电话。) K: Oh. Bye. (闷闷不乐地来到姐姐身边)(那好吧,拜拜) K:(弟弟正在画画): Hi! Tom! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me? (你好,Tom,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?) L:Sorry. I am drawing pictures./…(对不起,我正在画画) K: That’s ok! Bye-bye! (垂头丧气地来到爸爸身边,爸爸在……)Hi! Dad dy! Can you go fishing with me? (那好吧,拜拜。你好,爸爸,你能和我一起钓鱼吗?)F: Sure! Let’s go!(当然可以,我们现在就去.) K: Great!(太好了!)(兴高采烈地来到河边开始钓鱼) Butterfly(小蝴蝶)小蝴蝶一边飞一边唱着:It’s a sunny day .I’m very happy .I can fly high .(天气真好,我好开心,我能飞很高) K:(看见一只蝴蝶马上丢下钓鱼竿): Wow! A butterfly. How beautiful! Let’s play

八年级英语新目标下Unit 6 愚公移山(中英文)阅读素材

【成语故事】愚公移山(How Yu Gong Moved Away Two High Mountains) There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high. Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gong who was nearly 90 years old. With the two high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains. One day, Yu Gong called all his family together to talk about how to move the two mountains to other places. His wife said, "An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?" "The Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," Yu Gong said. So it was decided. His children started to dig the mountains, led by the old man Yu Gong. A man named Zhi Sou saw them working and tried to stop them, saying, "You are so silly! You're so old and weak that you can't even take away the grass and trees. How can you move the high mountains?" "You're wrong," Yu Gong said with a sigh. "Look, my sons can continue my work after my death. When my sons die, my grandchildren will continue. So generations after generations, there's no end. But the mountains can't grow higher. Do you still say I can’t move them away?" Later the He aven God, upon learning of Yu Gong’s story, was greatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away. The story tells us that so long as one is determined and sticks to it long enough, anything can be done, no matter how difficult it is. 译文: 在冀州的南面,河阳的北面,有两座巍峨的大山,一座是太行,一座是王屋,


“喜迎圣诞”三年级英语小话剧表演课-----小猫钓鱼 角色:K: Kitty(小猫曹煜青扮演) M: Mother Cat (猫妈妈刘迦楠扮演) B: Brother Cat (猫哥哥陈新宇扮演) L: Little brother Cat (猫弟弟崔响扮演)F: Father Cat (猫爸爸常浩哲扮演) Butterfly(小蝴蝶多清源扮演)Rabbit(小兔子沈子童扮演) 旁白:The Kitty’s is going camping, Kitty wants to learn fishing .Can he learn fishing? 小猫一家去野营,小猫想学钓鱼,他能学会吗? K:Hello! I’m Little cat Mimi. I’m going fishing. But…(看见妈妈在……)Hi! Mummy! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me? 大家好,我是小猫咪咪,我想去学钓鱼,但是。。。你好,妈妈,你在干什么,,你能和我一起钓鱼吗? M: Sorry. I am cooking dinner. (对不起,我在做午餐) K: That’s OK! Bye! (闷闷不乐地来到哥哥身边) Hi! Brother! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me.(那好吧,拜拜。你好,哥哥,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?) B:(哥哥正在打电话): Sorry. I am answering the phone.(对不起,我正打在打电话。) K: Oh. Bye. (闷闷不乐地来到姐姐身边)(那好吧,拜拜) K:(弟弟正在画画): Hi! Tom! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me? (你好,Tom,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?) L:Sorry. I am drawing pictures./…(对不起,我正在画画) K: That’s ok! Bye-bye! (垂头丧气地来到爸爸身边,爸爸在……)Hi! Dad dy! Can you go fishing with me? (那好吧,拜拜。你好,爸爸,你能和我一起钓鱼吗?) F: Sure! Let’s go!(当然可以,我们现在就去.) K: Great!(太好了!)(兴高采烈地来到河边开始钓鱼) Butterfly(小蝴蝶)小蝴蝶一边飞一边唱着:It’s a sunny day .I’m very happy .I can fly high .(天气真好,我好开心,我能飞很高) K:(看见一只蝴蝶马上丢下钓鱼竿): Wow! A butterfly. How beautiful! Let’s play together! Don’t run away! (哦,蝴蝶,好漂亮啊。我们一起玩吧。别跑啊!) (蝴蝶飞走了.小猫垂头丧气地回来继续钓鱼) F:(爸爸钓到一条大鱼): Look! A big fish!(哦,看,一条大鱼) Rabbit(小兔子)小兔子一边跳一边唱着: It’s a sunny day .I’m very happy .I can jump high .(天气真好,我好开心,我能跳很高) K:.(看见小兔子马上丢下钓鱼竿去追赶小兔,)Wow! A rabbit! How lovely! Stop! Stop! (哦,一只小兔子,好可爱啊,快停下,快停下!) (小兔跑进了草丛深处,小猫咪咪伤心地回到了池塘边) Oh ,I have no butterfly, no rabbit. I have no fish! Wu… (哦,我没有蝴蝶,没有小兔子,没有鱼,呜呜) All together(大家一起说):Don’t cry! Kitty! Do it with your heart. You can get fish.


《愚公移山》中英文对照版 Yu gong was a ninety-year-old man who lived at the north of two high mountains, Mount Taihang and Mount Wangwu. The mountains were so high that Yu gong and his family can 't leave home easily. One day Yu gong talked to his family together and said,"Let's try our best to move these two mountains. What about you?” Everyone agrees. Zhi sou lived by the side of the Yellow River.While he saw they move the mountains busily, He said to Yu gong " You are very old now, if you try your best to move the mountains, you won't remove ([r?'mu:v] ) even a corner (['k ?:n ?(r)] ) of the mountain." Yugong said,"You can't understand. If I die, there will be my

son,my grandson ([' g? ns?n]) my great-grandson. They will try theit best to move the mountains. We shall ( [?? l]) move them one day!" Zhi sou didn 'tsay anything. 一个九十岁的老翁愚公住在太行,王屋二山的北面。 两座山太高了,以至于他和家人不能容易的离开家。 一天愚公对家人说:「让我们尽我们最大努力移走这两座山, 你们认为怎样?」大家都赞成。 智叟住在黄河边,看见他们辛苦的移山,对愚公说: 「你现在太老了,就是尽你最大努力去移山,也不能挖去山 的一角」 愚公说道:「你是不会明白的。如果我死了,还有我的儿子, 我的孙子 他们将尽他们最大努力去移山。总有一天,大山将被移走。」


小学生圣诞晚会英文主持 稿 篇一:圣诞节主持稿中英文版 圣诞节主持稿 开场:Good evening and welcome to the Christmas party .I am 高秀妍XX(主持人依次说自己的名字),I am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight .On behalf of the entire staff of Horizon English school , I wish all of you a happy Christmas eve. 大家晚上好,欢迎大家参加今天的圣诞晚会,我是今天的主持人XXX,非常荣幸有这样一个机会主持今天的晚会,我仅代表新视野英语全体人员,祝愿大家度过一个愉快难忘的夜晚。 Before(来自:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2b3599652.html, 小龙文档网:小学生圣诞晚会英文主持稿) we go , I’d like you to know that we have planed various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party .we hope you would join them and have so fun. 在晚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今天的晚会准

备了很多丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与其中,玩的开心。校长致辞First of all , let’s welcome our principal ,Mrs. Li to give us a welcome speech . 首先,请我们的李校长致辞,请大家欢迎! A:Thank you Mrs. Li .( 感谢李校长致辞) B: Next , our first program , everyone stand up ,please .All the students sing 《jingle bell 》。 A:接下来,请所有同学起立,我们的第一个节目。师生一起唱《jingle bell 》。 C:Thanks for your cooperation .everyone sits down ,please ! What a beautiful song ! Now , let’s welcome Grade 6 students to perform 《Hokey pokey 》。 D:大家请坐,感谢大家的配合,多么动听的一首《jingle bell 》。接下来,请6.1 的同学来为大家表演节目《Hokey pokey 》大家欢迎。B:How exciting ! Thanks for the Grade 6. Hei , XX , Have you seen the movie 《frozen 》?(多么令人振奋的舞蹈啊!谢谢六年级同学的精彩表演,嘿!XX,你看过《冰雪奇缘》这部电影吗? A:Yes ,I love the theme song of 《Frozen》。当然我非常喜欢这部电影的主题曲。 B:Ha ha ! you are lucky ! I will come true your hope !


愚公移山英语故事加翻译 整理了愚公移山英语故事加翻译,欢迎阅读!愚公移山英语故事加翻译篇一In ancient times, there was an old man named Yu Gong.古时候,有一老人,名字叫愚公。 He was nearly 90 years old.快九十岁了。 There were two mountains in front of his house.他家的门口有两座大山。 One was the Taihang Mountain, the other the Wangwu Mountain.一座叫太行山,一座叫王屋山。 It was very inconvenient for people to come and go.人们进出非常不方便。 One day, Yu Gong said to the whole family: "These two mountains block the doorway of our house.一天,愚公对全家人说:“这两座大山,挡在了咱们家的门口。 It is very inconvenient for us to come and go.进出很不方便。 Let our whole family exert efforts to move away these two mountains. How about it?"咱们全家出力,移走这两座大山,好不好?Upon hearing this, all his sons and grandsons said: "You are right. Let us start tomorrow!"他的儿子、孙子一听,都说:“你说得对,咱们明天就开始干!But his wife felt it too difficult to move the mountains.可是,他的妻子觉得搬山太难了。


The Gifts(麦琪的礼物) Mon.:Tomorrow will be Christmas. But Della feels very sad. Because she has no money to buy a present for her husband , Jim . She has only one dollar and eighty-seven cents .They have only 20 dollars a week, it doesn’t leave much for savin g. In fact, Della and Jim have two possessions in which they both take very great pride. One is Jim’s gold watch, which has been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other is Della’s long beautiful hair. 旁白:明天是圣诞节,但是德拉觉得很难过,因为她无钱为她丈夫吉姆买一圣诞礼物,她只有1.87美元,他们一个月只有20美元的收入,那很难再从中省钱了。事实上,德拉和吉姆有两件让他们引以为豪的宝贝,一件是吉姆的金表,那是从他祖父和父亲那里留传下来的,还有一件是德拉那一头棕发,又长又美丽。 D: Life is so hard for me. Though I saved the money for many months , I still have only one dollar and eighty seven cents. 德拉:生活对我来说很困难,虽然我很多个月以前就开始存钱了,我仍然只有1.87美元。 D: I—- I—- I have to have my hair cut and sold it . In that way I can get some money and I can buy a beautiful present for Jim. 德拉:我……我……我不得不剪了头发去卖掉,那样我就能得到一些钱去买礼物给吉姆了。 (At the shop—“Madame Sofronie. We Buy Hair Goods of All Kinds”)(在店门口,写着“夫人:我们买各种各样的头发”) D: Will you buy my hair? 德拉:你买我的头发吗? M: Yes, I buy all kinds of hair. Sit down, please. Take your hat off and let me have a look. Oh, very beautiful. Very good! Twenty dollars , OK? 夫人:是的,我们买各式的头发,把你的帽子脱下来,让我看一下你的头发。哦,很美的头发,很好的发质,20美元,行不行? D: All right. But please give it to me quickly. 德拉:好的,但是请你快点把钱给我。 M: Here you are. Twenty dollars. 夫人:给你,20美元。 D: Thank you. Bye. 德拉:谢谢你,再见。 M: Bye. 夫人:再见。 Mon.:Della spent two hours in the streets. Then she stopped at a Gold Shop and bought a gold watch chain. Now ,Della is at home. 旁白:德拉在街上逛了2个小时,然后她在一家金店止步,进去买了一条金表链。现在德拉正在家里。


Unit 6 An old man tried to move to the mountains 一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:shoot (shot) stone weak god remind 能掌握以下句型: ① How does the story begin? ② What happened next? 2) 能够用英语询问故事的开始、发展及后续等。 2.情感态度价值观目标: 学习愚公,要学习他“主动挖山”的精神。在我们生活工作中存在着很多的“山”。在这些山的面前我们应该采取怎样的态度对待它?是通过“搬家” 来避开它或找领导请求帮助;还是像愚公一样明知困难却迎难而上,凭借自己的力量勇敢的克服困难。愚公不畏艰险,不怕困难,勇敢面对的精神,正是值得我们所学习的。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词:shoot(shot) stone weak god remind 2) 学会询问故事发展的基本句型: How does the story begin? What happened next? 2. 教学难点: 学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。 三、教学过程 Step1 Greetings T:Let’s begin our class.Good morning,class. Ss:Good morning,Mr Wang. T:Sit down,please. Step2 Lead in

T:I like cartoons. Do you like cartoons? Ss:Yes. T:Let’s watch a cartoon.Are you happy? Ss:Yes 1.播放动画片《寓公移山》的视频,导入本单元主题。 T: What’s the name of the story? S1:It’s Yu Gong moves a mountain. T:Today we’ll learn Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. (板书) 2. Then show the Learning Target(学习目标) T: It’s a traditional Chinese story.Do you know other traditional Chinese stories? S1: Journey to the West S2: Chang’e Flies to the Moon S3:The Farmer and the Snake S4:Hou Yi shooting the sun Step3 Work on1a 1. Look at the pictures in1a, then read the names of the story in the box,then match them with the pictures. .The answers:b d a c New words:shoot (shot) shoot at Step4 Listening 1. Play the recording for the Ss to listen T:Now we’ll listen to a great Chinese traditional story. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about? Ss:They are talking about Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. News: earth stone hold 2.Play the recording again. T:Play again. Check the facts you hear.

圣诞节历险记 小学生原创剧本

戏份::圣诞老人【后】 戏份:恐龙 戏份:熊猫 戏份:小孩子 戏份:旁白 戏份:小精灵 戏份:圣诞老人【前】 圣诞历险记 很久很久以前,在南极上有一间小房子,里面住着举世闻名的圣诞老人她很贪吃, Long long ago, there was a small house in Antarctica [?n'tɑ:kt?k?]. Do you know who lived in it? Yes! It’s him – Santa Claus. He liked eating, eating, and eating. So he looked like a ball. Hahahah…但在这一年的圣诞前夕圣诞老人都忙得不亦乐乎。再出发之前,小精灵把礼物都 But in that year, on Christmas Eve, the Santa Claus was so busy to send gifts to the children. A little elf gave the gifts to the Santa Claus, and helped Santa to carry it on the sleigh. The little elf said,” I hope you can give all the children a gift. I wish you a nice trip!” 送了过来,并搬到了雪橇上。小精灵对圣诞老人说:今年一定要把送礼物的任务完成,我祝你一路顺风!在圣诞老人上雪橇时熊猫站出来说道:圣诞老人你太胖啦我拉不 A panda, yes there was a lovely panda. He stood up and said,” Santa, you are too fat! And I even can’t pull the sled. You should lose your weight!” The Santa Claus was angry, and shouted,” you are fat! Not me! It’s your fault! ”They were shouting to each other. And they had a bad Christmas. 动你啊!你该减减肥啦!圣诞老人满腔怒火的说:你才胖呢!!!于是他们吵了起来。 这次过了一个不愉快的圣诞节! ̄へ ̄ 第二年的圣诞节到了,圣诞老人和熊猫都减了肥。而且这次还成功出发了呢!圣诞老人到了Soon, the second Christmas was coming. Santa Claus and the fat panda both became thin. Do you think the Santa Claus can go out to give the gifts to the children? Can he make it? 一户家人的屋顶,从烟窗爬了进来。到了一个小孩的房间,当神丹老人将礼物放 Finally, the panda can pull the sled and carry the Santa Claus to the children’s houses. The Santa Claus came to a house, and went to the house through the chimney. He went to a boy’s bedroom. 到小孩的袜子时,小孩醒了过来,模模糊糊的说:“这是幻觉吗?”然后又睡下了下去Z.Z.Z.Z……The Santa put some gifts into the boy’s stocking. The boy waked and said” am I dreaming?” and then he fell asleep. 第二天小孩醒过来时发现了自己在圣诞老人的家里,然后圣诞老人、熊猫、和小精灵都看着In the morning, the boy got up and found the Santa Claus in his house. The Santa Claus, the panda, and the little elf were looking at him. A 它,这时圣诞老人的一位好朋友来了“恐龙大叔”,说你们好,我是恐龙大叔,我 也是这个小孩的大哥呢!他们弄明白了大家都是亲切关系,并忘掉自我,和我们一起过了一个快乐的圣诞节。

愚公移山 英文版

愚公移山 Once upon a time(从前)there was a very old man named(叫做)Yu Gong.There were two mountains. Taihang and Wangwu near his house. 从前有一个叫Yu Gong的老人,在他家附近有太行和王屋两座山。 They were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side(另一边). 它们又高又大,走很长一段路才能到山的另一边。 One day , Yu Gong called in his family and said that they should (应该)all help him to move the mountains. 有一天,Yu Gong告诉他的家人,说他们都应该帮助他移山 But his wife said “where would you put all the earth and stone from the mountains?” Yu Gong’s family said they could put it into Bohai. So they all started(开始) digging(挖掘) the next day. 但是他的妻子说:“你把山上所有的土和石头都放在哪儿呢?”Yu Gong的家人说他们可以把它们放进渤海。所以他们都在第二天开始挖掘。 One day,a man named Zhi Sou saw Yu Gong and his children while(当…时 候) they were working on moving the mountains. 有一天,一个名叫Zhi Sou的人看到了Yu Gong和他的孩子们,他们正在移山。 He told Yu Gong “You can never do it. You are very old now.You probably(可能)can’t even move a corner(角落)of the mountains.” 他告诉Yu Gong:“你永远做不到,你现在已经很老了,你甚至连山的一个角落都不能移动。As soon as the man finished talking,Yu Gong said ,“My family can continue(坚持、继续)to move the mountains, after I die, there will still(仍然)be my children, my


圣诞晚会主持词英语 good evening and welcome to the party. i am **, i am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. on behalf of the entire staff of xx education, i wish all of you a happy christmas eve. 大家晚上好,欢迎大家参加今天的圣诞晚会。我是今晚的主持人,**,非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的晚会。我谨代表**培训机构的所有同事,祝大家度过一个愉快的夜晚。 before we go, i’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun. 在晚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今晚的晚会准备了很多丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的开心。 first of all, let’s welcome our principal, mr. yang, to give us a welcome speech. 首先请我们杨校长致欢迎辞。 thank you mr. yang. 感谢杨校长。

next, our first program, all the students sing the song ‘happy new year’ with your teachers together, please. 接下来,第一个节目,师生齐唱《新年好》。 what a beautiful song! good job, everybody. now, let’s welcome read the letter of commitment. 多美的一首歌埃大家的表现都非常棒。下面有请xx老师诵读承诺书。 ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky draw! during this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 rmb and a nice gift for the third prize. 接下来,我们将迎来本场晚会第一个激动人心的时刻,抽奖环节!在这一轮抽奖中,将有八位男生或女生获得三等奖,奖品是每人50元的教育基金以及精美礼品一份。 have you heard the story of snow white? i think every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am i right? but i am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now,let’s enjoy, the snow white, played by sixth grade students. 听过白雪公主的故事吗?相信每个小女孩都曾经梦想过
