当前位置:搜档网 › 美国人常用的经典句子



1.After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。

2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:

I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't help it.

3. Don't take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例:

This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart.

4. We'd better be off.我们该走了。It's getting late. We'd better be off .

5. Let's face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。

参考例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK?

6. Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don't just talk. Let's get started.

7. I'm really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead.

8. I've done my best.我已尽力了。

9. Is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。

10. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招!

11. I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。

Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the town hall?

Tom: I don't know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.

12. I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。

Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding.

Jack: I'm not going to kid you. I'm serious.

13. That's something. 太好了,太棒了。

A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester.

B: Congratulations. That's something.

14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!

15. Do you really mean it? 此话当真?

Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me.

David: Do you really mean it?

16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙

17. I couldn't be more sure. 我再也肯定不过。

18. I am behind you.我支持你。

A: Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.

19. I'm broke.我身无分文。

20. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。)

模范例句:Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.

21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。

A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party?

B: You can count on it.

22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, don't worry. I'm thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway. 23. That depends.看情况再说。

例:I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends.

24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。

25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。

26. It's a deal.一言为定

Harry:Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week.

Jenny: It's a deal

许多中国人爱用俗语、成语、俚语。由于中美两国文化、风俗、思想、习惯的差异,如果照字直译,或把单字「堆在一起」,老外听了,也许就会「满头雾水」、「迷迷糊糊」,成了他们所说的「只有你们中国人听得懂」的「中国英文」(Chinese English)。


1. 人山人海:有人直译为:People mountain people sea.

这就是「中国英文」,老外很难理解。他们指「人多」时,通常只说:「There is a large crowd of people.」如果看到电影院门前大排长龙,也只说:「There is (was) a long movie line.」

不过在诗词用语(poetic expression) 里,老外也有使用:「a (the) sea of faces」,颇有咱们「人山人海」的味道。例如:

Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. A delivered a touching speech.(望着一片人山人海的听众,A先生发表一篇动人的演说。)

Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.(柯林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。)

可见,说话者通常要在台上或高处,才有「人海」的感觉。因此,可以说:I saw a sea of faces from the top of the building. 但在平地的人群中,就不说:「I saw the sea of faces.」也不说:「There is a sea of faces.」只说:「I saw a large crowd of people.」

2. 家家有本难念的经:有人译成:Every family cooking -pot has a black spot. (意思是:每个家庭的锅子都有黑色的污点)


Many families have skeletons in the closet. (许多家庭的衣柜里都有骨骸) (骨骸就是指家丑)


Every family has its own source of shame. (每个家庭都有自己的丑事)


Every family has its own problem.

3. 天下无不散的宴席:有人直译为:There are no feasts in the world which do not break up at last.


All good things come to an end. (意思是:所有好的事情,总有结束的一天。)


Eventually, all bosom friends will drift apart. (bosom friend 是指知心的好友)

4. 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚:有人照字直译为:When times are easy, we do not burn the incense,but when the trouble comes, we embrace the feet of the Buddha.


Worship God every day; not just in times of adversity. (要每天敬拜神,不是只在困难时。)


If you study hard every day, exams will not seem overwhelming. (如果你每天用功,考试就不会形成压力。)

5. 挂羊头,卖狗肉:有人照字直译为:He advertises mutton, but sells dog's flesh. 或He hangs up a sheep's head at the shopfront and sells dog meat.


He applied bait-and-switch factics in business. (他经商的策略是先引诱顾客来,再改变货物的品质。)

(Bait-and- switch 当名词用) (也可不用连字号)

This store uses bait and switch policy.


Let the buyer be aware! (让消费者提高警觉) ; 或

Say one thing and do another.

6. 一言既出,驷马难追:有人译成:One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. 或 A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses.


A word once let go cannot be recalled.


You can not take back what you have said. (你说出的话,就不能再收回来。)

7. 祸从口出,言多必失:有人译为:The mouth is the gate of misfortune and evil.


Careless talk leads to trouble. (不小心说话,会带来麻烦); 或

The less said the better. (说的愈少愈好)


Shut the mouth and open the eyes. (闭嘴少说,张眼多看。)

1. It‘s not like that. 不是那样的

It‘s not like that.这句话是用来辟谣的。当别人误会了一件事的来龙去脉,你就可以跟他说It‘s not like that.「不是那样的。」当然随着语气及情境的不同,It‘s not like that.这句话也有可能是你用来硬拗的藉口。

2. There is nothing good playing. 没好电影可看

这里的There‘s nothing good playing.是接着问句而来的,指的是「没有好电影可看。」同样的,若是电视上没有好节目可看,你就可以说There‘s nothing good on TV.

3. I‘ve gotten carried away. 我扯太远了。

get carried away字面上的意思是「被带走了」,那么被带走的是什么呢?就是心思。当你或是他人说话的时候离了题,偏离主旨扯远了。你就可以用上这个表达法I‘ve / You‘ve gotten carried away.

4. Good thing... 还好,幸好…

在美语当中若要表达中文里「还好,幸好…」的语气,你就可以用Good thing...做开头。这个句型非常简单又好用,你只要在Good thing后面加上完整的句子就可以。

5. I don‘t believe you‘re bringing this up. 你现在提这件事真是岂有此理

你现在提这件事真是岂有此理bring something up是指「提到(某件事)」。当然情况会有正反两面。你若没想到对方会提起这件事讨骂,你可以说I don‘t believe you‘re bringing this up.。而反过来说,若你很高兴对方主动提起了一件事,你也可以用这个片语,自然说出I am glad you are bringing this up.

6. spy on... 跟监(某人)

spy这个字就是「间谍」。当动词用的意思自然就是「做间谍做的事」,也就是「监视,跟踪」之意。当你要去监视跟踪某人,美语中就说成spy on someone。

7. There‘s no other way of saying it.没有别种说法

有时候不管你再怎么转、再怎么拗,也没有办法更婉转或是避开一些绝对会出现的字,这时候你就可以用上There‘s no other way of saying it.这句话,来表达自己避无可避的为难,因为「没有别种说法。」

8. That will not always be the case. 情况不会永远是这样

case这个字有「情况」的意思,That will be the case.就是指「情况就会是这样了。」但是你若觉得现在的情况只会是暂时,不会长久,你就可以反过来说That will not always be the case.「情况不会永远是这样。」

9. She is coming on to you. 她对你有意思

She is coming on to you.这句话是用在两性的关系上,意思是「她对你投怀送抱。」也就是形容某人对某人有意思的情况,这个句型男女两性都适用;同样的情况,你也可以说She is making a pass at you.「她对你眉来眼去的。」这两种说法都很生动,而且最棒的是没有新单字,赞!

10. I was being polite.我这是在说客气话

polite这个字,我们在学校学的意思是「有礼貌的。」当然你若要说一个人有礼貌,你可以说He is polite.或是He has good manners.不过I was being polite.这句话是指「我这是在说客气话。」使用的情境比较趋近于客套而不伤和气的出发点,与「做作」artificial (a.)又不一样了。

11. stand someone up 放(某人)鸽子

stand someone up这个词组,大家若是第一次看到,想必多半是满头雾水,怎么单字全都认识,意思却完全猜不出来。其实stand someone up的意思就是「放(某人)鸽子」,这么简单又实用的句子,可得赶快记起来。

12. So that explains it. 原来如此

有时候事情的来龙去脉浑沌不清,让人摸不着头脑,若是突然曙光一现,让你豁然开朗,这会儿你就可以用上这句话So that explains it / everything.「这就都说得通了。」

13. I feel the same way. 我有同感。

当他人说出了你的感觉,你再同意也不过的时候,你就可以用上这句话I feel the same way.「我有同感。」这句话不但可以让你避免把同样的话再讲一次,帮你省了不少口水,还可以让对方觉得自己的意见被尊重呢。I feel the same way.赶快记起来。

14. Is there someone else? 你是不是有了新欢?

Is there someone else?这句话字面上是指「有其它人吗?」不过Is there someone else?这句话在使用上,问的那个「其它人」一定是感情上的「新欢,新对象」,所以若是情侣或是夫妻之间有人说了这句Is there someone else?「你是不是有了新欢?」这可就不太妙了。

15. I can‘t help myself. 我情不自禁

我无法控制自己。I can‘t help myself.这句话可不是「我帮不了自己。」(赶快消除记忆),其实I can‘t help myself. 这句话的意思是「我情不自禁。」指的是对自己的无能为力。I can‘t help... 这个句型很好用,若是你遇到一个情况,想要说「我不禁纳闷了起来。」在美语中你就可以直接说: I can‘t help but wonder.

16. come hell or high water



17. have something in common

have something in common是指「彼此有着共通点」,可能是嗜好,也可能是观念。若你和某人完全不对盘,丝毫没有共通点,你就可以说We have nothing in common.

18. What have you got to lose?

What have you got to lose?这句话当中的lose是指「失去」的意思,当有人犹豫不决,始终做不了决定,你就可以用这句话What have you got to lose? 「你有啥好损失的?」,来增强对方破釜沈舟的决心。

19. You shouldn‘t be so hard on yourself.

这句话是用来安慰他人的,当有人对于自己太过苛责,给与自己让人喘不过气来的压力,你就可以跟对方说这句话You shouldn‘t be so hard on yourself.「你不该这么苛责自己的」。让对方好过一些。

20. Don‘t get me started on it.

这句话是指「别让我打开话匣子」,意思是你对于某一件事或是一个主题,有很多的意见,要是让你开了话头,可能就要听你连说个七天七夜,没完没了。Don‘t get me started on it.这句话是用来表达你对一件事情牢骚满腹的心情。



Great wisdom means to know what is best worth knowing and to do what is best worth doing .


公平、公开just, fair and open

好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster

黄金时段prime time


劲射power shot

拉拉队cheering squad

来电显示电话机caller ID telephone

论文答辩(thesis) oral defense

泡沫经济bubble economy

票贩子scalper, ticket tout

拳头产品competitive products; knockout products; blockbuster

三角恋爱love triangle

三维动画片three-dimensional animation

"扫黄打非" eliminate pornography and illegal publications

申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games

实现中华民伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 市场疲软sluggish market

素质教育education for all-around development

筒子楼:tube-shaped apartment

脱贫致富cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 网吧Internet bar

网恋online love affair

网上冲浪surf the Internet

网上交易平台online trading platform

网友net friend

无人售票self-service ticketing

无绳来电显示电话cordless telephone with caller ID

无线应用协议WAP (wireless application protocol )

下岗laid-off workers

下海plunge into the commercial sea

下网off line

小康之家well-off family; comfortably-off family

新秀up-and-coming star, rising star

新新人类New Human Being ;X Generation


形象小姐/ 先生image representative of a product or a brand

虚拟网virtual net

学生处students' affairs division

研究生毕业证/ 学位证graduate diploma/graudate degree's diploma

摇钱树cash cow

以人为本people oriented; people foremost

义务教育compulsory education

易拉罐pop can

应试教育examination-oriented education system

舆论导向direction of public opinion


在职博士生on-job doctorate

早恋puppy love

招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office

证券营业部stock exchange; security exchange

知识产权intellectual property rights

中专生secondary specialized or technical school student

中流砥柱mainstay, chief corner stone

专卖店exclusive agency; franchised store

自我保护意识self-protection awareness

综合国力comprehensive national strength

综合业务数字网integrated service digital network (ISDN)

总裁助理assistant president

综合治理comprehensive treatment

安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents

信息化information-based; informationization

智力密集型concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive

外资企业overseas-funded enterprises

下岗职工laid-off workers

分流reposition of redundant personnel

三角债chain debts

素质教育education for all-round development

豆腐渣工程jerrybuilt projects

社会治安情况law-and-order situation

民族国家nation state

“台独”"independence of Taiwan"

台湾当局Taiwan authorities

台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots

台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. 西部大开发Development of the West Regions

可持续性发展sustainable development

风险投资risk investment


扩大内需to expand domestic demand

计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction (CAI)


虚拟现实virtual reality

网民netizen (net citizen)

电脑犯罪computer crime

电子商务the e-business

网上购物shopping online

应试教育exam-oriented education

学生减负to reduce study load




阴、阳yin, yang

道Dao(cf. logo)

江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits’ world)

e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身不由己)


上火excessive internal heat



世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia

开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)

大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done

伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded

不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …

合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge

铁交椅iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post

脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty

治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline

2 中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)

国庆节National Day

中秋节Mia-Autumn Festival

春节Spring Festival

元宵节Lantern Festival

儿童节Children’s Day

端午节Dragon Boat Festival

妇女节Women’s Day

泼水节Water-Splashing Day

教师节Teachers’ Day

五四青年节Youth Day

3中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)


锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi)

花卷steamed twisted rolls

套餐set meal

盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away

米豆腐rice tofu

魔芋豆腐konjak tofu

米粉rice noodles

冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)

火锅chafing dish

八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding

粉丝glass noodles

豆腐脑jellied bean curd

4 中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)

中国电信China Telecom

中国移动China Mobile

十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan


三峡工程the Three Gorges Project

希望工程Project Hope

京九铁路Beijing –Kowloon Railway

扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project

菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project

温饱工程Decent-Life Project

安居工程Economy Housing Project

扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign

西部大开发Go-West Campaign

5 特有的一些汉语词汇

禅宗Zen Buddhism

禅dhyana; dhgaya


道Daosim, the way and its power

四谛Four Noble Truth

八正道Eightfold Path


五行说Theory of Five Elements


坐禅metta or transcendental meditation



双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)

小品witty skits


噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt

夜猫子night people; night-owls

本命年this animal year of **.

处世之道philosophy of life

姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)

还愿redeem a wish (vows)

6 具有文化特色的现代表述

大陆中国Mainland China

红宝书little red book

红色中国socialist China

四化Four Modernizations


铁饭碗iron rice bowl

大锅饭communal pot

关系户closely-related units

外出打工人员migrant workers

关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild

五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene,

disciplines and morals

四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment

7 中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)

宣纸rice paper





武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)

功夫kungfu ;kung fu

中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)

中和harmony (zhonghe)

孝顺to show filial obedience

孝子dutiful son

家长family head

三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son hu**and guides wife

五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity

八股文eight-legged essays

多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness

养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age

8 近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译

基层监督grass-roots supervision

基础税率base tariff level

婚介所matrimonial agency

婚外恋extramarital love

婚纱摄影bride photo

黑心棉shoddy cotton

机器阅卷machine scoring

即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery

集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development

价格听证会public price hearings

甲A球队Division A Soccer Team

家政服务household management service

加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion

假帐accounting fraud

叫板challenge; pick a quarrel

矫情use lame arguments

渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence

借调temporarily transfer

扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.

扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption


1. Add legs to the snake after you have finished drawing it. 

2. A book holds a house of gold.

3. Crows everywhere are equally black

4. Dream different dreams while on the same bed. 

5. Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.

6. Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger, but a heart as soft as tofu.

7. An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.

8. Looking for the ass on its very back.

9. The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be. 

10. No wind, no waves. 

11. Of all the stratagems, to know when to quit is the best.

12. Once on a tiger's back, it is hard to alight. 

13. One monk shoulders water by himself; two can still share the labor among them. When it comes to three, they have to go thirsty.

14. Paper can't wrap up a fire.

15. A smile will gain you ten more years of life. 

16. A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den. 

17. Some prefer carrot while others like cabbage.

18. Steal a bell with one's ears covered.

19. There are always ears on the other side of the wall. 

20. Vicious as a tigress can be, she never eats her own cubs.

21. A weasel comes to say 'Happy New Year' to the chickens. 

22. Without rice, even the cleverest housewife cannot cook.

23. The more you sweat in Peacetime, The less you bleed during War.

24. Pure gold does not fear furnace.

25. Those who do not read are no better off than those who can not.

26. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names. 

27. The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

28. He painted a tiger, but it turned out a dog.

29. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

30. After three days without reading, talk becomes flavorless.

31. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 

32. Sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, all must be tasted.

33. With money you are a dragon; with no money, a worm.

34. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.

35. When a finger points at the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger.

36. It is not necessary to light a candle to the sun.

37. He who rides the tiger can never dismount.

38. Every day cannot be a feast of lanterns.

39. It is not the knowing that is difficult, but the doing.

40. Virtue never dwells alone; it always has neighbours.

41. The Gods cannot help those who do not seize opportunities.

Many families have skeletons in the closet.\ Every family has its own source of shame.\ Every family has its own problem. 家家有本难念的经

All good things come to an end 天下无不散的宴席

Worship God every day; not just in times of adversity平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚:

He applied bait-and-switch factics in business/Let the buyer be aware! (让消费者提高警觉) ; 或 

Say one thing and do another. 挂羊头,卖狗肉

A word once let go cannot be recalled./ You can not take back what you have said一言既出,驷马难追Careless talk leads to trouble/The less said the better./ Shut the mouth and open the eyes. 祸从口出,言多必失
