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牛津小学英语5B Unit 8 教案

牛津小学英语5B Unit 8 教案
牛津小学英语5B Unit 8 教案


《Unit 8 At the weekends》教学设计


本单元教学内容主要围绕“周末活动”这一主题展开,通过周末活动引出本单元的四会内容,涉及的句型有How do you spend your weekends ? I often …Sometimes I ……. How does she/he spend his/her weekends ? He/She often …Sometimes he/she … 。周末活动这一教学内容,学生非常感兴趣,所以教学中教师可以创设比较生动的情景,以便更有效地帮助学生复习有关动作类的词组,将教学内容与实际生活紧密联系起来,而动词词组的第三人称单数形式是本单元教学的中难点所在,教师可以设计丰富多彩的教学活动来帮助学生复习理解。


1. 能听懂,会说、会读和会拼写单词weekend often spend

2. 能听懂,会说、会读和会写句型

How do you spend your weekends ? I often …… Sometimes I …….

How does she/he spend his/her weekends ?

He/She often …… Sometimes he/she …


1. 会用句型How do you spend your weekends ? I often …… Sometimes I …… How does he/she spend his/her weekends ? He/She often … Sometimes he/she … 来获取有关信息。







句型如:“What do you usually do on Sundays / Saturdays ?”引出所要掌握的一些表示周末活动的词组,如:listen to music , watch TV, surf the Internet……然后进行逐步替换,由usually 引出often,等学生能熟练表达句型“I often…Sometimes…”,最后出示其问句How do you spend your weekends ?学生自然能回答,并通过相互的操练得到巩固。而本课的重点第三人称单数的教学则采用了猜的游戏形式,先猜老师的周末活动,再猜同学的相关活动,既调动了学生的学习兴趣,又很自然的完成了人称之间的衔接过渡。在学生对本课的第三人称单数有了初步理解后进行相关操练,操练时我设计了一个介绍同桌周末活动的环节来巩固动词的第三人称单数形式,随后我又设计了一个听力练习,不仅训练了学生的听,同时又很自然的过渡到讨论父母的周末活动环节中。五年级的学生应该具备一定写的能力,因此最后联系教学实际我设置了写一封信的教学活动,以信的形式鼓励学生将本节课所学的内容运用起来,更好地巩固教学的效果,真正由知识走向能力。


Step1. Warming up and revision

1. Greetings

2. Free talk

(1) What’s your name ? Nice to see you .

(2) What do you usually do on Sundays / Saturdays ? (贴有关动词词组卡片)

(3) W ho’s your good friend ?

(4) What does he /she usually do on Sundays / Saturdays? (贴有关动词词组卡片) 3. Review the phrases

T: Very well .Now, look at the pictures .Can you say them quickly ?

(Show the pictures: listen to music , watch TV, surf the Int ernet…… )


Step2. Presentation and practice

1 、Teach “at the weekends”

T: Well done ,you’re very clever Now, can you tell me what day is it

today ?

S: It’s ……

T: How many days are there in a week ?

S: There are seven

T: What are they ?

S: They’re Monday ,Tuesday,……

T: Yes, we know there are seven days in a week. In China, Saturday and Sunday are the end of a week .So we also call them weekend .

Teach “weekend”

T: So Saturdays and Sundays we can say “weekends”

Today we’ll learn : Unit 8 At the weekends

〈设计意图:由学生熟悉的Saturday和 Sunday引出weekend 一词,有利于学生对这一单词的理解,同时又给了学生用英语解释英语的意识。〉

2 、Teach “I often ……”

T: I like weekends very much Because at the weekends .I can do many things. I can watch TV. listen to music. surf the Internet and so on . Now can you tell me what do you usually do at the weekends?

S: I usually …

T: How about you ?

S2: I usually …

T: Good. You also c an say “I often …”

(Teach “often … ” “I often …”)

T: what do you often do at the weekends ?

S: I often …

T: Good How about you ? How do you spend your weekends ?

3、Teach :How do you spend your weekends ?

T: Can you read the words ?

(多媒体呈现How do you spend your weekends ?)

点击spend 度过出现pen ten weekend spend

Teach “sp e nd” /e/

“spend my weekends” “spend your weekends”

“spend his / her weekends”


4 、Work in pairs :

操练“How do you spend your weekends?”

“I often … ”

“Sometimes …”

Step3. Pratice

1、T: Do you want to know how do I spend my weekends ?

You can ask me : “Miss Xu , how do you spend your weekends?”

S: (ask)

T: (悄悄告诉两三名学生)

T: Let’s ask together(S ask together)

Y ou can tell them (让两三名学生告诉其他学生)

引导回答”She often….. Sometimes she …”(板书有关含第三人称单数形式的短语) T: Boys and girls,how does Miss Xu spend her weekends ?

S: She often … Sometimes she …

〈设计意图:在本环节中,我设计了“悄悄告诉他”的游戏,小学生对老师的生活很感兴趣,所以在这里让他们用学过的句型“How do you spend your Weekends?”询问老师,老师只是悄悄地告诉了两三名学生,既有效的激发了学生的学习兴趣,又很自然地过渡到第三人称单数形式的教学上。〉

2、T: Now,look ,who is she?Guess !

S: Perhaps she is …

T: She is my lovely student. Her name is Y aoRui. How does she spend

her weekends ?

S: (guess) Perhaps she often …


How does she spend her weekends?

She often read s English books.

Sometimes she watch es TV

T (Ask) S (answer)


3、Practice :

T ask S1: How do you spend your weekends ?

S1: I often … Sometimes …

T: Boys and girls, how does he /she spend his /her weekends ?

S3: He/She often … Sometimes …


T: Good job ! Now listen carefully ,I want to know something about your

classmate, Can you help me ?

Can you ? Let’s Do a survey

First you must ask your classmate ,then tell me:

My classmate is _____ He/She often _______ at the weekends .

Sometimes he/she ____

( S work in pairs and say )

T: V ery good Let’s play a game ( 教师随机点名并询问:H ow does …spend his / her weekends ?该同学的同桌站起来回答)

操练“He/She often … Sometimes…”


Step4 Listen and say

T: Well done ! le t’s have a text ! Listen and choose .

How does GaoShan spend his weekends ?

How about his father and mother ?

( Listen and choose ,check the answer )

T:How about your mother and father ?

(快速操练)(ask and answer)

My father often ______ .Sometimes ___________.

My mother often ______ .Sometimes ___________.

〈设计意图:通过一个听力练习,自然过渡到交流父母的周末活动上,既强化了英语听的能力的训练,同时又为学生谈论父母的周末活动进行了有效的示范。〉Step5.Write a letter

T: Well done, boys and girls. I’m very happy to see you .I want to make friends with all of you . So I want to know more about you But now I must say goodbye . Can you write a letter for me ?

(write the letter)

A letter

Dear Miss Xu:

My name is .I am a student. I hope we can be good frien ds. I’ll tell you something about me .

I have a happy family. At the weekends, I often

. Sometimes I .

And my father often .Sometimes he .But my mother doesn’t. She often

. Sometimes she .

In my school, I have many friends. I have a good friend. His/Her name is . He/She often .Sometimes he/she .

Have a nice weekend!(过一个愉快的周末)




Unit 8 At the weekends

How do you spend your weekends? How does he /she spend his /her weekends ?

I often watch TV …He/She often watch es TV …

Sometimes I surf the Internet Sometimes he/she surf s the Internet






教学目标是教学活动的出发点和归宿。教学设计和安排的各项活动都必须有明确的目的,每个活动都应以达成教学目标为导向。教师要思考和明确教学设计活动的目标和意图是什么,通过活动是否能达成教学目标,活动与教学主题和教学目标是否相关,活动是否必要,活动是否体现了教育价值等。在活动实施过程中生成的新目标也应以预设的教学目标为基础。因此,活动从设计到实施都应该在教学目标的调控下进行。如本课教学中,对于句型“How do you spend your weekends?”学生很容易理解,但有部分学生对于周末活动的短语掌握印象不够深刻,同时又受到农村生活的限制,容易出现单调的固定短语运用,因此在导入新课时,我先进行有关单词短语的复习,帮助学生丰富词汇,这样一来,学生就有话可说,在后来的教学中就很乐意参与英语交际活动,因此在教学中教师要正确估计每一步目标的达成度,思考让学生进行每一个活动的目的是什么,而不是简单的形式。





为此,教师应要求学生专心听同学的发言,要让学生明白并不是只有发言才是参与学习活动,听同学发言也是参与学习的重要活动,使学生逐步养成善于倾听别人发言的良好习惯。如:在教学本课时,当一个学生用“I often…”的句型说出自己的周末活动时,教师可以适时询问“How does…spend … weekends?”通过让其他学生用第三人



牛津初中英语8AUnit5全部教案 作者:未知英语教案来源:本站原创点击数:600 更新时间:2008-1-30 Unit 5 Birdwatchers Welcome to the unit and Comic strips Teaching goals: 1. To learn common names of birds. 2. To revise characteristics and appearance in the context of birds . 3. To learn sth funny about Eddie. Focuses: To memorize the names of common birds Difficulties: To express opinions about birds Step 1 Introduction 1. Write ‘birdwatcher and birdwatching’ on the Bb and elicit Ss’ comments from Ss about what it is. Prompt Ss by asking such questions: What do birdwatchers do? Why? Where? 2. Sum up Ss’ answers on the Bb. Step 2 Presentation/ Practice 1. T: Now Eddie is going to the market tomorrow. What is he going to do there? Is Eddie a birdwatcher? Why? Show the slides to Ss to arouse their interest. 2. Play the tape for Ss to listen and give their answers according to the tape and the pictures. 3. Get some pairs to act out the part according to the pictures on the slide show. Step 3 Activating 1. T: Lazy Eddie doesn’t know what a birdwatcher does in fact. But now we all know what to do to protect birds. Birds are the spirit of the nature, all of us have the duty to love birds and protect them. You see your friends are coming. Show Ss the pictures of different birds and help them learn their appearance and characteristics together. 2. Practice the names and their characteristics together. Step 4 Practice 1. Ss describe the birds according to the pictures of each bird, help them at any time. 2. Ask pair Ss to make up conversations like this: A:Which bird do you like best? B:I like ________ best. A : Why? B:Because it has__________. Step 5 Production 1. Ask more able Ss to describe the appearance and characteristics in front of the class. 2. Praise them at any time and encourage more and more Ss to give their opinions bravely. Step 6 Homework

牛津小学英语 教学设计

牛津小学英语》3A《Thank you》教学案例与反思作者:出自:浏览/评论:1,072/0 日期:2007年10月9日09:21 寓教于生活其乐也融融 ---《牛津小学英语》3A《Thank you》教学案例与反思 【引言】 《英语课程标准》强调:课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。在设计任务型的教学活动时要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,内容和方式要尽量真实。 【案例】 教材分析:牛津小学英语3A Unit10《Thank you》主要围绕食物和饮料类的单词,学习“征求意见”这一功能项目.要求学生能用英语询问别人是否需要吃或喝某种东西,以及如何应答. 本单元第一教时是教学句型…及其应答句:Yes,please. No,thank you.能听懂﹑会说a glass of milk , a glass of juice ,a cup of coffee , a cup of tea. 下面是我在执教牛津小学英语3A Unit10《Thank you》第一课时的教学案例: A Free talk and motivation How are you?(学生之间自由的打招呼,配以丰富的动作,夸张的表情,学生的注意力很快从课外进入到英语课堂) talk

Let’s go to…(教师出示地点图片,学生两两相问,不同句型的复习,课堂学习的气氛迅速升温) B Presentation and practice : No ,thank you ; Yes ,please. (1)T :Boys and girls .What can you see in the classroom? What can you see on teacher’s desk? (教师事先在讲台上放上各种文具用品,便于学生直观感受,大胆的说.从课堂大范围转到讲台,为后面的新授作好铺垫) (2)T:I can see a glass. (3)Learn :glass (4)T :Let’s go to a shop .Now ,we’re in a shop. (教师出示shop的图片,这是一个陌生的单词,教师力图利用逼真的图片和交际动作,使学生有所感悟。此处创设情景,为引出以下的购物交际) (5)T:I’m a ’re a custom. A glass?(教师配以夸张的升调,引起学生注意) S:No. T:A pencil? S:Yes.


牛津小学英语5A教学计划 一、全册教材分析 本册教材的知识要求是掌握一定量的词汇,二十多个基本句子结构和一定量的日常交际用语.,包括:“位置关系”、“介绍地点”、“赠送物品”、“课堂实录”、“寻找人物”、“电话用语”、“询问去向”、“物品形状”,等等。其中一部分与前几册课文有间接或直接的联系。 新授单元由七个板块组成: 第一部分是Read and say情景对话板块。该板块通过情景会话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力。 第二部分是Look read and learn,主要呈现词汇。 第三、四板块中的句型是每个单元的教学重点。 第五板块Read and act的任务是培养学生初步的语感、阅读能力和良好的朗读习惯。 第六板块Listen and repeat 是语音训练板块。 第七板块Fun house是一个活动板块,可利用它来提高学生对于英语的兴趣。 二、教学目标 1、"双基"目标 1 掌握每个单元的词汇和句型。 2 能在实际生活中运用达到学以致用的目的。 2、情意目标 1 培养浓厚的学习兴趣。 2 培养良好的学习习惯。 3 培养同学间的协作精神和爱国主义精神。 三、班级学生情况分析 经过两年的学习,学生已有一定的英语基础,渴望通过新学期的学习获得更多的知识,以丰富自己的交际内容,提高交际能力。本册教材所涉及的话题内容更丰富,涉及的词汇和日常交际用语、句型也有所增加。教学时应注意教材前后编排的连续性,以便教学时做到有的放矢,把新旧知识结合起来。 四、改进教学方法,提高教学质量的措施 1 重视书写教学,使学生能够正确地书写单词、句型,并养成良好的书写习惯。 2 重视语音教学,使学生能够准确流利朗读会话。 3 注重语言环境的创设,使学生能够灵活地运用所学单词、句子及会话。 4 注意教学的开放性,重视培养学生的创新能力。 5 结合教学内容,对学生进行思想品德教育。


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 科技英语教学大纲 《科技英语》课程教学大纲课程编码:课程名称:学时:0110089 科技英语 36 选修机械设计制造及其自动化 7 英文名称:学分: English for science and technology 2 专业课基础英语、专业英语机电工程学院课程类型:适用专业:开课学期:课程性质:先修课程:开课院系:一、课程地位、目的和任务科技英语课程是在大学英语学习的基础上帮助学生完成从大学基础英语阅读阶段到专业英语阅读阶段的过渡。 科技英语具有丰富的词汇、独特的语法结构和专业上通用的表达方式,学习科技英语是对大学基础英语的补充和提高,也是学生开阔视野、直接了解世界范围内专业前沿知识和技术发展现状的必要途径。 通过本门课程的学习,了解科技英语的表达方式、方法在英语中的具体体现,为高年级阅读专业英语文献和英文原著打下良好基础。 同时,学生可以进一步提高阅读理解和综合分析能力(如记笔记、信息转换等);习惯于阅读真实的语言素材;扩大科技词汇量,开阔科普视野和思路;进一步了解如何书写正式的英文书信、项目规划书,学会如何利用图表、表格等视觉信息,熟悉科技文体的写作规范;操练以不同语言结构、以语言功能为中心的写作练习和翻译练习;掌握《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》所规定的学习技能、语言功能和基本词汇。 1/ 9

科技英语的教学任务是讲授科技英语的语法特点、文体结构以及科技英语文献的翻译方法和技巧,培养学生阅读英语科技资料的能力,使其能以英语为工具获取有关专业所需要的信息。 二、本课程与其它课程的联系科技英语是在基础英语和专业英语的基础上开设的一门专业基础课,是基础英语和专业英语的延伸和拓展。 阅读单元的课文内容涉及到科技发展的最新领域,包括环境、化学、生物和新材料等方面的最新发展。 三、课程教学内容及要求


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 牛津小学英语1A教案 课题:Unit 1 Hello 第一课时 教材类型:牛津版所属学科:英语>>1A(一上) 主备教师:姜金凤备课时间:200792 浏览人数:1 ☆教学调整☆教案内容: Teaching aims and requirement 1. 会说Hi和 Hello,能使用 He、Hello互相问好。 2. 会用I’m介绍自己。 3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并能在相应的场景中自如地表演运用。 Teaching aids Recorder and tape Teaching procedure: 第一课时 Step 1 Introduction 1.师生问候;(师说英语,用手势示意,上课,起立,坐下。) 2.简介英语的重要性,激发学生学习热情,鼓励学生学好英语。 Step 2 Presentation Teaching ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’ 1. 师用Hi、 Hello与学生问好,鼓励学生大胆回答,适当纠正学生的读音。 对学生及时给予表扬。 2. 让学生用Hi、 Hello自由问好。 Step 3 Presentation Teaching ‘ I’m….’ 1. 师先用中文介绍自己,再用英文说I’m Miss Jiang,放慢语速反复多次。 2. 鼓励学生用I’m….介绍自己。(每个学生说完,全班给予掌声鼓励)

Step 4 Practice 1. 师用HiHello, I’m Miss Jiang. 与学生问好,引导学生用HiHello, I’ m …作答。 2. 学生分组用HiHello, I’m 互相自我介绍。 3. 唱《找朋友》,让学生下位用“HiHello, I’m”找朋友。 4. 指名上台表演。 5. 引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的生活场景中运用所学语言。 T: Hello ,I am Miss Jiang . S: Hello ,I am Mike . Step 5 Act 用HiHello,I’m…. Goodbye Bye向全班同学介绍自己。 Step 7 Homework 回家用所学的句型与父母问好、道别。 Some thoughts after the lesson: 教学反思: 课题:Unit 1 Hello 第二课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语>>1A(一上) 主备教师:姜金凤备课时间:2007910 浏览人数:1 教案内容: ☆教学调整☆ 1. 能听得懂,会说单词Su Hai, Mike, Helen, Wang Bing . 2. 能正确地运用日常交际用语Hello, I am ,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并 能在相应的场景中自如地表演运用 Step 1 Free talk 师生之间互相问好,打招呼,复习句型HelloHi, I’m …. T: HelloHi, I’m Miss Jiang…. S:HelloHi, I’m …. Step 2 Presentation


《牛津小学英语5A》第二单元教案 2003-9-1 16:39:59 溧阳市文化小学石夏芳阅读1485次 一、教学内容 《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》5A 第二单元第一教时(Read and say) 二、教学目标 1、能正确理解、掌握对话内容、并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a study、a bedroom、a wall、a door、a bed 3、能正确地听、说、读、词汇large、beside、between、live 4、能正确地听、说、读、句型What’s in / on / under / beside / behind/between…? There’s a /an… in / on/under/beside/behind/between…There are some…in/on/under/beside/behind/between… There isn’t a/an… There aren’t any … 三、教学重点:能正确理解、掌握对话内容、并能朗读、初步表演对话。 四、教学难点:能比较流畅地朗读对话并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话。 五、教学准备: 1、教师准备校园、家庭平面图等。 2、录音机、磁带。 3、学生准备一张家庭平面图。 六、教学过程: A Revision 1.Free talk Glad to see you. It’s the fifth day of the new term… 2. 课件出示Unit 1课文图片进行问答 What’s in your school? There is a building in my school. How many classrooms are there ? There are … Is there a sports hall? Yes / no Are there any reading rooms in the building? Yes, there are /No, there aren’t . Where’re the computer rooms? They ‘re on the second floor. … B Presentation and practice 出示课件Yang Ling家的新居平面图进行问答 1.复习单词a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room, a sitting-room. 2.借助图片,教师描述新居的情况。教学生词:live large Yang Ling’s house is big. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dinning-room and a large sitting-room. Yang Ling and her parents live in this house. 3.根据图片自由问答,教学There isn’t a /an…There aren’t any … Is there a study/a kitchen/a garden/a dinning-room in Yang Ling’s house? Yes, there


牛津小学英语5B教案(全册) 课题:Unit1 A new term 第一课时 教案内容: ☆教学调整☆ 一、教学目标: 1. 听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2. 听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型:What day is it today ?It’s… 3. 听得懂、会说、会读:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you . 二、教学内容: 1.B:Look,read and learn中星期名称的单词 2.C:Ask and answer前两句. 三、教学重点:句型What day is it today? It’s… 四、教学难点:单词Wednesday, Thursday, Friday的读音及拼法 五、教具准备:磁带和录音机, 单词卡片, 挂历 六、教学过程: Step1.Warm-up Sing a song ‘Happy Spring Festival’ (建议使用歌曲‘Happy new year ’曲调,这即能让学生回味新年的欢乐, 又渲染了学习英语的氛围。) Step2.Free talk T: I’m Miss Wang. What’s your name? S: I’m… T: Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you. T: It’s Feb,9, it’s Monday .Welcome back to school. S: Thank you . (教生字Monday) Step3.Presentation 1.(出示封面印有猴子的挂历) T:(指着猴子)What can you see in it? S:I can see a monkey. T:I like monkeys. How about you ? (比较自然的引出这一交际用语,为D部分教学埋下伏笔.) S:I like monkeys, too. T: How many monkeys are there? S: There is only one.(可根据实际情况回答。) T:(翻过封面,指着日期)How many days are there in a week? (可用中文向学生解释in a week的意思) S: There are seven. 教生字day, 全班跟读,开火车读,及时纠正学生错误发音) 2.T:(指着日期自问自答)What day is it today? It’s Monday.


课题8A Unit 8 Welcome to this unit 课型New 教学目标1. To learn the common names of natural disasters. 2. To help students to know different kinds of weather and disasters. 3. To arouse the students’ interest in natural disasters. 教学重点To learn the common names of natural disasters. 教学难点I was sleeping when it started to rain. 教学过程 教师内容备课札记Step1.Talking about the picture. (Show a picture with rainy weather) 1.Get students to talk about what happens in the picture. For example:What’s t he weather like? How is the weather? Is the rain heavy? 2.Review the words about the weather. Step2.Presentation. 1)Introduction:Hobo has some trouble. What has happened to him? Let’s have a look . 2)Students read comic strip. What’s the weather like? What happened to Hobo? What was bob doing when it started to rain? When did Hobohear the rain? What happened to Hobo’s house? Why doesn’t he want to go home? 4)Repeat the dialogue after the tape. 5)Have difficulties to explain. Be all wet全湿了 Mop all the water up用拖把把所有的水拖掉 I was sleeping when it started to rain. 当开始下雨的时候我正在睡觉。 Step3.Getting to know the weather


牛津小学英语3A第8单元第二课时教学设计 ·教学理念: 本节课是新授课,我的设计主要的特点是以任务为依托,以活动为手段,以一个故事贯穿整个教学,通过有趣的游戏,chant等帮助学生将枯燥、抽象的语言变得生动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,让学生在感知、体验、参与中获取知识,形成能力。 ·教学内容: 牛津小学英语3A第8单元第二课时A、D部分(第一课时为B部分) ·教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说Let's go to …及其应答All right./OK. Let's go./Good./Great!等。 2、学会表达“去某处”和“如何去某处”,以及对别人的建议进行回答。 ·教学重点: 能听懂、会说Let's go to …及其应答All right./OK. Let's go./Good./Great!等 ·教学难点: 能在创设的情景中灵活运用所学句型。 ·教学准备: 课件、单词卡片、句子卡片、Tom和Jerry图片 ·教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1、Greeting 2、Do some exercises: Clap your hands

(follow me) 【设计理念】在与学生相互用英语问好,进行简单的英语交流后,我与学生边说一些英语,边做一些像拍手、点头等简单的动作,为学生创造一个轻松和谐的教学氛围,把学生带到英语学习乐园,也为下一步话题的展开做好铺垫。 Step2 Revision T: Look, who's he?(课件出示:Su wu-kong)Today Su wu-kong wants to test you. play two games. 1、 Magic eyes (to review:zoo, park, superma rket, the Great wall , cinema) 2、Listen and judge (听声音来辨别交通工具) 【设计理念】游戏是孩子的天性,游戏也是最受欢迎的课堂活动。孙悟空通过魔力眼、听音辨物,这两个游戏来考同学们,同学们在游戏中复习了B部分单词,这样学生既玩得开心,又达到了复习巩固的效果。 Step3 Presentation and practice T:Today, I'll bring you two friends(课件出示:Tom and Jerry) T Maybe they're enemy before , but they're good friends now .It's sunn y today ,they go out .Let's share their one day. 1、It's 8:00(课件出示钟)

牛津苏教版-英语-五年级上册-5A Unit2 A new house课时教案

5A Unit2 A new house课时教案 第一课时 一、教学目标 1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇bed、sofa、under、behind、lamp、telephone 。 2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型What's in / on / under / beside / behind/between…? There's a /an…in/on/under/beside/behind/between…There are some…in/on/under/ behind/… There isn't/ There aren't any... 二、教学重难点: 1、方位介词的正确运用,补充beside和between。 2、能把握住单词behind的重音。 三、教学准备: 1、教师准备盒子、玩具兔子、课文图片。 2、教学碟片。 四、教学过程: Step1 Free talk 1. (show many things on the desk)T: What’s this/ that on the desk? S1: It’s a book. T: What’s this/that on the desk? S2: It’s a pen. T: That’s on the desk? S3: There’s/ There’re … 2. Compare the sentences: What’s this/ that on the desk? What’s on the desk? Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Show pictures Ask and answer: What’s in the picture? What’s on your desk? What’s on your desk? What’s in our classroom?

牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading (1)教案

牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading (1)教案 江苏无锡宜兴丁蜀二中刘琳琼 一、教案背景 动物是我们人类的朋友,我们有责任和义务去保护它们,但随着现代工业的发展而导致的环境污染,人类对森林资源的乱砍乱伐,一些野生动物濒临着危险,它们生存的环境遭遇了破坏,有些野生动物甚至到了灭绝的地步。大熊猫是中国的国宝,目前,它们也处于困境中,全世界大概还幸存2000多只大熊猫,所以保护野生动物,保护大熊猫是全世界的呼声,还野生动物一个自然生存的环境,给大熊猫一个安静、舒适的家刻不容缓。 二、教学课题 牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading (1) 三、教材分析 本单元是8A第四单元第二模块“Reading”的第一个课时,话题是关于野生动物的一些知识,阅读部分是这个单元的核心内容,它的任务不仅仅是训练和提高阅读技能,也涵盖了语法、词汇和知识点等内容,同时它还承担着培养正确的情感态度、价值观等更为抽象的深层意义。所以,根据八年级学生的理解水平和知识结构,本篇阅读课我安排2课时,初读和深读为第一课时,理解运用为第二课时,我的教案为第一课时。 四、教学方法 本单元的主题是谈论大熊猫的成长过程以及保护大熊猫生存环境的措施,教学内容能激起学生的兴趣,通过多媒体课件为学生创设更多的语言环境,激发学生主动参与的欲望。因而在课堂教学中巧妙运用教学艺术,适当安排猜谜及小组讨论,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中实现更多的信息交流,让学生在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固,从而有效地提高课堂教学效益,达到事半功倍的效果。

阅读设计思路:快读(Fast Reading)——精读(Intensive Reading)——操练(Practising)——巩固(Consolidation)。 五、教材重点、难点 教材重点: (1)重点词语: the baby panda look like be born grow into at the very beginning bamboo shoot in the future cut down in danger take the actions encourage sb. to do sth. (2)重点句型: We called her XiWang When XiWang was born, she weighed just 100 grams. XiWang drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day. Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. (3)重点语法:if引导的条件状语从句 教材难点: (1)讨论如何采取措施保护我们的生态环境? (2)呼吁全社会保护自然生态环境,爱护野生动物。 六、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 1)掌握并能灵活运用本单元出现的重点词汇 2)熟悉if引导的条件状语从句的用法 2、语言技能目标: 通过本课的学习,培养学生良好的“听、说、读、写”的技能,使学生能运用所学知识解决相关情景中的一些类似问题,并能结合所给任务,综合运用新旧知识解决问题,在此基础上鼓励学生大胆根据自己的语言基础能力,就如何来保护我们的生存环境,保护野生动物提出独特的见解。


牛津小学英语5A Unit1教案 5A Unit 1 一教学内容 《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语》5A第一单元第一教时(Look, read and learn 和Ask and answer)。 二教学目标 1 认知目标: 能正确地听、说、读词汇first,reading room, table tennis, toilet, garden, swing, slide 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 any 能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a …? Yes, the re is. / No, there isn’t. Are there any…? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. 2 功能目标:能正确地运用there be句型问答和表述身边的事物。 3 情感目标:在学习的过程中加深学生对学校的了解并激发学生爱校的情感。三教学重点 能正确理解、掌握句型,并能流利的进行对话和运用。 四教学难点 能正确地听、说、读、写There be…句型的一般疑问句形式,肯定和否定回答及名词复 数形式。

五教学准备 1.B, C部分的教学图片。 2.板书。 3.多媒体课件。 六教学过程 A Free talk and revision 1. (可使用课件标题)Nice to see you again, boys and girls. Welcome back to school. This is the first lesson of the new term.在与学生的问候中,引出生词first.在 老师列举几个词例,如:… is the first student of our class, …is the first number 让学生举出一些词例(可使用课件第二页)。 2. Today we will learn something about our school. There’s a big playground in our school. There are some trees in our school. Could you please tell me what is in our school? (在老师 和板书的引导下学生用 there be 句型说说学校里有什么?) There’s a … There are … B Presentation and practice 1. 在学生说出很多关于学校的人或物,如:offices, flowers, classrooms, teachers,


西南交通大学希望学院 课程教案 课程名称:科技英语口译 课程类型:专业课课程性质:限选课 学时:32学时 教材及参考书: 《科技英语口译》上海外语教育出版社《科技英语翻译》外语教学与研究出版社《英语口译综合教程》外文出版社 《英语口译实务》外文出版社 《朗文当代英语词典》外语教学与研究出版社上课时间:2015 -2016 学年第 2 学期 上课班级:2013级英语专业1班

教师:王小芳所属系:外语系西南交通大学希望学院教务处制 2016 年2 月17日

科技英语口译课程教案(首页) 单元标题UNIT 1: Food Safety 单元学时 6 教学目标 By the end of the unit, students are expected to 1.Be familiar with the background information about food safety; 2.Master new words and expressions about food safety; 3.Try to use the interpretation skill: Speech Flow; 4.Being capable of doing interpretation practice about food safety 教学重点 Background information about food safety New words and phrases about food safety 教学难点 the interpretation skill: Speech Flow 教学方式方法 Audio-lingual approach Task-based approach 教学手段 PPT, Video clips, Q&A, Practice


Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Use your eyes! The First Period Teaching aims: 1. Words: shadow, rise, high, 2. Structures: Where is the shadow? Language Focus: The prep. Difficult Points: Asking about the position. Teaching aids: tape a doll a light cards

The Second Period Teaching aims: 1.words: inside, outside 2. Structures: Where is it? It‘s… Where are they? They are…Language Focus: Where…? Difficult Points: Where are they? Teaching aids: tape, shadows

The Third Period: Teaching a ims: 1.Structures: I‘ve got some… Have you got any…? Language Focus: Have you got…? Difficult Points: some any Teaching aids: Tape objects

本课的重点是认识水果,如榴莲,梅子等,同时让学生在购物中运用新单词,并复习巩固句型。学生对此比较熟悉,因此对话表演进行很顺利。对选择疑问句的理解也较好。结合对水果放置的位置,进行问答,学生能给出不同的介词词组答案。 Unit 2 Use your ears! The First Period Teaching aims: 1. Words: quiet loud both 2. Structures They are both asleep. Language Focus: They are both asleep. Difficult Points: both

牛津英语8A Unit8教案

年级Grade 8 科目English 单元Unit8 课题Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课时 1 课型new 教 学目标知识与 能力 1 通过漫画引出自然灾害的话题。 2 初步接触过去进行时。 3 了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。 重点 词汇:natural accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder 词组: start to rain half an hour later lose the game kill thousands of 难点disaster mop earthquake typhoon mop all the water up crash into a tree 教学设计详案二次备课内容Teaching procedures: Warm-up activities 1 Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Allow Ss enough time to make sense of the comic strip: heavy rain—Hobo is wet and cold.—His house is wet. Try to elicit from Ss what might happened to Hobo’s house. 2 Ask some open questions about each picture. * What’s the weather like? * What happened to Hobo? * What do you think happened o Hobo’s house? * How does he fell at Eddie’s home? * Why doesn’t he want to go home alone? * Will Eddie help him? Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation. 3 Elicit from Ss other bad weather conditions. Presentation 1 Prepare Part A by providing more vocabulary to help Ss understand headlines in English. 2 Ask students to consider whether the disasters are natural and tick the appropriate boxes. Ss can do it individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Check the correct answers with the whole class and elicit a definition for a natural disaster. 4 Read the words in Part B


英语(八年级上册) Unit 8 Natural Disasters Task 扬州市江都区第三中学张礼兰 I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. give facts for writing; 2. organize ideas by making notes; 3. write an article about a natural disaster. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: share … with …, keep falling, nearly fall over, clear the snow, come from behind; 2. New structures: A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5 January. I was doing my homework in the classroom when Mr Wu came in. My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow. III.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Organize ideas by drawing up an outline; 2. Write an article about a natural disaster in easy and clear English. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Compare two articles T: Today I am going to tell you a story about how Timmy survived the 1999 Taiwan earthquake. Listen to this, please In 1999, a terrible earthquake happened in Taiwan.
