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英美国情 判断题 美国部分

英美国情 判断题 美国部分
英美国情 判断题 美国部分


Unit3 America Beginning

1.The question “What is an American?” was first asked by J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. T

2.Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1942. T

3.The first English permanent settlement was founded in California. F Virginia

4.Massachusetts was established by English puritans who separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church. F 不是建立,而是founded

5.The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. T (基督教)贵格派教徒

6.The theory of politics of the American Resolution came from John Locke, a French philosopher in the 17th century. F English

7.By the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were ready to separate themselves from Europe. T

8.George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America. F John Adams OR Thomas Jefferson

Unit 4 The Political System in the United States

1.When the War of Independence was over, the United States was one unified nation as it is today. F was not

2.The agreement that set this plan of cooperation among different states after the War of American Independence was called the Constitution of the United States. F the Articles of Confederation 联邦条款

3.The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government. T 联邦制

4.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. T 国会

5.Under a Constitutional Amendment passed in 1951, a president can be elected to only one term. F two terms

6.The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. 众议院F the Senate 参议院

7.The 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government are called the Bill of Rights. T 人权法案

8.The idea of checks and balances as a way of restricting

governmental power and preventing its abuse was first provided in the Federalist Paper. T制约与平衡

9.Today, the United State has two major political parties. One is the Democratic Party, formed before 1800. The other is the Republican Party, formed in the 1850s, by the people i n the states of the North and West. T 民主党,共和党

10.Americans have to join a political party in order to vote to be

a candidate for public office. F 公职do not have to

Unit 5 American Economy

1.Alexander Hamilton was the third president of the United Stated. F Thomas Jefferson

2.The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill. T

3.Many people objected to the idea of the corporation because it is less personal than sole proprietorship and partnership. T 所有(权),独资企业;合伙关系

4.The United State?s economy suffered from the two World Wars in the 20th century. F not

5.Many people believe that the economic freedom of capitalism is crucial to American?s economic success. T 决定性的,重要的

6.When people buy stocks, they become part owner of the company. T

7.The stockholders make profits even when the company loses money. F

8.One reason for America?s affluence is that a lot of people have inherited wealth from their parents, F 富裕

9.Strong domestic demand is one factor contributing to America?s affluence. T 家庭的,国家的

10.Many American leaders have extol led the virtues of farmers. T 赞扬

Unit 6 Religion in the United States

1.During the War of Independence and many years after that the Americans were mostly concerned about religious freedom. F It was politics and not religion that most occupied American s?minds during the War of Independence and for years afterward.

2.According to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, there would be a state-supported region. F 联邦政府不得给予任何宗教以特殊优惠。

3.Those citizens whose religion forbids them to fight in wars can perform other services instead of becoming soldiers. T

4.The Baptist s are the largest Protestant group in the US with 25 million members. T 浸礼会教徒

5.There are more than 100 Protestant sect s in the United States today. T 派别

6.There are more Catholic than Protestant in the US. F

7.John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic elected as the US president. T

8.Today many Jewish people don?t think of themselves as ethnically Jewish any more and have adopted a secular, non-religious outlook. F 犹太教人

9.When a Supreme Court decision made abortion legal in America, many Catholics, evangelical Protestants and Orthodox Jew objected. T

10.In America, scientific and economic advance and rising material progress have been accompanied by a decline in religious observance. F

Unit 7 American Literature

1.American literature is mainly about the seeking the American people for success and happiness. T

2.Rip Van Winkle was a character created by James Fennimore Cooper. F Washington Irving

3.The Leather-Stocking Tales consist of five novels depicting the American West. T 皮袜子故事集

4.Before Mark Twain, all major American writers were born on the East Coast. T

5.Among the more than 1500 poems Emily Dickinson wrote, she seldom touched upon the subject of death. F She was also more than a little in love with death.

6.Henry James wrote several novels about European living in American. F Americans living in Europe

7.Both Sherwood Anderson and Sinclair Lewis depicted life in the small Midwestern towns, and their books were called “revolt form the village.” T

8.After publishing her novel The Awakening,Kate Chopin continued to write and established herself as a major American writer. F Kate Chopin?s The Awakening;Cather went on to write several novels and establish herself as a major American writer

9.In the 1920s Harlem in New York City became the center of black culture. T

10.Tennessee William?s plays often portrayed the common man pressured by society, and his best play was Death of a Salesman. F Arthur Miller

Unit 8 Education in the United States

1.Critics of the affirmative肯定的action programs are of the opinion that this results in reverse discrimination. 逆向歧视T

2.The Servicemen?s Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Right, gave veteran s 退役军人priority重点,优先in finding better jobs. F

3.American university students have always liked to get degrees that are aimed at preparing them specifically for certain professions. F

4.One of the things that decides whether an applicant can be accepted by a college is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. T

5.According to the author, larger universities are always better, and more desirable universities are always more expensive. F 令人满意的

6.It takes at least four years to get a bachelor?s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. T

7.Segregating blacks into separate school was unconstitutional after the decision of the Supreme Court in 1954. T

8.Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. F religious ministers

Unit 9 Social Movements of the 1960s

1.The anti-war teach-in by white students in Berkeley began the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the first of several social movements during that decade. F The quiet “sit-in”by black students in Greensboro

2.“We shall overcome”is a very famous anti-war song during the 1960s. F the civil rights movement/to fight racial prejudice

3.In the 1960s, three groups—Afro-Americans, Asian Americans and women—were dissatisfied with their lives. F the young people

4.During WW II, many American Negro es had a taste of life by moving to and working to the North. T 黑人

5.When the civil rights movement began, non-violent, direct action tactics like “sit-ins”and boycotts were the chief vehicle for social protest. T

6.A social movement is possible only when there are organizations, and spontaneous actions. T 自发的

7.Malcolm X became known throughout the Sixties because of his leadership role in the civil rights movement. F

8.A great moment for the civil rights movement was the March

on Washington on August, 1963 when one-quarter million blacks and whites stood together to hear President John F. Kennedy’s famous “ I have a Dream” speech. F Martin Luther King, Jr

9.In 1966, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was organized on Oakland, whose major work was to enforce civil rights law. T

10.The arrest of a CORE organizer at the campus of University of California at Berkeley touched off the Free Speech Movement which catapulted Mario Savio to the status of a student hero. T

11.Betty Friedan?s book The Feminine Mystique (1963) stirred highly charged responses from thousands women who reported from its first year of publication to this day that it changed their lives. T

Unit 10 Social Problems in the United States

1.The United States was found on the principle of human quality, and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal. F

2.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States now is the blacks, or Afro-Americans, who account for 11.7% of the population. F

3.In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation which together with the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 legally abolished the slavery. T

4.The problem of poverty does not exist in the United States because the overall distribution of wealth and income is equal. F

5.Drug abuse in the United States has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation. T

6.President Richard Nixon?s administration was topped because of the Watergate Affair, with many administrative officials later facing criminal charges and some being imprisoned, T

7.The CIA, which is a branch of the United States Federal government is in charge of investigating violations of certain federal laws inside the United States. F

8.Corruption in the United States takes form of fraud, false advertising, corporate price fixing, bribery, embezzlement, and tax evasion. T

9.Statistics usually overlook white-collar crimes because they are affected by police reporting practices and that many crimes are unreported. T

10.The president of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were

marked by a well-founded public belief that their administrations were deliberately and systematically lying to the people. T

Unit 11 Technology in America

1.Eli Whitney was noted for inventing the cotton gin and developing the system of mass production of weapons with interchangeable parts. T

2.John H. Hall invented sewing machines, typewriters and bicycles. F 他的大量生产方式在这些方面应用,而不是发明

3.Before the construction of the railroads, the barge and canal system was the main means of transportation in the Amercian Northeast, T

4.The significant role of the Stevens family in the history of transportation in early nineteenth century America is underestimated. T

5.The quality and endurance of railroad tracks was the fundamental constraint on the size and speed of trains. T

6.Samuel F. B Morse was the inventor of the telephone. F

7.The first computers were enormous in size and consumed great quantities of electricity. T

8.Radio was a place where lots of advertisements were placed

for products to feed a growing consumerism in America merging after World War I. T

9.The original idea was to connect computers was for educational and commercial uses. F 目的是协助大炮预计发射炮弹的轨迹,并用以破译敌人的信息

10.What motivated most scientist and engineers in America to develop an atomic bomb in the first place was to prevent Japan from using such a device. F

Unit 12 Post-WW II Foreign Policy

1.American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism and inter-ventionism since World War II.F internationalism

2.Pax Americana美国和平indicates American policy to create

a world order dominated by the United States. T

3.The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact in 1955 split the world into two military blocs. And the Cold War began. T

4.The United States had its first test of the hydrogen bomb in 1953 after the Soviet Union had its such test in 1952. F

5.Sputinks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union. T

6.When Ronald Reagan became president in 1982, he wanted to beat the Soviet Union in the space technology race and so he initiated the Star Wars project. T

7.In 1948 President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine, which is generally regarded the formal declaration of the implementation of the US containment foreign policy. T 杜鲁门主义,被公认是实行遏止政策的正是宣言。

8.After the Korean War, the United States made necessary adjustments and adopted a strategy of contraction收紧. F 9.At the end of the Second World War II, a concrete wall, separating East and West Berlin, was built which became the symbol of the Cold War. F

10.The Clinton Administration made international peace, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of American foreign policy. F

11.After the Sept.11 terrorist attack, anti-terrorism became a priority on the agenda of the majority of the countries all over the whorl. T

12.When George W. Bush became president, his foreign strategy has two prominent elements: isolationism faith in military strength. F

Unit 13 Sports and Scenic Spots in American

1.Super Bowl冠军杯赛will decide the champion baseball team of the year in the United States. F football

2.Spectators of American professional sports competitions are interested in eating and entertainment as much as in the game itself. T

3.Viewers go to stadiums to watch the matches because they can have a clearer view of what is happening. F

4.A football team scores 3 points for a touchdown. F six points

5.The most exciting moment in baseball game is a homerun本垒

打. T

6.John Steinbeck?s stories were set in the New England area of the United States. F

7.Stanford University is located in the state of Massachusetts. F

8.Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the United States. T

9.The Grand Canyon National Park was established by President “Teddy” Roosevelt. T

10.In South Dakota, is the unusual artist project at Mt. Rushmore, where enormous portraits of four US presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln,

and F.D. Roosevelt, are sculpted on the mountain. F Theodore Roosevelt

Unit 14 Early American Jazz

1.At the end of the 19th century in American, folk music could only be found in the state of New York. F

2.The lyrics of many blues songs sung by black musicians are sardonic, filled with bitter, self-deprecating humor. T

3.In the early 1920?s, jazz flourished in Chicago, which emerged as the creative center for jazz. T

4.Bessie Smith was so musically talented that people even called her “Empress of the Blues”. T

5.In 1896 Louis Armstrong published the first really popular ragtime tune, “Maple Leaf Rag.” F Scott Joplin

6.A new, distinctive style of piano playing called ”stride” piano emerged in Harlem, New York City, which co-exists with ragtime piano. T

7.In 1926, Louis Armstrong recorded his famous “scat singing”, vocalizing nonsense syllables in tune with the music. T

8.The 1920?s in the United States was known as the Roaring Twenties chiefly because of rock …n? roll music which started in Chicago. F

9.Jazz music played in Chicago differed from New Orleans style jazz in that music was played at a faster tempo. F


America The Founding of Colonies殖民地的建立 First Inhabitants:American Indians Discovery of the New World: 1492 Christopher Columbus →the discoverer of America (Italian)Spanish Queen’ s support 1501-2 Amerigo Vespucci →the new land was name after him as America. reached the mouth of Amazon River America—the New World Europe—the Old World 13 colonies: New England Colonies: Mid Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies: Massachusetts →(2nd colony,1620)New York Maryland New Hampshire Pennsylvania Virginia →(1st colony,1607)Rhode Island Delaware North Carolina Connecticut South Carolina Georgia →(the last colony,1733)New England Region(6个): Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont 建立原因: Virginia, 1607 Virginia Company For foreign expansion as a way of easing religious dispute and economic distress in England 105 men (no women) Jamestown in honor of the king Massachusetts In 1620 102 Puritans (“Pilgrim Fathers”), in Mayflower, from Plymouth in England to America First in Plymouth (today’s Massachusetts); and then Boston Seek religious freedom Mayflower Compact <五月花号公约>:self-government Hardships when arrived the help of the Indians Thanksgiving Day to thank the Indians and the God for protection The next three colonies Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire Reasons: 1. religious disputes and struggles in Massachusetts intensified 2. more immigrants


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


安全知识判断题题库 41、[判断题]负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门和环境保护、公安、卫生等有关部门,应当按照当地应急救援预案组织实施救援,尽可能不拖延、推诿。() 对 错 正确答案:错 42、[判断题]《安全生产许可证条例》规定的行政处罚,由安全生产许可证颁发管理机关决定。() 对 错 正确答案:对 43、[判断题]只要具备燃烧三要素(可燃物、助燃物、点火源),即会引起燃烧。() 对 错 正确答案:错 44、[判断题]企业对应急设备、设施的管理方面应制定的主要制度包括:安全生产责任制度;安全生产教育培训制度;安全生产检查制度。() 对 错 正确答案:对 45、[判断题]盲板抽堵应根据管道内介质的性质、温度、压力和管道法兰密封面的口径等选择相应材料、强度、口径和符合设计、制造要求的盲板及垫片。高压盲板使用前应经超声波探伤,并符合JB∕T450的要求。() 对 错 正确答案:对 46、[判断题]可能产生职业中毒危害的建设项目的职业中毒危害防护设施应当与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用;建设项目竣工,应当进行职业中毒危害控制效果评价,并经卫生行政部门验收合格。() 对 错 正确答案:对 47、[判断题]使用有毒物品作业的用人单位应当对从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行离岗时的职业健康检查;对离岗时未进行职业健康检查的劳动者,不得解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同。() 对 错 正确答案:对 48、[判断题]危险化学品生产企业进行生产前,应当依法取得危险化学品安全生产许可证。() 对

错 正确答案:对 49、[判断题]机动车辆严禁在易燃易爆危险场所内行驶,必要时必须装火星熄灭器。() 对 错 正确答案:对 50、[判断题]职业安全健康管理体系中绩效测量和监测中被动测量是对与工作有关的事故、事件、其他损失、不良的职业安全健康绩效、职业安全健康管理体系的失效情况的确认、报告和调查。() 对 错 正确答案:对 51、[判断题]企业应制订事故处置程序,一旦发生重大事故,做到临危不惧,指挥不乱。() 对 错 正确答案:对 52、[判断题]遇湿易燃物品灭火时可使用的灭火剂包括干粉、干黄土、干石粉和泡沫灭火。() 对 错 正确答案:错 53、[判断题]盐酸可用耐酸陶坛;硝酸应该用铝制容器;磷酸、冰醋酸、氢氟酸用塑料容器;浓硫酸、烧碱、液碱可用铁制容器,或镀锌铁桶储存。() 对 错 正确答案:错 54、[判断题]分期建设、分期投入生产或者使用的建设项目,其配套的职业病防护设施应当在建设项目全部完成后进行验收。() 对 错 正确答案:错 55、[判断题]违反《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究民事责任。() 对 错 正确答案:错 56、[判断题]对于重大事故隐患,生产经营单位除季报、年报外,应当及时向安全监管监察部门和有关部门报告。() 对 错 正确答案:对 57、[判断题]除有特殊需要外,有毒介质管道应采用焊接连接,不得采用法兰或螺纹连接。()对 错


公共基础知识判断题汇总 1.国家建立基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险等社会保险制度,保障公民在年老、疾病、工伤、失业、生育等情况下依法从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利。(√) 2.中华人民共和国境内的用人单位和个人依法缴纳社会保险费,有权查询缴费记录、个人权益记录,要求社会保险经办机构提供社会保险咨询等相关服务。(√) 3.国家通过免税政策支持社会保险事业。(×) 4.职工应当参加基本养老保险,由用人单位和职工共同缴纳基本养老保险费。(√) 5.基本养老保险实行社会统筹与个人账户相结合。(√) 6.国有企业、事业单位职工参加基本养老保险前,视同缴费年限期间应当缴纳的基本养老保险费由本企业、本单位承担。(×) 7.参加基本养老保险的个人,达到法定退休年龄时累计缴费满十五年的,按月领取基本养老金。(√) 8.参加基本养老保险的个人,因病或者非因工死亡的,其遗属可以领取丧葬补助金和抚恤金;在未达到法定退休年龄时因病或者非因工致残完全丧失劳动能力的,可以领取病残津贴。所需资金从基本养老保险基金中支付。(√) 9.符合基本医疗保险药品目录、诊疗项目、医疗服务设施标准以及急诊、抢救的医疗费用,按照国家规定从基本医疗保险基金中支付。(√) 10.个人跨统筹地区就业的,其基本医疗保险关系随本人转移,缴费年限重新计算。(×) 11.职工应当参加工伤保险,由用人单位和职工共同缴纳工伤保险费。(×) 12.失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,停止参加职工基本医疗保险,不享受基本医疗保险待遇。(×) 13.用人单位应当自成立之日起三十日内凭营业执照、登记证书或者单位印章,向当地社会保险经办机构申请办理社会保险登记。(√) 14.用人单位拒不出具终止或者解除劳动关系证明的,依照《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》的规定处理。(√) 15.国家工作人员在社会保险管理、监督工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分。违反法律规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。(√) 16.社会保险制度坚持广覆盖、保基本、多层次、可持续的方针,社会保险水平应当与经济社会发展水平相适应。(√) 17.个人依法享受社会保险待遇,但无权监督本单位为其缴费情况。(×) 18.国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建立健全社会保险基金监督管理制度,保障社会保险基金安全、有效运行。(√) 19.职工应当参加基本养老保险,由用人单位和职工共同缴。无雇工的个体工商户、未在用人单位参加基本养老保险的非全日制从业人员以及其他灵活就业人员可以参加基本养老保险,由个人缴纳基本养老保险费。(√) 20.基本养老保险基金仅由用人单位和个人缴费组成。(×) 21.基本养老保险基金出现支付不足时,政府给予补贴。(√) 22.参加基本养老保险的个人,达到法定退休年龄时累计缴费不足十五年的,可以缴费至满十五年,按月领取基本养老金。(√) 23.国家建立基本养老金正常调整机制。根据职工平均工资增长、物价上涨情况,每年提高


Melting Pot: Immigrants from different regions and cultures came to live in the United States, their old ways of life melt away and they became part of the American culture? WASPs: WASPS are the mainstream Americans, referring to the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants The Hispanics: The Hispanics are Spanish-speaking people from Latin America, which was once dominated by the Spanish Empire?American Indians: The Indian peoples are known as the first Americans. When Columbus landed in the New World in 1492, he thought he had reached India and called the natives Indians? Separation of powers: Under the federalist system, the federal and the state governments have separate and distinct powers laid down in the Constitutio n. ^Winner-take-air5principle: The party that wins most votes (simple majority) in a state wins all the electoral votes for the state and the defeated party gets none? Federalism: Federalism in the United States is the evolving relationship between U.S. state governments and the federal government of the United States? Since the founding of the country, and particularly with the end of the American Civil War, power shifted away from the states and towards the national government. Thanksgiving Day: It's on the fourth Thursday of Novembe匚It is a typical


英语国家概况(1)(2)问题库答案 1. "British history has been a history of invasion". Please illustrate this point with the examples from the text. How did each of the invasions influence English culture ? 1. British history has been a history of invasions. Before the first century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people: a powerful culture originating in central Europe. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman empire, and England and Wales (though not Scotland or Ireland) became a part of the Roman empire for nearly 400 years.Two more groups of invaders were to come after the English: from the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings, threatened Britain's shores…. 2. What are some general characteristics of Scotland ? 2. Scotland is the second largest of the four nations, both in population and in geographical area. It is also the most confident of its own identity because alone amongst the non-English components of the UK it has previously spent a substantial period of history as a unified state independent of the UK. Thus it is not a big leap for the Scottish to imagine themselves independent again. Physically, Scotland is the most rugged part of the UK, with areas of sparsely populated mountains and lakes in the north (The Highlands), and in the south (The Southern Uplands). Three-quarters of the population lives in the lowland zone which spans the country between these two highland areas. The largest city is Glasgow, in the west of this zone. Scotland's capital city is Edinburgh, on the east coast forty miles away from Glasgow. It is renowned for its beauty, and dominated by its great castle on a high rock in the centre of the city. Both cities have ancient and internationally respected universities dating from the 15th century. 3. Describe Wales' unification with Great Britain. 3. Wales was always under pressure from its English neighbours, particularly after the Norman conquest, when Norman barons set up castles and estates in Wales under the authority of the English Crown. Some brief campaigns are the only times in history when Wales has existed as a unified independent nation. 4. Are there any differences between England and Wales in terms of cultural tradition ? 4.Yes, there are. The close long-standing relationship means that modern Wales lacks some of the outward signs of difference which Scotland possesses—its legal system and its education system are exactly the same as in England. Often official statistics are given for "England and Wales". However, Wales is different, and one of the key markers of that difference is the Welsh language—the old British Celtic tongue which is still in daily use. 5. Why is Northern Ireland, according to the author, so significant in the United Kingdom? What is the political problem there? 5. Until 1921 the full name of the UK was "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", not only "Northern Ireland", because the whole island of Ireland was politically integrated with Great Britain, and had been since 1801, while Britain's domination of the Irish dated back centuries even before that date. But Irish desires for an independent Irish state were never lost, and one of the key issues in late nineteenth century British politics was a campaign in parliament for what was called "home-rule"—Irish political control of Irish affairs. The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914, but the process was overtaken by the First World War and was suspended for the duration of the war.


1.全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会都是由民 主选举产生。(√) 2.行政机关可以法外设定权力。(×)应为“不可以” 3.国家为了公共利益的需要,依照法律规定对公民的私有财产实行征收或者征用时不必补偿。(×)应为“适当补偿” 4.行政机关要坚持法定职责必须为、法无授权也可为的工作原则。(×)应为“法无授权不可为” 5.单一制国家全国仅有一部宪法。(√) 6.中国特色社会主义法治理论是全面推进依法治国的行动指南。(√) 7.宪法的修改应由到会人大代表的2/3以上多数通过。(×)应为“全体人大代表” 8.劳动权既是公民的权利,也是公民的义务。(√) 9.在我国,任何公民都享有通讯自由和通讯秘密。(×)应为“除因国家安全或者追查刑事犯罪的需要” 10.中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威、罢工的自由。(×) 应该没有“罢工” 11.国家法定休假日、休息日计入年休假的假期。(×)应为“不计入” 12.劳动者出任人民法庭证明人,用人单位应当依法支付工资。(√) 13.工资应当以货币形式按月支付给劳动者本人。(√) 14.具有法律知识、从事人力资源管理或者工会等专业工

作满五年的人员,按照一定的选聘程序可以担任劳动争议仲裁委员会仲裁员。(√) 15.最低工资包括加班工资在内。(×)应为“不包括” 16.用人单位可以与劳动者约定终止劳动合同的条件。(×)应为“不能” 17.用人单位招用劳动者,可以要求劳动者提供担保。(×)应为“不得” 18.劳动合同应在用人单位用工之前或用工的同时签订。(√) 19.试用期内用人单位可以随时解除劳动合同。(×)应为“不得随意” 20.临时性工作岗位是指存续时间不超过六个月的岗位。(√) 21.劳动争议仲裁是解决劳动争议的必经程序。(√) 22.发生劳动争议的职工一方在十人以上,并有共同申请理由的,应当推荐代表参加调解活动。(√) 23.连续工作年限的起始时间,应当自用人单位用工之日起计算,不包括劳动合同法施行前的工作年限。(×)应为“包括” 24.同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。(√) 25.劳动者达到法定退休年龄,无固定期限劳动合同自然终止。(√)


理论力学判断题汇总 1、只在两个力作用下平衡的构件称为二力构件,所受的两个力必定沿两力作用点的连线,且等值、反向。(√)(2分) 2、如果力偶矩相等,则两力偶彼此等效。(×)(2分) 3、平面任意力系向平面内任选一点O简化,一般情况下,可得一个力和一个力偶。(√)(2分) 4、在有摩擦的情况下,摩擦角为全约束力与法线间夹角的最大值。(√)(2分) 5、刚体作平移时,刚体内各点的速度和加速度大小、方向都相同。(×)(2分) 6、在点的合成运动问题中,当牵连运动为定轴转动时,可能会有科氏加速度。 (√)(2分) 7、在自然坐标系中,如果速度v = 常数,则加速度a= 0。(×)(2分) 8、平面图形内任一点的速度等于该点随图形绕瞬时速度中心转动的速度。 (√)(2分)9、已知质点的质量和作用于质点的力,质点的运动规律就完全确定。(×)(2分) 10、虚位移是假想的,极微小的位移,它与时间、主动力以及运动的初始条件 无关。 (√)(2 分) 1、一物体在两个力的作用下,平衡的充分必要条件是这两个力是等值、反向、共线。(对) 2、若作用在刚体上的三个力的作用线汇交于同一个点,则该刚体必处于平衡状态。(错) 3、理论力学中主要研究力对物体的外效应。() 4、凡是受到二个力作用的刚体都是二力构件。() 5、力是滑移矢量,力沿其作用线滑移不会改变对物体的作用效果。

() 6、用解析法求解汇交力系平衡问题时,投影轴一定要相互垂直。() 7、平面汇交力系的平衡方程式有无穷多个。() 8、一汇交力系,若非平衡力系,一定有合力。() 9、力沿坐标轴分解就是想坐标轴投影。() 10空间汇交力系只有三个独立的平衡方程式。() 11、力偶系的主矢为零。() 12、作用在某平面内的一个力偶的力偶矩矢量垂直于该平面。() 13、力偶不能用力来平衡。() 14、力偶是一个矢量。() 15、空间力偶系只有三个独立的平衡方程式。() 16、若一平面力系对某点之主矩为零,且主矢亦为零,则该力系为一平衡力系。() 17、在平面力系中,合力一定等于主矢。() 18、在平面力系中,只要主矩不为零,力系一定能够进一步简化。() 19、力偶矩就是力偶。() 20、若接触面的正压力等于零,则必有该处的摩擦力为零。() 21、接触面的全反力于接触面的法线方向的夹角称为摩擦角。() 22、当接触面上存在滚动摩擦阻力偶时,该处必存在滑动摩擦力。() 23、空间力偶系之主矩是一个矢量,且该矢量一定与简化中心的选择有关。()


Lecture one: Geography and People Location : Situated in the central part of North America with Canada on the north ,Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south ,the United States is on the east coast of Pacific and west coast of Atlantic. Territorial area: 9.5million square kilometers 50states and seat of government is Washington D.C Largest state---Alaska Largest on the continent---Texas Smallest-----Rhode Island(罗德岛州) Newest---Hawaii Three geographical divisions(三大地形区): Western ,central and eastern part . Land forms and region: Eastern part: Highlands formed by Appalachian range Western part: High plateaus and mountains(Rockies are called as the back bone of the continent). Great central plain: A large plain between the eastern Appalachian and western Rockies Main geographical regions: New England (6,northeast, longest history featured with mountains ,valleys and rivers ,and cities and towns with historic sites ,top-ranking universities ) The Mid-Atlantic States The West (11,a wealth of forests and stream notable cities, high-tech industry predominant agricultural yielding,14% of GDP ) The Mid-West The South (13,plenty of rainfall and mild climate are favorable for agriculture, fast growing industry and population recent years, great size with few large cities The Southwest Hawaii: Tourism is the largest source of income Tropical climate


英美国家概况课后题及答案 Chapter 2 1.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T) 3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T) 4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T) 5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F) 6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F) 10.In an effort to make a promise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T)


【例题】粮食可以在收割前在期货市场进行交易。如果预测谷物产量不足,谷物期货价格就会上升;如果预测谷物丰收,谷物期货价格就会下降。今天早上,气象学家们预测从明天开始谷物产区里会有非常需要的降雨。因为充分的潮湿对目前谷物的存活非常重要,所以今天的谷物期货价格会大幅下降。 下面哪个,如果正确,最严重地削弱了以上的观点? A.在关键的授粉阶段没有接受足够潮湿的谷物不会取得丰收。 B.本季度谷物期货价格的波动比上季度更加剧烈。 C.气象学家们预测的明天的降雨估计很可能会延伸到谷物产区以外。 D.农业专家们今天宣布,一种已经毁坏一些谷物作物的病菌在生长季节结束前会更广泛地传播。 E.许多在谷物期货市场交易的人很少实际拥有他们所交易的谷物。 【例题】在一次选举中,统计显示,有人投了所有候选人的赞成票。 如果统计是真实的,那么下列哪项也必定是真实的? A.对每个候选人来说,都有选民投了他的赞成票。 B.对所有候选人都投赞成票的不止一人。 C.有人没有投所有候选人的赞成票。 D.不可能所有的候选人都当选。 E.所有的候选人都可以当选。 【例题】针对某种溃疡最常用的一种疗法可在6个月内将44%的患者的溃疡完全治愈。针对这种溃疡的一种新疗法在6个月的试验中使治疗的80%的溃疡取得了明显改善,61%的溃疡得到了痊愈。由于该试验只治疗了那些病情比较严重的溃疡,因此这种新法显然在疗效方面比最常用的疗法更显著。 对下列哪一项的回答最能有效地对上文论述做出评价? (A)这两种疗法使用的方法有何不同? (B)这两种疗法的使用成本是否存在很大差别? (C)在6个月中以最常用疗法治疗的该种溃疡的患者中,有多大比例取得了明显康复? (D)这种溃疡如果不进行治疗的话,病情显著恶化的速度有多快? (E)在参加6个月的新疗法试验的患者中,有多大比例的人对康复的比例不满意? 【例题】由风险资本家融资的初创公司比通过其他渠道融资的公司失败率要低。所以,与诸如企业家个人素质、战略规划质量或公司管理结构等因素相比,融资渠道在初创公司的成功上是更为重要的原因。 下面哪个,如果正确,最严重地削弱了以上的结论? A.风险资本家对初创公司财务需要的变化比其他融资渠道更为敏感。


Chapter 2 1.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T) 3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T) 4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T) 5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F) 6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F) 10.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T) 1. The D attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 2.By the late 7th century, D became the dominant religion in England. A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity


1.十八届六中全会强调,新形势下加强和规范党内政治生活,必须以党章为根本遵循,坚持党的: A.政治路线、思想路线、组织路线、群众路线 B.政治路线、作风路线、组织路线、群众路线 C.政治路线、思想路线、文化路线、群众路线 D.政治路线、作风路线、文化路线、群众路线 2.下列经济指标与衡量对象对应关系正确的是: A.赤字率——财政风险 B.恩格尔系数——收入分配差距 C.基尼系数——居民生活水平 D.生产者物价指数——货币供应量 3.在我国,野外迷路时,下列辨别方向的方法不正确的是: A.树木年轮较密的一侧是南方 B.树木枝叶茂盛的一侧是南方 C.岩石上布满青苔的一侧是北方 D.蚂蚁的洞口朝向的一侧是南方 4.下列说法正确的是: A.庐山在黄山以北、嵩山以南 B.我国有6个省级行政区与邻国接壤 C.在我国,丹顶鹤的主要栖息地是东北 D.新疆和青海的部分地区属于印度洋流域 5.下列国家和首都对应正确的是: A.新西兰——惠灵顿 B.意大利——米兰 C.加拿大——蒙特利尔 D.澳大利亚——悉尼 6.下列关于日食的表述不正确的是: A.一次完整的日全食过程的顺序是:初亏、食既、食甚、生光、复圆 B.中国的《尚书》上有世界上最早的日食记录 C.日食主要有日全食、日偏食和日环食

D.日全食是因为地球挡住了太阳光线 7.税制改革贯穿中国古代历史的始终。下列税制按时间先后排序,正确的是: A.初税亩——两税法——一条鞭法——摊丁入亩 B.一条鞭法——两税法——初税亩——摊丁入亩 C.初税亩——两税法——摊丁入亩——一条鞭法 D.两税法——初税亩——一条鞭法——摊丁入亩 8.下列关于历史事件的叙述,最可能出现的是: A.华佗给弟子讲解《本草纲目》 B.李世民津津有味地与大臣们谈论《西游记》 C.曹操在纸上写命令传递给在前方作战的将领 D.管仲用木牛流马运输粮食保障征战将士的粮食需求 9.辛弃疾在《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》中写道:“千古江山,英雄无觅孙仲谋处。舞榭歌台,风流总被雨打风吹去。斜阳草树,寻常巷陌,人道寄奴曾住。想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎。”此阙中涉及到两个著名的历史人物,分别是: A.三国孙权,南朝刘裕 B.三国孙权,西汉班固 C.三国孙策,战国廉颇 D.三国孙策,北魏拓跋珪 10.下列对应不正确的是: A.藏族——《格萨尔王传》 B.蒙古族——《江格尔》 C.柯尔克孜族——《玛纳斯》 B.满族——《嘎达梅林》 答案 1.【答案】A。解析:十八届六中全会强调,新形势下加强和规范党内政治生活,必须以党章为根本遵循,坚持党的政治路线、思想路线、组织路线、群众路线。 2.【答案】A。解析:赤字率是衡量财政风险的一个重要指标,是指财政赤字占国内生产总值的比重。恩格尔系数是国际上通用的衡量居民生活水平高低的一项重要指标。基尼系数是判断收入分配公平程度的指标。生产者物价指数是衡量工业企业产品出厂价格变动趋势和变动程度的指数,是反映某一时期生产领域价格变动情况的重要经济指标。故本题答案选A。


小学数学判断题汇总 1. 在小数的后面添上“0”或者去掉“0”,小数的大小不 变。〔 〕 2. 在小数点的后面添上零或者去掉零,小数的大小不变。 〔 〕 3. 3.14的末尾添上两个零,这个数就扩大100倍。〔 〕 4. 在小数点的后面添上零或者去掉零,小数的大小不变。 〔 〕 5. 所有的小数都比1小。〔 〕 6. 因数中一共有几位小数,积就有几位小数。〔 〕 7. 小数乘法的意义与整数乘法的意义相同。〔 〕 8. 小数除法的意义与整数除法的意义相同。〔 〕 9. 无限小数都是循环小数。〔 〕 10. 循环小数一定是无限小数。〔 〕 11. 因为2.5÷0.5=5,所以2.5能被0.5整除。〔 〕 12. 一个数乘0.05,表示求这个数的百分之五。 〔 〕 13. 一个数乘小数,积一定比这个数小。〔 〕 14. 一个数除以小数,商一定比这个数大。〔 〕 15. 一个小数,从某一位起,一个数字或几个数字依 次不断地重复出现,这样的小数叫做循环小数。〔 〕 16. 小数都小于1。〔 〕 17. 31.4343是循环小数。〔 〕 18. 1是最小的自然数。〔 〕 19. 所有的循环小数都是无限小数。〔 〕 20. 15 12 不能化成有限小数。〔 〕 21. 因为3.2×0.8=4,所以说3.2能被0.8整除。〔 〕 22. 小数点的后面加上零或去掉零,小数的大小不变。 〔 〕 23. 小数部分位数越多的小数一定大于位数少的小 数。〔 〕 24. 分数的分子和分母,同时乘或除以一个数(0除 外)分数的大小不变。〔 〕 25. 0的倒数还是0。〔 〕 26. 1÷a=b(a ≠0),a 与b 互为倒数。〔 〕 27. 一个自然数除以 9 1 ,这个自然数就缩小9倍。〔 〕 28. 一个分数的分母乘以5,要使分数的大小不变, 分子必须扩大5倍。〔 〕 29. 分数的分子,分母同时乘以或除以同一个数,分 数的大小不变。〔 〕 30. 真分数小于1,假分数大于1。〔 〕 31. 如果 则,a b b a b a 一定是假分数。 〔 〕 32. 凡是分子是“0”的分数都等于“0”。 〔 〕 33. 分数加减法的意义与整数加减法的意义相同。 〔 〕 34. 约分后的分数与原分数相比,分数单位变大。 〔 〕 35. 把单位“1”分成5份,每份是 5 1。〔 〕 36. 分子相同的分数相比较,分母大的分数比较大。 〔 〕 37. 127 不能化成有限小数。〔 〕 38. 16 5 4化成小数是有限小数。 〔 〕 39. 约分后的分数一定是最简分数。〔 〕 40. 分子、分母是质数的分数一定是最简分数。〔 〕 41. 最简分数的分子、分母不一定是质数。〔 〕 42. 分母越大,这个分数的分数单位就越大。〔 〕 43. 分数除法的意义与整数除法的意义相同。〔 〕 44. 两个数相乘的积是1,那么这两个数互为倒数。 〔 〕 45. 一个不是0的自然数除以一个真分数,商一定比 被除数大。〔 〕 46. 水结成冰,体积增加 10 1 ,冰融化成水后,体积减少10 1。〔 〕 47. 一个数减少 41后,再增加51,结果比原数少10 1。〔 〕 48. 一项工程,几天可以完成,工作效率就是几分之 一。〔 〕 49. 解答工程应用题,常把工作总量看作单位“1”。 〔 〕 50. 50比40多 4 1 。〔 〕 51. 把20千克减少21千克,再增加2 1 千克,最后还 是20千克。〔 〕 52. 打印一份稿件,甲要 31小时,乙要4 1 小时,甲、乙合打印要几小时打印完?列式是:1÷(31+4 1 )。 〔 〕 53. 一个数(0除外)除以假分数,商一定小于被除 数。〔 〕 54. a ÷ b = 21,那么a 占它们和的3 1 。〔 〕 55. 一包4千克的奶糖,第一次用去2 1 ,第二次又用 去余下的2 1 ,这包奶糖正好用完。〔 〕 56. 如果一个数的倒数比原数大,那么这个数一定小 于1。〔 〕 57. 甲数比乙数多 31,则乙数比甲数少31。〔 〕 58. 9÷(3+109)=9÷3+9÷109 =13。〔 〕 59. 在a ×59=b ÷5 9 (a 、b ≠0)等式中,a ﹥b 。〔 〕 60. 男生人数比女生人数多5 1 ,女生人数就比男生人 数少5 1。〔 〕 61. 8除以52的倒数,商是多少?列式是8÷(1÷5 2 )。
