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_Poor Richard Improved_ 1756

COURTEOUS READER, I suppose my Almanack may be worth the Money thou hast paid for it, hadst thou no other Advantage from it, than to find the _Day of the Month_, the _remarkable Days_, the _Changes of the Moon_, the _Sun and Moon's Rising and Setting_, and to foreknow the _Tides_ and the _Weather_; these, with other Astronomical Curiosities, I have yearly and constantly prepared for thy Use and Entertainment, during now near two Revolutions of the Planet _Jupiter._ But I hope this is not all the Advantage thou hast reaped; for with a View to the Improvement of thy _Mind_ and thy _Estate_, I have constantly interspers'd in every little Vacancy, _Moral Hints_, _Wise Sayings_, and _Maxims of Thrift_, tending to impress the Benefits arising from _Honesty_, _Sobriety_, _Industry_ and _Frugality_; which if thou hast duly observed, it is highly probable thou art _wiser_ and _richer_ many fold more than the Pence my Labours have cost thee. Howbeit, I shall not therefore raise my Price because thou art better able to pay; but being thankful for past Favours, shall endeavour to make my little Book more worthy thy Regard, by adding to those _Recipes_ which were intended for the _Cure_ of the _Mind_, some valuable Ones regarding the _Health_ of the _Body._ They are recommended by the Skilful, and by successful Practice. I wish a Blessing may attend the Use of them, and to thee all Happiness, being

_Thy obliged Friend,_



A Change of _Fortune_ hurts a wise Man no more than a Change of the _Moon._

Does Mischief, Misconduct, & Warrings displease ye; Think there's a Providence, 'twill make ye easy.

_Mine_ is better than _Ours._

Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.

He that has a Trade, has an Office of Profit and Honour.

Be civil to _all_; serviceable to _many_; familiar with _few_; Friend to _one_; Enemy to _none._

_Vain-Glory_ flowereth, but beareth no Fruit.


As I spent some Weeks last Winter, in visiting my old Acquaintance in the _Jerseys_, great Complaints I heard for Want of Money, and that Leave to make more Paper Bills could not be obtained. _Friends and Countrymen_, my Advice on this Head shall cost you nothing, and if you will not be angry with me for giving it, I promise you not to be offended if you do not take it.

You spend yearly at least _Two Hundred Thousand Pounds_, 'tis said, in _European_, _East-Indian_, and _West-Indian_ Commodities: Supposing one Half of this Expence to be in _Things absolutely necessary_, the other Half may be call'd _Superfluities_, or at best, Conveniences, which however you might live without for one little Year, and not suffer exceedingly. Now to save this Half, observe these few Directions.

1. When you incline to have new Cloaths, look first well over the old Ones, and see if you cannot shift with them another Year, either by Scouring, Mending, or even Patching if necessary. Remember a Patch on your Coat, and Money in your Pocket, is

better and more creditable than a Writ on your Back, and no Money to take it off.

2. When you incline to buy China Ware, Chinces, _India_ Silks, or any other of their flimsey slight Manufactures; I would not be so hard with you, as to insist on your absolutely _resolving against it_; all I advise, is, to _put it off_ (as you do your Repentance) _till another Year_; and this, in some Respects, may prevent an Occasion of Repentance.

3. If you are now a Drinker of Punch, Wine or Tea, twice a Day; for the ensuing Year drink them but _once_ a Day. If you now drink them but once a Day, do it but every other Day. If you do it now but once a Week, reduce the Practice to once a Fortnight. And if you do not exceed in Quantity as you lessen the Times, half your Expence in these Articles will be saved.

4thly and lastly, When you incline to drink Rum, fill the Glass _half_ with Water. Thus at the Year's End, there will be _An Hundred Thousand Pounds_ more Money in your Country.

If Paper Money in ever so great a Quantity could be made, no Man could get any of it without giving something for it. But all he saves in this Way, will be _his own for nothing_; and his Country actually so much richer. Then the Merchants old and doubtful Debts may be honestly paid off, and Trading become surer thereafter, if not so extensive.


Laws _too gentle_ are seldom _obeyed_; _too severe_, seldom _executed._

_Trouble_ springs from _Idleness_; _Toil_ from _Ease._

_Love_, and be _loved._

A wise Man will desire no more, than what he may get justly, use soberly, distribute chearfully, and leave contentedly.

The diligent Spinner has a large Shift.

A false Friend and a Shadow, attend only while the Sun shines. _To-morrow_, every Fault is to be amended; but that _To-morrow_ never comes.

Plough deep, while Sluggards sleep; And you shall have Corn, to sell and to keep. He that sows Thorns, should never go barefoot.

_Laziness_ travels so slowly, that _Poverty_ soon overtakes him.

_Sampson_ with his _strong Body_, had a _weak Head_, or he would not have laid it in a Harlot's Lap.

When a Friend deals with a Friend Let the Bargain be clear and well penn'd, That they may continue Friends to the End.

He that never eats too much, will never be lazy.

To be _proud_ of _Knowledge_, is to be _blind_ with _Light_; to be _proud_ of _Virtue_, is to _poison_ yourself with the _Antidote._

Get what you can, and what you get, hold; 'Tis the _Stone_ that will turn all your Lead into Gold.

An honest Man will receive neither _Money_ nor _Praise_, that is not his Due.


Well, my Friend, thou art now just entering the last Month of another Year. If thou art a Man of Business, and of prudent Care, belike thou wilt now settle thy Accounts,

to satisfy thyself whether thou hast gain'd or lost in the Year past, and how much of either, the better to regulate thy future Industry or thy common Expences. This is commendable. -- But it is not all. -- Wilt thou not examine also thy _moral_ Accompts, and see what Improvements thou hast made in the Conduct of Life, what Vice subdued, what Virtue acquired; how much _better_, and how much _wiser_, as well as how much _richer_ thou art grown? What shall it _profit_ a Man, if he _gain_ the whole World, and _lose_ his own Soul? Without some Care in this Matter, tho' thou may'st come to count thy Thousands, thou wilt possibly still appear poor in the Eyes of the Discerning, even _here_, and be really so for ever _hereafter._ _Saying_ and _Doing_, have quarrel'd and parted.

Tell me my Faults, and mend your own. .


文件编号: A0-A5-AD -AE -F3 整理人 尼克 三张图片合并一张图

图片的合成 移花接木的神奇魅力 一、基本说明 教学内容 1.所属板块:高中信息技术基础 2.年级:高一 3.教材出版单位:上海科技教育出版社 4.所属的章节:第三章信息的加工与表达第四节图片信息的加工 5.学时数:45分钟 1.教学设计 1.教学目标: 1.认知目标:通过本课的学习,让学生掌握图象合成的基本知识和公益广告 的制作方法。 2.能力目标:主要培养学生发现、分析、解决问题的能力;激发学生的创新思 维、团队协作意识和艺术创造力 3.情感目标:激发审美情趣和爱护环境的公德意识。 4.内容分析:该课内容属于必修课中较为重要的章节,与实际生活联系密切, 且学生兴趣浓厚,有利于提升学生的信息素养和解决实际问题的能力,在整个知识体系中处于从重知识性过渡到实际操作性的中间环节。 5.学情分析:学生对生活中的图像处理有一定的了解,对图像处理软件有一定 了解,有浓厚的学习兴趣,有少部分学生甚至擅长平面制作。 6.设计思路:从展示三张相关联的图片创设情景并开始导入本课,用图片的反 差意义吸引学生眼球,然后要求学生从图像处理的角度分析三张图片的差异与联系,从中发现本课将要学习的内容。在学习新课的过程中,教师知识的传授和学生学习知识的结构呈倒金字塔形,即从简到繁,由易入难;节奏有快有慢,有松有驰,劳逸结合,努力创造轻松的学习氛围。设置不限操作方法的任务,以实现层次教学和差异教学,激发学生的探究、创新兴趣,拓展发散性思维。在教学过程中注重正面情感(环境保护意识)的渗透,通过分组合作让学生充分交流,教师对学生提出的问题进行适当的提示和点拨,有利于培养学生解决问题的思维方法,在学会所有的内容后设置创作比赛,让学生产生竞争意识,充分调动学生的创作积极性,通过教师对学生创作的作品的评价体会到成就感,同时通过欣赏较多优秀公益广告作品,对公益广告的设计制作有了更多的了解,从而提高更高的要求激励学生继续拓展学习。 在新课过程中由图像合成的基础知识中渗透平面广告制作相关的知识和美术处理知识,以此提升学生的信息素养。


怎样把几张图片合并在一起? 1、先打开开始 2、点击程序 3、大家在程序里找到电脑自带的图画就OK了, 4、打开图画后把黑的地方。都拉伸成可以画画的白板 5、点击图画上方有个文件,再点击打开,选择你喜欢的照片 这时图画上就有你的一张照片了,但是除了照片外其他的地方又变成灰色的了, 这时就又要把,灰色的,拉伸成可以画画的白板。 6、然后点击图画上方的编辑,粘贴来源,再选一张你喜欢的图图, 和原先那个图图挨着,固定好了以后,这回就没再出现灰色的板块了, 然后再点击粘贴来源,固定住,依次,就是四宫格了。 Ps,如果图片大小不一样,点完粘贴来源后。图片出来了先不要固定。点击上方的图像然后点击申拉/扭曲在那里可以改变大小。 如果你的照片太大,你也可以用申拉/扭曲把照片变小。依次这样弄。 如何用photoshop将几张图片合并在一起? A 修改画布大小的快捷键是Ctrl+i+s 选中图片的图层,在移动工具状态下,按Ctrl+t 在菜单栏栏下面有一个有一个W:100.0% H:100.0% 中间还有一个锁链,W表示图片或图形的宽, H表示图片或图形的高,或者在图片的四周方框里点击拖动,可以更改图片的大小. 三张四张图片和在一起,可以新建一个自己认为合适的文档,然后将那些图片用移动工具拖动到新建的图层上,可以用参考线对齐,如果想让这些图片合成一个图片的话,可以按Ctrl+e 也就这么多啦吧 B CTRL+E 把选中的图层与其下方图层合并 CTRL+SHIFT+E 合并可见图层 CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E 盖印可见图层 根据你说的情况以上命令都可以实现 你现在要做的就是首先要把你希望合并的元素去背保证其背景透明这样就能透过上一个图层看到下一个图层的内容调整好使用命令即可合并 C 1.把你想排的图片放在同一个文件夹中 2.运行PS 3.点"文件"→"自动"→"联系表Ⅱ"→"浏览"→"选择刚才的文件夹"→"调节好文档参数"→"确定"


使用surfer实现该任务得方法详解: 1、分解文件,文件形式如下 U.txt-->x,y,U V.txt-->x,y,V B.bln-->x,y(丁坝坐标) 2、菜单[Grid]->[Data]-->select U.txt-->output U.grd 3、菜单[Grid]->[Data]-->select V.txt-->output V.grd 4、菜单[Map]-->[Vector Map]-->[New 2-Grid...]-->select U.grd--->select V.grd--->velocity plot 菜单[Map]-->[Base Map]-->select B.bln--->DingBa plot !!!上面两个图在同一个plot中生成 同时选中两个图,执行[Map]-->[overlay maps] Re:求助:tecplot中如何将两幅图片拼在一起 对两个一维图形叠加的具体实现描述如下: 1. 在File菜单下的Load DataFile中选择一个.plt文件, 2. 单击 Load Datafile选项,在弹出的窗口中会有三条提示选项 λ Replace dataset and reset frame style λ Replace dataset and retain frame style λ Add to current dataset 选择第三项后,在弹出的对话框中选出所须叠加的文件名,如图五的文件名。此后,在XY菜单下的Define XY-Mappings 选项中,先点击Delete Map以删除先前的第一个一维图形,再点击Create Map,在弹出的对话框中置选项于“X-Axis var versus Y-Axis var for all zones”,则此时对话框中显示出两条图域,关闭对话框后,用Redraw来刷新 一下屏幕,则显示出叠加后的图形 1。先画一个图 2。当前界面点击frame-》create new frame,出现新作图界面 3。load想叠加作图的数据,编辑完新图 4.点击frame -》frame linking—》弹出菜单复选框都选上,ok 大概步骤如上,具体效果实现我也在摸索中还要在Frame|Edit Current Frame中取消Show Background设置Tecplot处理CFD计算结果,大家都很熟悉了,结果展示通常用PPT,通常要把自己的计算结果与其他人类似的结果放在一起进行对比,例如把两个结果的图片并列在一起,而如果把两个图片叠加到一起,那对比的效果就更明显了,呵呵。


怎样使用photoshop将多张照片合成一张 分步阅读前段时间,同学让我帮忙将他的三张照片合成一张,经过我的研究学习、摸索实践,到最后,终于完成了同学交给我的任务。下面,我就来跟大家分1找到需要合成的照片,在其属性中查看像素信息,以示例照片为例,其宽度是128像素,高度是180像素,这两个数据在后面的操作中会用到 。 21234567

3 4 接下来,在photoshop 7.0的“文件”菜单中打开示例照片。 5 打开示例照片之后,我们需要新建一个空白图。在“文件”菜单中点击“新建”,进入新建空白图的页面。

在对新建空白图进行设置时,需要将其宽度像素设置为384(128*3),高度像素设置为180。 6 7 用鼠标点击示例图片,使用“ctrl+A”组合键选中照片,这时候,示例照片的四周会出现移动的虚线框框。再使用“ctrl+C”组合键复制选中的部分。

点击选中空白图,使用“ctrl+V”组合键粘贴之前复制的示例图片,在新建图的中央位置会出现一张与示例照片同样大小的图片。 8 9 继续使用“ctrl+V”组合键在新建图中粘贴示例照片,虽然在新建图中还是只能看到一张示例照片,但事实上有两张同样的照片重叠在一起,使用鼠标将上面的那张照片拖拽到新建图的左侧位置。 10 在新建图中第三次使用“ctrl+V”组合键粘贴示例照片,之后用鼠标将其拖拽到新建图的右侧位置。这样,新建图就被三张示例照片填满了。

注意事项 在“文件”菜单中选择“保存为”,可以命名合成后的图像,也可以选择图像的格式及保存位置。 以上就是我使用“photoshop 7.0”软件将三张照片合成一张的成果,希望对大家有所帮助。 111、新建空白图时,高度像素应该与示例图片的高度像素相同,宽度像素应该是示例图片宽度像素的三倍。 2、这个方法在合成的相片数量大于一张时都适用,不仅仅局限于将三张相片合成一张。 3、如果最后合成的相片中间的连接处缝隙过于明显,在设置空白图宽度像素时,可以比示例图片宽度像素的三倍略低。以此经验为例,可以将空
