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Always Prepare for the Worst.

Some of the greatest catastrophes in graduate education could have been avoided by a little intelligent foresight. Be cynical. Assume that your proposed research might not work, and that one of your faculty advisers might become unsupportive - or even hostile. Plan for alternatives.

Nobody cares about you.

In fact, some professors care about you and some don't. Most probably do, but all are busy, which means in practice they cannot care about you because they don't have the time. You are on your own, and you had better get used to it. This has a lot of implications. Here are two important ones:

1. You had better decide early on that you are in charge of your program. The degree you get is yours to create. Your major professor can advise you and protect you to a certain extent from bureaucratic and financial demons, but he should not tell you what to do. That is up to you. If you need advice, ask for it: that's his job.

2. If you want to pick somebody's brains, you'll have to go to him or her, because they won't be coming to you.

You Must Know Why Your Work is Important.

When you first arrive, read and think widely and exhaustively for a year. Assume that everything you read is bullshit until the author manages to convince you that it isn't. If you do not understand something, don't feel bad - it's not your fault, it's the author's. He didn't write clearly enough.

If some authority figure tells you that you aren't accomplishing anything because you aren't taking courses and you aren't gathering data, tell him what you're up to. If he persists, tell him to bug off, because you know what you're doing, dammit.

This is a hard stage to get through because you will feel guilty about not getting going on your own research. You will continually be asking yourself, "What am I doing here?" Be patient. This stage is critical to your personal development and to maintaining the flow of new ideas into science. Here you decide what constitutes an important problem. You must arrive at this decision independently for two reasons. First, if someone hands you a problem, you won't feel that it is yours, you won't have that possessiveness that makes you want to work on it, defend it, fight for it, and make it come out beautifully. Secondly, your PhD work will shape your future. It is your choice of a field in which to carry out a life's work. It is also important to the dynamic of science that your entry be well thought out. This is one point where you can start a whole new area of research. Remember, what sense does it make to start gathering data if you don't know - and I mean really know - why you're doing it?

Psychological Problems are the Biggest Barrier.

You must establish a firm psychological stance early in your graduate career to keep from being buffeted by the many demands that will be made on your time.If you don't watch out, the pressures of course work, teaching, language requirements and who knows what else will push you around like a large, docile molecule in Brownian motion. Here are a few things to watch out for:

1. The initiation-rite nature of the PhD and its power to convince you that your value as a person is being judged. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to avoid this one. No one does. It stems from the open-ended nature of the thesis problem. You have to decide what a "good" thesis is. A thesis can always be made better, which gets you into an infinite regress of possible improvements.

Recognize that you cannot produce a "perfect" thesis. There are going to be flaws in it, as there are in everything. Settle down to make it as good as you can within the limits of time, money, energy, encouragement and thought at your disposal.

You can alleviate this problem by jumping all the explicit hurdles early in the game. Get all of your course requirements and examinations out of the way as soon as possible. Not only do you thereby clear the decks for your thesis, but you also convince yourself, by successfully jumping each hurdle, that you probably are good enough after all.

2. Nothing elicits dominant behavior like subservient behav ior. Expect and demand to be treated like a colleague. The paper requirements are the explicit hurdle you will have to jump, but the implicit hurdle is attaining the status of a colleague. Act like one and you'll be treated like one.

3. Graduate school is only one of the tools that you have at hand for shaping your own development.Be prepared to quit for awhile if something better comes up. There are three good reasons to do this.

First, a real opportunity could arise that is more productive and challenging than anything you could do in graduate school and that involves a long enough block of time to justify dropping out. Examples include field work in Africa on a project not directly related to yo ur PhD work, a contract for software development, an opportunity to work as an aide in the nation's capital in the formulation of science policy, or an internship at a major newspaper or magazine as a science journalist.

Secondly, only by keeping this option open can you function with true independence as a graduate student.If you perceive graduate school as your only option, you will be psychologically labile, inclined to get a bit desperate and insecure, and you will not be able to give your best.

Thirdly,if things really are not working out for you, then you are only hurting yourself and denying resources to others by staying in graduate sc hool.There are a lot of interesting things to do in life besides being a scientist, and in some the job market is a lot better. If science is not turning you on, perhaps you should try

something else. However, do not go off half-cocked. This is a serious decision. Be sure to talk to fellow graduate students and sympathetic faculty before making up your mind.

Avoid Taking Lectures - They're Usually Inefficient.

If you already have a good background in your field, then minimize the number of additional courses you take. This recommendation may seem counterintuitive, but it has a sound basis. Right now, you need to learn how to think for yourself. This requires active engagement, not passive listening and regurgitation.

To learn to think, you need two things: large blocks of time, and as much one-on-one interaction as you can get with someone who thinks more clearly than you do.

Courses just get in the way, and if you are well motivated, then reading and discussion is much more efficient and broadening than lectures. It is often a good idea to get together with a few colleagues, organize a seminar on a subject of interest, and invite a few faculty to take part. They'll probably be delighted. After all, it will be interesting for them, they'll love your initiative - and it will give them credit for teaching a course for which they don't have to do any work. How can you lose?

These comments of course do not apply to courses that teach specific skills: e.g., electron microscopy, histological technique, scuba diving.

Write a Proposal and Get It Criticized.

A research proposal serves many functions.

1. By summarizing your year's thinking and reading, it ensures that you have gotten something out of it.

2. It makes it possible for you to defend your independence by providing a concrete demonstration that you used your time well.

3. It literally makes it possible for others to help you. What you have in mind is too complex to be communicated verbally - too subtle, and in too many parts. It must be put down in a well-organized, clearly and concisely written document that can be circulated to a few good minds. Only with a proposal before them can they give you constructive criticism.

4. You need practice writing. We all do.

5. Having located your problem and satisfied yourself that it is important, you will have to convince your colleagues that you are not totally demented and, in fact, deserve support. One way to organize a proposal to accomplish this goal is:

a. A brief statement of what you propose, couched as a question or hypothesis.

b. Why it is important scientifically, not why it is important to you personally, and how it fits into the broader scheme of ideas in your field.

c. A literature review that substantiates (b).

d. Describe your problem as a series of subproblems that can each be attacked in a series of small steps. Devise experiments, observations or analyses that will permit you to exclude alternatives at each stag

e. Line them up and start knocking them down. By transforming the big problem into a series of smaller ones, you always know what to do next, you lower the energy threshold to begin work, you identify the part that will take the longest or cause the most problems, and you have available a list of things to do when something doesn't work out.

6. Write down a list of the major problems that could arise and ruin the whole project. Then write down a list of alternatives that you will do if things actually do go wrong.

7. It is not a bad idea to design two or three projects and start them in parallel to see which one has the best practical chance of succeeding. There could be two or three model systems that all seem to have equally good chances on paper of providing appropriate tests for your ideas, but in fact practical problems may exclude some of them. It is much more efficient to discover this at the start than to design and execute two or three projects in succession after the first fail for practical reasons.

8. Pick a date for the presentation of your thesis and work backwards in constructing a schedule of how you are going to use your time. You can expect a stab of terror at this point. Don't worry - it goes on like this for awhile, then it gradually gets worse.

9. Spend two to three weeks writing the proposal after you've finished your reading, then give it to as many good critics as you can find. Hope that their comments are tough, and respond as constructively as you can.

10. Get at it. You already have the introduction to your thesis written, and you have only been here 12 to 18 months.

Manage Your Advisors.

Keep your advisors aware of what you are doing, but do not bother them. Be an interesting presence, not a pest. At least once a year, submit a written progress report 1-2 pages long on your own initiative. They will appreciate it and be impressed.

Anticipate and work to avoid personality problems. If you do not get along with your professors, change advisors early on. Be very careful about choosing your advisors in the first place. Most important is their interest in your interests.

Types of Theses.

Never elaborate a baroque excrescence on top of existing but shaky ideas. Go right to the foundations and test the implicit but unexamined assumptions of an important body of work, or lay the foundations for a new research thrust. There are, of course, other types of theses:

1. The classical thesis involves the formulation of a deductive model that makes novel and surprising predictions which you then test objectively and confirm under conditions unfavorable to the hypothesis. Rarely done and highly prized.

2. A critique of the foundations of an important body of research. Again, rare and valuable and a sure winner if properly executed.

3. The purely theoretical thesis. This takes courage, especially in a department loaded with bedrock empiricists, but can be pulled off if you are genuinely good at math and logic.

4. Gather data that someone else can synthesize. This is the worst kind of thesis, but in a pinch it will get you through. To certain kinds of people lots of data, even if they don't test a hypothesis, will always be impressive. At least the results show that you worked hard, a fact with which you can blackmail your committee into giving you the doctorate.

There are really as many kinds of theses as their are graduate students. The four types listed serve as limiting cases of the good, the bad, and the ugly.Doctoral work is a chance for you to try your hand at a number of different research styles and to discover which suites you best: theory, field work, or lab work. Ideally, you will balance all three and become the rare person who can translate the theory for the empiricists and the real world for the theoreticians.

Start Publishing Early.

Don't kid yourself. You may have gotten into this game out of your love for plants and animals, your curiosity about nature, and your drive to know the truth, but you won't be able to get a job and stay in it unless you publish. You need to publish substantial articles in internationally recognized, refereed journals. Without them, you can forget a career in science. This sounds brutal, but there are good reasons for it, and it can be a joyful challenge and fulfillment.Science is shared knowledge. Until the results are effectively communicated, they in effect do not exist. Publishing is part of the job, and until it is done, the work is not complete.You must master the skill of writing clear, concise, well-organized scientific papers. Here are some tips about getting into the publishing game.

1.Co-author a paper with someone who has more experience. Approach a professor who is working on an interesting project and offer your services in return for a junior authorship. He'll appreciate the help and will give you lots of good comments on the paper because his name will be on it.

2. Do not expect your first paper to be world-shattering. A lot of eminent people began with a minor piece of work. The amount of information reported in the average scientific paper may be less than you think. Work up to the major journals by publishing one or two short - but competent - papers in less well-recognized journals. You will quickly discover that no matter what the reputation of the journal, all ed itorial boards defend the quality of their product with jealous pride - and they should!

3.If it is good enough, publish your research proposal as a critical review paper. If it is publishable, you've probably chosen the right field to work in.

4. Do not write your thesis as a monograph. Write it as a series of publishable manuscripts, and submit them early enough so that at least one or two chapters of your thesis can be

presented as reprints of published articles.

5. Buy and use a copy of Strunk and White's Elements of Style. Read it before you sit down to write your first paper, then read it again at least once a year for the next three or four years. Day's book, How to Write a Scientific Paper, is also excellent.

6. Get your work reviewed before you submit it to the journal by someone who has the time to criticize your writing as well as your ideas and organization.

Don't Look Down on a Master's Thesis.

The only reason not to do a master's is to fulfill the generally false conceit that you're too good for that sort of thing. The master's has a number of advantages.

1. It gives you a natural way of changing schools if you want to. You can use this to broaden your background. Moreover, your ideas on what constitutes an important problem will probably be changing rapidly at this stage of your development. Your knowledge of who is doing what, and where, will be expanding rapidly. If you decide to change universities, this is the best way to do it. You leave behind people satisfied with your performance and in a position to provide well-informed letters of recommendation. You arrive with most of your PhD requirements satisfied.

2. You get much-needed experience in research and writing in a context less threatening than doctoral research. You break yourself in gradually. In research, you learn the size of a soluble problem. People who have done master's work usually have a much easier time with the PhD.

3. You get a publication.

4. What's your hurry? If you enter the job market too quickly, you won′t be well prepared. Better to go a bit more slowly, build up a substantial background, and present yourself a bit later as a person with more and broader experience.

Publish Regularly, But Not Too Much.

The pressure to publish has corroded the quality of journals and the quality of intellectual life. It is far better to have published a few papers of high quality that are widely read than it is to have published a long string of minor articles that are quickly forgotten. You do have to be realistic. You will need publications to get a post-doc, and you will need more to get a faculty position and then tenure. However, to the extent that you can gather your work together in substantial packages of real quality, you will be doing both yourself and your field a favor.

Most people publish only a few papers that make any difference. Most papers are cited little or not at all. About 10% of the articles published receive 90% of the citations. A paper that is not cited is time and effort wasted.Go for quality, not for quantity. This will take courage and stubbornness, but you won't regret it. If you are publishing one or two carefully considered, substantial papers in good, refereed journals each year, you're doing very well - and you've taken time to do the job right.

Acknowledgements Thanks to Frank Pitelka for providing an opportunity, to Ray Huey for being a co-conspirator and sounding board and for providing a number of the comments presented here, to the various unknown graduate students who kept these ideas in circulation, and to Pete Morin for suggesting that I write them up for publication.

Some Useful References.

Day, R.A. 1983. How to write and publish a scientific paper. 2nd ed. iSi Press, Philadephia. 181 pp. wise and witty.

Smith, R.V. 1984. Graduate research - a guide for students in the sciences. iSi Press, Philadelphia. 182 pp. complete and practical.

Strunk, W. Jr, and E.B. White.1979. The elements of style. 3rd Ed. Macmillan, New York. 92 pp. the paradigm of concision.


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/393832002.html, 立思辰留学360介绍,耶鲁为美国演艺圈输送了大批光彩照人的明星和艺术家,有戏言说“耶鲁培养出的奥斯卡奖比诺贝尔还多”。中最为中国观众熟悉的是以主演《苏菲的选择》和《克莱默夫妇》而两度夺取奥斯卡奖的梅里尔·斯特里普,以及曾凭借《暴劫梨花》《沉默的羔羊》分别荣获第六十一届、第六十四届奥斯卡最佳女演员的朱迪福斯特,还有曾主演《美国X档案》和《搏击俱乐部》的爱德华·诺顿,以及《X档案》中的男主角大卫·杜楚尼,和克莱尔·丹丝、朱丽叶·哈里斯、保罗·纽曼、山姆·沃特斯顿、亨利·温克勒、Jennifer Beals、等。 此外,耶鲁1929级毕业生保罗·梅隆出于对艺术的无比崇尚和热爱,成立了耶鲁英国艺术中心,捐赠他本人多年收藏的名画及其他珍品,使该中心成为美国最大的英国艺术博物馆。剧作家伊莱亚·卡赞是美国著名导演和作家,毕业于耶鲁戏剧学院。他以导演《推销员之死》、《欲望号街车》赢得声誉,影片《绅士们的商议》和《滨水区》为他赢得奥斯卡奖。 立思辰留学介绍,耶鲁曾培养出一大批杰出的中国留学生,包括容闳、詹天佑、颜福庆、马寅初、晏阳初、李继侗、杨石先、施汝为、陈嘉、王家楫、高尚荫、唐耀、杨遵仪、应开识、封诚、林璎、沈南鹏等等。其中,容闳是第一位取得美国大学学士学位的中国人,更是中国历史上第一位留学生。 在美国历史上,有5位总统毕业于耶鲁:威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱、杰拉尔德·鲁道夫·福特,乔治·布什、比尔·克林顿、乔治·W·布什。所以,耶鲁素有“总统摇篮”之称。教员之间经常开的玩笑就是:“一不小心,你就会教出一个总统来。” 除了总统之外,它还培养了众多美国政坛众多璀璨夺目的领袖人物:如美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿、美国副总统切尼(虽然辍学,但也出身耶鲁)、民主党总统候选人克里和利伯曼、美国司法部长约翰·戴


Yale University Yale University comprises three major academic components: Yale College (the undergraduate program), the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the professional schools. In addition, Yale encompasses a wide array of centers and programs, libraries, museums, and administrative support offices. Approximately 11,250 students attend Yale. You are invited to view an illustrated timeline of Yale’s history in addition to reading the brief overview on this page Yale’s roots c an be traced back to the 1640s, when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New World. This vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school “wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences [and] through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church and Civil State.” In 1718 the school was renamed “Yale College” in gratitude to the Welsh merchant Elihu Yale, who had donated the proceeds from the sale of nine bales of goods together with 417 books and a portrait of King George I. Yale College survived the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) intact and, by the end of its first hundred years, had grown rapidly. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries brought the establishment of the graduate and professional schools that would make Yale a true university. The Yale School of Medicine was chartered in 1810, followed by the Divinity School in 1822, the Law School in 1824, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1847 (which, in 1861, awarded the first Ph.D. in the United States), followed by the schools of Art in 1869, Music in 1894, Forestry & Environmental Studies in 1900, Nursing in 1923, Drama in 1955, Architecture in 1972, and Management in 1974. International students have made their way to Yale since the 1830s, when the first Latin American student enrolled. The first Chinese citizen to earn a degree at a Western college or university came to Yale in 1850. Today, international students make up nearly 9 percent of the undergraduate student body, and 16 percent of all students at the University. Yale’s distinguished faculty includes many who have been trained or educated abroad and many whose fields of research have a global emphasis; and international studies and exchanges play an increasingly important role in the Yale College curriculum. The University began admitting women students at the graduate level in 1869, and as undergraduates in 1969.


二〇一〇届本科生获得推荐免试攻读硕士学位研究生资格名单 一、推荐本校学术型学位共716人 中文系 22人 姚丽梅叶瑜王梦茜谢愚吴翀丁雨岚孔颖琪戴欢张荻荻葛铿胡佳艳钟蔚苹傅修才蒋玉婷谢丹蓉杨柳青苏欢黄雪梅王凤高菁黄钰媚黄璟 历史学系 14人 高锡全冯盈胡林迪任熹钱丰梅琳李锦华洪国强黄琦李菁李嘉荣程兰岚陈颖周卓尔 哲学系 11人 黄晓森文倩刘雅晴张东丹李劲峰徐翔李智星刘满新黄繁马遥李霞 社会学人类学学院 18人 胡敏哲王玲刘念肖乙宁边清音王莹许嘉茵冯筱媛姚妍晶范颖胡立敏潘爱君潘自心尹湫语汪宁宁谢茜黄锦淑邱嘉琪岭南学院 31人 伍倩影周凯莹余孟为李雨芹徐孟楠徐婷区咏芝彭盛菊何建明郝颖超郭贞洪李宛真段红英赖钰钰梁昕李琦温劭君陈立人卢怡徐佳焱林婧怡涂路遥徐曼黄淑妍沈金洲曾婷婷周丽贤张昊王钰婷黄曼霓杨忠俭 国际商学院 22人 邵淑芬周彤严嘉文白结林陈艳林洁玲张智纬王婧区伟俊阮翀张洁岚肖亮陈伟玲黄彦瑶冯洁敏张楚仑吴莹瑜陈康玲朱旭玲许玉容罗晓铠张琦 管理学院 37人

熊炼吴东旭游苗李慧晶顾汉杰黄贺叶智星李泽斌严雪莫淑雯陈晓欧郑婷婷刘晓飞林捷黄伟平文海龄杨庆森莫佩霞刘春丽林东杰张龙文林雨晨李杨周达平张少玲朱翠婷徐思思刘欢叶卓玲吴琴琴李毓敏陈哲蔡静李忠钰段艳红彭银美刘芝岑 法学院 21人 梁颖梁嘉慧冯俊文李佳乐张纯敏陈雪珍麦洁鸿黄泷一王漫黄兆铭温良苑陈敏谢小弓章畅黎益芳林旭华诸海云谢敏婷汤蕴诗田泽华钟诗环 政治与公共事务管理学院 15人 郑婷茹花立琦杨美芬卢琳琳胡三明王欢李顺张楠舒姗刘君卢思颖李宇聪曹蓓罗茜茜谢铿炜 亚太研究院 4人 童华灵乔溪陈妍洪媛 外国语学院 9人 储天舒陈丽如胡萍郑静赵登艳游小红孙劼刘芳王燕萍 翻译学院 14人 张婧梁楚倩吴辰岑陈静雯李莹亮唐晓玲姚姣姣李芳菲王怡子郑雅婧贾晓丹梁家利罗津津何舒恒 数学与计算科学学院 46人 邱燕艺郭绍军陈霭琳邱智荣窦钰罗芸骁曾庆君曾伟军丘宪恩庞飞宇吴建涌何均锐钟友良余国雁张锷熊芳梁智棠宋笑寒黄黎竹陈瑶徐庆琳梁浩波樊安之吴景荣陈颖孙雨王艺华陈俏玲庄明明张南阳谢博宇李家乾梁宇赖兆荣陈栋陈国兴邓太旺崔星山张华峰唐穗夏峥何健明


甭看名人励志演讲了,去看看耶鲁大学的公开课吧(中文字幕),能学到太多了,国内的大学真是误国误民啊。。。转来当日志收着来源:陈俐彤小C~的日志 最近一朋友和我讲,YALE大学把他们上课的内容录了下来,并发布在因特网上,供网络传播浏览。 一个全世界排名第二的大学,竟然把自己课程的内容完全录了下来,并在全世界传播,在大学产业化的中国,有些人会觉得不可思议,你没交学费,怎么可以把我的课程免费的给公众提供呢?可是人家并不是这样认为的,本着人不分贵贱,教育不分你我的原则,耶鲁大学做出了这个匪夷所思的举动,实在是非常钦佩。。。 好了,不说大话,这个公开课真的非常的好,我有义务分享给我的朋友们 首先你得会用电驴,具体怎么用百度去 ps:我分享的这个是有字幕的,而且这个字幕是非常考究的,所以出的非常慢,理解一下。。。 =========================================== 音乐学 聆听音乐Listening to Music(教授本人著述) 课程简介: 本课程培养在对西方音乐理解基础上对音乐的感悟。它会介绍各种类型的音乐是如何搭配,并教导如何聆听各种类型的音乐,从巴赫,莫扎特,格里高利咏叹调到蓝调 关于课程主讲人: Craig Wright在1966年于the Eastman School获得钢琴乐和音乐史双学位,在1972年于哈佛大学获得博士学位。 Craig Wright从1973年开始在耶鲁大学任教,目前是the Henry L. and Lucy G的音乐教授。 在耶鲁大学,Craig Wright的成就包括常年流行的入门课程“聆听音乐”和选择性研讨会“探索大自然的天才”。 每年夏天,他都会带领一些耶鲁大学的社团区法国,德国和意大利采风。


耶鲁大学开放课程《古希腊历史简介》(全24集) 讲师介绍: 名称:Donald Kagan 职业:耶鲁大学经典与历史学院教授 学位:俄亥俄州立大学博士学位 唐纳德卡根是耶鲁大学经典与历史学院Sterling教授。耶鲁大学的前院长,他在1958年从俄亥俄州立大学获得博士学位博士。他的著作包括Archidamian战争,尼西阿斯和平和西西里远征,伯里克利和关于战争的起源与维护和平,和伯罗奔尼撒战争中雅典帝国的诞生。2002年,他是全国人文奖章获得人,2005年被任命为国家人文基金会杰斐逊讲师。About Professor Donald Kagan Donald Kagan is Sterling Professor of Classics and History at Yale University. A former dean of Yale College, he received his Ph.D. in 1958 from The Ohio State University. His publications include The Archidamian War, The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition, Pericles and the Birth of the Athenian Empire, On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace, and The Peloponnesian War. In 2002 he was the recipient of the National Humanities Medal and in 2005 was named the National Endowment for the Humanities Jefferson Lecturer.


美国耶鲁大学电子工程专业详细介绍学校名称: 美国耶鲁大学 Yale University 所在位置:美国,美国康涅狄格州纽黑文市 QS排名:10 USNEWS排名:3 学费:45800 美金

录取率:0.06 Electrical Engineer,简称EE),是现代科技领域的核心学科之一。随着科学技术的飞速发展,21世纪的电气工程涵盖了几乎所有与电子、光子有关的工程行为。 二、研究方向 电子工程在中国有些学校称电子工程与信息科学,电子工程与计算机科学等。美国的电子工程专业在科研、教学及学术组织形式上与中国的电子工程专业有较大不同。美国的EE是一门内部具有很强交叉性的学科。美国主要大学电气工程学科的教学与科研领域简要归纳为11个方向:通讯与网络,计算机科学与工程,信号处理,系统控制,电子学与集成电路,光子学与光学,电力,电磁学,微结构(Microstructure),材料与装置,生物工程。

EE在申请时需要注意其研究的方向,因国内与美国在同一方向的研究重点不能够完全统一,学生在选择专业方向时要全面考虑每个专业分支的具体研究生方向及特点,美国的EE内部具有很强的交叉学科性。而国内将EE类学科拆成一个个小的方向,导致中国学生在选择专业方向时会很难把握。传统的国内教授则认为EE应该是以system为主要核心,主要原因就在于没有那么多科研的经费投到device,material层面去研究,认为这些方面的研究不能直接产生经济效益;而system曾面的研究得到的回报比较迅速。 三、研究核心 而美国的EE的faculty认为EE应该是以device为核心,向上向下分别延伸,称为system,material或者换句话说:EE就应该是以物理层面为主要的,虽然传统国内理解的Communication,SignalProcessing等方面前几年比较热,这只是因为他们的应用市场更广泛。美国也有system层面上的研究,但不像国内花费的精力大。


**大学推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士 学位研究生的实施办法 为了提高硕士研究生的生源质量,充分调动本科生的学习积极性,促进学生德、智、体全面发展,根据教育部关于推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试为硕士研究生(以下简称推免生)的有关文件精神,结合我校实际,特制定本办法。 一、推荐对象和条件 (一)推荐对象 推免生对象为应届本科毕业生。 (二)遴选条件 1.坚持四项基本原则,热爱社会主义祖国,勤奋学习,遵纪守法,品行端正,身心健康。 2.有较好的理论基础和较强的科研能力。 前3学年已获得学分不少于120,平均学分绩点居本专业年级前40%。 (三)优先推免条件 符合上述遴选条件且具备下列条件之一者,优先推免: 1.在三类以上学术期刊以第一作者发表专业学术论文不少于2篇。 2.获得国家级学术科技类竞赛二等奖及以上(第一、二完成人)。 3.参加国家级大学生创新实验项目并合格结题。 1

前40%内的具体排名方式由院(系)自行制定,并公布实施。专项计划的推免方案由相关部门或定向委培的单位制定。 二、推荐程序 学校成立推荐工作领导小组,由学校有关领导任组长,教务处、研究生院、纪检监察室、学生处、校团委、教授代表等为小组成员。各院系推荐小组负责组织本单位的推荐工作。 1.院系制定推免实施细则(包括院系遴选领导小组、遴选条件、专业分配指标和排名方法及优先推免项目、各项目优先等次等),推免实施细则公示,并报学校审核通过后执行。 2.院系公布学生排名。 3.符合推荐条件的学生先向院、系提出申请;各院、系推荐小组(由院长或系主任、主管教学院长或系主任、本科生导师,书记和辅导员等人员组成,凡与被考核者有直系亲属关系者,必须回避)依据公布的排名等额确定推荐名单、公示名单,并报学校。 3.学校公示,并报教育主管部门 推荐名单经校推免生遴选工作领导小组审核通过后公示。公示时间不少于教育主管部门的要求。 4.获得推免资格的同学按教育主管部门规定进行报名、志愿填报等工作。 三、推荐的名额 学校推荐的名额不得超过国家教育部下达的限额数,各院系具体分配名额见当年的推荐文件。专项计划名额按专项要求进行分配或选拔。 2


耶鲁大学生物统计学专业介绍 耶鲁大学生物统计学专业由公共卫生学院提供。耶鲁大学目前在QS世界排名第15位,在美国排名第8位。该校统计学目前在美国 排名第31位,一起来了解。 1.专业概况 耶鲁大学生物统计学硕士生学习生物医学科学领域的统计方法理论和应用。毕业生中一直有人从事保健科学行业,在生物技术企业、政府部门、制药公司就业。 申请这个生物统计学专业需要有数学、统计学和一门定量学科学习经历。数学的最低要求是学过一年微积分和一门线性代数。 除了生物统计学理学硕士,耶鲁大学也在这个领域开设公共卫生硕士专业。如果你想进一步了解这个公共卫生硕士专业,了解理学 硕士与公共卫生硕士的不同,请参加公共卫生硕士生物统计学网页。 请注意,理学硕士和公共卫生硕士可以同时申请。 2.学位要求 生物统计学理学硕士要求至少完成15个学分,学生必须完成以 下课程。 生物统计学与文献报告会(JournalClub)研讨、临床试验基础(一个学分)、应用回归分析(一个学分)、分类数据分析(一个学分)、纵 向与多层面数据分析(一个学分)、应用生存分析(一个学分)、统计 实践(第一部分、一个学分)、高级统计编程(一个学分)、统计实践(第二部分、一个学分)、概率理论(一个学分)、统计学理论(一个学分)、流行病学与公共卫生基础(一个学分)、生物统计学研究夏季实习。研究伦理学与责任。

从以下课程选择二门选修: 计算统计学(一个学分)、贝叶斯统计(一个学分)、生存分析理论(一个学分)、非参数统计方法及其应用(一个学分)、公共卫生空间统计学(一个学分)、广义线性模型理论(一个学分)。 此外,生物统计学专业的所有硕士生还需要完成一个专业发展系列。 有意向完成一篇论文的学生可以选择这样做。选择完成论文的学生必须在公开研讨会上展示研究成果,才能毕业。已经拿到公共卫生硕士或相关研究生学位的学生可以免除这个要求。 3.硕士论文 第二年的时候,生物统计学理学硕士方向的学生可以选择在老师指导下完成一个独立研究。这个研究项目一般要落在以下三个主要领域,它们分别是统计学新理论/方法论发展、现有方法特征的计算机辅助模拟、实时数据集分析。 如果选择提交一篇论文,学生将必须提交一篇书面和完成答辩才能毕业。所提交的论文必须是在生物统计学教职人员监督下完成。


外国语学院2019年度推荐和接收优秀应届本科毕业生 免试攻读硕士研究生(教育硕士)工作实施细则 为做好我院2019年推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生工作(以下简称推免工作),根据教育部文件《教育部办公厅关于进一步完善推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读研究生工作办法的通知》及学校《江西农业大学推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生实施办法(修订稿)》(赣农大发【2015】31号)文件精神,同时结合研究生院下发的关于做好我校2019年推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生工作的通知等各项文件规定,结合我院实际,制定本实施细则。 一、基本原则 (一)坚持科学、规范、明确的推荐标准、接收标准及公开透明的工作程序,确保推免工作公平、公正、公开。 (二)按照“全面考核,择优录取”的选拔原则,在对考生平时学习和科研能力综合测评的基础上,突出对考生科研潜质、创新能力和专业素质等方面的考查。 (三)严格制度管理,加强领导监督,最大限度地选拔优秀人才,提高研究生招生选拔质量。 二、组织与领导 (一)学院成立领导小组,负责学院推免生推荐、接收工作。领导小组组长由学院党政主要负责人担任,副组长由分管研究生工作的院领导担任,成员由院学科负责人、研究生秘书、学工办老师和导师代表组成。 1、组长: (二)学院成立院级推免工作小组,学院党政主要负责人为组长,分管研究生工作、本科教学工作、学生工作的领导、相关教研室主任、部分导师代表为成员,负责组织实施本学院的推免生推荐、接收工作。 1、组长: 三、推免工作日程安排 (一)9月6日前学院推免工作领导小组通知各毕业班班主任以班干部宣传动员符合推免条件的毕业生积极填写申请材料以及提交相关业绩材料。 (二)9月10日前,学院推免工作领导小组对申请的学生材料进行资格审核并将汇总名单移交给院研究生秘书。 (三)9月11日前,研究生秘书对申请的学生材料进行资格审核进行复审并将汇总名单上交给研究生院。 (四)9月17日前,学院根据研究生院分配给我院的推免生名额,学院推免工作领导小组组织提交申请符合推免资格的学生进行综合面试测评,确定推荐人员的名单并在学院进行公示,公示后无异议上报研究生院。


耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称“耶鲁(Yale)”,是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的世界著名私立研究型大学,最初由康涅狄格州公理会教友于1701年创立,1716年迁至康涅狄格州的纽黑文(New Haven)。 院校介绍 耶鲁大学是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。作为美国最具影响力的私立大学之一,耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,其本科学院与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学本科生院齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学本科生院美国前三名的位置,位列2016-17年US News美国大学本科排名第3(与芝加哥大学并列)。耶鲁大学共走出了5位美国总统、19位美国最高法院大法官、16位亿万富翁等等。 本科专业 建筑 由美国国家建筑认证委员会认证并受到国际认可,建筑本科专业达到专业标准。课程通过以下两点让学生进入专业领域:首先,传授制作建筑必需的知识;其次,强调学科的复杂性以及在从事建筑时需要承担的责任。 艺术

如果你想进入纽黑文市的大学学习美术,耶鲁大学将是你的最佳之选。耶鲁大学提供大量的雕塑和装置,绘画,素描,版画,视频和新媒体,耶鲁大学致力于在更大的艺术和设计的世界为学生创造社交机会。 电影 通过多学科交互、设置理论模型和全球化分析的方法,结合培养学生对记录性、实验性、叙述性、交互式等电影形式的理解以及严谨的说明、解释技巧。 艺术史 耶鲁大学包括艺术史、艺术理论、艺术批判专业,是全美此类最为全面详尽的艺术学院。耶鲁大学致力以艺术的视角对19、20、21世纪进行详尽的艺术研究,进行多文化和学科间的探究。通过团体和个人的艺术实践,对文化、哲学、政治进行研习,也为学生安排的艺术、历史、社会学的课程。 本科申请要求 语言成绩:雅思7.0;托福100;PTE 70 申请材料 通过网上申请,提交两封教师推荐信、成绩单和学校报告、需要SAT或ACT成绩、语言成绩、期中报告、期末报告。 本科作品集要求 作品数量5到8幅,至少包含一副绘画。作品集非必需,只有在你认为你的作品能够帮助到你的申请的情况下才提交作品集。 音乐 钢琴 a) Prescreening Recording(audio 或 Video) (1)巴赫的前奏曲和赋格或其他原创作品 (2) 海顿、莫扎特、贝敦芬或舒伯特的奏鸣曲或变奏曲 ( recording提供至少两个对比乐章;live audition,请准备整部作品) (3) 大型19世纪的浪漫主义作品 (4) 20或21世纪作品(如果是多乐章作品,提供至少两个对比乐章) b) Live audition 同上


数字人文实验室落户图书馆 前不久,耶鲁大学一则校内新闻引起了人们的关注。该校数字人文实验室(Digital Humanities Lab,简写为DHLab)乔迁新居,落户耶鲁斯特林图书馆。消息称,该实验室于10月9日开放。 相关报道所发布的照片中,首先映入眼帘的是一个巨大的玻璃立方体空间,但实际上,整个实验室分为三个部分。 第一部分是一个灵活的工作空间,配备有轮式家具,可以形成多种布局,以适应个人谈话、小组讨论、工作坊和其他各种学术活动。 这里有一个5英尺×11英尺的高清屏幕,由6个独立的触摸屏显示器组成,可以用来做详尽的演示。 研究者可以将自己的笔记本电脑定期连接到安装在房间墙壁上的10个额外的高清显示器上,以展示他们的工作并与大家进行讨论。 吸引人目光的是那个开放式天花板的玻璃立方体工作空间,这是一个安全的工作空间,玻璃墙可以自由闭合,让研究者的工作不受干扰。 最后一部分位于立方体后面,配有独立的工作站和软椅,位于房间每个角落的书桌为图书管理员提供了与研究者协商的空间。 其实,这里原来是一个阅览室,经过翻修,配备了高科技的设备,研究人员可以在此利用数字工具和科学方法来研究人文学科。 耶鲁图书馆馆长和负责馆藏与学术交流的副教务长吉普森(Susan Gibbons)说,近年来,耶鲁师生对从事人文学科前沿研究的兴趣越来越浓厚。 学校一直通过实物收集以及数据管理和分析方面的技术与专业知识予以支持,现在,拥有了这个全新的空间,学校就可以通过先进的计算、专门的工具和协作空间优化对研究的支持。

何为数字人文 数字人文有诸多的定义与概念。我在一篇专论数字人文的文章中指出,数字人文是一种将新 的技术工具与方法运用到传统的人文学科的教学、科研、服务以及其他创造性工作之中的新 型学科。 反过来,数字人文学者也运用传统的人文学科研究的思维与方法反思数字人文的运用与价值。 在这里,“数字”与“人文”之间存在着一种双向的联动关系,新技术的生成与应用,改造了传 统的人文学科,诞生了数字人文,拓展了新型的人文学科;与此同时,人们也可以依据传统 的人文学科的思维方式与研究方法,观察、研究、质疑乃至批判数字人文之于文化传统与数 字文化的深刻影响。 而通过上述概念,我们大体上可以看到数字人文所具有的四大基本特征。 首先,数字人文是文理结合的产物。 由人文学科与计算或信息技术相结合,推翻了文理之间、人文与技术之间过去极为森严的壁垒,走到了一个全新的相互合作、共同发展的阶段。 其次,数字人文具有跨学科与学科交叉的特点。 人文学科包括语言、文学、历史、哲学等各领域,与计算或者信息技术相结合,往往超越了 单一的学科范畴,从而走向跨学科的研究。 再次,改变了传统人文学科知识的生产、保存与传播媒介。 在过去人文学科单纯或者主要依靠印刷文本来完成并获得人们认可的基础上,引入了数字工 具与方法,从而使人文学科发生了革命性的变化。 最后,数字人文令传统的人文学科发挥了意想不到的作用。


罗伯特布劳克 Robert Blocker, 耶鲁大学音乐学院院长 美国知名的音乐管理专家 1995年7月担任耶鲁大学音乐学院院长 之前担任美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校艺术和建筑系学创始院院长,同 时在安德鲁管理学院教授艺术管理。 Achievements and Awards成就和奖项 Honorary Professor of Piano, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, PRC, 2006 荣誉钢琴教授,中国北京中央音乐学院,2006年 The Samuel Simon Sanford Medal, Yale University School of Music, 2005 塞缪尔·西蒙桑福德奖章,耶鲁大学音乐学院,2005年 President’s Citation for Extraordinary Service, University of North Texas, 2005 总统特别贡献奖,北德克萨斯州大学,2005年 Distinguished Alumni Award, Furman University, 1999 年度杰出校友奖,弗曼大学,1999年 Order of the Palmetto, 1993 (highest distinction for service awarded by the state of South Carolina) Oder of the Palmetto奖(南卡罗来纳州颁发的最高特殊贡献奖),1993年 Selected Books主要著作 The Arts and Worship (with H. Warlick), forthcoming 《艺术和宗教》(与H. Warlick合著),即将出版 The Robert Shaw Reader, editor, Yale University Press, 2004 《罗伯特·肖·里德》,耶鲁大学出版社,2004 Education教育 BA Furman University, 1968 费曼大学(本科),1968年 MM University of North Texas, 1970年 北德克萨斯州大学(音乐硕士),1970年 DMA University of North Texas, 1972 北德克萨斯州大学(音乐艺术博士),1972年 (资料来源:哈佛大学音乐学院官网https://www.sodocs.net/doc/393832002.html,/ )


2013年武汉理工大学推荐免试研究生条例 【推荐范围】 (一)必须是纳入国家普通本科招生计划录取的我校2013年应届毕业生。? (二)定向培养的学生申请推荐免试研究生时,必须经定向培养单位同意并出具书面同意函。(三)国防生申请推荐免试研究生时,必须经中国人民解放军驻武汉理工大学后备军军官选拔培训工作办公室同意并出具书面同意函。 【推荐免试研究生类别】 (一)2013年推免生分为“学术型硕士学位研究生”和“专业学位硕士研究生”两个类型,分别按学院计划和学校单列计划两种方式进行推荐,具体类别如下: A类:学术型推免生(学院计划) C类:学术型推免生(学校单列计划) D类:专业学位推免生(学院计划) E类;专业学位推免生(学校单列计划) (二)2013年继续推荐“中国青年志愿者扶贫接力计划研究生支教团”(简称“研究生支教团”)硕士学位研究生,具体推荐对象和条件、推荐办法和工作程序等见校团委文件。 【推荐条件】 (一)基本条件 1、具有高尚的爱国主义情操和集体主义精神,社会主义信念坚定,社会责任感强,遵纪守法,积极向上,身心健康。 2、勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优秀;学术研究兴趣浓厚,有较强的创新意识、创新能力和专业能力倾向。 3、诚实守信,学风端正,无任何考试作弊和剽窃他人学术成果记录。 4、品行表现优良,无任何违法违纪受处分记录。 (二)具体条件 1、申请A类学术型推免生者,除符合基本条件外,同时应符合以下条件:①综合测评为班级前5名或者专业前20%,德育为优秀;②本专业必修课程平均学分绩在80分以上,智育为班级前5名或者专业前20%,无不及格课程;③CET-4成绩在425分及以上(小语种参照上述标准执行),英语专业的学生要求TEM4成绩在60分及以上。对外语成绩有特殊要求的专业,由所在专业提出外语水平要求。 2、申请C类学术型推免生者,除符合基本条件外,同时应符合以下条件:①具有特殊学术专长或具有突出培养潜质;具有特殊学术专长一般指:a.有较强的创新意识,在科研或科研实践中有突出表现,并在学校认定的国家重要期刊上以第一作者(或独撰)身份发表过两篇及以上学术论文(或在学校认定的A类或B类期刊上发表一篇论文);b.在全国、省部级学术科技竞赛、发明创造竞赛中荣获国家三等奖(含三等奖)以上或省部级一等奖(含一等奖)以上奖励。②必修课平均学分绩在75分以上,原则上不能有不及格课程;③CET-4成绩在425分及以上(小语种参照上述标准执行),英语专业的学生要求TEM4成绩在60分及以上;④本校本专业三名以上教授联名推荐(《武汉理工大学推荐免试生教授推荐书》见附件1)。 3、申请D类专业学位推免生,除符合基本条件外,同时应符合以下条件:①综合测评为班级前10名或者专业前40%,德育为优秀;②本专业必修课程平均学分绩在75分以上,智育为班级前10名或者专业前40%,无不及格课程;③CET-4成绩在425分及以上(小语种参照上述标准执行),英语专业的学生要求TEM4成绩在60分及以上。 4、申请E类专业学位推免生,除符合基本条件外,同时应符合以下条件:①具有一定的学术专长或培


耶鲁大学的教学理念及启示 摘要:耶鲁大学作为一所世界著名学府,具有300多年的悠久历史和学术声誉,取得了令世人瞩目的学术成就,培育出了许多适应时代发展的精英人才,正是因为在其发展历程中形成了鲜明的独具特色的办学理念,并毅然决然地追随这一理念,使它不断地发扬下去。探讨和学习它的教学理念,对目前我国大学发展目标的定位、特色的形成与变革中的发展战略等方面的确立具有重要的意义。 关键字:耶鲁大学教学理念特色办学启示 背景:在全球化的21世纪,我国“211”工程和“985”工程的先后实施,争创世界一流大学,国内一流大学的呼声高涨,各所大学想要摆脱危机,树立有特色的、与时俱进的教学理念是我国高等教育发展形势的要求和深层次寻找自己的发展之路上的必要探索。 理念是大学生存力量之所在,耶鲁大学在其发展过程对其教学理念的继承和发展,使其成为别具一格的耶鲁。耶鲁的教学理念具有改革创新、以人为本、求实崇真、使命引导、学术自由和强调社会责任等特点。所以,了解像耶鲁大学这样享誉世界的一流大学是如何建成和发展完善的就对于我国建设世界一流大学,现代化的建设和名族的伟大复兴具有重要的借鉴意义。 耶鲁大学的教学理念探析及启示: (一)教授治校 耶鲁最重要的管理特色“教授治校”,这一理念对美国高等教育产生了巨大的影响。在当时的美国流传着这样一句话:“普林斯顿董

事掌权、哈佛校长当家、耶鲁教授做主”。在耶鲁,教授是大学的核心,大学的精髓,大学的终身工作人员。教授治校的本质是教授治学,具体体现在注重本科生教育,师生共铸一流质量和注重教授民主治校,捍卫学术自由两个方面。 相比哈佛、普林斯顿等其他美国名校,耶鲁的教授为本科生上课的比例是最高的。正是由于许多学识渊博的教授亲自教育本科生,才使得耶鲁的本科教育在美国始终处于领先水平。在学校管理上,各个学院的教授会构成一种民主联盟,在学校教学管理方面拥有很大的自主权,如教授可以决定用什么样的教材,可以聘请谁当助教,可以决定给谁发奖学金等。有关教学活动安排之类的大会都由教授会决定。耶鲁在赋予教授权力的同时,坚定捍卫教授的权利,捍卫学术自由。 此外,教授治学的宗旨是维护大学的学术权力。大学作为一个对高深知识进行选择、传承、批判和创新的场所,具有很大的学术性和专业性。高深知识是学术权力的基础和前提。谁掌握了它,谁就有发言权,而且掌握其深度越大广度越大,发言权就越有分量。而教授是大学所有人员中最有权威的,因此,大学应该由教授享有最高的权利,同时必须突出学术权力的霸主地位。 目前我国的大学,即使个别学校倡导教授治校,但在实施过程中却困难重重,甚至是有名无实。作为学术主体的教师很难参与到大学的决策程序中,严重危害了大学的学术自由,限制了大学高深学问的探究。这就需要我们牢固树立教授治校的办学理念,选择具有远见卓识的教育家作为大学的领导者。同时在不同学科、不同研究领域或不


对申请免试攻读硕士学位研究生资格有参考价值的申请人自述:尊敬的领导、老师您们好: 我是东北大学经济管理学院某某专业的一名学生,从小就对石油大学非常的向往。经过三年多会计专业的课程学习,我能熟练掌握会计学原理、财务会计、成本会计、预算会计、管理会计、会计电算化等重要的会计理论知识。同时,通过学校组织的会计模拟实验,,培养了我熟练的专业技能。完善了自己的知识体系。 科研成果上,在2008年10月,参与国家大学生创新性实验计划,自主确立大学生创新立项课题“大庆经济的可持续发展”,项目最终取得了良好成绩。另外,按教学大纲要求,出色的完成了用友、EXCEL 在公司财务管理中的运用等相关课程的实践环节,所做的研究报告都得到了比较高的成绩绩点。在中国人民银行大庆分行一年的实习中,我负责储户信息调查统计工作,进一步丰富了自己的实践经验。为充实自己专业技能,我利用业余时间学习操作金碟等财务软件和OFFICE 系列办公软件。 另外,我在大学期间,担任过经济管理学院主任等学生干部工作,班级党支部书记。策划组织过大型晚会,三年学生干部的工作经历锻造了我认真、细致、严谨的工作态度,以人为本的工作理念及全力以赴的工作精神。在学生工作中我始终保持着高涨的工作热情和强烈的责任感——因责任而坚持,有责任才有效率。荣获“优秀学生干部”“优秀团干部优秀校庆志愿者等荣誉称号。三年来获得过一等奖学金2次,三等奖学金1次。 在研究生阶段,我希望有机会对以下方面进行深入研究: 我国管理会计理论与实务,管理会计的研究现正面临两大选择:一是仍然沿着管理会计的发展线索,使其研究建立在传统理论与方法基础之上;二是面向实际,开拓新的研究领域与研究课题。 管理会计发展的趋势,从管理会计理论实践方面来说,大致有以下两个方面:财务指标与非财务指标双管齐下进行绩效考核,案例研究是未来管理会计研究的发展方向,面向实际的研究需要具备较为坚实的理论基础,并需要花费大量的时间进行数据收集与调查分析,需要坚持不懈的努力。 最后,希望领导和老师考虑我的申请,能够得到一次到贵校继续深造的机会!


美国耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学环境可持续发展指标体系2000年,美国耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学合作开发了环境可持续发展指标体系(ESI),对不同国家的环境状况进行系统化、定量化的比较,用以衡量一个国家或地区能为其后代人保持良好环境状态的能力,也可作为环境决策的基础之一。长期的环境可持续性取决于基本的天赋资源、已往的实践活动、当前的环境结果以及对于挑战的适应能力等多项因素,因此,ESI 主要包括5个核心部分: ①环境系统的状态,如:空气、土壤、生态系统和水; ②环境系统所承受的压力,以污染程度和开发程度来衡量; ③人类对于环境变化的脆弱性,表现为粮食资源的匮乏或环境所致疾病的损失; ④社会与体制应对环境挑战的能力; ⑤对全球环境合作需求的反应能力,如通过合作努力保护大气等国际环境资源。 2000年推出ESI包含5个组成部分、21个指标和64个变量, 2005年版的ESI的变量由64个增加到76个,主要反映一个国家或地区的自然资源状况、过去和现在的污染水平、环境管理水平以及社会改善环境业绩的能力等各种数据。 美国耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学环境可持续发展指标体系(2005)

美国耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学环境绩效指数(EPI) 在环境可持续发展指标体系(ESI)的基础上,2006年,研究者们发布了环境绩效指数(EPI)。环境绩效指数的两个总体目标是环境健康和生态系统活力,环境健康评估人类免于自然环境危害的绩效,生态系统活力评估生态系统保护和自然资源管理的绩效。两个总目标被进一步分为9个大类(环境政策优先解决问题),包括空气质量、森林、渔业、和气候和能源等,9个大类下面是20个由国家层面的数据通过计算和统计形成的指标指标。


关于做好2019年推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士 研究生工作的通知 按照《教育部办公厅关于做好2019年推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读研究生工作的通知》(教学厅〔2018〕10号)文件要求,根据《上海理工大学推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士研究生实施办法》(上理工〔2015〕77号文)的有关规定,为做好我校2019年应届本科毕业生推荐免试为硕士研究生(以下简称为“推免生”)工作,现就有关事项通知如下: 一、推荐对象 凡属于国家普通全日制本科招生计划录取的2019年应届毕业生(不含第二学士学位、专升本学生、委培生、定向生)并符合以下条件者均可成为推荐对象: 1.具有高尚的爱国主义情怀和集体主义精神,社会责任感强,遵纪守法,诚实守信,模范遵守校纪校规,在校期间未受任何处分; 2.学习成绩优秀,学术研究兴趣浓厚,创新意识、创新能力较强,专业素养良好。第一至第六学期修读课程的累计平均绩点在3.00及以上;成绩排名原则上在专业前50%。 3.英语国家六级(CET6)等级考试成绩达到425分及以上,外语专业学生通过国家专业外语四级及以上考试; 4.身体健康。 二、推荐遴选原则 1文档收集于互联网,已整理,word版本可编辑.

1.各学院在推荐时要牢固树立质量意识,进一步完善全面考查、综合评价、择优选拔的推免生评价体系和工作机制。坚持德智体全面衡量,以德为先,把考生思想品德考核作为推免生遴选的重要内容和录取的重要依据,思想品德考核不合格者不予推荐录取;突出科研创新能力考核,既要注重学生学习成绩、一贯表现,也要加强对考生科研创新潜质和专业素质能力的考核,考查学生综合分析能力、实验动手能力、科研创新潜质、专业能力、组织协调能力和合作精神。 原则上学业成绩占综合考评分的比例不低于75%。 2.在数学、物理、电子、机械设计竞赛和全国大学生挑战杯大赛中获得全国、市级奖项者,根据获奖情况,可适当放宽基本推荐条件;本科阶段入伍并荣立三等功及以上者,按学校相关文件执行。学院要将学生在本校就读期间有服兵役情况、参加志愿服务、到国际组织实习等情况纳入推免生遴选指标体系。 三、推荐名额 教育部下达给我校的2019年推荐免试生名额共190名。依据教育部主动对接国家发展战略,对一流学科、前沿学科、基础学科及国家发展急需的相关学科给予重点支持的文件精神,按照各学院2015级学生数和我校以工科为主,理学、经济学、管理学、文学协调均衡发展、特色显著的办学目标,各学院向学校推荐免试生的计划名额如下:能源与动力工程学院16名,光电信息与计算机工程学院33名,管理学院36名,机械学院17名, 2文档收集于互联网,已整理,word版本可编辑.
