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中华人民共和国组织机构代码证 英文翻译版

中华人民共和国组织机构代码证 英文翻译版

The People’s Republic China Remarks

Organization Code Certificate https://www.sodocs.net/doc/337810268.html,anization Code of the People’s Republic of China is the sole and unchanged legal code (Duplicate) for an organization in the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The Code certificate

is the certificate for an organization’s legal code mark,made in original and duplicate. Code: 2.The certificate shall not be leased,lent,infringed,transferred,forged,modified, or illegally


Name of Organization: 3.It must be applied for change registration when the registered matters of the certificate have

any changes.

4.The organization shall make annual check according to related regulations of issuing


Type of Organization: Undertaking Legal Person 5. When the organization is cancelled or annulled, cancellation for registration shall be made (Legal Representative: ) with the original issuing authority,and the code certificate shall be recalled.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Address: of the People’s Republic of China ( Seal)

Certificate annual check shall not be informed seperately

Annual Check Record

Term of Validity: Array Issue by: Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of


Registration NO.:ZDG NO.


Household Register Under Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C. Points for Attention 1. The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It is a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register. 2. The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly. 3. Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it. 4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office. 5. If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.


签证户口本翻译模板 工作人员受过开除处分或刑事处分的,应当从重新参加工作之日起计算工作年限;但 情节较轻,并且经过任免机关批准的,其受处分以前工作的时间,也可以合并计算工作年限。 In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories. 户口本是证明公民身份、记录居民家庭关系状况的法定证件,是公民经常使用的一种 公开性证件。劳教、服刑等不良记录可以出现在个人档案或户籍备案中,而不能出现在户 口簿上,随易向公众展示。 分为两种形式,一种是《常住人口登记本》,户口登记机关留存备用,是整个户口登 记管理最基本的准据文档;一种是《居民户口本》,由户口登记机关加盖“户口专用章”,户口个人页加盖“户口登记章”之后颁发所登记的住户居民自己保存备用。财政部和发改 委2020年12月30日联合下发通知,自2020年1月1日起,取消和免征户口簿工本费。 海涛假期市场总监孙丽婵告诉记者,外国尤其是发达国家之所以需要中国公民提供户 口本,确实与中国存在很多非法滞留、打“黑工”有很大关系。孙丽婵说,其实外国人的 思想不会复杂到去了解什么是中国的户籍制度,也基本不会核对户口本信息是不是与其他 材料完全一致,但他们比较相信有家庭观念的人出现抛家舍业、滞留他乡的概率会很小。“所以户口本可能在外国人眼中有点儿‘家谱’的意思,证明签证申请人有家庭、有亲属。” 纯能量创造物质粒子无疑是相对论产生的最惊人的影响,也只有通过上述粒子观才能 理解。在相对粒子物理学诞生之前,人们一直以为物质的构成成分要么是不可毁灭和改变 的基本单位,要么是可以分解为其构成部分的合成物。基本的问题是:人们是否可以一次 又一次地分裂物质,或者说人们是否可以最终达到一些最小的不可分割的单位。 Economic issues have occupied people’s minds throughout the ages. (4) Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth, property, and trade, both of whom were prejudiced against commerce, feeling that to live by trade was undesirable. The Romans borrowed their economic ideas from the Greeks and showed the same contempt for trade. (5) During the Middle Ages the economic ideas of the Roman Catholic church were expressed in the law of the


I WAS born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family, though not of that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull. He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterwards at York, from whence he had married my mother, whose relations were named Robinson, a very good family in that country, and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer; but, by the usual corruption of words in England, we are now called - nay we call ourselves and write our name - Crusoe; and so my companions always called me. I had two elder brothers, one of whom was lieutenant-colonel to an English regiment of foot in Flanders, formerly commanded by the famous Colonel Lockhart, and was killed at the battle near Dunkirk against the Spaniards. What became of my second brother I never knew, any more than my father or mother knew what became of me. Being the third son of the family and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house-education and a country free school generally go, and


房产证英语翻译英文翻 译 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

House Property Ownership Certificate The People's Republic of China Made and supervised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P eople’s Republic of China (2012 Version) Building registration No.: ***** In accordance with the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the House Property Ownership Certificate is a proof of the obligee’s ownership of the house property. Registration Agency (seal): People's Government of ***** City

Issued by (seal): Special Seal for Property Ownership Registration of Real Estate Administration Bureau of ** City Date of Printing: **

Floor Plan of the House Notes 1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the right of property ownership. 2.Property owners and interested parties can inquire the registration information of the property according to relevant laws. 3.The information of items recorded in this certificate is in consistent with that on the housing ledger. Should any inconsistency occur, please refer to the housing ledger, unless there is evidence showing otherwise. 4.Any other organization or individual other than the registration agency shall not make notes or stamp on this certificate. 5.This certificate shall be kept properly. The loss and damage of the certificate shall be reported to the Bureau and its holders should apply for re-issue promptly. No. **


The People ' s Republic of China Property Ownership Certificate According to " the People'sRepublic of Urban Real Estate Management Law," " Guangdongprovince town real estate right registration ordinance" and other provi sions of the relevant laws for the protection of housing ownership and land use ri ghts of the legitimate rights and interests of people on housing ownership and la nd use rights to apply for registration housing land rights, we have investigated a nd reviewed, to grant registration, issuance of this permit. Issuing Authority:

Huizhou City Land and Property Management Authority

Yue Property Own ership Certificate Huizhou Zi, No. ************** Issued by: Huizhou City Land and Property Man ageme nt Authority


Points for Attention 1. Household register has legal effectiveness to certify a resident’s identity and relations between family members. It is the main basis for household registration authority to make survey and check the census register. The head of the household and the family members should hand out the household register on their own initiative when Staff members of the authority make survey and check. 2. The head of the household should keep the register properly. It is forbidden to alter privately, to transfer and to borrow or lend. If the register is lost, please let household registration authority know immediately. 3. The right of the household registration belongs to household registration authority. Any other unit or individual mustn’t make record on the register. 4. In case of the increase or decrease of the family members, the register should be handed to household registration authority for registration. 5. If the whole family moves from the jurisdictional area, the register should be handed to household registration authority for cancellation.


此中文譯本僅供參考之用,文義如有歧義概以英文版本爲準 巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司 Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited 之 組織章程大綱及細則 於2005年11月24日註冊成立 開曼群島

秘書證明書 巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司 Century Yard, Cricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681 George Town Grand Cayman British West Indies 吾等,Codan Trust Company(Cayman)Limited,作為巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司(「公司」)的助理秘書,謹此證明以下均是經公司全體股東於2006年8月28日通過而採納的書面決議案的真實副本,且該等決議案自獲採納以來並未作出修改。 議決: 1.採納公司新組織章程細則(「組織章程細則」)(隨附由公司一位董事簽署 並註有「A」字樣以供識別的副本)以取代及取締本公司現有組織章程細則; 2.公司的法定股本通過增設662,000,000股與現有股份享有同等權利的每股面 值0.01元的額外股份(「股份」)由380,000港元增加至7,000,000港元。 (簽署) Jonathan Law 代表 Codan Trust Company(Cayman)Limited 助理秘書 日期:2006年8月29日

公司法 獲豁免股份有限公司 巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司 經修正與重述的組織章程大綱 (於 2006年2月28日由單一股東 根據通過的特別決議採納) 1.本公司名稱為Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司。 2.本公司註冊辦事處為the office of Codan Trust Company (Cayman) Limited,Century Yard, Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O.Box 2681 GT, George Town, Grand Cayman, British West Indies。 3.在本組織章程大綱下述條文所規限下,本公司的成立宗旨並無限制。 4.在本組織章程大綱下述條文所規限下,本公司根據公司法第27(2)條規定擁有,且能 夠在任何時候或不時行使作為一個具有充分行為能力的自然人所擁有的全部行為能力,而不論是否符合公司利益。 5.除非已獲正式取得執照,否則本組織章程大綱不允許本公司經營根據開曼群島法例 須在取得執照下方可經營的業務。 6.除為加強在開曼群島以外地區的業務外,本公司將不會在開曼群島與任何人士、公 司或機構進行業務來往;但本條文不應被詮釋為妨礙本公司在開曼群島執行及訂立合約及在開曼群島行使一切在開曼群島以外地區經營業務所需的權力。 7.本公司股東的責任以其當時各自持有股份的未繳股款為限。 8.本公司的股本為港幣380,000元,分為38,000,000股每股港幣1.00元的股份。 9.本公司可行使公司法內的權力以在開曼群島註銷及在其他司法管轄地區註冊。


签证用户口簿翻译模板(标准版) Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Basic Information of Household No. 88888888 Register of Residence Change

Information of Member

Updates of Member's Information

翻译及填写注意事项: 1.户号:Household number 注意,我不知道其他地区的户口簿中这个“户号”是如何打印的。北京的户 号是红色字体,打印在表格外右上角。表格内“户号”一栏反而是空的。 填写的时候一定要注意,不要忘了将模板上的No. 88888888改为实际的户号。 2.集体户:Corporate 很多人将“集体户口”译为collective,是根据字面按照汉语思维做的机械翻译。译为corporate较为恰当。 非农业家庭户即为Non-agricultural family。 非农业集体户即为Non-agricultural corporate。 其他依此类推。 有的户口簿“户口类型”一栏不注明“农业”或“非农业”,直接就是“家 庭户”或“集体口”。这种情况,建议译为Household of a Family 或Household of a Corporate。 2a.集体户口常住人口登记卡

——这绝对是个具有“中国特色”的名词。我琢磨了一下,建议这样翻译:Registry of De Jure Population in Corporate Household 其中,de jure是个法律术语,拉丁文,意思是“合法的”、“已注册的”;De Jure Population就是“常住人口”的概念。 有人翻译为Permanent Resident,不能说错。一个国家的Permanent Resident,就是这个国家的“永久居民”(不一定是本国公民,也可能是拿到“绿卡”、获得该国永久居留权的外国公民)。但是,对于一个城市,特别是对于一个“集体户口”内的人口,只能是“常住人口”,不可能是真正“永久”的人口。现在不是封建社会,是允许劳动力自由流动的。所以,一个“集体户口”内的“常住人口”不建议译为permanent resident,译为de jure population好一些,也比较能够“跟国际接轨”,呵呵。 或者可以回避这个问题,直接简单译为Information of Member。 2b.非亲属,可译为Non-relative,或者用形容词Non-relational 所谓“亲属(relative)”,既可能是“血亲(法律术语consanguinity)”,也可能是“姻亲(法律术语affinity)”。两者可以统称relative,对应的形容词是relational。 其他还有一些非正式的用语,如kinfolk、kinsfolk、kindred等,一般不作为法律术语使用,而且其意义都偏向于“血亲”,或者有“宗亲”、“氏族”等含义,不要乱用。 Descent虽然也是正式的法律术语,但其意义是“(以血缘关系为纽带的)宗族、血统、门第、世袭”。这里也不适用。 3.户主与户内成员的姓名


X京房权证朝字号:1203587 X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587

房屋所有权人赵四 Owner of the house Zhao Si 共有情况共同共有 Co-ownership Circumstance Joint possession 房屋坐落朝阳区和平街十区19号楼3层2单元306 Location Room 306, Unit 2, Floor 3, Apt. 19, Zone 10 Heping Streest, Chaoyang District 登记时间2013-01-16 Date of registration January 16, 2013 房屋性质商品房 Housing property Commercial residential building 住宅 规划用途 Residence 房屋状况建筑面积套内建筑面积 总层数其他 Building Building area Building area in the suite Total floors Others Condition (就)(就)

附记 Remarks 共有人房屋所有权共有份额 赵四X京房权朝字第1203587号共同共有 王五X京房权朝字第1203587号共同共有 Co-owner HouseProperty Right Certificate No. Share of co-ownership Zhao Si X Beijing House Property Right Certificate No. 1203587 Joint possession


The People 'Republic of Chi na Real Property Own ership Certificate In accordanee with the Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China, This Housing Ownership Certificate shall be the evidenee for the holder ' s own ership of a realty. Date: Mini stry of land and resources of People's Republic of China NO. Jin g(2017)Chao Real Property Right No.XXXXX

Remarks Co-ow ners Number of buildi ng own ership Com mon share certificate XXXXXX Jin g(2017)Real Property Right in Com mon share Chaoya ng


rty Con structi on Area of bun galow Con structi on Area of Buildi ng Total Area Buil ding No. Loca tion & Roo No. Const ructi on Total Fl oo floor r Buildi ng Y ear Buildi ng Area Total Area Use Area In clud ing House with Certifi Balco share ny build in const


ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.


《兰亭集序》(林语堂两种英文翻译版本) 永和九年,岁在癸丑,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。群贤毕至,少长咸集。此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹;又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲水,列坐其次。虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。 是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅,仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。 夫人之相与,俯仰一世,或取诸怀抱,晤言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。虽取舍万殊,静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,不知老之将至。及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀。况修短随化,终期于尽。古人云:“死生亦大矣。”岂不痛哉! 每览昔人兴感之由,若合一契,未尝不临文嗟悼,不能喻之于怀。固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭殇为妄作。后之视今,亦犹今之视昔。悲夫!故列叙时人,录其所述,虽世殊事异,所以兴怀,其致一也。后之览者,亦将有感于斯文。 第一种翻译(个人觉得稍显生硬): This is the ninth year of Yungho (AD353) Kueichou in cycle. We met in late spring at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin to celebrate the Water Festival. All the scholar friends are gathered, and there is a goodly mixture of old and young. In the background lie high peaks and deep forests, while a clear, gurgling brook catches the light to the right and to the left. We then arrange ourselves, sitting on its bank, drinking in succession form the goblet as it floats down the stream .No music is provided, but with drinking and with song, our hearts are gay and at ease. It is a clear spring day with a mild, caressing breeze, the vast universe, throbbing with life, lies spread before us, entertaining the eye and pleasing the spirit and all the senses. It is perfect. Now when men come together, they let their thoughts travel to the present. Some enjoy a quiet conversation indoors and others play about outdoors, occupied with what they love. The forms of annulment differ according to temperaments, but when each has found what he wants, he is happy and never feels old, then as time passes on and one is tired of his pursuits, it seems that what fascinated him not so long ago has become a mere memory. What a thought! Besides, whether individually we live a long life or not, we all return to nothingness. The ancient regarded death as the great question. Is it not sad to think of it? I often thought that the people of the past lived and felt exactly as we of today. Whenever I read their writing, I felt this way and was seized with its pathos. It is cool comfort to say that life and death are different phases of the same thing and that a long span of life or a short one does not matter. Alas! The people of the future will look upon us as we look upon those who have gone before us. Hence I have recorded here those present and what they said. Ages may pass and times may change, but the human sentiments will be the same; I know that future readers who set their eyes upon these words will be affected in the same way.


The People’s Republic of China Property Ownership Certificate

According to"the People's Republic of Urban Real Estate Management Law,"" Guangdong province town real estate right registration ordinance"and other provi sions of the relevant laws for the protection of housing ownership and land use ri ghts of the legitimate rights and interests of people on housing ownership and la nd use rights to apply for registration housing land rights,we have investigated a nd reviewed,to grant registration,issuance of this permit. Issuing Authority: Huizhou City Land and Property Management Authority

Yue Property Ownership Certificate Huizhou Zi, No. ************** Issued by: Huizhou City Land and Property Management Authority


ATTENTION 1.Residents Booklet have the force of law with proof of citizenship and relationship between family members. It is the main basis for the Household Registration Office to investigating and verifying the situation of the residence. House owner and family members should hand in the Residents Booklet when the household registration officer investigate and check the household registration 2.House owner should keep the Residents Booklet safely. It should not be altered, transfer, lend. Please report Household Registration Office. when being lost. 3.The rights of registration of Residents Booklet belong to Household Registration Office. Any other unit or individuals shall not make any records in the booklet 4.House owner should register the changes of family members or the other contents. 5.All family members moving out of residence jurisdiction should hand in Residents Booklet to Household Registration Office. No.


翻译服务合同(含英文译本) 甲方:_________ 地址:_________ 乙方:_________ 地址:_________ 甲乙双方本着友好协商、共同发展的原则签订本翻译服务合同,其条款如下: 一、甲方委托乙方为其提供翻译服务,及时向乙方提交清晰、易于辨认的待译资料,提出明确要求,并对乙方的翻译质量进行监督。 二、乙方按时完成翻译任务(如发生不可抗力的因素除外),向甲方提供已翻译好的打印件及电子文件各一份。具体交稿日期由双方商定。对于加急稿件,交稿期限由双方临时商议。 三、乙方对甲方提供的任何资料必须严格保密,不得透露给第三方。 四、翻译工作量统计:电子译稿:按电脑统计的中文版字符数计算(中文版word2000中"不计空格的字符数");打印译稿:按中文原稿行数×列数统计计算(行×列)。 五、乙方按优惠价格向甲方收取翻译费用:英译汉为_________元/千字符(_________字以上)。

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天净沙 秋思 英语翻译版本

天净沙秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。 译作1:Tr. Wayne Schlepp译 Tune to “Sand and Sky” ----Autumn Thoughts Dry vine,old tree,crow at dusk Low bridge,stream running,cottages Ancient road,west wind,lean nag The sun westerning And one with breaking heart at the sky’s edge 省略冠词,减掉了拖沓松散之感,有节奏rhythm和音律melody美 缺少韵脚美和以文为画的意境美译作2:丁祖馨译 To the Tune of Tianjingsha Withered vines hanging on old braches, Returning crows croaking at dusk. A few houses hidden past a narrow bridge, And blow the bridge a quiet creek running。Down a worn path,in the west wind, A lean horse comes plodding.The sun dips down in the west, And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world. 无形象美,hidden好,动态描述美学效果 译作3:许渊冲译 Tune: Sunny Sand Autumn Thoughts Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly crows; Under a small beside a cot a stream flows; On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes. Westwards declines the setting sun. Far,far from home is the heart-broken one. 押韵,每句句首都是介词译作4:翁显良译 Autumn Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed with rotten vine--the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream,and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, The west wind moaning,his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun,father and father away from home. 译作5:周方珠 Autumn Thought To the Tune of Sky-Clear Sand Withered vine,old tree,a raven at dusk crows, Tiny bridge,thatched cottages,the stream flows, Ancient road, bleak wind,a bony steed slows. The setting sun in the west glows, The sorrow of the heart-broken traveler grows
