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1. be sad about为(因)……而悲伤(伤心)。如:

I was glad to be going home, but sad about the friends I

was leaving behind. 我很高兴可以回家了,但却为留下的朋友感到伤心。


We were sad about [at, over, with] her death. 我们为她的死感到悲伤。

2. be sad to do sth因做某事而悲伤(伤心)。如:

We were sad to hear the news. 我们听到这个消息很伤心。

I was sad to see them go in the end. 我看见他们最终走了感到很伤心。

3. sad to say不幸的是,倒霉的是。如:

Sad to say, we never found them. 不幸的是,我们再也没找到他们。

Sad to say, she hasn’t given us permission to do it. 不幸的是,她还没有准许我们做此事。(d8)


1. be safe from免受(遭)……。如:

They were safe from attack. 他们很安全,未受到攻击。

The house is not safe from theft. 这房子不安全,容易被盗。

2. be safe in doing sth完全可以做某事,做某事不会错。如:

We’re safe in accepting the offer. 我们接受这个提议不会有错。

You’re safe in buying the house. 你买下这房子不会错。

3. be safe to do sth一定会,必定会(表推测)。如:

Our team is safe to win. 我们队一定会赢。

He’s safe to buy the house. 他一定会买下这座房子。

4. I t’s safe to do sth

(1) 做某事很安全。如:

Is it safe to swim here? 在这儿游泳安全吗?

(2) 做某事不会错。如:

It’s safe to say so. 这样说不会错。

5. safe and sound平安无事。如:

They came through the storm safe and sound. 他们平安地渡过了风暴。

注:有时也说 safe and well。如:

The missing child was found safe and well. 失踪的孩子已经找到,平安无事。


1. in safety安全地,平安地。如:

We are now in safety. 现在我们安全了。

They are living in safety. 他们平安地过着日子。

2. take [lead] sb to safety把某人带到安全的地方。如:

Fire fighters took [led] the children to safety. 消防人员把孩子们带到了安全的地方。


1. for sale出售。如:

The house is for sale. 此屋出售。

I’m sorry this painting is not for sale. 对不起,这幅画是非卖品。

2. have a sale削价销售。如:

The shop is having a sale this week. 这家商店这个星期正在削价销售。

We’re having a winter (spring) sale. 我们正在举行冬季(春季)大贱卖。

3. make a sale做生意,卖出货物。如:

I hope I’ll make a sale today. 我希望今天能做笔生意。

We haven’t made a sale all week. 我们整个星期都没有卖出东西。

4. on sale

(1) (有货)售卖,上市。如:

Grapes are on sale. 葡萄上市了。

There are some good apples on sale in that shop. 那个商店有很好的苹果卖。

(2) 减价时(主要见于美国英语)。如:

I got it on sale. 这是我减价时卖的。

注:有时也可用 at [in] a sale 表示“减价”。


1. all the same

(1) ……一样,无所谓。如:

Do whatever you want, it’s all the same to me. 你想干啥就干啥,我无所谓。

A:Tea or coffee? 喝茶还是喝咖啡?

B:Tea, if it is all the same to you. 喝茶吧,如果对你都一样的话。

(2) 仍然,还是。如:

Thank you all the same. (不管怎样)我还是要谢谢你。

It is a hot day but I shall enjoy a walk all [just] the same. 天气很热,但我还是要出去走走。

2. it’s the same with……也一样。如:

He likes to read in bed, and it is the same with me. 他喜欢在躺床上看书,我也一样。

He likes music but doesn’t like sports. It is the same with his brother. 他喜欢音乐,但不喜运动。他弟弟也是一样。

3. the same as与……一样。如:

Is this book the same as that one? 这本书与那本书是一样的吗?

He’s angry because my marks are the same as his. 他很生气,因为我和他的他分数一样。

注:不要说 as same as 或 the same with [like]。

4. the same…as与……一样。如:

He gets the same pay as me but he gets his own office. 他与我薪水一样,但他有他自己的办公室。

He uses the same book as you do. 他用的书与你的一样。

This is the same pen as I lost yesterday. 这钢笔与我昨天丢失的一模一样。


This is the same pen that I lost yesterday. 这正是我昨天丢失的那支钢笔。

5. (the) same to you你也一样,也祝你如此。如:

A:Happy New Year. 祝你新年快乐。

B:The same to you. 也祝你新年快乐。

A:Merry Christmas. 祝圣诞快乐。

B:Same to you. 也祝你圣诞快乐。


1. on the sand(s) 在沙滩上。如:

I saw the children playing on the sand(s). 我看见孩子们在沙滩上玩。

The young people lay on the sand(s) and sunbathed. 这些年轻人躺在沙滩上日光浴。


1. find satisfaction in从……得到满足。如:

I find great satisfaction in his improvement. 我对于他的进步极为满意。

2. get [take] satisfaction from从……得到满足。如:

He gets satisfaction from his work. 他从工作中得到乐趣。

He took great satisfaction from playing the piano well. 他钢琴弹得好,感到十分满意。

3. have [get] the satisfaction of doing sth对

He has the satisfaction of being successful in life. 他对一生成功感到心满意足。

4. to one’s satisfaction

(1) 使某人感到满意。如:

To my satisfaction, my son passed the exam. 使我感到满足的是,我儿子通过了考试。

The work was done to his own satisfaction, but in my opinion it was badly done. 这工作他做得很满意,但在我看来,却是做得很糟。

(2) 使某人确信(肯定)。如:

It’s been proved to my satisfaction that you are telling the truth. 我已确信你说的是实话。

5. with satisfaction满意地,心满意足地。如:

He heard the news with much satisfaction. 他听到这个消息感到非常满意。


1. be satisfied with对……感到满意。如:

Are you satisfied with the service? 你对这服务满意吗?

The teacher wasn’t satisfied with my answer. 老师对我的回答并不感到满意。

2. satisfy sb of sth使某人确信某事。如:

Have you satisfied yourself of the truth of the report? 你确信那报告的真实性吗?

3. satisfy……with用……使……满意。如:

He satisfied his hunger with bread and milk. 他用面包和牛奶充饥。


1. save sb (sth) from挽救……免受……,从……救出……。如:

He saved the boy from drowning. 他救起了这个男孩,使他免于溺死。

I saved the animals from the flood. 我把动物从洪水中救出来。

2. save sth for sth为(做)某事而节约(存钱),将某物留用……用。如:

Save your strength for the hard work you’ll have to do later. 留着点劲儿吧,等会儿你还得干重活呢。

注:有时可将 for sth 改为 to do sth。如:

We are saving (money) for a new car [to buy a new car]. 我们正在存钱,准备买辆新车。

3. save sb sth / save sth for sb为某人节省某物。如:

Save me some milk. / Save some milk for me. 给我留点牛奶吧。

4. save (sb) (from) doing sth免去(某人)做某事。如:

Soap saves rubbing. 使用肥皂可以减少搓擦。

If you lend me a pound, it’ll save (me) havin g to go to the bank. 你如果借给我一英镑,我就不必去银行了。

If you do it tonight, it will save you from having to getup early. 你如果今晚做这事,明天早上你就不必早起了。


1. I can’t [couldn’t] say. 我不知道,我说不准。如:

A:Will we win? 我们会赢吗?

B:I can’t say. 我说不准。

A:Do you think he’ll come on time? 你认为他会准时来吗?

B:I couldn’t say. 我不知道。

2. I wouldn’t say no. 我同意,我不反对,好哇。如:

A:Have another drink? 再来一杯吗?

B:I wouldn’t say no. 好,再来一杯。

A:Fancy some coffee? 要来点咖啡吗?

B:I wouldn’t say no. 好哇。

3. I t’s said that…据说……。如:

It’s said that he knows your father. 据说他认识你父亲。

It’s said that he stole the money. 据说是他偷了这笔钱。

4. S ay no more. 你别说了,我明白了。如:

Say no more! How much do you want to borrow? 别再说了,你想借多少?

A:He came home with lipstick on his face. 他回家时脸上还带着口红印呢。

B:Say no more! 我明白了!

5. say to oneself心里想。如:

So I said to mys elf "It’s time I left". 所以我想“我该走了”。

I woke up early and said to myself "Shall I get up? "我很早就醒来了,心里想“要不要起床呢? ”

6. that’s to say也就是说,换句话说,更确切地说。如:

He’s 15, that is to say, he’s very young. 他十五岁,也就是说,他很年轻。

He didn’t go, that’s to say, it’s not recorded that he did. 他没去,换句话说,他去了这个事实无案可查。

7. Y ou can say that again. 你说得很对,我同意你。如:

A:It is an interesting book. 这是本有趣的书。

B:You can say that again. I have never read such an interesting book before. 你说得很对,我以前从未读过这么有趣的书。

8. Y ou don’t say (so). 是吗? 真的吗? 如:

A:She was graduated from college at sixteen. 她16岁就大学毕业了。

B:You don’t say. 真的吗?

A:He’s going to get married. 他要结婚了。

B:You don’t say. He’s only 16 years old. 真的吗? 他才16岁呀!

9. Y ou said it. 你说得对,我同意你。如:

A:Let’s go home. 我们回家吧。

B:You said it. I’m tired. 好,我同意,我很累了。

A:The food was awful. 这食物很糟糕。

B:You said it. 一点不假。

10. W hat do [would] you say? 你说呢? 怎么样? 如:

We’ll go on holiday together. What do you say? 我们一起去度假吧,怎么样?

Let’s have a rest, what would you say? 我们休息一会儿吧,怎么样?

有时可在其后接 to (doing) sth。如:

What would you say to a drink? 来一杯怎么样?

What do you say to playing tennis? 打打网球怎么样?


1. at [in] school在学校,在上课,在求学。如:

The children are now at [in] school. 孩子们现在上课。

My son is still at [in] school. 我儿子还在读书。

2. after school放学以后。如:

We have sports after school. 放学后我们进行体育活动。

Let’s go to the library after school. 放学后我们去图书馆吧。

3. go to school上学。如:

We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一至星期五上学。

He is old enough to go to school. 他已到了上学年龄。

4. leave school中学毕业,退学。如:

I left school two years ago. 我两年前中学毕业。

He left school when he was sixteen. 他16岁中学毕业。


When do you leave school? 你什么时候放学回家?

5. start [begin] school开始上学。如:

He started school when he was four. 他4岁开始上学。

The child was just beginning school. 这孩子刚刚开始上学。


1. at sea

(1) 在海上。如:

We spent three months at sea. 我们在海上度过了三个月。

(2) 不知所措,茫然。如:

He was all at sea when he began his new job. 当他开始新时茫然不知所措。

2. by sea由海路,乘船。如:

I don’t like to travel by sea. 我不喜欢乘船旅行。

Did you come by land or by sea? 你是从陆路来的还是从海路来的?

比较 by the sea(在海边)。如:

He lives by the sea. 他住在海边。

3. go to sea

(1) 去当水手。如:

He went to sea when he was 15. 他15时当了水手。

He decided to go to sea. 他决定去当水手。

比较 go to the sea(到海滨去)。如:

We decided to go to the sea for the weekend. 我们决定去海滨度周末。

(2) 乘船出海,出航。如:

The family went to sea last week. 这一家子上个星期乘船走了。。

4. on the sea

(1) 在海上。如:

Ships sail on the sea. 船上海上航行。

比较 in the sea(在海里)。如:

Fish swim in the sea. 有些鱼生活在海洋里。

(2) 在海边,在海滨。如:

He lives in a town on the sea in Devon. 他住在德文郡海边的一个市镇。


1. in search of sb (sth) 搜找某人(某物)。如:

They started at once in search of the missing child. 他们马上开始寻找这个失踪的孩子。

Some birds have gone south in search of winter sun. 有些鸟为寻觅冬季阳光而南飞了。

2. in one’s (the) search for sb (sth) 搜找某人(某物)。如:

They started at once in their search for the missing child. 他们马上开始寻找这个失踪的孩子。

3. search sb (sth) 搜查某人(某物)。如:

The police searched the city. 警察搜遍了全城。

He searched the boys one by one. 他一个一个地搜了这些男孩子的身。

4. search for sb (sth) 搜找某人(某物)。如:

The police searched for the thief. 警察搜找那个小偷。

He is searching for his missing wallet. 他在搜找他丢失的钱包。

5. search sb (sth) for sb (sth)为了找到某人(某物)而搜查某人(某物)。如:

The police searched the city for the thief. 警察为了找到那个小偷搜遍了全城。

He searched his mind for some words of comfort. 他搜索枯肠想找到几句安慰的话。


1. it’s the season for (doing) sth是做某事的时候(时节)。如:

It is just the season for shooting now. 这正是狩猎的好时节。

This is the season for sleeveless dresses. 这是穿无袖连衣裙的时候了。

2. in season当令,及时,正是时候,正合适,在旺季。如:

Oranges are now in season. 桔子现在正当令。

Fruit is cheapest in season. 水果在上市季节最便宜。

Hotels are often full in season. 在旺季旅馆经常客满。

3. out of season不当令,不上市,在淡季,不是时候。如:

Apples are out of season now. 苹果现在已不当令了。

Hotel charges are lower out of season. 在淡季旅馆收费较低。

He arrived out of season. 他来得不凑巧。


1. be seated就坐。如:

Please be seated. 请坐。

He asked me to be seated. 他叫我坐下。

2. have [take] a seat就坐。如:

Please have [take] a seat. 请坐。

Excuse me, is this seat taken? 请问这座位有人坐吗?

3. seat oneself就坐。如:

Please seat yourself. 请坐。

He seated himself near the window. 他在窗户边坐下。


1. in secret秘密地,偷偷地。如:

I was told about it in secret. 有人偷偷地告诉了我。

She cried in secret, afraid to tell anyone. 她偷偷地哭,不敢告诉任何人。

2. in the secret知道秘密,知道内情。如:

Is he in the secret? 他知道内情吗?

He is in the secret, so far as I know. 据我所知,他是知内情的。

3. secret from sb对某人保密。如:

We have no secrets from you. 我们对你毫无隐瞒。

I kept my illness secret from my wife. 我没让我妻子知道我生病了。

注:secret 有时是名词,有时可能是形容词。如:

Please keep it (a) secret from him. 这事请对他保密。


1. secretary of (某组织机构或团体等的)秘书(书记,干事)。如:

He was secretary of this Party branch. 他是这个党支部的书记。

She was elected as secretary of the club. 她被选为俱乐部的干事。

2. secretary to sb是某人的秘书。如:

She’s private secr etary to the Minister. 他是部长的私人秘书。

My sister got a job as personal secretary to the company chairman. 我姐姐找了一份担任公司董事长私人秘书的工作。


1. see sb (sth) do sth看见某人(某事)做了某事。如:

I saw him stand up and go out. 我看见他站起来,然后就走了出去。

We saw the train come into the station. 我们看见火车进了火车站。

注:在被动语态中,不定式要带 to。如:

She was seen to pick it up. 有人看见她把它捡了起来。

2. see sb (sth) doing sth看见某人(某事)在做某事。如:

I saw her crying under the tree. 我看见她在树下哭。

We’re glad to see the trees growing so well. 看到树长得这么好,我们很高兴。

3. see sb (sth) done看见某人(某事)被……。如:

He saw the man knocked down by a motor cycle. 他看见这个人被摩托车撞倒了。

I’ve never seen the word used that way before. 我从来没有看见这个词这样用过。

4. see much (little, nothing, a lot, etc) of sb见到某人的机会很多(很少)。如:

I see little of Mr Smith. 我很少见到史密斯先生。

We don’t see much of each ot her. 我们不常见面。

I have seen nothing of her. 我从未见过她。

5. see about (doing) sth负责处理(安排)某事。如:

It’s time for me to see about (cooking) dinner. 我该去安排晚饭了。

I’ll have to see about getting the roof mended. 我得去照料修理屋顶的这件事。

6. see sb off为某人送行。如:

I went to the airport to see her off. 我到机场去送了她。

We saw the visitors off at the station. 我们去车站为客人们送行。

7. see sb (sth) out

(1) 送某人出门,送某人到门口。如:

My secretary will see you out. 我的秘书会送你出去。

You needn’t get up, I’ll see myself out. 你不必起身了,我自己会出去的。

(2) 度过(熬过)某时间,进行到底。如:

Will our supplies see the winter out? 我的供给能过冬吗?

He didn’t stay to see the play out. 他没有待下看完戏。

8. see through

(1) 看穿,识破。如:

I see through your little game. 我看穿了你那套把戏。

(2) 帮助度过(困难等)。如:

We decided to borrow a bit to see us through. 我们决定借点钱度过这段困难时期。

(3) 进行到底。如:

He is determined to see his job through. 他决心把工作进行到底。


1. seek after [for] sth寻找某物,追求某物。如:

The book is much sought after. 这本书为很多人所企求。

We are seeking for information. 我们正在寻找信息。

注:有时可省略 after / for(即 seek 用作及物动词)。如:

She will seek (after) the truth in the matter. 他将弄清该事的真相。

We must seek (for) a solution to the problem. 我们必须寻求解决问题的办法。

2. seek sth from sb向某人征求某事。如:

We must seek permission from the manager. 我们必须请求经理同意。

You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter. 你应该就此事征求你律师的意见。

比较:You should seek your lawyer’s advice. 你应该征求你律师的意见。

3. seek sb (sth) out找出或找到某人(某物)。如:

He sought out his friend in the crowd. 他在人群中找到他的朋友。

We sought her out to tell her of her success. 我们找到她告诉她成功了。

4. seek to do sth设法或试图做某事。如:

He has sought to explain it. 他一直想对此作出解释。

They sought to punish him for his crime, but he escaped. 他们试图要将他治罪,但他逃跑了。


1. it seems as if [as though] 似乎……。如:

It seems as if he is happy. 他好像很高兴。

It seemed as though he didn’t recognize me. 他似乎没认出我来。

2. it seems that……似乎……。如:

It seems that he has caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。

It seems that he has a lot of money. 他似乎有很多钱。

3. seem like看起来像……。如:

It seems like a good idea. 那似乎是个好主意。

It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎有好几年没见面了。

4. seem to do sth似乎……。如:

He seems to know everything. 他似乎什么都懂。

She always seems to be sad. 她似乎老是满面愁容。

注:该句型有时可与 it seems that [as if]……互换。如:


正:He seems to be ill.

正:It seems that he is ill.

正:It seems as if he is ill.

5. there seems…似乎有……。如:

There seems to be a mistake. 似乎有错。

There seems to be something the matter with her. 他好像是出了什么事似的。


1. be seized with突然产生,突然感到。如:

He was seized with a slight fever. 他突然有点发烧。

She was seized with a sudden desire to leave the place. 她突然想到要离开这个地方。

2. seize on [upon] 抓住,采纳,接受。如:

She seized on [upon] the chance of a trip abroad. 她抓住了这次出国的机会。

She seized on my suggestion and went to abroad. 她采纳了我的建议出国了。

3. seize sth from sb从某人手里夺过某物。如:

She seized the gun from him. 她从他手里夺过了枪。

He seized the letter from me and began to read out loud. 他从我手里夺过信就开始大声读起来。


1. select sb (sth) as选择某人(某物)作……。如:

He was selected as the team leader. 他被选中当队长。

They selected the village as their base of operation. 他们选定那个村庄作为他们的活动基地。

2. select sb (sth) to do sth挑选某人(某事)做某事。如:

He selected a shirt to match his suit. 他挑选了一件衬衫来配他那套衣服。

They selected him to speak at the meeting. 他们选他在会上发言。


1. sell sb sth / sell sth to sb把某物卖给某人。如:

He sold me his car. / He sold his car to me. 他把汽车卖给了我。

He sold the man his house. / He sold his house to the man. 他把房子卖给了这个人。

2. sell sth at以……价卖某物。如:

He sold his car at a low price. 他低价卖掉了他的汽车。

What price did you sell it at? 它你卖什么价?

比较 sell (sth) for (把某物)卖多少钱。如:

The coat sells for 50 dollars. 这件上衣卖50美元。

3. sell out卖完。如:

Soon the books (were) sold out. 书很快就被卖完了。

注:sell out 可用作及物或不及物动词(如上例)。


1. send for sb (sth) (to do sth) 派人请某人(找某物)(做某事)。如:

Have you sent for the doctor? 你派人去请医生了吗?

We must send for him to repair the machine. 我们必须派人去请他来修理机器。

2. send sb sth / send sth to sb送某物给某人。如:

He sent her some flowers. / He sent some flowers to her. 他给她送了些花。

Please send him my best wishes. / Please send my best wishes to him. 请代我向他问好。

3. send sb to do sth派(叫)某人去做某事。如:

We’ll send someone to fetch it. 我们将派人去取。

He sent his son to post the letter. 他叫他儿子去寄信。


You should send your shoes to be repaired. 你应该送你的鞋子去修一下。

4. send sb (sth) doing sth使某人或某物很快地或失去控制地做某事。如:

The sound of the gun sent the birds flying away. 枪声把鸟吓飞了。

The accident sent me looking for a new car. 车祸迫使我去物色一辆新汽车。

5. send out

(1) 发出(光亮等)。如:

The sun sends out light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。

(2) 生出(长出)某物。如:

The trees send out new leaves in spring. 树在春天长出新叶子。


1. in a sense在某个意义上。如:

I think he may be right in a sense. 我认为从某个意义上说,他也许是对的。

2. make sense有意义,讲得能,有道理。如:

What you say makes no sense. 你说的话没有道理。

This sentenc e doesn’t make sense. 这个句子不通。

3. make sense of sth理解某事。如:

I can’t make sense of it. 我弄不懂它的意思。

Can you make sense of this poem? 你能看懂这首诗吗?

3. T here is no (a lot of) sense in……有(没有)道理、有(没有)好处。如:

There is some sense in what he says. 他说的话有些道理。

There’s no sense in going by boat when the plane is just as cheap and much quicker. 坐船去是没有理由的,因为坐飞机也一样便宜而且快得多。


1. separate…from…把……与……分开(隔开)。如:

Separate the longer ones from the shorter ones. 把长的与短的分开。

This patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该与其他病人分开。

2. separate…into…把……分成……。如:

The boys are separated (=divided) into five groups. 孩子们被分成五个小组。

He separated (=divided) the apples into three piles. 他把苹果分为三堆。


1. be serious about对……很认真(真诚)。如:

Are you really serious about him? 你对他真的有意吗?

He was serious about (doing) his work. 他对待(做)工作很认真。

2. I’m serious. 我是认真的。如:

Don’t laugh; I’m serious. 别笑,我是认真的。

I’m serious, Jim. You’d better listen. 吉姆,我是认真的,你最好听听。


1. serve as用作……,起……作用。如:

Let those who can serve as teachers. 能者为师。

It serves as a lesson to him. 这对他来说是一个教训。

注:有时也用 serve (sb) for。如:

This box will serve as [for] a seat. 这个箱子将充当座位。

This stone will serve me as [for] a hammer. 我可以把这块石头当锤子用。

2. serve sb (sth) 为某人(某事)服务。如:

We must serve the people heart and soul. 我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。

Now computers have also begun serving agriculture. 现在计算机也开始为农业服务了。

注:这样用的 serve 是及物动词,不要在其后误加介词 for。

3. serve sb (with) sth / serve sth to sb用食物招待某人。如:

Four waiters served us lunch. / Four waiters served lunch to us. 有四个服务员招待我们吃午饭。

She served us (with) fruit and tea. / She served fruit and tea to us. 她用水果和茶招待我们。


1. at one’s service听凭某人使用,听凭某人吩咐。如:

My car is at your service. 我的汽车随你使用。

If you need advice, I’m at your service. 如果你需要参考意见,我随时可以帮忙。

2. be of service to有帮助,有好处。如:

May I be of service to you, sir? 先生,要我帮你的忙吗?

This dictionary has been of great service to me. 这本词典给了我很大的帮助。

3. do sb a service帮某人一个忙。如:

Will you do me a service? 帮我个忙好吗?

You did me a great service by telling me the truth. 你把实情告诉我,这对我很有好处。

4. in service当佣人,在职,服兵役,使用中。如:

He is in the government service. 他在政府工作。

There are buses over 20 years old which are still in service. 有些20多年前的公共汽车现在还在使用。


1. set about开始或着手做某事(后接名词或动名词)。如:

I don’t know how to set about this job. 我不知道怎样着手这项工作。

He set about answering letters as soon as he arrived at the office. 他一到办公室就开始写回信。

4. set out

(1) 动身,出发。如:

When shall we set out? 我们什么时候出发?

注:表示此义时,也可说成 set off, 表示“动身去某地”,后接介词 for。如:She has set out [off] for London. 她已动身去伦敦了。

(2) 开始,着手,想要(后接不定式)。如:

They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们想要做的事做成了。

(3) 安排,摆设。如:

The meal was set out on a long table. 饭菜摆在一张长桌子上。

(4) 陈述,解释。如:

He set out the reasons for his doing so. 他陈述了他那样做的原因。D13

2. set sb to do sth使某人做某事。如:

We set the children to clean the windows. 我们叫孩子们擦窗子。

I’ve set myself to finish the work by Friday. 我决心要在星期五以前完成这工作。

2. set sb (sth) doing sth使某人(物)开始做某事或处于做某事的状态。如:

What he said set us thinking. 他的话使我们思考起来。

The sight of her set his heart beating faster. 他一见到她,不由得心就怦怦直跳。

3. set sb sth / set sth for sb为某人提出(规定)任务(工作)。如:

He set himself a hard task. / He set a hard task for himself. 他给自己提出了艰巨的任务。

Who will set us the maths test? 谁给我们出数学题?


1. settle down

(1) (使)安静下来(及物或不及物)。如:

Settle down, children. 孩子们,安静下来。

He settled the baby down at last. 他终于使婴安静下来。

(2) (使)舒服地坐下(及物或不及物)。如:

He settled (himself) down by the window. 他舒舒服服地在在窗子边坐下来。

(3) 安居下来(不及物)。如:

I want to get married and settle down. 我想结婚并安居下来。

(4) 习惯于某种生活(不及物)。如:

I think he’ll soon settle down in his new school. 我想他在新学校里很快会习惯的。

(5) 安下心来(不及物,其后常接介词to)。如:

Something was worrying me, and I couldn’t settle down to my work. 有事烦着我,我无法安心工作。

I must settle down and do my homework. 我必须静下心来做作来。


I want to settle down to write an article. 我想静下心来写一篇文章。

2. settle for勉强接受,勉强同意,将就。如:

You’ll have to settle for a cheaper car. 你只好买辆便宜的汽车算了。

I could never settle for such a quiet life; I want excitement. 我绝不能安于这样的平静生活,我需要令人兴奋的生活。

3. settle in

(1) 定居于。如:

He settled in Paris. 他定居于巴黎。

(2) (使)习惯于。如:

It took us a long time to settle in. 过了很长时间我们才习惯。

4. settle up结账,付清。如:

It’s time we settled up. 我们该结账了。

I’ve already settled up with the waiter. 我已与服务员结了账。

5. settle to do sth决定做某事。如:

He settled to buy a car. 他决定买辆汽车。

They settled to go abroad. 他们决定出国。

注:有时用 settle on doing sth。如:

He settled on buying a car.


1. shake hands (with sb) (同某人)握手。如:

He stood up and shook hands with me. 他站起身来同我握了手。

比较:He shook hands with me. / He shook my hand. / He shook me by the hand. 他同我握了手。

2. shake one’s head摇头。如:

He didn’t reply, but just shook his head. 他没有回答,只是摇头。


1. share (out) sth (among / between sb) 将某物均分给某人。如:

He shared (out) $100 among [between] the five men. 他把100美元分给了这5个人。

注:有时用 share (out) sth to sb。如:

We shared out food and clothing to the poor. 我们把食品与衣服分给穷人。

2. share sth (with sb)

(1) (与某人)分享某物。如:

Let’s share the cake (with her). 我们(与她) 一起分吃这块蛋糕吧。

(2) 将某物分摊给某人。如:

Why don’t we share the expenses among us? 我们为何不一起来分担这费用呢?

(3) (与某人)合用或共用某物。如:

We share a small room between us. 我们俩合用一个小房间。

(4) 将某事告诉(某人)。如:

He won’t share his secret with us. 他不肯把他的秘密告诉我们。

(5) (与某人)看法一致。如:

He is the only person who shares my opinion. / He is the only person who shares opinion with me. 他是唯一赞成我的意见的人。

3. share in sth (with sb) (与某人)分享或分摊某事物。如:

I will share in the cost with you. 我将与你分担费用。

She shares in my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。

注:其中的介词 in 有时可省略。share in后的名词通常为表示抽象意义的名词。若省略介词 in, 则其后可接具体或抽象名词。


1. be shocked at [by] sth因某事而震惊。如:

I was shocked at [by] the news. 我听到这个消息很是震惊。


I was shocked to hear the news.

2. I t shocked sb to do sth因做某事而震惊。如:

It shocked me to see how she treated her child. 见到她如此对她的孩子,我感到愤慨。

It shocked me to think how close we had come to being killed. 一想到我们曾差点送命,我感到很惊恐。


I was shocked to see how she treated her child.

I was shocked to think how close we had come to being killed.


1. shoot at sb (sth) 向某人(某物)射击。如:

He shot at a bird, but missed it. 他向鸟开枪,但未打中。

2. shoot sb (sth) 打中(射中)某人(某物)。如:

He shot a bird and killed it. 他把一只鸟打死了。

He was shot three times in the arm. 他的手臂中了三枪。


1. do shopping买东西。如:

Mother does (her) shopping on Sundays. 母亲通常在星期日买东西。

This is the store where I often do my shopping. 这是我经常买东西的商店。

2. go shopping去(商店)买东西。如:

Let’s go shopping together. 我们一起去买东西吧。

Why don’t you go shopping tomorrow? 你明天为什么不去买东西?


1. off [from] shore离岸。如:

We could see a boat about a mile from [off] shore. 我们可以看到离岸一英里处有只小船。


The ship stopped a little way off the shore. 这船停在离岸不远的地方。

2. on shore在陆地上,(到)岸上。如:

Sailors enjoy their holidays on shore. 水手们喜欢在陆地上度假。

The sailors were warned not to get into trouble while they were on shore. 水手们被警告在岸上不要惹事生非。


There’s a small house on the shore of the lake. 该湖的湖岸上有座小房子。


1. (be) short of缺少。如:

They were short of men. 他们缺少人手。

We’re short of money at the moment. 目前我们手关比较紧。

2. for short为了简短,简称。如:

Her name is "Frances", or "Fran" for short. 她叫“弗朗西丝”,或简称“弗朗”。

比较:"Despite" is short for "in spite of". despite 是in spite of 的缩略。

3. in short总之。如:

In short, he is a cheat. 总之,他是个骗子。

In short, we don’t like him. 总之,我们不喜欢他。


1. on one’s shoulder

(1) 在肩上(用于本义)。如:

He has a gun on his shoulder. 他肩上扛着一把枪。

He carried the child on his shoulders. 他把孩子驮在自己肩上。

注:该用法中的 shoulder 根据情况可用单数或复数。另比较:

He patted me on the shoulder. 他拍了拍我的肩。 (此句不用his 代替 the)

(2) 在肩上(用于引申义)。如:

He has a heavy task on his shoulders. 他肩负重任。

Take the responsibility on your shoulders. 你要自己负起责任来。

注:该用法中的 shoulder 通常要用复数形式。

2. shrug one’s shoulders耸肩。如:

The man shrugged his shoulders. 这个人耸了耸肩。

Hearing what I said, he shrugged his shoulders. 听了我说的话,他耸了耸肩。

3. shoulder to shoulder

(1) 肩并肩(用于本义)。如:

The soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder. 士兵们肩并肩地站着。

(2) 并肩(用于引申义)。如:

We worked shoulder to shoulder for five years. 我们并肩工作了五年。


1. shout at sb对某人大声叫嚷。如:

Don’t shout at me. 别冲着我喊。

He was so angry that he shouted at everyone present. 他很生气,冲着在场的每一个人都大声叫嚷。

2. shout to sb大声喊某人。如:

He shouted to me across the room. 他在房间的另一端大声叫我。

He was too far away and I had to shouted to him. 他太远,我只好大声喊他。

注:shout at sb 与 shout to sb的区别为:前者多指因生气或不满等原因而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见),不带特别的感情因素。


1. show sb sth / show sth sb拿某物给某人看。如:

She showed me her book. / She showed her book to me. 她把她的书拿给我看。

Please show me your photo. / Please show your photo to me. 请给我看看你的照片。


Show her some kindness. / Show some kindness to her. 对她客气些。

2. show sb how to do sth教某人做某事。如:

He showed me how to do it. 他教我如何做此事。

He showed us how to operate the machine. 他教我们如何操作这机器。

注:该用法中的 how 通常不能省略。

3. show sb to be表明(证明)某人是……。如:

This showed him to be a good teacher. 这说明他是一位好老师。

注:其中的 to be 有时可以是 to do 型,但通常用完成式。如:

His record shows him to have worked hard at school. 他的成绩证明他在校学习很用功。

4. show sb (a)round陪某人参观,带某人到处看看。如:

He showed us round the factory. 他带我们参观了工厂。

We were shown around by the teacher. 老师带着我们到处看了看。

5. show one’s face露面。如:

He daren’t show his face in the street. 他不敢在街上露面。

注:有时也说 show oneself / show up。如:

We waited for an hour but he didn’t show herself [up]. 我们等了一个小时,但他还没有来。


1. (be) shy of sb (sth, doing sth)

(1) 羞于做某事(其后通常接动名词)。如:

He is shy of talking about the prize he has won. 他羞于谈起他获得的奖。

注:此用法中的介词 of 也可换成 about。如:

He was not shy of [about] offering suggestions. 他并不怯于提建议。

(2) 提防某人(某事),躲避的某人(某事),害怕某事(某人)。如:

His eye trouble made him shy of sight. 眼病使他怕光。

I’m a bit shy of that sort of person. 我对那样的人有点不放心(有点怕)。

(3) 不敢做某事(其后通常接动名词)。如:

This made me shy of trying it again. 这使我不敢再试了。

I’m shy of buying shares, in case I lose money.我不敢买股票,怕赔钱。

(4) 缺(少,差)某事物。如:

We are shy of money. 我们缺钱。

He is two months shy of his eighteenth birthday. / He is shy two months of his eighteenth birthday. 他还差2个月就18岁了。

注:表示此义时,其是的介词 of 有时可换成 on。如:

The house is shy of [on] a bathroom. 这房间缺一个浴室。

We have pl enty of wine, but we’re shy on beer. 我们有足够的葡萄酒,但啤酒不够。

2. be shy with sb与某人在一起时怕羞。如:

He is shy with women. 他与女人在一起时怕羞。

He was shy with strangers. 他和生人在一起怕羞。

比较:He was shy of strangers. 他怕见生人。

3. be too shy to do sth太害羞而不敢做某事。如:

He is too shy to speak to her. 他太害羞,不敢同她讲话。

He is too shy to ask anyone for help. 他太害羞不敢向任何人请求帮忙。


1. be sick at [about] (doing) sth对(做)某事恼火(不愉快)。如:

He’s sick at failing the exam. 他考试没及格感到不高兴。

We’re pretty sick about losing the match. 我们比赛输了感到很恼火。

2. be sick of sb (sth, doing sth) 厌烦某人(某事,做某事)。如:

I’m really sick of housework. 我的确厌烦做家务事。

I’m sick of listening to your complaints; be quiet. 我听够了你的抱怨,别说了。

注:该用法的 be sick of 常可换成 be tired of。

3. (be) sick with sth患某种病。如:

She is sick with a cold. 她患感冒。

He is off sick with flu. 他因患流感而未上班。

注:be sick with sb 意为“对某人不高兴”。如:

He was sick with me for being late. 他对我的迟到不高兴。

4. become [fall, get] sick生病。如:

He suddenly became [fell, got] sick. 他突然病倒了。

5. the sick病人(们)。如:

They have come to see the sick. 他们已来看望过病人。

The sick were allowed to pass free. 病人可以免费通过。


1. on [from] all sides从四面八方。如:

On all sides there were difficulties. 到处都有困难。

They were attacked from all sides. 他们四面受击。

2. on the side of在……一边。如:

On one side of the window is a mirror, and on the other a painting. 窗子的一边是一面镜子,另一边是一幅画。

3. side by side

(1) 肩并肩,并排(用于本义)。如:

They lined up side by side for the photograph. 他们并排站着照相。

(2) 并肩,相互支持(用于引申义)。如:

We stand side by side with you in this dispute. 我们在这次辩论中相互支持。

4. take sides支持(偏袒)某一方。如:

He took sides with me against the boss. 他支持我反对老板。I won’t take sides in this argument. 在这场争论中我不会偏袒任何一方。


1. at first sight第一次见到。如:

She fell in love with the cottage (her) at first sight. 她一见到这小屋(她)就喜欢上了。

2. at sight一看见。如:

He can play and sing at sight. 他一看谱就能演唱。

注:若注明看见某东西,则用 at the sight of。如:

At the sight of the police they ran away. 他们一看到警察就跑走了。

3. catch sight of看见,望到。如:

Then one of us caught sight of her. 后来我们当中有一个人看见了她。

If you catch sight of him, ask him to come and see me. 如果你见到他,叫他来看我。


I caught sight of her hurrying away. 我看见她匆匆忙忙地走了。

4. in sight在视线范围内,可以看见。如:

The train is still in sight. 火车还看得见。

Peace is now in sight. 和平在望。

5. lose sight of

(1) 看不见。如:

We lost sight of the boat in the fog. 雾中我们再不看不见那条小船。

(2) 忽略。如:

We shouldn’t lose sight of the main purpose of the meeting. 我们不应该忘记这次会议的主要目的。

6. out of sight在视线范围之外,看不见。如:

The plane is now out of sight. 飞机现在看不见了。

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。


1. sign one’s name签名。如:

The artist had signed his name in the corner of the painting. 这位画家在画的角上签了名。

注:有时可省略one’s name。如:

Sign (your name) here, please. 请在这儿签名。

2. sign sth在某物上签名。如:

He forgot to sign the check. 他忘记在支票上签名。

注:上句也可说成 He forgot to sign his name on the check.

3. sign (to, for) sb to do sth打手势示意某人做某事。如:

The teacher signed us to be quiet. 老师示意我们安静。

The policeman signed (to, for) me to stop. 警察打手势叫我停下。


1. break the silence打破沉默。如:

The silence was broken by a loud silence. 一声大叫打破了沉静。

2. in silence沉默地,一言不发地,不声不响地。如:

They walked on in silence. 他们默默向前走去。

He smoked for some time in silence. 他一声不响地抽了一阵烟。


1. be silent on [about] sth对某事不表态(没有记载)。如:

History is silent about [upon] this person. 历史对这个人没有记载。

You’d better be silent about what happened. 对所发生的事你最好只字不提。

2. fall silent变得安静。如:

The class fell silent when the teacher entered. 老师进来时,全班学生都安静下来。

注:也可说成 become silent。

3. keep silent保持安静,不说话。如:

You’d better keep silent. 你最好什么也别说。


1. I t’s silly of sb to do sth某人做某事是蠢的。如:

It’s silly of you to do so. 你这样做真蠢。

It’s silly of her to tell her husband. 她告诉了她丈夫真是愚蠢。


You are silly to do so.

She is silly to tell her husband.


1. be similar to与……相似。如:

My problems are similar to yours. 我的问题与你的差不多。

A cat is similar to a tiger in many ways. 猫在很多方面与虎相像。

注:英语通常不说 be similar as [with],也不说 as similar as。

2. be similar in在……方面相似。如:

The two houses are very similar in appearance. 这两座房子外表很相象。

His house is similar to mine in appearance. 他的房子和我的房子外表上很相像。


1. ever since自从……以来,从此以后。如:

We’ve been friends ever since we met at school. 自我们在学校相识以来就一直是朋友。

We came here in 1980 and have lived here ever since. 我们于1980来此,此后就一直住在这儿。

2. It is some time since…自从……以来有多久。如:


专升本必备固定搭配a great deal of 大量(的),许多 a matter of (关于…)的问题 a number of 大量的=many according to 根据 act on 按照…而行动 adapt to 适应于 afford to (买)得起(某物) after all 究意;到底;毕竟 agree on 同意,赞成 ahead of time 提前=in advance ahead of 在…前面,先于 all over 遍及,到处 all the time 一直,自始至终 along with 与…一起 and so on 等等 and so 所以,因此;同样 and then 而且,其欠,于是,然后 apply for 申请 argue about 就…争论,辩论 as a matter of fact 其实,事实上 as a result 结果;因此因此,由于

as a whole 总体上 as if 好像,仿佛=as though as long as 只要 as soon as 一……就 as to 至于,关于 as well as (除…之处)也,即…又ask for 请求,要求 at all 完全,根本 at ease 自在;心安 at first 最初,首先 at home 在家,在国内;自在,自如at last 最后,终于终于,久而久之at least 至少,最低限度 at present 目前,现在 at random 随意地,随便地 attach to 使属于,使参加 back and forth 来回,往返 be able to 能,会 be about to 即将 be attached to 使属于,使附属于 be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到be capable of 能…,可能…


一个好的广告语对品牌的意义和对销量的作用讲起广告语,相信你一定专门熟悉并记得下面的广告语——“不闪的,才是健康(创维电视)”、“味道好极了(雀巢咖啡)”、“方便谁都做得到, 声音清晰更重要(TCL美之声无绳电话)”...... 阿里巧巧 广告语是品牌传播中的核心载体之一,在与消费者的沟通中起到 专门重要的作用。那么,什么样的广告语才是好的广告语?广告语创作有 什么方法?在广告语创作中有哪些禁忌?下面,笔者按照实践中总结的体 会,谈谈自己的看法。阿里巧巧 一、如何样的广告语才是优秀的广告语? 因为广告语是品牌主张的一个载体,一个核心的载体。它在广告 中起到专门关键的作用。事实上,不管做什么类型的广告,包括电视广告、 平面广告等等,定位是在先的。在定位的基础上进行各项表现。而广告语 也一样,必须符合品牌或企业的定位。在定位的基础上进行创作、提炼, 形成一句有效的传播口号,即我们所讲的广告语。 aliqq “怕上火,喝王老吉”如此短短的一句话,把它所要讲的“王老 吉是预防上火的饮料”讲出来了。这就符合王老吉的品牌定位。而此前, 王老吉的广告语是“健康家庭,永久相伴”,这种过于泛化的广告语是没有成效的,这与其原先的定位过于泛化有关。 在这方面,宝洁公司的几个洗发水品牌做得专门好。例如海飞丝 的广告语“头屑去无踪,秀发更出众。”、“去头屑,让你靠的更近”就将它的定位——所要紧的专门卖点(USP)“去头屑”明确地传达出来了;还有 飘柔广告语“亮丽、自然、光泽”与“柔顺头发”的卖点定位一致;潘婷 广告语“独含VB5,滋养你的秀发”与“营养头发”的卖点定位一致。 其次,广告语必须有冲击力、感染力。 好的广告语能够打动消费者,在让人在情感上产生共鸣,从而认 同它、同意它,甚至主动传播它!



How long will it be before you find yourself famous? 眼球经济时代,速成“明星”究竟能红多久 “IN the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” US artist Andy Warhol made this famous statement in 1968. Back then, the only really famous people were pop stars and actors, political figures and war heroes – although things were changing. In just 30 years, his statement seems to have come true. Today there are countless individuals that go in and out of the media spotlight. The most common way that ordinary people today become famous is through reality shows. Both American Idol and Hunan TV’s have produced quite a few instant stars. The most famous person of this type is Scottish singer Susan Boyle, an out-of-work, plain-looking 48-year-old who came to international attention when she appeared on the reality TV program Britain’s Got Talent in April 2009. However, Boyle’s success was largely due to a video posted on YouTube. According to the BBC, the video 庞大的) 120 million times worldwide” by the end of 2009. had been viewed “a whopping ( Indeed, today many people showcase their own videos on YouTube and other sites. “This model m Davis for the Associated Content. easy for an average Joe (路人) to get noticed,” writes Jonita But 15 minutes is a very short time; most of these instant celebrities fade from view. If others show true talent or staying power, they may be awarded extra time to prove themselves worthy of media and public attention. But while Warhol emphasized the short-lived nature of modern fame, he also pointed out that fame is easier to get nowadays. If digital video cameras enable people to become reporters, why shouldn’t they also become celebrities?


高三英语晨读背诵、朗读材料(二) 练习错题集(这些是我们做错过的题,请仔细体会,每天背下3-5个句子) l. Each country, of course, in (城市名称前不用冠词) Copenhagen has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why an agreement is so difficult to reach. (reach/ arrive at /come to an agreement达成协议,取得一致) 2. ---Have you told him what has happened to the company? —No, I will do that instantly he gets back from abroad.(instantly, immediately 连词,一…就…) 3. I had meant to meet you at the station this afternoon but I was too busy, for I was writing a report which I had to hand in soon. 4.The door opened and in came Jerry, and the party began. 5. –What beautiful flowers! Are they for me? --You guessed it !(你猜对了) I’m glad you like them. 6.--Remember the first time we met, Julia? -Sure I do. I was being treated in hospital, which I remember quite well. 7. Since housing prices are rising so rapidly late1y, further prices are quite uncertain, and the risk that(同位语从句) a new investment depending on them may fail is greater. 8.-lt seems that the manager is very unhappy. --Surely he is. You see, Steve left the company half an hour ago, with his work left unfinished. 9. –Was the driving pleasant when you went to Mexico last summer? --No, it had been raining for four days when we arrived. So the roads were very muddy. 10. I wouldn’t have picked the shades of yellow they picked, but it was fine –I got used to yellow. 11. When asked why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and said nothing. 12. I would have come here sooner but I didn’t know that you were waiting. 13. The mountain, of which the peak is hardly seen, is the highest mountain in the area. 14. It was extremely dark in the passage so he struck a match. (strike a match划火柴) 15. Even if you have won great fame and success, without friends or family, with whom to share your happiness, your loneliness will make it hard for you to bear. 16. A lot of young people like Stephen Chow’s films because he can make a sad situation entertaining. -What you said just now made the audience confused. --Sorry, I should have made it clear. 17. On one occasion(曾经), Jack liked western food. But now he is especially interested in Chinese food. 18. The rainy weather will continue tomorrow when a cold air current is expected to arrive. 19. Being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. 20. I t’s believed that if an event is astonishing, it will surely astonish the readers of the paper. 21.–Does your sister work as a teacher in Canada? -No, but she once taught there for 5 years. 22. Our country is developing at an amazing speed, which is what makes me feel so proud. 23. Having given a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon. Having been given a satisfactory operation, the patient believed he would recover from his


大学英语常用词组搭配分类 1、短语动词 break down (机器)出故障,(人)垮掉break in 破门而入 break out (疾病、火灾、战争等)爆发break up 中断,解散,打碎,打破 bring about 带来,引起bring down 打倒,降低 bring forward 提出,提议bring up 教育,培养 call for 邀约,要求,需要call off 取消 carry out 执行,贯彻carry on 继续 clear away 把…清除掉,收拾clear up 使变清,(天气)放晴,清理come to 苏醒;总数为count on 依靠,指望 cut across 抄近路通过,对直通过cut down 削减,减少 cut off 切断,阻断cut out 割去,删去 die down 变弱,逐渐损失掉die out 消失,灭绝 draw on 动用,利用;吸,抽(烟) dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮 drop by 顺便来访,非正式访问drop out 退学,辍学 fall out 脱落;吵架,失和fall through 失败,落空 figure out 计算出,想出get across (使)被了解,(使)讲清楚 get over 从(疾病、失望、震惊等中) 克服(困难);解决(问题) 恢复过来give away 赠送,泄漏 give in 屈服,让步give up 放弃 give off 释放,放出give out 分发 go off 不再喜欢;爆炸,响起go out 熄灭,停止运转;过时 go over 复习go up 上升;被炸毁,被烧毁 hand down 把…传下去hand over 交出,移交 hand out 分发,散发hang about 闲荡,闲呆着 hang up 挂断(电话) head for (使)朝…行进,(使)走向 hold on 握住不放,等一会hold up 延时;举出,展出 hold back 阻挡,阻止…发展lay aside 把…搁置一旁;留存,储存 lay down 放下;规定,制定lay off (临时性)解雇 lay out 安排,布置,设计;摆出,展开leave off 停止,中断 leave out 遗漏,省略look into 调查,了解,观察 look over 把…看一遍,把…过目look up (在词典等中)查找 make for 走向,朝…行进make out 写出,开出;看出,辩认出;理解 make up 组成,构成;捏造,临时编造put aside 将…放置一旁 (为…)化装;补充,补足put off 推迟,推延 put away 放好,收好put out 熄灭 run into 遇到(困难等);偶然碰上run over 碾过 run down 用尽see through 看穿,识破 see to 注意,负责,照料;修理set aside 留出,拨出 set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍set up 创立;竖起;开业,开始经商show up 来到,露面stand out 清晰地显出,引人瞩目;杰出,stand for 代表,意味着出色


经典品牌广告语大全 现在的品牌很多,我收集了一些【经典品牌广告语大全】,有哪些是你认识的品牌呢?1、冬天里的一把火--美加净滋润唇膏 2、聪明人选"傻瓜"--傻瓜相机 3、为了你的健康,请别把头皮当地板擦--绿野香波 4、聪明不必绝顶--美加净颐发灵 5、一毛不拨--美国白获牙膏 6、美好的瞬间--柯尼卡相机 7、百闻不如一印--湛江佳能复印机 8、输入千言万语,奏出一片深情--四通中外文文字处理机 9、征服北极,横越沙漠--福特六和 10、勇往直前的伴侣--北京吉普有限公司 11、另一颗艾德蒙哈雷慧星横扫过台湾上空--艾德蒙电器 12、走出中国人自己的路--普腾电器 13、只花2元钱,别克开回家! 14、活出真精彩 15、苦苦的追求,甜甜的享受(伊利雪糕) 16、五毒男人更需要关怀。 17、今年送礼不收礼,收礼只受“彩票”礼 18、关键时刻,怎能感冒? 19、可口可乐添欢笑(可口可乐) 20、将以卓越的电子技术,对中日友好做出贡献。(SONY)

21、为社会各领域,提供准确计时。(精工表) 22、让我们来充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧(五十铃 ) 23、味道好极了(雀巢咖啡) 24、西铁城领导钟表新潮流,石英技术誉满全球。(西铁城) 25、滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡) 26、先进石英科技,准确分秒不差。(梅花表) 27、国内首创,驰名中外。(珍珠霜) 28、为人民服务,为大众计时。(铁达时表) 29、“飞跃”目标——世界先进水平(飞跃电视) 30、“飞跃”精神——一切为用户着想(飞跃电视) 31、戴雷达,闯天下。(雷达表) 32、就是可口可乐(可口可乐) 33、车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。(丰田 ) 34、质量第一,用户第一。(金星电视) 35、独特设计,最新产品,女装自动表。(东方表) 36、燕舞,燕舞,一片歌来一片情。(燕舞收录机) 37、“凯歌”传佳音,更上一层楼。(凯歌电视) 38、一切为用户着想,一切为用户负责。(海信电视) 39、百事,新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 40、质量至上有夏普(夏普) 41、力波啤酒,的确与众不同。(力波啤酒) 42、上海大众永远和您在一起(大众 ) 43、威力洗衣机,献给母亲的爱。(威力洗衣机)


双语美文诵读 Look Every Day Positively If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to achieve your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes in your way. Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your “worry hours” into “productive hours”. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself


高三英语晨读晚练3(教案) Step 1 Reading and memorizing [晨背词汇] 1.名词篇 absence缺勤;attitude态度;education教育;effort努力;experience经历,经验;graduation 毕业,毕业典礼;permission许可,允许;progress进步;scholarship奖学金;speech演讲,演说;outline提纲,要点,概要 2.动词篇 apply申请,应用;debate辩论;discuss讨论;follow跟随,听得懂;offer提供;praise赞美,表扬;refer参考,查阅;require需要 3.形容词篇 absent缺席的,缺勤的;brief简短的;confident自信的;patient有耐心的;present出席的,在场的 4.短语篇 be dying for/to do... 极想要…… be occupied with 忙于,专心于 make preparations for 为……做准备 keep ...in mind 记住…… put forward 提出 participate in 参与,参加 [晨背佳作] (2015·全国卷Ⅰ)假定你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿,要点如下: 1.栏目介绍;2.稿件内容;3.稿件长度:约400词;4.交稿日期:6月28日前。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好。 Dear Peter, I'd like to...________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


1.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 2.The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 3.We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.Impos*le made pos*le.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车) 9.Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境—万宝路世界.(万宝路香烟) 10.To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 19. Let’s make thing btter.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)


高三晨读英语资料 有很多的学校在早晨都会有一些 ___晨读,而且都是一些英语的美文,那么接下来给大家 ___一些关于高三晨读英语资料,希望对大家有所帮助。 The Happy door Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion anever-widening circle of ripples.As Stevenson has said, being happy is aduty. There is no exact definition of the word happiness.Happy people are happyfor all sorts of reasons.The key is not wealth or physical well-being, sin ___ wefind beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy. Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend.But staying happy is anaomplishment, a triumph of soul and character.It is not selfish to strive forit.It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

Being unhappy is like an infectious disease.It causes people to shrinkaway from the sufferer.He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered.There is, however, a cure so ___ as to seem, at first glan ___, ridiculous; ifyou don’t feel happy, pretend to be! It works.Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, youattract them.You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the ___nter of widerand wider circles of good will. Then the ___ke-believe bees a reality.You possess the secret of pea ___ ofmind, and can forget yourself in being of servi ___ to others. Being happy, on ___ it is realized as a duty and established as a habit,opens doors into uni ___ginable gardens thronged with grateful friends. 翻译:快乐之门


广告人必读24本书(摘自豆瓣) 1. 我的广告生涯&科学的广告 作者: (美)霍普金斯 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社 评语: 书名科学的广告,但广告到底是科学还是艺术?霍普金斯说,广告是人性。 本人评语:第一部分《我的广告生涯》很棒,广告人必看! 2. 一个广告人的自白(精) 作者: 大卫?奥格威 出版社: 中国物价出版社 评语: 奥格威的每一本书都值得细品,包括《未公诸于世的选集》《奥格威谈广告》,以及《奥格威自传》,尽管有为奥美做广告之嫌 本人评语:真的很一般! 3. 文案的底稿(全书在本小组置顶) 作者: 小庄迷蝶 出版社: 无,电子版 本人评语:向地产的兄弟们强力推荐!实战宝典!文案修养提升宝典!字字珠玑! 4. 定位 作者: [美] 艾?里斯/杰克?特劳特 出版社: 中国财政经济出版社 评语: 平生不识定位论,做遍广告也枉然。《定位》《新定位》《营销战》定位是第一位的,它从根本上洞察目标消费者心理,建立其在消费者心智中独特的位置。定位之后,才会有营销管理、品牌管理、整合传播 本人评语:国内引进的,翻译巨差无比。还是推荐《22条商规》。 5. 22条商规 作者: (美)里斯/(美)特劳特 出版社: 山西人民出版社 本人评语:营销人必看! 6. 乔治?路易斯大创意(蔚蓝诡计) 作者: (美)皮茨/(美)路易斯 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社 本人评语:盛名之下,其实难符!更多的讲art的创意以及提案技巧,对真正的创意人来说,帮助不大。 7. Neil French

作者: Neil French 出版社: 100PAGES PRESS 本人评语: Neil French,兼具狂人和天才的身份。这本书既是自传又是一部作品集。这位可能是广告史上犾得过奖项最多创意人的六十年人生都被挖掘出来了。二百多件平面作品,四十来条电影广告。这些多年来占据全球各大奖项的烂东西被一一揪出。国内没有出版,淘宝可以买到繁体版。 看过节选,作者的经历真是跌宕起伏,生活经验是他创意的来源。国内买不到! 8. 小强广告100招 作者: 林永强 出版社: 中信出版社 评语: 创意学4A,策略学定位 本人评语:正在看,但是和美国广告人还是有差距. 9. 文案发烧 作者: (美)苏立文 出版社: 中国财政经济出版社 评语: 非常中肯的一本书 本人评语:中规中矩,没有惊喜,没看的就不用看了 10. The Copy Book 全球32位顶尖广告文案的写作之道 作者: 英国D&AD协会 出版社: 滚石文化股份有限公司 评语: 文案圣经 本人评语:强烈推荐:铜版纸,广告全彩,案例众多,文案全部有中文译文(不懂abc的有福了),物超所值! 11. 广告文案写作 作者: (美)菲利普?沃德?博顿 出版社: 世界知识出版社 评语: 广告文案集大成之作 12. 广告文案训练手册 作者: [美]布鲁斯?本丁格尔 出版社: 中国传媒大学出版社 本人评语:好书!五星推荐!附方法训练!绝对专业教材,适合初中高各级水平。


50条经典品牌广告词 左右策划把您搞大出自:A企广告语 安全保障,自有一套出自:安全套 可能是世界上最好的啤酒出自:嘉士伯 NEWBEIJING,GREATOLYMPIC出自:北京奥运 穿着自然出自:班尼路 没有陌生人的世界出自:佐丹奴 聊天动手不动口出自:诺基亚3310 有一种酒是用来留传的出自:十八酒坊 一次不买你的错,二次不买我的错出自:水果摊上 煮酒论英雄才子赢天下出自:才子男装 男人应有自己的声音出自:阿尔卡特手机 万水千山近在咫次网络天空任你翱翔轻松面对应付自如出自:中国电信系列

万家乐,乐万家。出自:万家乐电器 有多少南方摩托车,就有多少动人的故事。出自:南方摩托高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来。出自:公益广告 燕舞,燕舞,一曲歌来一片情。出自:燕舞收录机 康师傅方便面,好吃看得见。出自:康师傅 不要太潇洒!出自:杉杉西服 让一亿人先聪明起来。出自:巨人脑黄金 共创美的前程,共度美的人生。出自:美的电器 省优,部优,葛优?出自:双汇火腿肠 喝孔府宴酒,做天下文章。出自:孔府宴酒 健康成就未来。出自:海王 牙好,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香。出自:蓝天六必治永远的绿色,永远的秦池。出自:秦池酒 坐红旗车,走中国路。出自:红旗轿车 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。出自:大宝

孔府家酒,叫人想家。出自:孔府家酒 补钙新观念,吸收是关键。出自:龙牡壮骨冲剂 喝汇源果汁,走健康之路。出自:汇源果汁 我的眼里只有你。出自:娃哈哈纯净水 非常可乐,非常选择出自:非常可乐 新春新意新鲜新趣,可喜可贺可口可乐。出自:可口可乐送礼就送脑白金。出自:脑白金 飘柔,就是这么自信。出自:飘柔 超越性能极限,领略精彩计算出自:AMD 美国货,本土价出自:DELL 经典精铸,隽永典藏出自:明基 因智慧而不同出自:多普达 长城永不倒,国货当自强出自:奥尼皂角洗发浸膏 一种可以世袭的古典浪漫出自:房产 实力创造价值出自:cctv


高三英语晨读晚练1 Step 1 Reading and memorizing 1.fiction n.小说;虚构或想象出来的事情;编造;谎言 story n.故事;小说;新闻报道;假话;来历 novel n 小说adj.新奇的;异常的 2.desire n.渴望;欲望;渴求vt.希望得到;想要 long for 渴望 appetite n.食欲;嗜好 3.hobby n.嗜好;业余爱好habit n.习惯;习性;嗜好 4.wish for 希望得到be eager for渴求want/wish/intend 想要 5.satisfaction n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物satisfy vi.令人满意,令人满足vt.满足 meet vt.满足,遇见,对付satisfied adj.感到满意的satisfying adj. 令人满意的,令人满足的pleased adj.满意的content/contented adj. 满意的,满足的 be satisfied/pleased/content with sb./sth. 对……满意 6.test out 试验;考验test n.试验;检验v.试验;测试experiment v.尝试;进行实验n.实验;试验 trial n.审判;试验;试用 7.bonus n.额外津贴;奖金;红利 8.alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动n.警报;惊恐 warn vt.警告;提醒;通知vi.发出警告;发出预告 9.frighten vt.使惊吓;吓唬vi.害怕;惊恐 shock vt.使休克;使震惊;使震动;使受点击 disturb vt.打扰;妨碍;使不安;弄乱;使恼怒 warning n.警报 panic n.恐慌;惊慌vt.使恐慌vi.十分惊慌 alarm clock 闹钟alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的 afraid adj.害怕的;恐怕的;担心的worried adj.担心的;发愁的be alarmed about sb/sth 10.sympathy n.同情(心)pity n.怜悯;同情;遗憾;可惜 vt.对……表示怜悯;对……感到同情 overweight adj.超重的;体重超常的over adv.越过 weight n.重量;重力;负担;砝码 weigh vi.重量为……;具有重要性vt.权衡;考虑;称……重量 11. elegant adj.优雅的;高雅的;讲究的gentle adj.温和的;文雅的 polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的;文雅的;上流的 12.favour n.喜爱;恩惠vt.喜爱;偏袒 love n.恋爱;酷爱;喜爱的事物;爱情;爱意;疼爱;热爱;爱人;所爱之物 like n.爱好;同样的人或物


现代汉语语法练习 一、单项选择题(下列四个选项中只有一个符合题目要求,请选择并将其标号填在括号内) 1.语法这一术语有()含义。 A.一种 B.两种 C.三种 D.四种 2.“人、百、个”这三个词都是()。 A.体词 B.谓词 C.加词 D.代词 3.()能用数量短语修饰。 A.代词 B.动词 C.形容词 D.名词 4.()不能用“不”修饰。 A.动词 B.形容词 C.名词 D.副词 5.()表示动作的量。 A.名量词 B.动量词 C.时量词 D.形量词 6.能带宾语的是()。 A.名词 B.动词 C.形容词 D.副词 7.“上来”是()。 A.助动词 B.判断动词 C.趋向动词 D.及物动词 8.“国营、民用、大型”是()。 A.动词 B.名词 C.副词 D.区别词 9.“不、没”都是()。 A.程度副词 B.时间副词 C.范围副词 D.否定副词 10.“很、挺、十分”是()。 A.程度副词 B.范围副词 C.语气副词 D.情态副词 11.“我、你、他”是()。 A.指示代词 B.疑问代词 C.人你代词 D.名词 12.“他在黑板上写字”的“在”是()。 A.动词 B.副词 C.介词 D.方位词 13.“着、了、过”是()。 A.结构助词 B.动态助词 C.其他助词 D.语气词 14.“哎哟”是()。 A.拟声词 B.语气词 C.叹词 D.助词 15.“今天星期日”是()。 A.主谓短语 B.述宾短语 C.述补短语 D.偏正短语 16.“彻底解决”是()。 A.主谓短语 B.述宾短语 C.述补短语 D.偏正短语 17.“去打电话”是()。 A.主谓短语 B.连动短语 C.兼语短语 D.同位短语 18.“明代医药家李时珍”是()。 A.主谓短语 B.联合短语 C.偏正短语 D.同位短语 19.“你的到来”是()。 A.体词性句法结构 B.谓词性句法结构 C.加词性句法结构 D.主谓短语 20.“小张写了一篇文章”中的“小张”是()。


《大学生英语常用搭配词典》编写大纲 Guideline for Compiling An English-Chinese Dictionary of Common Collocations for College Students 在大学生学习英语的过程中,最大的困难无疑是词汇的学习。而词汇学习却又是语言学习的最基础的任务。没有牢固的词汇基础,其他任何语言能力都只是空谈。词汇学习的优劣,不仅要看学生是否获得了足够的宽度,即词汇学习的数量,还要看他们是否达到了一定的深度,即词汇学习的质量。而许多大学生在这两个方面都存在着严重的不足,既记不住要求他们掌握的词汇数量,对大多数词汇的了解也很肤浅。这种现象严重地影响了大学生们学习英语的积极性和自信心。 我们决定编写《大学生英语常用搭配词典》就是为了帮助大学生们能够有效地进行英语词汇学习。搭配是词汇学习的最重要的方面之一。掌握了词汇的搭配关系就建立起来词语之间的联系,把对单词枯燥的死记硬背变成了充满趣味和智慧的学习活动,把孤立的单词变成了真正实用的语言素材,从而为进一步的语言学习奠定坚实的基础。 英国著名语言学家约翰·辛克莱尔(John Sinclair)提出了词汇搭配的两大原则——开放选择原则(Open Choice Principle)和约定俗成原则(Idiom Principle)。所谓开放选择原则就是指,说话者在使用某一词语的时候根据思想表达的需要自由选择搭配词语。而约定俗成原则则是按照语言表达的习惯采用相对固定的词语来进行搭配。我们认为,当语言学习者的的语言水平尚未达到对所学语言能够运用自如的程度之前(大多数大学生均属此列),更应当遵从约定俗成原则,努力模仿本族语者的表达方法。否则在使用英语的过程中就会出现大量貌似符合语法规则,但却不符合语言习惯的洋泾浜现象。 为了向学生提供地道的语言素材,在本词典的编写过程中我们采用了语料库作为搭配词语和例句的来源。我们主要使用的语料库是自主开发的“大学英语课程语料库”(College English Course Corpus)。在语料不足的情况下,辅之以国际著名语料库“英国国家语料库”(British National Corpus)和带有语料库功能的《柯林斯高级学习者英语电子词典》(Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary on CD-ROM)。 我们的编写原则和程序如下: 1、根据《大学英语课程要求(试用)》中所列的词表收录全部6674个单词作为词典 的词条,以覆盖大学英语课程所要求的全部词汇。 2、提供所有词条的国际音标注音、词性标注、基本词义的中文解释、词频及大纲词 级标注。 3、主要以“大学英语课程语料库”作为语料来源,对每个词条进行检索,并提取搭 配词语和例句。 4、当“大学英语课程语料库”中所包含的某一词条的语料缺乏或不足时,再分别检 索“英国国家语料库”和《柯林斯高级学习者英语电子词典》,并从中选择提取搭 配词语和例句。 5、搭配词语先按类排列,再按字母顺序排列。搭配类别分为:【名词-名词搭配】、【形 容词-名词搭配】、【动宾搭配】、【动宾补搭配】、【系动词-表语搭配】、【主谓语搭配】、【动词-介词搭配】、【动词-副词搭配】、【副词-形容词搭配】、【名词-介词搭配】、【形
