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Real test topic 4

Real test topic 4

Real test topic 4: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students twenty years from now will no longer use printed books.

With the appearence(appearanc e) of new technology, things which used popular and widely keep turning into antiques in musueums(museums) and many believe that printed books will be among those books(things) in the future-some even go so far as to say that students in school will no longer use them in about 20 years. This, however, is an exaggeration form my perspective.Although the use of electric books use will be more popular(frequent), it does not mean the disappearence(disappearance) of the prints ones.

Since many students in developing countries are unlikely afford e-books, print ones will continue playing an important part in the near future. One of the primary advantage of using paper books is the low cost and even though the students in the developed countries like the United States today are use the paper books(still using them almost every day). It is hard to believe that all the countries in the world will be wealthy enough to afford (every students an school an) electronic book. In comparison with e-books, printed books are much more cost-effective choices and will still be popular at school in most countries even 20 years form now.

Another reason which keeps paper books popular is the convenience they offer, and it is clear that e-books might never have those attributes. Paper books are (so) easy to take and to read anywhere: you never worry about running out of batteries and the notes you take or the signs you mark will (never) disappear because of that. On the contrary, people usually need to take extra care when using e-books, because (for) they could be easily broken. We often see that people pass their printed books to others (by throwing them), but (yet) they can never do the same to e-books. Printed books just have too many advantages that they cannot be easily replaced soon.

No matter how advanced and powerful e-books are, schools should always consider carefully whether to use them since not all students can benefit from their merits. High school and university students may find electronic books powerful tools helping them study, yet the primary school students cannot control themselves(, lacking self-control,) are very likely to treat them like toys. The functions that printed books do not have, such as connection to the Internet and video playing, would probably distract them instead of improving their efficiency. It is for sure that both parents and teachers would not like to see that no matter now or in the future.

Technology indeed changes us and the world we live in, but it does not easily make things disappear. Printed books, enjoying so many advantages that e-books never possess, will continue to be used in the near future or even forever.
