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● 独特的单线接口仅需一个端口引脚进行通讯

● 每个器件有唯一的64 位的序列号存储在内部存储器中

● 简单的多点分布式测温应用

● 无需外部器件

● 可通过数据线供电。供电范围为3.0V到5.5V

● 测温范围为-55~+125℃(-67~+257℉)

● 在-10~+85℃范围内精确度为±5℃

● 温度计分辨率可以被使用者选择为9~12位

● 最多在750ms 内将温度转换为12 位数字

● 用户可定义的非易失性温度报警设置

● 报警搜索命令识别并标志超过程序限定温度(温度报警条件)的器件

● 与DS1822兼容的软件

● 应用包括温度控制、工业系统、消费品、温度计或任何热感测系统




(和地线)与中央微处理器进行通信。它具有工作温度范围55°C + 125°C和准确±0.5°C范围- 10°C + 85°C.此外,DS18B20可以导出功率直接从数据线(“寄生虫”),消除了外部电源需要。



图1 是表示DS18B20 的方框图,表1 已经给出了引脚说明。64 位只读存储器储存器件的唯一片序列号。高速暂存器含有两个字节的温度寄存器,这两个寄存器用来存储温度传感器输出的数据。除此之外,高速暂存器提供一个直接的温度报警值寄存器(TH和TL),和一个字节的的配置寄存器。配置寄存器允许用户将温度的精度设定为9,10,11 或12 位。TH,TL 和配置寄存器是非易失性的可擦除程序寄存器(EEPROM),所以存储的数据在器件掉电时不会消失。DS18B20通过达拉斯公司独有的单总线协议依靠一个单线端口通讯。当全部器件经由一个3态端口或者漏极开路端口(DQ引脚在DS18B20上的情况下)与总线连接的时候,控制线需要连接一个弱上拉电阻。在这个总线系统中,微控制器(主器件)依靠每个器件独有的64位片序列号辨认总线上的器件和记录总线上的器件地址。由于每个装置有一个独特的片序列码,总线可以连接的器件数目事实上是无限的。单总线协议,包括指令的详细解释和“时序”见单总线系统节。DS18B20的另一个功能是可以在没有外部电源供电的情况下工作。当总线处于高电平状态,DQ与上拉电阻连接通过单总线对器件供电。同时处于高电平状态的总线信号对内部电容(Cpp)充电,在总线处于低电平状态时,该电容提供能量给器件。这种提供能量的形式被称为“寄生电源”。作为替代选择,DS18B20同样可以通过VDD引脚连接外部电源供电。





DS18B20 供电节详细解释。




TH 和TL 寄存器格式图3

当TH和TL为8位寄存器时,4位温度寄存器中的11个位用来和TH、TL进行比较。如果测得的温度高于TH 或低于TL,报警条件成立,DS18B20 内部就会置位一个报警标识。每进行一次测温就对这个标识进行一次更新;因此,如果报警条件不成立了,在下一次温度转换后报警标识将被移去。

总线控制器通过发出报警搜索命令[ECh]检测总线上所有的DS18B20 报警标识。任何置位报警标识的DS18B20将响应这条命令,所以总线控制器能精确定位每一个满足报警条件的DS18B20。如果报警条件成立,而TH或TL的设置已经改变,另一个温度转换将重新确认报警条件。

DS18B20 供电


寄生电源模式下,单总线和Cpp在大部分操作中能提供充分的满足规定时序和电压的电流(见直流电特性和交流电特性节)给DS18B20。然而,当DS18B20正在执行温度转换或从高速暂存器向EPPROM传送数据时,工作电流可能高达1.5mA。这个电流可能会引起连接单总线的弱上拉电阻的不可接受的压降,这需要更大的电流,而此时Cpp无法提供。为了保证DS18B20由充足的供电,当进行温度转换或拷贝数据到EEPROM操作时,必须给单总线提供一个强上拉。用漏极开路把I/O直接拉到电源上就可以实现,见图4。在发出温度转换指令[44h]或拷贝暂存器指令[48h]之后,必须在至多10us之内把单总线转换到强上拉,并且在温度转换时序(tconv)或拷贝数据时序(ter=10 ms)必须一直保持为强上拉状态。当强上拉状态保持时,不允许有其它的动作。



对于总线控制器不直到总线上的DS18B20是用寄生电源还是用外部电源的情况,DS18B20 预备了一种信号指示电源的使用意图。总线控制器发出一个Skip ROM指令[CCh],然后发出读电源指令[B4h],这条指令发出后,控制器发出读时序,寄生电源会将总线拉低,而外部电源会将总线保持为高。如果总线被拉低,


DS18B20 温度转换期间的强上拉供电图4

外部电源给DS18B20 供电图5

64 位(激)光刻只读存储器

每只DS18B20 都有一个唯一存储在ROM 中的64 位编码。最前面8 位是单线系列编码:28h。接着的48 位是一个唯一的序列号。最后8 位是以上56 位的CRC 编码。CRC的详细解释见CRC 发生器节。64位ROM和ROM操作控制区允许DS18B20作为单总线器件并按照详述于单总线系统节的单总线协议工作。

64 位(激)光刻只读存储器图6


DS18B20的存储器结构示于图7。存储器有一个暂存SRAM和一个存储高低报警触发值TH 和TL 的非易失性电可擦除EEPROM 组成。注意当报警功能不使用时,TH和TL 寄存器可以被当作普通寄存器使用。所有的存储器指令被详述于DS18B20功能指令节。


节是TH和TL的拷贝。位4 包含配置寄存器数据,其被详述于配置寄存器节。位5,6 和7被器件保留,禁止写入;这些数据在读回时全部表现为逻辑1。




EEPROM 寄存器中的数据在器件掉电时仍然保存;上电时,数据被载入暂存器。


命令后发出读时序,DS18B20返回0表示正在召回中,返回1表示操作结束。DS18B20 存储器图图7



存储器的第4位为配置寄存器,其组织见图8。用户可以通过按表3所示设置R0 和R1位来设定DS18B20的精度。上电默认设置:R0=1,R1=1(12位精度)。注意:




CRC 发生器

CRC字节作为DS18B2064 位ROM的一部分存储在存储器中。CRC码由ROM的前56位计算得到,被包含在ROM的重要字节当中。CRC由存储在存储器中的数据计算得到,因此当存储器中的数据发生改变时,CRC的值也随之改变。

CRC能够在总线控制器读取DS18B20时进行数据校验。为校验数据是否被正确读取,总线控制器必须用接受到的数据计算出一个CRC 值,和存储在DS18B20 的64 位ROM 中的值(读ROM 时)或DS18B20 内部计算出的8 位CRC 值(读存储器时)进行比较。如果计算得到的CRC值和读取出来的CRC值相吻合,数据被无错传输。CRC 值的比较以及是否进行下一步操作完全由总线控制器决定。当在DS18B20中存储的或由其计算到CRC值和总线控制器计算的值不相符时,DS18B20内部并没有一个能阻止命令序列进行的电路。


CRC = X8 + X5 + X4 + 1

单总线CRC可以由一个由移位寄存器和XOR门构成的多项式发生器来产生,见图9。这个回路包括一个移位寄存器和几个XOR 门,移位寄存器的各位都被初始化为0。从ROM中的最低有效位或暂存器中的位0开始,一次一位移入寄存器。在传输了56位ROM中的数据或移入了暂存器的位7后,移位寄存器中就存储了CRC值。下一步,CRC的值必须被循环移入。此时,如果计算得到的CRC是正确的,移位寄存器将复0。

CRC 发生器图9












步骤1. 初始化

步骤2. ROM操作指令

步骤3. DS18B20功能指令




ROM 指令

一旦总线控制器探测到一个存在脉冲,它就发出一条ROM指令。如果总线上挂有多只DS18B20,这些指令将基于器件独有的64 位ROM 片序列码使得总线控制器选出特定要进行操作的器件。这些指令同样也可以使总线控制器识别有多少只,什么型号的器件挂在总线上,同样,它们也可以识别哪些器件已经符合报警条件。ROM指令有5条,都是8 位长度。总线控制器在发起一条DS18B20功能指令之前必须先发出一条ROM指令。ROM指令操作流程图见图11。

Search ROM [F0h] (搜索ROM 指令)

当系统上电初始化的时候,总线控制器必须通过识别总线上所有ROM片序列码去得到从机的数目和型号。总线控制器通过搜索ROM指令多次循环搜索ROM编码,以确认所有从机器件。如果总线上只有一只从机,那么可以用较为简单的读取ROM 指令(见下文)代替搜索ROM 指令,关于iButton Book of Standards 见https://www.sodocs.net/doc/348543428.html,/ibuttons/standard.pdf。在每次搜索ROM指令之后,总线控制器必须返回步骤1。

READ ROM [33h] (读取ROM 指令)

只有在总线上存在单只DS18B20的时候才能使用这条命令。该命令允许总线控制器在不使用搜索ROM 指令的情况下读取从机的64 位片序列码。如果总线上有不止一只从机,当所有从机试图同时传送信号时就会发生数据冲突。

MATH ROM [55h] (匹配ROM 指令)

匹配ROM 指令,后跟64 位ROM 编码序列,让总线控制器在多点总线上定位

一只特定的DS18B20。只有和64 位ROM 片序列码完全匹配的DS18B20 才能响应随后的存储器操作指令;所有和64位ROM片序列码不匹配的从机都将等待复位脉冲。

SKIP ROM [CCh] (忽略ROM 指令)

这条指令允许总线控制器不用提供64 位ROM 编码就使用功能指令。例如,总线控制器可以先发出一条忽略ROM 指令,然后发出温度转换指令[44h],从而完成温度转换操作。注意:当只有一只从机在总线上时,无论如何,忽略ROM指令之后只能跟着发出一条读取暂存器指令[BEh]。在单点总线情况下使用该命令,器件无需发回64 位ROM 编码,从而节省了时间。如果总线上有不止一只从机,若发出忽略ROM指令,由于多只从机同时传送信号,总线上就会发生数据冲突。ALARM SEARCH [ECH] (报警搜索指令)


DS18B20 功能指令


DS18B20功能指令。这些命令允许总线控制器读写DS18B20的暂存器,发起温度转换和识别电源模式。DS18B20 的功能指令详见下文,同时被概括于表4,并用流程图示于图12。

CONVERT T [44h] (温度转换指令)

这条命令用以启动一次温度转换。温度转换指令被执行,产生的温度转换结果数据以2个字节的形式被存储在高速暂存器中,而后DS18B20保持等待状态。如果寄生电源模式下发出该命令后,在温度转换期间(tconv),必须在10us(最多), 内给单总线一个强上拉,见DS18B20 供电节。如果DS18B20以外部电源供电,总线控制器在发出该命令后跟着发出读时序,DS18B20如处于转换中,将在总线上返回0,若温度转换完成,则返回1。寄生电源模式下,总线被强上拉拉高前这样的通讯技术不会被使用。


这条命令向DS18B20 的暂存器写入数据,开始位置在TH 寄存器(暂存器的第2个字节),接下来写入TL 寄存器(暂存器的第3 个字节),最后写入配置寄存器(暂存器的第4 个字节)。数据以最低有效位开始传送。上述三个字节的写入必须发生在总线控制器发出复位命令前,否则会中止写入。


这条命令读取暂存器的内容。读取将从字节0 开始,一只进行下去,知道第9字节(字节8,CRC)读完,如果不想读完所有字节,控制器可以在任何时间发出复位命令来中止读取。

COPY SCRATCHPAD [48h] (拷贝暂存器指令)

这条命令把TH,TL 和配置寄存器(第2、3、4 字节)的内容拷贝到EEPROM 中。如果使用寄生电源总线控制器必须在发出这条命令的10us 内启动强上拉并最

少保持10ms,见DS18B20 供电节所述。




READ POWER SUPPLY [B4h] (读电源模式指令)


DS18B20将拉低总线,若是外部电源模式,DS18B20将会把总线拉高。关于这条指令的用法信息详述于DS18B20 供电节。

DS18B20 功能指令表表4


1. 对于寄生电源模式下的DS18B20,在温度转换和拷贝数据到EEPROM期间,必须给单总线一个强上拉。总线上在这段时间内不能有其它活动。

2. 总线控制器在任何时刻都可以通过发出复位信号中止数据传输。

3. TH,TL和配置寄存器这3个字节的写入必须在复位信号发起之前。

ROM 指令流程图图11

DS18B20 功能指令流程图图12


DS18B20需要严格的单总线协议以确保数据的完整性。协议包括集中单总线信号类型:复位脉冲、存在脉冲、写0、写1、读0 和读1。所有这些信号,除存在脉冲外,都是由总线控制器发出的。


和DS18B20 间的任何通讯都需要以初始化序列开始,初始化序列见图13。一个复位脉冲跟着一个存在脉冲表明DS18B20已经准备好发送和接收数据。








由两种写时序:写1 时序和写0 时序。总线控制器通过写1 时序写逻辑1 到DS18B20,写0 时序写逻辑0 到DS18B20。所有写时序必须最少持续60us,包括两个写周期之间至少1us的恢复时间。当总线控制器把数据线从逻辑高电平拉到低电平的时候,写时序开始(见图14)。




总线控制器发起读时序时,DS18B20仅被用来传输数据给控制器。因此,总线控制器在发出读暂存器指令[BEh]或读电源模式指令[B4H]后必须立刻开始读时序,DS18B20可以提供请求信息。除此之外,总线控制器在发出发送温度转换指令[44h]或召回EEPROM指令[B8h]之后读时序,详见DS18B20 功能指令节。所有读时序必须最少60us,包括两个读周期间至少1us的恢复时间。当总线控制器把数据线从高电平拉到低电平时,读时序开始,数据线必须至少保持1us,然后总线被释放(见图14)。在总线控制器发出读时序后,DS18B20 通过拉高或拉低总线上来传输1或0。当传输逻辑0结束后,总线将被释放,通过上拉电阻回到上升沿状态。从DS18B20输出的数据在读时序的下降沿出现后15us 内有效。因此,总线控制器在读时序开始后必须停止把I/O脚驱动为低电平15us,以读取I/O脚状态。

图15 标识TINIT,TRC 和TSAMPLE 之和必须小于15us。图16 指出,系统时间可以用下面办法达到最大:TINIT和TRC保持时间尽可能校;把控制器采样时间放到15us周期的最后。

控制器读1 的详细时序图15

推荐控制器读1 时序图16


Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer FEATURES

● Unique 1-Wire? Interface Requires Only One Port Pin for Communication

● Each Device has a Unique 64-Bit Serial Code Stored in an On-Board ROM

● Multidrop Capability Simplifies Distributed Temperature-Sensing Applications

●Requires No External Components

● Can Be Powered from Data Line; Power Supply Range is 3.0V to 5.5V

● Measures Temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F)

●±0.5°C Accuracy from -10°C to +85°C

●Thermometer Resolution is User Selectable from 9 to 12 Bits

● Converts Temperature to 12-Bit Digital Word in 750ms (Max)

●User-Definable Nonvolatile (NV) Alarm Settings

● Alarm Search Command Identifies and Addresses Devices Whose Temperature is Outside Programmed Limits (Temperature

Alarm Condition)

● Software Compatible with the DS1822

●Applications Include Thermostatic Controls, Industrial Systems, Consumer Products,

Thermometers, or Any Thermally Sensitive




The DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and lower trigger points. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by definition requires only one data line (and ground) for communication with a central microprocessor. It has an operating temperature range of -55°C to +125°C and is accurate to ±0.5°C over the range of -10°C to +85°C. In addition, the DS18B20 can derive power directly from the data line (“parasite power”), eliminating the need for an external power supply.

Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple DS18B20s to function on the same 1-Wire bus. Thus, it is simple to use one microprocessor to control many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications that can benefit from this feature include HVAC environmental controls, temperature monitoring systems inside buildings, equipment, or machinery, and process monitoring and control systems.



Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the DS18B20, and pin descriptions are given in the Pin Description table. The 64-bit ROM stores the device’s un ique serial code. The scratchpad memory contains the 2-byte temperature register that stores the digital output from the temperature sensor. In addition, the scratchpad provides access to the 1-byte upper and lower alarm trigger registers (T H and T L) and the 1-byte configuration register. The configuration register allows the user to set the resolution of the temperatureto-digital conversion to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits. The T H, T L, and configuration registers are nonvolatile (EEPROM), so they will retain data when the device is powered down.

The DS18B20 uses Maxim’s exclusive 1-Wire bus protocol that implements bus communication using one control signal. The control line requires a weak pullup resistor since all devices are linked to the bus via a 3-state or open-drain port (the DQ pin in the case of the DS18B20). In this bus system, the microprocessor (the master device) identifies and addresses devices on the bus using each device’s unique

64-bit code. Because each device has a unique code, the number of devices that can be addressed on one bus is virtually unlimited. The 1-Wire bus protocol, including detailed explanations of the commands and “time slots,” is covered in the 1-Wire Bus System section.

Another feature of the DS18B20 is the ability to operate without an external power supply. Power is instead supplied through the 1-Wire pullup resistor via the DQ pin when the bus is high. The high bus signal also charges an internal capacitor (C PP),

which then supplies power to the device when the bus is low. This method of deriving power from the 1-Wire bus is referred to as “parasite power.” As an alternative, the DS18B20 may also be powered by an external supply on V DD.

Figure 1. DS18B20 Block Diagram


The core functionality of the DS18B20 is its direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The resolution of the temperature sensor is user-configurable to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits, corresponding to increments of 0.5°C, 0.25°C, 0.125°C, and 0.0625°C, respectively. The default resolution at power-up is 12-bit. The DS18B20 powers up in a low-power idle state. To initiate a temperature measurement and A-to-D conversion, the master must issue a Convert T [44h] command. Following the conversion, the resulting thermal data is stored in the 2-byte temperature register in the scratchpad memory and the DS18B20 returns to its idle state. If the DS18B20 is powered by an external supply, the master can issue “read time slots” (see the1-Wire Bus System section) after the Convert T command and the DS18B20 will respond by transmitting 0 while the temperature conversion is in progress and 1 when the conversion is done. If the DS18B20 is powered with parasite power, this notification technique cannot be used since the bus must be pulled high by a strong pullup during the entire temperature conversion. The bus requirements for parasite power are explained in detail in the Powering the DS18B20 section.

Figure 2. Temperature Register Format

Table 1. Temperature/Data Relationship

*The power-on reset value of the temperature register is +85°C.


After the DS18B20 performs a temperature conversion, the temperature value is compared to the userdefined two’s complement alarm trigger values stored in the

1-byte T H and T L registers (see Figure 3). The sign bit (S) indicates if the value is positive or negative: for positive numbers S = 0 and for negative numbers S = 1. The T H and T L registers are nonvolatile (EEPROM) so they will retain data when the device is powered down. T H and T L can be accessed through bytes 2 and 3 of the scratchpad as explained in the Memory section.

Figure 3. T H and T L Register Format

Only bits 11 through 4 of the temperature register are used in the T H and T L comparison since T H and T L are 8-bit registers. If the measured temperature is lower than or equal to T L or higher than or equal to T H,an alarm condition exists and an alarm flag is set inside the DS18B20. This flag is updated after every temperature measurement; therefore, if the alarm condition goes away, the flag will be turned off after the next temperature conversion.

The master device can check the alarm flag status of all DS18B20s on the bus by issuing an Alarm Search [ECh] command. Any DS18B20s with a set alarm flag will respond to the command, so the master can determine exactly which DS18B20s have experienced an alarm condition. If an alarm condition exists and the T H or T L settings have changed, another temperature conversion should be done to validate the alarm condition.


The DS18B20 can be powered by an external supply on the V DD pin, or it can operate

in “parasite power” mode, which allows the DS18B20 to function without a local external supply. Parasite power is very useful for applications that require remote temperature sensing or that are very space constrained. Figure 1 shows the

DS18B20’s parasite-power control circuitry, which “steals” power from the 1-Wire bus via the DQ pin when the bus is high. The stolen charge powers the DS18B20 while the bus is high, and some of the charge is stored on the parasite power capacitor (C PP) to provide power when the bus is low. When the DS18B20 is used in parasite power mode, the V DD pin must be connected to ground.

In parasite power mode, the 1-Wire bus and C PP can provide sufficient current to the DS18B20 for most operations as long as the specified timing and voltage requirements are met (see the DC Electrical Characteristics and AC Electrical Characteristics). However, when the DS18B20 is performing temperature conversions or copying data from the scratchpad memory to EEPROM, the operating current can be as high as 1.5mA. This current can cause an unacceptable voltage drop across the weak 1-Wire pullup resistor and is more current than can be supplied by

C PP. To assure that the DS18B20 has sufficient supply current, it is necessary to provide a strong pullup on the 1-Wire bus whenever temperature conversions are taking place or data is being copied from the scratchpad to EEPROM. This can be accomplished by using a MOSFET to pull the bus directly to the rail as shown in Figure 4. The 1-Wire bus must be switched to the strong pullup within 10μs (max) after a Convert T [44h] or Copy Scratchpad [48h] command is issued, and the bus must be held high by the pullup for the duration of the conversion (t CONV) or data transfer (t WR = 10ms). No other activity can take place on the 1-Wire bus while the pullup is enabled.

The DS18B20 can also be powered by the conventional method of connecting an external power supply to the V DD pin, as shown in Figure 5. The advantage of this method is that the MOSFET pullup is not required, and the 1-Wire bus is free to carry other traffic during the temperature conversion time.

The use of parasite power is not recommended for temperatures above +100°C since the DS18B20 may not be able to sustain communications due to the higher leakage currents that can exist at these temperatures. For applications in which such temperatures are likely, it is strongly recommended that the DS18B20 be powered by an external power supply.

In some situations the bus master may not know whether the DS18B20s on the bus are parasite powered or powered by external supplies. The master needs this information to determine if the strong bus pullup should be used during temperature conversions. To get this information, the master can issue a Skip ROM [CCh] command followed by a Read Power Supply [B4h] command followed by a “read time slot”. During the read time slot, parasite powered DS18B20s will pull the bus low, and externally powered DS18B20s will let the bus remain high. If the bus is pulled low, the master knows that it must supply the strong pullup on the 1-Wire bus during temperature conversions.

Figure 4. Supplying the Parasite-Powered DS18B20 During Temperature Conversions
