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练习 1 徐霞客
? 徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书本上的结论。他发现前人研究的地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察变换的奇景。
? 周游:到各处游历; 走遍travel across (around);tour;visit
? 考察: explore; make an on-the-spot investigation; inspect
? 足迹:footprint;footmark; trace
? 遍及 spread all over
? During his life time, Xu Xiake visited and explored 16 provinces, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country.
? 他在考察的过程中: in his exploration; in his tours;on his tours
? 盲目:blindly; in a blind way; without thinking
? 迷信: superstition; blindly worship/ believe in。
? 这里“迷信”指接受accept readily/without thinking
? He never blindly accepted the conclusions given in books in his exploration.
? 前人:predecessor; forefathers; others
? 前人栽树,后人乘凉。 One man sows and another reaps.
? 记载:record; put down in writing; document; notes
? 可靠:真实可信 true或准确accurate信得过reliable; trustworthy
? and found many inaccuracies in the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors.
? He found that many of the geographical records by other people before him were inaccurate.
? 为了: in order to, for the sake of, for the purpose of, with the aim of, with a view to
? 细致的:careful, delicate, detailed
? 乘车坐船:“乘坐”应使用一个词 by carriage and boat; take the wagon and the boat
? 翻山越岭:翻越可使用一个词 climb/cross mountains and ridges
? 长途跋涉: long difficult journeys
? He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration.
? 弄清:find out; make clear
? 真相:real situation(

区别于表面或造假的情况);the actual state of affairs; fact; truth
? 真相大白come out in the wash; The truth is out; The facts are clear now.
? 弄清真相:get a clear picture of
? 艰险:hardships and dangers;dangerous; treacherous; difficult

? 人迹罕至:untraversed;unfrequented;seldom visited
? 奇山秀景:grotesque mountains and spectacular sceneries;
? 奇:grotesque, peculiar, strange, unique
? 秀:fantastic, miraculous, magnificent, spectacular
? To get a true picture of nature, he picked/chose mountains with treacherous paths and unfrequented jungles for explorations, discovering many grotesque mountains and beautiful sceneries.
? He would revisit famous mountains at different time and in different seasons to observe the changing magnificent views time and again.


The Old Hat Mountain
The Laomao Mountain
Mount Laomao

? 老帽山位于普兰店市北部、全国战斗英雄于庆阳的家乡--同益乡,其主峰海拔848米。该山因峰秀、石峭、林密、松奇、花异而远近闻名,素有辽南“小黄山”之美誉。
? 老帽山雄伟壮观、景色宜人。山中怪石千姿百态,惟妙惟肖;清泉四季长流,瀑布溅石有声;动植物资源极其丰富;各种花卉竞相开放,各种野果随处可见,野生动物时隐时现;一些珍贵中草药材应有尽有,人称辽南“百草园”。
? 老帽山四季有景,生机无限。“觅英雄足迹,赏帽山风光”,热情好客的同益人民真诚欢迎海内外朋友来老帽山旅游观光。
? 战斗英雄: combat hero
? 主峰:main peak; highest peak; dominant peak
? 海拔:in elevation; above sea level,be elevated ??? meters
? The Old Hat Mountain is situated in the Town of Tongyi in the north of Pulandian, the home town of Yu Qingyang, a national combat hero, with its main peak as high as 848 meters/with its dominant peak at an elevation of 848 meters/with its highest peak elevated 848 meters.
? In the Town of Tongyi in northern Pulandian, the home town of Yu Qingyang, a national combat hero, stands the Old Hat Mountain, whose main peak is 848 meters above sea level.
? 峰秀、石峭、林密、松奇、花异:汉语主谓结构可以处理成英语形容词+名词结构。
? 峰秀→秀峰:magnificent, beautiful peaks
? 石峭→峭石:steep, precipitous cliffs
? 林密→密林:dense, thick wood

? 松奇→奇松:奇:奇形怪状grotesque pines
? 花异→异花:奇异:exotic, rare,

? 远近闻名:famous far and wide
? 素有 ……之美誉 :素:ever, all the time, always
? 美誉:good fame,(good ) reputation
? 素有 ……之美誉 :ever enjoys the reputation of
? Known far and wide for its magnificent peaks, precipitous cliffs, thick woods, grotesque pines and exotic flowers, it ever enjoys the reputation of the Small Huangshan Mountain in southern Liaoning.
? 雄伟:majestic(majesty),magnificent, grand,imposing
? 壮观:spectacular(spectacularity),magnificent
? 景色宜人:宜人:pleasant,delightful, charming, fascinating, enchanting(使心醉)
? The Old Hat Mountain is both majestic and spectacular, offering enchanting views.
? 除了并列之外,我们可以对汉语的多个描述词语进行分解,分散在英文句子中的不同位置,如定语和表语;或者寻找一个中心点,其他围绕这个中心,此句的中心是“景色宜人”。
? The majestic and spectacular mountain presents enchanting views.

? With its majesty and spectacularity, the Old Hat presents enchanting views.
? With its spectacular majesty, the Old Hat presents enchanting views.
? 千姿百态:“千、百”,汉语的数字有时夸张,形容多的意思,各种各样。
? 姿态:姿势形态:postures, shape
? 惟妙惟肖:remarkably true to life; be absolutely lifelike
? Its unique rocks of all shapes and postures can find their resemblance in life.

? 清:清澈 limpid,crystal clear
? 四季: the four seasons;all year round
? 瀑布:waterfall, cataract, cascade(小)
? Crystal clear spring keeps running all year round, with cascades splashing down onto rocks (, creating roars).
? It abounds in animal and plant resources.
? 竞相:互相争胜 contend for/compete for…with each other
? Blooming flowers of all sorts contend for beauty and wild fruits are grown everywhere.
? 时隐时现:时…时…:now…and then…;now appear and then disappear
? Occasionally one can see wild animals here.
? 中草药:Chinese herbal medicine
? 药材:medicinal materials;crude drugs
? 应有尽有:have everything one expects to find; in great plenty and variety
? One can also find some kinds of valuable /precious /rare Chinese herbal medicines in plenty.
? Hence it is also known as the Hundred Grasses Garden of southern Liao

? The Old Hat Mountain presents sceneries in all seasons/all year round, with endless vitality/with infinite livelihood.
? 汉语的无主句译成英语时可增补适当的主语
? “Let’s follow the footsteps of the hero and enjoy/admire the beautiful scenery of the Old Hat Mountain”.
? The hospitable people of Tongyi sincerely welcome friends from home and abroad to the Old Hat Mountain.

3. 练习 白蛇传
? 脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》讲的是传自明朝的故事。白蛇精与青蛇精化作美女来到人间。白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。禅师法海认为他们的结合违反传统婚姻,伤风败俗。他气急败坏,于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔,救出白蛇精。至此,白蛇精与丈夫、儿子又得团聚。在《白》剧中,蛇被赋予了崇高的人性。
? 京剧 《 白蛇传 》选段
? 脍炙人口: be on everybody’s lips; enjoy great popularity;win universal praise; pleasant to everyone’s taste; popular; be a household word; oft-quoted
? 传统京剧: traditional Beijing operas, traditional jingju opera
? 《白蛇传》:story; 此处的“传”字也可不翻译。
? 传记:biography; autobiography; life
? The White Snake, a popular traditional Beijing opera, is based on (tells of) a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty.
? 斜体字——The White Snake
? 粗体字——The White Snake
? 加引号——“The White Snake ”
? 下划线——The White Snake
? 错误处理 ——《 The White Snake 》
? 从清朝乾隆到新中国成立大约两百年间,我国翻译的外国文学作品不下七千种,书的译名形形色色,各有千秋。现在,从上百种最有名的著作的译名中,归纳如下一些翻译方法,有的值得沿用,有的就不值得沿用了。

? 一、早年的译作,大多采取一种随便的“意译”方法,即根本不管原著的书名而为了某种社会需要或客观效果由译者另起炉灶。林纾(shū)就是这种“意译”者的代表。如他把Uncle Tom’s Cabin (汤姆叔的小屋)译成《黑奴吁天录》,David Copperfield (大卫?科波菲尔) 译成《块肉余生述》,Don Quixote (唐吉诃德)译成《魔侠》,等等。

? 二、过去有很多译名,尽管有的不那么理想,但已沿用很久,影响深远,为广大群众所熟悉,就只好遵从“约定俗成”的原则,继续使用它们。《圣经》各书的译名就是这


? 1.Genesis《创世记》
? 2.Numbers《民数记》
? 3.Judges《士师记》
? 4.Kings 《列王记》
? 5.Chronicles 《历代志》
? 6.Psalm 《诗篇》

? 7.Proverbs 《箴言》
? 8.Jude《犹大书》
? 9.Acts 《使徒行传》
? 10.Jonah 《约拿书》
? 11.Romans 《罗马书》
? 12 St.Mark《马可福音》
? 13. Song Solomon《雅歌》
? 1.All’s Well That Ends Well《终成眷属》
? 2.As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》
? 3.Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》
? 4.Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》
? 5.Carved with Pride 《 女英烈传》
? 6.Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》
? 7.Love’s Labor is Lost (空爱一场)

? 8.Measure for Measure 《恶有恶报》
? 9.Much Ado About Nothing《无事生非》
? 10.The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》
? 11.She Stoops to Conquer《委曲求全》(弯腰, 屈背, 屈服)
? 12.Dombey and Son 《董贝父子》
? 13.Professor Unrat 《垃圾教授》
? 14.Bleak House《荒凉山庄》

? 15.The Heartbreaking House《伤心之家》
? 16.The War of the Worlds 《星际战争》
? 17. The Way of All Flesh 《众生之路》
? 18.Red Star Over China《西行漫记》
? 19.Gone With the Wind《乱世佳人》
? 20.For whom the bell tolls《战地钟声》
? 21.Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》

? 四、一名多译,各有千秋。同一书名存在新旧多种译名的情况很多,要分辨优劣,决定取舍。例如:

? 有些作家,如 Ernest Hemingway(海明威)和 John Steinbeck(斯坦贝克)等,喜欢引用典故作书名,给译者增加了很大的困难,必须克服这一困难才能把书名译好。
? 如海明威的一书名The Sun Also Rises一开始译成《太阳也升起》,后来改成《太阳照样升起》,后者为什么较好呢?因为它符合原名所根据的典故。The Sun Also Rises源自《圣经?传道书》中的一段话:

? One generation passeth away,and another generation cometh;but the earth abideth forever. The sun also ariseth,and the sun goes down,and hasteth to the place where he arose.
? (一代人逝去,又一代人降临,可地球运转不息,太阳照样升起,照样落下,又慌忙赶回他那升起的家。)

? 这段话表达了人生短暂如梦,而宇宙万古如斯,恰好表达了第一次世界大战之后西方青年迷惘的一代的心境 : “为追求智慧的心愿所驱使,我决心藉酒自娱,寻欢作乐。我想,也许这是人生在世的短暂岁月中最好的生活方式。”因此, The Sun Also Rises 改译成《太阳照样升起


? 六、关于书名的翻译方法,除上面5种之外,还有别的方法,如音译、音译和意译相结合,等等。但不管用什么方法,有两条必须牢记:一是真正看懂全书之后再决定译名;二是译出的书名必须符合通用的翻译标准:“忠实,通顺”,并且要有美感。

? 翻译的原则是忠实。但忠实不是刻板。翻译的忠实,指忠实于原文的意义,不是一定要忠实于个别的词。为了确切地表达意义,个别的词不妨变动;有时还须从整体着眼,作较大的更动。汉语与英语语言有不同的习惯和不同的文化、社会背景,因此在互译时,需要灵活处理。书名的翻译,有时很简单,照字面译出即可,但有时需要灵活。在有些特殊情况下,需要动脑筋,作较大的变动。

? 英语的小说习惯于用主人公的名字作为书名。我国的小说虽然也有这种情况,但是较少,我国的习惯是以书名概括内容或点明要旨。据此,将小说Silas Marner译为《织工马南传》合乎我国的习惯,因为点出了主人公是个织工。
? The Adventures of Pinocchio(童话中的主角)译为《木偶奇遇记》,中国读者很容易接受;新的译法是《碧诺基欧奇遇记》,做到了字面上的“忠实”,但效果反而不好。
? 把Oliver Twist译为《雾都孤儿》,比译为《奥列佛?退斯特》好,因为前者点明了地点(雾都;即伦敦)和人物(孤儿)。

? 有一个电影,名叫《奇普里安?波隆贝斯库》,这样的影片名字记不住,讲起来很吃力。
? 莎士比亚的悲剧“Hamlet”译成《哈姆雷特》不如译成《王子复仇记》能够反映作品的内容和情节。

? 与人名一样,书名中地名的翻译也不妨灵活些,使能点明内容。Wuthering Heights译为《呼啸山庄》,比将 Wuthering这个专有名词按音译出好。
? 电影Waterloo Bridge译为《魂断蓝桥》,是按照中国的习惯以题目点明旨意。倘直译为《滑铁卢桥》,便不好, 因为“滑铁卢”这个地名会使人想到拿破仑曾在此打仗,但实际上这个电影与拿破仑打仗毫无关系,Waterloo Bridge是在英国伦敦,不在比利时,如果直译这地名,要引起误解,不如活译。
? 例如吴运铎的《把一切献给党》,译成英文时并不译成 All for the Party,却译为Son Of the Working Class。书中一章的标题则仍译为All for the Party。
? 为什么书名不直译?这是因为:倘书名用All for the Party,西方人看了不会懂。
? 在英语中 party可解释为(1)聚会;(2)政党。如作“聚会”解,西方人看不懂这个书名。

? 如作“政党”解,他们也看不懂,the Party指哪一个政党?
? 我们在中国,讲惯了,说“党”

? 提起政党,西方人会想到保守党、自由党、共和党、民主党等,而英国、美国的人民对这些政党绝没有我国人民对中国共产党的感情,因此他们不会理解这个书名。

? 为了避免误解,为了点明旨意,干脆就把书名换去,译成Son of the Working Class,这样能使西方读者一看就明白这本书讲的是什么。至于书中一章的标题用All for the Party是可以的,因为这一章在书的中间部分,读者读到这一章时已了解一个中国工人对中国共产党的感情,可以懂得了。

? 再如《王若飞在狱中》这本书,译成英语时书名并未照字面译成“Wang Ruofei In Prison”。照字面译,语言上是通的,为什么不这样做呢?
? 我们要考虑到,“王若飞”这个名字西方人不会熟悉。“在狱中”如译为“in prison”,西方人看了会想到盗窃犯、杀人犯等(别忘记,西方小说描写强盗、杀人犯的不在少数)。因此,如直译书名,会造成很坏的误解。

? 在这种情况下,把书名译为 Iron Bars But Not a Cage,其意思是:监牢的铁栅只能关住人的身体,不能关住人的心;身在囹圄,意志不变。这种译法则起到很好的效果。
? 这书名是根据一首英诗而来的。英国17世纪的诗人理查德?洛弗莱斯在英国内战时坐牢,他在监狱中写给他情人一首诗“To Althea, from Prison”,其最后一节的前四行是:

? Stone walls do not a prison make,
? Nor iron bars a cage;
? Minds innocent and quiet take
? That for an hermitage(偏僻的寺院).
? 书名是根据上面第二行而来的。由于这首诗很有名,西方读者看了Iron Bars But Not a Cage,马上会想到这本书讲的是一个被关在监牢里的坚贞不屈的政治犯。这样,书名确切地点出了内容。虽然字面上完全变换,但意义十分忠实。
? 《红楼梦》这个书名,便很难译。
? 《红楼梦》过去译为 Dream of the Red Chamber,最近国内出的版本则译为 A Dream of Red Mansions。
? 后者用复数,似乎比前者好些,但实际上两个译法都有问题。
? 因为汉语中的“红楼”,并不指红颜色的楼房。

? 新出版的《辞海》中,“红楼”条目下的释义是:“华美的楼房;旧常指富家女子的住处。”
? 在我国的诗词中,“红楼”二字一向是这样用的。例如唐朝李商隐的诗句“红楼隔雨相望冷,珠箔飘灯独自归”,其中“红楼”都是指上层阶级女子所住的华美房屋,而且常有爱情的联想。《红楼梦》的“红楼”当然也是如此。

? “红楼”的含义复杂

? 译为“Red Chamber”英美人只能理解为红颜色的房屋。因此《红楼梦》这书名无法满意地译出。
? 当代英国学者大卫?霍克斯回避了这个书名,把《红楼梦》译成 The Story of the Stone(《石头记》)。

? 总之,翻译书名,要考虑两种语言的不同习惯和不同的文化、社会背景,妥善处理,使译出的书名能准确地传意,而避免误解与不确切。
? 精:精灵spirit;soul;demon,devil;白骨精White Bone Demon; 狐狸精 fox spirit
? 传说有只狐狸成了精。Legend has it that a fox turned itself into a bewitching woman.
? 化作:turn or change into;transform; convert
? 这里指两个蛇精利用魔法使自己变成 metamorphose
? 美女:beautiful girls, beauty
? 来到:come to; venture into(壮着胆子)
? 人间: human world; mortal world
? White Snake Spirit and Green Snake Spirit metamorphosed themselves into two beautiful girls and ventured into the human world.
? 与……相爱: fall in love with
? 书生: intellectual; scholar
? 生:生育 give birth to
? White Snake fell in love with a young scholar, married him and gave birth to a son.
? 禅师:Master, the title of a Buddhist monk
? 禅师法海: Fahai, a Buddhist monk; a monk by the Buddhist title of Fahai; a monk by the name of Fahai。 法:法力 Dharma power; supernatural power。法海: the enormous power of Dharma
? 结合: combine;link;unite; union, marriage
? 违反: violate; in violation of; break; be against
? 传统婚姻: conventional or traditional marriage
? 伤风败俗: corrupt public morals; harm social morals; moral degeneration
? Fahai, a Buddhist monk, regarded their union as a violation of conventional marriages and a degeneration of moral standards.
他气急败坏, 于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。
? 气急败坏: in rage; be enraged; wrathful; furious;exasperate; in uncontrolled anger
? 神兵神将: divine troops from heaven
? 前来:come around 此处无需翻译
? 捉拿:arrest; catch; capture
? 镇压:用强力压制suppress;quell; 处死execute;
? 此处指幽禁;囚禁;禁闭,把……关在塔底不许出来。
? confine her to the bottom of a pagoda; incarcerate(监禁)her beneath a pagoda
? Much enraged, he sent divine troops from heaven to capture White Snake, incarcerating her underneath a pagoda by using his magical powers.
后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔, 救出白蛇精。
? 修炼: (of Buddhists and Taoists) go into religious discipline; pract

ice austerities(苦行); practice spiritual power
? 习武:practice martial arts/wushu
? 修炼,习武:两组词可以放在一块说,train oneself in /practice magic power and martial arts
? 砸烂:smash, topple
? 白蛇精:根据传说是青蛇的主人,故处理成女主人mistress 以反映中国文化,交代清楚二者的关系。
? For many years afterwards, Green Snake hid herself in the remote mountains to vigorously practice magic power and martial arts and in the end succeeded in toppling the pagoda and rescuing her mistress.
? 至此: up to now; so far; by now
? 团聚: 聚会gather; 人或物在分离后重聚 reunite
? 得(以):so that…may(can)…be able to;so as to;
? By now White Snake was able to reunite with /join her husband and son/her family.
? 剧:此处指京剧,故可以译成成opera。
? 在《白》剧中:要么译成in the White Snake ,要么译成 in the opera
? 赋予: endow…with…; give; bestow; assume。例如:
? 一些古老的风俗习惯被赋予了崭新的内容。Some ancient customs and habits have assumed brand-new meanings.
? 此处谈的是感想,可用现在时态。
? The snake in the opera assumes a noble personality /human nature.

练习4. 戎夷
? 戎夷离开齐国到鲁国去。碰上天气酷寒,在鲁国城门关闭后才赶到城边,只好跟他的一个门徒在城外露天过夜。夜晚,天气越来越冷。戎夷便对那个门徒说:“您把衣给我穿,我就会活下来,我把衣给您穿,您就会活下来。我是治理国家的杰出人才,为了普天下的利益而爱惜自己的生命;您,是一个普通人,不必吝惜自己的生命,您把您的衣给我吧。”门徒说:“我这平庸的人,又怎能慷慨地把衣给您这个杰出的人穿呢?” 戎夷听了,叹息说:“唉,我的主张看来不能实现了!”说完,便把身上的衣脱下来给门徒穿。到了半夜,自己冻死了,却救活了这个门徒。说戎夷能够把一个时代治理好,那还没有证明;但是,他那想有利于人类的思想,算是达到不能再高的程度了!
? 离开……到……leave…for…
? 齐国: Qi; the State of Qi
? 碰上:遇上 it happens that
? 城门:city gate
? 在……后才: did not …until after
? He did not arrive/make it until after the city gate of the State of Lu was tightly shut.

? The city gate of the State of Lu was already tightly shut before

he arrived.
? When he arrived, the city gate of the State of Lu was already tightly shut.
? 只好:have to, have no alternative but to
? 门徒: disciple; follower; pupil, adherent
? 在露天过夜:stay for / spend the night in the open air

? Rong Yi left the State of Qi for the State of Lu. It happened to be a cold day, and he did not get there until the gate of the State of Lu was already tight-shut. He had to spend the night in the open air outside the city with one of his disciples/a disciple of his.

? One day Rong Yi and his disciple left Qi (a prince state) for Lu (another prince state). As the intense cold made the journey very difficult, they did not make it there until the gate of Lu was already tight-shut. They had to stay in the open air outside the city for the night.
? 越来越: more and more; increasingly, grow
? (1) As the night advanced and as it turned colder and colder, Rong Yi said to his disciple,

? (2) As the cold grew more intense deep into the night, Rong Yi made a suggestion to his disciple.
? 汉语中经常省略连接词,英文不能省掉,译成英语时必须将汉语中省掉的连词 if 补上。
? “If you give your clothes to me, I will (be able to ) survive the cold, and vice versa.
? 治理:govern;administer;manage; rule; bring under control; put in order
? 国家:country, state, nation; state affairs
? 人才:talent; a talented person; people of talent, man of talent
? 普天下:the whole country
? 爱惜:treasure; cherish; love
? I’m bound to be a brilliant talent who can administer state affairs someday, and for the benefit of (for the sake of) the whole nation, I must treasure my life (I must not die).
? 不必: need not; do not have to; not necessarily, there is no need to
? 吝惜: treasure; cherish

? I’m a man of brilliant talent who will attend state affairs in the future while you are a man of ordinary kind, so there is no need for you to treasure your life. Would you kindly give me your clothes, please?”
? 平庸: mediocre; ordinary
? 慷慨: generous
? “杰出”与上文的“平庸”对照, 意即“高贵”superior, noble

? (1) “Since I am a nobody,” replied his disciple, “how can I be so generous as to give my clothes to such a superior person as you?”

? (2) “How can such a nobody as me be so generous as to give my clothes to such a superior man as you?” replied his disciple.
? 叹息: sigh, heave; heave a sigh
? 唉: alas
? 主张: advocate; maintain; hold; stand for; proposal; suggestion; view; stand; proposition; position; opinion
? 看来: it seems that
? 实现: realize; come true; don’t work; won’t do
? 说完: with these words; with this; then

? “Alas!” Rong Yi uttered a deep sigh (said with a deep sigh). “It seems that my proposal is doomed (won’t come true)!”

? With this, he took off his clothes and handed them to his follower.
? 自己: 这里要译成“戎夷”. 如果不是作为反身代词使用或强调, “自己”往往处理成具体的主语.
? ……死: die of…; …to death
? 救活:bring…back to life; save; rescue
? At midnight, Rong Yi died of cold, but he gave life to his disciple.
? Rong Yi gave / , giving life to his disciple, but he himself was frozen to death at midnight.
? 说…那还没有证明: “还没有证据说明”:
? there has been no proof that…;
? No evidence has proved that…;
? 把……治理好: to run … well; administer, rule a country/ state
? 时代: times; age; period; epoch; era
? (1) No evidence has been found concerning/regarding the fact that Rong Yi had the capability of administering a historical age
? (2) History does not provide any evidence of Rong Yi’s ability to run well a whole historical period.
? 有利于: benefit; be beneficial to; be good to
? 算是: at last, finally. 也可以不译。
? 达到不能再高的程度: 达到最崇高的境界reach/attain the loftiest/ultimate realm/extent
? (1) However, his idea of benefiting the entire mankind has reached a height that can hardly be surpassed/an ultimate height.
? (2) Yet, no one has been more lofty as he was in terms of (the idea of ) benefiting humanity.

习5. 白蚁之害
? 你知道白蚁之害吗?一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。一般的房屋受了严重的蚁害,有的还会突然倒塌下来,伤了性命。电杆被白蚁蛀蚀,一般两三年就要换一次。船只有了白蚁,轻的会将货物蛀烂,重的会使船沉没。铁路枕木如果受白蚁侵蚀,火车就有出轨的危险。白蚁这种害虫,实在是相当可恶的。在我们的社会里,则有另一种“白蚁”。前些日子报载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?
? [termite] 等翅目的一种像蚂蚁的昆虫,群居,取食木材,对森林、建筑、桥梁等为害极大
? White ants
? 害: harm; harmfulness; destruction, destructiveness, destructivity
The Destructiveness of Termites
Termites are destructive
The Destructive Termites
? 译文: Do you know how destructive termites are?
? Do you know termites are destructive?
? Have you heard of destruction by termites?
一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板 、壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。
? 大厦: edifice, high-rise, mansion, tall building
? 有了白蚁: 这里似乎有“白蚁泛滥成灾”或“闹蚁灾”的意思, be infested with ,be rampant with

? 一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治:
? 防治: prevent and control; check
? (如果)不加防治: 加以: 对……进行 (无需翻译)
? 不到: less than; fewer than; with ten years

? 地板: wooden floor
? 壁板: wall paneling
? 蛀蚀: bore, worm-eaten; moth-eaten; eat away, damage
? 一空: 一点不剩 nothing is left; …to nothing ; with nothing left; eat away all…
If a tall building were infested with termites and nothing were done to prevent and control them, the entire wooden floor and wall paneling inside it would have been eaten away in less than ten years.
? 受了……害: be infested with; be affected by; suffer (severe damage) from; termite-ridden(充满……的), be invaded by
? 一般的房屋(如果)受了严重的蚁害: 此句为条件关系. Ordinary houses
? 另外可以把“有的”与“一般的房屋”合起来,变成 “some of the ordinary houses might collapse if heavily damaged by termites.
“会”字的翻译: will, would, can, could, may, might
? 倒塌: collapse, topple, crumble
? 伤了性命: cause death; cause a loss of life

? 参考译文:
? 1. If seriously damaged, so

me houses of the ordinary kind might topple, causing deaths.
? 2. If ordinary houses suffered from termite attack, some would collapse, killing people inside.

? 3. Some of the ordinary houses damaged by termites might collapse, causing casualties.
? 电杆: wire pole,不能译成electric pole(带电的杆子)
? 一般: usually; as a rule ; ordinary; common; generally speaking;
? 更换: substitute; replace
? Generally speaking, termite-eaten wire poles ought to be replaced every two or three years.
? Wire poles would have to be replaced at two or three years’ interval due to damage by termites.
? 此句可以理解为:如果白蚁在船上轻微泛滥, 货物会被蛀烂, 如果严重泛滥, 会使船沉没.
(1.) If slightly damaged by termite eating, goods on a boat might decay; if heavily damaged, the boat might sink.
? (2.) Minor damage to a boat by termites would very likely ruin the freight on board while severe destruction might well lead to the sinking of the boat.
? 枕木: sleeper, crossties
? 出轨:be derailed, run off the track, go off the rail

1.If railway sleepers were eaten away by termites, trains would be in danger of running off the track.
2.Trains running on termite-eaten sleepers are running the risk of going off the rails.
3. Termite-eaten sleepers would derail trains.
? 可恶:abhorrent;abominable;loathsome; disgusting
? How disgusting pests like termites are!
? What disgusting pests termites are!
? Such pests as termites are really disgusting!
在我们的社会里, 则有另一种“白蚁”。
1. There is another kind of “termites” in our society.
2. “Termites” of a different kind can also be found in our society.
? 前些日子:即最近、近来 a few days ago, the other day, lately, recently
? 报载:it was reported on the newspaper that; according to a newspaper; according to a press report
? 外贸局:Foreign Trade Bureau
? 吉林省外贸局: Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau
? 副局长:vice-director; deputy chief
? 吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇:Wang Zhenyu, former(因已经下台)deputy director of Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau
? 利用:use; utilize; emplo

y; exploit; take advantage of; (滥用)abuse
? 职权:power; authority
? 慷慨:大量给予,这里是反话,大量使用,挥霍spend/expend wastefully; squander
? (慷慨:滥用职权的具体表现,所以使用abuse his power by squandering 的结构更好)
? 国家:government, state
? 大慷国家之慨:expend money at the expense of the state; squander large amounts of government money …
? 吃喝玩乐:wining, dining and other pleasure-seeking
? 请客:entertain guests; give a dinner party; invite… to dinner; treat
? 送礼: present / give … gift or present
? 不也是:难道不是Aren’t they/Isn’t it…
? 按照英文习惯,这段文字处理成“浪费大量资金用于吃喝玩乐、请客送礼,这一切全部出自国家腰包”。

? According to a recent press report, Wang Zhenyu, former vice director of Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau, abused his power by squandering a grotesque amount of money wining , dining, holding dinner parties, giving gifts and seeking other pleasures, all at the expense of the state. Isn’t he as destructive as “termites” too?

练习 6. 童心
? 静:quiet, tranquil
? 1. It was a quiet night without quietude.
? 2. The quietude of night was suddenly broken.
? 小两口: young couple
? 激战:指打嘴仗 quarrel; verbal war(与原文对应)
? 酣:激烈 fierce
? A verbal war was going on fiercely between a young couple.
? A fierce quarrel was going on between a young couple.
? 你说钱哪儿去了:How do you account for the money? / Just tell me where the money is?
? 抽烟喝酒了:You spent it on wine and smoke/ drinking and smoking, right?
? 干掉:花掉 spend
? 一个月十来块:a dozen yuan a month!
? 怒气冲冲:in rage; furious; wrathful
? 杏仁眼:almond-eyed; almond eye
? 杏眼圆睁:(of a woman) have an angry look in her eyes/ on her face
? She yelled in a sharp voice, with an angry look on her face.

? 本事:skill;ability, capability: You are more capable than me!
? 你有本事!:反话,讽刺 You are a big money spender! / You spend more money than I do! You outspend me!
? 不甘示弱:not to be outdone / unwilling to be outshone
? 回敬:…in return; fight back; reciprocate (答谢);回嘴;反驳retort
? “You outspent me! Didn’t you spend 5 yuan on those cosmetics a few days ago?” He retorted in an equally sharp voice./He yelled back at her, not to give in.
? 小毛头:(方言)infant, baby, child; little boy
? 站在中间:stand in between;stand between them
? 欲:try; wish to, hope to, desire, intend, with the intention of
? 和事佬:peace-maker, mediator; fence-straddler<美>和事佬,两面讨好者
? 撒气:vent one's anger on
? 对象:(目标) object; target
? 这一下却成了…对象: (1) His words made him the target on whom his parents took out their anger (2), which made him the object on whom the couple vented their anger. (3) Unexpectedly, the couple turned their anger against him.
? “Daddy, Mummy, don’t quarrel, please!” Said their five-year-old little son, who stood in between, trying to stop them/be the peace-maker, but did not expect that his parents turned their anger against him all at once.
? 啪:(用掌)打,拍,掴 smack
? 打嘴巴:slap him on the face; gave him a slap on the face
? 老子:1. 老子Laozi;2.父亲father; 3.老年男子的自称 I; me

? 德性:同“德行”:指举止和行为disgusting; revolting; repulsive; repellent。例如:你看他那个德行。How disgusting he is!
? 就知道:All you know is; You know nothing except

? Mummy slapped him with a smack. “Away with you! You’re just like your poor daddy, asking for ice-cream and cold drinks all the time!”
? 跺脚: stamp one’s feet
? 胚子: (多用于比喻)
? 和你老娘一个胚子: you are just like your mother
? 找……要……:go / come to /see/ ask somebody for something

? “Get away!” He stamped his feet in anger. You are just like your horrible mother, who is always asking me for money to buy new clothes and leather shoes.”
? 招架不住:unable to hold one’s own; unable to withstand (委屈)feel wronged
? 抽鼻子:sniffle
? 哇地一声哭了:cry out loud, burst out crying, burst into cries/tears
? The little one could stand it no longer. Sniffling, he burst out crying.
? Feeling wronged, the little boy started to cry out with a sniffle in spite of himself.
? 升级:escalate, worsen
? 砸碎:smash; shatter, break
? 被褥:bedding; bedclothes; sheets
? The quarrel became more intense/fierce inside the room. /The “war” in the room was escalating, vases shattered on the floor, sheets thrown downstairs,…
? 敲响:strike (eleven)
? 奇怪:wonder
? The clock struck eleven. The two suddenly stopped fighting, both wondering where their son was.
? 冲进:run into, rush into; dash into
? 跪在地上:kneel on the floor
? 打碎:smash; break into pieces(打成碎片)
? 聚钱罐子:money pot, piggy-bank
? 聚宝盆:treasure bowl
? 滚:1. 表示动作 roll;表示状态:lie; scatter
? 亮光光:shining, bright
? 两只小手正在数着:改成正在用两只小手数着 counting them with his two tiny hands
? 参考译文:Then they rushed into the next room and saw their son kneeling on the floor with his broken money pot —his treasure bowl — beside him and counting with his tiny hands the shining coins scattered on the floor.
? 仰起脸:look up; raise one’ s head
? 抹:mop; wipe
? 鼻涕: snivel。这里用眼泪表示更好
? He looked up, wiping the tears off his face. “Here are all the coins you gave me,
? I put them all in the piggy-bank. Take them, Daddy, Mummy. Could you stop fighting, please?”

? 搂住:embrace, hug, hold…in one’s arms
? 籁籁:形容眼泪等纷纷落下stream down.
? 籁籁泪下 。Tears streamed down.
? The two of them ran over and hugged him tightly, tears streaming / running down their cheeks.
? “Daddy, Mummy, please buy yourselves a piggie(儿语). When you have no more money, the piggie will open its tummy(肚子,儿语) and give you money.”
? 羞愧地:shamefully; in shame
? 垂下头:drop / lower /hang one’s head
? The two hung their heads in embarrassment. Now it was indeed silent/the quietude of night resumed.

练习 7. 庄子
? 庄子带领弟子出游,行至山中,遇见伐木工正在伐树,问为什么那棵长得很歪的树不伐?答曰:伐了无所用。至暮,投宿一老友处,友人欲杀鹅招待。家仆问杀哪只鹅?主人说那只不会叫的。树有用而被伐,无用而保全性命;鹅因不成器杀之,成器而得以延留。倘使伐工要专寻特型材材呢?那么,直树反而不中意。鹅主人若是喜静怕噪呢?则当下里砧板伺候的,只怕要轮到会报警的鹅了。总之,一切都还是应了那句老话:环境不同,结局也就不同。
? 弟子:disciple, follower
? 出游:go on a tour
? One day Zhuangzi was on a tour with his disciples.
? One day Zhuangzi was taking his disciples on a visiting tour.
? 伐木工:woodchopper, woodcutter
? 伐:砍伐 chop, fell, cut down
? When they came to a wooded hill, they saw woodchoppers cutting trees.
? 问:庄子问 Zhuangzi asked
? 长得很歪的:warped, crooked
? 答曰:伐木工回答:the woodchopper answered
? 伐了无所用:“伐了”二字无需翻译。
? 无所用:useless, have no use
? “Why aren’t you cutting down the crooked trees?” asked Zhuangzi. “Because they are useless/they have no use.” replied one of the woodchoppers.
至暮, 投宿一老友处, 友人欲杀鹅招待。
? 至暮:到了晚上 at dusk, when dusk fell, when evening came
? 投宿:seek accommodation; put up for the night, stay at… for the night
至暮, 投宿一老友处, 友人欲杀鹅招待。
? When dusk fell, Zhuangzi sought accommodation /stopped for the night at the place of an old friend of his, who was going to have a goose killed to entertain them/who was going to entertain his guests with a goose.

? 家仆:his servant
? 主人: host/master
? 不会叫:cannot honk, be dumb, silent
? His servant asked which one was to be killed. The host/master said the one that could not honk.
? “Which one, master?”, asked the servant. “The dumb one,” replied the master.
? 1. A tree is cut down because it is useful and is spared because it is useless;
? 2. A tree that has grown into useful timber will be cut down while one that is good for nothing will be saved/preserved.
? 3. Useful trees will be cut down while useless ones will not.
? 不成器: good for nothing; worthless; never-do-well
? 成器: amount to something; useful
? A goose is killed because it is good-for-nothing and escapes death because it is useful.
? On the contrary, a goose that has proved useless will be served as food on the table while one that has displayed usefulness will be spared.
? 倘使:if, provided
? 倘使……呢? What if…?
? 特型:special shape
? 材料:此处理解成“树木”更妥。
? 直:straight, erect

? 反而:on the contrary, contrary to, instead
? 中意:catch the fancy of, to one’s taste, to one’s liking
? What if the woodcutter were interested only in a tree of special shape? In that case, a straight tree would not catch his fancy.
? 若是:if, in case
? 若是……呢? What if…?
? 喜静怕噪:“怕”此处不表示“害怕”,而是指“讨厌、不喜欢” prefer quietness rather than noise。汉语习惯采用“左右对称”的写法,而英语则习惯采用“非对称”说法,因此“喜静怕噪”可以处理成“怕噪”。也可以处理成hate /dislike noise

? 当下里:“立刻、马上” at once; immediately; instantly
? 砧[zhēn] 板:(chopping block)
? 砧板侍侯:wait on, attend, serve. be handled on the chopping block; be killed; be served as a dish on the table
? 只怕:恐怕,I’m afraid, perhaps, probably, maybe
? 轮到:it would be the turn of
? What if the master of the go

ose hated noise? In that case, I’m afraid it would be the turn of the one that could sound the alarm to be served as a dish on the table.
? Then I’m afraid the noisy one would be killed.
? 应了那句老话:应验 just as the old saying goes; an old saying has proved true; it proves the correctness of an old saying,
? 环境:这里指具体情况 circumstance
? 结局:ending; outcome; final result
? In a word, it proves the correctness of the old saying/Just as an old saying goes, “If the circumstances are different, the outcome will be different / Different circumstances determine /lead to different outcomes. “

练习 ? 8.苏东坡

? Su Shi (蘇軾) (1037-1101) was a writer, poet, artist, calligrapher and statesman of the Song Dynasty, one of the major poets of the Song era. His courtesy name(字)is Zidan (子瞻), self-titled(号)Dongpo Jushi (東坡居士, The one lived in Dongpo) and is often referred to as Su Dongpo (蘇東坡).

? Su Shi was born in Meishan, near mount Emei in what is now Sichuan province. His brother Su Che (蘇轍) and his father Su Xun (蘇洵) were both famous literati. In 1057, he and his brother passed the civil service examinations to attain the degree of jinshi, a prerequisite to holding high government office at that time.

? During the next twenty years, he held a variety of government positions throughout China, most notably in Hangzhou, where he was responsible for constructing a pedestrian causeway(堤道, 铺道)across the West Lake that still bears his name: su di (苏堤).

? He was often at odds(争执, 不一致)with a political faction headed by Wang Anshi. This faction's rise to power eventually resulted in Su Shi being exiled twice to remote places; first (1080-1084) to Huangzhou (now in Hubei province), and the second time (1094-1100) to Huizhou (now in Guangdong province) and Hainan island. In Huangzhou, he lived at a farm called Dongpo (the "Eastern Slope"), from which he took his literary name. He died in Changzhou, Jiangsu province.
石钟山记 苏轼
? 《水经》云:“彭蠡之口有石钟山焉。”郦元以为下临深潭,微风鼓浪,水石相捕,声如洪钟。是说也,人常疑之。今以钟磬置水中,虽大风浪不能鸣也,而况石乎!至唐李渤始访其遗踪,得双石于潭上,扣而聆之,南声函胡,北音清越,木包止响腾,余韵徐歇。自以为得之矣。然是说也,余尤疑之。石之铿然有声者,所在皆是也,而此独以钟名,何哉?元丰七年六月丁丑,余自齐安舟行适临汝,而长子迈将赴饶之德兴尉,送之至湖口,因得观所谓石钟者。寺僧使小童持斧,于乱石间择其一二扣之。硿硿焉,余固笑而不信也。

? According to The Book of Waters, at the mouth of the Pengli Lake stands a hill named Stone Bell.
? Li Daoyuan explains in his annotation(注解,注释), “The base of the hill reaches a deep pond.
? Stirred by the breeze, the rippling of waves onto the stones sounds like the ringing of huge bells”.

? There has been a widespread skepticism about this view. Placed in the waters, a bell or a stone chime will never ring in the stormiest waves, let alone the hill-stones!
? Li Bo in the Tang Dynasty was the first to explore the site. When he struck two stones from the lakeshore, the one from the south hill sounded dull and muffled compared to the one from the north hill, which sounded clear and rich with a lasting resonation.
? He thought that he had ascertained the origin of this hill’s name. However, I have harbored more suspicion about this view.
? Since resounding stones can be found everywhere, why is this hill alone named “Bell”?
? On the ninth day of the sixth month by the lunar calendar in the seventh year during the Yuanfeng reign (1084), I was taking a boat from Qi’an to Linru while my eldest son Su Mai was going to take office as the county magistrate in Dexing County, Rauzhou Prefecture. On my way to see him off to Hukou, I had the opportunity to see the “Stone Bell” hill.
? When the bonze/monk told a boy to strike at a couple of stones in the rubbles to emit thumping(砰然地响) sounds, I frankly laughed it away.
The Good and the evil
? 摘自2000年10月22日《经济参考报》
? 苏东坡信仰佛教,对佛学颇有造诣.一次与方丈辩经,两人坐于团垫之上,相论许久。方丈说:“我在对方的眼里是什么?” 苏东坡说:“方丈你在我眼里是一堆牛屎。”方丈微微一笑,说:“施主你在我眼里是一朵花。”苏东坡满意而归,与小妹言及此事。苏小妹说:“佛家有言,心在地狱缘恶念。你心中有牛屎,才会把别人看成牛屎。”苏东坡听罢,满脸愧色。任何善恶的念头,在未变成行动和事实之前,其实在心中早已存在了。心中充满恶念的人,看别人的眼光就会变异,而心中充满友谊、宽容的人,
