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Dell QSA

Dell QSA
Dell QSA

Information and Instructions信息和指導


This document was developed as an Audit Tool to assess a supplier's Quality Systems against Dell's Quality Systems Requirements The Dell Quality Systems Audit (QSA) is build upon the ISO-9000 Quality Systems Standard, but with additional Dell specific require 此文件是根據Dell質量系統要求評估供應商質量系統的審核工具.此系統是建立在ISO-9000質量系統標準的基礎上的,但也包含了Dell特定


The Dell Quality Systems Audit is not commodity specific, therefore it may be used to assess the Quality Systems deployed by a sup irrespective of the commodity.



A supplier's facility is required to complete a self assessment using this tool in advance of the Dell Audit. (One QSA is required per fa By doing this, a facility will be able to prepare for the audit and seek advance help and guidance from Dell SQE to be best positioned It is expected that during the self-assessment process, that the supplier will use this opportunity to ask questions for eithe clarification or to better understand intent of the audit criteria. Waiting for the formal Dell audit to ask these types of questions is too late. It is also expected that based on self audit results, a supplier will inform the Dell team of their readiness for a formal Dell audit.

A self assessment is completed by scoring the relevant column in each worksheet

在Dell公司審核前,供應商應該用這個工具進行自我審核.(每個廠商都有一個QSA系統). 通過自我審核,供應商可以提前為Dell公司審核作向Dell SQE尋求幫助以便審核達到很好的成績.希望在供應商自我審核過程中,供應商能夠利用這個機會向Dell SQE詢問說明或能夠理解在Dell公司正式審核咨詢這些問題時就太遲了.供應商在自我審核的基礎上應該告知Dell公司所做的準備來通知Dell進行正式審核.


During the audit process, the Dell SQE may wish to review every question/criterion listed on the audit document, or alternatively the to focus only on those questions for which the supplier awarded themselves a score of 1 by self-assessment. The path taken is left to The score awarded by the SQE Auditor will be entered in the 'Score' column on each worksheet

在審核過程中,Dell SQE將會按照審核文件的條款重新審查每個問題/標準,或自行選擇著重于供應商自我評估為1分的那些項目問題. 審核SQE決定,SQE審核的分數將填寫在每頁每欄項目的"分數"欄目.


The SQE Auditor must complete ALL sections before an Audit Result can be declared.

The Audit Result of each section is based on the number of questions scored as 1 versus the total number of questions of the sectio Any questions that are scored as N/A are adjusted automatically in the score denominator

The overall average score does not determine the Audit Result, rather all the individual section scores will determine the Audit Resul 在公布審核結果前SQE必須完成所有的審核項目. 每一段的審核結果建立在打分的問題個數和此段的打分為1的問題個數之比.所有打有按打分原則自動調整. 整個的平均分不決定審核結果,審核結果是以每一段的分數決定.

The 'Pass' score for the Audit is 90%. If the Audit Scores for all sections of equal or greater than 90% are achieved, a 'Pass' or 'Appr If an Audit Score of equal or greater than 80% but less than 90% is achieved at any section, a 'Conditionally Approved' result is awar If an Audit Score of less than 80% is achieved at any section, a 'Fail' or 'Not Approved' result is awarded


If a "Conditionally Approved" Result is awarded, a Corrective Action Plan is due from the supplier within TWO weeks of the date of audit completion for any sections of the QSA that are below 90%.

If a "Not Approved" Result is awarded, a Corrective Action Plan is due from the supplier within TWO weeks of the date of audit completion for any sections of the QSA that are below 80%.On completion of this Corrective Action Plan, a supplier is required to generate second Corrective Action Plan to bridge to the 90% 'Approved' Status.



All Corrective Action Plans must contain a timeline to 'bridge' to a 'Conditionally Approved' or 'Approved' status, depending on the initial audit result, and must propose a target date for a Dell follow-up Audit.

Failure to achieve a 'Conditionally Approved' Result on a follow up Audit may impact business award decisions




Once a supplier's facility has Passed the Audit, the Quality Systems are approved for the facility audited, not all supplier facilities Passing the QSA does not guarantee a business award, but is the first step towards winning technical approval for a site. In addition, many commodities have a commodity specific Quality Process Audit (QPA), which also requires to be passed before




The Audit breaks down the Quality System into individual sections, each of which is represented by an individual worksheet

Within each worksheet is contained a series of questions specifically pertaining to the section being examined

The questions were devised and developed as closed questions with every attempt to avoid ambiguity

Because of the closed nature of the questions, there can only be one of three answers to any question, i.e. Yes (1), No (0), or N/A (x If the Criterion is fully met, a score of 1 is obtained. If the Criterion is not met, a score of 0 is obtained

A score of N/A (x) may be awarded if the SQE believes that any particular question is truly Not Applicable in the case of the supplier In any cases the total number of N/A should be kept as minimum as possible

If there is any doubt as to the score to award for any given Criterion, a score of zero shall be awarded by default

Any Criterion that scores 1 shall be clearly demonstrated, followed, and be beyond reproach

In the event that a supplier clearly meets the intent of the audit question, but does not exactly do what the question asks, a score of 審核是由每個不同的部分組成,每個部分被分作單獨的一張Excel表. 每一張excel表里的內容都是與此段要審查的相關內容有關.所有的問成封閉的問題來避免任何含義模糊或不明確發生.由于問題的這種封閉性,每個問題只可能存在三種情況的一種,那就是"是(1)","不是(0)","如果標準可以完成達到,則得分為1,如果不能達到標準,則得分為0.如果Dell SQE認為哪個問題確實對供應商工廠不適用則得分為N/A(X)當然NA分數越少越好.如果對于相關標準該打什麼分有疑問,則打0.任何打1的項目標準可以完全清晰地被證明,執行,或超過此標準. 如果達到審核問題的內容,並不是按審核文件問題那樣執行的,也可打作1分.


The QSA is very technical in content with regard to Quality Systems and Engineering Techniques

An internal training session will be provided to the SQEs who use this checklist

SQEs who use this tool are considered within Dell as being sufficiently qualified to conduct this audit


使用這個審查清單的SQE接受內部培訓. 執行此審核的SQE應由Dell認證有足夠資格才能執行審核.


The Audit may be used as and when the need arises. However, Dell may conduct an official audit annually for key suppliers. The fre of the re-audit will be based on the audit result & action closure of the last audit, as well as the supplier quality performance in the pa Before conducting an audit, the auditor must ensure the Dell commodity management team responsible for the relationship are

It is also intended for suppliers to conduct internal audits by self assessment every quarter so progress may be reported to Dell

審核會在認為需要執行時會進行.但Dell會對主要供應商每年執行一次正式審核. 重新審核的次數會根據審核結果和上一次審核改善行動及供應商在前幾年的質量執行狀況. 在進行審核前,審核員應保證Dell產品負責團隊與其人員的聯系並被告知審查計劃.希望供應商每個季次內部審核以便在向Dell報告時在系統與質量上不斷提高.


Please contact Alfred Lau at alfred_lau@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/349401539.html, for additional information.

如有額外信息,請聯系Alfred Lau


BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:对薇拉·布里顿回忆录的思考 听力文本 On this day in 1920 the United States voted not to join the League of Nations that had emerged out of the ‘never again’tide of feeling that accompanied the end of the First World War. Although President Woodrow Wilson had been appalled at the scale of human suffering he had seen, the increasingly isolationist tendencies of the US meant that the first organisation with an international peace agenda began its life without one of its potentially most powerful members. One of the early supporters of the League of Nations was Vera Brittain, whose classic memoir of the Great War, ‘Testament of Youth’, was released as a film on 16 January. Having read a review that found it sentimental I went to see it on Friday with mixed expectations. The film is primarily, like Brittain’s book, a commemoration of the lives and deaths of the young men whom she had loved and lost rather than an attempt to make a contemporary point. But the act of remembrance itself, can be a subversive and not just a sentimental act. Urged to forget and move on by those around her, Vera determined not only that she would not forget these young men, but that she would not forget what she herself had witnessed and learned as a V oluntary Nurse whilst at a military hospital in étaples. Confronted there with a hut full of German wounded Vera recognized, with shock, that these enemies were young men too, bleeding, suffering and dying far from home; the memory led to her initial support for the League of Nations, and in the face of the growing militarism of the 1930s, eventually to become one of the 20th century’s leading pacifists. As this month’s events in France continue to reverberate, and the release of the Guantanamo diaries raises inconvenient moral questions about western values, what we do with our memories is a key question. ‘Forgive and forget’is often not realistic, ignores the claims of justice, and is simply not safe, whilst the memory driven cycle of defending our own ‘high ground’runs the risk of causing more and more damage and of failing to see how our attitudes and actions –whoever we are - also need scrutiny. An alternative way to remember is offered by Miroslav V olf, a Croat theologian, writing out of the Balkan conflict of the 1990s. What he offers is a twofold way of remembering –a remembrance of harm done to us and ours that honours real anxiety and protects the vulnerable, but a remembrance which also honours the humanity of our enemies –a remembrance that restrains our desire for vengeance, opens up space for the scrutiny of our own actions, and constrains us to work for the


笔记本电脑键盘上数字键和英文的切换方法 (1)绝大多数是"Fn+NumLk〃 这种情况一般适用功能键Fn和NumLk是同一种颜色 (2)有的是"Shift+NumLk〃(如IBM笔记本) 这种情况一般适用功能键Fn和NumLk是不同颜色 ⑶ 有的是直接按"NumLk" (4)也可以在BIOS里直接设置成开机为数字键或不是 在BIOS里找到有NUMLOCK字样的选项,改成Enable或Disable (5)按住FN键+F8键(NMLK)试试。 1、Shift NumLk 在键盘上方有一个写有NumLk字样也有的是和ScrLk在一同的,同时按住Shift NumLk就能够切换了。普通而言多在右上或右下。假如你的NumLk键上字样的颜色跟字母键盘上字样的颜色不同,普通表示你要同时按下Fn(Function)键才干按倒它,假如字样是同色却在该键盘上方,表示你要按Shift键才按得到 它。 按笫一次时启动数字小键盘(这时有的本本上会有一个写着数字1的锁的符号灯 会亮起),再按一次恢复正常。 2、FN+NumLk 这种状况是功用键(FN)和NumLk是同一种颜色,假如不是同一种颜色那么就是上面的处置方法。日立笔记本,DELI笔记本,普通就是这种办法。按住Fn 不放,再按NumLK键,你在键盘上找找,NumLK键是和其他功用键共用一个键,我的dell是F4键,用蓝色字母标在键盘上的。 3、用系统的屏幕键盘来关闭或者翻开数字键盘 办法如下:开端-程序-附件-辅助工具-屏幕键盘-单击NLK即可切换 4、Fn + Fll: NEC, IBM,东芝笔记本电脑数字键切换普通用这种办法。 5、常见的各种笔记本小键盘(数字键盘)切换快捷键: APPLE : SHIFT+F11 或者Fn+Fll IBM : Shift+Numlk 联想:Fn+lnsert TCL : Fn 键(左下角)+NUM LOCK 海尔:Fn+NmLK 神舟:Fn+NUMLOCK方正:直接按NUMLOCK清华同方:Fn+lns(Num Lk) 明基:Fn+NUMLOCK DELL :,直接按NumLk 就行 ASUS : Fn+lns(NumLK) ACER: : Fn+Fll 键 HP :直接按Num Lock或者Fn键(左下角)+NUM LOCK (型号不同有所不同)

China daily 新闻 中英对照 突发事件2

>Two mine managers died of asphyxiation in a copper mine in Nanning, Guangxi Wednesday when the head of the mine and 2 managers were underground inspecting a shaft, Xinhua reported Thursday. 据新华社报道,13日,广西南宁市某铜矿广一名矿长带领两名管理人员下到矿井查看设备时,发生窒息事故造,成两人死亡。 >The aluminium plant responsible for a huge toxic spill in Hungary will resume production by Friday, according to government officials. The government says a new dam is now ready in case of a 2nd spill. 匈牙利官员表示,该国一家发生有毒废水泄漏事故的铝厂将于当地时间15日恢复生产。政府表示已经新造了一座大坝以防止毒水再次泄漏。 >Australian federal police seized 464 kg of cocaine worth AU$160m from a yacht in a Brisbane marina Tuesday, the Australian Broadcasting Corp reported Thursday. 据澳大利亚广播公司14日报道,澳大利亚联邦警察于12日在布里斯班码头一小艇上截获464公斤可卡因,价值1.6亿澳元。 【Highlights】 >Civil servant exam tougher 国考'千里挑一'岗位现身 >Stars face jail for fake ads 虚假广告明星或究刑责 >British spies apply to ASIS 英军情六处遭澳挖墙脚 >Prince Harry in love again 曝哈里王子恋上'卡米拉' >Groom delivered to bride 新郎把自己快递给新娘 >Venice plans tourist tax 威尼斯计划开征'进城税' 【Cover Story】 >Megi to hit South China Sea 超级台风'鲇鱼'即将登陆 Super typhoon Megi is expected to enter the South China Sea Tuesday, meteorological authorities said Monday. Fishing vessels in the area have been returning to harbors for shelter. Torrential rains have already forced the evacuation of almost 140,000 people in Hainan. Megi made landfall in the northern Philippines at 11:25 am Monday local time and caused landslides, Reuters reported. 中央气象台18日预计,超级台风"鲇鱼"将在19日进入中国南海海面,当地渔船已开始回港避风。连日暴雨已经迫使海南近14万人转移。据路透社报道,"鲇鱼"于当地时间18日11时25分在菲律宾北部地区登陆,并引发山体滑坡。 >The final death toll from a gas leak in a pit in Yuzhou, Henan, which is owned by locally based Pingyu Coal & Electric Co, has risen to 37, after the bodies of the last 5 miners trapped underground were found, rescuers said Tuesday.


xp系统语言栏消失中英文切换 最常见是只能使用一种默认的输入法,不能切换其它的输入法,或者是上网聊天时只能输入英文字母。再看任务栏中那个语言栏没有了。好了,看看下面让它重现吧! 1右击任务栏空白处,再点工具栏,看看语言栏前面有对勾不,没有点上就OK了,有的话,看下面 2打开控制面板,点击区域和语言选项,再点语言,再点详细信息,找到下面的语言栏,如果能点开的话,在桌面上显示语言栏前面打上对勾就可以了,如果那个语言栏选项不能点开的话,不要关了这个对话框,点上面的高级选项卡,在关闭高级文字服务前面的对勾去了就可以了,还不行,再往下看 3按住win和R键,在运行窗口输入msconfig,点击启动,把ctfmon前面打上对勾,重新启动下就行了,最好再重新启动一次,不然下次重新启动后又没了语言栏,那么你还往下看 4现在这个方法应该能彻底解决问题,你在网上下载一个ctfmon.exe程序,再安装上,就万事大吉了。下载地址吗,你自己到网上搜吧,别跟我说做系统。中英文切换问题: 当xp 系统中的输入法ctrl+space快捷键不起作用时, 首先任务栏上的输入法图标上点右键选择设置。 然后选择键设置,双击第一个“在不同的输入语言之间切换”先勾选“切换输入语言”下面选择左手ALT。取消右边“切换键盘布局”前的勾。

然后进入“中文(简体)输入法 - 输入法/非输入法切换”,取消“启用按键顺序”前的勾。一路都确定后推出设置。 再次进入设置,进入“在不同的输入语言之间切换”,把右边那个打上勾。确定后退出。


最新 以新闻标题为例探究中英新闻语言特色的异同-精品

以新闻标题为例探究中英新闻语言特色 的异同 比较新闻学是20世纪初产生于西方的一门新兴学科,下面是小编搜集整理的一篇探究中英新闻语言特色的,供大家阅读参考。 1.引言 新闻作为一种记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的文体,有其别具一格的语言——新闻语言。中英文新闻语言由于差异、语言表达习惯等原因存在大量的不同。在中国,阅读英文新闻逐渐成为新的学习渠道,因新闻语言生动活泼、富有现代感,对激发学生学习兴趣、提高写作水平及了解外国本土文化都有着积极作用。现今许多教学创新模式都在强调英文新闻阅读之于学生的重要性。 本文旨在对中英新闻进行比较研究,从新闻的灵魂——标题入手,窥探中英新闻语言特色的异同,并向中文新闻语言使用者和阅读者提供有效的参考指引。 2.新闻语言与对比研究现有成果 2.1新闻语言的定义 蓝鸿文(1989)在其著作《新闻语言分析》中指出,新闻语言是语言这个大家族中的一个分支,是一种表述新闻事实的手段,传播新闻信息的载体。段业辉(1999)在《新闻语言学》中对新闻语言的定义做了补充,指出新闻语言有广义和狭义之分,广义的新闻语言包括消息语言、通讯语言和评论语言,狭义的新闻语言则仅指消息语言。 新闻语言的重要性正如《星期日泰晤士报》(TheSundayTimes)前总编埃文斯(Evans)所说,任何一位语言大师对语言的影响,都不可能像新闻记者的语言影响那样广泛,那样巨大,那样深远(吴建清,2005)。 2.2比较新闻学与中英新闻语言对比 比较新闻学是20世纪初产生的一门新兴学科,植根于西方。20世纪80年代首次以“比较新闻学”为题的是澳大利亚迪肯大学的埃文森教授与戈尔顿教授合撰了《比较新闻学》,该书将世界报业一分为三:西方世界、第三世界、共产主义国家,并收录了大量实例。在中国,1994年由陶涵主编的《比较新闻学》对西方新闻理论和马克思新闻理论进行系统的介绍,就媒介所有权、管理、世界新闻史、新闻法、新闻自由等问题进行横向对比;而1994年樊凡主编的《中西新闻比较论》则从多学科、多侧面进行研究;1997年刘夏塘主编的《比较新闻学》将中外新闻理论、文化、业务三方面加以对照;1999年童兵主


输入法图标不见了? 使用电脑中,常常有意想不到的事情发生,比如某天你正想写点什么,突然发现,哎,我的输入法图标哪儿去了?怎么办? 如果你用的还是Windows 98、Windows Me的系统,有时输入法图标不见了,一般可以在输入法设置中找回来。依次单击“开始”→“设置”→“控制面板”,打开控制面板,在控制面板中双击“输入法”图标,在弹出的对话框下部,有一个“启动任务栏上的指示器”的选项,看看它前面的选择框内有没有一个对勾,没有就选上,然后用鼠标单击下方的“确定”按钮,输入法图标就会失而复得了。 如果你用的是Windows XP中,输入法图标也会莫名其妙地丢失,但在控制面板中却没有“输入法”,这时可以按以下方法尝试: 方法1:在任务栏单击鼠标右键,弹出快捷菜单,把鼠标移动到“工具栏”上,会弹出子菜单,看看其中的“语言栏”有没有被选中,如果没有选中,单击选中“语言栏”,一般会显示输入法图标。 方法2:依次单击“开始→设置→控制面板”,打开控制面板,在控制面板中单击“日期、时间、语言和区域设置”,单击“语言和区域设置”,弹出“语言和区域设置”对话框,单击“语言”标签,在“文字服务和输入语言”下单击“详细信息”按钮,弹出“文字服务和输入语言”对话框,单击“高级”标签,在“系统配置”下,把“关闭高级文字服务”前面的对号取消(看到下面的注释了没有,选中“会关闭语言栏”),单击“确定”按钮,输入法图标就回来了。

方法3:点“开始→运行”,键入“msconfig”,单击“确定”或回车,运行“系统配置实用程序”,在“启动”里把“Ctfmon.exe”选中,单击“确定”,然后注销或重新启动应该就可以了。这是因为Ctfmon.exe控制Alternative User Input Text Processor (TIP)和Microsoft Office语言条,提供语音识别、手写识别、键盘、翻译和其它用户输入技术的支持。这个程序没有启动也会造成输入法图标不显示。 最后提示一下,没有输入法图标,用快捷键一样可以操作输入法。Ctrl+Space(空格键)是在中、英文输入法之间切换;按Ctrl+Shift 组合键可以依次显示系统安装的输入法。

China Daily 双语新闻

这些年过的春节年味儿越飘越淡 The Spring Festival travel rush, witnessed by tens of thousands people going home, gets more and more frightening every year. Firecrackers are more extravagant. The Spring Festival eve dinner gets even more delicious. However, most Chinese people feel that the atmosphere of Spring Festival, or Nianwei, is fading. How come? Why we feel less excited than before when we mention the Spring Festival? 虽然春运潮一年比一年猛,鞭炮和礼花一年比一年热烈,年夜饭一年比一年丰盛,很多国人却感到年味儿越来越淡了。年味儿为什么会变淡?我们提到过年时为什么不再有儿时的期盼和兴奋? 年味儿是什么味? What is Nianwei? What kind of atmosphere is it? It is the excitement and expectation on the way home; it is the smile on parents’ faces when we arrive; It is the happiness of the whole family sitting together chatting; it is our toast to our elders at dinner; It is the smell of fireworks going off outside; it is the jiaozi (dumpling) for the Spring Festival eve dinner that mom has been busy preparing; It is the enjoyment of going to the temple fair and watching the dragon dance, a scene that drags us back to childhood; it is the friendly ambiance in which everyone says “Happy New Year” no matter whether they know each other or not; It is the red lanterns hanging everywhere… Nianwei, the Spring Festival atmosphere, is happiness, peace and reunions… 什么是年味? 年味是回家途中的激动与期盼,是踏入家门时爸妈的笑脸; 是全家团圆的喜乐气氛,是晚辈孝敬长辈围坐在桌前敬的那一杯酒; 是屋外烟花闪耀飘进鼻内的一股幽香,是妈妈忙前忙后做的一顿年夜饭中的饺子;是逛庙会看着舞龙仿佛又回到童年的一种享受,是甭管认识不认识,见面都说过年好的那种友好感觉; 是满大街挂满了红灯笼充满了祝福话语的那种气氛。。。。。。 “年味”是喜庆、是平安、是团圆。。。。。。 过年习俗 Cleaning: In Chinese, the pronunciation of “尘”(dust)and “陈”(stale things)are the same, so cleaning the dust before the Spring Festival eve means kicking poverty and bad luck out of the house. The tradition embodies people’s hope to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new. 扫尘:按民间的说法,因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除尘布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望


第11课英文汉字巧切换教学目标: 1. 知识目标: 知道英文和汉字需要在不同的状态下输入,掌握切换输入状态的方法,了解如何在“智能ABC输入法”中输入特殊字符。 2. 能力目标: 体验两种输入状态的作用以及切换的技巧,加深对输入法的理解。 3. 情感目标: 培养学生学习文字输入的热情和探究意识,提高学生的文字信息处理能力。 重点和难点 教学重点:切换英文和汉字的输入状态。 教学难点:输入特殊的字符。 教学方法: 任务驱动法,自主探究法,小组合作。 教学准备:多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、动漫故事导入: 同学们喜欢听歌吗?听听这首歌是什么。(生答)今天《熊出没》中的人物来陪我们了,看看他们在做什么吧。课件播放光头强与熊大熊二对话,引入闯关任务:第一关:输入水果单词比赛。 苹果apple 香蕉banana 桔子orange 桃子peach 梨子pear 葡萄grape 熊二看到这么多好吃的水果,非常高兴,可是自己不会打字,就想到找小朋友们帮忙。小朋友们仔细观察上面的单词,发现有汉字,也有英文,这就需要切换输入法,这就是我们今天要学习的内容。引入课题:英文汉字巧切换。 二、合作闯关,学习新知: 1、先闯第一关,输入单词。

启动记事本或写字板,准备输入。提醒学生注意打字姿势。 (输入完成的小组组员可以为自己小组赢得一颗星,得星办法:用笔在老师事先准备好的表格中画一颗星。) 请一同学演示并讲解他的操作方法,并给自己小组加星星。 注意:学生有可能使用搜狗输入法,搜狗输入法可直接输入汉语和英文,也可使用shift切换。智能ABC和搜狗拼音输入法的不同。 输入法种类:智能ABC,全拼输入法,搜狗拼音输入法,五笔输入法,QQ拼音输入法等多种,各有各的优点。 使用时,根据自己的情况选择自己喜欢的输入法。 老师提示切换中英文输入状态的方法:Ctrl键+空格。 利用Ctrl键+空格,试一试: 男孩boy 女孩girl 妈妈mother 爸爸father 叔叔uncle 阿姨aunt 学校school★ 学生自主尝试,师巡回指导,纠正个别学生的坐姿及打字指法。 学生在输入过程中发现在“学校school”后面加了★,★该怎么输入呢? 2、第二关:特殊符号的输入 出示光头强任务:输入下列特殊符号: ●◎■☆§※★ 学生合作学习,探究特殊符号的输入方法。 师巡回指导。 请一学生演示操作,并讲述步骤。 这一关过后,小组仍可得到星星。 查看小组得星情况,表扬得星多的小组,鼓励其他小组。 3、第三关:输入水果食物儿歌。 听儿歌,并把儿歌歌词输入到记事本中。 播放儿歌,出示儿歌内容,学生开始输入。师巡回指导。 输入完成的小组添星星。 学生输入完毕,闯关成功。


播放新闻联播主题曲。 主持人甲乙:大家晚上好,欢迎收看由教伦中学高一十一班主持的新闻联播节目。 HostA B: Good evening, welcome to the Jiaolun high school class eleven hosting news broadcast programs. 主持人甲:下面汇报今日的新闻。 Host a: below on the news today. 主持人乙:由于今日是圣诞节,教伦中学学校门口出现严重交通堵塞现象, 各位家长纷纷要求要自己的孩子回家过圣诞,可怜天下父母心阿。下面记者由现场发回的报道。 Host b:Because today is Christmas, Jiaolun secondary school entrance appears serious traffic jam phenomenon . All parents have asked their children home for Christmas, pitiful world parents' heart. The reporter from the site reports. (镜头切换——道具准备:道具车、父母拿着接孩子的牌子[牌子上写着自己孩子的名字]、鸣喇叭声。父母们举着牌子拿着自己送给自己孩子,孩子从学校门口出来,被校警围堵, 引发父母们的纠纷。) 主持人甲:近日来,由于天气不断降温,导致学生们不愿起床,经常被老师抓住。下面看现场报道。 Host a: Recently, because of the weather temperature continuously, cause the students to get up, leading to often caught by the teacher. Look at the following site report. (道具:风扇或是扇子。大风吹,学生们打着哈欠向前走,看看自己的手表,不觉已经是六点半。学生们连早餐都没买就向前冲,遇到了级长,连招呼也没打,就被级长抓住了。被级长训斥了一顿。切换镜头——) 主持人乙:据传闻,教伦中学高一十一班有位舞林高手,由于个人长得很帅,受到众多女生围堵。下面看现场发回的报道。 Host B: according to legend, Jiaolun high school class eleven have a dancing master, because the individual is very handsome, Many girls containment. Look at the following site reports.


系别国际传播学院 年级2012级 专业(班级) 学号 姓名 时间2014年7月

【1】英美两国新规定手机不开机不让上飞机 Passengers at some overseas airports that offer U.S.-bound flights will soon be required to power on their electronic devices in order to board their flights — a measure intended to enhance aviation security at a time when intelligence officials are concerned about hidden explosives, a counterterrorism official said. American intelligence officials have been concerned about new al-Qaida efforts to produce a bomb that would go undetected through airport security. There is no indication that such a bomb has been created or that there's a specific threat to the U.S., but intelligence has suggested that al-Qaida and like-minded groups are focused on perfecting an explosive that could be hidden in shoes, electronics or cosmetics. Also, all travelers flying to or from Britain have been warned they may have to switch on mobile phones, laptops and other gadgets at security to prove they are working properly. British Airways warned on Monday night that passengers who could not switch on an electronic device when asked to do so would not be allowed to board their flight, with or without the item in question, as part of a new security protocol. But less than 24 hours later it reversed its position, offering passengers the option of being rebooked on a later service, leaving their device at the airport for collection on their return, or having it forwarded to an address of their choice. (译文)未来不久,从某些海外机场飞往美国的乘客将被要求打开自己的电子设备才能登机。反恐官员表示,情报人员正关注隐蔽的爆炸物,这一举措是为了加强航空安全。基地组织试图制造能够躲避机场安检的炸弹,美国情报人员已经对此进行关注。目前尚无迹象表明这种炸弹已经制成,也无迹象表明有针对美国的具体威胁。但情报人员表示基地组织等恐怖组织正致力于改进爆炸物,让它们能够被隐藏在鞋子、电子设备或化妆品中。同样,所有坐飞机去英国或从英国出发的乘客也都受到警告,在安检时必须将手机、笔记本电脑或其它电子产品开机以证明它们能够正常工作。周一晚间,英国航空警告,做为新安全协议的一部分,若不能按要求打开电子设备,乘客无论是否携带这一设备都不被允许登机。但英航不到24小时就改变了立场,允许乘客做出以下选择:改签晚些时候的航班;将电子设备寄存在机场;或将电子设备寄到指定地址。


英文汉字巧切换 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

第11课英文汉字巧切换 教学目标: 1.知识目标: 知道英文和汉字需要在不同的状态下输入,掌握切换输入状态的方法,了解如何在“智能ABC输入法”中输入特殊字符。 2.能力目标: 体验两种输入状态的作用以及切换的技巧,加深对输入法的理解。 3.情感目标: 培养学生学习文字输入的热情和探究意识,提高学生的文字信息处理能力。 重点和难点 教学重点:切换英文和汉字的输入状态。 教学难点:输入特殊的字符。 教学方法: 任务驱动法,自主探究法,小组合作。 教学准备:多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、动漫故事导入: 同学们喜欢听歌吗?听听这首歌是什么。(生答)今天《熊出没》中的人物来陪我们了,看看他们在做什么吧。课件播放光头强与熊大熊二对话,引入闯关任务:第一关:输入水果单词比赛。 苹果apple香蕉banana桔子orange 桃子peach梨子pear葡萄grape 熊二看到这么多好吃的水果,非常高兴,可是自己不会打字,就想到找小朋友们帮忙。小朋友们仔细观察上面的单词,发现有汉字,也有英文,这就需要切换输入法,这就是我们今天要学习的内容。引入课题:英文汉字巧切换。 二、合作闯关,学习新知: 1、先闯第一关,输入单词。 启动记事本或写字板,准备输入。提醒学生注意打字姿势。

(输入完成的小组组员可以为自己小组赢得一颗星,得星办法:用笔在老师事先准备好的表格中画一颗星。) 请一同学演示并讲解他的操作方法,并给自己小组加星星。 注意:学生有可能使用搜狗输入法,搜狗输入法可直接输入汉语和英文,也可使用shift切换。智能ABC和搜狗拼音输入法的不同。 输入法种类:智能ABC,全拼输入法,搜狗拼音输入法,五笔输入法,QQ拼音输入法等多种,各有各的优点。 使用时,根据自己的情况选择自己喜欢的输入法。 老师提示切换中英文输入状态的方法:Ctrl键+空格。 利用Ctrl键+空格,试一试: 男孩boy女孩girl妈妈mother爸爸father 叔叔uncle阿姨aunt学校school★ 学生自主尝试,师巡回指导,纠正个别学生的坐姿及打字指法。 学生在输入过程中发现在“学校school”后面加了★,★该怎么输入呢? 2、第二关:特殊符号的输入 出示光头强任务:输入下列特殊符号: ●◎■☆§※★ 学生合作学习,探究特殊符号的输入方法。 师巡回指导。 请一学生演示操作,并讲述步骤。 这一关过后,小组仍可得到星星。 查看小组得星情况,表扬得星多的小组,鼓励其他小组。 3、第三关:输入水果食物儿歌。 听儿歌,并把儿歌歌词输入到记事本中。 播放儿歌,出示儿歌内容,学生开始输入。师巡回指导。 输入完成的小组添星星。 学生输入完毕,闯关成功。 查看小组得星情况,表扬得星多的小组,鼓励其他小组。 熊大熊二非常高兴,光头强只能履行自己的诺言。


【今日热点】2020年政府工作报告双语版金句集合 5月22日上午,李克强总理作政府工作报告。报告结束后,“各级政府必须真正过紧日子”登上热搜,“生命至上”“群众关切的事情要努力办好”等话语也让网友大呼暖心。 我们为大家整理了双语版金句集合,一起来看! 1.中华儿女风雨同舟、守望相助,筑起了抗击疫情的巍峨长城。Through all these efforts, we, all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, have stood together in the most trying of times and built a Great Wall of solidarity against the epidemic. 2.对我们这样一个拥有14亿人口的发展中国家来说,能在较短时间内有效控制疫情,保障了人民基本生活,十分不易、成之惟艰。 As a developing country with 1.4 billion people, it is only by overcoming enormous difficulties that China has been able to contain COVID-19 in such a short time while also ensuring our people's basic needs. 3.我们也付出巨大代价,一季度经济出现负增长,生产生活秩序受到冲击,但生命至上,这是必须承受也是值得付出的代价。

Our success has come at a great price. The economy posted negative growth in the first quarter of this year, and daily life and work have been greatly affected. However, life is invaluable. This is a price we must pay, and a price worth paying. 4.各级政府必须真正过紧日子,中央政府要带头,中央本级支出安排负增长,其中非急需非刚性支出压减50%以上。 Governments at all levels must truly tighten their belt. The central government will take the lead by committing to negative growth in its budgetary spending, with a more than 50 percent cut to outlays on non-essential and non-obligatory items. 5.各项支出务必精打细算,一定要把每一笔钱都用在刀刃上、紧要处,一定要让市场主体和人民群众有真真切切的感受。 We will scrutinize all expenditure items and see that every cent is used where it is needed most and where market entities and the people will feel the greatest benefit from it. 6.14亿中国人的饭碗,我们有能力也务必牢牢端在自己手中。 It is imperative, and it is well within our ability, to ensure the food supply for 1.4 billion Chinese people through our own efforts.

双语阅读 时事新闻

iPhone增量式改变或将令苹果面临风险 The new iPhone is sure to shatter previous sales records. It may also prove the moment to dump Apple shares. 新iPhone一定会打破之前的销售纪录。除此之外,它也提醒我们,可能到了卖出苹果(Apple)股票的时候了。 Each new iPhone has sold as many units as all previous generations combined, Apple executives have joked internally according to recent trial testimony. And it isn't crazy to believe exponential growth can continue for at least one more. Combine pent-up demand among existing iPhone users looking to upgrade, with the possibility that the new model will finally be compatible with the world's largest carrier, China Mobile, and investors can expect explosive results. 据前不久的庭审证词显示,苹果高管在公司内部开玩笑时曾说,每款新iPhone 的销量都是之前所有几代产品的销量之和。认为至少另一款iPhone的销量也将呈现出这种增长模式并非不切实际的想法。那些想让手里iPhone更新换代的用户具有潜在需求,再加上新机型可能最终将与全球最大无线运营商中国移动(China Mobile)的网络兼容,基于这两个因素,投资者可以期待新iPhone异常火爆的销售情况。 But the device setting those records is itself likely to be just an incremental upgrade over its predecessor, the iPhone 4S. Indeed, if the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system is any guide, the newest iPhone may not look that much different from smartphones Apple sold over three years ago. Granted, the screen is expected to be larger and the device thinner. But the actual user experience isn't expected to be very different. 但创造这项纪录的新款iPhone本身却可能只是iPhone 4S的“增量升级”版。实际上,如果从苹果最新版移动操作系统来判断的话,那么新款iPhone可能与苹果过去三年来售出的智能手机并无太大差别。当然,预计屏幕会变大,机身会变薄,但实际用户体验可能不会有太大不同。 In one sense, that is good since a reason the iPhone is so popular is that 'it just works,' notes analyst Neil Mawston of research firm Strategy Analytics. The hardware, software and Apple services like iTunes are tightly integrated and easy to use, making the device appealing to a huge swath of non-techie users. That is opposed to, say, devices running Google's Android operating system, where the ability to customize can complicate the user experience. 市场研究公司Strategy Analytics的分析师莫斯顿(Neil Mawston)指出,从某
