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南师附中高三英语最后一讲 一、单项填空 1. 正确判断句子结构 1).Whom would you like to have ______ the work? A. to do B. done C. do D. doing 2). Luckily, we’d brought a road map without ______ we would have lost our way. A. it B. that C. this D. which 2. 注意识别插入语 4). John plays football ______, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as 3. 注意摆脱思维定势 5). He did nothing ______ made her angry. A. that B. which C. it D. but 解析:意思是:他没做让她生气的事情。试比较下列几句,看看它们各表示什么意思: He did nothing, ______ made her angry. (which) He did nothing and ______ made her angry. (it) He did nothing ______ make her angry. (that) 6). ----“Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.” ----“______.” A. I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t 7). I’m so busy that I can’t help ______ the work. A. do B. doing C. did D. to be doing 4. 注意上下文语境 8). I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ______? A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off 9). ----Are you still busy? ----Yes, I ______ my work, and it won’t take long. A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish 10). ----Has Sam finished his homework today? ----I have no idea. He ____ it this morning. A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done 5. 注意惯用法及固定搭配的使用 11). Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______ jokes. A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up 12). It’s the present situation in poor areas that___ much higher spending on education and training. A. answers for B. provides for C. calls for D. plans for 6. 注意常用词组的多义和隐蔽性的语境设置 13). We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it ______ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on 14). We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ______ it. It might be valuable. A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after 7. 注意英汉交际方面的差异 15). -----I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr Smith. -----______. A. Oh, no. Let’s not B. I’d rather stay at home C. I’m sorry, but I have other plans D. Oh, n o. That’ll be too much trouble.【单项填空】 (A)(8分钟) 21. Most of the top leaders expressed a common desire at the UN conference, _________ desire that different cultures ________ coexist with tolerance. A. the; must B. the; should C. a; must D. a; / 22. —Victor cares too much about himself.—Yes. He’s never interested in what _____ is doing. A. the rest B. others C. anyone else D. someone else 23. According to a recent survey in the US, weather forecasts __________ seven days in advance are, on average, wrong half the time.


高考英语完型填空最后冲刺特训10(附答案) 一、 It's sad to know that each year many teenagers experience the death of someone they love. This is likely to have an 1 on their life. Although bereavement(丧失) is a difficult and 2 topic, I'm going to talk about some of the things that 3 helped me to cope better after losing my dad in 2012. The most important 4 is not to "bottle things up". At first, I didn’t tell anyone how I really felt when I should have spoken about it. No one should be 5 to feel upset after losing someone they love, as it’s an 6 time. It is important to talk about how you feel to people you 7 so they can support you. I “opened up” to few people, but it was nice to know that I had people there who I could 8 if I had a (n) 9 day. I spoke to my friends and my teachers, who would offer 10 . Another thing that I found to be 11 after losing my dad was to make a 12 box. This is a box where I put stuff that reminded me of my dad, and the memories I 13 with him. I still have the 14 now,and it makes me 15 . Finally, it’s important to take time to grieve(悲痛) properly. I decided to focus on my studies and the things I 16 doing. I get 17 from time to time but I’ve learned that it’s okay to 18 . Everyone will have their own ways of 19 after losing someone they love. This outlines what I personally found helpful. Everyone should remember that they are not 20 . 1.A.independence B.impact C.agreement D.impression 2.A.impressive B.objective C.positive D.sensitive 3.A.personally B.simply C.hopefully D.possibly 4.A.thing B.phrase C.fact D.truth


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站) 1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动)PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于 custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses .


提分专练(四) Ⅰ.完形填空 All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years. It's the age when we have to deal with the most __1__ in our life. This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is __2__ for some, but rough for others. The most important thing about being a teenager is __3__. When we are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do. Unlike before when we were small kids, even if we made a big trouble, we didn't need to pay anything for it. It's all not so __4__ about being a teenager though. We don't have to have our __5__ take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn't go before. We can have __6__ with friends or even alone, which we couldn't have because we were too __7__ to know what pleasure is! It's a very enjoyable time of life. During this age, we are old enough to __8__ what is good for us, and make decisions without __9__ others. But like the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue __10__.” During this period, we are having much __11__ for our studies. If we don't pass, we won't get jobs, and things will take a turn for the __12__. With the present world economy in __13__, we have to do really, really well in our __14__ for a job. Adults say that their __15__ is the hardest part of life. But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much __16__ than being already an adult. What we do in our teenage years will __17__ what we become and how we lead our life in the future. In conclusion, it is quite __18__ that parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager. If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better, __19__ for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us. What's more, we should understand the right __20__ of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence. 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了青春期的特点,并告诉我们应如何度过青春期。 1.A.chances B.changes C.feelings D.expectations 解析:选B 青春期是我们经历人生中最大“改变(changes)”的时期。 2.A.smooth B.practical C.demanding D.necessary 解析:选A 根据下文“对于一些年轻人而言,青春期难熬”可知“对于另一些年轻人

高三英语最后一个月复习备考思路与策略 (1)

高三英语最后一个月复习备考思路与策略 题外话:高三后期复习备考事关高中教学的最后的成败,中国历来信奉的是“胜者为王,败者为寇”,无论你付出了多少,高考将对你的功过予以评说。尽管大家都知道:分数不能代表一切,然而,在家长期盼的目光中,强大的社会舆论里,单一残酷的考评机制面前,我们每一个教师都不得不低下高贵的头颅,向应试教育缴械投降,至少在可以预料的将来,这种状况还会持续下去,所以这是一场不得不打的战斗,也是一场输不起的战斗。 屈指一算,离6月高考只有不到两个月了,我们已可以清晰地听见高考日益临近的足音了,全体高三将士已进入最后的冲刺阶段。在短短的50多天内,我们高三教师能做些什么?我们的高三学子可学些什么?日益临近的高考向我们师生都发出了挑战,我们别无选择,只有应战,任尔东西南北风,咬定目标不放松。因此,我们必须科学规划,统筹安排,时间计算到天,任务落实到人,遵循高三后期复习教学的客观规律,有条不紊复习备考,从从容容迎接高考。 一、明确目的,理清思路 无论我们做啥事都应有明确的目的。高三英语复习教学的终极目的就是:在构建学生系统语言知识体系的前提下,提高学生的语言运用能力。近年来,高考英语试题在重视语言基础知识的同时,突出了对语用能力的考查,形成了以篇章阅读为主体的试题布局,因此,复习备考应以语言知识为载体,为提高学生成绩铺路搭桥。然而,高三后期的复习不是对前期已学知识的简单重复和强化,而是一个再学习、再认识、提高能力和运用能力,调整心态的过程。因此,我们必须在始终兼顾语言知识的前提下,重视学生语言能力的培养,加强应试技巧的训练,成功实现从语言知识到应用能力的转化、全面提高学生的英语语言素质,帮助他们掌握解题方法及技巧,最终提高做题的准确率和熟练程度,提高应试能力。 二、知己知彼,抓“纲”务“本”


高考英语最后冲刺复习的要点 英语掌握解题方法避免误区 在英语最后阶段复习中,要从以下几个方面加强训练: 1.听力。高考听力测试内容广泛,所以要坚持多样化的听说训练,熟悉特定场景的交际用语,养成良好的做题习惯。考试时要沉着冷静,精力集中;学会听前预读,有的放矢;随听随记,理解重要信息;抓住要点,合理推断。 2.单项填空题。单项填空题要以简单句、并列句、复合句以及动词为核心,要特别关注动词时态、语态、非谓语动词、动词短语、形容词比较级和最高级、虚拟语气、特殊句式、常用句型等重点考查项目。解题时要仔细分析句子结构,注意句子前后的一致性;遇到复杂句式,要从句子结构入手,找出所缺句子的成分,准确判断考点。 3.完形填空。在做完形填空题时,要快速通读全文,把握文章的基本内容和结构,明确文章的主题思想。分析问题要注意着眼于语篇,充分考虑上下文意,仔细推敲出语法正确、逻辑严谨、意义畅通的选项。 4.阅读理解。高考阅读理解题目中涉及低能力要求的事实和细节题逐步减少,而涉及较高能力的语篇分析、文章概括、上下文推理的题目逐步增加。因此,对语言的深层次含义的理解,无论是对词、句的理解,还是对语篇的理解都需要借助推理,从而得出语篇中不曾明确表述但又蕴含其中的意义。 5.短文改错。做短文改错题时先将全文通读一遍,弄清文章大意,然后根据语言结构进行改错。判断对错不但要从本行、本句考虑,还要顾及全文。一般来说,正确行不会多于一行,缺词行不会多于两行。要注意错误类型的分布。一般检查的名词、谓语动词、非谓语动词、代词、冠词、句子结构、连词等各占一行。有时错误设计在一行的开头或结尾,也经常导致考生的失误。 6.书面表达。做书面表达题目首先要把握审题关。审题应从“内容”和“形式”两方面入手,所谓内容就是要根据题目中提供的信息找出必须表达清楚的内容要点;所谓“形式”就是根据题目的要求,确定书面表达的适当形式,是日记、书信、通知,还是故事、寓言、描写或看图作文。确定形式和内容后,就可着手写作。


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站)1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动) PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses . 我已经习惯戴眼镜了。 = I am accustomed to wearing glasses. 派生accustomed a. 习惯的 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做sth. be devoted to doing sth. 投身于sth. 8. achieve vt. 1.完成,达成 2.凭努力获得或达到 achieve + fame 名声 +goal 目标 +knowledge 知识 +success 成功 PK acquire 实现(被动) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 finish 结束(不是实现) conclude 下结论(只能加句子) 9. acknowledge vt. 1.承认= admit = confess acknowledge A as B 承认A就是B 2.公认为,认为 3.感谢 10. accept vt. = take 1.主动接受 PK receive 被动接收(receipt收据)2.承认,认可 11. adapt vt. 来自apt adj. 有……倾向性的 1.使适应 adapt A to B 使A适应B 2.改编 12. adjust vt. 来自just adj. 正义的 1.调节,使适应 2.调整,校准 3.整理,核算 派生adjust A to B 13. admire vt. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕 I admire you. 我羡慕你。


2018江苏高考英语(译林牛津)一轮复习:模块1Unit 2阅读类练习及答案+知识梳理 阅读类练习A 完形填空。 Travellers to developing countries should start with long-term basic health protection. This means vaccinations(疫苗接种) against polio, tetanus and hepatitis A. Other vaccinations will depend on where you are going, local conditions and your possible environment. Visitors to Yellow Fever areas such as West Africa should certainly be vaccinated against it. Check links for the latest news and don't forget your travel insurance. It's really worth the money. Water: In developing countries avoid drinking or even brushing your teeth with tap water. Drink bottled water and check that the cap is well sealed(封闭) when you buy it. Turning it upside down and watching for drops is one method of checking. If you can't buy it, purify it by boiling. Do not take ice in your drinks, unless it is frozen mineral water. Tea, coffee,and soft drinks are fine from the bacteria point of view, though not so fine from a thirst point of view. Don't share water bottles with other travellers unless you want to share their bacteria too. Water filters (过滤器) are OK in theory but can break easily and usually don't filter some serious bacteria, such as hepatitis A and E. Force yourself to drink clean water, lots of it, if you want to avoid headaches and tiredness from a thirst. Water requirements at home are 6 glasses per day, so increase that figure by at least 3 times in tropical environment. Food: Avoid ice cream from unhealthy sources, raw fish, salad and uncooked food — unless you can peel it yourself. Most cases of diseases come from unclean food, not unclean water. Eat where it's busy. This means that the food is good or cheap or safe to eat! 1.When you plan to travel to developing countries you should first ________. A.choose countries where you will feel it convenient to travel B.make a good preparation to avoid being harmed or injured C.consider taking as much healthy food and clean water as possible D.check links for the latest news and buy your travel insurance

江苏省启东中学2020届高考英语考前最后一讲 任务型阅读

Part Five: 任务型阅读 ●任务型阅读答题技巧: 一、看图表(Read):利用图表结构和内容帮助理解短文,把握短文的主题思想和理 清短文的主体结构。 二、读文章(Scan)& 找细节(Find):通读、细读和复读文章,分析、理顺表格线 索,寻找确定答案的关键词语。 三、填单词(Fill):书写工整、语言规范,注意同一级栏目下词形的一致性以及字 母的大小写等。 掌握常用的概括性的词汇(部分):definition, introduction , theme , conclusion , evaluation , comparison , reason, cause , result, effect, consequence , advice, suggestion, tip, measure, solution, way (to do//of doing),approach (to sth. 或doing) , feature, characteristic , benefit, advantage, disadvantage , differences, similarities , types, kinds, purpose ,aim , etc. 注意表达的切换及词汇的变形,如: belong to the club—a member / one of the members of the club; object to----was opposed to---oppose—in opposition to; can’t be accepted---is unacceptable; miss our homeland and family---homesick; be addicted to---be hooked on; didn’t respond to….=made no response to =said nothing in response to….; accompany sb.=keep sb. company; accuse …of…=charge …with….. can’t (help/ choose) but do=have no alternative / choice but to do…apply to..=make an application to…; an appro ach to doing..= a way to do / of doing approve of= subscribe to=in favor of= support be beneficial to=be of benefit to = benefit….; be determined to do= be


2019届英语最后40天冲刺卷四 1、Head to one of these festivals and you'll find critically praised hands, first-rate literature and peaceful settings for enjoying fresh juice as the sun goes down. Primavera Sound, Barcelona, Spain May 31-June 4 Primavera has become the go-to festival for those who love good tunes, but can t bear the thought of a weekend's camping. Bands play at the Parc del Forum, with party goers either staying in hotels or rented apartments. This year's artists include Wild Beasts, Broken Social Scene and Japandroids. Melt. Grafenhainichen, Germany July 14-16 Melt's reputation as Europe's biggest party festival has been assured for years. Techno and house DJs provide lots of entertainment, filling perfectly with the attractive setting in an industrial museum between Leipzig and Berlin. Bigger names include, too, such as the talented Warpaint and the sleepy beats of I^onobo. Roskilde. Denmark June 24-July 1 One of Europe's biggest festivals, Roskilde is centuries-long in music history. Big acts like Foo Fighters and The Weekend provide the main draw. It's in the outer fields where things get interest ing,with street art in Graffiti City and the Ghet-toblaster for some hardcore party action. Port Eliot, Cornwall, UK July 27-30 Set in the grounds of a beautiful stately home in St Germans, Cornwall, Port Eliot is unlike any other festivals. Festival goers can explore the rooms of the

【名师整理】2020年高考英语熟词生义高频词汇精讲 第01讲(解析版)

高考中的熟词生义第一讲 (解析版) 写出划线单词的词性,选出释义 1.She looked at the picture in an absent way. A.缺席的 B. 茫然的,恍惚的 【答案】B 【解析】 【熟义】缺席的 【生义】茫然的,恍惚的 【翻译】她心不在焉地看着那幅画。 故选B项。 2.Having left for ages,he was aching for home. A.疼痛 B.渴望 【答案】B 【解析】 【熟义】疼痛 【生义】渴望,非常希望 【翻译】已经离开很久了,他渴望回家。 故选B项。 3.The president will address his speech at 3:00 pm. A.地址 B.写地址 C.发表演说 【答案】C 【解析】 【熟义】地址;写地址 【生义】发表演说 【翻译】总统将于下午3点发表讲话. 故选C项。 4.The picture looks nice against the white wall.

A.逆着,反对; B.倚,靠;碰 C.在...映衬下 【答案】C 【解析】 【熟义】反对 【生义】倚,靠;碰;在...映衬下 【翻译】这幅画在白色的墙的映衬下上看起来很好看。 故选C项。 5.The nurse attended to him day and night. A.出席;参加B.看护C.治疗D.陪同 【答案】B 【解析】 【熟义】出席;参加 【生义】看护;治疗;陪同 【翻译】护士日夜照料他。 故选B项。 6.The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. A.空白的 B.n.空白 C.没表情的 D.空虚的;没兴趣的 【答案】C 【解析】 【熟义】空白,空白的 【生义】没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的 【翻译】陌生人面无表情地回敬我。 故选C项。 7.His songs always make me feel blue. A.蓝色B.忧伤的 【答案】B 【解析】 【熟义】蓝色,蓝色的 【生义】忧伤的

2018(江苏)高考英语一轮复习教案:1.2(b)经典句型 含答案

2018(江苏)高考英语一轮复习教案:1.2(b)经典句型 江苏高考英语一轮复习教案:1.2(b)经典句型 ●模块一Unit 2 一、高考能力提升练习 【一】阅读理解 I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place.The time was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to take my daughter from school.Our plan was to go swimming together.I had finished my work at 4 o’clock and then gone to the Post Office.Then I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit.We liked to have some fruit to eat after our swim. I was driving along a high road on my way to my daughter’s school.Over my road was another road which was built like a bridge for cars coming to the other way.I was hungry so I put the bag of apples in the seat beside me and started to eat one. Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side.Then my car started to shake!I didn’t know what was happening.Perhaps something had gone wrong with my car.I drove a little more slowly and then I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the car in front of me. I found myself in the dark.I couldn’t move.The bottom parts of both of my legs and my feet were hurting badly and I couldn’t move them.All around me was quiet.But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise.Then I memorized (记起) what had happened.I had been in an earthquake. For about two hours nobody came.Luckily I could reach the bag of apples,so at least I had plenty to eat.Then I heard people climbing towards me.A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken road.I called out,“I’m here!” I heard a shout.Soon a stranger climbed to the side of the road near my car.“How are you doing?” he asked.


2019 届最后一讲英语学科 答题时间分配参考 一、听力篇 一:高考英语听力解题技巧 A.直接在对话中听到的一般不是正确答案。如果选项中出现一些日常生活中不太可能发生或很少发生的事情一般不会是正确选项。 B.通常要办的事情都是不顺利,如买东西买不到,订房间客满等。借车一般是借不到的。匹萨海鲜吃了一般会有不适反应。 C.一般男生比较衰,男生提出的观点女生都不同意或有不同看法,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。 男生的特征:脏、乱、差、浪费、穷、小气 女生的特征:爱干净、节约、富有、好学、能干、耐心、恋家 休闲时,男生一般喜欢待在家里看TV 或者看movie;女生一般喜欢高雅艺术如theater D.考试、作业、论文一般比较难或须要熬夜。老师一般比较严厉。听讲座的题目一般是比较有趣丰富的,内容一般是比较复杂难懂的。作文一般需要修改polish 或重写rewrite。 E.坐车、飞机、轮船一般都需要等。事故、灾难、一般不会死人。医院需要预约make an appointment。 F.后句比前句重要,回答比提问重要 G.若选项中个别单词或短语被明显播读,此项多为错项。同义词替换选项,正确可能性大。三:考点突破 考点1:听录音判断时间直接听取或简单计算 命题切入点:half past…, a quarter to…, a.m.,p.m., before, ahead, earlier…(时间的提前) later, delay, put off…(时间的推后)近音干扰。如:fifteen 和fifty 方法指导: 培养瞬间记忆能力,边听边记,用缩写或符号来标记。 考点2:听录音判断地点 命题切入点:常出现两大类表地点的名词。国家与城市名。通常直接听取公共 场所、单位名。听取信息词进行判断,如:cinema, hotel, school, hospital 等提问 对话的进行地点、事件发生地点等。 方法指导: 抓住信息词(informative words), 或关键词(key words) 进行合理的判断或推断。如: 饭店,旅馆:waiter,tip,check,menu,soup,salad,check in/out,book,room,reception,order,drink, steak, beef, cafeteria, cream, hamburger, beer, etc.
