当前位置:搜档网 › 十速TM57PE12外部中断唤醒应用范例


; *********************** Program Start ********************************
;nPROTECT(bit13-----'0'): Code protection
;nREUSE (bit12-----'1'): Not Re-use
;LVR (bit11:10----'10'): LVR threshold is 1.5V, disable in sleep mode
;CLKS (bit9:8----'11'): Fast Crystal (455KHz~24MHz)
;XRESETE (bit7-----'0'): Disable External pin Reset to use as input pin
;WDTE (bit6-----'0'): Disable WDT Reset
;IRC MHz (bit5-----'0'): IRCCLK=4MHz
;IRCF (bit4:0--'0000'): Internal RC Frequency adjustment control
;nPROTECT: Code protection selection(0)
;--------> 1 No protect
;--------> 0 Code protection
;nREUSE : PROM Re-use control(1)
;--------> 1 Not Re-use
;--------> 0 Re-use
;LVR : LV reset mode(10)
;--------> 11 LVR threshold is 1.5V, always enable
;--------> 10 LVR threshold is 1.5V, disable in sleep mode
;--------> 01 LVR threshold is 2.4V, always enable
;--------> 00 LVR disable
;CLKS : Clock Source Selection(11)
;--------> 11 Fast Crystal (455KHz~24MHz)
;--------> 10 Slow Crystal (32KHz)
;--------> 01 Internal High RC (8MHz/4MHz)
;--------> 00 External RC
;XRESETE : External pin Reset Enable(0)
;--------> 1 Enable External pin Reset
;--------> 0 Disable External pin Reset to use as input pin
;WDTE : WDT Reset Enable(0)
;--------> 1 Enable WDT Reset
;--------> 0 Disable WDT Reset
;IRC MHz : 8/4MHz(0)
;--------> 1 IRCCLK=8MHz
;--------> 0 IRCCLK=4MHz
;IRCF : Internal RC Frequency adjustment control(0)
;Name TM57PE12_WAKEUP_TM2.asm
;Date 2010/04/30
;by pflee

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 常数定义 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 寄存器定义 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
temp equ 4fh
accbuf equ 4eh
stabuf equ 4dh
tm0ctrlbuf equ 4ch
int0wktbuf equ 4bh
pwm0ctrlbuf equ 4ah
tm2subtypbuf equ 49h
flag equ 20h
kyh equ 0 ;有效按键按下标志
fsh equ 1 ;亮灭切换标志
f1 equ 4 ;k1按下标志
f2 equ 5 ;k2按下标志
f3 equ 6 ;k3按下标志
keybuf equ 21h
keycnt equ 22h
nmsr equ 23h
fshcnt equ 24h
org 000h
goto main_reset
org 001h
goto interrupt
org 002h
movwf accbuf
movfw status
movwf stabuf
btfsc intf,tm2i
goto int_tm2
movfw stabuf
movwf status
movfw accbuf
movlw b'10111111'
movwf intf ;清除Time2中断标志
goto int_exit
movlw b'01111111' ;pa0~pa6 output
movwr pae
movlw b'01111111' ;pa0~pa6 Pull up Disable
movwr papu
movlw b'00000000' ;pa1~pa6 wake up Disable
movwr pawkup
movlw b'00000000'
movwf pad

vlw b'00000001' ;pb0 output, pb1~pb3 input
movwr pbe
movlw b'00000001' ;pb0 Pull up Disable,pb1~pb3 Pull up Enable
movwr pbpu
movlw b'00000000' ;pb1~pb3 wake up disable
movwr pbwkup
movlw b'00001110'

movwf pbd
movlw 20h
movwf temp
movfw temp
movwf fsr
movlw 00h
movwf indf
incf temp,f
movlw 4fh
subwf temp,w
btfss status,c
goto $-8
clrf temp ;清零20h~4fh
movfw tm2subtypbuf ;系统子时钟类型设置
andlw subtypR
iorlw b'00000001' ;bit1~bit0--> sub-clk type 0:SXT , 1: ILRC , 2: XRC
movwf tm2subtypbuf
movwr tm2subtyp
movfw int0wktbuf ;系统子时钟频率设置
andlw wktpscR ;bit1~bit0,00->15mS,01->30mS,10->60mS,11->120mS
iorlw b'00000000' ;sub-clk T=30ms
movwf int0wktbuf
movwr int0wkt
movlw b'10111111'
movwf intf ;清除Time2中断标志
movlw b'01000000' ;Time2 interrupt enable
movwf inte
movfw tm2subtypbuf ;Timer2寄存器设置
andlw tm2clkR ;bit4------->Timer2 Clock Source 0:SLOW Clock; 1:CPUCLK/128
andlw tm2divR ;bit3~bit2-->Timer2 interrupt is timer2 clock divide by –
iorlw b'00001000' ;bit3~bit2--> 0: 32768, 1: 16384 , 2: 8192 ,3 :127
movwf tm2subtypbuf
movwr tm2subtyp
bsf ctrlsys,clrtm2 ;Write 1 to clear Time2 timer
movlw b'00011000' ;系统用到外部振荡源时
iorwf pad,f ;外部振荡源相对应的IO(PA3,PA4)必须设为input状态
movlw b'01100111' ;并且对应IO必须开启上拉,否则系统进入SLEEP后会影响静态电流
movwr pae
movlw b'01100111'
movwr papu
movlw b'00000000'
movwr pawkup
movlw b'00001110'
iorwf pbd,f
movlw b'00000001' ;pb0 output, pb1~pb3 input
movwr pbe
movlw b'00000001' ;pb0 Pull up Disable,pb1~pb3 Pull up Enable
movwr pbpu
movlw b'00000000' ;pb1~pb3 wake up disable
movwr pbwkup
bsf ctrlsys,sube
sleep ;进入休眠后Time2计数溢出唤醒(每52ms唤醒一次)
incf nmsr,f
movlw .10
subwf nmsr,w
btfss status,c
goto main_scan
clrf nmsr
movlw 02h
xorwf flag,f

c flag,f1
goto flash_led1
btfsc flag,f2
goto flash_led2
btfsc flag,f3
goto flash_led3
goto main_scan
bcf pad,6
bcf pbd,0
btfss flag,fsh
bsf pad,5
btfsc flag,fsh
bcf pad,5
goto flash_com
bcf pad,5
bcf pbd,0
btfss flag,fsh
bsf pad,6
btfsc flag,fsh
bcf pad,6
goto flash_com
bcf pad,5
bcf pad,6
btfss flag,fsh
bsf pbd,0
btfsc flag,fsh
bcf pbd,0
incf fshcnt,f
movlw .20
subwf fshcnt,w
btfss status,c
goto main_scan
clrf fshcnt
bcf flag,f1
bcf flag,f2
bcf flag,f3
bcf pad,5
bcf pad,6
bcf pbd,0
comf pbd,w
andlw b'00001110'
movwf temp
xorwf keybuf,w
btfss status,z
clrf keycnt
movfw temp
movwf keybuf
incf keycnt,f
movlw .5
subwf keycnt,w
btfss status,c
goto main_loop
clrf keycnt
movlw 08h
xorwf keybuf,w
btfsc status,z
goto get_k3
movlw 04h
xorwf keybuf,w
btfsc status,z
goto get_k2
movlw 02h
xorwf keybuf,w
btfsc status,z
goto get_k1
bcf flag,kyh
goto main_loop
btfsc flag,kyh
goto main_loop
bsf flag,kyh
bsf flag,f1
bcf flag,f2
bcf flag,f3
goto scan_end
btfsc flag,kyh
goto main_loop
bsf flag,kyh
bcf flag,f1
bsf flag,f2
bcf flag,f3
goto scan_end
btfsc flag,kyh
goto main_loop
bsf flag,kyh
bcf flag,f1
bcf flag,f2
bsf flag,f3
bcf flag,fsh
clrf nmsr
clrf fshcnt
goto flash_st
