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硕士研究生毕业面试自我介绍(中英文)你好,我叫xx,本科和研究生都就读于xx,专业方向是是与系统。 我的职业理想是成为一名优秀的工程师,所以我选择了xx,选择了我现在的专业。我希望在未来成为这方面的专家。为了实现这个梦想,我特别注重与此相关的专业课程的学习,也取得了很好的成绩。并且在教研室里一年半的时间,我积累许多相关领域经验,也锻炼了自己的实际动手能力,使我更进一步接近我的梦想。 在课余时间,我积极参见各种活动,比如歌唱比赛,学校交谊舞会,户外徒步露营,骑自行车旅行,创立研究生英语角……我是一个比较外向的人,喜欢与人交流。同时我是一个有强烈进取心的人,期望每天都能做一个更好的自己,所以常常找出自己的不足,并且加以改进。 我非常喜欢旅行因为我总能在一个新的地方发现有趣和令人兴奋 的事情。我知道这份职业需要大量出差,但是我能享受它。 我认为一份职业要符合自己的兴趣和性格,能充分发挥自己的特长,这样你才能够以全部的热情投入工作,享受你所从事的事业,获得成功。通过对自己的综合分析,我相信我适合这份职业,热爱这份职业并且能干好它。xx又是如此优秀和受人尊敬的公司,我梦想在 这里工作。这就是我来到这里应聘这份工作的原因。谢谢! 英文版 my name is jiang wei. i spent both my undergraduate and postgraduate time in uestc , major at information and system.

i dream of being an excellent engineer ,that’s the reason i chose uestc and my present major. i hope i will be an expert in this field. to achieve this goal , i focused on learning my major courses hardly and got good marks. in the past one and a half years, i aumulated a lot of practical project experiences and skills in the lab . this makes me approach my dream. on campus, i joined in many activities, such as singing contest, dance party, hike, riding bicycle, english corner. i am outgoing and enjoy municating with others. i am a highly-motivated person. i always feel pelled to improve and improve myself again until make myself a better person. i like travelling very much because i always find something interesting and exiting in a new place. i know this job needs you to travel a lot, but i enjoy it. only you really love something then you will put yourself pletely into it and try your best to achieve perfection. through a prehensive analysis to myself , i believe i am suitable for this job and i love it so i can do it well. ericsson is such an excellent and respectable pany and i dream of working here. those above are why i e here to apply for this job. thanks very much!


简单英语面试自我介绍文档7篇Simple English interview self introduction document 编订:JinTai College

简单英语面试自我介绍文档7篇 前言:自我介绍是向别人展示你自己,直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否,也是认识自我的手段。自我介绍是每个人都必然要经历的一件事情,日常学习、工作、生活中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,通过自我介绍获得到对方的认识甚至认可,是一种非常重要的技巧。本文档根据自我介绍内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:简单英语面试自我介绍文档 2、篇章2:简单英语面试自我介绍文档 3、篇章3:简单英语面试自我介绍文档 4、篇章4:博士英文自我介绍面试文档 5、篇章5:博士英文自我介绍面试文档 6、篇章6:博士英文自我介绍面试文档 7、篇章7:博士英文自我介绍面试文档

英语作为一门国际通用语,在21世纪已经向着多元化、 多功能化的方向发展。那么你知道简单的英语面试自我介绍该说些什么吗?下面小泰为你整理了简单英语面试自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 篇章1:简单英语面试自我介绍文档 I’m glad to introduce myself to you. My Chinese name is Ma Lin, but you can call me Rock, my English name. I chose Rock to be my English name because I want to be as tough as a rock, hehe. I was born and raised in Guangdong, so I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin. I’ll soon graduate from Zhongshan University, majoring in accounting. I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English. My GPA is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade. And I’ve passed 15 exams in CGA, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 20xx.


申请美国博士常见问题汇总 (2010-09-20 11:58:32) 转载 分类:美国留学 标签: 留学 博士 phd 汇总 教育 1 申请美国研究生需要具备什么基本条件? 答:一般要求大学GPA在3.0 (约为国内的70-80分)以上、TOEFL 成绩550-600分以上(不同学校不同专业要求不同),同时提供GRE或GMAT成绩(GRE和GMAT只需选择一个参加考试即可),入学前要具有学士学位。 2. 在美国读研究生一年的费用是多少? 答:不同专业、不同学校、不同地区的收费标准不同,一般一年的学费和生活费加起来在2.5万-4.5万美金之间。商学院、法学院和医学院的费用会更高一些,一般为一年3-6万美金。通常私立学校的学费会比公立学校更贵,大城市的生活费会比小城市地区更贵。

3. 要申请奖学金需要具备什么条件? 答:一般来说,申请奖学金没有特别的要求,具备了申请录取的资格就可以申请奖学金;但是具备基本条件并不能保证一定能申请到奖学金,还要看奖学金的设置和竞争的激烈程度。能否申请到奖学金取决于学生的综合实力,而不是看单项成绩(如大学在校的学习成绩、TOEFL成绩、或GRE/GMAT成绩等等) 4. 申请美国大学的程序有哪些? 答:首先要参加TOEFL、GGRE/GMAT(GRE和GMAT只需选择一个)等必要的考试,然后根据自己的综合条件确定要申请的学校,准备申请文书,在学校的截止日期前提交申请表并寄出全部申请材料,接下来的工作就是要和学校保持联系以及等待通知书了。 5. 我申请美国研究生院,请问我需要申请多少所学校? 答:因人而异。条件好的学校可以申请少一些,条件普通的学校则必须采用稳妥的方法,选择适当数量的学校。我们一般推进申请10-20所。


留学申请常见问题解答 一、关于高中申请 (1)、申请美国高中时,需要准备什么材料? 材料如下: 1、在校成绩单(7-9年级) 2、各类基本信息和表格(主要与学习背景和活动相关) 3、文书 4、推荐信(2封) 5、标准化考试成绩(TOEFL、SSAT、ACT等) 6、财产相关证明 (2)、美国高中留学条件是怎样的? 去美国读高中一般建议学生要有良好的英文能力,如果有TOEFL、SSAT、SLEP成绩最好。学生拥有开朗的性格,愿意与人交往、沟通、交流;有兴趣爱好或特长;有较强的独立和适应能力。当然资金方面也是需要考虑的。 (3)、美国私立高中春季入学招生条件是怎样的? 美国私立高中春季入学招生条件和秋季入学大体上是一样的,都会对学生的年龄、学习成绩、语言水平等作出要求,唯一不同的可能在考试成绩上存在少许差别。因此大家可以按照秋季入学的标准做好准备。 (3)、选择寄宿制高中还是走读制高中好? 近300所美国寄宿制高中是美国精英的摇篮,拥有优越的设施,良好的师资,和颇具竞争力的学生群体。但是,寄宿制高中的收费显然比较高,学生所面临的竞争压力也相对大。走读制高中的费用相对便宜,居住在美国人家中能更多地接触到社会的更个层面,如果相处融洽,还能拥有家的感觉,如果寄宿家庭中有孩子,还能一解独生子女孤寂的感受。 (4)、入读私立中学和公立中学有什么不同? 之前我们知道,持F-1签证前往美国读中学一定要入读私立高中,因为孩子的父母不是纳税人,不能享受公立中学免费的待遇,否则是违法的。近两年,经美国移民局允许很少一些被特别批准的公立中学招收国际学生,给学生签发的也是F-1的签证。但是,学校只能核发一年的录取通知书(I-20),而且学生必须达到入读正常班级的英语水平,同时,也必须缴纳不算便宜的学费。一年之后如果继续在美国读高中,必须转入私立中学。 而私立高中不受此局限,可以自由按照学校的规定和学生的要求,核发一段时间的录取通知书。另外,没有达到学校语言要求的学生,可以选择那些开设有ESL语言课程的学校作为过渡。 (5)、美国高中欢迎什么样的学生 谈到出国留学的“低龄化”趋势,美国一些校方并不认为年龄是决定孩子是否适合出国的唯一要素。“在寄宿制学校学习,美国孩子也要面临和国际学生一样的挑战——离开了父母,如何独立面对新环境,如何交友。因此,是否适合出国留学,关键还得看孩子的个性特点”。他们认为,好奇心、认真的学习态度和一点冒险精神,都是做一名小留学生的必备条件。 据悉,除了SSAT、TOEFL、SLEP考试成绩,美国中学入学通常还需对学生进行面试或


研究生英文自我介绍 研究生英文自我介绍(一) Good morning, professors. I am glad to be here for this interview. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yanfei. I have finished my undergraduate education right here, majoring in clinical medicine. I am a versatile youngster with broad interests, like playing basketball, drawing, singing, especially in spoken English. However, broad interests do not make me perfect in the specific area due to the insufficient knowledge and practice, so I think further study definitely important for me to realize my value. Since the enrollment of college, I

have been interested in medicine. I mean, I love the profession of doctors very much, and I am determined to be a good doctor. As all know, doctors can ease a patient’s suffering or even save his life. It’s really great. I have been working hard at all the courses and made a solid foundation of knowledge. I have done practice as an intern in the hospital. However, I know there is still a long way to go before I become a qualified doctor. That would be the main reason why I am eager for the further education. I love school life. I am a member of the Students’Union and I have joined the Communist Party for there years. All these are good for me. I am said to be helpful and cautious, which are the most important qualities as a doctor. That’s all. I hope that I have made myself clear. Thank you very much! 研究生英文自我介绍(二)


研究生博士生复试英语自我介绍范文 Introduce myself Good morning, Dear Professors: It’s my honor to introduce myself. My name is chenchen, I am from qingyang County anhui Province, April 6 I was born in a common family, and my parents are workers, I love and respect them very much. We were delight with my becoming a fresh man in September 1994. Luckily, I was permitted to be a graduate student after 5 years colorful life on campus. I received my Bachelor degree 2005 in anhui agriculture university Institute of (College of )Resources and Environmental Science, then a Master degree 2009 in anhui agriclture University of Science and Technology. For those 7 years my major was Die Design. Before I received my Master degree, I had done the subject of meteorology. For the past 3 years, I have been in anhui agriculture College, where I have been and still am a teacher. I teach students Machine Design etc. I have published more than 10 first-author papers.That’s all, thanks! 博士面试时英语自我介绍技巧 一、第一句话(first word)见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:1. Good morning! may I introduce myself ..2. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m peter white, my NO is …(北大清


麻省理工博士申请条件有哪些? 麻省理工博士申请,美国博士,去美国留学 去美国留学是很多学生的梦想,攻读美国博士则是提升能力与学历的阶梯,不过为了能够让美国博士的含金量变得更高,我们会选择优秀的学府,美国麻省理工则是很多学子理想的殿堂,不过大家知道美国麻省理工博士申请条件都有哪些吗?下面就和至美前程的小编一起来看一下吧! 麻省理工学院是以顶尖工程学和计算机科学闻名世界的理工强校,该校在各大机构的世界大学排名中均处于TOP5的顶尖院校,所以,麻省理工学院又有世界理工大学之最的美誉。这也是很多学子去美国留学的理想院校。 麻省理工博士申请条件: (1)GPA没有最低分的要求,但依照往年录取来看,应该达到3.7以上; (2)语言方面,既接受托福也接受雅思,英语不是母语的学生或者没有在美国学校取得学位的学生都应该提交语言成绩,托福最低100分,雅思最低7.0分;(3)GRE没有最低分的要求,但依照往年录取来看,应该达到325分以上。 美国博士留学软件背景方面 (1)学术活动方面:建议做2-3个比较知名的项目,最好发表相关的论文,有大牛推荐人推荐; (2)实习实践方面:建议到世界500强企业中进行实习,实习时间在2个月以上; (3)活动实践方面:建议参加知名度高的活动,如做ACE商业大赛、AIECSE志愿者等,积极参加学校或社会上的大型比赛并取得好的名次。 麻省理工博士申请条件大家现在是不是已经了解清楚了呢,美国博士含金量高,其申请条件自然会严苛一些,想要去美国留学的同学们唯有不断提高自身的能力才可以哦!

同学们可以关注至美前程教育官网或者在线咨询了解更多美国留学、雅思培训、托福考试等方面的信息。至美前程做中国最值得信赖的教育服务机构,为有志于赴海外求学的学生提供职业规划、留学规划、留学培训、留学申请、留学签证等服务,为满怀激情和梦想的学子提供名校留学和名企就业的全程解决方案。 (本文部分内容来源于网络,不代表本网站的观点和立场,如有异议请联系小编协助删除。)


英国留学申请essay 写作常见问题一览 导读:本文英国留学申请essay 写作常见问题一览,仅供参考, 如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 英国拥有完善的交体系,一流世界名校,良好的学习环境,每年英国的留学竞争很激烈。想要申请英国大学,都需要提交essay ,好的essay 则能给招生官留下深刻的印象。下面带来了英国留学申请 essay 写作常见问题一览。 1、对申请学校认知不多。 有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题why choose this school ,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷 衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。点击查看 2、回答问题时没有正确审题。 一些在思想上很懒惰的学生总以为各个学校问的题目差不多就可以互相借用,没有认真审题就把申请学校A 的套用在学校B 上;还 有的学生审题不到位,在内容上出现了很多与主题或者申请不相干的部分。 3、找不到思路,不会转换。 有的学生想考察学生的思维灵活度,想知道学生的专业水平或是 人际交往的态度等,提出的问题都是很简单的。例如芝加哥大学:请 比较苹果和橘子,这个题目就不应该只写两种水果的区别什么的,

可以将两种水果拟人化,各种水果代表哪两种人等等。总之,思维不要太死板,学会转换。 4、词句使用不恰当。 大多英语水平有待提高的学生要么用词太过简单,要么总是喜欢用晦涩、深奥的来让录取官认为自己的具有多大的词汇量。前者会使文章显得没有一点深度,后者容易使文章看着不顺畅,读着拗口。所以,在写作时首先要有条理表明自己的看法,其次使文章读起来语句通顺,再使用一些有真正意义和内涵的语句。 5、文章呈现的语气让人难以接受。 有的文章语气平平毫无生气;有的过于激烈,为了显示自己是对 的,极力鼓吹自己的看法或价值观;有的一味夸对方学校是多么地有 名气,甚至用哀怜的语气博得录取官的同情。这都是不可取的,适当地赞扬即可,尽量使文章读起来有生机活力,做到态度理性冷静客观。 6、语法拼写等小错误。 有的学生单词拼错,语法用错,用翻译机器硬生生地翻译,出现频率过高。学生不仅需要提高英文水平,最好是学会英语思维。 1、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在各个学历阶段 英语学习的情况。单词拼写错误是否明显,用词的选择是否恰当,句式上是否仍带有Chinglish 的痕迹,从整个语篇来看是否具有英式思维。 2、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在撰写论文时的 思路逻辑。语言使用规范不仅包括字词句的使用,还有句段和逻辑,以及文体文风。不同的论文能看出不同的写作思路、论证方法,有的是先提出问题,最后下结论,有的是在文章开头就给出自己要论证的观点,然后铺开陈述和论证。 3、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生上课是否有听导


研究生面试 英文自我介绍 1.开场白 Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 First let me introduce myself. My name is LiShuai, and my English name is Jacky Lee. I've finished my undergraduate education in Xidian University, Majoring in Electronic Science and Technology in the college of Technical Physics. 3.性格,爱好,实践经验 I am open-minded, willing and have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website design, hardware design. For example, during the past four years, I have accomplished two websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 2007. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming language and have written some application programs. In July in the last year,I finished my graduate project with flying colors,which was a software application about Image Process . In addition, I have also finished some projects about embedded system by using MCU when I was a junior. 4.为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算 Although I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is IC design. Because I find integrated circuits are playing a more and more important role in our modern


博士面试自我介绍英文 不论是继续考博还是进入职场,都免不了要经历自我介绍的环节,那么大家知道怎么用英文自我介绍吗?下面是我整理的 博士面试自我介绍英文,欢迎大家阅读。 博士面试自我介绍英文篇1 general introduction i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p. r. china. with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d. graduate program. education background in 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology (nust) -- widely considered one of the china’s best engineering schools. during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. i was granted first class prize every semester,in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. in the


美国博士生个人陈述英文范文 导读:本文美国博士生个人陈述英文范文,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 为大家介绍美国博士生个人陈述英文范文,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。美国博士生个人陈述申请范文,相信在看完之后能对你的PS撰写有所帮助。 Born into a family beset with poverty, I had to give up a normal undergraduate university education in favor of vocational training before I finished high school. Exercising diligence to give full play to my intelligence, I parlayed my vocational career in the provinces into graduate studies at a top university in the nation's capital, Beijing. Now a Ph. D. candidate with China's top most research institution and a postgraduate in world-renowned program run out of Paris, I wish to vault to the forefront of the field of spatial statistics by pursuing doctorate studies at your university. I made a most reluctant choice in 1986, when I finished my junior high school. In the entrance examinations for senior high school, I scored the highest total of grades in my county that year, making me eligible to join the privileged band of students at the best senior high school in my native Jiangxi


艺术留学申请中常见问题 艺术留学毕竟不同于国内大学申请,一些必要的步骤和注意事项还是需要特别关注的。斯芬克国际艺术教育专家在此总结了艺术留学容易遇到的三大问题,能够帮助广大的同学们能够更容易申请到理想的大学。 一、出国前的准备 如果想出国读艺术,一定要尽早准备。 学生对艺术的兴趣从小就应该得到培养,现实情况中大多也是如此,家长可以更早地强化孩子的兴趣并作引导性的关注。 本科教育是核心教育,据斯芬克国际艺术教育专家了解,国外对于申请本科的学生,在创意思维、艺术潜质方面,审查的标准几乎不会比申请硕士的要求低,并且对于语言的要求也是差别不大,毕竟语言是基础嘛! 总结下来,准备出国深造的学生们,请提早提早再提早地去做有针对性的准备,这样会大大地提高留学的质量和效率! 二、艺术留学中介 艺术留学,不同于其他常规的文科、理工类留学,学生自身的专业性、个性特质、个人技能乃至潜能,对留学方案的规划和执行,具有更大程度的影响。 因此,在为学生制定方案、协助申请的过程中,顾问老师更加需要对学生做出适合其艺术专业领域的专门性的评估、指导和分析,对国际艺术院校专业的课程也需要更深层次的了解和理解,才能比较客观和准确的向学生推荐适合的国家、院校与专业,这无疑是对顾问老师有了更高的要求,无论在留学办理流程的熟练程度上,还是对艺术专业的认知上,甚至还需要具备一定的艺术功底。 更重要的是,艺术留学顾问老师需要有丰富的成功指导经验,能够启发学生发挥个性和

潜能。 艺术留学,顾问老师和学生之间保持互动模式非常重要,艺术与设计,是以学生为主体,顾问老师通过自己的观察感知、专业知识和经验积淀,帮助学生更准确的了解自己并给自己定位,整个过程中老师要有能力把学生积极地调动起来,挖掘学生的想法、理清思路。 综上所述,艺术留学的顾问老师,需要有强大的综合能力。选择好的中介公司,不在于中介公司的大小,而是在于为你服务的顾问老师是否专业和尽责。 三、作品集 作品集固然重要,但切忌只关注作品集和忽略了其他的因素。有些学生可能太在乎作品集的质量,于是,花重金打造一本高于甚至远远超出自己实际水平的作品集,这是错误的做法。 作品集展示学生的能力,反映学生目前的水平和未来的潜力,无论出于什么目的,盲目拔高甚至虚报学生的实际能力,对于学生自己是一种伤害。 申请入学不是最终结果,顺利学成毕业才是。到了海外学校,在实际求学过程中,学生的真实水准将会得到验证。斯芬克国际艺术教育提醒大家,作品集的确很重要,但是一定要适度! 以上是斯芬克国际艺术教育的一些观点,希望看了之后对大家有帮助。


研究生英文自我介绍模板 研究生英文自我介绍(一) Good morning, professors. I am glad to be here for this interview. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yanfei. I have finished my undergraduate education right here, majoring in clinical medicine. I am a versatile youngster with broad interests, like playing basketball, drawing, singing, especially in spoken English. However, broad interests do not make me perfect in the specific area due to the insufficient knowledge and practice, so I think further study definitely important for me to realize my value. Since the enrollment of college, I have been interested in medicine. I mean, I love the profession of doctors very much, and I am determined to be a good doctor. As all know, doctors can ease a patient’s suffering or even save his life. It’s really great. I have been working hard at all the courses and made a solid foundation of knowledge. I have done practice as an intern in the hospital. However, I know there is still a long way to go before I become a qualified doctor. That would be the main reason why I am eager for the further education. I love school life. I am a member of the Students’ Union and I have joined the Communist Party for there years. All these are good for me. I am said to be helpful and cautious, which are the most important qualities as a doctor. That’s all. I hope that I have made myself clear. Thank you very much! 研究生英文自我介绍(二) Good morning, professors. I am glad to be here for this interview. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yanfei. I have finished my undergraduate education right here, majoring in


博士生复试英文自我介绍 导读:本文博士生复试英文自我介绍,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 博士生复试英文自我介绍1 Since I was a postgraduate student, I have been interested in scientific research. In the past few years, I published more than 10 papers about the high Respectable teachers, good evening! I am very glad to be here for this interview. Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction. I’m ***, born in **. I am a teacher of College of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology. I entered this university in 1997, majoring in Computer science and technology. After graduation in 20xx, I BECame a postgraduate student, and majored in Computer software and theory, supervised by Professor ***. I receivd the master’s deGREe and BECame a teacher in 20xx. Since I was a postgraduate student, I have been interested in scientific research. In the past few years, I published more than 10 papers about the high performance computing, the


密歇根大学教授拒绝清华尖子生博士入学的原因 一封密歇根大学教授给清华大学博士申请者的拒绝信,中国学生信任崩溃!原文刊登在一个揭露中国学术丑闻的网站上,该网站已被中国防火墙屏蔽。In a recent post on Nature's The Sceptical Chymist I discussed a bit in the comment field about the deficiency of Chinese PhD, with other commenters, where we talked about the lack of senses of safety, weak instrumental operation, and poor spoken English (please refer to that post for detail). From then on I started to remember more rumors I had heard about Chinese graduate students, both MS- and PhD- ones. Once there was a letter from 'a professor majored in ME, U OF Michigan, US' posted on https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c14003508.html, (a website disclosing/fabricating academic scandals in China which is blocked by GFW), which was spread nationwide among BBS fora: 让我们来看看这份密歇根大学教授的来信吧。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chinese PhD - A Problem Child? Dear xxx: I would like to inform you of the situation relevant to Chinese graduate students here, at least at our department, which makes it very difficult for us to accept graduate students from China in the future. Over about one year period, we have had 6 Chinese Ph.D. students quit their RAship and Ph.D. studies. The reason for them to leave was not that they could not continue, it was rather because they want to have a job now (a higher salary, with a hope that the companies will apply for their green card status). They came with thier promises to pursue their Ph.D. degrees, we paid tuition for them to take courses for their Master degree, and we taught and helped them in their research capabilities. Once they got their M.S. degree in Mechanical Engeering, because of the excellent job market in the U.S. at this time, it is relatively easy for them to find a job. In a way we felt that we were used as a step for those Chinese students to come here, and get their master's degree, then get their jobs. We pay approximately $45-50 K/year for each Ph.D. student, including the tuition, health insurance, various fees, lab and computer fees, and monthly salary, we also put a lot of time and efforts for them. They (most of them) also did good research work as assistants. However, we don't get credit because we don't produce PH.D's, which is one of our major purposes as an institution of high education. On the other hand, they have their particular interests which are also understandable, for example, financial pressure, and wishes to have their green card applications on the way a sap. This situation also happened to my Chinese Ph.D.student. He is very talented and did a
