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21. Mikeismypenpal.Ioftenhelphimwith____Chinese

A. he

B. his

C. him

D. himself

22. ThetrainfromShanghaiarrives______about7:00a.m.

A. of

B. in

C. on

D. at

23. 一______isyourgrandma,Robert?


A. Who

B. What

C. Where


24. Jeffstudiedhardandgot_____gradesthanbefore.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. thebest

25. 一_____thelittlekiddressherself?


A. Can

B. May

C. Must

D. Need

26. Ihavetwohobbies.Oneispainting,______isplayingguitar.

A. other

B. others

C. another

D. theother

27. SimonandSally_____fishingwiththeirclassmatesnextweekend.

A. go

B. went

C. willgo

D. wouldgo

28. Let’s______goodbyetoplasticbagsinordertoprotecttheenvironment.

A. say

B. said

C. saying

D. tosay

29. Beconfident!Everyonewillsucceedifhe_____inhimself.

A. believe

B. believes

C. believed

D. willbelieve

30. We'llaskMr.Smith_____thestudentsareportonworldpeacetomorrow.

A. give

B. given

C. giving

D. togive

31. Planeverythingahead,_____youwillliveaneasylife.

A. and

B. but

C. for

D. or

32. JustinBieber_____famousallovertheworldwhenhewasfifteenyearsold.

A. became

B. becomes

C. willbecome

D. isbecoming

33. AlanandI____friendseversincewewereatschooltogether.

A. am

B. were

C. willbe

D. havebeen

34. Itistruethatknowledge_____insteadofbeingtaught.

A. learns

B. learned

C. islearned

D. waslearned

35. --Canyoutellme______whentheteachercameintotheclassroom?


A. whatwerethestudentsdoing

B. whatarethestudentsdoing

C. whatthestudentsweredoing

D. whatthestudentsaredoing


阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A,B,C, D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

MymothertoldmethatwhenIwasborn,Iwasthemostbeautifulbabyintheworld.Timepassed,andIst artedtobeastrongandhappy girl.

Then,onedaywhenlwasfiveyearsold,mylife 36 alot.Ihadahighfever.Thedoctorgavemethewrongmedicine,andthiscausedto 37 myspeech.Mymomcouldn'tbelievethatIcouldnotspeak.Thedoctortoldherthatthemedicinebroughtme alotofproblemswithmyspeech.Hethoughtthatlwould 38 beabletospeakwellagainorlearnanother language.

Mymom,however,wasa 39 40teacher,Nina,tohelpmetomakemydreamcometrue.Shewasaveryniceperson.Sheencouragedmeand toldmethatIwouldspeak again.

Themostamazingthingwasthatshetaughtmetoreadmy41 .IrememberthatIspenthoursinfrontofth emirrorandtriedtorepeatevery'wordthatIsaid.Imaginelosingyourspeechandhavingtolearneverything again.Forme,itwaslikebeing42again.Yes,Iwas!Ilearnedtotalkandspeakmymotherlanguage -Spanish.

Now,IamstudyingEnglish.Ican'tbelievethatIamlearninganotherlanguage.But,Iam!Iamcrying.4 3 studyingheremakesmefeelhappy,anditmakesme44 whenTrememberwhatthedoctorsaidIomymorn," 45willneverbeabletospeakorlearnanotherlanguage. "

I'llalwaysrememberthebeautifulwordsmymornsaidtomewhenlwasachildandlearnedtospeakaga in."Youfoughtinawar,you46

on,andthenyougotabeautifulmedalforyoursuccess.Yourealizedanimpossibledreamthatpeoplesaidyo uwouldneverdo.Iwillalways47you,andyouwillalwaysbemyhero. "

Now,I'mthinkingaboutwhatisgoingtohappentome.Whenlamgoingtotakeeverystepinmystudiesa ndinmylife,ltrytothinkaboutmyexperienceandbeagratefulperson.

36. A. proved B. changed C. improved D. increased

37. A. have B. make C. lose D. drop

38. A. still B. never C. either D. always

39. A. fighter(斗争者) B. pioneer(开拓者) C. protector(保护着) D. volunteer

40. A. real B. right C. clever D. patient(有耐心的)

41. A. eye B. face C. heart D. mouth

42. A. born B. hurt C. raised D. trained

43. A. until B. unless C. before D. because

44. A. cry B. fly C. smile D. shake

45. A. I B.He C.She D.You

46. A. lived B. moved C. worked D. climbed

47. A. besatisfiedwith B. bestreetwith C. becarefulof D. beproudof





Cooking and Learning

In this E-book package, we have four e-books.

48. Kidscan_____byreadingFunwithFood.

A. doscienceexperiments

B. getcookingexperience,,

C. cookwellinthekitchen

D. playsomeriddlegames

49. _____hasoversixtypages.

A. FunwithFood

B. KidsCookinglessonE-Book

C. FoodFactsE-Book

D. KidsFood.ScienceExperiments

50. KidsCookingLessonsE-Bookispopularbecause_______.

A. thereisaunitforeachagegroup

B. therearealotofphototestsinit

C. kidscanlearnmoreaboutscience

D. eachpartisveryeasytoprintoff

Theleavesfluttered(飘扬)overJohn'shead.Helikedtowatchthecolorsofthetreesshinethroughthesunlight,Itwasthesamecolora shistrumpet.Johnsmiledwhenhethoughtofthemusictheleavesmade.Helookedathiswatch;hisfatherwo uldmeethiminafewminutesfortheirfirstpracticeinthe park.

Johnandhisfamilylivedinanapartmentbuilding.Hebeganplayinghistrumpetinhisownlivingro omtwoweeksago.Thenthefamilynextdoorhadanewbaby.Tokeepfromwakingupthebaby,Johnwasgoin gtospendhispracticetimeinthepark.Althoughheenjoyedvisitingthepark,hedidn'twanttopracticehismu sic there.

Johnwasafraidthathewouldembarrasshimselfifheplayedthewrongnotes.Andheimaginedhisc heekslookinglikeared,blown-upballoon.Hedidn'twantpeopletowatchhimashepracticedhismusic.Unl uckily,hisfathercouldn'tpossiblyunderstandhowembarrassingitwould be!

“John,areyouready?”pu llinghimoutofhisdaydream,hisfathersatdownandbegantoplayhis trumpet.

Johnlookedupatagoldentree.Theleavesseemedtobedancingwiththetune.Hefeltexcitedashewa tchedthepeoplewalkingbyansmilingathisfather.Hewantedtoplaylikethat!Immediately,Johnplacedhistrumpettothemouthandblew.Soon,johnwashavingsuchagreattimeplayingwithhisfathe rthathedidn’tcareifhadplayedafewbad notes.

ThegoldentreewasdancingwhileJohnwasstillplaying.Nowheandhisneighborscouldbothbeha ppy.

51. Tokeepfromwalkingupthebaby,Johnpracticedhistrumpet_____.

A. inthebuilding

B. inthestreet

C. inthepark

D. intheroom

52. Johndidn’twanttopracticehismusicoutsidebecause_____.

A. hisnextdoorneighborhadanewbaby

B. hisfatherdidn’tplayedtogetherwithhim

C. hedidn’tenjoygoingtothepublicpark

D. hewasafraidtoplaysomewrongnotes

53. HowdidJohnfeelwhenhisfatherwasplaying?

A. Interested

B. Excited

C. Afraid

D. Bored

54. WhichoffollowingstatementsisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?

A. Johnwassorrytowaitforhisfathertocome.

B. Johnwaswillingtobewatchedbymanypeople.

C. Johnexperiencedtruehappinessbroughtbymusic.

D. Johnrefusedhisfather’sinvitationtoplaythetrumpet.

RecentresearchfromthePewInternetProjectsuggeststhat90%ofAmericansagedfrom12to17useth eInternet,and51%ofthoseteensusesocialnetworks.However,therearemanypossibleproblemswithsoci alnetworkingsitesandtheteenagerswhouse them.

Apartfromthesocialadvantages,socialnetworkingsitescanbeusedtorecordschoolresearch,develo partistictalentsandexperimentwithotherformsofsubjectcreation.Theyprovideawaytocommunicatewi thotherswhosharethesameinterestsandtogethelpfuladviceonongoing projects.

Alongwiththeseadvantagescomesomedangers.Forexample,mostsocialnetworkingsitesareopent oall,especiallyMySpace,whichisthemostpopularsocialnetworkamongteensinAmerica.Itmeansthatth eycouldbeputinunpleasantandfrightening situations.

Agreaterdangeristhatteensmaybecomeobjectsofthepeoplewithsecretpurposes.Thesecrecyofso mesocialnetworkingsitesmakesiteasyfordangerouspeopletofindyoungteensandinvitethemintodange rousconversations.It'seasyforthemtopretendasteensanddrawchildrenintodangerousreal-worldcomm unicationaswell.Thenfurtherhurtmightbeonitsway.

Anotherdangerisidentitystealing,whichcanhappenwhenteenssharetoomuchinformationabouttheirna mes,datesofbirthand locations.

Therefore,it'sveryimportanttomakesureteensaresafewhentheyusesocialnetworks. Manyofthesamerulesthatworkforonlinechatworkforthese sites:

※Don'tuseyourreal name.

※Don'tgiveoutpersonalinformationtopeopleyoudon'tknow.Alastnameandatownare enoughforabadguytofindwhereyou are.

※Don'tbelievethatpeoplearewhotheysayto be.

※Immediatelyendanycommunicationthatmakesyouuncomfortablemidreportittoa parent.

Onlyifyouaresureofyoursafety,canyouenjoythefunbroughtbysocialnetworking.Besides,tryingt odealwithallproblemsonyourowncanleadtoterribleresults.Remember,askingyourparentsorschooloff icialsforhelpdoesn'tmeanyouareunabletodoanythingbutwiserthanmanyothers.Manyothers.

55. Howmanydangersofusingsocialnetworksarementionedinthepassage?

A. 2.

B. 3.

C. 4.

D. 5.

56. ThewritertakesMySpaceasanexampletoshowthat____.

A. studentscouldbeputintounrealsituationsontheInternet

B. teenagersarefacingunknowndangersonthesocialnetworks

C. InternetprovidesmoresocialwebsitestoAmericanteenagers

D. socialnetworksareverypopularamongteenagersinAmerica

57. Wecaninferfromthepassagethat____.

A. thedangersaresimilarwhenchattingonlineandsurfingsocialnetworks

B. morethanhalfAmericanteenagersagedfrom12to17usesocialnetworks

C. teenswhoaskforhelparewiserwhenmeetingproblemsonsocialnetworks

D. therearemoredisadvantagesthanadvantagesforteenstousesocialnetworks


"Youdon'thavetobegreattogetstarted,butyouhavetogetstartedtobegreat.”Ibelieveitisthoughtnor malintoday'ssocietytojustletlifehappentous.Ialsobelievethatwesometimesdamageourwell-plannedth oughtsaboutsuccessbecauseitiseasiertojustcarryonasusualratherthan'try'withthepossibilityoffailurei n mind.

Themainreasonwhymostpeoplenevergetmovingisbecausetheyhavenorealideaaboutwhattheyw ant.Withoutacertainresultalreadysetinyourmind,itisreallydifficulttogetgoing,andevenifyoudo,your motivation(动力)maysoondisappearandyougiveupbeforetoolong. Whynotconsiderwhatisreallyimportantinyourlife?Writedownwhatexcitesyou,whatwouldtrulymake youhappyandwhatproblemsyouhave.Attheendoftheweek,takeacarefullookatthenotesyouhavetaken. Youwillsoonbegintoseeaclearerpictureofwhatdirectionyoushouldbe heading.

Knowledgeisuselesswithoutaction.Youcanreadeverybookonanysubjectbutyourlifewillstaythes ameifyoudonotusethatknowledge.Thismayseemclearbutthereasonwhytheself-helpindustryisthrivin g(繁荣的)isbecausepeoplereadandreadandreadbutneverusetheinformation provided.

Knowledgeisfantasticbutitisnotlifechanginguntilused.Ilovetoreadpersonaldevelopmentmateria ltokeepapositiveattitudetowardsmylife,butlalsorealizethatifIdon'tsetgoalstoachieve,thenlwillalways beatalkthetalkpersonwhoisgreatatgivingadvicebutuselessatrealizingit.Ifyouhavenoplansofpracticin gwhatyousay,thenitmayhebesttokeepyourmouthclosed.

Doyonwanttoknowwhoyouare?Don'task.Act!Actionwillexplainyou.Whateverexcuseswehavef ornotlivinguptoourtalent,thefactisthattimewillalwaysmoveforward.Bewhateveryonwanttobeandwh ateveryoucanbe.Alwaysremembertheonlylimitswehavearetheoneswecreateforourselves.Lifeisnotw hatwethink,itiswhatweexperiencewhenweactuponthethoughtsweentertain.

58. InParagraphTwo,thewriterwantsto______

A. telluswhatpeopleneedtogetsuccess

B. showuswhatpeoplesetintheirmind

C. informuswhypeopleshouldpractice

D. explainwhypeoplestopgoingahead

59. Theunderlinedphrase"livingupto"probablymeans______.

A. matching

B. showing

C. wasting

D. losing

60. Whatisthebesttitleforthepassage?

A. SeeaClearPictureofLife,

B. GetStartedtoBeGreat.

C. SetGoalstoAchieve

D. ActuponThoughts



Amineralissomethinginnaturethatisneitheraplantnorananimal.Mostrockshavetwoormoreminer als.61

First,lookforcolor.Somemineralsarelightincolor,whileothersatedark.62 becausemanymineralshavemorechemicalsthatgivethemadifferentcolor.

63Somemineralsshinebrightly.Othersmaylooksmooth.Stillothersmayhaveashiningluster,liketh einsideofsomeseashells.

Third,lookforhowthemineralbreaksapart.Somemineralscomeapartintothin,flatsheets.Othersco meintosmallcubes.Stillothersbreakupintopieceswithdifferentshapes.

Finally.lookforhardness.64Somemineralsaresoft,soyoucancutthemwithyourhand.Otherscanbe cutwithacoin.Stillotherscanbecutwithapenknife.

A. Second, look for luster, or shininess

B. What can we do to discover a mineral

C. You can discover a mineral by looking at its size

D. You, can test a mineral for hardness by trying to cut it

E. But color is not always the best way to discover a mineral


Amyouatwin?Andifso,areyoua"double"too?ThenOhio,theUnitedStatesistheplaceforyoutobefo ranAugustweekendoftwinfun.Everyyear,inAugust,twinsfromallovertheworldgettogetherinOhio.for aspecialday--theTwinsDayFestivalofferedtotwinsandforaweekendofsocially,celebrationand fun.

TheTwinsDayFestivalatTwinsburgistheworld'slargestgatheringoftwinseveryyear.It'sabigclub-l ikeeventinwhichtwinsandtheirparentscomeIofinssmall town.

ThetintTwinsDayFestivalwasheldin1976withOnly37pairsoftwins,Thatyear,theUnitedStatescel ebrated200yearsofindependence,andthenagroupofpeopledecidedtoseta day

Fortwins.Thedirectorsdidnotwantthefestivaltobeaone-offcelebration.Sothenextyear,theyplann editbetterandmadesurethatthefestivalcontinuedatthesameplace.Sincethen,thisfestivalhasbeenheldwi thoutfail,drawingtwinsfromeverycornerofthe world.

However,thereusedtobeheatedargumentswhetherTwinsDayshouldbeonlyalocalcelebrationoraf estivalforchildrenofmultiplebirths.In1979,thefestivalwentinternationalwithtwosetsoftwinsarrivingf romLebanonandPoland.Inthesameyear,theTwinsDayCommitteewasformedasanon-profit organization.

Today,theTwinsDayFestivalattracts2,736pairsoftwinsfromeverystateintheUSAandothersfroma llovertheworld,frombabytwinstopeopleintheireightiesandnineties!

65. Is the Twins Day Festival held in August every year?

66. Where is the world's largest gathering of twins held?

67. Why did the directors plan the festival better the next year?

68. when did the festival go international?

69. What are the main points about the Twins Day Festival in this passage?




70. 苏珊一到学校我们就出发。

We will set off ________Susan gets to school


Grandparents _______that l will visit them this summer vacation

72. 您愿意本周六和我一起看电影吗?

____________go to the cinema with me this Saturday?

73. 我上周用了两天时间为妈妈选了一件礼物。

_____________find a present for Mom last week.

74. 这里的景色太美了,我们停下来拍了很多照片。

The sights here were________________________________________.




Nowadays, most middle school students have pocket money every month, and we did a survey in Class l, Grade 9.




1. C

2. B


4. B


5. A

6. A



9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A15.A 16. C


17. Jim18. roses19. June 20. 406



21. B22. D 23.C 24. B25. A26. D27. C28. A29. B 30.D 31.A 32. A33. D34. C35. C


36. B37. C38.B39.A40.B41.D42.A43.D44.C45.C46.A 47. D



48. D49. C 50.A51.C52.D 53.B54.C55.B56.B 57.A 58.D 59.A 60. D


61. B62. E63.A64. D


65. Yes. / Yes, it is.

66. At Twinsburg.

67. Because they did not want the festival to be a one-off celebration.

68. In 1979.

69. What the Twins Day Festival is and how it has developed.



70. as soon as

71. are glad / happy / pleased

72. Would you like to

73. It took me two days to

74. so beautiful that we stopped to take / stopped and took a lot of photos / pictures


75. One possible version:

Nowadays,mostmiddleschoolstudentshavepocketmoneyeverymonth,andwedidasurveyinClass 1,Grade9.

Astheresultshows,amongthethirtystudentstakingpartinthesurvey,mostofthemoftenbuysnacks;a boutahalfspendtheirpocketmoneyonbooks,andafewsavesomeofit.

However,thingsonmearequitedifferent.Iusuallyspendmostofthemoneybuyinggoodandeducatio nalbookswhichIthinkmakememoreknowledgeable.Onlyasmallpartisspentonsnacksasmostofthesnac ksareinfactunhealthyforus.AndIsavetherestagainstarainyday.

Itistruethatwehavemoreandmorepocketmoneynow.Whetherwecanmakegooduseofitreallycoun ts,becauseitispartlyinfluencingthewaywearegrowingup.




1. W: Happy Father’s Day, dad!

M: Thank you, dear.

2. W: Hi! Jack, what does your uncle do?

M: Well, he is a policeman.

3. W: What are you going to do after school?

M: Oh, we’re going to sing in the club.

4. W: Steven, let me help you carry the chairs.

M: That’s very kind of you.



W: Hi! Tom, I’m going to the post office. Would you like to go with me?

M: I’d like to, but I have to go to the library.

W: OK, is there anything that I can do for you?

M: Yes. Could you please buy some stamps for me?

W: No problem. I’ll be back in half an hour.

M: OK. See you later.


W: Tony, is Betty coming for lunch tomorrow?

M: Yes, mum. I told you that yesterday!

W: Oh, did you? Sorry, I forgot.

M: What have you prepared for us, mum?

W: Well, I am just writing out the shopping list for lunch. What kind of food does she like?

M: Anything is OK, but she hates noodles and she never has rice at school.

W: What about pizza, then?

M: Yeah, she enjoys pizza very much.


W: What’s wrong w ith you?

M: I’m having a headache.

W: Let me see. Hmm, you’d better stay at home and take some medicine.

M: I can’t because I have too many things to do.

W: If you want to keep in good health, you’d better give up studying late at night.

M: Well, I tried. But I still can’t sleep well because I often feel nervous.

W: Did you have something on your mind? Maybe I can help you out.

M: I have lots of homework and I have to get ready for a test. So I’m too nervous.

W: I think you need to have a talk with your teacher.

M: Well, I guess no one can help me but myself.I just need to relax.


Dear parents,


Ourfifthgradershavejustfinishedthewritingtest.Fortherestoftheyear,wewillbepreparingforthesp ringtestforgrades3-5.ThereadingtestdatesinMayareinthecalendarsthatwegaveyouatthebeginningoft hisschoolyear.Allthespeakingtestswillbeonline.StudentsinGradeThreewillbethefirstgrouptotakethes peakingtestonline.Allthestudentswillcontinuetodevelopspellingskillstohelpthemwithwriting.

Animportantthingtomentionisthatwitha160-daycalendar,studentsarenotallowedtomissmoretha neightdaysofschool.Youareencouragedtotellyourchildrenaboutit.Wewillexaminethiscarefullydurin gtheschoolyear.

EmilyGreen,asecondgradeteacher,hasbeenchosenasthemostpopularteacheroftheyear.Weareall veryproudofher.



W: Hi! Bob. I’ve got a new office and some furniture.

M: Great! Congratulations.

W: Thank you, but you know I’m not good at keeping things in good order.

M: Don’t worry. Let me help you. First, you should put the table in front of the sofa.

W: Well, that’s a good idea. But where can I put the sofa, then?

M: Let me see. Just put the sofa in front of the window between the two armchairs.

W: OK. That must be very comfortable. By the way, I really like something natural.

M: Yeah, you can put some plants or flowers near the window. That will make your office more beautiful.

W: Fantastic! And there will be more fresh air in the office.

M: Oh, one more thing, there should be a computer and a telephone in your office.

W: I haven’t got them yet. But I’ll buy a computer next Sunday. Anyway, thanks a lot for your help.

M: My pleasure.



W: Hello, Worldwide Flowers.

M: Hello. I’d like to book some flowers and have them sent to my house.

W: Fine, sir. What kind of flowers do you like?

M: I’d like a dozen red roses.

W: A dozen red roses. That’s a good choice. Our red roses are selling for twelve dollars a dozen this week and they are really nice.

M: All right then. I’ll take them.

W: Would you please tell me your address, sir?

M: OK. My address is 43 Pennsylvania Avenue, Bloomton.

W: What would you like us to put on the card?

M: Hmm, just something simple. How about Happy Birthday?

W: OK. Now, when should they be sent?

M: They should be there before 6:00 pm on June 12th.

W: No problem. Just one more question, sir, how can you pay for them?

M: I’ll use m y visa card. The number is JK406.

W: Let me repeat your card number, JK406. Is that right?

M: Yes.

W: And what’s your name, sir?

M: Jim Keller.J-I-M, K-E-L-L-E-R. Jim Keller.

W: OK. We’ll have those red roses sent to your house before 6:00 pm on June 12th.

M: Thank you very much.

W: You are welcome. Good-bye.

M: Bye.












45. 考查代词。医生对我妈妈说我的情况,用三人称她。故选C。





48.关键字Fun with Food.














59.live up to符合



英语试卷 姓名准考证号考场号座位号 知识运用(共1 4分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 答案:1—5 BCADC 1. Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see . A. her B. him C. it D. them 解析:Mr. Wang表示“王先生”,指男性,故用him。 2. We planted some flowers the garden yesterday. A. on B. to C. in D. of 解析:指在花园里,介词用in。 3. — Excuse me, is this T-shirt? — It’s 88 yuan. A. how much B. how many C. how long D. how old 解析::由答句可知,问句问的是价钱,故用how much。how many询问数量,修饰可数名词复数;how long询问长度;how old询问年龄。 4. — Lily, _____ you finish the letter in ten minutes? — Yes, I can.

A. must B. should C. need D. can 解析:由答句中的“I can”可知,此处是问你能在10分钟之内完成这封信吗,故用can。 5. This cap is nice, it doesn’t look good on me. A. for B. so C. but D. or 解析:句意:这个帽子很漂亮,但我戴着它不好看。空格前后内容之间存在转折关系,故用but。 答案:6—10 BADDA 6. Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is than her brother. A. patient B. more patient C. most patient D. the most patient 解析:由句子中的“than her brother”可推知,此处要用patient比较级。 7. Sam with his friends every weekend. A. skates B. is skating C. has skated D. was skating 解析:由时间状语“every weekend”可推知,句子要用一般现在时。 8. — Tom, what’s your dad doing? — He my bike. A. repairs B. will repair C. has repaired D. is repairing 解析:问句句意:汤姆,你爸爸正在做什么?由问句可知,答句要用现在进行时。 9. Our school life a lot since 2017. We have more activities now. A. changes B. changed C. will change D. has changed 解析:由句子中的时间状语“since 2017”可推知,句子要用现在完成时。 10. If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I tickets for you tomorrow. A. will book B. booked C. have booked D. was booking 解析:在if引导的条件句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 答案:11—12 CB


2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 姓名:__________ 准考证号:________________考场号:______座位号:_____ 考生须知 1.本试卷共10页,共五道大题,39道小题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。 2.在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上。在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹铅字笔作答。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。 知识运用(共14分) (2018·北京中考)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.(2018·北京中考)My brother and I like football. _______ play it together once a week. A.I B. They C. We D. You C【解析】考查人称代词辨析。空处代指My brother and I两人,所以用人称代词we。故选C。 2.(2018·北京中考)Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift ______ you. A.for B. in C.with D.from A【解析】考查介词辨析。根据句意判断:Peter,生日快乐!这是送你的一份礼物。表示“为了;给”用介词for。故选A。 3.(2018·北京中考)—______ do you usually go to school, Mary? —By bike. A.When B. How C. Where D. Why B【解析】考查疑问副词辨析。答语表示方式,提问用副词How。故选B。 4.(2018·北京中考)Many people like pandas ______ they are cute. A.though B. if C. while D. because D【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:很多人喜欢熊猫,因为它们可爱。表示原因用连词because。故选D。 5.(2018·北京中考)I ______ go now, or I’ll miss my train. A.can B. might C. must D. Could C【解析】考查情态动词辨析。can能;可以;might可能;must必须;一定;could会;可能;可以。根据句意判断:我现在必须走了,否则我会赶不上火车了。故选C。 6.(2018·北京中考)Tony is ______ of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A.young B. younger C. is reading D. has read D【解析】考查形容词比较等级辨析。根据of the three boys判断,三者以上比较用最高级;最高级形式前用定冠词the。故选D。 7.(2018·北京中考)Bill likes reading. He ______ picture books with his dad every evening. A.read B. Reads C. is reading D. has read B【解析】考查动词时态。根据every evening判断句中使用一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数,所以动词使用第三人称单数形式。故选B。 8.(2018·北京中考)—Paul, what were you doing at nine last night? —I ______ a movie in the cinema with my friends. A.was watching B.watch C. have watched D. will watch A【解析】考查动词时态。根据问句中的时间“at nine last night”判断句中动作表示过去时


英语 (满分:120分时间:100分钟) 一、听力理解(略) 二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21.Mr Smith is old man and he usually walks his dog after supper.? A.a;the B.an;a C.an;不填 D.the;不填 22.—Is this photo taken in Tibet? —Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the of the photo.? A.form B.background C.shape D.introduction 23.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she can??t keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.? A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 24.I heard a new song on the radio.I high and low in the music store,but I can??t find the song.? A.search B.have searched C.am searching D.will search 25.—What a clear blue sky it is! —Yes.I have never seen sky.? A.a more beautiful B.a most beautiful C.the more beautiful D.the most beautiful 26.—What??s the matter with Tom?He has been absent for two days. —Oh!He be ill.Let??s go and ask Ms Brown.? A.can B.need C.may D.would 27.Soccer is a wonderful game for children.It great exercise,such as running and kicking.? A.provides B.remains C.practises D.receives 28.Wild animals are our friends.We shouldn??t kill them food or clothing.? A.in B.with C.about D.for 29.Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to.? A.deal with B.keep up with C.agree with https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c17005247.html,e up with 30.we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship brings us.? A.Since B.If C.Unless D.Though 31.—Did you watch the football match on TV last night? —I wanted to,but my mother her favourite TV programme.? A.watches B.watched C.was watching D.had watched 32.Now it??s much easier to shop online.When your order is ready,the things you want to buy to you soon.? A.send B.were sent C.are sending D.will be sent 33.—Why don??t you like fishing? —Fishing is a hobby needs much patience,but I??m not patient at all.? A.who B.that C.it D.what 34.kind and helpful to the people around us,and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.?


初中课程网络辅导: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c17005247.html,/kcnet1280/ 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分) Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey live in Iowa. They have a big family. Mikayla is the oldest child in the family. She is six years old. The other children are Brandon, Joe, Kelsey, Kenney, Natalie, Alexis and Nathan. They are all five years old. Why are they all the same age? ______ (61). They are septuplets! It is hard work to look after seven babies at the same time. ______ (62). In the beginning, many people helped them. They helped to feed, clean, and dress the babies. Every week , the septuplets used about 170 diapers(尿布)!______ (63)。 Now the children are older. The septuplets started school this year. But they go to school at home, like their big sister, Mikayla. When Mikayla was ready for school, Kenny and Bobbi decided to teach her at home.______ (64).Now Bobbi is the teacher for all eight of her children。 A. They drank a lot of milk, too。 B. Because they were born together。 C. Last year, Bobbi was Mikayla’s teacher。 D. Kenny and Bobbi are interested in cooking。 E. But Kenny and Bobbi didn’t look after them alone。 61. 正确答案B. 我们发现有关键词“Born”与age、five years old相呼应。再看空格的前两句内容提到They are all five years old. Why are they all the same age? 结合常理我们能够得到他们应该是同时出生的。分析五个选项,排除不符合前后文意思内容的选项。再通过后文说They are septuplets!(七胞胎)第二个选项明显符合先后文的因果关系,故选B。 62. 正确答案E。先看单词,look after复现。看空的前后,前文说同时照顾七个宝宝是个艰辛的工作,后文说起初有很多人帮助他们。前后逻辑是相反的,所以中间应该有转折。再看选项,把各个选项实在带入只有E符合前后行文顺序其它的内容均与该空无关,故选E。 63. 正确答案A. 首先注意关键词they 的指代,前文说到他们每天需要大量的尿布,而把所有选项带入后发现只有A选项与原文空格位置逻辑顺序相符。故选A。其他选项与前文所描述内容不能有效联系,所以不选。 64. 正确答案C。关键词复现:Bobbi和关键词替换原文中的teach与选项中的teacher,从逻辑看,带入C,去年Bobbi 是 Mikayla的老师,与下文现在她是所有孩子的老师成顺承关系。同时注意空格后一句的内容。把选项C带入前后文所描述的内容一致。故选C。其它选项与本题前后内容描述不一致逻辑不一致,故不选。


义务教育基础课程初中教学资料 广州市2015年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷分共五大题,12页,满分135分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个标号涂黑。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡和对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、听力(共两节,满分35分) 第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅读。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听下面一段对话,回答第1~3三个小题。 1. Where does the talk take place? A. At school. B. At Kelly’s house. C. At Jason’s house. 2. What is the talk mainly about? A. Ways to improve the environment. B. The school project they were given. C. The reasons Jason wasn’t at school. 3. What do the speakers finally decide to do? A. To clean up the river. B. To do some tree planting. C. To help the school save water. 听下面一段对话,回答第4~6三个小题。 4. Who is listening to the talk? A. Teachers. B. University students. C. New workers. 5. Why does the speaker think that he is very lucky? A. He works for a large company. B. He has a well-paid job. C. He does something he loves. 6. What kind of person does a boss prefer? A. Someone from a famous university.


2011年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 学校姓名准考证号 考生须知1.本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5、考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 听力理解(共24分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的ABCD三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)

二、请听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分每小题1分) 请听第一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5、Who ‘s Mary? A.Peter’s classmate B.Peter’s sister C.Peter’s neighbor. 6.What dose Mary’s brother teach? A. Japanese B. English C. Chinese 请听一段对话,完成第7至8小题。 7.Where dose the boy want to go? A. The museum B. The cinema C. The shop 8.What time will the boy meet his friends? A.At7:30 B.At5:30 C.At 3:30 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9.Why does the boy look unhappy? A. He has to write a paper. B. He has to take a history class. C. He has to repair his computer. 10.What’s the most important invention for the girl? A. Clocks B. Computers C. Chocolate. 请听一段话,完成第11至第13小题。 11.When did the girl come back home? A. On Saturday B. On Friday C. On Wednesday 12.What’s the dialogue mainly about? A.The girl’s vacation B. The girl’s parents C. The girl’s interest 13.What can you infer from the dialogue? A. The boy liked staying at home. B. The girl liked the boat tour most. C. The girl’s parents liked paintings. 请听一段独白,完成第14至16小题。 14.What can you learn from the talk? A. San Francisco is about dancing. B. A Man’s Best Friend is about a cat. C. You and Me Alone is about space travel. 15.Which is Mark’s opinion? A. You and Me Alone is very funny. B. Beyond the Moon is worth seeing. C. A Man’s Best Friend is the best one. 16.What’s Mark doing? A. Introducing this week’s new films. B. Predicting the best films of the year. C. Making an advertisement for the films. 三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。请分局所听到的对话内容和卡片上的提示词语,讲所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共8分,每小题2分)


中考英语试题分析 一、通过对全卷的综合分析,试题特点如下 1、试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,如听力部分,语言知识运用部分、日常交际及写作,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力。 2、试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,语言知识运用部分,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 3、试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 二.试卷情况及简要分析 1、听力部分应该说听力得分率稍满意一些。听力部分重点考查学生是否能正确理解所听内容。听力失分主要原因是听短文填空这题,不少同学单词不熟练或遗忘,也有部分同学反应能力差,说明我们日常教学中听力训练还不到位。 2. 完型填空:主要考查学生的英语综合技能题型难度稍大,具有较高区分。重在整体理解,对个别单词词意的理解也很关键。 3. 阅读理解:重在篇章理解,注重考察学生的逻辑推理、归纳、表格分析,判断正误,及科普类演绎等各方面的能力,即考查了学生

对文章中心的理解、又考查了对细节的把握。 4. 任务型阅读的设题具有开放性和应用性,既能考查学生的阅读理解能力和语言运用能力,又对今后教学有较好的导向作用,同时考察单词释义,词汇考察,同义句改写,根据短文回答问题等,尤其是(C)任务比较基础,阅读完成文章结构分析,具体运用比较灵活。 5. 交际运用(A)七选五的形式考察学生交际运用能力,理解语境中的交际语言,(B))主要是考察学生对固定词语和句式在语境中的使用,以笔试的形式考察英语的口语交际能力,属于间接型口式 6. 书面表达,考察学生综合运用语言运用能力。 三、今后努力方向 1、加强《课标》学习,改进教学方法。英语教师应进一步学习《新课程标准》,增强新课程理念,改变教学观念,改变一些传统做法,认真钻研教材,弄清教材的编排意图,科学地用好教材,挖掘教材的内在本质,注重知识间的内在联系。 2、加强听说训练,提高听力水平。在日常教学中加强对学生的听力训练,让他们多听英美人士的录音,在课堂上多用英语组织教学,通过听读、听说、听写等多种形式不断刺激听的感官,提高学生的听觉灵敏度。鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,让学生通过体验,实践,讨论,合作,探究等方式,在自然规范的语音,语调的口语语境中进行口语交际,为他们发展交际能力打下基础。 3、加强阅读教学,提高阅读能力。教师要有意识地加强学生阅读能力的训练与培养,要多选用内容健康,时代感、思想性、知识性、


上海市英语试卷 一、单选题(共20小题) 1.Which of the following words is pronounced | e:p| A.shape B.sheep C.shop D.ship 2.Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by______ A.I B.me C.my D.myself 3.I love this picture_____ you beside the music fountain A.in B.of C.on D.at 4.There was a big crowd waiting____ the opening ceremony to start A.by B.from C.for D.with 5.Rose received a letter full of love from her parents on her_____ birthday A.sixteen B.sixteen’s C.sixteenth D.sixteenths 6.Alex did the project on community service____ better than his classmates A.so B.very C.too D.much 7.Leave the relevant books behind,____ you won’t be able to think independently A.or B.and C.so D.but 8.______Mike didn’t win the race, he was still wearing a smile on his face A.If B.since


2011年北京中考英语试卷考点: 一:结构分析 试卷总共有十道大题,四部分,共计120分,考试时间120分。 其一,听力理解一:看图听对话,4题,每题1分,共4分; (24分) 二:听对话或独白,5段对话,共12题,每题1分,共12分; 三:听对话填空,四空。每空2分,共8分。 其二,知识运用四:单项填空,15题,共15分; (27分)五:完形填空,12题,共12分。 其三,阅读理解六:四篇阅读,共13题,每题2分,共26分; (44分)七:阅读短文,五选四,每空2分,共8分; 八:根据短文回答问题,共5题,每题2分,共10分。 其四,书面表达九:完成句子,5题,共10分; (25分)十:文段表达,15分。 二:考点分析 第一部分听力理解 1-4 细节题CCBA 5 考查人物关系A 6 细节题C 7 细节题,地理方向B 8 考查时间B 9 细节题A 10 细节题C (最后一句话chocolate) 11 考查时间A(we just got back on Saturday。) 12 推断题A (整个话题都讲The girl’s vacation) 13 推断细节题C 14 细节题B 15 细节题B 16 推断题A (Mark 介绍了好几部电影) 17 Sunday 考查时间以及第一个字母要大写 18 lunch 细节题 19 two hours 细节题及名词单复数 20 watch TV 细节题 第二部分知识运用 单项填空 21 人称代词A该处作宾语应该使用宾格形式。 22 介词考查B在年代前面用介词in. 23 连词考查D前句的意思是“快点”,后句是“你将错过飞机的”,可以推出此处填or,


2019北京中考英语试题分析 单项填空 内容覆盖了《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》和2019年《考试说明》中所要求的主要语法项目。主要特点如下: 一、重视基础积累,凸显语用 试题立足对学生英语基础知识和基本技能的考查,涉及的考点均为初中学生英语学习中需要掌握的主干知识和必备技能,符合学生的生活经验、学习特点、认知水平和语言能力,具体内容包括代词、介词、特殊疑问词、形容词、动词(情态动词、动词的时态及语态)和宾语从句,考查了学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的积累。 完形填空 采用记叙文形式,约286词左右,难度属于中等。故事的主题是挫折教育。文章以第一人称记叙了作者精心准备参加竞选班长,但是失败了。面对挫折,作者认识到世界上太多的事情不是我们能把握的,参选经历就是塑造品格的过程,并学会积极对待失败,使自己变得更坚强。主要特点如下: 一、落实立德树人,引领寓教于考 故事贴近学生生活,主人公在竞选班长的过程中从害怕失败到坦然面对,逐步成长,故事引导学生积极参与学校各类活动,激励大家坦然接受挫败,树立信心。 二、注重语篇理解,增强语用考查 综合考查学生在语篇中对词汇的掌握和运用能力,以及对篇章逻辑的理解和把握能力。考查的词汇均为实词,其中考查动词4个,名词2个、形容词和副词各1个。要求学生在了解语篇的基础上,加强语义、语境的深层次理解,具备一定的逻辑思维能力。如第19题,forget,该题较好地体现了完形填空题的解题基本思路:即上下文连贯,不要孤立地做题,体现语篇层面语言和内容的连贯性。 三、注意高频词汇,积累一词多性 试题中出现的词汇如afraid、manage、win、prediction等都是高频词汇。平时的学习中对于这些词的词性、词义与用法要准确无误的掌握。如第16题,picture作动词用,表示“想像”。 阅读理解 阅读理解话题丰富、贴近学生、贴近社会和时代,试题凸显对学生阅读品格的考查,既全面考查学生的阅读理解能力,也注重对学生阅读兴趣和阅读习惯养成的引导,体现了“立德树人”的育人导向。 一、话题承载社会主义核心价值观,落实“立德树人”根本任务 阅读文本内容贴近学生,贴近社会,富有时代气息。自然融入了社会主义核心价值观,坚持立德树人、育人为本,注重对学生情感态度和价值观的正向引导。 比如阅读B篇,女儿自制go-cart参加比赛。在制作的过程中,父亲重视女儿在体验和


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Meiyu, born in 1995, is from Turkey (土耳其). She is the youngest child of her family. After high school, many people learned English or Japanese, but Meiyu decided to learn Chinese in university. She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey, and got her name Meiyu there. Meiyu fell in love with Chinese after going to university. She became more interested after she knew more about Chinese history. She graduated (毕业) from Ankara University in 2017. Since then, more Chinese have been visiting Turkey. The trade between the two countries also needs Chinese-speaking people. "Speaking Chinese means more job opportunities" said Meiyu. Now Meiyu has been in Wuhan, China for about two years.Besides going on studying Chinese, she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu as well, so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches. Not only can kung fu help improve (改善) her health, but she is also interested in the history and culture behind it. Meiyu said, "The more I know about China, the luckier I feel to have been here. But the truth is that fun and pain go together in the process of learning." In the future, Meiyu decides to go back to Turkey to teach more students to learn Chinese.(1)Where did Meiyu learn Chinese at first? A. In China. B. In Turkey. C. In India. D. In Australia. (2)How old was Meuyu when she graduated from Ankara University in 2017? A. 22 B. 25 C. 27 D. 18 (3)What's probably the meaning of the word "opportunities" in this passage? A. decisions B. orders C. meanings D. chances (4)Why does Meiyu spend her free time on kung fu training with her coaches? A. Because she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu. B. Because she has to learn kung fu to graduate. C. Because she wants to teach kung fu in Turkey. D. Because she wants to take part in kung fu competitions. (5)What can you learn from the passage? A. Meiyu is the only child of her family. B. Meiyu is not interested in Chinese now. C. Chinese culture has greatly influenced Meiyu. D. Meiyu decides to stay in China in the future. 【答案】(1)B (2)A (3)D (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】大意:中国文化深深影响了了一位土耳其大学生,美玉。


2018 年英语中考试题及答案 第I卷 I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1、A.Nice to meet you, too. B. Thank you. C. Goodbye. 2、A.Don’t worry! B. Good idea! C.Hurry up! 3、A. You’re welcome. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Take your time. 4、A.That’s right. B.Take it easy. C. With pleasure. 5、A.Sorry, I won’t. B. Well done. C. Here you are. 6、A.Never mind! B. What a pity! C. Have a good time! 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 7、A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. 8、A. Grace. B. Alice. C. Paul. 9、A.In the library. B. In the museum. C. In the classroom. 10、A. Math. B. Chinese. C. Science. 11、A. Clever and lovely. B. Friendly and lovely. C. Friendly and clever. 12、A. At 8:00. B. At 9:00. C. At 10:00. 第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13、Where did John go for a holiday? A. To Beijing. B. To Taiwan. C. To Hong Kong. 14、How was John’s trip? A.Boring. B. Dangerous. C.Wonderful. 听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题。


考 生 须 知 2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 1. 本试卷共10页,共五道大题,39道小题,满分60分。考试时间90分钟。 2. 在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4. 在答题卡上,选择题用2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5. 考试结束,将本试卷、答题卡卡和草稿纸一并交回。 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A. I B. They C. We D. You A. for B. in C. with D. from --- By bike. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why A. though B. if C. while D. because A. can B. might C. must D. could A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read 8.----Paul, what were you doing at nine Last night? A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch 9. David a tennis player, He to play tennis when he was six years old. A. begins B.will begin C. began D. has begun 10. ------Lucy, is your uncle a teacher? ------Yes, he is. He ____ history for nearly 20 years. A. teaches B. has taught C. is teaching D. will teach 11. A new international airport _____ in the city next year. A. completes B. is completed C. will complete D. will be completed


河南省普通高中招生考试试卷 英语 注意事项: 1. 本试卷共10页,七个大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2. 本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求直接把答案写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的答案无效。 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 1. Whet color does the boy like best? A. White. B. Green. C. Blue. 2. Who is the woman? A. Mike's teacher. B. Mike's mother. C. Mik e’s friend. 3. How does the girl go to school? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By cat. 4. What time will the two speakers start tomorrow morning? A. At 6 o'clock. B. At 7 o'clock. C. At 8 o'clock. 5. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a bank. B. In a hospital. C. In the restaurant. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选顶中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话.回祷第6至第7两个小题。 6. What size does the woman want? A. Size S. B. Size M. C. Size L. 7. How much does the woman pay in the end? A. $20. B. $30. C. $40. 听下面一段对话.回答第8至第10三个小题。 8. When does the man take exercise? A. In the mommy. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. 9. What will the woman do tomorrow? A. She will have a party. B. She will have a meeting. C. She will have a driving test. 10. Where will they meet on Saturday? A. At the school gate. B. At the park gate. C. At the garden gate. 听下面一段独白,回答第11至第12两个小题。
