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Unit1 课后作业

Unit1 课后作业

Unit1 课后作业


新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答 案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释 How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her .


六年级英语下册Unit 1 作业单 一、写出相应的单词 更强壮的更矮的更高的年龄更大的更年轻的 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 更大的更重的更长的更瘦的更小的 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 二、按要求写单词 tall(反义词)_____ strong(比较级)____older(反义词) _____funnier(原形)______ heavy(比较级)_____ thin(比较级)_______ bigger(原形)______ long(比较级)_____ 三、根据中文完成句子 1. 我比我的弟弟大三岁. I'm than my brother. 2. 这棵树要比那棵树高. This tree than that one. 3. 你比他矮四厘米. You are than he. 4. 谁比你重? than you. 5. 他比你更强壮. He is than you. 四、将句子补充完整 1. 我比你瘦。I am ___ ___ you . 2. 今年他两岁了。He is two_____ ____this ___. 3. 你比我高吗?____ you ____than ___? 4. 你喜欢哪只猴子呢?———monkey ___you like ? 5. 我的手比你的手大。My hands are ___than ___. 五、根据要求对句子进行变换 1. His friend is 145 cm tall.(对划线部分进行提问) __________________________________________________ 2. I am 45 kg.(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________ 3. She is 12 years old .(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________


听力部分 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。 ()1、A. nice B. nineteen C. naughty ()2、A. a little B. a bit C. about ()3、A. clever B. capital C. cool ()4、A. beautiful B. book C. bread ()5、A. famous B. river C. wide 二、听句子,选择正确的答案。 ()1、A. He is cool. B. She is nice. C. He is naughty. ()2、A London is the capital of England . B. Beijing is the capital of China. C. London is the capital of China. ()3、A. She is a nice teacher. B. He is a clever pupil. C. My mother is very tall. ()4、A. This is my mother. B. This is my big brother. C. This is my little sister. ()5、A. Is it tall? B. Is it famous? C. Is it old? 三、听录音,判断句子的对错。 ( )1.He’s very naughty. ( ) 2.This is the Hyde Park. ( ) 3.The desk is very new. ( ) 4.It’s very big and very beautiful. ( ) 5.London is the capital of England. 笔试部分 一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。


Passage 1 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own. Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the countr y. If one likes garden, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature. Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city. B. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country. C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London. D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside. 2. With the same money needed for ________, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country. A. getting a small flat with a garden B. having a small flat with a garden C. renting a small flat without a garden D. buying a small flat without a garden 3. When the garden is in blossom, the one ________ has been rewarded. A. living in the country B. having spent time working in the garden. C. having a garden of his own. D. having been digging, planting and watering 4. People who think happiness lies in the city life would feel that ________ if they had to live outside London. A. their life was meaningless B. their life was invaluable C. they didn’t deserve a happy life D. they were not worthy of their happy life 5. The underlined phrase “get away from” in the 3rd paragraph refers to ________. A. deal with B. do away with C. escape from D. prevent from 很多在伦敦工作的人喜欢住在伦敦郊外,然后每天乘火车、汽车和公交车去上班或上学。这也就意味着他们不得不早出晚归。


Unit 1 From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast. 从她的口音我猜她是来自东北地区的。 It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself. 她很聪明,使他对自己的论点 I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair. 我在床下发现了一双鞋,但他们不做一双 4. Dr. Bright always takes his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. Bright博士总是把他的时间用于他检查他的病人,并把他们的极端护理 5. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered. 英国公司正试图避免他们的美国同行已经遭受的命运。 6. Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable young man. 威尔弗雷德的话证实了我在我看来,他是一个光荣的年轻人 7. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats. 检察机关的主要证人在收到死亡威胁后提供了警方的保护 8. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong. 我认为这是事情的结束,但随后的事件证明我错了。 9. Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stands a chance winning the World Series this year. 经过这么长时间的练习,纽约棒球队赢得了今年的世界系列赛的机会。 10. At the trial , Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness, said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before. 在审讯中,鲍伯的老师,被称为证人,说他是个安静的男孩以前从未惹过麻烦。 Unit 2 11. We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise. 我们刚刚与管理层有了一个非常富有成效的会议,我们现在对加薪的希望更大了 12. The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth. 我读的这本书解释了地球上动植物的进化

全新版大学英语IV Unit1作业

Unit One Class____________ Number___________ Name_________________ Score______________ 1. The Labor Party’s electoral strategy, which was based on a tactical (战术的)_______with other smaller parties, has proved successful. 2. My brother was not badly hurt, but he injured his leg and had to _______around for a few weeks. 3. The New York fire fighters’____deeds in rescuing the September 11 victims were celebrated across the country. 4. By a _______of good luck, Carol, who had been buried in the rubble for more than 20 hours, came out alive. 5. The aircraft was subjected to a test of temperatures of ________ 65 degrees Celsius and plus 120 degrees. 6. Tax incentives will be used to attract companies to the western ______of our country away from the east coast. 7. The opening speeches sounded more like______of war than offerings of peace. 8. After a three-day ______ by the police, the terrorists who had seized the restaurant had to give in. 9. China is the largest country in the world population. 10. In spite of all the difficulties, we should with our efforts to win the negotiation. II. Multiple choice Choose the one that best completes the sentence from the four choices given. (40%) 11.In 1941, Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, ____ an attack against the Soviet Union, as Russia then was called. A. sent B. did C. got D. launched 12. They should hire a more accountant than the one they currently have. A. effective B. sufficient C. efficient D. respective 13. “____” by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to “scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders. A. caught guard B. caught off C. caught up with D. caught off guard 14. The manufacturers had to raise their prices because of the increase in the cost of materials. A. raw B. original C. rough D. primitive 15. Napoleon ____ pressing on to Moscow, 448 kilometers away. A. took over B. took the gamble of C. took out D. took in 16.In the spring of 1812, Napoleon ____ an army of six hundred thousand men on the borders of Russia. A. assembled B. got C. owned D. together 17. By_____ Mr. Chen is a taxi driver. A. profession B. work C. occupation D. employment 18. It does not change the fact that she was the doctor ______ for the failure of the operation. A. guilty B. obliged C. accounting D. responsible 19. The shock of her daughter’s death ______ her unable to remain calm. A. caused B. had C. enabled D. rendered 20. The basic aim of the establishment of this institution is the _____ of H7N9. A. fight B. conquest C. treatment D. work III. Reading comprehension (20%) Road courtesy(礼貌) is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most levelheaded and good tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to get their revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little courtesy goes a long way towards relieving the tensions and frustrations of motoring. A friendly nod or



单选题 1. When we talk about “parts of speech”, we know that a describing word we use to describe a noun is a/an ______; a word that can be used instead of a noun is a/an _______; a word used in front of a countable or uncountable noun is a/an ___________. A、pronoun, article, adjective B、article, adjective, pronoun C、adjective, article, pronoun D、adjective, pronoun, article 答案与解析:D TB Task 3, p 6 本句直接出自 课本,考查“词性”的定义。 2. The new secretary is quick and _____. Since she came, the ______ of the department has been increased. A、efficient, efficiency B、efficiency, efficient

C、effective, effect D、efficient, effect 答案与解析:A 这句主要考查了词类和近似词的区别。Efficient是形容词,意思是“效率高的”;而efficiency是名词,意思是“效率”。Effect 是名词,“效果,结果”。Effective, “有效的”,一般是某物做主语,或者修饰“物”,比如:The new medicine is very effective in treating cough. 3. The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used. It pays off to spend time and money on physical exercises. A B C D


1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases. 3. 由于这个国家的经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country. 4. 大学毕业后他成为了一名护士。他认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college. He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career. 5. 他像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it.


八年级下册unit 1 作业 一、单项选择 ( )1. What’s wrong _____ John? A. with B. to C. for D. on ( )2. What’s _____ with you? A. the wrong B. trouble C. matter D. the matter ( )3. “What’s wrong with you?”“I don’t feel _____.” A. good B. well C. illness D. sadly ( )4. He is _____ heavy because he eats _____ sugar. A. too much … too much B. too much … much too C. much too … much too D. much too … too much ( )5. If you have a _____, you should go to see a dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache D. sore throat ( )6. The old man has _____. A. only three tooths B. three only tooths C. only three teeth D. three only teeth ( )7. “ What’s the matter with you?”“ I have _____.” A. a sore throat B. sore throat C. a throat sore D. throat sore ( )8. Open your _____ and say “Ah”. A. nose B. mouth C. eye D. hand ( )9. There is something wrong with my _____. I can’t see


词汇与结构全真题 语法 一、名词数量的表达方法 1.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat. A. a large number B .the large number C. a large amount D. the large amount 答案.C 2.The baby is hungry,but there's ____ milk in the bottle. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 答案.A 3.They have learned about _______ in recent years. A. several hundreds English words B. hundreds of English words C. hundred of English words D. several hundred English word 答案.B 4.It is said that______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. A. very little B. quite a few C. quite a bit D. quite a little 答案.B 5.The people in this city have planted ________ trees along both sides of the streets. A.a great deal of B.much C.a large amount of D.a lot of 答案:D 6.I'll have a cup of coffee and _____. A.two breads B.two piece of breads C.two pieces of breads D.two pieces of bread 答案:D 二、冠词 7..____ girl dressed _____ black is her sister Rose. A. A; in B. A; on C. The; on D. The; in 答案.D 8.He is fond of playing _____ piano while his brother is interested in listening to _____ music. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the


《大学英语1》课程综合复习资料 I. Use of English 1. — Write to me when you get home. — OK, I _______. A) must B) should C) will D) can 2. ― I hope I am not interrupting your work. ― ________________. A) Oh,that’s all right. B) O.K. Let’s start again. C) Please go on with your work. D) It’s hard to say. 3. —let me introduce myself. I am Tom. — _______. A) What a pleasure B) It's pleasure C) I'm very pleased D) Pleased to meet you 4. — Could you pass me the salt and pepper? — _______. A) Sorry,I didn't know what you mean. B) Ok,here you are. C) No,I won't. D) I don't know. 5. —Why haven’t you bought any butter? — I _________ to but I forgot about it. A) liked B) wished

D) expected 6. —“Where is Mary?” —“She ____ to school.” A) will go B) has been C) has gone D) went 7. — Have you finished your housework____? — Yes. I have____ finishe A) yet,already B) already,yet C) ever,never D) still,just 8. — How are you? — ________ A) I am quite good. B) I am very sorry. C) How are you? D) Fine,thank you. 9. — I usually go there by train. — Why not _______ by boat for a change? A) try to go B) try going C) try go D) go to try 10. —Do you think _________ he should go to the music club or not? —Sorry, I have no idea. A) that B) what


大学英语练习题及参考答案 PART I Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese. 1.Major in Business English 2.required courses 3.English speech competition 4.The Olympic dream 5.passionate 6.be pround of 7.wild animals 8.Food chain 9.Reservation 10.Lunar calendar PART II Grammar and Vocabulary Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one. 1. !We can go camping. A.How good weather B.What a good weather C.How good the weather D.What good weather 2.A friend of went to the railway station to see . A.Jane ; her off B.Jane ;off her C.Jane 's; her off D.Jane's ;off her 3.My familyswimming. A.likes B.is liking C.like D.are liking 4.We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal stylein a personal style. A.rather than B.other than C.better than D.less than 5.Please be quiet.I have to announce. A.a important thing B. an important thing C.something important D.important something 6.He is not as any as us,but he is brave enough. A.as better B. Such good C.so good D. a so good


Unit1 1、任何年满18岁得人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote、 2、每学期开学前,这些奖学金得申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester、 3、遵照医生得建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking、 4、公园位于县城得正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town、 5、这所大学提供了我们所需得所有材料与设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire、 1、她们花了多年得时间寻找内心得平静,但就是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success、 2、这种新药得成功研制已经使许多疾病得治疗发生了根本性得变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases、 3、由于这个国家得经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country、 4、大学毕业后她成为了一名护士。她认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college、He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career、 5、她像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it、 Unit2

寒假作业 unit1

英语寒假作业(unit1) 编者:陈静审稿:曾辉 建议完成时间:30分钟总分:100分自测得分:_______ 家长签名:______ 一、请写出以下十五个短语(30分) 1.去度假_______________ 2.相当多____________ 3.为考试学习______________ 4. 尝起来味道好____________ 5. 想要做某事_______ 6.重要的事情_____________ 7. 因为_____________ 8. 到达______________ 9.写日记_______________ 10.去爬山_______________ 11.到海边去___________ 12.参观博物馆__________________ 13. 去夏令营____________ 14. 一碗米饭__________ 15. 弄清楚_________________ 二、请将以下五个句子翻译成英文。(10分) 1.我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。______________________________________ 2.我和家人今天早上到达长沙。______________________________________________ 3.有许多新的建筑物在我们农村。___________________________________________ 4.我大部分时间呆在家里看书和放松。________________________________________ 5.我们等了一个多小时火车因为有很多人。___________________________________ 三、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. Mike decided__________the museum this Sunday. A.visit B.visits C. visiting D. to visit ( )2.---David, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you will get_________.---OK, Mom. A.cold B. dry C. wet D. warm ( )3. Zhang Wei didn’t come to school________his illness. A.because of B. because C. so D. that ( )4.---Mom, I’ve got_________important to tell you.---What’s up? A.Nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ( )5. I will call you as soon as I arrived in Kunming. A.reach to B. get to C. get D. arrive ()6.There are quite students in our school learn chemistry in English. A.some B.many C.a few D.a lot ()7.When summer comes, a lot of people feel like _____ to have fun. A.to swim B.swim C.swam D.swimming ()8.He didn't read the book______,although he had ______. A.careful enough;enough time B.carefully enough;enough time C.enough careful;enough time D.enough carefully;time enough ()9.The fantastic music made the students______relaxed.
