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德育周报第期 3

德育周报第期 3
德育周报第期 3






英语周报高二答案 【篇一:高二下期中考试英语周报高二版试题及答案】ass=txt>第一部分:听力(共两节;满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1. what is the weather like now? a. sunny. b. cloudy. c. rainy, 2. what can we learn from the conversation? a. john wont be back this evening. b. the woman lent john her bicycle. c. the man will ask john to be back quickly. 3. how does the man feel about his driving to work? a. it takes him too much time. b. the distance is a little long. c. he feels that its not ba d. 4. whats wrong with the radio? a. it cant be turned on. b. it cant be turned off. c. it doesnt work. 5. where does the conversation most probably take place? a. at a restaurant. b. at a cinema. c. at a hotel. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独自,选 出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. what is the matter with the man? a. he has no money. b. he cant drive. c. he has a poor memory. 7. what does the woman advise the man to do? a. to ask her for advice. b. to let her drive him to the bank. c. to remind him of money. 请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. what was the woman going to buy?a. a sweater. b. a shirt. c. a coat. 9. which one did the woman finally buy? a. the red one. b. the blue one. c. the green one. l 0. how much did the woman pay? a. 170 yuan. b. 168 yuan. c. 186 yuan. 请听第8段材料,回答第 ll至13题。 11. what will the man do at 8:30 tomorrow? a. meet some managers. b. host mr turner. c. have a meeting. 12. whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? a. husband and wife. b. boss and secretary. c. teacher and student. 13. what is the man going to do at 1:30 pm the day after tomorrow? a. visit an exhibition. b. go to classes.c. attend a party. 请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。


科学五年级(上)综合复习版 第一单元复习试题参考答案 一﹑1-5×√×√× 6-10√√×√× 二﹑1-5CCBAA 6-10BCBBC 11-15AABBA 三、1. 香蕉树叶子细长成针形降水丰富的热带地区 松树叶子阔大降水相对较多的温带地区 仙人掌树干长得高大干旱的沙漠地区 白杨树叶子退化成叶刺多风的北方地区 2. 企鹅草原 蜗牛南极 骆驼阴暗潮湿 山羊沙漠 四、1. C 2. B 3.略 五、1. ① 2 ②适量的水分③适宜的温度④充足空气 2. ①水草的多少对小鱼生存是否有影响?②水草的多少对小鱼生存有影响 ③水草的多少④小鱼的数量、水量等⑤在两个大饮料瓶里分别放入相同的细沙和水,两条条件相同的健康小鱼,并将饮料瓶放在同一个地方。在一个大饮料瓶里放两棵水草,另一个大饮料瓶里放四棵同样的水草。观察、记录生态瓶里的小鱼在一分钟内浮到水面的次数。重复几次实验。 第二单元复习试题参考答案 一﹑1-5×××√√ 6-10√√×√× 二﹑1-5 ACACB 6-10 ACABC 11-15 CBCBB 三、1. 2. 四、1. ①略② B ③8.1 ④ A ⑤B 2.略

期中测试题参考答案 一﹑1-5 √√××× 6-10 ×√×√√ 二﹑1-5 BBAAC 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 ACCBA 三﹑1.①食物网②草③草→兔→猫头鹰;兔和猫头鹰。(答案不唯一) ④兔﹑鼠﹑蝗虫⑤略 2. ①略②光强温度就高,光弱温度就低。③凹面、凸透 3.①得到水﹑得不到水②水 ③温度﹑空气﹑各十粒大小相同的绿豆种子等。(答案不唯一) ④绿豆种子发芽需要一定的水分 ⑤种子坏了。(答案不唯一) 第三单元复习试题参考答案 一﹑1-5 √√√×× 6-10 ×√√×× 二﹑1-5 AABBB 6-10 CBCAC 11-15 ACABC 三、1. 从下往上,颗粒越来越细,分别是砂砾、沙、粉砂、黏土。 2.陡坡水流流速快,被流水侵蚀严重;缓坡水流流速慢,有土沉积。 四、1. (答案不唯一) ①土地上有无植物覆盖对侵蚀的影响。 ②如果有植物覆盖,土地受侵蚀的程度小;反之,土地受侵蚀的程度大。 ③有无植物覆盖。 ④雨水的大小、土地的坡度。 ⑤略 2. 水中有少量碎小的岩石;冷热变化;有很多岩石碎屑,小石子变得圆润了;流水的冲击力;豌豆在合适的条件下,顶破石膏发芽;植物的生长;动物的活动


中国教育学会中学数学教学专业委员会 “《数学周报》杯”2013年全国初中数学竞赛试题 答题时注意:1.用圆珠笔或钢笔作答. 2.解答书写时不要超过装订线. 3.草稿纸不上交. 一、选择题(共5小题,每小题6分,满分30分. 以下每道小题均给出了代号为A ,B ,C ,D 的四个选项,其中有且只有一个选项是正确的. 请将正确选项的代号填入题后的括号里. 不填、多填或错填都得0分) 1.已知实数x y ,满足 42 424233y y x x -=+=,,则444y x +的值为( ). (A )7 (B ) 12 (C ) 72 + (D )5 【答】(A ) 解:因为2 0x >,2 y ≥0,由已知条件得 21x ==, 2 y == , 所以 444y x +=2 2233y x ++- 2226y x =-+=7. 另解:由已知得:2 22 2222()()30()30 x x y y ?-+--=???+-=? ,显然2 22y x -≠,以222,y x -为根的一元二次方程为2 30t t +-=,所以 222222()1,()3y y x x - +=--?=-

故 444y x +=22 222222[()]2()(1)2(3)7y y x x -+-?-?=--?-= 2.把一枚六个面编号分别为1,2,3,4,5,6的质地均匀的正方体骰子先 后投掷2次,若两个正面朝上的编号分别为m ,n ,则二次函数2y x mx n =++的图象与x 轴有两个不同交点的概率是( ). (A ) 512 (B )49 (C )1736 (D )1 2 【答】(C ) 解:基本事件总数有6×6=36,即可以得到36个二次函数. 由题意知 ?=24m n ->0,即2m >4n . 通过枚举知,满足条件的m n ,有17对. 故17 36 P = . 3.有两个同心圆,大圆周上有4个不同的点,小圆周上有2个不同的点,则这6个点可以确定的不同直线最少有( ). (A )6条 (B ) 8条 (C )10条 (D )12条 【答】(B ) 解:如图,大圆周上有4个不同的点A ,B ,C ,D ,两两连线可以确定6条不同的直线;小圆周上的两个点E ,F 中,至少有一个不是四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 与BD 的交点,则它与A ,B ,C ,D 的连线中,至少有两条不同于A ,B ,C ,D 的两两连线.从而这6个点可以确定的直线不少于8条. 当这6个点如图所示放置时,恰好可以确定8条直线. 所以,满足条件的6个点可以确定的直线最少有8条. 4.已知AB 是半径为1的圆O 的一条弦,且1AB a =<.以AB 为一边在圆O 内作正△ABC ,点D 为圆O 上不同于点A 的一点,且DB AB a ==,DC 的延长线交圆O 于点 E ,则AE 的长为( ). (A ) 2a (B )1 (C )2 (D )a 【答】(B ) 解:如图,连接OE ,OA ,OB . 设D α∠=,则 120ECA EAC α∠=?-=∠. (第3题) (第4题)


《英语周报》第21期参考答案放第22期第4版 KEY CORNER 本期参考答案 第2版 READING TASKS Pre-reading activities Task I. 略 Task II. 略 Task III. 略 While-reading activities Task I. 1. weather 2. ancestors 3. gifts 4. tricks 5. arrival 6. Mohandas Gandhi 7. Harvest 8. farm produce 9. parades 10. Easter Task II. 1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B LOOK BACK 1. have been held 2. what 3. to honor 4. For 5. them 6. arrival 7. agricultural 8. coming 9. covered 10. as GRAMMAR I. 1. Could 2. would 3. shouldn't 4. Can 5. Would 6. can 7. can 8. May 9. might 10. could 11. must 12. couldn't 13. must II. 1. Would 2. shall 3. can’t 4. should 5. must 第3版 GUIDED WRITING One possible version: All thoughts rushed into Li Fang’s head at the same time. “What should I say? She must have got the wrong place.” Finally he decided to tell her the truth. “Forgive me, honey! Nothing unusual happened to me! I had been waiting for you in the coffee shop since 7 o’clock. Thinking you could not love me, I was so heart-broken that I threw the chocolates and roses away. You know I love you so much. Can you give me another chance? I’ll buy you the most beautiful roses and the sweetest chocolates,” Li Fang said honestly. “I don’t need any chocolates or roses. Your honesty is the best gift for me,” Hu Jin said. They walked down the street hand in hand. 第4版 CHECKING CORNER Part 1 I. 1. feasts 2. starve 3. origins 4. custom 5. harvested 6. beauty 7. gather II. 1. celebrations 2. arrival 3. agricultural 4. hunters 5. energetic


九年级数学教育周报答案 解答题 1. (2012四川成都6分)解不等式组: 【答案】解:, 解不等式①得,x<2, 解不等式②得,x≥1, ∴不等式组的解集是1≤x<2。 【考点】解一元一次不等式组。 【分析】解一元一次不等式组,先求出不等式组中每一个不等式的解集,再利用口诀求出这些解集的公共部分:同大取大,同小取小,大小小大中间找,大大小小解不了(无解)。2. (2012四川乐山9分)解不等式组,并求出它的整数解的和. 【答案】解:, 解不等式①,得x<3, 解不等式②,得x≥﹣4。 在同一数轴上表示不等式①②的解集,得 ∴这个不等式组的解集是﹣4≤x<3,它的整数解为-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2。 ∴这个不等式组的整数解的和是-4-3-2-1+0+1+2=-7。 【考点】解一元一次不等式组,一元一次不等式组的整数解。 【分析】分别求出各不等式的解集,在数轴上表示出来,其公共部分即为不等式组的解集,在其解集范围内找出x的整数值,求出其和即可。 3. (2012四川乐山10分)菜农李伟种植的某蔬菜计划以每千克5元的单价对外批发销售,由于部分菜农盲目扩大种植,造成该蔬菜滞销.李伟为了加快销售,减少损失,对价格经过两次下调后,以每千克3.2元的单价对外批发销售. (1)求平均每次下调的百分率; (2)小华准备到李伟处购买5吨该蔬菜,因数量多,李伟决定再给予两种优惠方案以供选择: 方案一:打九折销售; 方案二:不打折,每吨优惠现金200元. 试问小华选择哪种方案更优惠,请说明理由. 【答案】解:(1)设平均每次下调的百分率为x, 由题意,得5(1﹣x)2=3.2. 解这个方程,得x1=0.2,x2=1.8. ∵降价的百分率不可能大于1,∴x2=1.8不符合题意,舍去。 符合题目要求的是x1=0.2=20%。 答:平均每次下调的百分率是20%。 (2)小华选择方案一购买更优惠。理由是: 方案一所需费用为:3.2×0.9×5000=14400(元), 方案二所需费用为:3.2×5000﹣200×5=15000(元)。 ∵14400<15000, ∴小华选择方案一购买更优惠。 【考点】一元二次方程的应用(增长率问题)。 【分析】(1)设出平均每次下调的百分率,根据从5元下调到3.2列出一元二次方程求解即可。


六年级上册数学报纸答案 【篇一:六年级数学报答案】 二、讲述题:看图说出圆的面积计算公式是怎样推导出来的?拼出 的长方形和圆的半径有什么关系?圆的面积计算字母公式是什么? (5分) 三、填空。(每空1分,共15分) 1、一个圆的半径是3厘米,它的周长是(),面积是()。 2、一个圆的半径扩大2倍,周长会扩大()倍,面积会扩大()倍。 3、要画一个周长是25.12厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离应该是( 4、计算圆周长的字母公式是( 计算利息的公式是()。),)厘米。 5、200千克比160千克多()%,160千克比200千克少()%。 6、16米比()多它的60%;()比32少30%。 )%。 7、猪肉上月平均每千克是12元,本月涨到了15元,价格 涨了( 8、希望小学有学生a人,其中六年级占14%,六年级有( 二年级比六年级多()人。)人,二年级占全校的25%, 9.现价打八折出售,现价比原价便宜了()%。 四、计算: 1.看图计算下面图形的周长和面积。(12分) d=8cm

r=6cm 2.解方程:(6分) 3.脱式计算:(8分) (1)一个数的比这个数的40%多60,求这个数。 2.一个数增加20%后是120,求这个数的80%是多少? 五、解决简单问题。(8分) 1、一块圆形草坪的半径是10米,如果每平方米草坪15元,铺这块草坪共需多少元? 2、张奶奶养白兔72只,比黑兔少20%,张奶奶养黑兔多少只? 六、图示。 1、根据算式画图表示。(10分) 2、根据句子的意思画图表示数量关系。 女生人数是全班人数的40%。比原价降低了30%。 1、圆既是轴对称图形,也是任意旋转对称图形。( 3、把10克盐放入100克水中,盐水的含盐率为10%。() 4、淘气的邮票比笑笑多25%,笑笑的邮票应比淘气少20%。() 5、一种冰箱降价打八折促销,活动结束后恢复原价,售价提高了20%。() 八、思考和操作:(6分) 1.计算出下列图中阴影部分的面积和周长。 4m 6m 大r=8cm 小r=5cm 九、运用知识解决问题。(9分)


一.填空:〖24%〗班级姓名学号 1.2002年全国城镇居民人均收入7703元,比上半年增长百分之十二点五。横线上的数用百分数表示是(),用小数表示是(),用分数表示是()。 2.()÷5=0.6==():40=()% 3.一道数学题全班有50人做,10个做错,这道题的正确率是()。 4.一件工作,原计划10天完成,实际8天完成,工作时间缩短了,工作效率提高了。 5.一本故事书看了后,没看的与看了的页数比是()。 6.某校男教师与女教师人数的比是3:5,男教师占全校教师人数的,女教师比男教师人数多( )% 7.a是b的倍,b是c的,那么a:b:c=():():()。 8.在一张长12厘米,宽9厘米的长方形纸片上剪半径为1厘米的圆片, 最多可以剪去()圆片。 9.圆的半径增加50%,它的面积就增加()%。 10.一杯果汁,喝去后用水加满,又喝去,再用水加满,这时杯子里 水和果汁的比是()。 二.选择正确答案的序号填在()里。〖16%〗 1.如果a是一个大于零的自然数,那么下列各式中得数最大的是()。 〖① a×② a÷③ ÷a 〗 2.下面各组比中,比值相等的一组是()。 〖①:= 4:5 ②:=:③ 3:2.5 = 6:5 〗 3.甲数是乙数的,乙数是丙数的,甲数是丙数的()。 〖①② 25倍③〗 4.已知a的等于b的,那么()。 〖①a=b ② a 〉 b ③ b 〉a 〗 5.5千克油,用去 ,还剩下多少千克?正确的算式是()。 〖① 5×② 5×(1-)③ 5-〗 6.一种商品现在售价200元,比原来降低了50元,比原来降低了()。 〖①20% ②③25% 〗 7.下面图形中,()对称轴最少。


英语周报广州版2011-2012学年(上) 七年级第十二期参考答案 第1版 《事事关心》1. £50,000. 2. Because it could generate at least as much energy as it uses by using solar photovoltaic panels. 《轻松阅读》1-2 FT 第2版 《课文点滴》 1. soft ones 2. get one 3. a small one 4. C 5. A man with an umbrella 6. nothing except / but tea 7. nothing except / but watching TV 《短语收藏夹》 一、1. Hurry up 2. in a second 3. get together 4. think of 5. on TV 6. in the daytime 二、1. making a lot of friends 2. at the weekend 3. going fishing 4. grow up 《语法梳理》 【归纳】1. 当……的时候 2. 要用,不用 3. 一般现在,一般过去,一般将来,一般现在 【巩固练习】 一、1. turns 2. felt 3. picked 4. have, will travel 5. was cleaning, came 二、1-5 ABABD 三、1. will come→comes 2. like→liked 3. watched→was watching 4. after→when 5. was→is 第3版 听力部分 一、1-5 BACBA 二、6-10 BCBBC 语言知识部分 Listening I. 1. alone 2. collecting 3. mend 4. net 5. Page II. 1-5 CBBAA Language I. 1-5 ABADC II. 1. What did; use 2. He asks his teachers when he has questions. / When he has questions, he asks his teachers. 3. didn’t use to 4. used to be 5. What does; do


中国教育学会中学数学教学专业委员会 2012年“数学周报杯”全国初中数学竞赛试题 一、选择题(共5小题,每小题6分,共30分.) 1(甲).如果实数a,b,c22 ||()|| a a b c a b c -++-+可以化简为(). (A)2c a -(B)22 a b -(C)a -(D)a 1(乙).如果22 a=- 1 1 1 2 3a + + + 的值为(). (A)2 -(B2(C)2 (D)2 2(甲).如果正比例函数y = ax(a ≠ 0)与反比例函数y = x b (b ≠0)的图象有两个交点,其中一个交点的坐标为(-3,-2),那么另一个交点的坐标为(). (A)(2,3)(B)(3,-2)(C)(-2,3)(D)(3,2) 2(乙).在平面直角坐标系xOy中,满足不等式x2+y2≤2x+2y的整数点坐标(x,y)的个数为().(A)10 (B)9 (C)7 (D)5 3(甲).如果a b ,为给定的实数,且1a b <<,那么1121 a a b a b ++++ ,,,这四个数据的平均数与中位数之差的绝对值是(). (A)1 (B) 21 4 a- (C) 1 2 (D) 1 4 3(乙).如图,四边形ABCD中,AC,BD是对角线, △ABC是等边三角形.30 ADC ∠=?,AD = 3,BD = 5, 则CD的长为(). (A)2 3(B)4 (C)5 2(D)4.5 4(甲).小倩和小玲每人都有若干面值为整数元的人民币.小倩对小玲说:“你若给我2元,我的钱数将是你的n倍”;小玲对小倩说:“你若给我n元,我的钱数将是你的2倍”,其中n为正整数,则n的可能值的个数是().



英语周报答案九年级 【篇一:英语周报九年级31期】 分) ii.情景反应,选择你所听到的正确应答语。句子听两遍。(5分)()6. a. good morning. b. good afternoon. ()7. a. nice to see you. c. good evening.b. nice to meet you.c. hello. c. it′s a bag. ()8. a. what′s this? b.this is a be d. ()9. a. what′s your name? b. hello, i′m amy. c. good. ()10. a. good moning. b.good afternoon. c.good evening. iii.听对话或短文,选出最佳选项。对话或短文听两遍。(10分) 听第一段材料,回答第11-13题。 ()11.what are the boys looking for? a. the football. b.the baseball. c.the basketball. ()12.what color is it? a.its brown b.its black. c.its yellow. ()13.what is on th e ball? a.class one. b. class three c. class two. 听第2段材料,回答第14-16题。 ()14.what are they talking about?

a. a book. b. a ruler. c.a notebook. ()15.whose notebook is it? a. its tinas. b.its the teachers. c. it s sophias ()16.what is the teachers name? a.li na. b.tina. c.sophia. 听第3段材料,回答第17-20题。 ()17.how old is bill? a.he is 20. b. he is 26. c.he is 16. ()18.where is linda from? a. beijing. b.london. c.new york. ()19.what is linda learning? a.she is learning chinese. b.she is learning english. c.she is learning french. ()20.does linda go to lunch with bill? a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesnt. c.yes, he does. 笔试部分(100分) i.单项选择(20分) ()1. ---_______she ______at six every day? ---no, s he doesn′t. a. does, get up b. does, gets up c. is, get up d. is, getting up ()2. --- look! what is the boy doing? --- he _______table tennis.


初三上册期末考试测试题 二、语法选择(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) “I’ m going shopping in the village,” George’s mother said to George on Saturday morning. “So be a good boy and don’t get into trouble. And don’t forget 31 good care of Grandma. ”Then she went out. Grandma 32 in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said, “Now you heard 33 your mother said, “George.” “Yes, Grandma,” George said. George was bored to tears. He didn’t have a brother or a sister. His father was a farmer, and 34 farm that they lived on was miles away from anywhere, 35 there were never any children to play with him. He was tired of looking at 36 pigs, hens, cows and sheep. He was especially tired of having to live in the house with his grandma. Looking after her all by himself was hardly 37 way to spend a Saturday morning. “Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 38 sugar and milk.” Grandma said. Most grandmothers are lovely, kind, helpful old ladies, but not this one. George’s grandma was a woman 39 was always complaining(埋怨) about something or others. She spent all day sitting on her chair by the window. George was told that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able to look after herself. What was worse, she was easy to get angry. “We should be nice to the old, George.” His mother always told him. Thinking of this, George went into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a tea bag. He put one spoon of sugar and some milk in it. He stirred the tea well and carried it into the living room 40 . ()31. A. take B. taking C. to take D. takes ()32. A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. was sleeping ( )33. A. that B. what C. where D. which ()34. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )35. A. but B. if C. or D. so ()36. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundredth D. hundreds of ( )37. A. exciting B. the most exciting C. more excited D. much exciting ()38. A. in B. with C. of D. for ()39. A. who B. which C. where D. when ()40. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless 31-35 CDBCD 36-40DBBAC 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 It was my daughter’s first day of school. I knew that she would be crying in a few minutes, because she always did that when she was worried about the new 41 . On the way to school I told her repeatedly how 42 her new school life would be and


1、下列事件中:确定事件是() A、掷一枚六个面分别标有1~6的数字的均匀骰子,骰子停止转动后偶数点朝上 B、从一副扑克牌中任意抽出一张牌,花色是红桃 C、任意选择电视的某一频道,正在播放动画片 D、在同一年出生的367名学生中,至少有两人的生日是同一天。 2、连续掷一枚硬币,结果1连8次正面朝上,那么第9次出现正面朝上的概率为________ A、0 B、1 C、1/2 D、不确定 3、如图所示,小明、小刚利用两个转盘进行游戏;规则为小明 将两个转盘各转一次,如配成紫色(红与蓝)得5分,否则小刚 得3分,此规则对小明和小刚() A、公平 B、对小明有利 C、对小刚有利 D、不可预测 4、有两组扑克牌各三张,牌面数字均为1,2,3随意从每组牌中各抽一张,数字和等于4的概率是() A. B. C. D. 5、有一个1万人的小镇,随机调查3000人,其中450人看中央电视台的晚间新闻,在该镇随便问一人,他(她)看中央电视台晚间新闻的概率是() A.B.C.D. 6、小明想用6个球设计一个摸球游戏,下面是他的4种方案不成功的是____ A、摸到黄球的概率为1/2 红球为1/2 B、摸到黄、红、白球的概率都为1/3 C、摸到黄球的概率为1/2 红球的概率为1/3 白球为1/6 D、摸到黄球的概率为2/3 摸到红球、白球概率都是1/3 7、如图表示某班21位同学衣服上口袋的数目。若任选一位同学,则其衣服上口袋数目为5的概率是。 A.4/21 B.5/21 C. 7/21 D.8/21 8、为了估计湖里有多少条鱼,有如下方案:从湖里捕上100条做上标记,然后放回湖里,经过一段时间,第二次再捕上200条,若其中带有标记的鱼有32条,那么估计湖里大约有条鱼. A.300 B.332 C.625 D.12800


一、辨音题(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A)找出一个划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词, 填在题前括号内。 ( )1. A. name B. late C. cake D. cat ( )2. A. book B. cook C. zoo D. good ( )3. A. big B. bike C. kite D. hi ( )4. A. think B. thin C. they D. thank ( )5. A. under B. student C. study D. up B)将下列单词按照划线部分读音,填在正确的音标后的横线上。 down apple bird seven know 6. [e] 7. [?] 8. [au] 9. [?u] 10. [?:] 二、单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填在题前括号内。 ( ) 11. —Excuse me, do you have any comic books? —Sorry, I don’t have _______. Ask Rose. I think she has ________. A. some; some B. any; any C. any; some D. some; any ( ) 12. —Do you have a PE lesson today? —No, we don’t. We have _____ Art lesso n today. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 13. ______ there a map and two posters on the wall? A. Have B. Has C. Is D. Are ( ) 14. —Are the rulers ______? —Yes, they’re ______. A. yours; our B. her; I C. him; ours D. yours; ours ( ) 15. They go to school five days _____ . A. week B. a week C. weeks D. for a week ( ) 16. —______ the door, please. — Please come in. The door _____. A. Be open; opens B. Be open; is opening C. Open; opens D. Open; is open ( ) 17. John ______ playing basketball. He likes football. A. isn’t like B. doesn’t likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like ( ) 18. — _______ that man? —The one in the green car? Oh, that’s my uncle. A. Whose B. Who C. Whom D. Who’s ( ) 19. I want the classroom. Could you me, please?



英语周报答案网高二 【篇一:英语周报高二第一学期2-4期答案】 ass=txt>book 5 unit 1听力材料、参考答案及部分解析 (text 1) m: mary, would you like to go to a movie with me tonight? w: i wish i could, joe. but my boss is treating us to dinner tonight. (text 2) w: you will have to wait for two hours, that is, until about 11:30, when the medical report will come back. m: thank you, doctor hawkins. (text 3) m: rebecca, look at this! i got a d in math this term! w: i’m sorry, freddie. but ... um ... frankly speaking, if you weren’t such a party animal, you’d have more time for studying. m: i guess i should spend less time partying. (text 4) m: how is your new job, yvonne? w: you know, this job is tough! i have to get up early every morning, and every wednesday after-noon i have in-service training. m: is the training that tough? training is necessary for new employees like you. w: well, i’m just not used to this kind of nine-to-


2011-2012年下学期高三课标广东B(广深)(GDB)第25-28期答案解读 第25期参考答案及部分解读 高中英语总复习(五)参考答案 1-5 CBBDB 6-10 BADBC 11-15 CBDAC 16. in 17. A 18. disappointment 19. but 20. had worked 21. angrily 22. your 23. laughing 24. they 25. what 26-30 CACAB 31-35 ABDCA 36-40 BDBCC 41-45 BDBCC 46-50 EBADF 基础写作 One possible version: Towards graduation, many senior three students are busy packing up the used books to sell them as waste paper. I find it a waste of money, for if better arranged, they can be reused. Start with sorting out all your books and you will find some quite special and meaningful, which record your school life. You can keep them as part of your memories. As for some reference books, you can sell them to the second-hand bookstore. Finally, giving some away to the senior one or two students is a good idea too. 读写任务 One possible version: A survey carried out in some big cities of China shows that more and more young people celebrate the western festivals such as Christmas Day, Valentines’ Day, which is caused by many reasons. In recent years, western festivals have become increasingly popular in China. This new trend has caused widespread concern. Some people think that it is not right to resist western festivals. Firstly, celebrating western festivals can make their life more colorful and romantic. Besides, they can help businesses to promote sales. However, there is also a negative effect. Many young people ignore traditional Chinese festivals, which may discourage our traditional culture from developing further. I don’t think we should resist western festivals. But I do hope the government will encourage people to celebrate Chinese festivals in creative and colorful ways. When we are learning western knowledge, receiving foreign information, we should know more about our traditional festivals, respect them and cherish them. 部分解读 完形填空 激励的话语可以改变人的一生,作者用实例再次证实了这一点。 1. C。通读全文及倒数第二段中作者的学生所说的话可知,此处是指改变一生的影响力。power在此意为影响力。 2. B。此段主要是介绍作者学到的Leo Buscaglia所采用的方法,第三段才提及尝试使用。从文章第一句的I learned a lot of things也可知B项正确。 3. B。从下文反复提到的words可知,是列出积极词汇和消极词汇,故选B项。 4. D。通过and前面的the negative words可知,他们这一个月使用的全都是积极的词汇,故选D项。 5. B。第一段最后一句和其它几段都提到了encouraging words,故选encouragement。 6. B。根据下文可知,作者也效仿Leo Buscaglia的做法,找(finding)一些好的词汇评价学
