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白羊座:Aries (出生于3.21~4.20)

The characteristics of a fire sign to Aries has a very self-confident self-force.

金牛座:Taurus (出生于4.21~5.21)

The characteristics of the earth sign Taurus desire a solid foundation for the form and structure.

双子座:Gemini (出生于5.22~6.21)

The characteristics of Libra Gemini communication skills, wisdom and speed.

巨蟹座:Cancer (出生于6.22~7.22)

Cancer is a water sign. Water is a symbol of the emotional qualities of the water is to give and receive.

狮子座:Leo (出生于7.23~8.23)

Leo is the center of the fire signs. Fire brings a desire for creativity, innovation and leadership.

处女座:Virgo (出生于8.24~9.23)

In the ever-changing under the control of Mercury, Virgo need to work to get stable.

天秤座:Libra (出生于9.24~10.23)

Libra is the sign of wind.This is a character that is more extroverted and active.

天蝎座:Scorpio (出生于10.24~11.22)

Scorpio: characteristics of the water sign some mysterious sign of the scorpion.

射手座:Sagittarius (出生于11.23~12.21)

Sagittarius is a fire sign.This is a character very active, outgoing constellation.

摩羯座:Capricorn (出生于12.22~1.20)

Capricorn is an earth sign of the leader. This is the constellation of a stabilizing market forces.

水瓶座:Aquarius (出生于1.21~2.19)

Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius control it is the epitome of Uranus. Has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.

双鱼座:Pisces (出生于2.20~3.20)

Pisces is a water sign. By mystical Neptune control. This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.

●Aries 白羊座(3.21~4.20)The fire element of Arise brings assertive ―I‖ energy.火相


TIPS: Y our persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems. 坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。

●Taurus金牛座[英] [?t?:r?s] [美] [?t?r?s](4.21~5.21) The Earth element of T aurus brings

strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。

TIPS: Y ou might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。

●Gemini 双子座[英] [?d?eminai] [美] [?d??m??na?, -?ni](5.22~6.21) The Air element of Gemini

brings communication, intellect and speed. 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。

TIPS: Y our mutable motivation brings adaptability. 你的多变使你能够适应事物。

●Cancer 巨蟹座(6.22~7.22)Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water

signs need to give and receive. 巨蟹座是水相星座。水是情感的象征,水的特质是给予和接受。

TIPS: Good memory is your born gift. 良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。

●Leo 狮子座(7.23~8.23) Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate,

and lead. 狮子座是火相星座的中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。

TIPS: Y our fixed motivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility. 你对目标的坚定不移使你自信。但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡。

●Virgo 处女座(8.24~9.23) Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.


TIPS: A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage. 良好的教育背景很重要。你的优点是勤奋。

●Libra 天秤座[英] [?laibr?] [美] [?libr?](9.24~10.23) Libra represents the Air element. It is a

sign that is more extroverted and active. 天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。

TIPS: Y our great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot. 你要求与他人分享和公平的愿望会给你很大帮助。

●Scorpio 天蝎座[英] [?sk?:pi?u] [美] [?sk?rpi?o](10.24~11.22) Scorpio is a Water element,

and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign. 水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。

TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio. Y ou just need more confidence.学习对蝎子来说从来都不是问题。你只需要更多自信。

●Sagittarius 射手座[英] [s?d?i?te?ri?s] [美] [?s?d???t?ri?s](11.23~12.21)Sagittarius is Fire

energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign. 射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。

TIPS: Y ou definitely have talent. But you still have to concentrate more. 你确有天赋,但是你应该更加专心。

●Capricorn 摩羯座[英] [?k?pr??k?:n] [美] [?k?pr??k?rn](12.22~1.20)Capricorn is the leader

of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.


TIPS: Patience and caution are your advantages. 你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。

●Aquarius 水瓶座[英] [??kw??ri?s] [美] [??kw?ri?s](1.21~2.19) Ruled by shocking Uranus,

Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill. 受天王星控制的水瓶座简直就是天王星的缩影。水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力。

TIPS Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. But you may try many new things but end up mastering none. 瓶子有非常好的适应能力。但是你可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。

●Pisces 双鱼座[英] [?paisi:z] [美] [?pa?siz](2.20~3.20)Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by

mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed. 双鱼座是水相星座。受神秘的海王星所控制。双鱼非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想。***********************************************************************************************************

摩羯座12.22-1.19 英文名称Capricorn 水瓶座1.20-2.18 英文名称Aquarius 双鱼座2.19-3.20 英文名称Pisces 白羊座3.21-4.20 英文名称Aries 金牛座4.21-5.20 英文名称T aurus 双子座5.21-6.21 英文名称Gemini 巨蟹座6.22-7.22 英文名称Cancer 狮子座7.23-8.22 英文名称Leo 处女座8.23-9.22 又称室女座英文名称Virgo 天秤座9.23-10.22 英文名称Libra 天蝎座10.23-11.21 英文名称Scorpio 射手座11.22-12.21 又称人马座英文名称Sagittarius 十二星座情感排行榜

●Pisces? Well they adore the thought of a soul mate, the search, the seduction, the whole

dream factory. But when push comes to shove7, they are never sure that what is being offered matches up to their ―perfect‖ inner vision. That said, Pisces needs a practical helping hand through life, so will often settle for their second best just to get along.

双鱼座? 呃,他们喜爱灵魂伴侣这种想法——寻找、引诱以及整个的梦幻过程。但是每当到了作出决定的时候,他们就不确定―倒贴上来的‖人是否达到了他们―完美‖的内心伴侣的标准。


Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini are the adventurous signs and do like a good mate to keep them company along the way. Given their propensity for having a low boredom threshold, they can ―chop and change‖ their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.


●Virgo is probably top of the list for self sufficiency, especially the female of the species. They

can be phenomenally picky about prospective partners, to a degree where they put off3

commitment for years and years. But they have to watch that they don’t get too out of to uch with their earthy animal side4 and end up perpetually alone.


Aquarius is next since they are never happy about partnerships. Their motto is: ―Spread your favors and friendliness around –the more the merrier.‖ They’ll only agree to a match if they’re sure there’s plenty of space to stay independent.


Capricorn can be a touch like Virgo, defensive, workaholic and not inclined to disappear into swoons of rapture about a blissful mating. That is until they fall rapidly and inexplicably into

a romance that astonishes them – and everyone around them!


●Cancer, T aurus and Leo are the security-conscious and home-focused signs. They don’t so

much want a soul mate as a someone to help set up house, produce a family and give stability. For Leo this also includes status and an admiring audience.


The two most likely to desperately need another half are Libra and Scorpio, though for not the same reasons. Libra is known as ―the relationship sign‖,not because it’s driven by matters of the heart. It’s an Air sign10, fairly detached, and never feels comfortable without another half to make it feel whole. Scorpio on the other hand is intensely emotional and really needs an equally passionate partner to merge with. Therein lies their bliss.



●Sporty and no-frills is the Ram's usual signature style. This summer,though,you're ripe

for a change. The new batik prints or geometric patterns will bring out the beast in you that's yearning to break free. A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky,royal blue-and-purple,above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options. 白羊:爽朗、利落是白羊座与生俱来的性格倾向。然而,这个夏天,你打算变换风格,走成熟路线。蜡染印花布料或几何纹理的图案都能突显你渴望自由、冲出常规的个性。红色印花外套,配上低胸丝质的皇家蓝紫过膝中裙绝对是你参加时尚派对的完美着装。

●TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)Y ou're ready to show off a little this summer,T aurus. How

about a skillfully cut sundress that showcases your beautiful bosom and neck?A bold,Mexican silver necklace and matching bangles like Frida Kahlo might have worn in the thirties are just the right contrast for a bright turquoise or pale yellow empire-waist dress and platform shoes. 金牛:牛儿们,别犹豫了,是大秀身材的好时候了。怎样才能巧妙地勾勒出胸部和颈部的完美线条呢?一款墨西哥风格的银质粗项链搭配一条20世纪30年代Frida Kahlo风格的手镯,再登上一双时尚高跟鞋,恰好能与亮绿或浅黄色的着装形成相互映衬,绝对是最适合你的夏季穿衣风格。

●GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)The drips and splatters of the new Jackson Pollack-inspired

prints are just the thing to revive your creative zest. A black,red and white off-the-shoulder dress with asymmetrical hem will make you the belle of the beach party. Accessorize with black espadrilles and a raffia bag. 双子:新款Jackson的印花风格恰恰能显露你别具一格的创新个性。黑、红和白色的服装搭上不均匀的褶皱边设计,再配以黑色帆布鞋和椰子纤维的时尚手提袋必定让你成为沙滩派对的焦点。

●CANCER (June 22 - July 22) Y ou've always had a soft specially in July. Maximize your

girlish appeal with a floor-length seersucker gown trimmed with eyelet,or a silk wrap halter dress with pleated skirt in an old-fashioned floral print. Add silver hoop earrings and dainty espadrilles and you'll be the queen of someone special's heart. 天秤:温柔娇媚、伶俐可爱的服饰都很适合你。长长的拖地泡泡裙,复古风潮的丝质束腰印花褶裙,再配上银质环状耳环和考究的帆布鞋,无不衬托你纯情少女般的柔美魅力。你绝对是某些异性眼中的梦中情人。

●SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)Y ou'll love wearing a naughty black crochet-and-chiffon

baby doll dress or sensuous,Indian-print jersey number that slides over your body like a snake. Go easy on jewelry … perhaps just a pair of gold hoops or cuff bracelet,to let your magnetism shine forth.天蝎:无论是黑色淘气的针织印花小洋装,还是给人视觉享受、充满印度风情的运动衫,都能完美展示你的身体线条。而若再戴上金戒指或手镯,就更能给人眼前一亮的感觉。

●SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)Y our fashion statement is big and bold,from wood

block prints to amped-up florals and geometrics. T op a simple black dress with a beaded vest to look like an exotic princess,or mix-and-match stripes and prints to knock 'em dead.


●CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)Here's your perfect look: a dropped waist,

knee-length bubble-skirt dress with stitched-down pleats and ribbon belt. Cocoa or kelly green looks professional enough for the boardroom,and fresh enough for a summer wedding when paired with sexy sandals.摩羯:吊带小背心,配上镶有丝带的过膝泡泡裙一定能为你打造出完美的夏着装。开会的时候,不妨穿着咖啡色或是绿色的服装,这样能体现你的职业气质;要是去参加婚礼的话,一双性感的凉鞋就是必不可少的装备罗。

●AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Y our dreamy,artistic side is coming to the fore,just in

time for an explosion of layered,floaty dresses in bright,artistic patterns to hit the stores.

Look for dropped waist styles,and pair with one gigantic ring or bracelet and strappy,high-heeled sandals or gold flats.水瓶:紧随潮流的你总能把握时尚元素。层层叠叠突显艺术气质的服装占据了你大半个衣柜。一款露腰服配上大的手镯和系带高跟鞋定是最适合你的穿衣风格。

●PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)Y ou're all about the shoes,Pisces. This summer's Roman

gladiator sandals,inset with turquoise and other gems,are right up your alley. The dress should be sheer,with a subtle puff sleeve or spaghetti straps,an exotic print or eyelet fabric in a show-stopping color like pomegranate or sea green. Several necklaces worn together complete the look.双鱼:鱼儿的穿衣重点在鞋上。今夏以绿色或其它颜色的宝石



Can you tell me your birthday and your constellation? Here you can write them, and maybe you will find the person who was born on the same day, the same month, even the same year with you. I feel it is very fantastic, isn't it? In reality, I have a friend who was born at the same day with me, and we are best friend now, we all think it is interesting and lucky.

Hope you can find one here!

I have found something about the constellations below, I do not know whether they are ture or not, just for a fun. If you have some plans the next week or some thing about your mood, you can also write here. Best wishes!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It may be a good idea for you to call someone you haven't seen in a long time. Don't play with your partner's emotions. Jealousy could get in the way of a good relationship. If you take risks with your finances –you may soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Regarding your health - pay attention to any unusual pain, or it could become serious.

Career and studies:

Y ou are capable of carrying out all your duties at work, and your ideas are very well received. But remember to be more of a team player – otherwise you could lose the trust of people who could be allies in the future.


Do not let suspicions ruin your relationship.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

T ake a short business trip if possible. Be careful not to hurt the feelings of someone who is dear to you - find out what they're up to, and see if you can pick up where you left off. Arguments may flare up in your home.

Career and studies:

Y ou are not usually very good at making decisions – as you are still quite confused about your true goals in life. It would perhaps be wise for you to seek advice and guidance.


Y ou are not feeling very secure in your relationship.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It could be wise for you to take time to deal with various leaders in their field, or with key government agencies. Y ou may also be traveling to that exotic destination you've been dreaming about for a long time. Rid yourself of that which is old and no longer of use. Y our diplomatic nature will help you to deal with some potentially complicated situations.

Career and studies:

Y ou are quite exhausted due to your many responsibilities at work, as you are under much pressure. But you will stick it out as you are very conscientious.

If you are continuing your studies – you will find that your hard work has all paid off.


Y our love brings you warmth during the cold winter months.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Y our enthusiasm will enable you to enlist the help of those in a position to back you. Try not to be too emotional with those around you. Do your job and then spend some time with your family - you'll be glad you did.

Career and studies:

Y ou have an urge to say what you think at work – but it would certainly be sensible for you to pay attention to your relationships with your colleagues.


Y ou are likely to find opportunities for romance during your travels.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Make sure that you have covered yourself legally and try not to let your temper get out of hand. Y ou will be particularly intuitive this week – but remember to be cautious, as your suspicions could lead to trouble if you tactlessly say what you think. It would probably be best for you to concentrate on work.

Career and studies:

Y ou will not make any major mistake regarding your work but, on the other hand, you will not achieve any special breakthrough. However, you may have some time to relax a little as there will be less pressure in your job.


Uncertainties regarding your love life will surface if you have neglected your partner.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Hold your temper and refrain from doing anything that might cause injury. T alking to those you trust and respect will help you sort out any problems. Y ou will be quite enthusiastic in various aspects of your life this week. But you may need help with your financial situation.

Career and studies:

Y ou will probably have to make some quick decisions at work. Luckily, you are good at expressing your thoughts and ideas – and this will certainly help you when you debate certain issues with your co-workers.

Try not to lose your focus in your studies – even if you feel that you are not making much progress.


Remember to cherish your partner – otherwise he or she could disappear from your life.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Y our determination and stamina will make your work look flawless and effortless. Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the people you encounter – and you will certainly meet new and exciting people if you attend social activities or sporting events. Pay attention to your health during the transition to winter weather. And, regarding you bank balance - it is not the best time for you to make any investments.

Career and studies:

Y ou are doing well in your job. As you know what you want, your career is not making you anxious.


Do not be self-centered in your relationship.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Don't be too quick to judge others. Y ou will back yourself into a corner if you are drawn into a controversial issue - and your stubbornness will only make matters worse. It is also best for you to back away from commitment.

Career and studies:

Y ou have a difficult relationship with your colleagues – and this is due in part because you are very competitive and keen to show off your achievements.


Y our love life is not causing you any worry – but do remember to be more patient.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Y ou are always able to relate to people and to express yourself to anyone – whatever their background. Y ou are also courageous and unafraid to speak your mind in support of something that is important to you. Y our health is not a cause for any concern. And, in addition, you may be able to invest in something that will grow in value.

Career and studies:

Y ou will have some difficulty to divide your time and attention between your work and your home

Y ou are entering a period of adjustment in your studies.


Y our happy relationship gives you the strength to cope with so many things in life.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Y our ability to dazzle others with your unique and innovative ideas will attract attention. Positive connections can be made if you get involved in environmental organizations. Y ou may be confused emotionally。

Career and studies:

Y our career is going very well, and you will finally get what you want.

If you are studying – all is well and going very smoothly.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, she/he will be right there waiting for you.

Aquarius (January 20-February 19)

Unfortunately, things will not go very smoothly for you this week. Y ou are in a bad financial situation, and you will also be unable to cope with all the pressure. It would be wise for you to simply try and relax – maybe you can take a yoga class, or go out with some friends. But if you

continue to feel unable to handle the situation – maybe you should consult a specialist. Career and studies:

Y ou feel very tired at work – but maybe your upcoming business trip may help you a little. Love:

True love is difficult to find – and keep.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Y ou will be prone to carelessness that could result in some sort of an accident. You could make extra cash through one of your creative hobbies. T ake some time out from your usual routine. Try spending the day catching up on any responsibilities that need to be taken care of.

Career and studies:

The situation at work is quite stable – as you are very conscientious, but be especially careful about making sure everyone around you behaves in a very ethical manner.

If you are continuing your studies – you are trying to figure out the method for learning that is most suited to your temperament.


The love between you and your current partner is likely to endure.


摩羯座12.22-1.19 又称山羊座魔羯座 英文名称Capricorn 日文名称やぎ座(ざ) 德文名称Steinbock Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of Capricornus, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August. 水瓶座1.20-2.18 又称宝瓶座 英文名称Aquarius 日文名称みずがめ座(ざ) 德文名称Wassermann Aquarius the Water Bearer is an Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of September. 双鱼座2.19-3.20 英文名称Pisces 日文名称うお座(ざ) 德文名称Fische Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October. 白羊座3.21-4.20 又称牧羊座 英文名称Aries 日文名称おひつじ座(ざ) 德文名称Widder Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November. 金牛座4.21-5.20 英文名称Taurus 日文名称おうし座(ざ) 德文名称Stier Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December.


Birth: Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 Key Words inspiring, loving, fantasizing, visualizing Personality Pisces are independent and mystical. They are sensitive and loving. They can easily adapt and change according to the situation. Pisces can handle many different tasks at once and be successful in all of them. Although trying to be independent, they like to have somebody above them to manage all the tasks they perform. Pisces can tolerate other people's behaviors; they are religious and pay strong attention to family and relationship values. Birthstone jade, opal, amethyst Attracting Signs Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio

Celebrities Albert Einstein, Sharon Stone, George Washington 出生月份2月20日-3月20日 关键词 激励性,仁爱,幻想,观察力强 性格 双鱼座的人拥有独立和神秘的个性,他们又是敏感而仁爱的,他们对各种状况应变自如。双鱼座的人能够同时执行许多不同的任务并能很好地完成。虽然他们试图独立完成任务,但他们很喜欢在上司的管理下执行任务。他们能够宽容他人的行为,富有宗教信仰,非常重视自己的家庭及与他人的关系。 幸运石 玉,猫眼蛋白,紫水晶


By legend,nearly ten thousand-years ago,people lived in the mesoptamian plain can observe the astronomical,they are curious about the rise of the sun ,the fall of the moon and the position of th e stars.some suspects came to their mind which directly lead to the form of astrology.Till 5BC,the mostfamous country babylon started systemtical study of astrology,they have created the 12signs for the first time in the history.so many people consider they as the father of astrology. 白羊座Aries IairiesI (March 21- April 20): Aries are the pioneer of the zodiac. Aries is symbolized b y a sheep,which means quick to take action and get things rolling. Aries has several features: en ergetic, enthusiastic, and warm. But sometimes Aries is impulsive. For example, when the Aries wa nt something, he/she will try their best to get it, no matter how hard it will be. Aries never consider if it is worth to do so, and they never think about the consequence. 金牛座Taurus ['t?:r?s] (April 21- May 21): Taurus is symbolized by a bull, which means stability and reliability. Taurus is practical, solid and reliable. They dislike change, resist any chance, and may be slow to get moving. So Taurus is totally different from Aries. It’s very difficult to change the mi nd of Taurus. 双子座Gemini IjieminaiI (May 22- June 21): Gemini the Twins. Gemini is good at gathering informati on and discovery things, they are smart, but they have a tendency to bend the truth. Gemini can b e talktive, they enjoy knowing a little about everything. A small hint for Gemini, every Gemini has t wo sides, sometimes they get a bit upset but they never let others know. 巨蟹座Cancer (June 22- July 22): Cancer is symbolized by a crab, which means protectiveness. Ca ncer generally have an emotional relationship with their surroundings. They may tend to create a s mall, enclosed environment and only allow a few selected people into their private space. 狮子座Leo (July 23- August 23): Leo the lion. The royal Leo is full of confidence for the future. Le o is playful, creative, warm-hearted, and risk taking. Leo has the strong, burning inner-desire of self -confident, they never say sorry to others even they know they are wrong. Ruled the Sun, Leo is t he King of the 12 zodiac signs. 处女座Virgo['v?:ɡ?u](August 24- September 23): Virgo the virgin. One of the main keys to understa nding Virgo is “Perfectionism”, which means Virgo is eager of being “perfect”. Another feature of Vir go is that they enjoy focusing on the very smallest of details. 天秤座Libra ['laibr?(September 24- October 23): Libra the scales means harmony and cooperation. Libra is sensitive to what’s going on around them, and they often act as peacemakers in their envi

十二星座性格特点 中英文对照。

VIRGO - The Perfectionist 处女座完美主义者 Dominant in relationships. Conservative. 两性关系中占主导地位。保守。 Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. 总是追根究底。爱辩论。常忧虑。非常聪明。 Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. 讨厌嘈杂的环境和混乱的事物。充满渴望。勤奋。忠实。美丽。 Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. 易成为交谈的对象。很难取悦。严格。务实但有点大惊小怪。 Often shy. Pessimistic. 通常会很害羞。被动。 SCORPIO - The Intense One 天蝎座激烈的个体 Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. 精力充沛。有智慧。会富有嫉妒心和占有欲。 Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. 勤奋。接吻很棒(这个评价真是太……有价值了)。会钻牛角尖或者神秘兮兮。 Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. 会记仇。有魅力。矢志不渝。钟爱投身于长久的两性关系。善谈。浪漫。 Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional. 会有些自我为中心。充满激情且情绪化。 LIBRA - The Harmonizer 天秤座和谐的人 Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. 对遇到的人都很好。犹豫不决。 Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. 有独特的吸引力。有创造力、精力充沛且善于交际。 Hates to be alone. 讨厌独处。 Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. 祥和、慷慨。充满爱意且美丽。有点轻佻。(原文这么说的,不怪我……) Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible. 容易放弃。拖拖拉拉。轻信他人。


白羊座出生日期:3月21日-4月20日 白羊座的人热情冲动、爱冒险、慷慨、天不怕地不怕,而且一旦下定决心,不到黄河心不死,排除万难的要达到目的。大部分属于白羊座的人的脾气都很差,不过只是炮仗颈,绝对不会放在心上,很快便会没有事,而记仇的天蝎座便正好是白羊座的相反。 金牛座简介 金牛座出生日期:4月21日-5月21日 金牛座是很保守的星座,喜欢稳定,不爱变动。在性格上则比较慢热,对工作、生活、环境都需要比较长的适应期。金牛座又往往是财富的向征,他们在投资理财方面常常有很独到的见解。金牛座的男人往往有大男人的倾向,而金牛女生则喜欢打扮自己,谁让金牛的守护神是维纳斯呢? 双子座简介 双子座出生日期:5月22日-6月21日 双子座的人往往喜好新鲜事物,他们有着小聪明,但做事常常不太专一。与双子座的人聊天也许会让你觉得很兴奋,因为他们脑子中那些新鲜的、稀奇古怪的东西会让有充满好奇。也许是对新鲜事物的追求和好奇,会让人觉得他们很花心,其实不然,他们仅仅是喜欢新鲜而已。 巨蟹座简介 巨蟹座出生日期:6月22日-7月22日 巨蟹座的人往往充满了爱心,他们将母性的本质发挥到了极限。对他们来说,最重要的东西是家庭。他们往往就像蟹一样,在充满坚硬的外壳下面是柔软的内心。巨蟹座是最执着的星座,他们对朋友、对家人的忠实,做事会一直坚持到底。 狮子座简介 狮子座出生日期:7月23日-8月22日 狮子座的人热情、阳光、大方是他们性格上最大的特色。与他们性格上的优点不同,他们爱面子、自信得有点儿自大,常常会很在乎别人对自己的看法,也常常会因此而使自己不快乐。 处女座简介 处女座出生日期:8月23日-9月23日 处女座追求完美,吹毛求疵是他们的特性。多数的处女座都很谦虚,但也因此给自己造成很大的压力。处女座的人不喜欢闲着,对别人常常乐于服务。缺乏自信的处女座有时候组织能力较差,需要家人与朋友们的鼓励去推动他们。


Birth: Mar. 21-Apr. 20 Key Words independence, pioneering, acting, leading Personality Aries is the first sign of the twelve zodiacs. It represents the beginning of all things and usually displays a strong desire to lead. Arians are adventurous, energetic, pioneering, and courageous. Arians always want to be on top. They tend to be frank and open but also self-centered and willful. Arians love adventure and almost have no fear. All is done with great enthusiasm which affects the people around them. Arians are loyal to family and friends. Aries is ruled by the forceful Mars. Arians are good athletes, doctors, explorers, soldiers, and leaders. Sometimes they like physical, emotional and mental extremes but Arians should be careful not to go too far with their extremism. Birthstone diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst Attracting Signs Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio Celebrities Celine Dion, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jackie Chan Vocabulary 出生月份3月21日-4月20日 关键词 独立,创新,热情活力,领袖气质 性格 白羊座位居十二宫之首,极具创新精神,通常会表现出极强的领导欲。白羊座的人精力充沛,富有冒险性,愿起先锋作用且坚强勇敢,凡事都力争上风。他们的性格坦诚、直率,但往往以自我为中心,并且任性妄为。白羊座的人喜欢冒险,无所畏惧。他们热情似火,对周围的人极具影响力,忠于家庭和朋友。火星是白羊座的守护星,他们将是很好的运动员、医生、探险家、军人和领导人。有时他们在物质、情绪及精神上趋于极端化,应注意避免在这些方面的过激行为。


十二星座英文名字以介绍 Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日) The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy. 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。 Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日) The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的水平。 Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日) The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通水平,智慧和速度。 Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日) Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive. 巨蟹座是水相星座。水是情感的象征,水的特质是给予和接受。 Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日) Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead. 狮子座是火相星座的中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。 Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日)

Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability. 在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。 Libra 天秤座(9月24日~10月23日) Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active. 天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。 Scorpio 天蝎座(10月24日~11月22日) Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign. 水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。 Sagittarius 射手座(11月23日~12月21日) Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign. 射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。 Capricorn 摩羯座(12月22日~1月20日) Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac. 魔羯座是土相星座的领头人。是黄道12宫里最稳定最努力工作的星座。 Aquarius 水瓶座(1月21日~2月19日)


12星座大全 【能白头到老的星座组合】白羊女-双子男;金牛女-处女男;双子女-金牛男;巨蟹女-天蝎男;狮子女-巨蟹男;处女女-射手男;天平女-双鱼男;天蝎女-摩羯男;射手女-狮子男;摩羯女-水瓶男;水瓶女-白羊男;双鱼女-天平男; 【十二星座对爱的态度】白羊座(轰轰烈烈);金牛座(绝对奉献);双子座(装无所谓);巨蟹座(若即若离);狮子座(循序渐进);处女座(爱人比被爱更快乐);天秤座(不懂拒绝);天蝎座(受不了背叛);射手座(追求遥不可及的事);摩羯座(内敛);水瓶座(至死不渝);双鱼座(游戏人间) 【12星座最佳恋人组合】白羊(狮子/射手/天秤);金牛(摩羯/处女/天蝎);双子(水瓶/天秤/射手);巨蟹(双鱼/天蝎/摩羯);狮子(白羊/射手/水瓶);处女(金牛/摩羯/双鱼);天秤(双子/水瓶/白羊);天蝎(巨蟹/双鱼/金牛);射手(白羊/狮子/双子);摩羯(处女/金牛/巨蟹);水瓶(天秤/双子/狮子);双鱼(天蝎/巨蟹/处女) 【十二星座的幸运痣】白羊座(前额和脸颊);金牛座(耳朵、脖子);双子座(手、肩膀、鼻下);巨蟹座(胸);狮子座(眼旁、背部、肩膀);处女座(腹部、肚脐);天秤座(腰部、下颚);天蝎座(嘴唇附近)、射手座(臀部);摩羯座(下颚、膝盖);水瓶座(发际、手腕、脚跟);双鱼座(脚)

【十二星座纯情度指数】天蝎座(100%)、双鱼座(100%)、巨蟹座(90%)、金牛座(80%)、狮子座(80%)、摩羯座(80%)、白羊座(60%)、双子座(50%)、处女座(50%)、天秤座(50%)、射手座(40%)、水瓶座(0%) 【越长越美丽的星座女排行】:第一名(处女女)、第二名(天蝎女)、第三名(双鱼女)、第四名(天秤女)、第五名(魔羯女)。【男人最难对付的星座女】:双子女(虎视眈眈预备队);狮子女(恋爱容易结婚难);处女女(不似恋人更似师);魔羯女(外柔内刚难驾驭);双鱼女(千变万化难捉摸)。 【最值得托付终身星座排行】第一:魔羯;第二:金牛;第三:处女;第四:天蝎;第五:巨蟹;第六:狮子;第七:白羊;第八:双鱼;第九:水瓶;第十:双子;第十一:天秤;射手吊车尾。 【恋爱中最让人窝心的星男排行】第一名:摩羯座。第二名:金牛座。第三名:巨蟹座。第四名:白羊座。第五名:处女座。第六名:射手座 【找男友眼光最准的的星女】第一名:金牛座。第二名:天蝎座。第三名:摩羯座。第四名:白羊座。第五名:处女座。 【情侣必备须知——十二星座的道歉礼物】白羊座-望远镜。金牛座-特别的美食。双子座-钥匙扣。巨蟹座-玉佩。狮子座-手表。处女座-水晶。天秤座-盆栽。天蝎座-心型蜡烛。射手座-风筝。魔羯座-音乐盒。水瓶座-魔方。双鱼座-玫瑰花。


十二星座用英语怎么说? 白羊座:Aries (出生于3.21~4.20) The characteristics of a fire sign to Aries has a very self-confident self-force. 金牛座:Taurus (出生于4.21~5.21) The characteristics of the earth sign Taurus desire a solid foundation for the form and structure. 双子座:Gemini (出生于5.22~6.21) The characteristics of Gemini are communication skills, wisdom and speed. 巨蟹座:Cancer (出生于6.22~7.22) Cancer is a water sign. Water is a symbol of the emotional qualities of the water is to give and receive. 狮子座:Leo (出生于7.23~8.23) Leo is the center of the fire signs. Fire brings a desire for creativity, innovation and leadership. 处女座:Virgo (出生于8.24~9.23) In the ever-changing under the control of Mercury, Virgo needs to work to get stable. 天秤座:Libra (出生于9.24~10.23) Libra is the sign of wind. This is a character that is more extroverted and active.


Horoscope运势 The sign of zodiac 十二星座 Star sign (what sign are you)某一星座 Aries Birth: Mar. 21-Apr. 20 Key Words independence, pioneering, acting, leading Personality Aries is the first sign of the twelve zodiacs. It represents the beginning of all things and usually displays a strong desire to lead. Arians are adventurous, energetic, pioneering, and courageous. Arians always want to be on top. They tend to be frank and open but also self-centered and willful. Arians love adventure and almost have no fear. All is done with great enthusiasm which affects the people around them. Arians are loyal to family and friends. Aries is ruled by the forceful Mars. Arians are good athletes, doctors, explorers, soldiers, and leaders. Sometimes they like physical, emotional and mental extremes but Arians should be careful not to go too far with their extremism. Birthstone diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst Attracting Signs Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio Celebrities Celine Dion, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jackie Chan 出生月份3月21日-4月20日 关键词 独立,创新,热情活力,领袖气质 性格 白羊座位居十二宫之首,极具创新精神,通常会表现出极强的领导欲。白羊座的人精力充沛,富有冒险性,愿起先锋作用且坚强勇敢,凡事都力争上风。他们的性格坦诚、直率,但往往以自我为中心,并且任性妄为。白羊座的人喜欢冒险,无所畏惧。他们热情似火,对周围的人极具影响力,忠于家庭和朋友。火星是 白羊座的守护星,他们将是很好的运动员、医生、探险家、军人和领导人。有时他们在物质、情绪及精神 上趋于极端化,应注意避免在这些方面的过激行为。 幸运石 钻石,红宝石,绿宝石,紫水晶 情侣速配 双子座,狮子座,天秤座,天蝎座


十二星座符号的含义(组图) 白羊座 白羊座的星座符号是一只公羊的头和角,不过有些占星家认为,它是两 个螺旋的组合,一个代表过去,一个代表着未来,中间那一道分割线则 是介乎新旧的交替之间,所以白羊座也代表着一个“新”字,在占星学 上来讲,指的是春天或新的开始。 金牛座 金牛座的星座符号是一只壮硕的牛头和角,星座符号中的圆型代表着太阳 的出现,顾名思义金牛在黄道十二宫中代表“金钱”,凡是能产生满足人们 物质需要的各种设施、活动都属于它管辖范围,在古代,农夫播种之前都 用牛来耕田犁地,因此它也是收入和报酬的代号。 双子座 双子座的星座符号是像Ⅱ的两根的平行直线,两头再以两根较短的横条 封口,代表着CASTO与PULLUX这两颗永不分离的孪生星星,常被看 成正反两面的象征,譬如对与错,施与受,教和学等,而在黄道十二宫 中掌管“教育”的双子星座,不单指知识,还包含邮政以及针对学校及 国家为人民所做的各种传播、沟通管道。 巨蟹座 巨蟹座的星座符号就像是一只顶着硬壳的可爱小螃蟹横行的模样,有些占 星家则认为,巨蟹座的星座符号像是两只对峙的小螃蟹,平衡着一个至日 的起点,太阳在夏日的第一天进入巨蟹座开始夏至,而巨蟹座在黄道十二 宫中,掌管的是与房屋有关的,像是房地产、银行、房屋贷款等,都是巨 蟹座的势力范围。 狮子座 狮子座的星座符号是黄道十二宫中最简单辨认的了,就是一条狮子尾巴, 狮子座掌管着运动、休闲等各项娱乐项目,由于是万兽之王,狮子座代 表着人类不断的尝试表达自己,并且发掘自己潜在本质的能力,因此狮 子星座会表现出一种慷慨、高贵的气质。 处女座 处女座的星座符号可能是十二个星座符号中最难懂的,它与天蝎座符号 十分相似,差别只是处女座符号上加上一个倒“v”,占星家认为,处女 座的符号,就像是一位手持一串谷物的处女,而他们手中的每一粒谷物, 都象征着由经验的田野中所收获的智慧果实,处女座代表着健康,它掌 管药剂学,同时也是统计学和劳动力的代表。


十二星座知识大全 江苏省泗阳县李口中学沈正中 (仅供参考) 1.十二星座顺序图片 水瓶座1月20日~2月18日 思想超前,理性自重的星座。一样的不爱受约束,一样的博爱,但他们还是不同射手座;他们较著重於精神层次的提升,是很好的启发对象。 双鱼座2月19日~3月20日 多愁敏感,爱作梦、幻想的星座。天生多情,使他们常为情字挣扎,情绪的波动起伏也跟脱不了关系;但他们生性柔弱,很喜欢奉献,也不会随意伤人。

精力旺盛、活力充沛的星座。性格与爱情多数“横冲直撞”,但纯真的个性里没有杀伤力,所以不用太担心。 金牛座4月20日~5月20日 慢条斯理的星座。凡事总是考虑后再过滤,属於大器晚成型,情思也比较晚开。他们有超人的稳定性,一旦下赌注,就有把握赢。

变化速度快如风的星座。双子的双重性格常搞的别人和自己头痛万分,对於事业与爱情,如果肯多花点心思经营,应该会是很好的,但...他们实在是太机灵了。 巨蟹座6月22日~7月22日 非常需要爱与安定的星座。爱猜疑的个性,使他们在人生旅途上处处显得缺乏安全感。但是带著母爱光辉的巨蟹,为了所爱倒是心甘情愿的付出。

讲究气派华丽的星座。狮子是森林之王,理所当然喜欢呼朋引伴,有些耐不住寂寞。他们有冲劲,虽然粗枝大叶,但为人讲义气,也蛮有人缘。 处女座8月23日~9月22日 有点挑剔又追求完美的星座。缺乏信心的个性,常在潜意识里责怪自己不够美好;虽然难免会使心情沉重,但天生的优点就是放得开,不会就此一蹶不振。

爱美又怕空虚的星座。凭借天生的外交本领,能在各色人物之间周旋;但有时也回因为过于顾虑面面俱到,而搞的自己吃力不讨好,脑筋常常转来转去,当心神经衰弱。 天蝎座10月23日~11月21日 神秘诡谲,令人费疑猜的星座。他们可以很执著,也可以很破坏;在爱情的国度里黑白分明,没有灰色地带,他们对於自己的目标相当清楚,一旦确立就往前冲。


The tears of a water bottle Iraq is the prince of Troy, beautiful vistas. He was in love with Zeus shrine in a handmaiden of the water. Maid is Helen, Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. One day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy decision, she had to go to the prince Iraq taboos against him. The way was found, Zeus's guards were will Helen back to the temple of god. Zeus cannot bear to put to death, but she decided to punish her, so will the sin on to the prince of Troy upon him. Zeus will catch back to the house of Iraq, persecuted for his Iraq and Helen drinks. The wife of Zeus goddess Hera envy has her no beauty Iraq era. Then she decided to harm the innocent prince. She secretly will Helen go, Helen natural to Iraq and private fled lower bound, then she will be taken on the spot two people. Outraged Zeus decided to put to death Iraq. In the deadly striker's shot Aaron arrows at the moment of Helen blocked was in Iraq handmaiden of my breast! See trick can't succeed, Hera become angry from embarrassment under, will Iraq turned into a transparent water bottle, he shall not for Zeus to the water. However, in the water poured out is tears! All the gods moved emotionally, and Zeus in heaven will Iraq seal, do a sorrowful spirit. Iraq and nights in the distant horizon tears, people looked up to see only a group of flash when the stars shine like transparent suspended bottle night sky, so call it Aquarius. Words: the nature of good, clean and pure mind is the water-bearer's most fascinating place. Pisces romantic The chobe special a god of exquisite bow, who was he shot an arrow in the people will love each other. However, the same longing for love Cupid but can not bring you happy, because he can't use his arrow. In a Cupid to the dinner party, a facial expression special girl broke into the Cupid's heart. The girl is very beautiful, but a dim face concern, Cupid came up and ask them why, originally this girl is the language family, the daughter of Solomon, Solomon had predicted that this is a disaster of the party, but she, blood stone, will be the sacrifices of the disaster. Cupid after listen to very sad, because he had unconsciously fell in love with her. At this time, the terrible eye blame appear! The girl said: "I want to put this evil." Bravely she rushed to the monster. Cupid in all efforts to share the stone, a flustered the monster shot an arrow. Arrows hit the monster not only, also hit the blood stone! Venus pull up son Cupid jumped into the river, and they become two fish to escape. Cupid can't break free from the mother's hand, he was looking back at a tearful, looking at the blood stone and leave with a monster, disappear in the boundless universe... Later, heaven, there is a sign that Pisces, but Cupid not there, he a man sitting alone on Jupiter. Words: romantic Pisces girl back in the end of the world and strangers to dance, and fell in love w ith him. In the remote country, the king married a beautiful queen. New tile jealous, she saw the king to his former wife a pair of children love truly, they decide to remove them. Spring comes. New will be sent to the people after the wheat all and stir-fry until cooked, and spreading rumours, said the crops particles don't accept because the prince and the princess was cursed!!!!! Honest people believe that the queen of words, consistent demanding king will put to death the prince and princess, remove the curse. Anger difficult flat, involving the king ordered the killing the prince and princess. The news spread to the prince and princess in the hearing of the birth mother, so she to Zeus for help. In the day of the execution, Zeus sent a male sheep will the prince and the princess rescued. The prince nature optimistic, but the princess playful carelessness, in the sea leap, accidentally fell back to his death sheep. Zeus to reward the ram will it hanging in heaven above, also be today known as the Aries. Words: the prince and the princess of the optimism of the careless is the biggest characteristic of Aries person. The temptation of Taurus In ancient European Phoenician kingdom, the beautiful princess Europa often dreamt of a strange woman said to himself: "let me take you to see it, Zeus destiny goddess appoint you do his lover." One day morning, Europa as usual to grass picked flowers, a high and luxuriant Taurus appeared, a pair of blue eyes burning feeling let Europa irresistable, she was delighted to jump on the back, and then, from the ground gently Taurus buck, fly to heaven Taurus fly to sit on a lonely island and gone. At this time, her smile was behind the, Europa turn head a see, unexpectedly is a dream that strange woman. The woman standing in front of her and said: "my son Cupid has shot through with you and Zeus heart, take you to the Taurus is here. Now you become Zeus himself on the ground, the goddess of your name will be and the world forever." Words: this is for love and longing, silent for the beloved of the pay Taurus. The kindness of Gemini In ancient Greece, according to legend, the gentleness good LiDa princess has a pair of very lovable son, they are not natural, but as a touch, and the two brothers deep feelings. One day, in Greece a giant beast attack, brave brother killed behemoths, triumphant return, the national rejoicing, LiDa he confesses to princess secretly things. Originally, the elder brother is with god the son of Zeus, the
