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Task 1

Nanotechnology-Based Batteries

Mario Pagliaro

【1】When American troops entered Munich in March 1945, one of the ?rst companies to be seized was Varta, the large battery manufacturer. The company was the manufacturer of batteries and accumulators for the Wehr-macht submarines and for the Luftwaffe during World War II. It is batteries that enable storage and thus the portability of electric power; and since electricity is the most useful form of energy available to power technology devices, be they radios or noise-less submarine engines, batteries remain a key technology in virtually every industry.

【2】The obsolescence of battery technology can be immediately grasped by the short duration of the batteries of your Blackberry or of your iPhone, which makes users complain on web forums and blogs. On a larger scale, among the main culprits in the downfall of the electric car in the USA was the limited range (60–70 miles) and reliability of the first electric car made available for lease in Southern California in 1991. However, put simply, the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the internal combustion engine (ICE) for land, sea, and air transportation is the largest source of global warming pollution in the world –responsible for 30% of our annual CO2 emissions. Therefore, having to establish priorities in our efforts to stop global warming, the replacement the 150-year-old ICE with new, zero carbon emission vehicles is the single most important aim. This means that we need to develop efficient and affordable electric vehicles ultimately powered by the sun, either through photovoltaic electricity to recharge batteries or fueled by solar-generated hydrogen.

【3】A new type of lithium-ion battery, which features an extremely long lifespan, may solve the problem. However, before entering the technology discussion we should lose a little of the naiveté that features in the arguments of too many scientists. The 150-year-old ICE is the basic infrastructure through which oil companies – the world’s largest and most powerful companies –have established their global dominant position. Current efforts to replace the combustion engine with oil-free alternatives constitute the single biggest threat these companies have ever faced. Frederic Beigberder, a former advertising star, has clearly explained the concept in an autobiographic look at the (top) advertising business:

【4】“We all knew that companies were keeping undisclosed many technologies

that could threat their business; from ever-lasting tires to electric cars …”

【5】This understanding is relevant, for example, in realizing why technologies that were publicly demonstrated some 30 years ago have been left dormant for decades. Readers in their forties, for example, are likely to have read in their country’s press about “prototype” electric cars since their youth, being told that they would be too expensive; or they may recall the commercial failure of subsidized projects.

【6】The sustainability crisis made up of a mix of volatile oil price, global warming, and chronic air pollution is rapidly changing all that. And nanotechnology is the science behind the much needed new batteries and fuel cells required to change this state of planned obsolescence. Electric cars, for instance, are about four times more energy efficient than fuel based cars.

【7】This efficiency arises because fuel engines mostly create heat and thus waste most of the energy units available. Biofuel plants are not efficient solar energy harvesters relative to semiconductor based solar electricity. In other words, while presently cars are baking in the sun all day, future all-electric cars will charge up while idling under a solar carport, as happens with the new Toyota Prius hybrid vehicle in which a solar module powers the air conditioner.

【8】True success in the transportation market for electric vehicles depends upon a significant improvement in battery technology. Safety, recharge time, power delivery, extreme temperature performance, environmental friendliness, and lifespan are all concerns with rechargeable battery technologies available for electric vehicles today.

【9】Presently, hybrid vehicle makers tend towards incorporating nickel metal-hydride (NiMH) and lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries into their products. Toyota’s Prius, for instance, uses a sealed NiMH battery pack to supply power to the car’s electric motor. When compared to the lithium-ion battery, th e NiMH’s power level is lower and the self-discharge rate is higher. With a shelf life of just three years, NiMH is not the ideal solution for electric vehicles.

【10】Traditional lithium-ion batteries offer high specific energy and low weight. However, due to their high cost, intolerance of temperature extremes, and safety –with safety being the single most significant hurdle in adopting Li-ion batteries today – these batteries are not the ideal solution either. In fact, Toyota recently decided to delay (by one to two years) the launch of new high-mileage hybrids with Li-ion batteries due to their concerns over safety.

【11】Traditional Li-ion batteries offer a 3–5 year lifespan with 1000 cycles. Another issue is the size of the Li-ion battery necessary to guarantee the desired range

in a vehicle for an acceptable battery lifespan. While we accept shorter than advertised run-times on our laptops and cell phones (as we can simply plug them in while in use) we do not have this luxury with a moving vehicle. A battery for a hybrid vehicle would need to charge and discharge rapidly, so that a short charging time and acceptable acceleration can be achieved. An electric car battery has to be light, small, energy dense, and quick to recharge. But it also has to be relatively cheap, long lasting, and safe.

【12】Financially supported by federal funds, researchers in the US in 2008 developed a lithium iron phosphate electrode material that achieves ultra- high discharge rates, comparable to those of supercapacitors, while maintaining the high energy density characteristic of lithium-ion batteries.

【13】Lithium-ion batteries are presently popular in cell phones and laptops because they store a considerable amount of energy into a small, light- weight cell that can be recharged hundreds of times and holds its charge when idle. The power capability of a lithium battery depends heavily on the rate at which the ions and electrons can move through the active electrode material. Much of the work on improving the power rate for lithium-ion batteries has focused on improving electron transport in the bulk or at the surface of the material, or on reducing the path length over which the electron and the Li-ion have to move by using nano-sized materials. However, scaling these up for electric cars, for instance, requires a dramatic improvement in charge and discharge rates –otherwise a plug-in electric vehicle would need to be plugged in for many hours to fully recharge.

【14】Gerbrand Ceder and colleagues at the MIT predicted that the mat erial’s lithium-ions should actually be moving extremely quickly, into the material but only through tunnels accessed from the surface. Using nanochemistry, they thus created a new surface structure by creating a glassy lithium phosphate coating on the surface of nanoscale LiFePO4 that allows the lithium ions to move quickly around the outside of the material.

【15】Glassy lithium phosphates are known to be good (and stable) Li+ conductors. Now, when an ion traveling across this material reaches a tunnel it is instantly diverted into it, enabling the fast charge and discharge capability; in addition, further tests showed that unlike other battery materials the new material does not degrade as much when repeatedly charged and recharged. The new material has a rate capability equivalent to full battery discharge in 10–20 s, namely 100 times faster than a regular rechargeable. Only 360 W is required to charge a 1 Wh cell phone battery in

10 s (at a 360 C charging rate). In contrast, the rate at which very large batteries such as those planned for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles can be charged is limited by the available power: 180 kW is needed to charge a 15 kWh battery (a typical size estimated for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) in 5 min. This extremely high rate capability of the electrode materials blurs the distinction between supercapacitors and batteries. By simply tweaking the composition of the battery material, nanochemistry enables fast charging and discharging rates – like a supercapacitor – while keeping the energy density comparable to that of a battery.

【16】The ability to charge and discharge batteries in a matter of seconds rather than hours may make possible new technological applications and induce lifestyle changes. Such changes may first take place in the use of small devices, where the total amount of energy stored is small. The technology has been licensed by two companies with the aim of manufacturing smaller, lighter batteries that are rapidly rechargeable and long lasting. In addition, since the material involved is not new, the work could make it into the marketplace within two to three years.

【17】Meanwhile, the US company Altair Nanotechnologies has developed an innovative rechargeable battery, based on nanotechnology, that can meet advanced requirements in terms of short recharge time, long cycle life, complete operational safety, and tolerance for extreme temperatures. The technology is based on a nano-size lithium titanate oxide (nLTO) battery electrode material where nLTO substitutes for graphite, the standard negative electrode material employed in common Li-ion rechargeable batteries. These nano-titanate based batteries have one-third the weight and four times the power for the same sized NiMH battery.

【18】Manufactured by Phoenix Moto rcars, the electric SUV is one of the ?rst commercially available vehicles using Altairnano batteries. The vehicle is planned to be capable of road speeds up to 95 mph, a driving range that is con?gurable up to 200 miles, a battery recharge time potential of less than 10 min, and an acceleration of 0 to 60 mph in less than 10 s.

【19】Once again, the company uses nanochemistry –and, in particular, a technique called spray hydrolysis –to synthesize a novel nano-structured lithium titanate anode material with a process that enable precise control over the nanomaterial properties, including surface area, morphology, particle size, and purity.

【20】Owing to replacement of the graphite electrode materials found in negative electrodes of traditional Li-ion batteries with nLTO electrodes, there is up to 100 times more surface area available to the ions, which facilitates access to the active

sites required for battery operation, and reduces the distance from the surface to the sites, all of which helps accelerate recharging and discharging.

【21】The mechanical stress and strain caused by ions entering and exiting electrodes reduces the life of a battery. During the charging of conventional lithium-ion batteries, lithium atoms (the reduced lithium ions) deposit inside the anode and are then released on discharge. Graphite possesses a two-dimensional crystal structure. When the lithium ions enter or leave the anode, the graphite planes of the anode shift and strain to a 10% greater separation of the planes to accommodate the lithium ion’s size. On discharge, these processes are reversed. Over the life of the battery, this repeated shifting and straining fatigues the graphite planes, which causes the graphite structures to fracture. These fractures cause a loss in electrical contact between the particles, thereby reducing the battery’s capability and capacity, and, ultimately, its life.

【22】The use of nano-size lithium titanate oxide instead of graphite makes nLTO a “zero strain” material. Thus, the material essentially d oes not change shape upon the entry and exit of a lithium ion into and from a particle. The nLTO material has a three-dimensional crystal structure. The structure contains sites for lithium atom inclusion that are roughly the same size as the atom. Therefore, there is virtually no stress or strain involved with the charge and discharge process. Thus the battery can be charged and discharged significantly more often than conventional lithiumion batteries because of the absence of particle fatigue, which plagues materials such as graphite. Conventional lithium-ion batteries can be typically charged about 1000 times before they are no longer useful (about 3 years), whereas cells using nLTO materials can achieve over 25 000 charge and discharge cycles (more than 20 years). Finally, these nanotech batteries can be safely operated at temperatures up to 240 °C –more than 100 °C above the temperature at which graphite-based batteries can explode – with zero explosion or safety concerns. Several Li-ion batteries blew up after overheating in laptops in 2006, proving that that the technology at that stage was simply not ready to be mass-produced for cars. Initial availability of these cells and advanced energy storage systems and batteries featuring the lithium-titanate cells has been anticipated by the end of 2009 following agreement between Altair Nanotechnologies and a manufacturer of lithium-ion battery cells for mobile devices.


第一单元? 如何发表演说 斯蒂芬·卢卡斯? ???? 在人类创造的万物中,语言可能是最卓越的一项创造。通过语言,我们可以分享经验、阐明价值观念、交流思想、传播知识、传承文化。确实,语言对于思想本身至关重要。和流行的信仰不同的是:语言并不是简单地反映事实,而是通过对事件意义的思考来帮助人们感悟现实。? ???? 优秀的演说者尊重语言并懂得如何驾驭语言。语言是演说者展示才能的工具,对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。作为一名演说者,你应该意识到话语的意义,并懂得如何准确无误地使用语言,使其表达清楚,趣味横生,恰如其分。? 如同数字对于会计的重要性一样,准确地使用语言对于演说者至关重要。在没有确切知道一个词语的意思之前,千万不要盲目使用。碰到没有把握的词语,一定要查词典追根究底。当你准备演讲之前,一定要不断地问自己:“我究竟想说些什么?我究竟想表达什么样的意思?”因此,对于一篇演讲稿的用词来说,必须准确无误。? 如果语言表达清楚无误,听众就能很快抓住你的意思。鉴于此,演说者应该使用那些对于大多数人来说非常熟悉的词语,这些词语不需要任何专业背景就能够理解;演说者应该使用那些表达具体而不是相对抽象的词语;并且千万不要乱堆砌辞藻,哗众取宠。? 准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。有一种方法可以使你的语言更加生动形象,那就是通过展开联想或创造语言图示。通过使用表达具体的词语、明喻或者暗喻等手法可以展开想像。明喻是对事物不同之处的比较,不过有些是相同的:它们总是包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个形式不同但是有一些相通之处的事物联系在一起,暗喻不包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。? 另一种让你的演说生动形象的方法是注重语言的节奏感。有四种修辞格可以让你的语言富有节奏感:排比、重复、头韵和对比。排比是将一组或一系列具有相似结构的词语、短语或者句子排列在一起;重复是在一系列短句或者长句的开头或者结尾使用相同的一句话或者一组词语;头韵是指邻近或者相邻的几个句子中的首个词语的辅音字母相同;对比是将一些意思相反的词语或者句子并列在一起,通常使用排比结构。 恰当地使用语言是指语言的运用要符合特定的场合、特定的观众和特定的主题。同时,恰当地使用语言还意味着演说者要有自己的语言风格,而不是模仿他人的口吻。如果演说者的语言在各个方面都能够做到恰如其分,那么这篇演说成功的机率就会大大提高。??????? 优秀的演说并不是空穴来风、缺乏论据的决断。演说者必须找到强有力的论据来支持其观点。实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别一篇优秀演说词和一篇空洞演说词的关键所在。一般来说,通常有三种论据材料:事例、统计数据和证词。? ???????在演说过程中,你可以使用一些简明扼要的例子——比如过去发生的一个很具体的事件——有时候,你可以罗列好几个简明的例子,借此增强听众的印象。扩展性的例子——描述、叙述或者奇闻轶事——通常长一些,但更具体。夸张性的例子描述想像中的情形,这种例子能够将相关的想法有效地传达给听众。这三种例子都能够帮助演说者理清思绪、加强印象或者使演说更加娓娓动听。为了使表达更加富有效果,例子应该生动活泼,丰富多彩。 只要演说者对于统计数据用之得当并且加以解释,这些数据将有助于有效地传达信息,听众也能从统计数据中获益匪浅。最重要的是:演说者应该对统计数据了如指掌,并且运用得恰如其分。由于数据很容易操纵和捏造,因此,对于演说者来说,一定要确保图表没有张冠李戴,并且要确保统计方法正确,数据来源可靠。?


Evaluation of the Effect of AIDS Health Education on College Students in Nanjing Fang Kun 152899;Wang Chongxu 152895; Song Yue 152894; Deng Lin 152898; Chen Chen 152922; LvRongrong 152921 ; Cheng Xiaoqing 152903

Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this research is to know college students’ knowledge, attitude and behavior about AIDS in Jiangsu province, so we can evaluate the effect of AIDS intervention to provide evidence for AIDS public education more effectively in the future. Methods: We educated college students of six pilot universities by playing the videos and sending health education prescription as the main way of risk warning education. We selected students from each college randomly as evaluation object, the questionnaire mainly included students’ basic information, AIDS related knowledge and sexual health.Descriptive analysiswas conducted to analysis s tudents’ basic situation and the sexual health conditions,chi-square test was used to analysis the difference of the education on HIV/AIDS related knowledge, awareness and attitude. Results: After education, the awareness level of the basic knowledge of AIDS in all students increased from 69.05% to 82.15%(Χ2=147.335,P<0.001), but the level of awareness of the students varied from school to school, and there is a big space for improvement in each school; Introduction of the programme witnessed a dramatic change in the students’ attitudes towards AIDS. For instance, the answers of“students’attitudes towards the importance of teaching AIDS related education in schools,someone suspected of being infected with the AIDS/HIV virus will immediately do the antibody detection test or not and the willingness to use condom during the sexual encounter” ha ve proportionally increased in the positive direction. Conclusion: The evaluation results show that the pilot educational activities have made significant effect. Although promotion of AIDS education in the colleges has proven to be fruitful, beneficial and worthy enough but some part of the education still needs to be improved and strengthened. Key words: College students; AIDS; Intervention; Effects


Ⅰ. Gone up → increased set up → established Put up with → tolerate looking into → investigating Figure out → determine put into practice → implement Come up with → developed make up → constitute Get rid of → eliminate keep up → maintain Gone down → decrease thinking → considering Ⅱ. Structure of Data Commentary Data commentaries usually has these elements in the following order. 1.location elements and/or summary statements 2.highlighting statements 3.discussions of implications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,or other interesting aspects of the data 可能涉及到排序题,有例如下: ①A computer virus is a program that is specifically and maliciously designed to attack a computer system,destroying data.②As business have become inceasingly dependent on computers,e-mail,and the Internet,concern over the potential destructiveness of such viruses has also grown.③Table X shows the most common sources of infection for U.S. businesses.④As can be seen, in a great majority of cases,the entry point of the virus infection can be detected,with e-mail attachments being responsible for nearly 9 out of 10 viruses.⑤This very high percentage is increasingly alarming,especially since with a certain amount of caution such infections are largely preventable.⑥In consequence,e-mail users should be wary of all attachments,even thoes from a trusted colleague or a known sender.⑦In addition,all computers used for e-mail need to have a current version of a good antivirus progarm whose virus definitions are updated regularly.⑧While it may be possible to lessen the likelihood of downloading an infected file,businesses are still vulnerable to computer virus problems because of human error and the threat of new,quickly spreading viruses that cannot be identified by antivvirus software. ①②→Theory and common beliefs. ③→The start ④⑤⑥⑦⑧→Implications Ⅲ.信息性摘要 An informative abstract,as its name implies,summarizes the key points in the RP.It is an overview that briefly state the purpose,methods,results and conclutions with quantitative information. 信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。它是论文全文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要,但它又不是简单对原文篇幅进行按比例的缩减,而是要进行深入加工。 比较流行的信息性摘要架构有: ①Objective→Methodology→Results→Conclusions ②Background→Purpose and aim→Methods→Results→Conclusions ③Background+purpose→Methodology→Result→Conclusion


Task 2 A contrary to implicit assertion look up adapted Sustain unbiased In the course of metaphor clutter B bolster credible impromptu sparingly anecdote Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation B.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的思想是相关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备发言提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点,发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰,易于辨认。 C. 1. The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2. In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3. An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4. By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5. The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6. When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in you speech. 7. When you write a paper, citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. 8. A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help convey the speakers’ ideas clearly and interestingly. 9. You should mot blindly use a word that you are not sure about, and if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary. 10. Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful. D. Before you deliver an academic speech, you should, first of all, get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be explicit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly.


Presenting a speech (做演讲) Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. [Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events]. 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?” Choose wor ds that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an implicit comparison between things that are different yet have something in common; it does not contain the words “like” or “as”. 生动地用词能让演讲鲜活起来!比喻,这种能产生文字图像的修辞,可以使演讲达到生动的效果。比喻要用具象的语言,分为明喻和隐喻。明喻是指在本质上有区别但仍然有相同点的事物之间做一个明确的比较,一般句中会含有“像”或“似”。隐喻则是一种隐藏的比较,不会出现like 和as 这些连接词。


研究生学术英语翻译 4

Writing a literature review 撰写文献综述 A literature review is a very important part of the research project.It may be a self-contained review or a part of the introduction to an academic essay.In either case,its purpose is to demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic being https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4d1115912.html,ly,your literature review must tell what has been done on the topic,what different scholars have said about their own research,what major findings have been published,and what controversial area exist.A good literature review can enhance the credibility of your research by indicating that your present study is based on a thorough and critical knowledge of what has been done in the field. Before writing,to be critical,you must ask questions like these about each book or article you read: 文献综述是研究项目的一个重要组成部分。它可以是一个独立的综述或是一个学术论文引言的一部分。在每一种情况下,它的目的都是表明对所研究的课题有一个清晰的认识。即你的文献综述必须告诉大家对这一主题已经做了什么,不同的学者是怎么说自己的研究的,什么结果是已经发表的,和什么地方是有争议存在的。一个好的文献综述可以提高你的研究的可信性通过表明你目前的研究是基于在该领域已被报道的知识的全面的,批判的了解。在写作之前,关键的是,关于你读的每一本书或文章,你必须问这样的问题: .Is the problem clearly defined?Is its significance clearly established? .Could the problem have been approached more effectively from another perspective or an another theory? .Is the author’s research orientation(e.g.descriptive,critical,empirical)appropriate? .Is there a theoretical framework and is it appropriate to the research(e.g.psychological,developmental,cognitive,feminist)? .Has the author evaluated the literature relevant to the problem/issue?Does the author include literature taking positions she or he does not agree with? .How reliable are the basic components of the study design(e.g.population,variables,outcome)?How accurate and valid are the methods used?Is the analysis of the data accurate and relevant to the research question?Are the conclusions validly based upon the data and analysis? Does the author avoid using one-sided examples,or rhetorically-charged language and tone?Is there an objective basis to the reasoning?


Governments that want their people to prosper in the burgeoning world economy 51. Which of the following is true about Olson?关于Olson,以下哪项是正确的 He taught economics at the University of Maryland.他在马里兰大学教授经济学。52. Which of the following represents Olson's point of view?以下哪项代表奥尔森的观点? Protecting individual property rights encourages wealth building. 保护个人财产权可以促进财富的积累。 53. What does Olson think about mass production?奥尔森如何看待批量生产? It's property intensive.这是财产密集型 54. What is the basis for the banking system?银行体系的基础是什么? A contract system that can be enforced.可以强制执行的合同系统。 55. According to Olson, what is the reason for the poor economies of Third World countries? 奥尔森认为,第三世界国家经济欠佳的原因是什么? Lack of secure individual property rights.缺乏安全的个人财产权。 56. What is the other economists' opinion about the poor economies of the Third World? 其他经济学家对第三世界的贫困经济有何看法? A free market is not let to determine the prices and quantities of goods. 自由市场不允许确定商品的价格和数量。 Where one stage of child development has been left out, 57. The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children()所有治疗儿童发育困难的原则(重述以前的经历) offers recapture of earlier experiences 58. The child in the nursery()托儿所里的孩子 doesn’t initially sleep and wake at regular intervals.最初没有定期睡眠和唤醒 59. The encouragement of children to achieve new skills()鼓励孩子学习新技能should be balanced between two extremes应该在两个极端之间取得平衡 60. Jigsaw puzzles are()拼图游戏是 suitable exercises for parent-child co operation亲子合作的适当练习 61. Parental controls and discipline()家长控制和纪律 serve a dual purpose服务于双重目的 62. According to the passage, why is learning together a fruitful source of relationship? 根据这段话,为什么一起学习是一个富有成果的关系来源 Because children and their parents share learning.因为孩子和他们的父母共享学习。 Artist Sam Easterson's“Animal, vegetable" video project offers a bizarre 63. Easterson's cameras on animals will keep on working()伊斯特森的动物摄影机将继续工作 as long as they are still in their positions只要他们仍然在自己的位置上 64. Easterson has presented the world seen by animals and plants mainly to()Easterson向人们展示了动植物所看到的世界(鼓励人们保护动植物) encourage people to protect animals and plants


Deciding on a topic 决定一个主题 As a college student of science and technology,you are often required to write a literature review about a certain topic,or a 1500-word term paper.In either case,the writing is a complex process which involves choosing a topic,searching for relevant materials,and compiling a reference list.Hence the first thing you need to do is to choose a research topic. 作为一个研究科学技术学生,你通常需要写一个关于某一主题的文献综述,或一个1500字的论文。不管是哪种,写作都是一个复杂的过程,涉及选题,查找资料,编写参考清单。因此,你首先需要做的是选择一个研究课题。 A topic is what the essay or research paper is about.Choosing a topic for your literature review or research paper requires careful consideration.A topic that is too specialized or the general may bring many problems in terms of the time you can devote to the research or the sources of information available on the topic.How do you choose a topic which is possible to research?There are four principles: 主题就是文章或研究论文是与什么有关的。为你的文献综述或研究论文选择一个主题需要仔细考虑。一个太专业或太宽泛的主题可能带来的诸多问题,影响你花费在研究或与主题相关的信息资源上的时间。你怎么选择一种可能的研究课题?有四个原则: 1)Interesting.If a topic holds your interest,you will most likely working on it.However,you should also be aware of the interest of your readers.For example,if your readers are from different disciplines or academic backgrounds,your topic should not be too specific. 1)有趣.如果一个话题引起了你的兴趣,你将很有可能在它上工作.但是,你也应该知道你的读者的兴趣.例如,如果你的读者是来自不同的学科或学术背景的,你的主题不应该太具体。 2)Important.You also have to consider the value of the topic you are likely to choose,both academic and social.And essay without practical or theoretical value will probably not attract readers. 2)重要.你也需要考虑你可能选择的课题研究的价值,包括学术的和社会的。没有实践或理论价值的论文可能不会吸引读者。 3)Manageable.Narrow down your topic to make your paper manageable.For example,if you want to discuss the history of a disease,it may not be possible for you to cover all the important ideas in a 1500-word essay. 3)可控的.缩小你的主题,使你的论文易于管理。例如,如果你想讨论一种疾病的历史,你或许不可能用一篇1500字的文章来涵盖所有重要的想法。 4)Adequate.You have to ask the question:Can the topic I have chosen be researched?One criterion is that you mast make sure that there are adequate source materials available on the topic.Avoid a topic that has very limited information about it,for it is difficult to carry out your research without previous studies. 4)足够的。你必须问这个问题:我选择的话题能被研究吗?一个标准是,你必须确保这个主题有足够的可用的源材料,避免一个仅有非常有限的信息得主题,因为没有以前的研究,你是很难进行你的研究的。 Formulating a research question 制定一个研究问题


Unit1如何发表演说斯蒂芬·卢卡斯 1.在人类创造的万物中,语言可能是最卓越的一项创造。通过语言,我们可以分享经验、阐明价值观念、交流思想、传播知识、传承文化。确实,语言对于思想本身至关重要。和流行的信仰不同的是:语言并不是简单地反映事实,而是通过对事件意义的思考来帮助人们感悟现实。 2.优秀的演说者尊重语言并懂得如何驾驭语言。语言是演说者展示才能的工具,对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。作为一名演说者,你应该意识到话语的意义,并懂得如何准确无误地使用语言,使其表达清楚,趣味横生,恰如其分。 3.如同数字对于会计的重要性一样,准确地使用语言对于演说者至关重要。在没有确切知道一个词语的意思之前,千万不要盲目使用。碰到没有把握的词语,一定要查词典追根究底。当你准备演讲之前,一定要不断地问自己:“我究竟想说些什么?我究竟想表达什么样的意思?”因此,对于一篇演讲稿的用词来说,必须准确无误。 4.语言表达清楚无误,听众就能很快抓住你的意思。鉴于此,演说者应该使用那些对于大多数人来说非常熟悉的词语,这些词语不需要任何专业背景就能够理解;演说者应该使用那些表达具体而不是相对抽象的词语;并且千万不要乱堆砌辞藻,哗众取宠。 5.准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。有一种方法可以使你的语言更加生动形象,那就是通过展开联想或创造语言图示。通过使用表达具体的词语、明喻或者暗喻等手法可以展开想象。明喻是对事物不同之处的比较,不过有些是相同的:它们总是包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个形式不同但是有一些相通之处的事物联系在一起,暗喻不包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。 6.另一种让你的演说生动形象的方法是注重语言的节奏感。有四种修辞格可以让你的语言富有节奏感:排比、重复、头韵和对比。排比是将一组或一系列具有相似结构的词语、短语或者句子排列在一起;重复是在一系列短句或者长句的开头或者结尾使用相同的一句话或者一组词语;头韵是指邻近或者相邻的几个句子中的首个词语的辅音字母相同;对比是将一些意思相反的词语或者句子并列在一起,通常使用排比结构。 7.恰当地使用语言是指语言的运用要符合特定的场合、特定的观众和特定的主题。同时,恰当地使用语言还意味着演说者要有自己的语言风格,而不是模仿他人的口吻。如果演说者的语言在各个方面都能够做到恰如其分,那么这篇演说成功的机率就会大大提高。 8.优秀的演说并不是空穴来风、缺乏论据的决断。演说者必须找到强有力的论据来支持其观点。实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别一篇优秀演说词和一篇空洞演说词的关键所在。一般来说,通常有三种论据材料:事例、统计数据和证词。 9.在演说过程中,你可以使用一些简明扼要的例子——比如过去发生的一个很具体的事件——有时候,你可以罗列好几个简明的例子,借此增强听众的印象。扩展性的例子——描述、
