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Unit 9

Old sin makes new shame.

P art A

Directions:Read the following texts. Answer the questions blow each text by choosing [A],[B],[C] or [D].

Text 1

Deanne Julius, a former member of the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee, argued in a recent speech that there is a risk of a significant deflationary period in the main economies between now and 2005. But many of today’s central bankers, brought up to believe that their job is to fight inflation, seem to be underplaying the risk.

Deflation is much more harmful than inflation. Falling prices encourage consumers to postpone spending in the expectation of cheaper goods tomorrow; they also make it impossible to deliver negative real interest rates if these are needed to drag an economy out of recession. Most dangerous of all is a cocktail of deflation and debt. Deflation pushes up the real burden of debt, while the value of assets linked to that debt, such as house prices, may have to fall even more sharply in nominal terms to return to a fair level. This has already caused severe balance-sheet problems in Japan, and now America and Germany may be at risk: In both countries debts have surged to record levels.

Central bankers in America and Europe — but not in Japan — still have room to cut interest rates. However, the European Central Bank (ECB) held interest rates unchanged at 3.25% on September 12th. So long as inflation remains above the ECB’s target of “less than 2%”, the bank will be in no rush to ease policy. The Fed is also widely expected to keep rates steady at its policy meeting on September 24th. Why wait, when the risks are so lop-sided? Once deflation sets in, monetary policy can do little to revive an economy. If economies perk up and a rate cut turns out to have been unnecessary, it can be reversed: With ample excess capacity, the risk of inflation taking off is low.

Many central bankers do not seem to grasp that this economic cycle is different from its predecessors. The recession was caused not, as before, by inflation taking off, but by the bursting of an asset-price bubble. American economists blame Japan’s deflation on the incompetence of its policymakers. There is some truth in this, but the awkward fact is that post-bubble economies tend to be deflation-prone.

Even with interest rates at zero, Japan might have escaped deflation two years ago, when the American economy was strong, by devaluing the yen. But the world economy cannot pull off that trick. That is why central banks in America and Europe need to heed the danger now. “Deflation

is like quicksand,” says Dylan Grice, “easy to get stuck in, more difficult to escape.”

1. It can be inferred that many of today’s central bankers

[A] don’t know how to fight deflation.

[B] don’t regard fighting deflation as their job.

[C] don’t pay enough attention to the danger of deflation.

[D] don’t think there exists a risk of deflation.

2. According to the text, during deflation falling prices might lead to

[A] consumers’ frantic purchasing.

[B] consumers’ suspending their purchasing plan.

[C] an excess of demand over supply.

[D] the delivery of negative real interest rates.

3.The balance-sheet problems in Japan is mentioned to illustrate the danger of

[A] a cocktail of deflation and debt.

[B] zero interest rates.

[C] economic recession.

[D] wrong monetary policies.

It seems that American and European central bankers don’t know

[A] they still have room to cut interest rates.

[B] the recession this time was caused by the bursting of an asset-price bubble.

[C] Japan’s deflation was not due to the incompetence of its policymakers.

[D] the world economy might escape deflation with zero interest rates

’s attitude towards deflation is

[A] frightened. [B] worried.

[C] unconcerned. [D] confused.

Text 2

Engineers and scientists working on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover project are in the final stages of readying the twin robots for launch and picking safe and scientifically rewarding landing sites on the Red Planet. During the past two years, Mars scientists have mulled over some 185 landing sites. They have debated the merits of each, and continue to wrestle with a matrix of maddening worries — from high winds, dust and swings of daylight temperatures to dangerous rocks that might cripple chances for successfully landing and operating the robots.

Four landing locales have been culled from a huge list of promising sites. Each has its merits as well as drawbacks. “First and foremost, of course, is the fact that if you don’t land safely you don’t get any science back. This is in fact the first time that site selection has used science to triage landing sites on Mars,”said John Grant, co-chair of the Landing Site Steering Committee.

Those landing locations are on the table because they address the science objectives of the rover missions: Determine if water was present on Mars and whether there are conditions favorable to the preservation of evidence for ancient life. Each wheeled rover carries the Athena package of science gear. That array of equipment has undergone rigorous calibration and testing. Matching Athena’s performance to the right site to maximize scientific output and achieve testing of scientific hypotheses is crucial.

Each rover will have a primary mission lasting at least three months on the Martian surface.

Manning served similar duty for the Mars Pathfinder/Sojournerrover mission that touched down on the Red Planet in July 1997. The project was less than three years from start to launch. Manning said, “We had to do so much over again. So many parts of the system we had to go back and re-engineer for this larger mass vehicle. For instance, the huge gaggle of airbags that cocoons each rover during hard landing has been dropped —tested some 50 times. Early tests proved worrisome — so much so that significant beefing up of the airbags was necessary. Similarly, there were a number of ill-fated tests of the MER parachute system. That too demanded considerable extra work to iron out a mission trouble spot.”

For Jim Garvin, NASA led scientists for Mars exploration,MER is the first real taste of the surface. The twin rovers armed with the Athena science payload will calibrate the whole community on what Mars is truly like. He said, “I like to call rocks ‘Mother Nature’s artifacts’.

I think what MER will give us is far less confusion about two very different types of sites.”

6. What does “wrestle with a matrix of maddening worries” (Line 7, Paragraph 1) mean?

[A]To fight for the threat of some tricky problems.

[B] To evaluate the advantages of each landing site.

[C] To find the solutions of many complex problems.

[D] To deal with how to operate robots successfully.

7. What is the most important thing for scientists to do in exploration of the Mars?

[A] To decide if conditions are favorable for ancient life.

[B] To find the most appropriate landing sites.

[C] To achieve testing of scientific hypotheses.

[D] To calibrate and test the equipment.

8.The safe and scientifically rewarding landing sites on the Mars are

[A] places where the robots can land and determine if there is water on Mars.

[B] locations where scientists can get something unknown about Mars.

[C] sites that do no harm to astronomers and can provide scientific information.

[D] l ocales where the twin robots can land safely and get scientific information.

9.Manning’s statement implies that

[A] many parts of the system had to be re-engineered.

[B] NASA attaches great importance to the MER project.

[C] scientists are not sure about the MER project.

[D] the MER parachute system had to be tested.

10.What is this passage mainly about?

[A] Scientists are heating up the exploration of Mars.

[B] Scientists are trying to find landing sites on the Red Planet.

[C] Scientists are getting scientific information from Mars.

[D] Scientists are knowing little about the four spots on Mars.

Text 3

Before the summer of 2000, the 54-year-old John Haughom could accomplish just about anything at work. “I could move mountains if I put my mind to it.” he says in those days. But that summer Haughom found he couldn’t move them anymore. On the phone with his wife one morning, Haughom broke down. A couple of days later, Haughom checked himself in for a

three-week stay at the Professional Renewal Center, an in-patient clinic 30 miles outside Kansas City that helps him deal with stress.

Haughom is far from alone. A host of new studies and plenty of anecdotal evidence show that stress in the workplace is skyrocketing. Whatever the cause, stress levels are at record highs. The statistics are startling. According to a new study by the Federal Government’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, more than half the working people in the U.S. view job stress as a major problem in their lives. This year the European Community officially dubbed stress the second-biggest occupational-health problem facing the continent.

Ten years ago experts warned that stress was out of control, in part because of a shaky economy. What’s notable about today’s wave of stressed-out workers is that it rises all the way to the top. Lack of control is generally considered one of the biggest job stressors, so it used to be thought that middle managers carried the brunt: Sandwiched between the top and the bottom, they end up with little authority. Powerful chief executives officers (CEOs) were seen as the least threatened by stress. But in today’s tough economy, top executives don’t have as much control as they used to. “Stress is just part of the job, fortunately or unfortunately, stress is part of our character building,” Lebenthal says. “But I think I don’t need any more character building. What I need is a vacation.”

But if you think that going on vacation is hard —and studies show that 85% of corporate executives don’t use all the time off they’re entitled to —seeking treatment for stress is even harder. Being able to handle stress is perhaps the most basic of job expectations. So among the corporate elite, succumbing to it is considered a shameful weakness. Stress has become the last affliction that people won’t dare admit to. Most senior executives who are undergoing treatment for stress —and even many who aren’t —refused to talk on the record about the topic. “Nothing good can come out of having your name in a story like this.” one CEO said through his therapist.

11. What does the sentence “Haughom is far from alone” (line1,Para. 2) mean?

[A] Haughom does not feel lonely though he lives by himself.

[B] There are many other people who are afflicted by stress.

[C] Haughom lives far from the workplace where he works by himself.

[D] Haughom does not feel lonely even if he stays at the Center by himself.

12. What is the European Community’s attitude toward stress?

[A] Stress is a disease that people should try to handle.

[B] Stress has great influence on working people’s lives.

[C] Stress is one of the most serious occupational problems.

[D] Stress is a major problem all the people face.

13. Why are middle managers regarded as most threatened by stress?

[A] Because they don’t have as much control as they used to.

[B] Because they are not able to handle stress.

[C] Because they have little power over the situation in the company.

[D] Because they need more character building.

14. The CEO’s statement in the last sentence of this passage implies that

[A] stress has become such a taboo that people won’t dare admit.

[B] CEOs don’t like their names appearing in story books.

[C] CEOs are afraid of being recorded.

[D] not admitting this weakness will produce something good.

15.What is this text mainly about?

[A] Increasingly serious lack of vacation in people’s work.

[B] The second biggest disease in the world.

[C] The most serious problem people have to face.

[D] Serious pressure faced by working people.

Text 4

With its common interest in law-breaking but its immense range of subject matter and widely-varying methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a legitimate claim to be regarded as a separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, of shoot of the traditional novel.

The detective story is probably the most respectable at any rate in the narrow sense of the word of the crime species. Its creation is often the relaxation of University dons, literary economists, scientists or even poets. Fatalities may occur more frequently and mysteriously than might be expected in polite society, but the world in which they happen, the village, seaside resort, college or studio, is familiar to us, if not from our own experience, at least in the newspaper or the lives of friends. The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate associates. A story set in a more remote environment, African jungle, or Australian bush, ancient China or gas-lit London, appeals to our interest in geography or history, and most detective storywriters are conscientious in providing a reasonably authentic background.The elaborate, carefully assembled plot, despised by the modern intellectual critics and creators of significant novels, has found refuge in the murder mystery, with its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with appropriate solutions and explanations at the end. With the guilt of escapism from Real Life nagging gently, we secretly revel in the unmasking of evil by a vaguely super-human detective, who sees through and dispels the cloud of suspicion which has hovered so unjustly over the innocent.

Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and credible world. The sequence of fist fights, revolver duels, car crashes and escapes from gas-filled cellars exhausts the reader far more than the hero, who, suffering from at least two broken ribs, one black eye, uncountable bruises and a hangover, can still chase and overpower an armed villain with the physique of a wrestler. He moves dangerously through a world of ruthless gangs, brutality, a vicious lust for power and money and, in contrast to the detective tale, with a near-omniscient arch-criminal whose defeat seems almost accidental.Perhaps we miss in the thriller the security of being safely led by our imperturbable investigator past a score of red herrings and blind avenues to final gathering of suspects when an unchallengeable elucidation of all that has bewildered us is given and justice and goodness prevail. All that we vainly hope for from life is granted in these stories.

16.The crime novel may be regarded as

[A] a respectable form of the traditional novel.

[B] not a true form of novel at all.

[C] related in some ways to the historical novel.

[D] an independent development of the novel.

17.Intellectuals write detective stories because

[A] the stories are often in fact very instructive.

[B] they enjoy writing these stories in their spare time.

[C] these stories demands considerable intelligence.

[D] the stories are an accepted branch of literature.

18.What feature of the detective story is despised by intellectual critics?

[A] The many seeming impossible events.

[B] The unmasking of the evil and the recognition of the good.

[C] The existence of a neat closely-knit story.

[D] The lack of interest in genuine character revelations.

19.The most incredible characteristic of the hero in a thriller is

[A] his exciting life.

[B] his amazing toughness.

[C] his escape from danger.

[D] his ability to defeat his enemies.

20.The detective story and the thriller are unlike in

[A] providing a sense of security.

[B] providing excitement and suspense.

[C] appealing to the intellectual curiosity of reader.

[D] ensuring that everything comes right in the end.

Part B 社会生活646 易Directions:You are going to read a text, followed by a list of examples or explanations. Choose the best item from the list [A]-[F] for each numbered subheading (1-5). There is one extra item which you do not need to use.

In the last few decades, it has become accepted wisdom that diet plays a key role in health. Furthermore, it is generally understood that some foods, in particular fats, sugars, and salt, are bad if eaten in excess. This has in tur n created a vast “health food” market, both through specialty shops and on particular lines in almost all retailers. Now, some of the theories behind healthy eating are coming under attack.

21. Links between diet and health were identified by a few pioneer nutritionists in the first half of the 20th century.

22. Studies of people with a very different diet from that of Western society gave hints to the links to some degree.

The theory of “diseases of Western civilization” was developed. This suggested tha t some factor or factors in our way of life made us particularly susceptible to a range of serious health problems that were virtually unknown in the past.

23. Yet it calls efforts to verify the links.

Links between food and health are even more difficult to pin down. Harmful factors known or suspected include many additives, including colorings and preservatives, agrochemical residues, microbial contaminants, natural toxins in food, and the types of food itself.

24. Concerns on the relations between food and health are undergoing.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is important to the functioning of the body and is made in the liver. It is also provided in the diet by diary products and meat. However, high levels in the blood are thought to contribute to hardening of the arteries, leading to heart attacks. People who are overweight often, but by no means always, have higher levels of cholesterol than thin people. Saturated fatty acids are particularly high in cholesterol. Since heart disease is one of the major killers in Western society, reduction of cholesterol has become a preoccupation of many people. To date, advice about this has concentrated on reducing consumption of fatty meat and dairy products, with substitution of more vegetables, margarine made with polyunsaturated fats, and so on.

25. However,the studies are still of doubtful accuracy.

Some of the alternatives to a high-cholesterol diet are turning out to have problems of their own. For example, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils made from soybeans and maize are now thought to be possibly linked to development of heart disease themselves.

Although we many well see some modification of ideas about diet and health over the next few years, the general principles of increasing fresh food, roughage, and vegetables and reducing rich foods, remain a good basis for a healthy diet.

[A] Over the past few years, the role of different foodstuffs in creating diseases of Western civilization has become the focus of controversy. In particular, links between cholesterol and heart disease have become increasingly well concerned.

[B] Sir Robert McCarthy carried out a series of comparisons on populations in different parts of India and found marked contrasts in average life span, which he ascribed to different diets.

[C] For the last few decades, much medical research had been concentrated on identifying these links. Perhaps even more importantly, their relative importances, and the interactions between various factors, have to be distinguished. This is not as easy as it sounds. Identifying precisely why any particular person becomes ill or dies of heart disease or cancer is impossible.

[D] There are clearly links between West diet and both cancer and heat disease, and a range of established health problems linked with being overweight that are at least partial caused by too many fatty foods and sugars,which are not found in some other co untries’ diet.

[E] The Eskimo people of the far north, some African tribes of people, farmers in the Himalayas, and the Japanese, found that these groups were virtually free of many of the major killer diseases of Europe and North America, including heart disease and cancer.

[F] The research into links between cholesterol levels and heart disease is ambiguous; as is evidence that lowering cholesterol helps prevent heart disease. It now appears that the precise chemical form of cholesterol is important, and perhaps also the way that it reaches the body.

Part C

Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.

26)According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an inhospitable planet, more similar to Earth’s Moon than to Earth itself — a dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world. Mar’s air pressure is equal to Earth’s at an altitude of 100,000 feet. The air there is 95% carbon dioxide. Mars have no ozone layer to screen out the Sun’s lethal radiation. Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the temperature drops to -50℃(-60℃F) at night. 27) Today there is no liquid

water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water. The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost

28)Despite these difficult conditions, certain scientists, believe that there is a possibility of transforming Mars into a more Earth’like planet. Nuclear reactors might be used to melt frozen gas es and eventually build up the atmosphere. This in turn could create a “greenhouse effect” that would keep heat from radiating back into space. Liquid water could be thawed to form a polar ocean. 29)Once enough ice has melted, suitable plants could be introduced to build up the level of oxygen in the atmosphere so that, in time, the planet would support animal life from Earth and even permanent human colonies. “This was once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant,” said Christopher McKey, a research scientists at the National Aeronautics and space Administration. “But now it’s starting to look practical. We could begin work in four or five decades.

”The idea of “terra-forming” Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction.30)But as researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth’s ecology supports life, they have begun to see how it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars. Don’t plan on homesteading on Mars any time soon, though. The process could take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete, and the cost would be staggering.


Part A

Text 1


1.deflationary a.通货紧缩的

2.underplay v.对…轻描淡写,贬低…的重要性

3.deliver vt.发表(意见、见解),宣布;解救,拯救;给予(打击等)

4. recession n. (经济的)衰退,衰退期

5.cocktail n.混合物;鸡尾酒会;用海鲜或水果做的菜

6.nominal a.名义上的,有名无实的;(费用等)很少,象征性的;名词性的

7.lopsided a.不平衡的

8.perk v.愉快,活跃或振作起来

9.reverse v.彻底改变;颠倒;使倒退,反向

10.heed v.(正式)注意(警告或忠告)


1.Falling prices encourage consumers to postpone spending [in the expectation of cheaper goods tomorrow]; they also make it impossible to deliver negative real interest rates [if these are needed to drag an economy out of recession].

【分析】并列句。由分号隔开两个并列分句;第一个分句是简单句,谓语动词+宾语+宾补的结构,in the expectation of …作状语;第二个分句是复合句,主句是they also make it impossible to...,其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to deliver...,if引导的是条件状语从句。【译文】价格下降会促使消费者推迟消费以期明天价格会更低;如果需要逆实际利率使经济走出衰退期,价格下降又使得实施逆实际利率不太可能

2. Deflation pushes up the real burden of debt, [while the value of assets linked to that debt, such as house prices, may have to fall even more sharply in nominal terms to return to a fair level]. 【分析】复合句。主句是Deflation pushes up the real burden of debt;while引导的是比较状语从句,其主干为value may have to fall,后面的to 引导目的状语。



Text 2


1. merit n.长处,优点,价值;功绩,功劳vt.值得,应受

2.maddening a.使人恼怒的

3.wrestle v.努力解决,全力对付;摔跤;搏斗;深思,斟酌

4. cull v.精选

5.triage v.挑选

6.calibration n.校准

7.matrix n.矩阵

8.rover n.漫游者

9.gaggle n.嘎嘎叫

10.cocoon v.把…紧紧包住,把…密封起来


1.They have debated the merits of each, and continue to wrestle with a matrix of maddening worries—from high winds, dust and swings of daylight temperatures to dangerous rocks (that might cripple chances for successfully landing and operating the robots)].

【分析】复合句。句子主干为They have debated ... and continue to wrestle with ...;破折号后面用from ...to...的结构列举了一系列的例子补充说明前文中的maddening worries;句子最后that引导定语从句修饰high winds, dust…dangerous rocks。


2. (Those landing) locations are on the table [because they address the science objectives of the rover missions:Determine if water was present on Mars and whether there are conditions

favorable to the preservation of evidence for ancient life].

【分析】复合句。句子中包含because引导的原因状语从句,从句中又包含一个并列句,用冒号隔开,冒号后是以determine开头的祈使句,补充说明上文的science objectives,其中if和whether分别引导一个从句,作determine的宾语。



Text 3


1. anecdotal a. 轶事的

2.skyrocket v.暴涨,急速升高

3.startling a.令人吃惊的

4. dub v.把…称为

5.stressor n.紧张性刺激

6.carry the brunt 首当其冲

7.sandwich vt.夹入,挤进n.三明治,夹肉面包

8.succumb vi.屈服,屈从,死

9.affliction n.苦恼

10.therapist n.治疗


1.[A couple of days later] Haughom checked himself in [for a three-week stay at the Professional Renewal Center], {an in-patient clinic 30 miles outside Kansas City (that helps him deal with stress)}.

【分析】复合句。主句是Haughom checked himself in for... at...;逗号后是同位语,解释说明the professional Renewal Center;其中that 引导定语从句,修饰an in-patient clinic。


2. Lack of control is generally considered one of the biggest job stressors, [so it used to be thought that middle managers carried the brunt: Sandwiched between the top and the bottom, they end up with little authority].

【分析】复合句。主句是Lack of control is... stressors;其后so引导结果状语从句,从句中,冒号前后的小分句,语法上是并列关系,语义上,第二个分句补充说明第一个分句;第一个小分句因主语太长,故用形式主语it 代替真正的主语that middle managers carried the brunt;第二个小分句的主句为they end up with ..., Sandwiched...是过去分词短语作原因状语。



Text 4


1.shoot n.嫩芽,幼苗,新枝vt.射击

2.legitimate a.合法的;合理的vt.使合法

3.conscientious a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的;小心谨慎的

4.despise vt.鄙视,看不起

5.nag v.不断地唠叨,恼人

6.revel v.陶醉

7.villain n.坏人

8.Physique n.体格,体型

9.vicious a.恶毒的,凶残的;剧烈的,严重的

10.omniscient n.无所不知者,[宗]上帝a.无所不知的

11.imperturbable a.沉着的,冷静的

12.elucidation n.说明,阐明


1.[With its common interest in law-breaking but its immense range of subject matter and widely-varying methods of treatment], the crime novel could make a legitimate claim {to be regarded as a separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, of shoot of the traditional novel}.

【分析】简单句。本句的主干结构为:... the crime novel could make a ... claim ...;With its common interest...treatment 是介词短语作状语;or 连接两个as介词短语;even though a

slightly disreputable 是插入语。


2. The (elaborate, carefully assembled)plot, (despised by the modern intellectual critics and creators of significant novels), has found refuge [in the murder mystery], [with its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with appropriate solutions and explanations at the end].

【分析】简单句。本句的主干结构为The ... plot ... has found refuge ...;despised by ...为过去分词作后置定语修饰plot;its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with... at the end是介词with引导的并列结构。


3.[Perhaps] we miss[in the thriller] the security (of being safely led by our imperturbable investigator past a score of red herrings and blind avenues to final gathering of suspects) [when an unchallengeable elucidation of all(that has bewildered us)is given and justice and goodness prevail].

【分析】复合句。主句的主干是:we miss...the security of...,其中of短语作security的定语。when引导状语从句,其中and连接了两个并列分句,第一个分句中又含有that引导的定语从句。



Part B


1.ascribe v.把…归因于

2.susceptible a. (to)易受影响的;(to)过敏的

3.controversy n.争论,辩论

4.cholesterol n.胆固醇

5.saturated a.饱和的;渗透的

6.pin down vt.使明确说明;确定,证实

7.hydrogenate v.使与氢化合,使氢化

8.contaminant n. 污染,污染物


1. Sir Robert McCarthy carried out a series of comparisons (on populations) [in different parts of India] and found(marked )contrasts (in average life span), (which he ascribed to different diets).

【分析】复合句。由and连接的动词found与carried out构成句子的并列谓语;which引导非限制性定语从句,指代and found…life span。


2. [To date], advice(about this) has concentrated on reducing consumption (of fatty meat and dairy products), [with substitution of more vegetables, margarine (made with polyunsaturated fats), and so on.]

【分析】简单句。句子主干为advice has concentrated on reducing consumption;with…作状语,more vegetables和margarine作介词of的宾语;made…为过去分词短语作定语,修饰margarine。



Part C


1.inhospitable a.不适合居住的;冷淡的

2.ozone layer 臭氧层

3.lethal a.致命的

4. permafrost n.冰冻层

5.wisp n.小缕,小束

6.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

7.thaw v.融化

8.aeronautics n.航空学;航空术


2016考研英语阅读八大题型解题技巧 1. 例证题: ①例证题的标记。当题干中出现example, case, illustrate, illustration, exemplify 时。 ②返回原文,找出该例证所在的位置,既给该例子定位。 ③搜索该例证周围的区域,90%向上,10%向下,找出该例证支持的观点。例子周围具有概括抽象性 的表达通常就是它的论点。 注意:举例的目的是为了支持论点或是为了说明主题句。举例后马上问这个例子说明了什么问题?不能用例子中的话来回答这个问题。 ④找出该论点,并与四个选项比较,得出选项中与该论点最一致的答案。 ⑤例证题错误答案设计的干扰特征经常是:就事论事。 ? 即用例子中的某一内容拉出来让你去选。(╳) 要求:在阅读中,遇到长的例子,立即给这个例子定位,即找出起始点,从哪开始到哪结束。 2. 指代题: ①返回原文,找出出题的指代词。 ②向上搜索,找最近的名词、名词性短语或句子(先从最近点开始找,找不到再找次近的,一般答案不会离得太远)。 ③将找到的词、词组或句子的意思代入替换该指代词,看其意思是否通顺。 ④将找到的词、词组或句子与四个选项进行比较,找出最佳答案。 3. 词汇题:“搜索代入”法 ①返回原文,找出该词汇出现的地方。 ②确定该词汇的词性

③从上下文(词汇的前后几句)中找到与所给词汇具有相同词性的词(如一下子找不到就再往上往下找),代入所给词汇在文章中的位置(将之替换)看语义是否合适 ④找出选项中与代替词意思相同或相近的选相,即答案 注意:a.如果该词汇是简单词汇,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案。 b.考研阅读不是考察字认识不认识,而是考察是否能根据上下文作出正确的判断。 c.词汇题的正确答案经常蕴藏在原文该词汇出现的附近。注意不能靠单词词义直接往下推。 d.寻找时要注意同位语、特殊标点(比如分号,分号前后两句话的逻辑关系不是形式上的并列就是语义上的并列,也就是两句话的意思相同,所以可用其中一句话的意思来推测另一句话的意思从而推出所给词汇含义)、定语从句、前后缀,特别要注意寻找时的同性原则。比如:让猜一个名词词组(动词词组)的意思,我们就向上向下搜索名词词组(动词词组)。 ▲隐蔽型词汇题:题干与原文的某句完全重合,只有一两个词被替换掉。隐蔽型词汇题的做法跟词汇题的做法几乎一样,往上往下找。 4. 句子理解题: ①返回原文找到原句。 ②对原句进行语法和词义的精确分析(找主干),应该重点抓原句的字面含义。若该句的字面含义不能确定,则依据上下文进行判断。注意:局部含义是由整体决定的。 ③一般来说,选项中的正确答案与原句意思完全相同,只不过用其他英语词汇换种表达而已。 ④句子理解题的错误选项干扰项特征:推得过远。做题时应把握住推的度。 思路:对句子微观分析? 不行就依据上下文? 选择时不要推得过远。 5. 推理题:“最近原则” ①标志:learn, infer, imply, inform ②看是否可以通过题干返回原文或依据选项返回原文。一般要围绕文中的一两个重点进行推理。推理题无论通过题干能不能定位,我们都要把它固化到文章的一两点上。


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及答案(三) Passage 11 Dream is a story that a personwatchesor even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They


1.主旨题 (考察理解文中具体信息和概念性的含义的能力) ?识别:题干中出现:subject,summary,topic,title等表达方式的为主题句?实质:对论点和论题提问 ?解题方法: 寻找主题句,主题句通常出现在文章首段首句,或出现在文章开头的转折处或文章开头结束处 主题句特征:主体句通常是一个概括总结性的结论或者判断 寻找主题词:主题句首段末段或全文中多次出现 解题原则:正确选项不能描述太细节,不能包含无依据的信息,应该包含主题词或同义替换词 优先考虑议论文的标题 2.例子证明题(主要考察区分论点和论据的能力) ?识别:题干中出现example,case,illustrate等词 ?解题思路:例子为观点和结论服务,寻找到例子对应观点和结论,通常往上或往下寻找 ?错误选项特征:就事论事,自我总结 ? 3.推理题 ?识别:题干中出现infer,learn,conclude等词 ?分类 a.细节性的推理题(题干中包含具体的定位信息) 理解文中具体信息和概念性的含义的能力 b.段落性的推理题(题干中包含具体段落) 理解文中单句之间,段落之间关系的能力,进行有关的判断,推断和引申的能力 c.全文性的推理题(题干中包含主体词或无定位信息) 理解文章总体结构的能力 ?常考出题点:段落首末段,主题句,观点句,转折处,强调或递进关系的地方

?实质和解题原则:考研推理题本质上还是一种同义改写,推理通常为正反推理和归纳总结 解题原则重在推理原文依据,特别关注转折,选择答案方面,主体大于细节,观点大于论据(意思就是选择原文中对应的总结性句子,而不是论据) 4.细节题:题干中不包含提起题型特征的题为细节题 (考察理解稳重的具体信息和概念性的能力,理解文章的总体解雇以及单句之间,段落之间的关系能力) ?事实识别:问题中出现文章相关的具体信息,可以用相对明显的本文词汇定位 ?因果关系:问题中除了有相对具体的定位信息词外,还有表示因果关系的词汇,要重点把握 ?观点识别:与观点结论有关,通常有suggest,found等引导的宾语从句 ?which题型:问题中没有具体的定位词只出现which提问 解题思路: a.识别题型 b.定位:寻找题干定位词(具体的定位词,因果词,观点词,比较词,原文词汇的替换词)与包含定位词的句子 c.读取: ?分析线索句主干与其他各项的对比(表达方式不同,意思最为接近的为正确选项) ?必要时需要分析线索句的上一句和下一句(支持句) ?当线索句为段落首末段时,支持句为段落的其他句子 d.注意事项:顺序原则(出题顺序和行文顺序基本一致)段落原则(一个段落通常只出现一个细节题,细节题通常不跨段(除非段落间存在指代或明显的逻辑关系) 5.词汇题 (考察上下文推测词义的能力) a.识别:要求对题干中的某个单词,词组或句子的含义进行推测 b.实质:通过上下文确定单词含义 c.解题流程: ?返回原文确定题干位置 ?根据上下文推测含义 ?代入原文,确定答案




阅读40分高分研究(较长但务必认真读完收获一定良多以后做到阅读就不怕) 本人花万元报名参加北京一内部考研辅导班,该辅导班考前会发布押题,押题命中率百分之90左右,去年该培训班考生全部高分过线。如果需要发布的押题可以联系我QQ673351717免费索取来者不拒一一发布希望大家都能顺利高分通过研考 考研与高考、各类出国考试(TOEFL、GRE、GMA T等)被认为是改变中国学生人生命运的三大考试。英语一直是筛选学生人选硕士研究生的最权威尺度,考研外语录取最低分数线(50~60分)的通过率被严格地控制在15~18%,一个的命运与其外语能力,在这里更确切地说是与考研英语能力(注意,有人的外语水平不低,但考研英语成绩却不理想)息息相关。阅读理解与考研英语 长期以来考研英语阅读理解部分的教与学总是处于一种尴尬状态之中。 一方面,人人知道它的重要性:阅读理解占研究生入学考试英语总分的50%,每道阅读题分值为2分,往往因一念之差,选错一题,就会痛失2分,需要提醒大家注意的是,有的时候半分就能决定成败。 站在更深的层次,考研英语虽然从形式上分为词汇、语法、改错、完形填空、阅读理解、翻译和作文等几部分,但归根结底都是在变相地考阅读理解。所谓完形填空无非是把阅读理解的文章去掉若干个词,要求您在阅读理解的基础上补缺;翻译就是把阅读理解文章选出几句话来,同样需要您在阅读理解的前提下,用通顺甚至是华丽的汉语表达一下而已;词汇和语法都要求在对题干句阅读理解的基础上,再结合词汇及语法的具体特点才能作出最佳选择,而我们许多同学做词汇、语法题目时,非常重视词汇和语法的自身特点,却忽视了对于题干句语义的理解,这是非常简单而又常见的错误,当然也是这类题目准确率不高的一个主要原因;阅读理解不过关,作文也受到直接影响。阅读是别人写的文章让您读,而作文是自己写文章让别人看,别人写的文章您看不懂,头脑里没有素材、没有模型,自己笔下何来好文章。对于广大考生而言,阅读理解部分完成的好坏关系研究生入学考试的成败,阅读理解过关等于研究生入学考试轻松了一大半。 但另一方面,考生大量背诵篇章,拼命作题,外加分析、总结,经过长期不懈的努力后,结果收效甚微。通常情况下,有很多考生阅读理解分数可以达到20至25分,但超过35分的同学却廖廖无几。 新与旧 我认为一本书的新旧不在于其形式、不在于是否在其封面上打上2000年版或3000年版的标志,而在于其内容,在于其思想是否领先于那个时代,一个伟大思想辉煌时代的到来往往是在这个思想的创造者死后的半个或一个世纪——这就是人类的历史! 本书力排对着答案讲题、将阅读当成翻译来讲解的传统弊端,从分析应试高手心得出发,精研历年考研阅读理解试题,深入体会和理解真题的题型与思路;充分考虑到中国学生的实际水平和常见错误,针对各类题型为考生提供一套实用操作性很强的技巧和方法,提高考生临场实战能力,为未来的考试做好准备,这是同类书籍中的独家做法!同时也避免了考研讲解传统上的事后明白——“马后炮”的缺陷。要知道看了答案,再查词典,人人都会讲考研。 考生难点分析 根据考生水平的水同,一般存在如下三种问题: *部分考生读不懂文章,对于复杂句尤其是长句、多义词及难词理解有误。这些考生的英语阅读的基本功还有待提高。


2020年考研英语阅读模拟试题及答案(2) The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for more than two centuries. How such large creatures, which weighed in some cases as much as a piloted hang-glider and had wingspans from 8 to 12 meters, solved the problems of powered flight, and exactly what these creatures were — reptiles or birds — are among the questions scientists have puzzled over. Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy of their wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane. The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharpclaws. In birds the second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs walked on all fours, the three short fingers may have been employed for grasping. When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward in an extended inverted V shape along each side of the animal’s body. The pterosaurs resembled both birds and bats in their overall structure and proportions. This is not surprising because the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaurs and the birds have hollow bones, a feature that represents a savings in weight. In the birds, however, these bones are reinforced more massively by internal struts.


2018考研英语一阅读:态度题解题技巧【解题方法】作者态度分类法 1. 在判断感情色彩时,应结合以下两点。 1)作者态度可以分为三大类:a. 正向态度:支持,乐观,赞同; b. 客观、中立、公正;c. 负向态度:反对、批评、怀疑 2)特别注意作者的态度一般与文章中心相联系。不要把自己的态度纳入其中,而且要注意区分作者的态度和作者引用别人的态度。 2. 匹配选项。匹配选项时应该注意: 1)有些选项一定不是正确答案(永陪选项):indifferent(漠不关心);subjective(主观的);biased(有偏见的);puzzled(迷惑不解的)。 2)一般带有绝对化或者过于强烈的语气的选项必然是错误的,如:strongly;completely;entirely。 3. 态度题的新趋势: 1)现在题目的考察不仅仅局限于作者的态度,也开始考察文章中某人的观点和态度,做题时特别应该注意看清楚题目考察的是谁对谁的态度。 2)选项可能不在是态度明确的肯定或者否定的词,而是改为带有程度限制的词语,带有如下词语的选项往往是正确的:guarded慎重的,qualified有条件的,tempered缓和的,因为带有保留态度的观点比较客观,一般带有绝对化或者过于强烈的语气的选项必然是错误的,如:strongly completely entirely 【解题步骤】 1.判断选项ABCD的态度正负向,将四个选项进行分类(正向,负向) 2.根据关键词,回文定位判断态度。 【例题】2015年Text 2 They should start by discarding California's lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone - a vast storehouse of digital information - is similar to, say, rifling through a suspect's purse. The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment when they sift through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant. 27. The author's attitude toward California's argument is one of [A] disapproval. [B] indifference. [C] tolerance. [D] cautiousness. 【解题步骤应用】 1 判断选项态度的正负向 [A] disapproval反对的(负) [B] indifference漠不关心的(中立) [C] tolerance包容(正) [D] cautiousness谨慎的(正) 2 回文判断态度 They should start by discarding California's lame argument 因此,根据文章的discarding,可以确定是表示负向否定态度,因此答案选A。 其实看看凯程考研怎么样,最简单的一个办法,看看他们有没有成功的学生,最直观的


考研阅读技巧 一、考研阅读的整体解题思路与步骤 时间分配:每篇16分钟最佳,最多可延长至20分钟左右。 第一步:快速划出段落序号以及各段首句0.5分钟 第二步:阅读首段,了解文章主题(Theme)1-2分钟 宏观把握,随机应变,根据第一段内容,才能更好的给定位打下基础。 第三步:扫描题干,尽量找出题干能够提供的信息(Key Words)1分钟 定位词的优先考虑顺序: 1、首先标出明确告诉位置的题目所在(某段某行) 2、专有名词优先,包括人名、地名、书名以及带引号的词等 3、数字、时间、时段(包括某些介词短语) 4、较长、较复杂的词组(名词动词词组优先) 5、重要的动词、形容词或副词等实词 6、条件词、因果词、比较词等虚词(往往起到辅助作用) 第四步:变速浏览原文,抓住中心7-8分钟 注意把握三个阅读原则: 原则一:首段原则(文章的第一段逐字读明白,可以反复和回读) 原则二:首末句原则(其余各段的首尾句要细读,其他各句正常阅读即可) 原则三:“路标”原则。所谓路标词,就是表示作者思想衔接和转折的功能词汇。 1、中心词 2、转折词 3、态度词 4、例证词 5、列举词 (具体请见第四部分)

第五步:仔细审题,定位原文3-5分钟 原则一:关键词定位原则 原则二:自然段定位原则 原则三:长难句定位原则 注意一:关键词在原文可能是原词本身,也可能是关键词的同义词。 注意二:问原因的问题,一般问主要原因(major reason) 注意三:“邪恶的眼睛”(in the eyes of),注意问的是谁的观点和态度。 第六步:重叠选项,斟酌答案。3-5分钟 原则:不能仅凭借印象做题,考研阅读的干扰项干扰性巨大,除了理解原文,分辨正确和错误的选项也是一种重要的基本功。一般对原文进行同义替换的是答案: 同义替换的手段有:a)关键词替换b)句型替换c)正话反说d)语言简化(总之,换汤不换药!) 原则一:选最佳答案而不是正确答案(四个选项都要认真看,不能偏心)。 原则二:不放过任何一个选项,仔细读每个选项,鉴于强干扰性,要求必须记住:选一个选项应有选的理由,不选一个选项也应有不选的理由。 原则三:每个选项都当成生命中最重要的句子,其中每个单词哪怕是时态、冠词都有可能引起错误。 二、考研阅读的猜题技巧及救命法则 1、“体现中心思想的选项往往是答案” 考研文章中所有的细节、例子、引语都是为了说明文章主旨、段落主旨,所以考细节的题目,虽然不是主旨题,但能体现中心思想的选项是答案的可能性要远远大于其他选项。 2、“不看文章时,看似极其合理的选项不是答案;看似不太合理的选项往往是答案”


备考研究生的同学都知道,考研英语阅读理解在试卷中所占的分值比重是最大的,是需要花时间和精力重点突破的一个专项。其从题型分类的角度,涉及到细节题,主旨大意题,推断题,词(句)义判断题,例证题,态度题。每种题型都有相应的解题方法,比如细节题,需要通过题干中的关键词回到文章中定位,重点理解定位信息句,通过比对选项把错误选项排除掉。主旨大意题需要把握文章的首尾段以及高频出现的词,还需要重点关注一些表示观点的词,比如 ,argue, deem, consider, assume等后面的信息,综合把握文章的核心。例证题需要找到例子所在的出处,在例子周围寻找观点性的内容。 在了解了每一种题型的解题方法后,各位考生就需要有针对性地进行练习强化。鉴于此,老师将考研英语历年真题阅读理解按题型分类汇总如下: (一)细节题: 具体信息: 2003年 41题,45题,47题,49题,51题,55题 2004年 42题,54题,56题,58题,59题 2005年 27题,29题,33题,35题,36题,39题 2006年 22题,28题,29题, 2007年 26题,31题,32题,37题,39题 2008年 22题,29题,32题,33题 2009年 26题,27题,29题,32题,33题,35题,38题; 2010年 21题,26题,35题,37题,39题 2011年 26题,27题,31题,32题,33题,39题, (二)主旨题: 2002年 45题; 2004年 55题; 2007年 25题; 2008年 25题;26题;30题;35题 2009年 30题; 2010年 25题;30题 2011年 30题;35题 (三)推理题 1. 段落推理 2003年 53题; 2004年 48题; 2005年25题; 2006年39题; 2. 细节推理 2003年50题;56题 2004年57题; 2006年32题; 2007年27题; 2008年34题;38题 3. 全文推理 2009年 40题 (四)词(句)义题: 2003年 43题;54题 2004年 43题;50题,52题;53题 2005年 28题;37题 2006年 33题;21题 2007年 22题 2008年 24题; 2009年 23题; 2010年 28题;31题 (五)推理题: 2003年 44题;50题;53题 2004年 47题;57题; 2005年 25题


考研英语模拟试题:阅读理解 Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-or even an animal, such as a pigeon-can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others. Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. if you were asked to describe what anice facelooked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe anice person,you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm,and so forth. There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon all ports, an American psychologist, found nearly 18 000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types-people are described with such terms. People have always tried totypeeach other. Actors in early Greek


一.情感态度题的词语选项一般可以分为以下几种: 1.褒义词 impartial,(公正的), rewarding(有回报的), appreciative (欣赏的),positive (肯定的, 积极的), optimistic (乐观的), useful (有用的, 有益的), admiring (赞赏的, 钦佩的), interesting (有趣的), instructive (有益的, 教育性的), enthusiastic (热心的, 热情的), supportive (支持的), support(支持), approval (赞成, 承认), approving (满意的), confident (自信的, 确信的), impressed (留下印象的), reverent (尊敬的), polite (有礼貌的, 文雅的)。 2.贬义词 Apprehensive(担忧的), hostile (敌对的), dubious(怀疑的),intolerant (不能容忍的), negative (否定的, 消极的), pessimistic (悲观的, 厌世的), subjective (主观的, 个人的), disappointed (失望的), frustrated (失败的, 落空的), critical (批评的), questioning (质疑的), doubtful (可疑的, 不确的), compromising (妥协的), dissatisfied (不满意的, 不高兴的), biased (有偏见的), satirical (讽刺的), puzzling (迷惑的), suspicious (怀疑的), gloomy (令人沮丧的), scared (恐惧的), cynical (愤世嫉俗的), oppose (反对), opposition (反对), disgust (令人反感), disgusting (令人厌恶的), worried (闷闷不乐的), depressed (沮丧的), contemptuous (轻蔑的, 侮辱的), arbitrary/opinionated (武断的) 。 3.中性词 analytical (分析的),apathetic (缺乏兴趣的),concerned (关心的), cautious (谨慎的, 小心的), neutral (中性的),objective (客观的), impartial (公平的, 不偏不倚的), indifferent (无关紧要的), impassive (冷漠的), detached (超然的,不偏不倚的), unconcerned (不关心的), uninterested (不感兴趣的), , humorous (滑稽的, 诙谐的), , disinterested (无私的), sensitive (敏感的), factual (事实的, 实际的), informative (提供资讯的), persuasive (说服的), personal (个人的,), formal (正式的), informal (非正式的), casual (偶然的), 二.情感态度题常见出题位置 1.直接表达作者或者其他人态度的句子。 2.一些感情色彩较浓的词语,尤其是形容词、动词和副词等。 3.首段和末段。 4.出现转折的地方,如nevertheless, however, but, yet等。 5.文章中一些情态动词后面的内容,这些情态动词有should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t等。


考研论坛发现的文都徐绽阅读讲座阅读技巧笔记(转载总结) 这是文都徐绽阅读讲座上阅读技巧笔记,最全最完整。会对你考研阅读以较大突破! 包括:考研阅读三步走,十大解题思路,五大微观阅读技巧,八大宏观阅读技巧,五层阅读的方法,十大错误答案所具备的特征,正确选项的特征,正确答案应用的原则,Scanning读法注意事项 考研阅读三步走: 1.通读文章。运用首段原则和首末句原则,难句一定要读懂。 2.思考问题:a。文章的中心主题是什么。b。文章的核心概念是什么(一般是反复出现的一个核心词)。C。作者的态度是什么(是谁对谁的态度)。 3.仔细审题(先审题干,题干中没有信息点,再审选项),定位(两种方法:1,关键词定位。2,自然段定位原则。)返回原文。 4.重叠选项,认真选择,得出答案。 结论性的句子需要慢读,引用说明的句子需要快读。 引用的作用有两点:1。支持自己的观点。2.批评别人论据的论点。 十大解题思路: 1.细节实事题 标志:文章提到具体的时间,地点,人物,问它们具体的关系。五个w,一个h。 做题的关键:返回原文(题干返回原文:1,根据关键词返回原文2.自然段返回原文;选项返回原文:1,重点词,同义词返回原文2.根据长难句返回原文) 迷惑选项的设置方式:1偷换概念(比如说蒙古人喝牛奶,而选项却说蒙古人喝豆浆)2.正反混淆(肯定说成否定,反之亦然)3,因果倒置4常识判断(符合常识的不一定对,但不符合常事的一定不对)5扩大范围(破车不是车,破车是破车) 2.例证题 包括 1)典型型 标志:illustration demonstration case example 做题关键:准确找到例子所支持的观点,而不在于能看懂例子本身 做题步骤:返回原文,找到例子出处。然后,从例子出发,80%向上搜索,20%向下,找到该例子支持的观点,在四个选项中寻找与表达的观点最一致,意思最接近的一个。 干扰选项的特征: A就事论事。把例子中某一部分内容概括一下放到选项中。(特殊例证题,从文章的一个观点出发,来考文章之外的内容,做题关键:要把握观点) B混淆论点论据。 C列举无关常识。 2)隐蔽型 3,词汇题 标志:在题目中明确指出原文中某处的单词或词组,要求辨别出意思 如果该单词认识,则其字面意思必然不是答案,该单词本身并不重要,重点在上下文,其正确答案是根据上下问推测的一个更加深刻的含义,如果带单词并不认识,正确答案经常存在于该词汇出现的句子的附近。有两种方法可以对正确答案推理:1,把选项带入原文替换法2,在上下文中寻找同词性的词或词组,利用逻辑关系判断,一定要根据最近原则 4句子理解题 标志:在题干中明确指出原文中的一句话,要求理解其意思。 做题关键:返回原文,定位。对原句进行语法和词义的字面含义,若字面含义不能确定,则根据上下文进行逻辑判断,特别注意局部信息是为整体信息服务的(它与词汇提不同,他考得就是它本身的语法和句法的理解,靠的就是本身的含义)一般来说选项中的正确答案与原文中的意思完全相同,只不过使用其他词汇表达。 干扰选项的特征:推得过远,当一句能引起歧义的时候绝对不是正确答案。 5指代题 常考词:that,it,they 解题思路:返回原文,找出出题的指代词。向上搜索,找最近的名词或名词性短语,或句


考研英语阅读题型一——细节题 1. 标志:针对6w1h提问 2. 作题的关键在于返回原文,不要凭印象作题,返回原文要有定位意识。 3. 细节题迷惑选项的常用手段:偷换概念、扩大范围、正反混淆、颠倒因果、常识判断(列举和文章无关的常识,尽管常识是对的,但文章中未提,也是错的) 考研英语阅读题型二——例证题 1. 标志:case,example,illustrate,demonstrate,exemplify 2. 解题的关键不在于是否看懂例子,而在于例子所支持的论点。 3. 具体做题方法:返回原文,定位该例子,然后80%向上20%向下搜索该例子所支持的论点。然后在四个选项中找到与观点意思最接近的一个作为答案。。 4. 错误选项的设计方法:(1)就事论事,仍说该例。(2)混淆论点论据,还给论据。(3)列举无关常识。 考研英语阅读题型三——词汇题 1. 标志:在题干中明确指出原文的单词或词组,要求辨其意。 2. 关键:该单词认识与否并不重要,重要的是该单词的上下文。若该单词是比较简单纲内词汇,则我们所熟悉的意思必不是答案。 3. 做题方法:在文章中寻找同义词词组;代入替换法。 考研英语阅读题型四——指代题 1. 标志:在题干中明确指出原文中某个代词,要求辨别其指代关系,即it,that,one 2. 步骤:(1)首先返回原文定位此指代词,90%向上,10%向下,搜索其指代的词、词组或句子。(2)在四个选项中找出一个同意表达作为答案。 考研英语阅读题型五——句子理解题 1. 标志:在题干中明确指出原文中的某句话,要求理解其意思。 2. 关键:返回原文,对出题句进行语法、句法、词法的分析,精确了解其含义。


2020年考研英语阅读模拟试题:理学类(5) The once radical notion that birds descended from dinosaurs——or may even be dinosaurs, the only living branch of the family that ruled the earth eons ago——has got stronger and stronger since paleontologists first started taking it seriously a couple of decades ago. Remarkable similarities in bone structure between dinos and birds were the first clue. Then came evidence, thanks to a series of astonishing discoveries in China's Liaoning province over the past five years, that some dinosaurs may have borne feathers. But a few scientists still argued that the link was weak; the bone similarities could be a coincidence, they said. And maybe those primitive structures visible in some fossils were feathers——but maybe not. You had to use your imagination to see them. Not anymore. A spectacularly preserved fossil of a juvenile dinosaur, announced by a team of paleontologists from the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and New York City's American Museum of Natural History in the latest issue of Nature, is about as good a missing link as anyone could want. “It has things that are undeniably feathers,” exults Richard Prum, of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum,an expert on the evolution of feathers. “But it is clearly a small, vicious theropod similar to the velociraptors that chased the kids around the kitchen in Jurassic Park.” The find helps cement the dinosaur-bird connection, but it also casts new light on the mystery of why nature invented feathers in the first place. For the better part of a century,


考研英语阅读态度题答题技巧 考研英语阅读态度题答题技巧 整个阅读部分的考题中,态度题年年考,年年出。虽说这种题的题量不会很大,平均下来每年一道题左右,但如果考生希望拿到理 想的阅读分数,这道态度题几乎是必须做对的。在此给大家几点做 态度题的建议。 第一、问作者对某事物的态度时中,表示客观的词多为正确选项,如objective,impartial,unbiased等。 第二、既然写了文章,那么作者的态度就不会是漠不关心,因此当问及作者对文中主题词的态度时,见到 indifferent,uninterested,carefree,detached这类词基本可以排除。 第三、表示偏见的词一般不选,如 subjective,prejudiced,biased,partial等。 第四、表示困惑、迷茫不知所措的词不选,如 confused,perplexed,puzzled,ambigus等。 第五、感情色彩深、程度深的词不选,如 enthusiastic,strong,completely,radical等;反之,程度较浅的 词则可入选,如preserved,qualified,tempered,guarded等。 第六、某一事物是好还是坏,作者对它是支持还是反对,只要作者写的是真正的议论文,态度一般都会比较明确,而带中立色彩的 词相对来讲不容易成为正确答案,如neutral等。 第七、注意不要把我们自己的好恶态度糅进其中,不要用带有主观倾向的视角评判作者态度。

第八、作者引用别人的观点时,我们勿必分辨清楚作者引用的观点是作为支持还是反对的'例证,要注意区分作者本人的态度和作者引用的观点的态度。 第九、在做阅读题时,每位考生应该清醒地认识到我们是读者,一旦要读者对作者进行评论时,必须小心谨慎,如履薄冰,尽量不要用贬义词去表述作者态度,否则就是对作者的不敬,后果想必会比较严重。 总之,只要掌握以上原则,我们在处理态度题时会比较得法,而且正确率也会提高。此外,大家做题之前,应先熟悉在考题中常常出现的表示态度的词汇。 (一)积极意义的词汇 positive肯定的,积极的favorable赞成的,有利的consent 赞成,同意 supportive支持的,支援的defensive辩护的,保卫的optimistic乐观的 confident自信的,确信的respectful尊敬的approval赞成,承认 sympathetic赞成,支持 (二)客观意义的词汇 objective客观的impartial公平的,不偏不倚的disinterested无私的 unbiased没有偏见的unprejudiced公平的,无偏见的 (三)消极意义的词汇 negative否定的,消极的critical批评的worried焦虑的,担心的pessimistic悲观的 apprehensive忧虑的opposed反对的suspicious怀疑的


考研英语阅读理解:56点解题技巧 阅读理解解题技巧,仅供参考。要想考出理想的成绩,还是要脚踏实地,一步一步扎扎实实的钻研。 1、原句重复出现,200%错。正确的都是有改动的,即同意替换。 2、文章是按顺序出题的。你要觉得不是,就是你做错了。 3、选项中意思完全相反的2个选项,其中之一是对的(要有这个意识)。 4、就一般而言,some people,表作者不认同的观点。few people,表作者的观点。 5、用文章里举例的句子来作为选项,直接排除。200%错。(要有能辨别这个选项是不是文章中例子的能力)。 6、某某人说的话,或者是带引号的,一定要高度重视。尤其是在段落的后半部分。很有可能就是某个问题的同意替换。即题眼。 7、有的时候,一句话可以设2个问题。不过这种情况很少出现了,非常少。 8、文章基本以5段为主(也有6段、7段的),要把握每段之间的关系。一般来说,一段一个题,只是一般来说喔。 9、一篇文章总会有5、6+个长难句,且总会在这里设问题。所以,长难句必须要拿下! 10、每段的第一句很重要。尤其总分结构的段。有的时候第一句话就是题眼。考研英语,总分结构或者总分总的段落很多。 11、若文章首段以why为开头的,这里若设题的话,选项里有because的,往往就是正确选项。不过这种类型的题,很少见了。 12、有时候每段的第一句话,仅仅是一个表述。而在第2或3句以后,会出现对比或者转折。一般来说,转折后面的是作者的态度。你要注意的是,作者对什么进行了转折。那个关键词你要找出来。 13、在应该出现答案的地方,没有答案,接着往下读。答案可能会在下一段的开头部分。因为文章都是接着说的。要有连贯性。这和7选5的技巧有些相似。不过这种情况并不多见。 14、一个长句看不懂,接着往下看,下一句可能是这个长句的解释说明。是的话,这种地方可能会出题。出的话,答案就在这附近。而实际情况是,文章在谈论某个问题或提出某个观点时,有时会再做进一步的解释说明。这种情况下,这里往往会设问题。不过这种情况很少见。 15、有些句子仅仅是解释补充,或者是起过渡作用的。这样句子的特点是,句子比较短。注意,答案一般不会在这儿出现。选项中出现,肯定是干扰项。你要知道的是,同意替换的句子,大都是长难句。一些作为过渡的句子,不可能是答案。在你读不懂的情况下,要有这个判断力。 16、正确选项都是原文中的个别几个词的同义替换。阅读理解历年的所有真题,都是同意替换!!就看你能不能找得到。考研英语,考的就是这个!那个关键词,就看你找没找得到,不管是什么类型的题。 17、每一个问题,在原文中,都要有一个定位。然后精读,找出那个中心句或者关键词。要抓文章的中心主旨和各段落的大意,阅读理解考的就是这个“中心句”。 18、选项中的几个单词,是该段中不同句子里的单词拼凑的,有时看上去很舒服,注意,干扰项。还有从不同的段落里的词拼凑到一起的,直接排除。总之,选项的单词是拼凑的,肯定错。 19、一定要注意文章中句子的宾语部分,尤其是长难句中主干的宾语。上面说了,考研英语大都是长难句里设题。你要知道的是,长难句里,最可能是出题的就是句子的主干部分!
