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Economic glossary
Economic glossary


Accelerated cost recovery system(ACRS) 加速成本回收法ADS(alternative depreciation system) 替换折旧法

Accountant’s analysis contrasted with economist’s 会计人员的分析与经济学家分析的差异

After-tax cash flow: 税后现金流量

using double-declining-balance



using modified accelerated cost recovery


使用修正后的加速成本回收法using straight-line depreciation 使用直线折旧法

using sum-of-the-years’-digits



Algeria ,price changes 阿尔及利亚,价格变化Alternative depreciation syetem 替换折旧法

Alternatives : 备选方案

common unit of measurement 相同的计量单位

in decision analysis 在决策分析中

differential consequences 差别分析

independent alternatives 独立方案

ordering of 排序

Amortization ,see depreciation 分派,参见折旧

Annual-cost analysis 费用年值分析

Annual-cost formula 费用年值公式

Annual-cost method, see Annual-worth


费用年值法,参见年值法Annual-cost method 年值法

and incremental analysis 与增量分析

perpetual lived investments 与单独分析

Banks: 银行

use of continuous compounding 连续复利的利用

use of internal rate of return method 内部收益率法的使用Belarus ,price changes Belarus , 价格变化

Belarus/cost ratio method 收益/成本比法

cost-effectiveness 成本-效果分析

equal initial investments 相等的初始投资

formulas 公式

and incremental analysis 与增量分析

and individual analysis 与单独分析

relation to present-worth method 与现值分析法

rule of delta 增量(△)法则

service lives 服务寿命(服役寿命)

zeros in the ratio 零比值

Benefit minus cost method 收益费用差法Bergman, Dietrich R 迪特里希.R.伯格曼Bergman’s rule 伯格曼规则

Bonds : 债券

rate of return 收益率

valuation 估价

Book value 账面价值

Brackets, income tax 税极,所得税Brainstorming 集思广益法

Brazil , price change 巴西,价格变化

Break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析Budgeting 预算

Business income 营业收益(企业收益)tax brackets 税级

Cable ,James k 詹姆斯.K.凯布尔Capital, definition of 资本,有关定义

Capital budgeting 资本预算

definition 定义

独立与互斥项目independent and mutually exclusive


independent projects 独立项目interdependent projects 互相依存的项目

Capital expenditures 资本支出

Capital gain 资本收益

Capital rationing 资本约束,参见资本预算Capital recovery factor 资金回收系数

tables 表

Capitalized cost 资本化成本

Cash flows: 现金流量

definition of 定义

and depreciation 现金流量与折旧

effect of viewpoint 着眼点的影响

and equivalence 现金流量与等值gradients 梯度

graphical conventions 图表规则

incremental 增量

multiple rates of return 多解的收益率

Certainty ,definition 确定性,定义Challenger assets 挑战者资产

Coefficient of variation 变差系数

Collateral 抵押品

Compound amount factor: 复利终值系数

series formula (等额)序列公式single—payment formula 一次支付公式

tables 表

Compound interests 复利

continuous 连续复利

definition of 定义

formulas 公式

tables 表Consequences:效果

common unit of measurement 共同的计量单位

in decision analysis 在决策分析中

end-of-period convention 期末惯例

Constant-dollar discount rate 不变美元折现率Consumer Price Index(CPI) 消费价格指数

放弃消费和投资测度Consumption forgone,and investment


Continuous compounding 连续复利计算Convention,end-of-period 惯例,期末Conventions,graphical 图表,规则

Cost-benefit ratio method 成本-收益比法


and benefit/cost ratio 与收益/成本比

of multiple alternatives 多方案的选择

cost of capital 资本成本Opportunity cost of capital 资本的机会成本Costs,periodic 费用,周期

Costs,sunk 成本,沉没

Costs,treatment as disbenefit 费用,当做负收益处理CPI 消费价格指数Criterion for decisions 决策准则

Criterion ,with/without 准则,有/无

Current-dollar discount rate 现时美金折现率

DDB 双倍余额递

Debt financing 赤字财政

Decision analysis 决策分析accountant’s approach 会计的处理方法alternatives 备选方案

common unit of measurement 共同的计量单位criteria 准则

depreciation 折旧

differential consequence 差别效应

inflation effect on 通货膨胀影响manager’s approach 经理的处理方法

procedure 程序

sunk cost 沉没成本

systems analysis 系统分析

viewpoint 着眼点

with/without criterion 有/无准则

Deductions, income tax 扣减,所得税

Defender assets 防御者资产

Deferred investments 延期投资

Deflation 通货紧缩

Density function 密度函数

Depreciation 折旧

accelerated cost recovery system(ACRS)加速成本回收法

after-tax cash flows 税后现金流量

double-declining-balance 双倍余额递减法

修正后的加速成本回收法modified accelerated cost recovery

system (MACRS)

straight-line 直线折旧

sum-of-the-years’-digits 年数总和法

Descartes’ rule of signs 笛卡尔的符号规则

Differential consequences 差别效应

Disbenefits 负收益

Discount rate 折现率

Opportunity cost of capital 资本的机会成本

Discounting 折现

Dividend 红利,股息

Double-declining-balance depreciation 双倍余额递减折旧

after-tax cash flows 税后现金流

Economic life 经济寿命

Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 1981年经济复苏税法Economics, welfare 经济学,福利

经济学家的分析与会计分析的对比Economist’s analysis contrasted with


Effective interest rate 实际利率

Efficiency of capital criteria 资金效率型指标

Equal initial investments 相等的初始投资

and benefit/cost ratio method 与收益/成本比法

and internal rate return method 与内部收益率法

Equal service lives 相等的服务寿命

Equity financing 售股融资

Equivalence 等值

Equivalent uniform annual cost method 等额不变的年费用法

EUAC method 等额不变的年费用法

Evaluation in decision analysis 在决策分析中的评价Expected value 期望值

External interest rate 外部利率

External rate of return 外部收益率

Externalities 外部效果

Financial cost of capital 资金的财务成本

Financing costs 融资成本

Fisher’s intersection 费希尔相交

Flood Control Act of June,22,1936, 1932年6月22日的防洪法Foreign countries 外国

income taxes 所得税

price changes 价格变化

Formulas 公式

annual cost 费用年值

benefit/cost ratio 收益/成本比

capital recovery factor 资金回收系数

compound amount factor, series 复利终值系数,等额序列compound amount factor, single


compound interest 复利

continuous compounding factors 连续复利计算系数

effective interest rate 实际利率

gradient cash flows 梯度现金流量

internal rate of return 内部收益率

nominal interest rate 名义利率

present –worth factor, single payment 现值系数,一次支付

present-worth factor, uniform series 现值系数,等额序列

present worth, increment analysis 现值,增量分析

simple interest 单利

sinking fund factor 偿债基金系数

Future worth 终值

General depreciation system(GDS) 普通折旧法

GNP(Gross National Product) 国民生产总值

Government agencies’ use of benefit/cost

政府机构收益/成本比法的应用ratio method

Gradient cash flows 梯度现金流

formulas 公式

Gross National Product(GNP) 国民生产总值

Haley,C.W. C.W.黑利

Hungary , price changes 匈牙利,价格变化

收益,参见营业收益;个人收益Income , see Business income; Personal


Income , tax 所得税

brackets 税级

deductions 扣减

and depreciation 所得税与折旧

in foreign countries 在外国

and loans 所得税与贷款

public sector viewpoint 公共部门着眼点Incommensurables 不可比的

Incremental analysis 增量分析

in annual-worth method 在年值法中

in benefit/cost ratio method 在收益/成本法中

in internal rate of return method 在内部收益率法中

of multiple alternatives 有关多方案选择

in present-worth method 在现值法中

Independent alternatives 独立方案

capital budgeting 资本预算

Indifference 无差异(指I*=机会成本——译者注)Individual analysis 单独分析

in annual-worth method 在年值法中

in present-worth method 在现值法中

Individual income tax 个人所得税

Inflation 通货膨胀

effect on loans 在贷款中的影响

mathematics 计算

and nominal and effective rates 通货膨胀与名义利率和实际利率variable rates 可变通通货膨胀率

Intangibles 无形因素

Interdependent alternatives 相互依存的方案

capital budgeting 资本预算

Interest 利息

compound 复利

income tax deductibility 所得税扣减

and principal separation 利息与本金分离

simple 单利

and time value of money 利息与资金的时间价值

Interest rate 利率

effective 实际利率

of loans 贷款利率

nominal 名义利率

use as decision variable 用做决策变量

Internal rate of return and loans 内部收益与贷款

Internal rate of return method 内部收益法

bonds’ rate of return 债券的收益率

computation 计算

Descartes’ rule of signs 笛卡儿符号规则

equal initial investments 相等的初始投资

formulas 公式

and incremental analysis 与增量分析

and individual analysis 与单独分析

multiple rates of return 多解的收益率

and reinvestment fallacy, 再投资的谬见

relation to present- worth method 与净现值的关系

Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署

Investment: 投资

decision analysis 决策分析

deferred 延期投资

definition of 有关定义

equal initial 相等的初始投资

independent 独立投资方案

interdependent 互相依存的投资方案

mutually exclusive 互斥方案

mutually independent 相互独立的方案

perpetual 永久投资

private sector 私人部门

public sector 公共部门

Investment tax credit 投资税收抵免

IROR method IROR法

Irreducibles 不能简化的

Japan, price changes 日本,价格变化

Kaldor criterion 卡尔塔准则

Korea, price changes 韩国,价格变化


Labor theory of value and investment


Life-cycle costs 寿命周期成本

Linear programming 线性规划

Lives 寿命

Technical life 技术寿命

Loans 贷款

collateral 抵押品

income tax effects 所得税影响

inflation effects 通货膨胀的影响

unequal terms 不等的期限

Lorie,J.H. J.H.罗里

Lusztig Peter 卢兹泰戈,彼得


Mao, James C.T. 詹姆斯.C.T.毛

Marginal analysis 边际分析

Marginal cost of capital 资本的边际成本

Marginal interest rate 边际利率

Marginal rate of time preference 时间偏好的边际利率

Marginal tax rate 边际税率

Market value 市场价值

MARR(Minimum attractive rate of



Marx,Karl 卡尔.马克思

Mexico, price change 墨西哥,价格变化

Mininum attractive rate of return(MARR)最低期望收益率

Modified accelerated cost recovery



货币,用以使方案的效果具有可比性Money, used to make consequences of

alternatives commensurable

Multiple alternatives 多方案的选择

cost-effectiveness 成本-效果分析

incremental analysis 增量分析

Multivariable sensitivity analysis 多变量敏感性分析

Mutually exclusive alternatives 相互排斥的方案

and internal rate of return method 与内部收益率法

loan proposals, 贷款提案

Mutually exclusive investments 相互排斥的投资

Mutually independent investments 相互独立的投资

Negative rates in inflation problems 在通货膨胀问题中的负利率

Net present value(NPV)method 净现值(NPV)法

Netting out 净现金流量计算

Nominal interest 名义利率

NPV(net present value)method NPV(净现值)法

Objectives in decision analysis 决策分析的目标

Office of management and Budget 行政管理和预算局

作为负收益的经营和维修费Operation and maintenance costs as


Opportunity cost 机会成本

and loans 机会成本与贷款

Opportunity cost of capital 资本的机会成本

and annual-worth method 与年值法

and capital budgeting 与资本预算

definition of 定义

and inflation 与通货膨胀

and internal rate of return method 与内部收益率法

and loans 与贷款

and present-worth method 与现值法

public sector 公共部门

and reinvestment fallacy 再投资的谬见

social 社会

Par value 票面价值

Pareto optimum 帕累托最优

Payback 回收期

作为决策变量的收益率Percentage rate of return as decision


Periodic costs 周期费用

Perpetual investments: 永久投资

in annual-worth method 再年值法中

in present-worth method 在现值法中

Personal cost of capital 个人的资本成本

Personal income 个人所得

PPI 生产价格指数

Present-worth factor: 现值系数

formulas, single payment 公式,一次支付

tables 表

uniform series 等额序列

Present-worth method 现值法

and equal service lives 与相等的服务期

and incremental analysis 与增量分析

and individual analysis 与单独分析

perpetual investments 永久投资

relation to benefit/cost ratio 与收益/成本比的关系relation to internal rate of return 与内部收益率法的关系Price indexes 物价指数

Prices, shadow , see Shadow prices 价格,影子,参见影子价格Principal: 本金:

and interest separation 本金与利息分离

of a loan 贷款的本金

Private sector 私人部门

financial cost of capital 资金的财务成本

income tax consequences of 所得税对投资的影响investment 投资

viewpoint 着眼点

Probability 概率

measurement 概率的测算

Producer Price Index (PPI) 生产价格指数Programming in capital budgeting 资本预算中的规划法Public sector 公共部门

and incommensurables 与不可比性

investment 投资

opportunity cost of capital 资本的机会成本

viewpoint 着眼点

Quirk, William. J. 威廉.J.奎克

Random variables 随机变量

Rate of return method, see Internal rate of

return method

收益率法,参见内部收益率法receivable account 应收账款,应收账款户

Reel property appraisal and present worth


不动产估价与现值法Reinvestment fallacy 再投资谬见

Replacement 更新

different replacement 用不同的资产更新

identical replacement 用相同的资产更新

Resale value, see Salvage value 转售价值,参见残值Residual value, see Salvage value 残余价值,参见残值Resources, time value of 资源,资源的时间价值

Risk 风险

and cost of capital 与资本成本

premium 风险溢酬

Rule of delta 增量(⊿)法则

Salvage value 残值

and annual-worth method 与年值法

and depreciation 与折旧

and present-worth method 与现值法

Savage, L. J. L.J. 萨维奇

Schall, L. D. L.D. 沙尔

Schwab, Bernhard 施瓦布,伯恩哈德deductions 折旧的扣减

Sectors, economic analysis and viewpoint see also Private sector; Public sector 部门,经济分析和着眼点,参见私人部门;公共部门

Sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析

Service lives 服役寿命(服务寿命)equal 相等的服务寿命unequal 不相等的服务寿命Shadow prices 影子价格

Significant figures 有效数字

Simple interest 单利

definition of 定义

formula 公式

Single payment 一次支付

compound amount factor 复利终值系数present-worth factor 现值系数

tables 表

Sinking fund factor 偿债基金系数

formulas 公式

tables 表

Social benefits and costs 社会效益和成本

and public sector investment 与公共部门投资

Social discount rate, see Social

社会折现率,参见资本的社会机会成本opportunity cost of capital

Social opportunity cost of capital 资本的社会机会成本

Spider plot 蛛网图

Standard deviation 标准差

Steiner, Henry M. 亨利. M.斯坦纳

Straight-line depreciation 直线折旧

after-tax cash flow 税后现金流

Suboptimization 次优化

Subsidies 补贴

Sum-of-the-years’-digits depreciation 年数总和折旧

after-tax cash flows 税后现金流

Sunk cost 沉没成本

definition of 定义

and depreciation 沉没成本与折旧

in internal rate of return method 在内部收益率法中

Sweden, price changes 瑞典,价格变化

Switzerland, price changes 瑞士,价格变化


SYD, see Sum-of-the-years’-digits


Systems analysis 系统分析

Tax, see Income tax 税收,参见所得税

tax credit 课税扣除

Technical life 技术寿命

Terborgh, George 特巴,乔治

Time horizon 时间边界

Transfer payments and viewpoint 转移支付和着眼点

Truth in Lending Law 贷款实情法

Unamortized cost , see Book value 待摊费用,见账面价值

Uncertainty 不确定性

Unequal service lives 不等的服务期

Unequal term loans 不等的贷款期限


Uniform annual worth, see Annual-worth


Useful life 使用寿命

Valuation 估价

Value, see also Book value; Expected 价值,参见账面价值;期望价值;市场

value; Market value 价值

Variance 方差

Viewpoint: 着眼点

and decision analysis 与决策分析

and sector analysis 与部门分析

Water Resources Council 水资源委员会

Weingartner, H. Martin H.马丁.维因加特纳

Welfare economics 福利经济学

Wholesale price Index, see Producer

批发物价指数,参见生产价格指数Price Index

Working capital 营运资本,营运资金

With/without criterion 有/无准则

Yugoslavia, price changes 南斯拉夫,价格变化

Zero-one integer programming “0-1”整数规划
