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Itrax XRF Core scanner 岩芯扫描仪 Multiscanner Drillcore

Itrax XRF Core scanner

Itrax Drillcore Scanner

Itrax Multiscanner

The Itrax Corescanner is an analytical instrument for scientific scanning of sediment cores, drill cores and other flat samples. It combines XRF, radiographic x-ray imaging, optical imaging and magnetic susceptibility measurement, to provide detailed geochemical information. Long samples can be scanned along their entire length up to 1.75 meters, applying any analytical spot size and step size from the centimeter scale down to 0.1 millimeter. At each step an analysis is performed, and these analyses together build up element profiles that show the content of a wide range of elements in each and every point along the sample, without missing any part. A high performance XRF analysis is performed at each step, as short as one second per point or longer, depending on the requirements. With a count rate as high as up to 300.000 counts per second, no more than one to ten seconds per point is usually needed for a good analysis of all detected elements. A line of X-ray transmission image information can also be recorded at each step, and put together these lines form a radiographic image of the sample that displays the variation of chemical and density features, providing useful, complementary information to the XRF. Optical image information is recorded with a high quality optical RGB camera, which gives an overview of the the sample surface at high resolution. An optional magnetic susceptibility scanner completes the sensor range.

The Itrax XRF Core scanner offers high capacity, analyzing all chemical elements simultaneously, and reaching PPM level sensitivity in a few seconds for almost all chemical elements. This speedy instrument excels in precision and reproducibility. Elements from Al and heavier can be determined quantitatively, on a non-destructive and non contact basis. The software is designed for scientific work and puts the user in charge of all analytical aspects. At the same time, the Itrax corescanner is a real workhorse and many of the installations around the world are in use around the clock, providing top performance and a minimum of downtime.



TRUESCANTM 不管选择何种分析轨迹,此技术使某样品点的XRF分析所需时间为常量




POLCAMTM 16位RGB偏振光照相系统

此款高质量相机结合了偏振光,并且提供高质量的图像,极大的减小了水眩光和表面结构的影响Radiography 化学变化意象科技


Contact free analyses 非接触式XRF,射线影像术和光学成图分析


I 岩芯扫描仪的其他重要特征:

o XRF分析每个点的正常工时仅为1-10秒(感谢TRUESCANTM,这个时间是岩心扫描仪用户得出的,没有考虑所选步长)

o 检测范围和元素范围是岩芯扫描仪的最大优势

o XRF只需要一次扫描,即可覆盖整个元素范围,并提供最佳的检测范围

o 分析的内务操作时间仅为0.2秒,这样就节省了大笔分析总时间

o 对于过渡元素和重(金属)元素,XFR可通过使用交替的X射线管和钼极管升级至更高的灵敏度

o 颜色反射率测量基于RGB,基于分散的X射线峰值信息和样品拓扑信息、以及其他分析信息的基质组成评估

o 即使样品表面不平整,岩心扫描仪仍然运行完好

o 非接触式分析使得样品的影响保持在最小值,分析的时间很短,且相机光源会产生冷光,所以将样品干燥保存。


Itrax(Core Scanner)


剖面沉积物元素分析仪结合了X-射线荧光分析(X-ray Fluorescence)和数字X-射线成像(digital x-ray micro radiography)技术,用于沉积物样柱(样芯)的非接触式测量,可用于土壤剖面、土芯、海洋或湖底的沉积物、岩石、洞穴堆积物(如钟乳石),泥炭块、岩芯等的密度和元素分析。可测量的元素有Al、Si、S、Cl、K、Ca、Cr、Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn、As、Hg、Pb等,其中许多可测至痕量水平以下,对灵敏度和分辨率要求较高的研究尤其适合。











◎提供Al以上的多种元素的浓度数据(Al – U),可实现多种元素的同时检测

◎ XRF灵敏度达PPM级

◎ X射线数字成像用于样品的高级分析


◎提供Al以上的多种元素的浓度数据(Al – U),可实现多种元素的同时检测

◎ XRF灵敏度达PPM级

◎ X射线数字成像用于样品的高级分析

◎ 10分钟即可完成1米样品的扫描分析





