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( )1.如果在晚上你去Mike家,你应说:

A Good morning. B. Good evening. C. Good afternoon.

( )2.如果你想知道对方是哪个国家的人,你应问:

A.What country are you?

B. Where are you from?

C. Where are you come? ( )3.如果你把Amy介绍给你的朋友,你应说:

A. She is Amy.

B. This is Amy.

C. This Amy.

( )4.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说:

A.. Hi, I’m Bai Ling.

B. Hi, This is Bai Ling.

C. Am I Bai Ling.

( )5、当你想问同学有多少本书时,你应该如何问呢?

A. How many books do you have?

B. How many books can you see? ( )6、你想问:“你看见了多少条鱼?”时,应这样说:

A. How many fish do you have?

B. How many fish can you see?

( )7、你刚买了新的水彩笔,想给你的朋友看,你应该说:________

A.Look at my new crayons.

B. Can you find my crayons?

( ) 8.、你想让别人猜你有多少铅笔时,你应该说:_____

A . Guess. How many pencils? B. How many pencils does she have? ( )9.当别人问你有多少铅笔时,应问

A. How many pencils can you see ?

B. How many pencils do you have ? ( )10.当别人问How many cats can you see?时,你应回答

A.I have twenty cats.

B.I can see twenty cats.

( )11.当别人说I have a new kite.你应说

A. Oh, It, s beautiful.

B. Oh, I, m sorry.

( )12.当别人说Let, s fly a kite.你应说

A. OK.

B. O h.

( )13.当你想知道照片上的这个男人是谁时,应说

A. Who, s this boy?

B. What, s this man?

( )14.当你想让别人看一看你的小熊时,说:

A. Have a look at my little bear.

B. May I have a look ?

C. Look at my bird. ( )15. 当你想向别人展示你能表演像猫一样做动作时,说:

A. I can act like a cat.

B. May I have a look ?

C. Look at my bird.

( )16、有一天,你的一位朋友生日,你应该说:

A、Happy New Year!

B、Happy birthday!

C、How are you?

( )17、你想向陈洁介绍你的一位新朋友,你应该说:

A 、This is my new friend. B、How are you? C、Nice to meet you. ( )18、我有一只小兔子,你可以说:

A、I have a bear.

B、I have a rabbit.

C、I have a pig.


( )19、朋友有个新的玩具,你想让他给你看一看,你可以说:A、Here you are. B、May I have a look ? C、Let's go to school. ( )20、老师请你学小鸟飞,用英语可以这样说:

A、Fly like bird.

B、Climb like bear.

C、Hunt like mouse. ( )21、你想问对方喜欢什么,你应说:

A. Do you like it?

B. What do you like?

( )22、如果你想请客人吃一些橘子,你可以说:

A. Have some oranges.

B. Have an apple.

( ) 23、你想问对方你的飞机在哪里,你应说:

A. Where is my plane?

B. Is it a plane?

( )24、你想叫同学和你一起玩游戏,你应说:

A. Can I play a game?

B. Let's play a game.

( ) 25、六一儿童节的时候妈妈会对说:

A. Happy New Year!

B. Happy Children's Day!

( ) 26 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::___________

A. You're welcome.

B. I'm from America.

C. My name is Li Mei. ( )27..当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big goose!

B. How beautiful!

C. What a big fish! ( ) 28. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It's here.

B. Here you are.

C. Here it is.

( )29. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi?

B. Where is my car?

C. This is my car. ( )30. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_________.

A. Watch TV.

B. Watch out.

C. Look at me.

( )31.上午上学遇到自己的同学,你应该说:

A. Good morning.

B. Good afternoon

( )32. 你回答完老师的提问时,老师会对你说:

A. stand up, please .

B. sit down, please.

( )33. 当别人表扬你时,你应该对他说:

A. Hello

B. Thank you.

( )34. 你妈妈是一名老师,你应该说:

A. My mother is a teacher.

B. My mother is a farmer. ( )35. 你的朋友过生日时,你应该对她说:

A. Happy birthday.

B. I’m fine, thank you.


( )1.如果在晚上你去Mike家,你应说:

A Good morning. B. Good evening. C. Good afternoon.


( )2.如果你想知道对方是哪个国家的人,你应问:

A.What country are you?

B. Where are you from?

C. Where are you come? ( )3.如果你把Amy介绍给你的朋友,你应说:

A. She is Amy.

B. This is Amy.

C. This Amy.

( )4.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说:

A.. Hi, I’m Bai Ling.

B. Hi, This is Bai Ling.

C. Am I Bai Ling.

( )5、当你想问同学有多少本书时,你应该如何问呢?

A. How many books do you have?

B. How many books can you see? ( )6、你想问:“你看见了多少条鱼?”时,应这样说:

A. How many fish do you have?

B. How many fish can you see?

( )7、你刚买了新的水彩笔,想给你的朋友看,你应该说:________

A.Look at my new crayons.

B. Can you find my crayons?

( ) 8.、你想让别人猜你有多少铅笔时,你应该说:_____

A . Guess. How many pencils? B. How many pencils does she have? ( )9.当别人问你有多少铅笔时,应问

A. How many pencils can you see ?

B. How many pencils do you have ? ( )10.当别人问How many cats can you see?时,你应回答

A.I have twenty cats.

B.I can see twenty cats.

( )11.当别人说I have a new kite.你应说A. Oh, It, s beautiful. B. Oh, I, m sorry.

( )12.当别人说Let, s fly a kite.你应说

A. OK .

B. O h.

( )13.当你想知道照片上的这个男人是谁时,应说

A. Who, s this boy?

B. What, s this man?

( )14.当你想让别人看一看你的小熊时,说:

A. Have a look at my little bear.

B. May I have a look ?

C. Look at my bird. ( )15. 当你想向别人展示你能表演像猫一样做动作时,说:

A. I can act like a cat.

B. May I have a look ?

C. Look at my bird.

( )16、有一天,你的一位朋友生日,你应该说:

A、Happy New Year!

B、Happy birthday!

C、How are you?

( )17、你想向陈洁介绍你的一位新朋友,你应该说:

A 、This is my new friend. B、How are you? C、Nice to meet you. ( )18、我有一只小兔子,你可以说:

A、I have a bear.

B、I have a rabbit.

C、I have a pig.

( )19、朋友有个新的玩具,你想让他给你看一看,你可以说:

A、Here you are.

B、May I have a look ?

C、Let's go to school.


( )20、老师请你学小鸟飞,用英语可以这样说:

A、Fly like bird.

B、Climb like bear.

C、Hunt like mouse. ( )21、你想问对方喜欢什么,你应说:

A. Do you like it?

B. What do you like?

( )22、如果你想请客人吃一些橘子,你可以说:

A. Have some oranges.

B. Have an apple.

( ) 23、你想问对方你的飞机在哪里,你应说:

A. Where is my plane?

B. Is it a plane?

( )24、你想叫同学和你一起玩游戏,你应说:

A. Can I play a game?

B. Let's play a game.

( ) 25、六一儿童节的时候妈妈会对说:

A. Happy New Year!

B. Happy Children's Day!

( ) 26 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::___________

A. You're welcome.

B. I'm from America.

C. My name is Li Mei. ( )27..当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big goose!

B. How beautiful!

C. What a big fish! ( ) 28. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It's here.

B. Here you are.

C. Here it is. ( )29. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi?

B. Where is my car?

C. This is my car. ( )30. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_________.

A. Watch TV.

B. Watch out.

C. Look at me.

( )31.上午上学遇到自己的同学,你应该说:

A. Good morning.

B. Good afternoon

( )32. 你回答完老师的提问时,老师会对你说:

A. stand up, please .

B. sit down, please.

( )33. 当别人表扬你时,你应该对他说:

A. Hello

B. Thank you.

( )34. 你妈妈是一名老师,你应该说:

A. My mother is a teacher.

B. My mother is a farmer. ( )35. 你的朋友过生日时,你应该对她说:

A.Happy birthday.

B. I’m fine, thank you.



ⅠⅡ ()1. Where’s the teacher’s office? A. Forty-five students. ()2. Is this the art room? B. Water the flowers. ()3. Do you have a library? C. It’s on the second floor. ()4.How many students are there in your class? D. Yes, it is. ()5. Go to the garden. E. Yes, we do. 四年级英语专项练习——情景对话(二) ⅠⅡ ()1. What time is it now? A. OK. ()2. Where are you? B. Yes, we do. ()3. Let’s go to the playground. C. I’m in New York. ()4. It’s 9o’clock. D. It’s twelve o’clock. ()5. Do you have an English class? E. It’s time for Chinese class. 四年级英语专项练习——情景对话(三) ⅠⅡ ()1. What’s the weather like in London? A. Yes, you can. ()2. Is it cold in Moscow? B. Thank you, mum. ()3. Can I make a snowman? C. It’s eleven o’clock. ()4. What time is it? D. No, it’s warm. ()5. Have some lunch, Mike. E. It’s rainy. 四年级英语专项练习——情景对话(四) ⅠⅡ ()1. How many horses do you have? A. Yes, they are. ()2. Are these potatoes? B. Me, too. ()3. What are those? C. Thank you, mum. ()4. Try some! They’re good. D. Seventeen. ()5. I love to eat green beans. E. They’re tomatoes.


班级________姓名_________ 一、日常问候和答语 1. Hello/ Hi你好。 3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。 4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗? 5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。 7. How do you do? 你好。 8. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。 二、告别、祝福和答语 1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见 2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。 3. Good night. 晚安。

4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Thank you!谢谢! 5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日) 6. Happy Children’s Day!Happy Women’s Day! 7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 三、介绍和谈论人物 1. My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫… 2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…小姐/先生/女士。 3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。 4. He/ She is …他是/她是… 四、询问 人:1)姓名 1. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is … 2. Wha t’s his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字? Her/His/Its name is … 2)年龄



情景对话一、询问姓名、年龄等 1.?What‘syourname?What’syourEnglishname? Mynameis…MyEnglishnameis… 2.?What’syour mother’sname?Hernameis….. 3.?What’syourfather’sname?Hisnameis… 4.?Whereareyoufrom? I’mfromxincun 5.?Howareyou?I’mfine,thankyou. 6.?Howoldareyou?I’m12. 7.Howoldisyourfather/mother?He/Sheis36. 8.?Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?Thereare4. Whoarethey?Theyaremyfather,mymotherandI. 9.Whatcolourdoyoulike?Ilikered/pink/green/black. 10.Whatcolourisit?It’sred/pink/green/black.

11.?Whatcolourarethey? Theyarered/yellow/blue/pink/orange/green/purple. 12.?Doyoulikeyourmother?Yes,Ido. 13.?Canyouplaysports?Yes,Ican. 14.Isthisyourskirt?Yes,itis./No,it’snot. 15.Whoseshirtisthis?It’smybrother’s. 16.Aretheseyourpants?Yes,theyare./No,theyaren’t. 二、询问天气、时间等 1.?What’stheweather like today?It’s warm/hot. 2.Whattimedoyougetup?Igetupatsix. 3.?Whattimedoyouhavebreakfast? Ihavebreakfastatseven/12. 4.Whattimeisit?It’s9:20 三、询问运动、食物、颜色等 1.?Doyoulikeplayingfootball?Yes,Ido/No,Idon’t.


小学英语1-6年级常用情景对话汇总及练习 一、日常问候和答语 1. Hello/ Hi你好。 3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。 4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗? 5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。 7. How do you do? 你好。 8. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。 二、告别、祝福和答语 1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见 2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。 3. Good night. 晚安。 4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Thank you!谢谢! 5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日) 6. Happy Children’s Day! Happy Women’s Day! 7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 三、介绍和谈论人物 1. My name is…/ I’m…我的名字是…/ 我名叫… 2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs…这位是…小姐/先生/女士。 3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。 4. He/ She is …他是/她是… 四、询问 1.人:1)姓名 1. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is … 2. What’s his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字?Her/His/Its name is … 2)年龄 1.How old are you? 你多大了?I’m… 2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大?She /He/ It is … 3) 生日 1.When is your /his/her birthday? It’s July 1st. 4) 出处


情景对话 一、询问姓名、年龄等 1.What‘s your name? What’s your English name? My name is … My English name is… 2.What’s your mother’s name? Her name is….. How long have you learned English? Six years. 3. What’s your father’s name? His name is… 4.What Grade/Class are you in? I’m in Grade Six/Class…. 5.What/Which school are you from? I’m from Shiyan Xiaoxue. 6.Where are you from? /Where do you come from? I’m from Pingyuan. I come from Pingyuan. 7.Are you from Wangmiao ?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 8.How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 9.How old are you ? I’m 12. 10. How old is your father/mother? He/She is 36. 11.How many people are there in your family? There are 3 Who are they? They are my father, my mother and I. 12.How many bananas are there in the picture? How many days are there in a week? How many hands do you have? 13.Do you often go to the zoo? No, I don’t. 14. What colour do you like? I like red/pink/green/black.


小学英语常用情景对话练习精选30题(附答案) 一、根据汉语情景,选择正确答案。 1. 当你向你妈妈介绍你的老师时,应说:() A. This is my teacher, Miss Liu. B. This is my mother. C. Is this your mother? 2. 你不知道今天星期几,想问同学,应说:() A. What day is today? B. What’s the weather like today? C. What's the date today? 3 . 如果你同一位外国朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do? 你应说:() A. How are you? B. Hello! C. Hi! D. How do you do? 4 . 你向同学Lin Tao介绍一位新来的外国小朋友Jim,应怎样介绍? () A. Jim, this is Lin Tao. B. Lin Tao, he is Jim. C. Lin Tao, this is Jim. D. Lin Tao, do you know Jim? 5. 假如你是酒店服务员,该如何向顾客打招呼? () A. What do you want to eat? B. What do you like? C. What can I do for you? D. Sit down, please. 6. 与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼? () A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Hello! D. Are you fine? 7. 不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向他说:() A. Excuse me! B. I'm sorry. C. Never mind. D. Oh, my dear! 8. 寻求别人帮助之前,你应说:() A. Excuse me. B. I'm sorry. C. Can you help me? D. Thank you.


小学英语情景对话测试 题 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

小学英语情景对话测试题 根据汉语情景,选择正确答案。 1. 你把一位迷路的外宾送回旅馆,他对你说:Thank you.你应回答: A. No, no B. It's my duty C. That's all right D. I learn from Lei Feng . 2. 你不知道今天星期几,想问同学,应怎样问: -- A. What day is today B. What’s the weather like today D. What's the date today 3. 如果你同一位外国朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do 你应说:-- A. How are you B. Hello! C. Hi! D. How do you do 4. 你向同学Lin Tao介绍一位新来的外国小朋友Jim,应怎样介绍 A. Jim, this is Lin Tao. B. Lin Tao, he is Jim. C. Lin Tao, this is Jim. D. Lin Tao, do you know Jim 5. 假如你是酒店服务员,该如何向顾客打招呼 A. What do you want to eat B. What do you like C. What can I do for you D. Sit down, please. 6 .与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼 A. How are you B. How do you do C. Hello! D. Are you fine 7. 不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向他说:-- A. Excuse me ! B. I’m sorry. C. Never mind. D. Ok, my dear! 8. 寻求别人帮助之前,你应说: A. Excuse me. B. I'm sorry. C. Can you help me D. Thank you.


四年级英语 M1 Where is /are you ……? I’m/It’s next to /beside / behind / on your right / on your left / turn left / turn right go straight on/Near M2 What are you doing ? What is he / she / doing ? I’m / He’s / She’s / ……。 M3 What are they doing ? They’re …… What is it doing ? It’s ……. M4 Do you want some……? Yes, please. /No, thank you. How much is it ? It’s _______ yuan. Can I help you? I want ……. M5 Can you / he / she……? Yes, I / he / she can. No, I / he / she / can’t. M6 Can I have some ……? Yes, you can. Sorry,you can’t . Happy Halloween! M7 There is It’s running fast ………… There are They’re eating…… M8—M9 What are you going to do ? I’m /We’re going to ……. Are you going to ……? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. I’m going to visit Beijing tomorrow. I’m going to get up at six o’clock. I’m going by __plane__. I’m going to see animals. M10 What do you do at the Spring Festival? What do you do at Christmas? Does Daming eat peanuts at Christmas ? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 参考每模块第二单元活动五活动六,宜格斯英语。课本P62页复习模块


小学三年级英语情景选择练习题 班级姓名 1.早上好,应该说: A.Good morning. B.Yes, Mr.Green. C.I’m sorry. 2. 上课了,老师要同学们看自己,她会说: A.Look at the door, please. B.Look at me, please. C.Look at the blackboard, please. 3.你请同学打开书,可以说: A.Please open the door. B.Please open the window. C.Please open the book. 4. 今天来了新同学,你想问他叫什么: A.What is this? B.What your name? C.How are you? 5. 你想知道那边的东西是什么,可以问: A.What’s this? B.What’s that? C.What would you like? 6. 请别人合上书,可以说: A.Open the door. B.Open the book. C.Close the book. 7. 你想知道对方来自哪里说: A.Where are you from? B.Where are you? C.How are you? 8. 上课时,我们在教室里不应该做的是: A.Eat a cake. B.Listen to the teacher. C.Don’t shout. 9. 你想告诉对方,你的朋友是一名学生: A.He is my friend. B.My sister is a student. C.She is a student. 10. 当别人问你,这是什么,应该问: A.What’s this? B.What’s that? C.What is it? 11. 当别人问那是什么,你回答:A.What’s that? B.It’s a book. C.No, it isn’t. 12. 你不确定这是不是一支铅笔时,可以问: A.Is this a pen? B.This is a pencil. C.Is this a pencil? 13. 当别人问你这是不是你的书包时,你可以回答: A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.It’s my schoolbag. 14. 同学让你看他的新帽子,你可以说: A.How nice! B.Thank you. C.Look at my new cap. 15. 你找不到你的蜡笔,可以问: A.It’s a crayon. B.What’s this? C.Where’s my crayon? 16. 新来的同学,大家欢迎他应该说: A.Welcome. B. My name is Amy.l C.Nice to meet you. 17. 同学让你看她的玩具汽车,她可以说: A.How nice! B.Thank you. C.Look at my toy car. 18. 你想知道那个女人是谁,可以问: A.Who is that woman ? B.What’s this woman ? C.Who’s this woman ? 19. 当别人送礼物给你时,你应该说: A.This is for you. B.Thank you. C.What’s that? 20. 对方问那个男人是谁,你会说: A.Who is that man? B.Who is this man ? C.He is my father. 21. 他的是你的哥哥吗,怎么问: A.Who is your brother? B.Is he your brother? C.Yes ,he is. 22. 我有12个苹果,可以说:


2016-2017学年小学六年级英语《情景对话》期末专项复习 题 Ⅰ.从B栏中找出A栏的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。 A ()1.W h a t d o e s h e l i k e? ()2.D o e s s h e g o t o w o r k b y b u s? ()3.W h a t i s y o u r h o b b y? ()4.D o e s J i m l i v e i n S h a n g h a i? ()5.D o y o u l i k e l i s t e n i n g t o m u s i c? ()6.W h a t a r e y o u g o i n g t o d o t h i s a f t e r n o o n? ()7.H o w d o e s y o u r f a t h e r g o t o E n g l a n d? ()8.W h e r e’s y o u r h o m e?

()9.I s y o u r m o t h e r a n E n g l i s h t e a c h e r? ()10.A r e y o u g o i n g t o t h e G r e a t W a l l n e x t w e e k? B A.Y e s,s h e d o e s. B.N o,s h e i s n’t.S h e i s a m a t h t e a c h e r. C.H e l i k e s s w i m m i n g. D.I’m g o i n g t o b u y a c o m i c b o o k i n t h e b o o k s t o r e. E.I t’s n e a r t h e s c h o o l. F.H e g o e s t o E n g l a n d b y p l a n e. G.I l i k e w a t c h i n g T V. H.Y e s,w e a r e.


小学英语常用情景对话汇总及练习01日常问候和答语 1. Hello/ Hi你好。 2. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。 3. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗? 4. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 5. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。 6. How do you do? 你好。 7. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。 02告别、祝福和答语 1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见 2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。 3. Good night. 晚安。 4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Thank you!谢谢! 5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日) 6. Happy Children’s Day!Happy Women’s Day! 7. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 03介绍和谈论人物 1. My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫… 2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…小姐/先生/女士。 3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。 4. He/ She is …他是/她是… 04询问 人 1)姓名 1. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is … 2. What’s his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字?Her/His/Its name is … 2)年龄 1. How old are you? 你多大了?I’m… 2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大?She /He/ It is … 3)生日 When is your /his/her birthday? It’s July 1st. 4)出处 1. Where is/ are ….from?She is from American. 她来自美国。 2. Whe re do/does… come from?She is from American. 她来自美国。 5)人物 Who is he ? He is my brother. 他是我弟弟。


四年级下册英语情景对话Prepared on 21 November 2021

情景对话一:(6人小组) A:Goodafternoon. BCD:Goodafternoon. A:Welcometoourschool.Thisismyclassroom. B:It’ssobig.Howmanystudentsarethereinyourclass? A:45students. C:Where’stheteacher’soffice? A:It’sonthesecondfloor. D:Isthatthecomputerroom? A:No,itisn’t.It’sthelibrary. E:Doyouhavealibrary? A:Yes,wedo.It’sonthesecondfloor. F:Whattimeisitnow? A:It’s11:00.It’stimeforPEclass.Let’sgotheplayground. DEF:Great. B:Let’splaybasketball. ACD:OK. C:It’s12:00now.It’stimeforlunch. A:Let’sgotothelunchroom. D:Whereisthelunchroom? A:It’snexttotheplayground.Whatwouldyouliketoeat?

E:I’dlikesomenoodles. B:I’dlikesometomatoesandfish. F:I’dlikesomepotatoesandbeef. A:OK.Hereyouare. BEF:Thankyou. B:It’stimetogohome. CD:OK.Let’sgo. BCDEF:Thankyou,A.Goodbye. A:ByeBye. 情景对话二:(5人小组) A:Goodafternoon. BCDE:Goodafternoon. A:What’stheweatherliketoday? B:It’ssunnyandhot. C:Iwillgoforatrip.Canyouhelpme? A:OK. C:It’shot.SoIputonmyT-shirt. D:IsthisyourT-shirt? C:No,itisn’t.MyT-shirtisblue. B:Whoseshortsarethese C:Theyaremybrother’s. D:Whatcolourareyourshorts C:Theyarepurple. D:OK.Hereyouare. C:Thankyou.


小学四年级英语口语对话练习【四篇】本场景是介绍大家互相理解的场面。 Tom: Hello. John: Hello. Tom: My name is Tom. I'm in Class 1, Grade 3. John: My name is John. I'm in Class 1, Grade 3, too. Tom: We are in the same class. John: Yes, we are. Tom: I'm very glad to meet you. John: I'm very glad to meet you, too. 【第二篇】 场景二 是介绍大家相互理解的另一种表达方式。 Yang Mingming: Hong Wei, this is my classmate, Alice. She is from America. Hong Wei: Hi, I'm Hong Wei. Nice to meet you. Alice: Hi, nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? Hong Wei: I'm from China. Yang Mingming: We are both from China, but I think we three will be good friends. Alice: Sure.

【第三篇】 场景一 问候与告别的第一种表达方式。 Bill: Hi, Mary. Marry: Hi, Bill. How are you? Bill: I'm fine, thank you. And you? Marry: I'm fine, too, thank you. Bill: How is your mother? Marry: She is very well, thank you. And how is your mother? Bill: She is also very well. Thank you. Goodbye. Marry: Goodbye. 【第四篇】 场景二 问候与告别的第二种表达方式 Lisa: Good morning, Miss Wang. Miss Wang: Good morning, Lisa. Lisa: This is my father, Jeff. We are going to the bank. Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, Jeff. How are you? Jeff(Lisa's father): Fine, thank you. How about you? Miss Wang: Very well, thank you. See you later.


小学英语口语常用情景 对话 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

小学生口语----习惯 Habit Michaela: What time do you get up every day Tom : I get up at about eight o'clock. Michaela:What time do you have breakfast Tom : I usually eat breakfast at eight thirty. Michaela: What time do you leave your house Tom : Around nine o'clock. Michaela: When do you arrive at school Tom : I get to school at nine thirty. I'm always late! Michaela: What do you do after school Tom : Well,school finishes at four,so I go to the park with my friends and we play football. Michaela: What time do you have dinner Tom : Polly makes me dinner at six o'clock. After that I have a bath. Michaela: What time do you go to bed Tom : Usually at about eight o'clock.


情景对话 Are you busy now? 你现在忙吗? A Michael: Hi, Susan! Susan: Hi, Michael. How are you feeling today? Michael: Very well. How are you? Susan: So so. Michael: What's wrong? Susan: I have a sore throat. 迈克尔:嗨,苏珊! 苏珊:嗨,迈克尔。你今天感觉怎么样? 迈克尔:很好。你怎么样? 苏珊:马马虎虎。 迈克尔:怎么了? 苏珊:我喉咙痛。 B Man: Where is Peter? Woman: He's in the kitchen. Man: Is he busy now? Woman: Yes, he is. Man: What's he doing? Woman: He's having lunch. 男:彼得在哪里? 女:他在厨房里。男:他现在在忙吗? 女:是的,他在忙。男:他在做什么? 女:他正在吃午饭。 C Man: Where are your uncle and aunt? Woman: They're in the parking lot. Man: Are they busy now? Woman: Yes, they are. Man: What are they doing? Woman: They're washing their car. 男:你叔叔和阿姨在哪里? 女:他们在停车场。男:他们现在很忙吗? 女:是的,他们在忙。 男:他们在做什么? 女:他们正在洗车。


小学四年级英语口语对话练习 【四篇】 本场景是介绍大家互相理解的场面。 Tom:Hello. John:Hello. Tom:My name is Tom. I“m in Class 1, Grade 3. John:My name is John. I“m in Class 1, Grade 3, too.Tom:We are in the same class. John:Yes, we are. Tom:I“m very glad to meet you. John:I“m very glad to meet you, too. 【第二篇】 场景二 是介绍大家相互理解的另一种表达方式。 Yang Mingming:Hong Wei, this is my classmate, Alice.She is from America. Hong Wei:Hi, I“m Hong Wei. Nice to meet you. Alice:Hi, nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?Hong Wei:I“m from China. Yang Mingming:We are both from China, but I think wethree will be good friends. Alice:Sure. 【第三篇】

场景一 问候与告别的第一种表达方式。 Bill:Hi, Mary. Marry:Hi, Bill. How are you? Bill:I“m fine, thank you. And you? Marry:I“m fine, too, thank you. Bill:How is your mother? Marry:She is very well, thank you. And how is yourmother? Bill:She is also very well. Thank you. Goodbye.Marry:Goodbye. 【第四篇】 场景二 问候与告别的第二种表达方式 Lisa:Good morning, Miss Wang. Miss Wang:Good morning, Lisa. Lisa:This is my father, Jeff. We are going to the bank.Miss Wang:Nice to meet you, Jeff. How are you?Jeff(Lisa“s father):Fine, thank you. How about you?Miss Wang:Very well, thank you. See you later.Lisa and Jeff:See you later.


一、日常问候和答语 1. Hello/ Hi你好。 3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。 4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗? 5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。 7. How do you do? 你好。 8. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。 二、告别、祝福和答语 1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见 2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。 3. Good night. 晚安。 4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Thank you!谢谢! 5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日) 6. Happy Children’s Day! Happy Women’s Day! 7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 三、介绍和谈论人物 1. My name is…/ I’m…我的名字是…/ 我名叫…

2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs…这位是…小姐/先生/女士。 3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。 4. He/ She is …他是/她是… 四、询问 1.人:1)姓名 1. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is … 2. What’s his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字?Her/His/Its name is … 2)年龄 1.How old are you? 你多大了?I’m… 2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大?She /He/ It is … 3) 生日 1.When is your /his/her birthday? It’s July 1st. 4) 出处 1. Where is/ are ….from? She is from American. 她来自美国。 2. Where do/does…come from? She is from American. 她来自美国。 5) 人物 1. Who is he ? He is my brother. 他是我弟弟。 6)职业


小学四年级英语情景 对话题

学英语情景交际练习题---四年级 (1) A:Good morning , Sam ! B:_____1______ A:What time do you get up ? B:_____2______ A:How do you go to school ? B:_____3______ ______4_____ A: Me, too . B: The bell is ringing , let’s go . A:_____5____ 1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5._________ A: I walk to school . B: OK. C: Good morning . D: I ger up at 6 every morning . E: How about you ?

(2) A: Get up, Lingling. B: _____1_____ A: Today is weekend. ______2______ B: I don’t know. A: Do you want to go shopping with me? B: Certainly._____3____ A: I’m going to buy some fruits and vegetables. B: _____4_____ A: Sorry, you can’t. ______5_____ B. Thank you, mum. 1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5._________ A. What are you going to do? B. What are you going to buy? C. Can I have some chocolate? D. Ok, mum. E. But you can have some sweets.
