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1.Medical record writing vision loss视力下降;itches痒感,photophobia畏光,lacrimation流泪,foreign body sensation异物感, discharge分泌物;conjunctival congestion结膜充血;headaches头痛, nausea恶心;vomiting 呕吐;Glaucoma attack发作;Eye position;eyelids 眼睑lump肿块;eyelid or conjunctive congestion眼睑或结膜充血水肿;follicles form滤泡形成,papillary hyperplasia乳头增生;Corneal edema角膜水肿,transparent透明,pannus血管翳,macula 斑翳,Central corneal thickness CCT;KP; Anterior chamber depth前房深度AC,Aqueous flare房水闪辉,Anterior chamber前房,limbal anterior chamber depth周边前房深度,hypopyon前房积脓;hyphema前房出血;Tyndall;Angle-closure 、Angle opening;Pupil size、shape;Pupillary reflex;Lens opacities晶体混浊、Crystal Clear;iol location normal;Intraocular lenz 人工晶体Intraocular pressure IOP;Visual field examination(VF)/Perimetry ;Vitreous opacities;Vitreous hemorrhage ;fundus examination;Retinal hemorrhage;Optic atrophy视神经萎缩;Disc border clearance/Fuzzy视盘边界清/模糊,Optic cup large deep,C/D cup-to-disc ratio ;fundus眼底;central fovea of macula黄斑中心凹;Reflective fuzzy反光模糊;macular hole黄斑裂孔;binocular diplopia双眼复视;dilated fundus examinat ion扩瞳眼底检查;Lacrimal duct obstruction泪道阻塞;Treatment at any time随时就诊;return to clinic;Elective surgery ; glasses配戴眼镜; Optometry验光;Alternate cover therapy 交替遮盖疗法;pathological examination病理检查;binocular diplopia双眼复视

2.diagnosis:Hordeolum 睑板腺炎、麦粒肿;chalazion 睑板腺囊肿、霰粒肿;trichiasis 倒睫;blepharitis睑缘炎;herpes zoster ophthalmicus(HZO)眼带状疱疹;trachoma沙眼;entropion睑内翻;Symblepharons睑球粘连;Mass/lump 肿块Ptosis上睑下垂dacryocystisis泪囊炎chronic慢性;conjunctivitis 结膜炎Viral -、Bacterial 、Chronic;Trachoma沙眼;Keratitis角膜炎Bacterial 细菌性fungal 真菌性;corneal ulcer角膜溃疡;marginal keratitis边缘性角膜炎;Mooren ulcer蚕食性角膜溃疡;Stromal keratitis角膜基质炎;Corneal opacity角膜混浊;Bullous keratopathy大泡性角膜病变;keratoconus圆锥角膜;Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis流行性角结膜炎;Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis泡性角结膜炎;pterygium翼状胬肉;recurrent复发性;dry eye 干眼症;trichiasis倒睫;conjunctival stones 结膜结石; subconjunctival hemorrhage 球结膜下出血;scleritis巩膜炎;cataract ;complicated 并发性;congenital 先天性;traumatic外伤性;after 后发性;contusion injuries钝挫伤;pco(posterior capsular opacity)后囊混浊;IOL Eye 人工晶体眼;Aphakia无晶体眼;Irvine Gass syndrome; primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACG); primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG);chronic open-angle glaucoma(COAG); secondary glaucoma;Congenital先天性;neovascular glaucoma(NVG)、Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome(ICE)虹膜角膜内皮综合征、Pigmentary glaucoma色素性青光眼;Glaucoma ciliary body inflammation syndrome青睫综合症;Iridocyclitis-secondary glaucoma继发于虹膜睫状体炎的青光眼;Glucocorticoid -induced glaucoma 糖皮质激素性青光眼;Lens induced glaucoma晶状体源性青光眼;Anterior chamber angle recession glaucoma前房角后退性青光眼;malignant glaucoma恶性青光眼;Later period晚期、absolute glaucoma绝对期,synechia虹膜粘连;posterior synechia(PS)虹膜后粘连;peripheral anterior synechia周边虹膜前粘连uveitis葡萄膜炎;iridocyclitis(IC)虹膜睫状体炎;Fuchs syndrome;VKH syndrome;Behcet disease;Retinal periphlebitis (Eales disease);Sympathetic ophthalmia交感性眼炎;Supraorbital neuritis眶上神经炎;retinal detachment 视网膜脱离;hypertensive retinopathy高血压视网膜病变;Optic atrophy (OA) 视神经萎缩;Retinitis pigmentosa (RP)视网膜色素变性;Papillopathy视盘病变;Papillary edema视乳头水肿;optic disc vasculitis/papillovasculitis视盘血管炎;retrobulbar optic neuritis(RBON)球后视神经炎;;Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (AIOP);central serous chorioretinopathy(CSCR)中浆;Central exudative chorioretinopathy中心性渗出性脉络膜视网膜病变; diabetic

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retinopathy(DR)糖尿病视网膜病变;Pathologic myopia 病理性近视;aged-related macular degeneration(AMD)年龄相关性黄斑病变;cystoid macular edema(CME)黄斑水肿;Macular epiretinal membrane(MEM)黄斑前膜; Idiopathic macular hole特发性黄斑裂孔;CRVO(central retinal vein occlusion);CRAO(central retinal artery occlusion)BRAO(branch retinal vein occlusion);BRVO(branch retinal artery occlusion); Acute retinal necrosis(ARN)急性视网膜坏死;polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy ,PCV息肉样脉络膜血管病变;choroid neovascularization(CNV); Proliferative vitreous retinopathy(PVR);Posterior vitreous detachment(PVD);Vitreous opacities 玻璃体混浊;vitreous hemorrhage 玻璃体积血;Choroidal hemangioma脉络膜血管瘤;Choroidal malignant melanoma脉络膜恶性黑色素瘤;Choroidal metastatic carcinoma脉络膜转移性癌;Uveal melanoma葡萄膜黑色素瘤;Retinoblastoma(RB) ;Endophthalmitis眼内炎Oculomotor paralysis 动眼神经麻痹;ophthalmoplegia 眼肌麻痹;Orbital tumors 眼眶肿瘤Lacrimal duct obstruction 泪道阻塞Lacrimal inflammation泪道炎Dacryocystitis泪囊炎abscess 脓肿intraocular forergn body(IOFB)眼球内异物Cornea forergn body角膜异物Ocular injury/trauma眼外伤;intraocular foreign body眼球内异物Ocular chemical injury眼化学伤,electric ophthalmitis电光性眼炎;subconjunctival hemorrhage, 球结膜下出血;corneal epithelial abrasion角膜上皮擦伤,eyelid skin laceration眼睑皮肤裂伤;Corneal laceration角膜裂伤;eyeball contusion 眼球钝挫伤;rupture破裂伤Iris prolapse虹膜脱出;Lens prolapsed晶状体脱出;Eye contents prolapsed 眼内容物脱出;Hyphema前房出血;Refractive errors /ametropia 屈光不正;asthenopia 视疲劳;Myopia、nearsightedness近视;presbyopia老视;Astigmatism (astig) 散光;hyperopia/farsightedness 远视;amblyopia(ambl)弱视;Heterotropia斜视;asthenopia视疲劳;Exophthalmos突眼症;Orbital cellulitis眼眶蜂窝织炎;Subcutaneous abscess皮下脓肿

inflamation炎症;Infection感染;Pathological examination病理检查

3.Drug 抗感染Anti infection fucithaimic e.o 5g optifucin e.d 5ml

夫西地酸;Tetracycline e. o 2.5四环素眼膏;tobrex0.3% e.d 5ml ; optiflox

e.d5ml 氧氟沙星Norfloxacin(apiflox)10ml诺氟沙星;

Ciprofloxacin(0.3%ciloxan)5ml环丙沙星;colicusi gentadexa e.d5 ml 地塞米松磷酸钠/硫酸庆大霉素/盐酸四氢唑啉TobraDex e.o 3.5g妥布霉素地塞米松spersadex comp e.d. (地塞米松磷酸钠0.1 %+ 0.5 %氯霉素) maxitrol e.d/e.o (5ml/ 地塞米松+新霉素和多粘菌素B眼药水和眼药膏都包含三种有效成分) inj Penicillin1000000u青霉素;

Amoxicillin0.5*10阿莫西林;inj cefazoline 1g头孢唑林;inj

Ciprofloxacin 100ml(0.1)环丙沙星;; inj gentadar 硫酸庆大霉素80mg/2ml 抗炎Anti-inflammatory 1%colicusi ciclopeljico e.d 普拉洛芬5毫升0.1% diclogesic 5mle.d双氯芬酸钠

止痒、抗过敏:Relieve itching; Anti allergic

Spersallerge e.d 10ml 过敏性结膜炎,因药物的敏感性盐酸安他唑啉.0,5毫克Tetryzoline HCI .0,4毫克羟丙基甲基纤维素;Prisoline

(Naphazoline奈甲唑啉+Chlorpheniramine氯苯那敏)e.d 10ml;

ImidazylA(Naphazoline+thonzylamine) e.d10ml ;optizolin e.d 10ml 安他唑啉盐酸盐抗组织胺;imidazylaA e.d 硝酸萘甲唑啉(血管收缩药)本品为α-受体激动剂,具有收缩鼻粘膜血管作用,减少血管的渗出物,减

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轻鼻粘膜肿胀充血。降眼压: Reducing intraocular pressure

0.5%pilocarpine e.d 匹罗卡品apimol 0.5% e.d噻吗洛尔马来酸betaxolol e.d 5ml 陪他洛尔; 1%azopt e.d 5ml 布林佐胺; travatan e.d 5ml 曲伏前列腺素*methazolamide 25mg醋甲唑胺

泪膜角膜修复solcoseryl e.d 5g 小牛血去蛋白提取物tears natural e.d 5ml 人工泪液激素maxidex 0.1% e.d地塞米松optipred e.d

5ml醋酸泼尼松optilone e.d 5ml 氟米龙efemoline e.d 5ml(氟米龙/盐酸四氢唑)Anti-virus抗病毒:Acyclovir e.o 4.5g tab 200mg inj 250mg阿昔洛韦;*Ganciclovir更昔洛韦;Anti-fungus抗真菌: natamycin 那他霉素;amphotericinB 两性霉素B inj 25mg;(局部滴1.5-3mg/ml;球结膜下0.5-1mg)Fluconazole 150mg cap氟康唑口服,100mg~200mg/次,2次/日扩瞳剂Compound Tropicamide e.d 5ml复方托吡卡胺; 1%Atropine e.d 5 ml 阿托品;

口服:Mecobalamin 500ug*10*2甲钴胺tid ; Carbamazepine卡马西平0.2*30/0.1-0.2 bid; Vitamin B12 1ml:0.05mg;1ml:0.1mg;1ml:0.25mg;1ml:0.5mg;1ml:1mg ;indometacin 25mg *10消炎痛;vitamin B1 10mg;Inosine 肌苷tab0.2 ;Compound vitamin B tablets 复合维生素B 2片;Neuropine硝苯地平片azathioprine(AZP)硫唑嘌呤50mg tid Ranitidine 雷尼替150mg tab;vitamin A 50000iu cap;Prednisone 5mg 泼尼松片;ASPirin Enteric-coated 25mg Tablets阿司匹林肠溶片;

Nitroglycerin0.3mg Sublingual suck 注射剂

5%Glucose solution(GS) 葡萄糖注射液normal saline(NS)生理盐水

sodium chloride injection氯化钠注射液;Ringer’s solution 林格氏液Mannitol 甘露醇500ml Lidocaine 利多卡因20ml Epinephrine 肾上腺素1ml tetanus antitoxin TAT 1500u 破伤风抗毒素;Prolonium Iodide 安妥碘/普罗碘铵2ml;Etamsylate/dicynone 1g止血敏/酚磺乙胺

Citicoline 胞磷胆碱;inj Adenosine triphosphate 40mg(ATP);inj

Coenzyme A 100u(Co-A);inj Inosine 0.1*4肌苷;Ganglioside 神经节苷脂Dicayine 地卡因;inj Diazepam 10mg安定(地西泮);inj phenobarbitoil 0.1苯巴比妥(鲁米那);Compound aminopyrine 2ml复方氨林巴比妥(安痛定);inj Dextran 40 500ml低分子右旋糖酐;Atropine Sulfate Injection 1ml(5mg)硫酸阿托品注射液;Dexamethasone 4mg*1

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/445317806.html,mon Dialogue

What about your eyesight ?你的视力如何

Do you suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure or other eye diseases你是否患过糖尿病、高血压或其他眼部疾病

Have your eyes suffered trauma or had surgery? 你的眼睛是否受过外伤或者做过手术?Are you allergic to certain medications?你是否对某种药物过敏How have you been the fasting blood sugar?你最近空腹血糖怎样?

How have you been blood pressure?你最近血压如何

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You go over to check vision optometry room你到对面验光室检查视力To day You start using eye drops six times a day, eye drops to use three weeks 你今天开始滴用眼药水,每天滴六次,眼药水需要使用三周时间You need to review your eyes the next Sunday你下星期日需要检查你的眼睛You are relatively young , simple pterygium excision is easy to relapse你比较年轻,单纯行翼状胬肉切除手术是容易复发

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease, it can make your eyes become blind 青光眼是一种严重的眼病,它可以使你的眼睛逐渐盲

Glaucoma can seriously damage a person's vision青光眼可以严重损害人的视力Glaucoma is one of the main factors that cause blindness青光眼是致盲的主要因素之一

so You're suffering from glaucoma,your eyes need to be examined regularly to the hospital你患有青光眼,因此你的眼睛需要定期到医院来接受检查You're suffering from glaucoma, you must accept operation treatment, operation can delay the development of glaucoma 你患有青光眼,你必须接受手术治疗,手术治疗可以延缓青光眼的发展. Glaucoma treatment( for any form) entails decreasing aqueous humor production, increasing fluid drainage or a combination of the two. These treatments will not restore any vision already lost to glaucoma.青光眼的治


reducing IOP in time,shorting the duration of high IOP for patients with acute attack of angle closed glaucoma were recommended to save the visual function of patients.对急性闭角型青光眼患者应进行紧急降眼压治疗,缩短高眼压的持续时间以挽救和保护患者的视功能。

Glaucoma surgery is not possible to improve your eyesight青光眼手术不能够提高你的视力

Cataract surgery is very successful,but your fundus have a problem 白内障手术是非常成功的,你的眼底有问题

If your fundus is normal, you will be able to see clearly after cataract


After the operation,You must carefully drop with eye drops, otherwise you susceptible to endophthalmitis , it can destroy your eyeballs手术后你必须认真滴用眼药水,否则你容易患眼内炎,它可以摧毁你的眼球

You avoid extrusion eye and can not be dirty water into the eyes recently 你最近避免挤压眼球而且不能将脏水流入眼睛

When you feel eye pain or redness, you must go to the hospital 当你感觉眼睛胀痛或者眼睛发红,你必须到医院就诊

First drug treatment , if not improve , they must be treated surgically先药

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You usually have to avoid mental stress, fatigue, and drinking is prohibited 你平时要避免精神紧张、劳累,而且禁止饮酒

hospitalization住院治疗;Outpatient service门诊;ward病房;Physicians 内科医生;gynaecologists妇产科医生;Neurologist神经内科医生;Neurosurgeons神经外科医生;Endocrinologists内分泌医生;Cardiologists 心血管科医生;Gastroenterologists消化科医生;Surgeon外科医生;Pediatrician儿科医生

5.operation name

superficial anesthesia of eye眼部表面麻醉, Local infiltration anesthesia局部浸润麻醉;Topical subconjunctival anesthesia局部结膜下麻醉、peribulbar block球周阻滞,Retrobulbar block球后阻滞; Sty incision麦粒肿切开术; Chalazion incision霰粒肿切开术; keratoplasty 角膜移植;Corneal foreign body removal surgery角膜异物取出术;Pterygium excision + Limbal stem cell transplantation; Trabeculectomy小梁切除;Peripheral iridectomy 虹膜周边切除; Small incision extracapsular cataract extraction; Phacoemulsification+ Intraocular lens implantation;YAG laser posterior capsulotomy (YPC)YAG后囊切开术;Enucleation眼球摘除;evisceration 眼内容物剜除;Artificial eye pedestal implantation眼座植入术;vitrectomy玻切;Retinal detachment surgery视网膜脱离复位术;

endolaser 眼内激光;Retinal laser photocoagulation视网膜激光光凝;

Tumor resection 肿瘤切除术;Strabismus surgery斜视矫正术;Entropion correction眼睑内翻矫正术;Eyelid tumor resection眼睑肿物切除;

Subcutaneous abscess incision皮下脓肿切开术;Debridement and suturing 清创缝合; probing of lacrimal passage泪道探通术Syringe 注射器

Milliliter毫升;infusion apparatus输液器;Ophthalmic surgical microscope 眼科手术显微镜;Blade刀片;Microsurgical knife显微外科手术刀;needle 针头;Flushing needle冲洗针头;eye speculum开睑器;Microsurgery scissors 显微手术剪刀;Microsurgery Forceps显微手术镊子;

Microsurgery needle holder显微持针器;Forceps 血管钳;curet刮勺; Snare 圈套器;ophthalmic sutures 眼科缝合线;Gauze 纱布;cotton wool balls 棉球;swabs 棉签;adhesive plaster胶布;mask口罩;Medical hat 医用帽子;rubber glovers橡皮手套;remove the sutures拆线;change their dressing换药;Viscoelastic agent粘弹剂; Carbachol 1ml卡巴胆碱;

Iodophor碘伏; Alcohol医用酒精; Hydrogen peroxide solution 双氧水; slit lamp裂隙灯;Front mirror 前置镜;trihedral reflector三面反射镜;direct /Indirect ophthalmoscopy 直接/间接眼底镜; Gonioscopy前房角镜;

Tonometer眼压计; perimeter 视野计;Refractometer电脑验光

仪;compute tomography CT;Eye B ultrasound眼部B超;Optical

coherence tomography(OCT); Fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA);

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isolation unite消毒室;Alcohol lamp 酒精灯;Irrigation of lacrimal passage

泪道冲洗; Conjunctival sac irrigation结膜囊冲洗; Cut eyelashes剪睫毛;

Measurement of intraocular lens测量人工晶体度数;contract pupil缩瞳;

dilate pupils扩瞳;subconjunctival injection 结膜下注射;intraocular

injection 眼内注射;mechanical sterilization 器械灭菌法;Instrument

disinfection器械消毒; surgical isolator 外科手术消毒包

6.Cataract surgery preparation

Blood Rbc wbc; fasting blood sugar(FBS);Urine sugar ;ECG; BP;

Irrigation of lacrimal passage冲洗泪道;Cut eyelashes剪睫毛;Washing

conjunctival SAC冲洗结膜囊;dilate pupils扩瞳

Inj N.S 500 ml*1;ringer solution 500ml*1;

Epinephrine 1ml*1;Gentamicin 80mg*2;Dexamethasone 4mg*1;

Lidocaine 20ml*1; Syringe(5ml)*4 millilitre milligram

Ocust colicusi gentadexa 5ml ; Ocust 0.1% diclogesic 5ml;.

Ocul fucithaimic 5g;Ocul TobraDex 3.5g

Inj N.S 500 ml inj cefazoline 1g*2 inj Penicillin

1000000u*6 inj Dexamethasone 4mg**2

inj Mannitol 300ml


手术室护士:Awodia 和Aman;其余时间门诊;门诊护士:Fartma 验

光师:shadia 门诊医生:Tayseer

阿布欧舍医院:工作时间(6d):周六~周四9am~2pm 门诊、手术男


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内科常用字汇 心血管系统The Cardiovascular System Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞Electrocardiogram (DCG) 心电图 Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心脏血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病 Hemangioma 血管瘤 Vasodilatation 血管扩张 Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 Hypertension 高血压 Hypertrophy 肥大 Hypotension 低血压 Varicose veins 静脉曲张 血液及淋巴系统The Hemic and Lymphatic System Adenitis 腺炎 Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病Leukocyte 白血球 Leukocytopenia白血球减少 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮Splenomegaly 脾肿大 Anemia贫血 Aseptic 无菌的

Septicemia败血症 Hemostasis 止血 Transfusion输血 呼吸系统The Respiratory System Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Mucosa 黏膜 Exhale呼吸 Apnea窒息 Tachypnea呼吸急促Pneumonia肺炎 Bronchitis支气管炎 Lung Empyema 肺积脓 消化系统The Digestive System Short of breath 呼吸短促Dysphasia说话困难 Aphasia 失语症 Aphonia失声 Dysphagia 吞咽困难 Gingivitis 齿龈炎 Pharyngitis 咽炎 Laryngitis 喉炎Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查


A 阿托品atropine 安定diazepam 爱滋病acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 安全守则safety regulations B 掰刀片器razor blade breakers 白斑leucoma 白内障cataract 白内障囊内摘出术(ICCE)intracapsular cataract extraction 白内障囊外摘出术ECCE 白内障手术后创口裂开wound leak after cataract surgery 白内障手术术前用药premedication for cataract surgery 白内障术后护理post-operative care for cataract surgery 斑翳macula (corneal scarring) 包眼patching of eye 包装箱packing crates 暴露性角膜炎exposure keratitis 杯-盘比cup/disc ratio 鼻泪管阻塞naso-lacrimal duct obstruction 毕妥斑Bitot's spots 闭角型青光眼angle closure glaucoma 闭角型青光眼angle closure glaucoma 变性degeneration 表面解剖surface anatomy 病毒感染viral infections 病史采集history-taking 玻璃体vitreous body 玻璃体积血vitreous haemorrhage 玻璃体切除术vitrectomy C 草药herbal remedies 潮湿气候wet climates 虫叮咬insect stings 出血haemorrhage 初级保健primary health care 初级卫生保健primary health care 穿刺paracentesis 传统疗法traditional remedies 春季结膜炎鹅卵石样改变cobblestones in vernal conjunctivitis 春季卡他性结膜炎vernal conjunctivitis 刺囊吸引术discission and aspiration 醋氮酰胺acetazolamide 醋氮酰胺Diamox D


眼镜专业英语词汇汇总 常用词汇 Nose bridge 鼻中 Tip 脚套 Temple 脚丝 Plating 电镀 Printing 印字 Lase 镭射 Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜 Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 kid's eyewear 儿童眼镜 Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹 Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片 Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件 Components of frames 镜架组件 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件 Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布 Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具 Visual test equipment 验眼设备 Edger 磨边机 Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械 Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械 Lathe 车床 Coating machine 镀膜机 Coating materials 镀膜原料Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械 Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器Ophthalmic products 眼科用品Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂 Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统 Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器 Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具 Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具 Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料 Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料Lens abrasive and polishing


眼科学词汇英汉对照 ophthalmology,OPH,Ophth眼科学 visionics视觉学 visual optics视觉光学 visual physiology视觉生理学 physiology of eye眼生理学 visual electro?physiology视觉电生理学 pathology of eye眼病理学 dioptrics of eye眼屈光学 neuro?ophthalmology神经眼科学 ophthalmiatrics眼科治疗学 ophthalmic surgery眼科手术学 cryo?ophthalmology冷冻眼科学 right eye,RE,oculus dexter,OD右眼 left eye,LE,oculus sinister,OS左眼 oculus uterque,OU双眼 eyeball phantom眼球模型 eye bank眼库 prevention of blindness,PB防盲 primary eye care初级眼保健 low vision低视力 blindness盲 totol blindness全盲 imcomplete blindness不全盲 congenital blindness先天性盲 acquired blindness后天性盲曾用名“获得性盲”。 functional blindness功能性盲 organic blindness器质性盲 occupational blindness职业性盲 legal blindness法定盲 visual aura视觉先兆 visual disorder视觉障碍 visual deterioration视力减退 transitional blindness一过性盲 amaurosis黑朦 amaurosis fugax一过性黑朦 toxic amaurosis中毒性黑朦 central amaurosis中枢性黑朦 uremic amaurosis尿毒性黑朦 cortical blindness皮质盲 macropsia视物显大症曾用名“大视”。 micropsia视物显小症曾用名“小视”。


眼科Ophthalmology 眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic 眼科-斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopia 眼科-视网膜Retina Section 眼科-一般门诊Optometry-General Clinic 眼科-兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam 眼科-配光检查Optometry 眼科-视保健Vision Protection Clinic 床科部眼科-萤光摄影Fluorescent Photography 眼科射Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy 眼角膜 cornea 眼睑 eyelid 晶状体 lens 虹膜 iris Abduction 外展 Accommodation 调节 achromatopsia 色盲 adaptation 适应 adduction 内收 After-cataract 后发性白内障 amaurosis 黑朦 amblyopia 弱视 Angle of anterior chamber 前房角 narrow 窄角 wide 宽角 Angle visual 视角 anisometropia 屈光参差 aphakia 无晶状体 aqueous 房水 Arcus senilis 角膜老年环 Artificial eye 假眼,义眼 asthenopia 视力疲劳 astigmatism 散光 compound 复性散光 irrgular 不规则散光 regular 规则散光 simple 单纯散光 Atrophy of iris 虹膜萎缩 blepharitis 睑缘炎 Blind spot 盲点 Capsule ,Tenon’s 眼球筋膜囊 capsulotomy 晶状体囊切开术 Carsinoma of tarsal gland 睑板腺癌 caruncle 泪阜 cataract 白内障 complicated 并发性白内障 congenital 先天性白内障 hypermature 过熟期白内障 immature 未成熟白内障 mature 成熟期白内障 secondary 继发性白内障 senile 老年性白内障 Cataract extraction 白内障摘除术 Central retinal vein 视网膜中央静脉 Central retinal artery 视网膜中央动脉 catarrh 卡他结膜炎 spring 春季卡他, Cavernous sinus,海绵窦血栓形成 Thrombosis of chalazion 睑板腺囊肿 Chamber,anterior 前房 Chamber,posterior 后房 chemosis 结膜水肿 Chiasm optic 视交叉 Choroids 脉络膜 Coloboma of 脉络膜缺损 Rupture of 脉络膜破裂 choroiditis 脉络膜炎 Choroiditis ,disseminated 播散性脉络膜炎 choroiretinitis 脉络膜视网膜炎 cilia 睫毛 Ciliary body 睫状体 Ciliary artery 睫状动脉 Ciliary ganglion 睫状神经节 Ciliary injection 睫状充血 Ciliary muscle 睫状肌 paralysis 睫状肌麻痹 Color blindness 色盲 Color sense 色觉 Color field for 色视野 Concave lens 凹透镜 conjunctiva 结膜 Bulbar 球结膜 folliculosis 结膜滤泡增生症 Fornix of 穹窿部结膜 Hyperemia of 结膜充血 palpebral 睑结膜 conjunctival 结膜的 In jection 结膜充血 lithiasis 结膜结石 papillae 结膜乳头 sac 结膜囊 conjunctivitis 结膜炎 epidemic hemorrhagic 流行性出血性结膜炎 epidemic kerato- 流行性角结膜炎 follicular 滤泡性结膜炎 Contact lens 接触镜 convergence 集合,辐辏 cornea 角膜 conical 圆锥角膜 foreign body of 角膜异物 perforation of 角膜穿孔 protrusions of 角膜膨出 corneal 角膜的 epithelium 角膜上皮层 fistula 角膜瘘 leucoma 角膜白斑 macula 角膜斑翳 nebula 角膜云翳 staphyloma 角膜葡萄肿 crescent 近视弧形斑 cyclitis 睫状体炎 cycloplegia 睫状肌麻痹 cycloplegics 睫状肌麻痹剂 Cyst,meibomian 睑板腺囊肿 Cystoid degeneration 囊样变性 dacryoadenitis 泪腺炎 Dacryocy stectomy 泪囊摘除术 Dacryocy stitis 泪囊炎 Dacryorhinocy stotomy 泪囊鼻腔吻合术 Dendritic keratitis 树枝状角膜炎 Descemet’


Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹 镜框:FRAME 铰链:HINGE 弹簧脚链:SPRING HINGE 一体弹簧脚:MONO SPRING HINGE 脚套:TIP 鼻托(托叶):NOSE PARDS 鼻须(酒杯):NOSE ARM 镜脚:TEMPLE 电镀:PLATE 全框:FULL FRAME 半框:HALF FRAME 无框:RIMELESS 金属框:METAL FRAME 塑胶框:PLASTIC FRAME 中梁:BRIDGE Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片 Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片 Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件 Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件 Components of frames 镜架组件 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件 Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件 Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布

Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具 Visual test equipment 验眼设备 Edger 磨边机 Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械 Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械 Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械 Lathe 车床 Coating machine 镀膜机 Coating materials 镀膜原料 Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械 Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器 Ophthalmic products 眼科用品 Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂 Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统 Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料 Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器 Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具 Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具 Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料 Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料 Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨镜片原料 Electroplating, welding materials 电镀、焊接原材料 Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技设备和仪器 slit illumination 裂隙灯 diopter 屈光度 sphere 球镜


如果有错误请及时指出 索引 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department门诊部 In-patient department住院部 Nursing department护理部 Admission office住院处 Discharge office出院处 Registration office挂号处 Reception room, waiting room侯诊室 Consultation room诊察室 Isolation room隔离室 Delivery room分娩室 Emergency room急诊室 Ward病房室 Department of internal medicine内科Department of surgery外科 Department of pediatrics儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇科Department of neurology神经科 Department of ophtalmology眼科 E.N.T.department耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology口腔科 Department of urology泌尿科 Department of orthopedic骨科


A 阿托品 atropine 安定 diazepam 爱滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 安全守则 safety regulations B 掰刀片器 razor blade breakers 白斑 leucoma 白障 cataract 白障囊摘出术(ICCE) intracapsular cataract extraction 白障囊外摘出术 ECCE 白障手术后创口裂开 wound leak after cataract surgery 白障手术术前用药 premedication for cataract surgery 白障术后护理 post-operative care for cataract surgery 斑翳 macula (corneal scarring) 包眼 patching of eye 包装箱 packing crates 暴露性角膜炎 exposure keratitis 杯-盘比 cup/disc ratio 鼻泪管阻塞 naso-lacrimal duct obstruction 毕妥斑 Bitot's spots 闭角型青光眼 angle closure glaucoma 闭角型青光眼 angle closure glaucoma

变性 degeneration 表面解剖 surface anatomy 病毒感染 viral infections 病史采集 history-taking 玻璃体 vitreous body 玻璃体积血 vitreous haemorrhage 玻璃体切除术 vitrectomy C 草药herbal remedies 潮湿气候wet climates 虫叮咬insect stings 出血haemorrhage 初级保健primary health care 初级卫生保健primary health care 穿刺paracentesis 传统疗法traditional remedies 春季结膜炎鹅卵石样改变cobblestones in vernal conjunctivitis 春季卡他性结膜炎vernal conjunctivitis 刺囊吸引术discission and aspiration 醋氮酰胺acetazolamide 醋氮酰胺Diamox


主诉complain [k?m?plein] 视物模糊blurred vision 视力减退visual deterioration [d??t?r???re???n] 视力疲劳asthenopia / eye strain [??sθi?n?upi?](Asth [英汉医学名词] 视疲劳。) 视物变形metamorphosis [?met??m?:f?sis] (metamorphosis变态,变形变质:尤指发育上 从一个阶段转向另一阶段的变化,例如从幼虫变为成虫。meta- denoting a change of position or condition 表示“变化”,“变位”,“改变”,“变换” morphosis [m?:?f?usis] 形态形成。) 流泪lacrimation [?l?kri?mei??n] (lacrima [?l?krim?] n.泪lacrimat adj.泪的,流泪的,啜泣 的,泪腺的lacrimal D.J.[?l?kr?m?l] K.K.[?l?kr?m?l] adj.泪腺的,泪的,满是泪水的) 溢泪epiphora [i?pif?r?] (语源late 16th cent. (in sense 2): via Latin from Greek epi 'upon' + pherein 'to bear or carry'. Sense 1 dates from the mid 17th cent) 眼痛ophthalmalgia 怕光photophobia [?f?ut?u?f?ubi?](phobia D.J.[?f??bi:?];K.K.[?fobi?] n.恐惧, 厌恶) 复视diplopia [di?pl?upi?] 眼球突出exophthalmos [?eks?f?θ?lm?s] (exophthalmus exo- prefix external; from outside表示“外部的";“从外部ophthalmic D.J.[?f?θ?lmik] K.K.[ɑf?θ?lm?k, ɑp-] adj.眼的,眼科的n.眼药语源:early 17th cent.: from modern Latin exophthalmus, from Greek exophthalmos 'having prominent eyes', from ex- 'out' + ophthalmos 'eye') 飞蚊症Muscae volitantes [?m?si? ?v?l??tanti?z](Muscae (所有格)苍蝇座muscae [拉]〔单musca〕蝇; volitation D.J.[?v?li?tei??n] n.飞翔volitant D.J.[?v?lit?nt] adj.能飞的,飞的,活动的) 虹视halo vision (halo D.J.[?he?l??] K.K.[?helo] n.(图画中圣人头上的)光环,灵光) 异物感foreign body sensation 眼干dryness of eyes 眼磨scratching sensation (scratching 刮痕) 烧灼感burning sensation 刺痛stabbing pain 眼睑eyelid 睑缘炎blepharitis 语源mid 19th cent.: from Greek blepharon 'eyelid' + -itis 睫毛eyelash 睑下垂ptosis [?pt?usis] 睑外翻ectropian [ek?tr?upj?n] (ec- 外的tropia,斜视) 裂隙灯slit lamp (slit 切开,撕开;裂缝) 发痒itch [it?] 睑内翻entropion (en- 在。。。。。。之内,之上) 内眦赘皮epicanthus (epi-在。。。。上,向。。。。canthus 眼角) 睑缘Eye Lids margin (margin 边缘) 倒睫trichiasis [tri?kai?sis](语源:mid 17th cent.: via late Latin from Greek trikhiasis, from trikhian 'be hairy') 泪膜tear film 泪河lacrimal rivus (rivus,小溪。river,河)


. v眼科词汇中英文对照 A型超声图 A-scan ultrasonography B型超声图 Maddox杆测验 白障 Nd:YAG激光囊切开术 SRK公式,人工晶体状体度数测定二期人工晶状体植入术 人工晶状体(IOL) 上皮 上皮水肿 子午线 晶状体 干燥性角结膜炎 无前房或浅前房 无晶状体 无晶状体眼镜 无缝线白障手术 毛果芸香碱 出血 外伤性白障 外眼病 外眼检查 对比敏感度 平坦部玻璃体切除术 白障手术 白障囊摘除术(ICCE) 白障囊外摘除术(ECCE) 皮质 皮质性白障 皮质类固醇 先天性白障 全身麻醉 关节炎 后房 后房型人工晶状体 后囊混浊 地塞米松 异物 成熟期白障 红光反射 老年性白障 冷冻器 B-scan ultrasonography maddox rod testing cataract Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy SRK formula, for IOL power secondary intraocular lens intraocular lenses epithelium epithelial edema meridians lens keratoconjunctivitis sicca flat or shallow anterior chamber Aphakia Aphakic spectacles No-stitch cataract surgery pilocarpine hemorrhage traumatic cataracts external eye disease external eye examination contrast sensitivity pars plana lensectomy cataract surgery intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) cortex cortical cataracts corticosteorids congenital cataracts general anesthesia Arthritis posterior chamber posterior chamber intraocular lenses posterior capsular opacification dexamethasone foreign bodies mature cataracts red reflex


索引中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department门诊部 In-patient department住院部 Nursing department护理部 Admission office住院处 Discharge office出院处 Registration office挂号处 Reception room, waiting room侯诊室 Consultation room诊察室 Isolation room隔离室 Delivery room分娩室 Emergency room急诊室 Ward病房室 Department of internal medicine内科 Department of surgery外科 Department of pediatrics儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇科 Department of neurology神经科 Department of ophtalmology眼科 E.N.T.department耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology口腔科 Department of urology泌尿科 Department of orthopedic骨科 Department of traumatology创伤科 Department of endocrinology内分泌科 Department of anesthesiology麻醉科


眼科学英语词汇ophthalmology, OPH, Ophth 眼科学 visionics 视觉学 visual optics 视觉光学 visual physiology 视觉生理学 physiology of eye 眼生理学 visual electro physiology 视觉电生理学pathology of eye 眼病理学 dioptrics of eye 眼屈光学 neuro ophthalmology 神经眼科学 ophthalmiatrics 眼科治疗学 ophthalmic surgery 眼科手术学 cryo ophthalmology 冷冻眼科学 right eye, RE, oculus dexter, OD 右眼 left eye, LE, oculus sinister, OS 左眼 oculus uterque, OU 双眼 eyeball phantom 眼球模型 eye bank 眼库 prevention of blindness, PB 防盲 primary eye care 初级眼保健 low vision 低视力 blindness 盲 totol blindness 全盲 imcomplete blindness 不全盲 congenital blindness 先天性盲 acquired blindness 后天性盲曾用名“获得性盲”。functional blindness 功能性盲 organic blindness 器质性盲 occupational blindness 职业性盲 legal blindness 法定盲 visual aura 视觉先兆 visual disorder 视觉障碍 visual deterioration 视力减退 transitional blindness 一过性盲 amaurosis 黑 amaurosis fugax 一过性黑


v 眼科词汇中英文对照 A型超声图 B型超声图 Maddox杆测验 白内障 Nd:YAG激光囊切开术 SRK 公式,人工晶体状体度数测定二期人工晶状体植入术 人工晶状体(IOL) 上皮 上皮水肿 子午线 晶状体 干燥性角结膜炎 无前房或浅前房 无晶状体 无晶状体眼镜 无缝线白内障手术 毛果芸香碱 出血 外伤性白内障 外眼病 外眼检查 对比敏感度 平坦部玻璃体切除术 白内障手术 白内障囊内摘除术(ICCE) 白内障囊外摘除术(ECCE) 皮质 皮质性白内障 皮质类固醇 先天性白内障 全身麻醉 关节炎 后房 后房型人工晶状体 后囊混浊 地塞米松 异物 成熟期白内障 红光反射 老年性白内障 冷冻器A-scan ultrasonography B-scan ultrasonography maddox rod testing cataract Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy SRK formula,for IOL power secondary intraocular lens intraocular lenses epithelium epithelial edema meridians lens keratoconjunctivitis sicca flat or shallow anterior chamber Aphakia Aphakic spectacles No-stitch cataract surgery pilocarpine hemorrhage traumatic cataracts external eye disease external eye examination contrast sensitivity pars plana lensectomy cataract surgery intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) cortex cortical cataracts corticosteorids congenital cataracts general anesthesia Arthritis posterior chamber posterior chamber intraocular lenses posterior capsular opacification dexamethasone foreign bodies mature cataracts red reflex Age-related cataracts Cryoprobe



眼科Ophthalmology 眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic 眼科-斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopia 眼科-视网膜Retina Section 眼科-一般门诊Optometry-General Clinic 眼科-兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam 眼科-配光检查Optometry 眼科-视保健Vision Protection Clinic 床科部眼科-萤光摄影Fluorescent Photography 眼科射Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy 眼角膜cornea 眼睑eyelid 晶状体lens 虹膜iris Abduction 外展 Accommodation 调节achromatopsia 色盲adaptation 适应adduction 内收 After-cataract 后发性白内障amaurosis 黑朦amblyopia 弱视 Angle of anterior chamber 前房角narrow 窄角wide 宽角 Angle visual 视角anisometropia 屈光参差 aphakia 无晶状体aqueous 房水 Arcus senilis 角膜老年环 Artificial eye 假眼,义眼asthenopia 视力疲劳 astigmatism 散光compound复性散光irrgular 不规则散光regular 规则散光 simple 单纯散光 Atrophy of iris 虹膜萎缩

Fornix of 穹窿部结膜 Hyperemia of 结膜充血palpebral 睑结膜epiphora 溢泪 episcleritis 表层巩膜炎 esophoria 内隐斜视 esotropia 内斜视 Excavation of optic disk 视盘凹陷Exenteration of orbit 眶内容剜除术exophoria 夕卜隐斜 exophthalmometer 眼球突出计exophthalmos 眼球突出 exotropia 夕卜斜视 Extra-ocular muscles 眼外肌 eyeball 眼球 Eye glasses 眼镜 Eye lids margin 睑缘 Eye strain 视力疲劳 Far point 远点 farsightedness 远视fluorescein 荧光素 Focal distance of lens 透镜焦距 follicle 滤泡 Form sense 形觉 fornix 穹隆 Fovea centralis 黄斑 fundus 眼底 glaucoma 青光眼 absolute 绝对青光眼 Activa stage of 急性发作期青光眼 Angle-closure 闭角型青光眼 congestive 充血性青光眼 congenital 先天性青光眼 hemorrhagic 出血性青光眼malignant 恶性青光眼primary 原发性青光眼secondary 继发性青光眼 Prodromal stage of 前驱期青光眼 Glaucomatous cup 青光眼杯 gonioscope 前房角镜hemianopia 便盲 Hemorrhage , subconjunctival 结膜下出血 Hordeolum external 夕卜麦粒肿 internal 内麦粒肿 Hydrophthalmos 水眼 Hypertopia 远视 Hypertropia 上斜视 Hyphema前房出血 Hypopyon 前房积脓 Interstitial keratitis 角膜基质炎 iridectomy 虹膜切除术 iridocyclitis 虹膜睫状体炎 traumatic 外伤性 iridodialysis 虹膜根部断离 Iridodonesis 虹膜震颤 Iris bomb' s虹膜膨隆 Iris coloboma of 虹膜缺损 Iritis 虹膜炎 Ischemic optic neuropathy 缺血性视神 经病变 keratoplasty 角膜移植术 Keratic precipitates 角膜后沉淀物 keratitis 角膜炎 disciformis 盘状角膜炎 herpetic 疱疹性角膜炎 Superficial punctate 浅层点状角膜炎 xerotic 角膜后弹力层膨出 keratoconjunctivitis 角膜结膜炎 keratoconus 圆锥形角膜keratomalacia 角膜软化症 keratomycosis 角膜真菌病 lacrimation 流泪 Lacrimal gland 泪腺 Lacrimal passage 泪道 Lacrimal punctum 泪小点 Lacrimal sac 泪囊 Lacrimonasal duct 鼻泪管 Lagophphalmos 兔眼(睑闭和不全) Lamina cribrosa 筛板 Lamp slit 裂隙灯 Lash睫毛 Lens 晶状体 Dislocation of 晶状体脱位 lenses 透镜 cylindrical 圆柱镜 folliculosis 结膜滤泡增生症


v眼科词汇中英文对照 A型超声图A-scan ultrasonography B型超声图 Maddox杆测验 白内障 Nd:Y AG激光囊切开术 SRK公式,人工晶体状体度数测定二期人工晶状体植入术 人工晶状体(IOL) 上皮 上皮水肿 子午线 晶状体 干燥性角结膜炎 无前房或浅前房 无晶状体 无晶状体眼镜 无缝线白内障手术 毛果芸香碱 出血 外伤性白内障 外眼病 外眼检查 对比敏感度 平坦部玻璃体切除术 白内障手术 白内障囊内摘除术(ICCE) 白内障囊外摘除术(ECCE) 皮质 皮质性白内障 皮质类固醇 先天性白内障 全身麻醉 关节炎 后房 后房型人工晶状体 后囊混浊 地塞米松 异物 成熟期白内障 红光反射 老年性白内障 冷冻器B-scan ultrasonography maddox rod testing cataract Nd: Y AG laser capsulotomy SRK formula, for IOL power secondary intraocular lens intraocular lenses epithelium epithelial edema meridians lens keratoconjunctivitis sicca flat or shallow anterior chamber Aphakia Aphakic spectacles No-stitch cataract surgery pilocarpine hemorrhage traumatic cataracts external eye disease external eye examination contrast sensitivity pars plana lensectomy cataract surgery intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) cortex cortical cataracts corticosteorids congenital cataracts general anesthesia Arthritis posterior chamber posterior chamber intraocular lenses posterior capsular opacification dexamethasone foreign bodies mature cataracts red reflex Age-related cataracts Cryoprobe
