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HR们如何审查Cover Letter和Resume

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特别关注:HR们如何审查Cover Letter和Resume?

为了了解公司的HR经理们都是如何审查应聘者的简历和求职信,我们专门向北京50个公司,包括国企、私企、外企在内的人力资源专家发放了问卷调查。根据调查结果,我们发现,HR们对简历的、尤其是英文简历的审查重点是关键词(Key Words),他们并不愿意看到应聘者们的简历是一大段一大段的文字。原因有两个:第一,HR们并没有那么多的时间来看,一般来讲,根据我们的问卷调查结果,一般审查一份简历的时间大约在8-10秒之间,所以他们并没有那么多的时间来“阅读”你的简历;第二,HR经理们都是经过专业训练的专家,他们都有非常良好的专业素质,所以他们知道如何从简历的关键词去跟自己公司要求的素质来进行对比,而且通过多年的简历“阅读”,他们已经习惯利用关键字而不是大段、大段的文字来评判应聘者。



而针对求职中具体的常见要求的职业素质,来自纽约畅销书The Fast Track(这个是美国所有著名商学院都推荐的一本关于如何进入顶级咨询公司、投资银行的书)作者Naficy 总结了如何在简历和求职信当中证明自己符合职位描述中的要求——这些都是公司的job descriptions中所描述的,也是很多同学所耳熟能详的buzz words & phrases,但是比如leadership, team player, communication skills这些素质,我们经常挂在嘴边,但是他们的具体定义是什么呢?让我们看看如何用实例来证明自己拥有这些素质吧:

How and Where to Display Critical Skills2

“Team player”

Signs you have it:

Work in teams, either in academics, extracurricular, or on the job; participates in team sports; hobbies are people-oriented.

Where you can display it: résumé

“Communications skills”

Signs you have it:

Uses tactful phrasing and articulates complex thoughts in cover letter; organizes information well and writes concisely in résumé; participates in activities that involve written or verbal communications, such as teaching or journalism; fluent in a foreign language; good verbal SAT or GMAT score. Where you can display it: cover letter, résumé

“Interpersonal skills”

Signs you have it:


2选自P55 “The Fast Track” By Martiam Naficy, Published by Broad Way Books

Participates in activities that involve interaction with others; demonstrates an ability to get along with people from a range of backgrounds (such as volunteer work or international experiences); positive tone in cover letter; uses tactful phrasing in cover letter.

Where you can display it: cover letter, résumé

“Leadership skills”

Signs you have it:

Elected leadership positions; entrepreneurial or extracurricular initiative; has taken risks; successful self-direction in ambiguous, situations; has persuaded others to take action.

Where you can display it: résumé

“Analytical skills”

Signs you have it:

High grade point average(GPA);rising trend in grades; has performed well in analytical jobs and class work; has had analytical work experience; uses logical thinking in presenting credentials and writing cover letter; has had business or financial work experience; good SAT or GMAT scores.

Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, résumé

“Quantitative skills”

Signs you have it:

Strong grades in quantitative subjects such as math, business, or economics; work experience involving quantitative analysis; good math SAT and GMAT score.

Where you can display it: academic transcript, résumé

“Business sense”

Signs you have it:

Demonstrated a long-term interest in business ,both through classes and through extracurricular activities; knowledgeable about industry and firm in cover letter; enthusiastic about job in cover letter; work experience has provided exposure to major business or financial concepts.

Where you can display it: cover letter, résumé

“The capacity for continuous development”

Signs you have it:

Upward trend in grades; challenging classes; built new knowledge on existing knowledge, such as in a study of a foreign language;

Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, résumé

“Motivation and energy”

Signs you have it:

Enthusiasm and a bias for action in cover letter; heavy academic load; has juggled many activities; participation in extra-curricular; worked your way through college.

Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter, resumes


Signs you have it:

Details on resume seem consist ent; hasn’t exaggerated accomplishments; hasn’t said anything unprofessional or rude in cover letter.

Where you can display it: academic transcript, cover letter and resume
