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Teachers Appreciation Day---教师节Wonderful Teacher(诗歌)

With a special gift for learning And with a heart that deeply cares, You add a lot of love

To everything you share,

And even though

You mean a lot,

You'll never know how much,

For you helped

To change the world

Through every life you touched. You sparked the creativity

In the students whom you taught, And helped them strive for goals That could not be bought,

You are such a special teacher

That no words can truly tell However much you're valued

For the work you do so well.

--Author Unknown

Read some well-known Quotations for Teacher's Day.


A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. --Author Unknown

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. -Jacques Barzun Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more. --Bob Talbert

The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires

self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple. --Amos Bronson Alcott Teaching is leaving a vestige of one self in the development of another. And surely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious treasures. --Eugene P. Bertin The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires. --William Arthur Ward

A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. --Author Unknown What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. --Karl Menningervv

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth." --Dan Rather

In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years. --Jacques Barzun

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. --Author Unknown

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. --Author Unknown

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." --Henry Brooks Adams

"Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the

earth." --Helen Caldicott, author and peace activist

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." --Japanese proverb

"The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards." --Anatole France

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well. --Aristotle

A gifted teacher is as rare as a gifted doctor, and makes far less money --Author unknown


英文诗歌短篇励志经典|英语诗歌经典100篇 咖啡苦,回味无穷;伤痛苦,心里铭记;磨难苦,励志人心;感情苦,更显真心;生活苦,倍加珍惜。苦,让我们感谢生活;苦,让我们看到真心:虽苦犹甜。小编精心收集了短篇励志经典英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳·邓莱普陈采霞译 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇2 THE VALUE OF TIME Katharine Sun


赞美老师的英语名句有些 您在学生的心目中,是“真的种子,善的信使,美的旗帜”。 Intheeyesofthestudents,youare"theseedofthetrue,themessenger ofthegood,thebannerofthebeautiful". 教师是人类灵魂的工程师—— ___ Theteacheristheengineerofthehumansoul--Stalin 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干——李商隐 Todeathtomakesilk,waxtorchashestears--LiShangyin 太阳底下最光辉的职业;人类灵魂的工程师; Underthesunthemostgloryoupation;theengineerofhumansoul; 老师就像蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人。

Teachersarelikecandles,burningthemselves,illuminatestheothe rs. 三尺讲台,三寸舌,三寸笔,三千桃李 Threefeetplatform,threeinchtongue,threeinch,threethousandpe ach 十年树木,十载风,十载雨,十万栋梁 Ittakestenyearsfortenyears,wind,rain,onehundredthousandpill ars 身为世范,为人师表 Astheworldfan,beamodelforothers 老师是我们的在生父母!`爹娘生养我们老师教育了我们

Theteacherisourbirthparents!Theparentshaveourteachertaughtu s 模板,内容仅供参考


经典英语名篇文章:青春 作者:Samuel Ullman 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、宏伟的想象、炽热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 经典英语文章《青春》背后的故事: 太平洋战争打得正酣之时,麦克阿瑟将军常常从繁忙中抬起头,注视着挂在墙上的镜框,镜框里是篇文章,名为《青春》。这篇文章一直伴随着他,也跟着他到了日本。后来,日本人在东京的美军总部发现了它,《青春》便开始在日本流传。 一位资深的日本问题观察家说,在日本实业界,只要有成就者,没有哪一个不熟知不应用这篇美文的,就连松下电器的创始人松下幸之助几十年来也把《青春》当作他的座右铭。 还有这么一件趣事,足以证明《青春》在日本的魅力。一天,美国影片销售协会主席罗森菲尔德参加日本实业界的聚会,晚宴之前的谈话,他随意说了一句:“《青春》的作者,便是我的祖父。”在座的各位实业界领袖大为惊讶,其中有一位一边激动地说“我一直随身带着它呢”,一边从口袋里掏出了《青春》。 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20.nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、宏伟的想象、炽热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安,如此锐气,二十后生有之,六旬男子则更多见。年年有加,并非垂老;理想丢弃,方堕暮年。 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓唐必至灵魂。烦忧、惶恐、丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。 无论年届花甲,抑或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于教师的名言英语带翻译 篇一:有关教育的英语名言 有关教育的英语名言Therootsofeducationarebitter,butthefruitissweet.-Ar istotle 教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是香甜的。-亚里士多德 Thethinkerdies;buthisthoughtsarebeyondthereachofdes truction.menaremortal,butideasareimmortal.-walterLi ppmann 思想家会离开人世,但它的思想将永不消亡,人不能永生,思想却可以永存。-沃尔特·里普曼 educationisthemovementfromdarknesstolight.-Allanblo om 教育是从黑暗到光明的运动。-艾伦·布隆

educationcostsmoney,butthensodoesignorance.-sirclau smoser 教育需要花费钱,无知照样花费钱。-克劳斯·莫瑟爵士 whatmattersisnottheideaamanholds,butthedepthatwhich heholdsit.-ezrapound 重要的不是思想,而是思想的深度。-以斯拉·庞德 Anewideaisdelicate.Itcanbekilledbyasneerorayawn;itc anbestabbedtodeathbyaquipandworriedtodeathbyafrowno ntherightmansbrow.-charlesbrower一个新的想法是非常脆弱的,他可能被一声耻笑或一个呵欠扼杀,可能被一句嘲讽刺中身亡,或者因某位权威人士皱一下眉便郁郁而终。-查尔斯·布劳尔 educationistheabilitytolistentoalmostanythingwithou tlosingyourtemperoryourself-confidence.-RobertFrost 教育是这样一种能力,即在倾听所有事物时不会丧失仪表或自信。-罗伯特·佛罗斯特 restofhislife.-chineseproverb 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。-中国谚语

有关清新的英文诗欣赏 清新惊艳的英文小短诗

有关清新的英文诗欣赏清新惊艳的英文小短诗 诗歌是一种典型的文学形式,它既属于文学,又是一种艺术。小编整理了有关清新的英文诗,欢迎阅读! 有关清新的英文诗篇一 青春飞逝岁月留痕 There are gains for all our losses. There are balms for all our pain: But when youth, the dream, departs It takes something from our hearts, And it never comes again. We are stronger, and are better, Under manhood’s sterner reign: Still we feel that something sweet Followed youth, with flying feet, And will never come again. Something beautiful is vanished, And we sigh for it in vain; We behold it everywhere, On the earth, and in the air, But it never comes again ! 我们失去的一切都能得到补偿, 我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰, 可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝, 它带走了我们心中某种美好的事物, 从此一去不复返回。 严峻的成年生活将我们驱使, 我们变得日益刚强、更臻完美, 可是依然感到某种甜美的东西, 已随着青春飞逝, 永不再返回。 美好的东西已经消失, 我们枉自为此叹息, 虽然在天地之间, 我们到处能看见青春的魅力, 可是它永不再返回!有关清新的英文诗篇二 Solitude 孤独 Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For the sad old earth must borrow it’s mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air. The echoes bound to a joyful sound,


赞美老师的诗歌8首 无论我们走到哪儿, 永远记住您的爱; 无论我们走到哪儿, 永远是您的一朵花。老师——您如秋天里的一丝风, 吹黄了大地,唤金了稻谷, 而我们得到了丰收的硕果。 黑发积霜织日月, 粉笔无言写春秋。春播桃李三千圃, 秋来硕果满神州。 老师的言传身教,像春雨润物细无声。是谁——把幼小的我们培育成成熟懂事的少年? 是您!老师! 您的保护让我们健康成长。您辛苦了!老师! 把青春无么奉献的人们。 老师是一片绿叶,乐于默默奉献。我们向您致以崇高的敬意! ——您辛苦了,老师! 我也只能帮到这里了老师 老师——您如春天中的细雨, 滋润着花儿,灌溉着大地, 而我们再着吮吸着细雨茁长成长。小树长成栋梁材,不忘园丁培育恩。

温柔的春雨,就是老师对我们的抚爱。世界因此灿烂。老师给了我们理想的阳光和智慧的阳光。 在金秋时节结下硕果。是谁——把调皮的我们 教育成能体贴帮助别人的人? 是您!老师! 您的关怀就好似和煦的春风 温暖了我们的心灵。绿叶的绿色象征着老师青春常在。 老师为我们的成长,不知付出了多少辛劳。您的眼睛像明亮的星星, 闪烁着迷人的光华; 你的歌声像春天的小溪, 把欢乐带给了大家。是啊,老师的热情像太阳,老师的教诲像春雨, 老师的风格像绿叶,老师的事业像大树,我们的老师就是好. ★★赞美老师诗五:★★ 你献上一朵花, 我献上一朵花, 让我们编织个大花环, 献给亲爱的老师妈妈。 我们长大了一定要成为国家的栋梁, 啊!老师就是这么无私! 啊!老师我们爱您!

★★赞美老师诗三:★★ ——老师,辛苦了 是谁——把无知的我们领进宽敞的教室, 教给我们丰富的知识? 是您!老师! 您用辛勤的汗水, 哺育了春日刚破土的嫩苗。九月,是只情满四溢的杯子, 我们用双手高高地举起 一片真诚的祝福声中, 请您干杯。老师的话儿像春雨滋润我的心。 老师,您好! 人们把老师比作红烛,照亮别人而把自己燃烧。老师对我们的抚爱,我们永远不会忘记。无论我们走到哪儿, 永远记住你的情; 无论我们走到哪儿。 永远记住您的话。老师的节日,今天又来到。人们把老师比作园丁,培育桃李开遍天涯海角。 您辛苦了!老师! 在酷暑严寒中辛勤工作的人们。九月的乐章已经奏响, 请接受我们九月的献礼吧, 所有拼搏在教育战线的老师们。老师引导我们走上洒满阳光的人生之路。


15首最值得诵读英文经典诗歌含译文便条 This Is Just To Say 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯 William Carlos Williams (译:祈尘) 我吃了 I have eaten 冰箱 the plums 中的 that were in 桃子 the icebox

那也许 and which 是你 you were probably 为早餐 saving 留下来的 for breakfast 原谅我 Forgive me 它们很可口 they were delicious 又甜 so sweet 又凉

and so cold 我站在高处 I Stood Upon a High Place 史提芬·柯雷因 Stephen Crane 我站在高处 I stood upon a high place, 看到下面很多鬼魂 And saw, below, many devils 在奔跑,跳跃 Running, leaping, 沉醉在罪恶中

and carousing in sin. 有一个朝上看,露齿而笑 One looked up, grinning, 而且说,“同志们!弟兄们!”And said, "Comrade! Brother!" 红色手推车 The Red Wheelbarrow 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯 William Carlos Williams 那么多东西 so much depends 依靠 upon

一辆红色 a red wheel 手推车 barrow 晶莹闪亮于glazed with rain 雨水中 water 旁边有几只beside the white 白鸡chickens.


赞美老师的英语句子十则 01.国际机场 hewasateacherofgeometry.healwayssaid:"youmustconsidereveryangle."”ai rport(1970)–adaquonsett(helenhayes)他是教几何的。 他总是说:‘你得从各个角度考虑问题。 ’”——《国际机撤海伦丝扮演的阿达尼萨02.塞边狼烟hetaughtmewithoutteaching.that'sthebestway.”apachewarsmoke(1952)–nancydekker(barbararuick)他总是在潜移默化中教会我很多东西。 这是最奇妙的一点。 ”——《塞边狼烟》芭芭拉克扮演的南希科03.生命因你动听ateacherhastwojobs;fillyoungmindswithknowledge,yes,butmoreimportant, givethosemindsacompasothatthatknowledg edoesn'tgotowaste.”mr.holland ’sopus(1995)–helenjacobs(olympiadukakis)教师有两个工作:传道授业是其一没错,但更重要的是,给充满知识的头脑指明方向,让那些知识不至于白白浪费了。 ”——《生命因你动听》奥林匹亚卡基斯扮演的海伦各布04.简罗迪小姐的青春iaminthebusineofputtingoldheadsonyoungshoulders,”theprimeofmijeanbr odie(1969)–jeanbrodie(maggiesmith)我从事的这一事业,是要将智慧成熟的头脑,放到年轻稚嫩的肩上。 ”——《简罗迪小姐的青春》玛姬密斯扮演的简罗迪05.乌龙教授


关于教师的名人名言 关于教师的名人名言200句 1、尊重和爱护学生的自尊心,要细心得像对待一朵玫瑰花上颤动欲坠的露珠。 2、坚持启发式,避免注入式。 3、要得到学生的尊重和爱戴,首先要学会尊重学生的人格,要尽量多地要求一个人,也要尽可能多地尊重一个。 4、愿作园丁勤浇灌,甘为烛炬尽燃烧。 5、养不教,父之过;教不严,师之惰。 6、教师,这个光彩夺目的名称,将像一颗灿烂的明星,永远高悬在我们的胸中。 7、即使我两鬓斑白,依然会由衷地呼唤您一声教师!在这个神圣而崇高的字眼面前,我永远是一个需要启蒙的学生! 8、怎样的教师造就了怎样的学生。

9、要记住,你不仅仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。苏霍姆林斯基 10、严于己,而后勤于学生,这个无愧为教师的天职。 11、教师的人格是教育的基石。 12、小鸟展翅看大鸟,学生成长靠教师。 13、己所不欲,勿施于人。行有不得,反求诸己。 14、历史是生活的教师。克罗齐 15、不要简单地向后进学生说不。 16、教师就像蜡烛,燃烧自我,照亮别人。 17、仰之弥高,钻之弥坚。――《论语·子罕》 18、您因材施教,善启心灵。我们捧着优异的成绩,来祝贺您的胜利! 19、新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。明年再有新生者,十万龙孙

绕凤池。 20、为学莫重于尊师。谭嗣同 21、尊重儿童,不要急于对儿童作出或好或坏的评价。 22、啊,教师――人类灵魂的工程师,唯有这光辉的名字,才有着像大海一样丰富蓝天一样深湛的内涵! 23、您对我们严格要求,并以自我的行动为榜样。您的规劝要求,甚至命令,一经提出,便要我们必须做到,然而又总使我们心悦诚服,自觉行动。这就是您留在我心中的高大形象。 24、您的爱,太阳一般温暖,春风一般和煦,清泉一般甘甜。您的爱,比父爱更严峻,比母爱更细腻,比友爱更纯洁。您教师的爱,天下最伟大,最高洁。 25、诚挚的心灵,是学生情感的钥匙,高尚的师德,是学生心灵的明镜。 26、每一位有自尊的教师都会让学生自尊心有发挥的机会。

最美 首英文诗 译文也神美

最美8首英文诗,译文也神美! Spring goeth all in white spring goeth all in white,crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light,o'er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear,scatter their snow around.春之女神着素装 春之女神着素装,山楂花冠乳白光; 天上分明一群羊,白云朵朵自来往; 粉蝶空中时蹁跹;廷命菊花饰郊原; 樱桃梨树共争艳,四处非花如雪片。 To daffodils fair daffodils,we weep to seeyou haste away so soon;as yet the early-rising sunhas not attain'd his noon.stay,stay,until the hasting dayhas runbut to the even-song;and,having pray'd together, wewill go with you along. we have short time to stay, as you;we have as short a spring;as quick a growth to meet decay,as you,or anything.we die,as your hours do,and dryawaylike to the summer's rain,or as the pearls of morning's dew,ne'er


优美英文诗歌10首 The Rainy Day The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold and dark and dreary; It rains and the wind is never weary; My thought still cling to the moldering past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary. Be still,sad heart! And cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. The Seaside Is My Home I live near the sea for years. The billow sound every night, Enlightens me how to be great, And how to look on greatness. Without seeing great mountains, I form no habit of looking up. I live near the sea for years. Too much water, saltier than tears, Floats some directional boats, Or other drifting boats


关于老师的英语句子_美句佳句 关于老师的英语句子 1.The limits of your language are the limits of your world. 语言的边界就是你世界的边界。你的语言能走多远,你的世界就有多宽广。 2.Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more. 好老师很贵,但坏老师更贵。(好老师可能薪水比较贵,但是坏老师造成的坏影响却是金钱难以弥补的。) 3.A teacher touches lives forever. 老师影响学生的一生。 4.Teachers are the architects of successful societies. 老师是成功社会的建筑师。 5.The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. 最优秀的老师是从心里教书,而不是照本宣科。 6.It's easy to make money. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. Teachers make a difference! 赚钱很容易。但改变人生很难。老师改变人生。 7.The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in ma-ki-ng winners out of ordinary people. 优秀老师的职责是激发“看起来普通的”学生,让他们付出超常的努力。难的不是找出成功者,而是把普通学生激励成成功者! 8.The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. 普通老师只讲述事实,好老师解释事实,优秀的老师展示事实,伟大的老师激发学生去思考。 9.A school can only be excellent when it is filled with outstanding teachers.


Y outh is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 Y outh means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。 Y ears may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust. 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。忧烦,惶恐,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。 Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. 无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。 When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。 关于作者:About the Poet Migrant:生于犹太家庭,与父母从德国移民美国 Soldier:美国内战时加入南方邦联军队,受伤,耳聋。 Businessman 战争结束后从商 Congregational Activist宗教活动人士,热心犹太教教团活动,大众公益事务, City Alderman :市政议员 Poet:退休后写诗,写散文 受影响者:美国将军麦克阿瑟General Douglas MacArthur


经典的英文诗赞美老师的诗歌 赞美老师的经典英文诗A poem dedicated to teachers送给老师的诗Send you a bouquet of flowersTo express our respect to you;Send you a nice song,Give you a trace of sweetness.Teacher - You have worked hard,You are with us through the trials and tribulations,Are you with the knowledge of nutrition will be feeding us,But never with obtained.送您一束鲜花表达我们对您的敬意;送您一首动听的歌曲,给您带来一丝甜蜜.老师——您辛苦了,是您带我们走过风雨,是您用知识的营养将我们哺育,却从来不求回报与索取.Yes you give us to work together to answer another difficult decision,Yes you told us:Have encountered difficulties inSay not to give up easily.是您给我们解答一道道难题,是您告诉我们:遇到困难时,不要轻易说放弃.From then on our lives,Full of joy at any time.Fewer troubles,Add a perseverance.Is also a harvest of autumn,You still rests with the hands of the brush color.Depicts a beautiful blueprintMoisten with the peach and plum homeland.从此我们的生命中,随时充满了欢喜.少了许多烦恼,增添了一份坚毅.又是一个收获的秋季,您仍紧握手中彩色的画笔.描绘着美好的蓝图,滋润着祖国的桃李.Night you are still seriously preparing lessons,Sleep you still pondering the success of our fun.We are in full bloom in spring flowers,Yes you give us to play beautiful melody.深夜里您还在认真地备课,睡梦中您仍回味着我们成功的乐趣.我们是春天里盛开的鲜花,是您给我们奏出美妙的旋律.You


英语诗歌是一个包含丰富社会生活内容、语言艺术和文化内涵的世界,是基础英语教学的一块很有潜力的教学资源。精心收集了经典名人英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 经典名人英文诗歌篇1 They're both convinced that a sudden passion joined them. Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still. 他们彼此都深信, 是瞬间迸发的激情使他们相遇。 这种确定是美丽的, 然而变幻无常却更为美丽。 Since they'd never met before, they're sure that there'd been nothing between them. But what's the word from the street staircase hallways— perhaps they've passed by each other a million times? 因为他们先前素未谋面,他们确信, 他们之间毫无关联。 然而从那街上、楼梯间、过道上传来的细语来判断—— 或许他们曾无数次擦肩而过? I want to ask them if they don't remember— a moment face to face in some revolving door?

perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd? a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver?—but I know the answer. No, they don't remember. 我想问他们, 难道不记得两人—— 曾在某扇旋转门中, 面对面相视的那一瞬间? 也许曾在人群中和对方咕哝了一句“对不起”? 曾拿起话筒和对方短促地说了句“打错了”?—— 但我知道答案。 是的,他们不记得。 They'd be amazed to hear that Chance has been toying with them now for years. 他们定会感到诧异, 得知缘分原来已戏弄他们, 多年。 Not quite ready yet to become their Destiny, it pushed them close, drove them apart, it barred their path,


关于老师的英语名言 1、师德最重要的是用高尚的情操去感染学生,让学生心中沐浴阳光。 Themostimportantthingofteacher'smoralityistoinfectstud entswithnoblesentiments,sothatstudents'heartsarebathedinsu nshine. 2、一名具有高尚师德的教师,须是一个因材施教,公正公平对待每一名学生的教师。 Ateacherwithnobleethicsmustbeateacherwhoteachesacco rdingtohisaptitudeandtreatseverystudentfairlyandfairly. 3、尊重和爱护学生的自尊心,要小心得像对待一朵玫瑰花上颤动欲坠的露珠。 Respectandcareforstudents'self-esteem,andbecarefultotre atitasifitwereafallingdewonarose. 4、在教学上,要做教师兼学者;在写作上,要做学者兼教师。 Inteaching,weshouldbebothteachersandscholars;inwriting ,weshouldbebothscholarsandteachers. 5、教师如果对学生没有热情,决不能成为好教师。但是教师对于学生的爱是一种带有严格要求的爱。 Teacherscanneverbegoodteachersiftheyarenotenthusiasti

cabouttheirstudents.Butteachers'loveforstudentsisakindoflove withstrictrequirements. 6、教师的加法是增加桥粱,教师的减法是减少荒凉。 Teachersaddmorebridgesandteacherssubtractlessdesolati on. 7、教师对学生来说是一个引路人似的朋友,是心灵、智慧的双重引路人。 Teachersarelikeguidestostudents,andtheyaredoubleguide sofsoulandwisdom. 8、为人师者,是站在学生前面的导航者和站在学生脚下的人梯者。 Teachersarepilotsstandinginfrontofstudentsandladderssta ndingattheirfeet. 9、教师的最大幸福就是把一群群孩子送往理想的彼岸。 Teachers'greatesthappinessistosendagroupofchildrentoth eothersideoftheirideals. 10、在知识的舞台上,最渊博的教师也是最谦虚的学生。 Onthestageofknowledge,themostprofoundteachersareals othemostmodeststudents. 11、教师要以东风化雨之情,春泥护花之意,培育人类的花朵,绘制灿烂的春天。 Teachersshouldcultivatehumanflowersanddrawabrilliantsp


一首非常不错的青春励志诗歌<<人生颂>> 不要在哀伤的诗句里告诉我:tell me not, in mornful numbers, “人生不过是一场幻梦!” life is but an empty dream! 灵魂睡着了,就等于死了, for the soul is dead that slumbers, 事物的真相与外表不同。and things are not what they seem. 人生是真切的!人生是实在的!life is real! life is earnest! 它的归宿决不是荒坟;and the grave is not its goal; “你本是尘土,必归于尘土”, dust thou art, to dust returnest, 这是指躯壳,不是指灵魂was not spoken of the soul. 我们命定的目标和道路not enjoyment, and not sorrow, 不是享乐,也不是受苦;is our destined end or way; 而是行动,在每个明天but to act, that each to-morrow 都超越今天,跨出新步。find us farther than to-day. 智艺无穷,时光飞逝; art is long, and time is fleeting, 这颗心,纵然勇敢坚强, and our hearts, though stout and brave, 也只如鼙鼓,闷声敲动着, still, like muffled drums, are beating 一下又一下,向坟地送丧。 funeral marches to the grave. 世界是一片辽阔的战场, in the worlds broad field of battle, 人生是到处扎寨安营; in the bivouac of life, 莫学那听人驱策的哑畜, be not like dumb, driven cattle! 做一个威武善战的英雄! be a hero in the strife! 别指望将来,不管它多可爱! trust no future, howeer pleasant! 把已逝的过去永久掩埋!let the dead past bury its dead! 行动吧--趁着活生生的现在! act, -- act in the living present! 心中有赤心,头上有真宰! heart within, and god oevhead!伟人的生平启示我们: lives of great men all remind us 我们能够生活得高尚, we can make our lives sublime, 而当告别人世的时候, and, departing, leave behind us 留下脚印在时间的沙上; footprints on the sand of time; 也许我们有一个兄弟 footprints, that perhaps another, 航行在庄严的人生大海,sailing oer lifes solemn main, 遇险沉了船,绝望的时刻,a forlorn and shipwrecked brother, 会看到这脚印而振作起来。 seeing, shall take heart again. 那么,让我们起来干吧, let us, then, be up and doing, 对任何命运要敢于担戴; with a heart for any fate; 不断地进取,不断地追求, still achieving, still pursuing, 要善于劳动,善于等待。 learn to labor and to wait


13首赞美老师的诗歌,献上对老师的敬仰和祝福! 1. 送您一束鲜花 表达我们对您的敬意; 送您一首动听的歌曲, 给您带来一丝甜蜜. 老师——您辛苦了, 是您带我们走过风雨, 是您用知识的营养将我们哺育, 却从来不求回报与索取. 是您给我们解答一道道难题, 是您告诉我们: 遇到困难时, 不要轻易说放弃. 从此我们的生命中, 随时充满了欢喜. 少了许多烦恼, 增添了一份坚毅. 又是一个收获的秋季, 您仍紧握手中彩色的画笔. 描绘着美好的蓝图, 滋润着祖国的桃李. 深夜里您还在认真地备课, 睡梦中您仍回味着我们成功的乐趣. 我们是春天里盛开的鲜花, 是您给我们奏出美妙的旋律. 您是辛勤的园丁, 我们会牢记您的谆谆话语. 走好生命中的每一步, 友爱,健美,求实,进取! 2.老师的眼睛 老师的眼睛,像夜晚的月亮, 我们是一颗颗星星, 在老师的微笑里, 闪烁闪烁。

老师的眼睛,像一望无际的海洋。 我们是一条条小鱼, 在老师的怀抱里, 快乐的游来游去。 老师的眼睛,像蓝色的天空。 我们是一朵一朵白云。 在她的注视下, 自由的飘来飘去, 老师的眼睛,像一面镜子。 能照亮我们的心灵。 3. 老师像园丁,桃李满天下; 老师像红烛,燃烧自己照亮我们; 老师像蜜蜂,勤劳又勇敢; 老师像妈妈,美丽而善良; 老师像一本书,交给我们很多知识。 祝亲爱的老师-教师节快乐。 4. 终于还是要说再见了,在这个苍茫的夏天。 天很高,很蓝,栀子花的香气在风中飘散。 我们在黄昏的小路上最后一次的相携走过, 听到斜阳里有人在唱着我们曾经唱过的歌。 我们相视而笑。 这样的歌声让我们想起了那不再回来的从前, 想起了从前的日子里, 曾经看到的无数次别离。 我们也曾经在那些别离之外唱歌, 但今天轮到了我们。 我们在夏天的风里握别,说一声珍重,再见。 为了这次道别,我们用了整个的青春做为铺垫。 我们什么都准备好了, 这一生将再也不会有如此豪华而隆重的道别, 但泪水还是从我们的心底奔涌而出, 就象那些逝去了就再也不肯回来的年轻岁月。 你对我说,不要再流泪了, 过去的一切我们将永不忘怀,我们相信这世上还有永远。但是为什么呢,抬起头的时候,我看见你的眼里也有泪光。那就让我们痛痛快快的哭一次吧。 在这个夏天的风中,握着你的手,
