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One afternoon,the high school boy Clay Jensen received a mysterious package with no return address. When he opened it,he was 36 to find seven tapes,which were 37 by Hannah Baker,his classmate who had committed suicide (自杀)two weeks earlier. Clay had secretly been in love with her but never had the 38 to tell her about it.

On the tapes,Hannah had 39 thirteen reasons for ending her own 40 and Clay was one of the reasons. Hannah had even left him a 41 marking places with dots for him to visit.

Clay walked out of his home and with her voice in his 42;he wandered all over the town trying to uncover the reasons why she felt her life had to end so tragically(悲剧地).

43 Hannah and Clay?s story,American author Jay Asher wove(编织)a sad story of confusion and desperation in novel,Thirteen Reasons Why,which had 44 on The New York Times best-selling list for eight weeks.

As Clay anxiously 45 how he played a part in her suicide,he noticed how a number of little,seemingly unimportant 46 can add up to a terrible high school existence for someone else.

It 47 us all that sometimes when something is said or done to 48 another intentionally, it can have 49 effects and can even lead to other major event s in that person?s life.

The theme of the story is that we are all 50 our own actions. Hannah admitted it was her 51 to end her life. However,if someone had 52 differently,she could have changed her decision.

53 it is an imaginary story,many of us w ill connect parts of Hannah?s high school career with something in our life and may 54 know someone showing warning signs of suicide. And 55 we can act and prevent such a tragedy.

36. A. shocked B. delighted C. disturbed D. excited

37. A. brought B. sent C. bought D. recorded

38. A. time B. courage C. atmosphere D. mood

39. A. stated B. told C. found D. expressed

40. A. love B. schooling C. life D. story

41. A. tape B. map C. note D. number

42. A. head B. heart C. face D. ear

43. A. In B. For C. Through D. With

44. A. leftB. stayed C. kept D. continued

45. A. found out B. gave away C. made out D. thought about

46. A. accidents B. events C. incidents D. affairs

47. A. informs B. reminds C. proves D. indicates

48. A. hurt B. praise C. damage D. comfort

49A. lasting B. important C. different D. instant

50. A. concerned about B. careful of C. devoted to D. responsible for

51. A. task B. rule C. choice D. dream

52. A. thought B. replied C. said D. acted

53. A. As though B. Even though C. In case D. Now that

54. A. even B. also C. still D. ever

55. A. thankfully B. hopefully C. equally D. similarly


36. A根据后半句Hannah Baker, his classmate who had committed suicide(自杀)two weeks earlier可以推测出当Clay看到这个邮件时的表情应该是震惊的,故应选A项shocked。37.D根据句中先行词tape,以及文章后面的表述with her voice in his ear ,可知这个录音带是Hannah Baker录制的,故选D项recorded。

38. B根据常识故事中的两个主人公都是中学生,可知他没有向她表白的勇气,而不是没有时间time或其他原因,故选B。

39. A在录音带中汉娜陈述了结束生命的十三个理由,故选A项state陈述,说明。

40. C根据文章表述,汉娜已于两周前自杀,故她陈述的理由reasons for ending her own 40 可知是结束“生命”,故应选C项。

41. 根据文中表述Hannah had even left him a 41 marking places with dots for him to visit.可知留给他的应是地图,而不是note“纸条”或其他的。

42. D根据上文with her voice in his _____, 根据上下文可知“耳畔响着她的声音”。

43. C 43 Hannah and Clay?s story,“通过”这个故事。

44. B根据表述which had 44 on The New York Times best-selling list for eight weeks.可知“这个小说连续八周在纽约时报上位居畅销榜首”,两个关键表述:list以及for eight weeks,故选B项。

45. A found out(事实真相);gave away分发;捐赠;泄露;made out制定出;thought about 考虑。故选A项

46. Ca number of little,seemingly unimportant 46 can add up to a terrible high school existence for someone else.“一系列的看似无关紧要的小事可能积累成”;accident “事故”;event “(大)事件;”affair “(政治、经济)要事;”

47. B It 47 us all that sometimes when something is said or done to 48 another intentionally, it can have 49 effects and can even lead to other major events in that person?s life.这个故事提醒我们,remind提醒;inform通知;prove证明;indicate表明;预示。故选B 项。

48. A根据句意表述可知“当我们说而来或做了伤害他人的事”hurt伤害(情感);praise表扬;damage损害(物品);comfort安慰。

49. A同47题解析。Lasting持续的,持久的;important重要的;different不同的;instant 短暂的;片刻的。

50.D The theme of the story is that we are all 50 our own actions.故事的主题告诉我们,我们都应该为自己的行为负责。故选D项。

51.C Hannah admitted it was her 51 to end her life. 汉娜承认(自杀)是自己的选择,故选C项choice选择。

52.D However,if someone had 52 differently,she could have changed her decision.尽管汉娜承认(自杀)是自己的选择,但是,如果有人采取了不同的行动,也许她会改变抉择。故选D项acted。

53. B as though好像;似乎;even though尽管;即使;in case万一;如果;now that既然。尽管是个故事,我们许多人都会把汉娜的中学生活和我们生活中的某些情况联系起来,故选B项。

54. A看了找个故事,许多人会把汉娜的故事与高中生活联系起来,甚至明白一些人有自杀的倾向,故选A项,表示递进关系。

55. B根据全文以及最后一句And 55 we can act and prevent such a tragedy.跟上一句的联系可知,这个故事带给我们的是:很有希望在生活碰到类似悲剧时,我们可以加以制止。



Could the Internet be totally free and should it be? Should the Internet be regulated? The recent disorder in the Arab world 36 by a disputed video damaging the image of Prophet Muhammad shows the United States, which is busy 37 global Internet freedom, has paid a huge price 38 the lives of its diplomats.

In an unregulated internet world, cheating, violence or rumors can 39 serious consequences. Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors” 40 by the Internet and social media.

The US-led West always promotes Internet freedom and 41 any regulation as investigation, but it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “ 42 Internet”. Moreover, 43 the Internet in the West 44 to be free, with no obvious 45 and no limited sites, isn?t the structure of the main pages already hand-controlled, with selected press agencies and 46 occupying clearly dominating(显著的)positions?

The Internet has helped fight injustice, 47 corruption in places so far apart as Indonesia, India and Latin America. But the Internet could be extremely 48 as well. Various racist or separatist organizations are using their Internet sites to 49 strong feelings. Those who are spreading hate are frequently using the Internet as their tool. No country can 50 to make the Internet absolutely free.

The question is how to keep free flow of information 51 while protecting children from unhealthy works, common citizens from 52 rumors and countries from unfair and damaging propaganda (宣传) attacks. And who sets the limits?

The 53 is that there will never be a perfect system. Every country will have to 54 its own system, based on its culture, social 55 and the degree of danger it?s facing.

36. A. led B. caused C. damaged D. attacked

37. A. helping B. processing C. promoting D. improving

38. A. for B. at C. with D. off

39. A. bring B. reach C. fetch D. take

40. A. spread B. exposed C. delivered D. passed

41. A. supports B. follows C. opposes D. dislikes

42. A. free B. accessible C. available D. healthy

43. A. as if B. even if C. so that D. in that

44. A. happens B. intends C. offers D. appears

45. A. interruption B. interference C. defence D. preference

46. A. programs B. substances C. channels D. sources

47. A. uncover B. strike C. prevent D. avoid

48. A. beneficial B. useful C. sensitive D. destructive

49. A. increase B. decrease C. upset D. strengthen

50. A. refuse B. afford C. fail D. attempt

51. A. unpolluted B. unskilled C. unoccupied D. uninterrupted

52. A. evil B. meaningful C. untrue D. effective

53. A. Importance B. conclusion C. description D. possibility

54. A. develop B. invent C. change D. study

55.A.trends B.structures C.surroundings D.factors


36. B本句意思是最近阿拉伯世界的混乱是有由一部有争议的视频引起的。故选B项。

37. C此处指美国忙着推广全球的网络自由。promote促进;提升;推销;发扬。故选C项。

38. C(这种自由)是它用外交官的生命作为代价的。故用选C项with。

39. A在一个没有约束的网络世界里,欺骗、暴力和谣言会带来严重的后果。

40. A指谣言传播。spread传播,伸展;exposed暴露,揭露;delivered实现,传送,接生。

41. C 以美国为首的西方国家提倡网络只有,反对任何的控制。故选C项oppose反对。

42. A这儿指“自由的网络”,故选A项free自由的;accessible易接近的,可进入的,可理解的;available有效的,可利用的,可得到的。

43. B“Moreover, 43 the Internet in the West 44 to be free, with no obvious 45 and no limited sites, isn?t the structure of the m ain pages already hand-controlled, with selected press agencies and 46 occupying clearly dominating(显著的)positions? ”主句是“isn?t the structure of the main pages already hand-controlled”难道网络的主页结构不是经过手控的吗?前面的“even if the Internet in the West appears to be free, with no obvious interference and no limited sites”即使西方的网络看起来是自由的,没有明显的干涉和限制性的网站,做让步状语;后面的“with selected press agencies and 46 occupying clearly dominating(显著的)positions?”有精心挑选的新闻机构和资源占据显著的位置,作状语。故选B项。

44. D见43题的解析。

45. B见43题的解析。interruption打断;interference干涉,干扰;defence防御,防卫;preference 偏爱,倾向。

46. D见43题的解析。programs项目,程序;substances物质,基本内容;channels通道,频道;sources来源。

47. A “uncover corruption”揭露腐败现象。故选A项。

48. D从下文的例子可以推断出网络具有破坏性。beneficial有利的,有益的;sensitive敏感的;destructive破坏的,有害的,消极的。故选D项。

49.C “upset strong feelings”颠覆,扰乱(感情)。故选C项。

50. B没有哪个国家能付出代价使网络完全自由。afford给与,提供,付得起;attempt企图,试图。故选B项。

51. D“The question is how to keep free flow of information 51 while protecting children from unhealthy works, common citizens from 52 rumors and countries from unfair and damaging propaganda (宣传) attacks. And who sets the limits?”问题是,怎样让免费的信息流不会被打断而又你能保护孩子们远离不健康的作品、保护市民远离恶意的谣言、保护国家免受不公平的和有破坏性宣传的攻击呢?,故选D项。

52. A见51题解析。Evil邪恶的,有害的;effective有效的,实际的,实在的。

53. B最后一段是作者的总结,所以用conclusion。description描述,描写。

54. A每一个国家都要根据自己的文化、社会环境和面临的危险程度形成自己的体系。develop发展,开发,研发。

55. C见54题解析。



One day I took a bus with my girlfriend. It was so 16 that we stood for several stops until a vacant seat was 17 for her.

Then a pretty girl rushed tow ards me, saying, “Hi, where are you going?” I was so struck by the stranger that I had a hard time trying to ____18____ her. Clearly she had taken me ____19____ somebody else. I returned her greeting with politeness, ____20____ to give explanation to my girl later.

Noticing my dialogue with somebody else, my girl ____21____ her eyes and found she was pretty. She asked jealously, “Who?s she?” The pretty girl, quite ____22____ of the situation, spoke out first, “Hi, let me ____23____ myself. I? m Nancy, used to be ____24____. Very glad to meet you.” She behaved very ____25____.

But I was ____26____ to search in my memory for someone called Nancy among my neighbors. I was worrying how to explain this to my girlfriend ____27____ the pretty girl again turned to me, “Will you give me your cell phone number so that we ____28____ keep contacts(联系) later?” I had to submit(服从)to her ____29____. Then the girl got off the bus at the next stop.

A minute later I got a short ____30____ on my phone—from a stranger. My girlfriend ____31____ my phone and read the note. It was from the girl, who said, “Just now, two thieves tried to ____32____ your pocket. I had to act as an acquaintance to draw your attention. I should have left at the ____33____ stop but gave up as I noticed these two thieves also ____34____ to leave at the same stop. Because of the ____35____ I delayed my departure. Now you? ll understand all I have done to you. Wish you luck.”

16.A.tiring B.slow C.crowded D.messy

17.A.ready B.available C.special D.suitable

18.A.identify B.realize C.remind D.judge

19.A.on B.by C.with D.for

20.A.preferring B.planning C.managing D.promising

21.A.fixed B.opened C.raised D.focused

22.A.proud B.careful C.afraid D.aware

23.A.explain B.enjoy C.introduce D.help

24.A.partners B.neighbors C.friends D.colleagues 25.A.naturally B.generously C.cautiously D.normally

26.A.in a hurry B.at a loss C.at ease D.in time

27.A.while B.before C.when D.until

28.A.would B.can C.should D.must

29.A.request B.question C.command D.opinion 30.A.suggestion B.warning C.notice D.message 31.A.removed B.seized C.found D.lost

32.A.steal B.reach C.get D.pick

33.A.terminal B.former C.previous D.latter 34.A.pretending B.intending C.demanding D.announcing 35.A.incident B.matter C.accident D.affair


16. C通过后文中的we stood for several stops可知车上很拥挤,故选C项crowded拥挤的。tiring令人疲倦的;messing一团糟的

17. B车上很拥挤,我们站了好几站才有座位。available空闲的,可使用的;ready准备好的;special特别的,特殊的;suitable合适的。

18. A “I was so struck by the stranger that I had a hard time trying to __18_ her.”我被这个陌生人弄得如此困惑,我努力地辨认她。identify,辨认,确定身份;realize意识到;remind提醒,使想起;judge判断。

19.D显然她把我误认成别人了。Take sb. for 把某人误认成…。

20. B“I returned her greeting with politeness”我礼貌的跟她回应,打算过后再跟女友讲。此处plan to do打算做。Prefer喜欢;manage经营,完成;promise承诺。

21. C此处Noticing my dialogue with somebody else女友注意到我们的谈话,抬眼看。Fix固定;open张开,打开;raise提高;focus集中注意力。

22. D She asked jealously,‘Who?s she?’女友心生嫉妒,问道“她是谁?”所以此处陌生女孩意识到了这种情况,aware of意识到;proud骄傲自豪;careful小心仔细;afraid害怕。23.C此处通过上题女友的问题可知陌生女孩是要进行自我介绍故选用introduce。explain 解释;enjoy喜欢。

24.B此处可以通过后文中的in my memory for someone called Nancy among my neighbors判断出选B。colleague同事。

25.A她表现得很自然。Naturally自然地;generously慷慨大方的;cautiously谨慎地;normally 正常地。

26.B根据上题陌生女孩表现得很自然,作者很困惑,努力搜寻记忆。故选用B。At a loss 困惑,不知所措;in a hurry 急忙at ease 放松自由自在;in time 及时。

27.C我正发愁如何跟女友解释,这时陌生女孩突然问我的电话号码。此处be doing…when 固定句型,正在做……时突然……。

28.B你可以给我电话号码这样我们可以保持联系好吗?can表请求,可以,故选A项。would 表请求用于第二人称;should应该;must必须。


30. D此处通过上文女孩向作者要电话号码可知作者是收到了短信,故选C项。Suggestion 建议;warning警告;notice通知。

31. B此处通过前文可知女友心生嫉妒,故应是抢过电话读短信。seize抓住;remove移动,移开。

32. D两个扒手试图掏你的包。此处pick one?s pocket掏宝。

33. B我本应该在前一站下车。The former stop前一站。Previous (时间上)较早的,以前的;latter后者;terminal末期的,晚期的。

34.B但是我注意到那两个扒手打算下车所以我没有下车。Intend to do打算做,pretend假装;demand命令;announce宣布宣告。

35.A accident故障,事故,偶发事件,灾难,灾害,不幸,不测,意外;affair n. 发生的事情; 大事; 事件事务;incident 发生的事, 小插曲,matter(讨论、考虑等的)问题。



One Monday morning, news got around in the schoolyard about a fire over the weekend.Soon Mr. Johnson, my teacher, came to explain that the Art class would be 36 due to the fire.He also warned us not to approach the Art room because it could be 37 .

During the morning break, Kirn and I decided to take a 38 .A first hand observation would make us heroes at lunch.At the appointed time, Kirn and I 39 the Art room, ignoring the consequence I would face 40 I got caught.We stood on tiptoes looking hard 41 the door window, trying in vain to see 42 was forbidden.Suddenly a firm 43 on our shoulders stopped us.

Turning around, I found a teacher staring angrily at us.In those seconds millions of 44 flashed through my mind.My father would beat me hard.45 than that, my mom might be so mad she might not stop him.My spirits 46 even lower while realizing how 47 Mr. Johnson would he.

When Kirn and I were led back to our classroom, I could found 48 to hide and wanted to melt into the 49 .However, Mr. Johnson had a different 50 to teach.

Slowly, he bent down to look me in the 51 , and I was met with a look of concern rather than anger.He spoke softly as he explained why he was 52 in my decision to go where I may have got hurt.He cared more about my 53 than the fact that Fd broken a rule.My heart was 54 with regret, and I discovered that he still loved me even after F d disappointed him.The rest of the day, he didn?t even mention it in class publicly, 55 did he tell my parents It was the first time I felt the power of being given an unexpected second chance.

36. A. confirmed B. examined C. cancelled D. suggested

37. A useless B. dangerous C. childish D. naughty

38. A test B. risk C. check D. chance

39. A .reached B. searched C. entered D. cleaned

40. A. until B. unless C. as D. if

41. A. over B. within C. through D. across

42.A.what B.how C.why D.which

43.A.word B.hold C.cry D.order

44.A.thoughts B.feelings C.solutions D.excuses

45.A.Easier B.Less C.More D.Worse 46.A.changed B.lifted C.sank D.lost

47.A.strange B.angry C.kind D.sad 48.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.everywhere

49.A.fire B.laugh C.table D.floor

50.A.course B.lesson C.knowledge D.ability

51.A.eye B.head C.hand D.feet 52.A.embarrassed B.excited C.disappointed D.moved

53.A.grade B.honesty C.interest D.safety

54.A. full B.heavy C.relaxed D.empty

55.A.so B.nor C.either D.yet


36. C confirmed证实,肯定;examined检查,调查;cancelled取消,废除;suggested建议。

根据前面的the Art class知道应该用cancel指艺术课被取消了。

37. B unless除非;dangerous危险;childish孩子气的;naughty调皮的。从上文来看Art room 发生了火灾,因此此处应该是由于危险而不能靠近,故选B项。

38. B test检查,测试;risk危险;check检查;chance机会。根据前文可知我们应该是冒险去做某事。Take a risk冒险做某事。

39. A reached到达;search搜索;enter进入;clean清理。从后文“looking hard 41 the door window”可知,我们并没有进入the Art room,故选A项。

40. D until “直到……”;unless“除非……”;as “当……时”;if“如果”。根据文章意思推测,本句应该是:……如果我被抓所面临的后果。所以本题选D项。

41. C over在……的上方;within在……里面;through穿过;across穿过。根据文章应该是通过窗户看……,故选C项through。

42. A what什么;how怎么样;why为什么;which哪个。从句子看此处的宾语从句确定主语,故选A项what。

43. B word话;hold 握,抓;cry哭;order命令。从后面的shoulder可知是:抓住了胳膊。所以应该选择B项。

44. A很多的想法在脑子里出现。thoughts 想法;feelings感觉,知觉;solutions解决办法;excuses理由, 辩解, 借口。故选A项。

45. D更糟糕的是……。Easier更容易的;Less 更少的, 较少的;More更多的;Worse更糟糕的。故选D项。

46. C changed改变;交换;lifted 提,举;解除;sank陷入,衰退;下沉;lost丢失,迷失。从前面可知Mr. Johnson禁止去做这件事,所以当我意识到这件事时,我的情绪应该是消沉。所以此处应该选择sank。

47. B strange奇怪;angry生气;kind 和蔼;sad悲伤。从46题可知Mr. Johnson知道我做的事之后应该是生气。

48. C somewhere某处;anywhere任何地方;nowhere无处;everywhere每处。由于羞愧心里,我应该是想找地方藏起来,却找不到。所以应该选择nowhere。

49. D fire火;laugh笑;table桌子;floor地板。根据48题可知我想躲起来。melt into the floor 藏到地下去。

50.B course课程;过程;lesson教训, 课;knowledge知识;ability能力。故选B项。

51. A eye眼睛;head头;hand手;feet脚。Look sb in the eye正视某人。故选A项。

52. C embarrassed使窘迫,使尴尬;excited使激动,使兴奋;disappointed失望;moved搬,动摇。因为我违背了老师的意愿,所以老师很失望,故选C项。

53. D比起我破坏规则来说老师更加关系我的安全。grade分数;honesty诚实;interest兴趣;safety安全。故选D项。

54. B看到了老师对我的教育,我应该感觉到愧疚。full满的;heavy沉重的;relaxed放松的, 松懈的, 随意的;empty空的。be full 和of连用。

55. B ……老师既没有在班上公开提到这个事,也没有告诉我的父母……。so如此;nor也不, 也没有;either或者;yet然而, 但是。



Yesterday I was having lunch at Subway. In the meantime, occasionally, I 36 a young man struggling to get his drink. He was spilling everything and making a 37 . As I got

close, I noticed he was blind.

I went over and 38 to help. I took him by the hand and 39 him to the table. I asked him if he 40 anything else and he said he was fine , so I left.

About two hours 41 I was heading to my car and the rain started pouring down. I took 42 in a nearby building , and then I saw the young blind man again. He was trying to cross the street and using his stick to make sure that 43 was in his way.

I went up to him and said ,”Hi !”He smiled and said , “Hey !You are the young lady who helped me at the 44 .”

I smiled and said, “Yes .” 45 I took him by the hand and led him across the street. I asked him 46 he knew I was the same person from the restaurant. He said he 47 my energy ! He said he could feel it just like before!

We 48 it to the other side of the street and he told me he was 49 now and could make the rest of the way on his own. So we said good-bye and went our separate 50 .

As I got into my car I was all wet 51 I felt warm . I was glad I was able to be in both places to 52 that Young man out even if it was very 53 .He helped me as well .He told me I had a positive energy and that made me feel great about myself . So 54 he is today, I hope he knows what a 55 it was for me to have those two moments with him. 36.A.imagined B.noticed C.stopped D.heard

37.A.mess B.bet C.noise D.difference

38.A.promised B.agreed C.offered D.waited

39.A.sent B.caught C.showed D.led

40.A.bought B.ordered C.lost D.needed

41.A.long B.before` C.later D.ago

42.A.shelter B.risks C.chances D.rests

43.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

44.A.hotel B.restaurant C.building D.shop

45.A.Then B.Suddenly C.Anyhow D.Anxiously

46.A.whether B.why C.when D.how

47.A.appreciated B.liked C.remembered D.forgot

48.A.did B.tried C.made D.put

49.A.happy B.tired C.full D.safe

50.A.directions B.ways C.roads D.paths

51.A.and B.but C.so D.while

52.A.help B.pick C.drag D.drive

53.A.comfortable B.convenient C.simple D.difficult

54.A.wherever B.whenever C.whoever D.whatever

55.A.surprise B.shock C.wonder D.pleasure


36. B此处imagine 想象,stop停止,阻止;hear 听见;根据句意我注意到一个年轻人努力地想喝到饮料,看见某人做某事:notice sb. doing sth.,选B。

37. A此处前面有make,所以连起来看,make a mess弄的很糟糕;make a bet打赌;make a

noise发出噪音;make a difference有影响,故选A项。

38. C此处promise许诺;agree同意;offer主动提供;wait等待,根据句意我走过去主动提供帮助,故选C项。

39. D此处send送;catch抓住;show展示,根据句意我牵着他的手,把他带到桌旁lead sb. to some place; show sb. around some place带领某人参观某处,不符句意,故选D项。

40. D此处buy 买,order点菜,lose失去,need需要;根据句意我问他还需要其他的什么东西,他说可以了;如果是点菜的话,要么将要点什么用would order;如果已经点了用had ordered,故选D项。

41. C根据上下文表示两个小时后故选C词。

42. A此处shelter避难所;risks冒险;chances机会;rests休息;根据句意:天正下着雨,我找个地方避雨;take shelter 找个躲雨的地方,故选A项。

43. B根据句意这个盲人用拐杖来试探,确保路上没有挡道的东西,所以选B项。

44. B你就是刚才在饭馆里帮助我的那个年轻女子。结合上下文他们俩刚才见面是在饭馆里的,故选B项。

45. A此处suddenly突然;anyhow无论怎样;anxiously焦急地。作者说完话后就牵着他的手过马路。故选A项。

46. D根据后面回答的句子,he said he remembered my energy可知,作者很好奇他是怎么知道,而不是问为什么,如果选why,回答句子应该解释原因的,故选D项how。

47. C appreciate感激;like喜欢;remember记得;forget忘记。根据句意可知是记起,故选C项。

48. C根据句意我们俩成功地走到街那边去了。Make it to some place成功地走到某处,故选C项。

49. D根据下文,“后面的路自己走”,可知这里表达的意思是他告诉我现在安全了,故选D 项。

50. B根据句意我们道别之后就分道扬镳,故选B项,go on separate ways是固定搭配,意为“分道扬镳”。

51. B前文我进了车全身都湿透了,后面是I felt warm,wet和warm是相反的内容,所以选B项。

52. A此处固定搭配,help sb. out“帮助某人克服困难”;pick接某人;drag 拖,拉。故选A 项。

53. C此处comfortable 舒服的;convenient方便的;simple 简单的;difficult困难的;根据句意我帮助了盲人,即使这个事很简单是举手之劳,故选C项。

54. A根据句意:无论今天他在哪里;句中已有today,不可能选whenever;故选A项。

55. D根据句意:和他的两次偶遇是一件很快乐的事情。It was a pleasure for me to have ……



My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were sort of 36 about what was waiting for us. However,when we 37 at the airport, a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us. The days and months were 38 made easy for us by this kind man.

He greeted us every day with his smiling face. He 39 us in going to the bank, in buying our groceries, in telling us 40 to buy almost everything. He told us he is our big brother.

41 , We watched the match in a coffee shop. During the first get-together, he 42 us that we?re lucky—my husband and I are 43 in this foreign land. He said he has been 44 for

eight years now because he rarely sees his family,45 they are in his home country.

During the second get-together, he 46 told us that we are his family. He said that he loves us and that he will 47 us because he has been given a 48 of 45 days to go back to his home country. That night, he spoke these words which 49 a great impact in my life:“You changed my life…”

That night d eep in our hearts we were 50 by our friend?s words. We texted him upon reaching home, 51 him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land. We told him 52 that we feel safe in going out when we are with him, to which he 53 , “You are my family h ere.”

On the first week of October, we?re going to 54 him back from his vacation. We?ll watch the football match again in that 55 shop that holds dear memories.

36.A.curious B.worried C.certain D.crazy[ 37.A.cheeked B.dropped C.landed D.settled 38.A.therefore B.instead C.anyhow D.otherwise 39.A.expected B.troubled C.comforted D.accompanied 40.A.when B.where C.why D.whether 41.A.Once B.Besides C.Twice D.Finally 42.A.informed B.warned C.blamed D.convinced 43.A.together B.nearby C.around D.apart

44.A.sick B.lonely C.cheerful D.seared

45.A.since B.unless C.while D.although 46.A.secretly B.jokingly C.proudly D.sincerely 47.A.remember B.miss C.forget D.respect

48.A.delay B.right C.vacation D.date

49.A.created B.designed C.solved D.received 50.A.puzzled B.touched C.astonished D.flattered 51.A.thanking B.forgiving C.repaying D.punishing 52.A.after all B.as well C.in return D.in advance 53.A.agreed B.objected C.added D.replied

54.A.see B.pick C.call D.force

55.A.book B.grocery C.coffee D.sports


36. B curious好奇;worried担忧;certain肯定的;确定的;crazy荒唐的,发疯的。根据前句“My husband and I arrived in a new country”可知我们到了一个新环境,所以为未知的将来感到担忧。

37. C cheeked粗鲁的向……讲;dropped下降;放弃;landed着陆;settled解决,定居,安顿,平静。当我们到机场时,故选C项。

38.A therefore因此;所以;instead反而,却;anyhow不管怎么说;otherwise否则。从上文可知,当我们到机场时,受到了一个高个子满脸微笑的接待。由于这个人的热情的接待使得我们随后的日子过得很轻松。所以此处应该使用表示因果关系的词。

39.D expected预料,预计;等待,期待,盼望;要求;troubled使烦恼,费神;comforted 安慰,使舒适;accompanied陪伴。他陪我们去银行,去买食品,告诉我们所有的东西都应该去哪里买。故选D项。

40.B when什么时候;where什么地方;why为什么;whether是否,根据39题可知选D


41. D once曾经;besides另外;twice两次;finally最后。从上文可知我们做了很多事情,所以最后我们到了一个咖啡店看比赛。

42.D informed通知;warned警告;blamed指责;convinced使确信, 使信服, 说服。从下句我们可知:这个大哥哥已经和家人分开8年了,所以他让我们相信我们夫妻两个一起到了这个陌生的国度是幸运的。故选D项。

43.A together一起;nearby附近的;around在周围;apart分开的, 分离的。

44.B sick有病的;lonely寂寞的;cheerful欢乐的,高兴的;seared枯萎的, 烤焦的。从后文他可知他很少见到家人,故选A项lonely。

45.A since由于,因为;unless除非;while当... 的时候, 虽然, 尽管, 然而;although虽然,尽管;然而。因为家人在家乡,所以不能见。故而前后是因果关系。

46.D secretly秘密地;jokingly开玩笑地;proudly傲慢地;sincerely真诚地。从后文可知他把我们当做作家人,所以此处应该是他真诚地对我们说。故选D项。

47.B remember记得,记住;miss想念;forget忘记;respect尊敬。从后文可知他要回家度假了。故选B项miss,说明他在离开期间想念我们。

48.C delay耽搁, 推迟;right权利;右;vacation休假,假期;date日期;时期;约会。故选C项。

49.A created创造,引起;designed设计;solved解决;receive收到。create a great impact 对……造成了很大的影响。故选A项。

50.B puzzled(使)迷惑;(使)苦思;touched触摸;感动;astonished使惊讶;flattered奉承, 恭维, 取悦。那晚我们被朋友的话深深的感到了。故选B项。

51.A thanking感谢;forgiving原谅;repaying偿还, 报答;punishing惩罚,处罚。从后文的for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land的可知在陌生的国度,他像大哥哥那样对待我们,因此我们要感激他。故选A项。

52.B after all毕竟,终究,究竟;as well同样,也;in return作为回报;in advance提前, 预先。前文讲我们发短信感激他为我们做的事,此处应该用as well表示我们也告诉他……。故选B项。

53. D agree同意;object反对;add补充;reply回复,reply to答复,故选D项。

54. A see看望;pick挑选,选择;call呼叫,打电话;force迫使,强迫,强制。在他度假回来的时候我们准备去看望他,故选A项。

55. C和文章第三段“We watched the match in a coffee shop”相对应,故选C项。



Once upon a time, there was a seed and because he was 36_____ a tiny seed,nobody paid any attention to him. So, 37_____ kind of inferior (自卑的),the seed gave no importance to his 38_____ .

39_______, the wind blew him up and threw him on an open field 40_____ the hot sun. He wanted to know why. But without any 41____, he was provided with 42_____besides sunlight, sometimes light and sometimes water.

Time flew and years later he saw a traveler 43______ by his side. “Thank God for this. I 44____ need a rest , the seed heard the traveler 45 _____,

“46_____ are you talking about?" the seed asked. He thought the man was laughing at him.

47_____ , he had seen many people taking a rest by his side but no one ever 48 to him like that. “Who is this?” the man was 49________.

-- 50_______ A seed. ”

“A seed?” the man 51__ the big tree. “Are you 52_______ me? You? re a big tree! ”

A moment later the seed, now a great tree, thought and 53__for the first time in his life. “Oh ! That mean s I … m not a small seed any longer! I won?t 54________unnoticed but was born to help 55 ______ people. Wow! Now that? s a life worth a thousand gems!”

36. A. only B. right C. such D. rather

37. A. thinking B. minding C. realizing D. feeling

38. A. life B. world C. existence D. surroundings

39. A. However B. Then one day C. Thus D. Unexpectedly

40. A. in B. below C. under D. over

41. A. idea B. answer C. excuse D. hope

42. A. help B. fertilizer C. rain D. wind

43. A. sitting B. walking C. going D. passing

44. A. probably B. possibly C. certainly D. really

45. A. cry B. say C. talk D. shout

46. A. Who B. Whom C. What D. Why

47. A. Instead B. Sure C. Soon D. Also

48. A. spoke B. treated C. acted D. Nodded

49. A. happy B. annoyed C. excited D. Surprised

50. A. Can?t you see? B. Why ask? C. It?s me D. Don?t you know?

51. A. replied to B. turned to C. asked for D. stared at

52. A. expecting B. visiting C. kidding D. Joking

53. A. knew B. smiled C. recognized D. Found

54. A. die B. live C. appear D. Disappear

55. A. walking B. foreign C. traveling D. Tired



37. D感到很自卑,这粒种子认为自己的存在没有什么重要的。故选D项。

38.C见上题解析。此处existence存在,surroundings 环境。故选C项。


40.A此处in the hot sun,在炙热的阳光下。故选A项。

41.B此处他想知道这是为什么,但是没有得到任何回答。idea 主意,answer回答,excuse 借口理由,hope 希望。故选B项。

42.C此处根据后文water可知选rain。Fertilizer 肥料。故选C项。

43.A此处通过后文的need a rest可知选用sitting。故选A项。

44.D谢谢上帝给了树荫,我确实需要休息。此处probably 很可能地;possibly 可能的;certainly 当然。故选D项。

45.B此处通过上文可知这是traveler说的话,故选B项say。cry 哭;talk 谈论;shout喊。


47.B种子原以为他是在嘲笑他。的确如此,他见过很多人在他身边休息。sure确实如此;instead 相反;soon很快;also也,又。故选B项。

48.A但是没有一个人跟他这样说话。此处通过上文种子和旅行者之间的对话可知,故选A 项spoke。Treat对待,act表演nod 点头。


50.C上文有“who is this”的提问,故此处应选其答语“it?s me.”

51.D男人盯着大树看,不解道“一粒种子?”reply to回复…;turn to求助于;ask for 要…;stare at 盯着看。

52.C你在开玩笑吧?你现在时一棵大树。kid sb.开某人的玩笑;expect期望;visit拜访。joke表开玩笑时用joke on sb。


54.A我不会默默无闻的死去,而是重生,帮助那些疲惫的旅行者。die死;live活;appear 出现;disappear消失。故选A项。




Global warming could make humans ___36___, warn scientists who __37___ to have found __38___ that it caused the world?s first horses to shrink nearly 50 million years ago.

In fact, a team from the universities of Florida and Nebraska says it has found a __39___ between the Earth __40___ up and the size of mammals -- horses, in this __41__, the last time the world heated up.

The scientists used fossils to __42___ the ___43___ of horses from their earliest appearance 56 million years ago. __44__ temperatures went up their size went __45__, and vice versa(反之亦然); at one __46__ they were as small as a house cat, said Dr Jonathan Bloch, curator of the Florida Museum of Natural History, was quoted by the "Daily Mail" as saying.

The scientists say that the __47___ warming could have the same __48__ on mammals -- and __49__ even make humans smaller. Horses started out small, about the size of a small dog __50__ a miniature schnauzer(迷你型雪纳瑞犬). What`s surprising is __51__ after they first appeared, they then became even smaller and then __52__ increased in size, and that exactly __53__ to the global warming event, followed by cooling.

"It had been known that mammals were small during that time and that it was warm, __54__we hadn?t understood that temperature specifically was __55__ the evolution of b ody size," Dr Bloch said in the "Science" journal.

36.A. taller B. higher C. shorter D. bigger

37. A. announce B. claim C. declare D. broadcast

38. A. evidence B. result C. sign D. information

39. A. difference B. gap C. condition D. link

40. A. heating B. freezing C. cooling D. clearing

41. A. case B. way C. occasion D. direction

42. A. find B. follow C. date D. allocate

43. A. evolution B. exploration C. growth D. movement

44. A. With B. Because C. While D. As

45. A. up B. away C. out D. down

46. A. situation B. occasion C. point D. place

47. A. international B. current C. past D. huge

48. A. effect B. result C. consequence D. outcome

49. A. could B. must C. should D. would

50. A. as B. like C. with D. of

51. A. whether B. when C. that D. why

52. A. specially B. fortunately C. eventually D. dramatically

53. A. agrees B. subscribes C. corresponds D. caters

54. A. so B. but C. and D. for

55. A. driving B. creating C. working D. operating


36.C 全球变暖会使人类变矮。下文出现。故选C项shorter更矮。

37. B 声称已经找到全球变暖将5千万年前最初出现的马变小的证据的科学家警告人们。故选B项claim宣称。announce通知;declare宣布;broadcast广播。

38. A根据37题的解析可知选A项evidence证据。result结果;sign迹象;符号;information 信息。

39. D 一个来自福罗里达州大学和内布拉斯加大学的团体说他们已经发现了全球变暖和哺乳动物的大小的联系。故选D项link联系。difference不同;gap空白;condition条件。40. A根据上道题的解析可知选A项heating变暖。freezing冰冻的;cooling冷却的;clearing 清扫。

41. A 这一案例中马变矮的现象是上一次全球变暖时发生的。故选A项case案例。Way方法;occasion场合;direction方向。

42. B 科学家用化石来追溯马从5600万年前诞生至今的进化历程。故选B项follow跟着。allocate分配。

43. A 根据上道题可知选A项evolution进化。exploration探索;growth成长;movement运动。

44. D 随着气温的上升,马的个头变小,反之马的个头就变大。故选D项As引导伴随状语从句。

45. D根据上到题的解释可知选D项。和前面的went up对应。

46. C 《每日邮报》引用佛罗里达自然历史博物馆馆长乔纳森?布洛赫博士的话说,它们曾一度像家猫那么小。Situation形势;occasion场合;point要点。at one point 一度,曾经。47. B 科学家称,当前的全球变暖可能也会对哺乳动物产生同样的影响,甚至可能会让人类的个子也变小。故选B项current现在的,当前的。

48. A 根据上道题的解释可知选A项effect影响。result,consequence和outcome都表示结果。

49. A could表可能性。

50. B 布洛赫博士在《科学》杂志中写道:“马最初的个头很小,和一只小狗的个头差不多,大约也就像一只迷你型雪纳瑞犬那么大。故选B项like。

51. C 令人惊讶的是,在马诞生后过了一段时间,它们的个子变得更小,之后个头又显著变大,而这些变化与全球变暖和变冷正好是相对应的。故选C项that引导表语从句。

52. D 根据上道题的解释可知选D项dramatically显著地。Specially特别地;fortunately幸运地;eventually最终。

53. C上道题的解释可知选C项correspond to和……一致。subscribe to订阅;同意;捐款;cater to迎合。

54. B 我们已经知道哺乳动物在那个时期个头较小,而那个时期气候也较暖,但我们还未意识到正是温度驱动着身体大小的进化。故选B项表示转折。

55. A上道题的解释可知选A项drive 驱使。



The Johnson family from England believe they are lucky to be alive after surviving an incredible incident off the coast of Australia. The Johnsons had been 31_____ that they might see some whales when they were 32_____ a yacht — a large expensive boat for a 10-day sailing 33_____ around the Whitsunday Islands. 34_____, they had no clue just how 35_____ their viewing would be. Two hours into their journey a nine-meter-long humpback whale 36_____ out of the ocean and crashed into their boat before returning to the water.

Mark Johnson,the eldest son,was sailing the yacht when he heard an immense bang and a thud(重击声).He 37_____ thought the yacht had hit a rock. However, when he looked up, he saw the whale 38_____ down the deck of the boat. He told the reporters, “ We were staring into its right eye. It was a very 39_____ moment. The eye was about the 40_____ of a dinner plate. It was huge.“

41_____ for the Johnson family, no one was hurt, but the yacht suffered 42 damage. The whale had ruined the mast and rigging — the pole and ropes which hold the 43_____ ——and so the family was left 44_____ at sea, 10 miles from the shore. The 45_____ equipment was also damaged, but fortunately they had a cell phone and were able to call for help.

Why the whale jumped onto the yacht is a 46_____ ,but the family thinks that maybe the boat had not 47_____ sailed between the whale and its baby calf. Perhaps the whale was trying to 48_____ its calf when it jumped, hit the yacht by chance.

Whatever the reason, people are completely 49_____ that this incident happened. There is over 135 million square miles of ocean ? so what are the 50_____ of a wh ale jumping onto a 30-foot-long yacht? The chance of something like this happening is miniscule, but it just shows that life is full of surprises.

31. A. explained B. learned C. told D ,taught

32. A. hiring B. running C. taking D, .driving

33. A. competition B. game C. trail D. trip

34. A. Moreover B. Nevertheless C. Worthwhile D. However

35. A. wide B, close C. vivid D. tense

36. A. swam B. leapt C. slipped D. stretched

37. A. suddenly B. occasionally C. immediately D. accidentally

38. A. shooting B. jumping C. falling D. sliding

39. A. exciting B. surprising C. frightening D. astonishing

40. A. size B. sample C. range D. scale

41. A. Certainly B, Luckily C. Definitely D. Possibly

42. A. severe B. extreme C. actual D. special

43. A. boat B. beach C. sail D. journey

44. A. by all means B. in no time C. from then on D. with no way

45. A. radio B. craft C. edition D. compass

46. A. problem B. mystery C. suspect D. question

47. A. carefully B. surely C. deliberately D. simply

48. A. see B. touch C. tend D, reach

49. A. amazed B. worried C. interested D. touched

50. A. marvels B. chances C. predictions D. results


31.C 约翰逊一家事先被告知如果他们租船出海,则有可能在海上看到鲸鱼。由下文they had no clue just how...可知别人并未给他们提示(clue),这与told呼应。explain解释,语法上用在这里要加to。learn学习,了解。用这里语态不对。teach教导,教,这里意思不合。32.A 由后文的a large expensive boat for a 10-day sailing...及two hours into their journey ...可知他们是旅行;另外第二段首句Mark Johnson,the eldest son,was sailing the yacht告诉读者驾船的是他们的长子,可知这是租船之后的自驾游,否则开船的就该是船舶公司的人了。

33.D 下文的journey与这里的trip呼应,其它选项不当。

34.D 前文说到了美好的一面——出海可能见到座头鲸,但没提示潜在的危险,意思出现了对比,所以however适合这一空。

35.B 有上文可知他们租船开始十天的旅程10-day sailing,但出发两小时后Two hours into their journey 他们就碰到了鲸鱼,体现了how close。wide宽的。close近的; vivid栩栩如生的;tense紧张的。

36.B leap out of意思为jump out of。这与空后的crash into以及第50空后面的a whale jumping onto a 30-foot-long yacht呼吁,所以B正确。swim游泳,游动;slip滑动,滑倒;stretch 伸展,张开。

37.C 前面说到他们家族的长子听到一声巨响和撞击声,他怀疑船触礁了,根据常识应该是立刻去查看受损情况。Immediately立即,立刻。Suddenly突然occasionally偶尔,间或;accidentally偶然

38.D 既然前面说到已经听到撞击声和一声闷响,鲸鱼落在甲板上是既成的事实,不再可能是看到在falling或jumping过程中。鲸鱼在甲板上滑动slid合理,所以D对。

39.C 这是个让人想起来都毛骨悚然的时刻,试想,如果庞大的鲸鱼落地时刚好撞到人了,那会是多大的危险啊。frightening令人恐惧的;surprising令人吃惊或惊喜的,此词不含恐惧的意思;而astonishing意思是very surprising.

40. A 这头巨鲸眼睛有进餐的盘子那么大,这符合事实,所以A正确。

41. B 此处用Luckily与后文no one was hurt.相呼应,过渡自然。Certainly当然,必定。


42. A 整条船(由于鲸鱼的撞击而)受到严重的破坏。severe严重的,严厉的,剧烈的。Severe damage严重的破坏。Extreme极端的,偏激的。actual 实际的;special特别的,专门的。

43. C 句意:鲸鱼已经破坏了桅杆和控制杆,以及拉住船帆的绳索。Sail 船帆,hold the sail 拉住船帆。所以C正确。

44. D 句意:(由于船的动力系统和桅杆损坏),因此约翰逊一家在海上进退不能。By all means 尽一切办法; in no time立即;from then on从那时起;with no way没办法。

45. A 船的无线电设备也遭到了破坏,但幸运的是他们带有一部手机,并能借此求助。radio equipment(船上的)无线电设备。radio无线电;craft手艺,太空船;edition版本;compass 指南针。因为此刻他们不是找不到方向,而是没办法进退,借助无线电发sos求助才是要做的事,后面的but fortunately they had a cell phone and were able to call for help可知A正确。

46. B 句意:为何鲸鱼能正好跳到他们船的甲板上,这任然是一个迷。but the family thinks that maybe...中maybe提示了问题的不确定性,只是猜测,所以B正确。Problem问题;mystery (未解之)谜;suspect怀疑,嫌疑犯;question疑问,问题。

47. C 句意:他们猜测可能是船不经意间驶到这头鲸鱼和她的幼鲸之间,因此她想跳过船去抵近她的幼崽。not deliberately不经意间,无意间。所以C正确。其它各项不符合情景。48. D 母鲸鱼想抵近幼崽(以便于提供保护)。reach到达,抵达。touch触摸;see看到;tend 倾向于。所以A正确。

49 .A 不管原因是什么,人们都惊奇于这样(这样小概率的)事件(居然)发生了。试想一下,广袤的海洋.鲸鱼能跳到船上!amazed惊奇的,吃惊的;worried担心的;interested感兴趣的;touched感动的。所以A正确。

50. B 此处chances相当于possibilities,机会,可能性。鲸鱼落到夹板上这种概率很小。所以B正确。marvel奇迹(指成就);prediction预言;result结果。



I walked into the grocery store not particularly interested in buying something. The sorrow of

36 my husband of 37 years was still too painful. And this grocery store held so many sweet

37 . Bob often came with me and almost every time he'd 38 to go off and look for something special. I'd always see him walking down the walkway 39 the three yellow roses in his hands. Bob knew I loved yellow roses. With a heart 40 with pain, I came to the meat shelf, I searched for the 41 small steak and remembered how Bob had loved his steak.

Suddenly a woman came beside me. She was in a soft green dress. I 42 as she picked up a large pack of T-bones, 43 them in her basket, hesitated, and then put them back. She saw me watching her and she smiled. "My husband loves T-bones, but 44 , at these prices, I don't know."

"My husband passed away eight days ago," I told her. "Buy him the steaks. And value every 45 you have together."

36. A. losing B. leaving C. passing D. failing

37. A. flowers B. roses C. memories D. thoughts

38. A. decide B. happen C. refuse D. pretend

39. A. by B. with C. during D. between

40. A. full B. filled C. pleased D. crowded

41. A. very B. beautiful C. pretty D. perfect

42. A. watched B. saw C. found D. glared

43. A. fell B. carried C. dropped D. took

44. A. exactly B. generally C. usually D. honestly

45. A. moment B. dinner C. time D. year

46. A. hands B. eyes C. voice D. basket

47. A. left B. ran C. slipped D. wheeled

48. A. realized B. recognized C. received D. thought

49. A. saddest B. funniest C. brightest D. strangest

50. A. words B. tears C. feelings D. sweats

51. A. stood B. described C. meant D. designed

52. A. sight B. cart C. roses D. package

53. A. unknown B. uncommon C. unreal D. unlike

54. A. question B. answer C. case D. puzzle

55. A. missed B. disappointed C. hated D. forgotten


36 A 由后方的My husband passed away eight days ago可知作者的丈夫去世了,与losing my husband吻合。所以选A。

37 C 下文的Bob often came with me and almost every time ....and look for something special以及前面讲到的丈夫去世,可知她们常来这家食品杂货店购物,这里有太多甜美的回忆。所以选C.

38 D 每次我们两个一起购物时,他都找借口离开,(以便为我)去找些特别地东西(----黄色的玫瑰花),有后面的I'd always see him walking down the walkway... three yellow roses in his hands可知答案为D.

39 B 鲍勃沿着人行道走回时,手里老是拿着几只黄玫瑰。With three yellow roses in his hands

是with复合结构。由Bob knew I loved yellow roses也可知道这一点。

40 B 想到这些的时候,心里充满了悲痛,be filled with...被...充满。此处作宾语补足语,与heart是被动关系,所以B正确。

D 感动于心里的是鲍勃对我的好,我也不由自主地在货架上寻找当初他喜欢的牛排,只有用perfect才能体现我对他给予的爱love的思念及此时我内心的痛pain。

A 句意:当她拿起又犹豫,让后放下,这个过程我一直都注视着她。Watch注视,看;而see看到,强调看到的结果。所以A正确。

C 由后面的hesitated, and then put them back可知C正确。.

D 她看到我在注视她,就跟我解释说,她丈夫喜欢吃T字排骨,但这价格,她不知道该不该买,她在犹豫。Honestly坦诚将,相当于honestly speaking或to be honest,所以D对。

A 由前方的My husband passed away eight days ago可知她在劝说那位女士不要犹豫,要珍惜与丈夫在一起的每一个时刻。所以A正确。

B 听完我的话,他笑了。眼中带着柔情,将牛排放进篮子里。B比较合理。

D 由后文的I turned and pushed my cart forward too可知她是将自己的手推购物车推走了。Wheel away推走。

B 此处的green suit与前文的green suit都代指那位女士,自然是我认出recognise她了。

C 句意,她朝我走来,脸上挂着(最)灿烂的笑容。Bright明媚的,灿烂的。这个用语也与她的爱心相映成趣。

B 由后文的these are for you和place the roses in my arms以及place a gentle kiss on my cheek 可知我被感到了,眼泪往下滑落,D是正确答案。

C 由后方的but still unable to speak...可知还没等我问她为什么送我这三只黄玫瑰,她就转身离开了。Mean意思是。此处理解为为什么。

A 眼泪模糊了我的视线,由空前的tears clouded in ...及常识可知这里应该填vision或sight。

C 面对他送来的鲜花,我觉得太美丽了,几乎不敢相信这是真的。Almost unreal几乎不是真实的。所以C正确。

D 由前面的还没等我问她为什么送我这三只黄玫瑰,她就转身离开了,知道此处填puzzle 以及上文的how did she know?可知答案。

B 冥冥之中她感到鲍勃仍然跟她生活在一起,陪伴着她,没让她失望。由she was his angel 可知答案。



That morning, I stepped into the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventy-five students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in 36 for seventeen years, I had no 37 about my ability to hold their attention and to 38 on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.

I was shocked when the monitor shouted, " 39 !" The entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat 40 about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness was over, I quickly 41 my calmness and began what I thought was a fact-packed lecture, sure to gain their respect—perhaps 42 their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement.

My students 43 diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually 44 by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, "Our l iterature teacher didn?t teach us anything today.

45 her next lecture will be better." Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a


绝密★启用前 2014普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷1) 英语 使用地区:河南、山西、河北 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,共12页。考试时间结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2. 选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3. 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 注:山西卷赋分不同,满分180分。听力30分不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供给高校作参考。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9. 18. C. £9.15. 答案是C 。 1. What does the woman want to do? A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address. 2. What will the man do for the woman? A. Repair her car. B. Give her a ride. C. Pick up her aunt. 3. Who might Mr. Peterson be? A. A new professor. B. A department head. C. A company director. 4. What does the man think of the book? A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple. 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Weather. B. Clothes. C. News. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman? A. He has a pain in his knee. B. He wants to watch TV . C. He is too lazy. 7. What will the woman probably do next? A. Stay at home. B. Take Harry to hospital. C. Do some exercise. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. When will the man be home from work? A. At 5:45. B. At 6:15. C. At 6:50. 9. Where will the speakers go? A. The Green House Cinema. B. The New State Cinema. C. The UME Cinema. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How will the speakers go to New York? A. By air. B. By taxi. C. By bus. ------------- 在-------------------- 此-------------------- 卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效---------- 姓名________________ 准考证号_____________


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标全国卷Ⅰ) 理科数学 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. (1)已知集合{}{}22|,032|2<≤-=≥--=x x B x x x A ,则=B A A.]1,2[-- B.]1,1[- C.)2,1[- D.)2,1[ (2) =-+2 3 )1()1(i i A.1+i B.-1+i C.1-i D.-1-i (3)设函数)(),(x g x f 的定义域为R ,且)(x f 是奇函数,)(x g 是偶函数,则下列结论中正确的是 A.)()(x g x f 是偶函数 B.|)(|)(x g x f 是奇函数 C.)(|)(|x g x f 是奇函数 D.|)()(|x g x f 是奇函数 (4)已知F 为双曲线C :)0(322>=-m m my x 的一个焦点,则点F 到C 的一条渐近线的距离为 A.3 B.m 3 C.3 D.m 3 (5)4位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六、周日都有同学参加公益活动的概率为 A.8 1 B.8 5 C.8 3 D.8 7

(6)如图,图O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的始边为射线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为M ,将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示成x 的函数)(x f ,则],0[)(π在x f y =的图像大致为 (7)执行右面的程序框图,若输入的k b a ,,分别为1,2,3,则输出的M=


2014年高考英语(北京卷)完形填空真题含答案详解 The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often 1_ about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who 2 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this 3_ girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her 4 in with us? There had to be a 5_ . One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had 6 her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) 7_ copy. I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 8_ show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had 9_ . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who the n showed us a poster she had painted 10_ the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough11 . Could you help me, Suzy?” On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s 12 were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n)_13_award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students 14 them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw 15 well?” Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “ 16 this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a 17 ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!” Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried. I 18 , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never 19 anything in her whole life. Everyone started to 20 their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.


适合高中生阅读的文史书目 四大名著是必读的经典,每个人都知道的。除此之外,选了以下若干种,没有先后顺序,随意排列如下: 1、黄仁宇《中国大历史》中国人应知中国的历史。黄仁宇这部书以短短的二十余万字的篇幅,勾画了整个中国历史长达数千年的全貌。他没有像教科书那样堆砌历史事件,其独特的“大历史”观,让读者读得很轻松,感觉很新鲜,又能把握历史的全貌。 2、高罗佩《大唐狄公案》高罗佩是一个荷兰外交官,疯狂地迷恋东方文化。不过他可不像大山之类的只会唱唱歌、说说相声,他是琴棋书画样样精通,还能用汉语写做诗文,甚至对中国文化、长臂猿都有研究,出过专著。《大唐狄公案》是他写的一系列关于狄仁杰的侦探小说,是西方中学生课外必读书,狄仁杰因此在西方家喻户晓,被誉为“中国的福尔摩斯”。不光侦探故事写的精彩,里面关于中国古代文化的东西,写得比中国人还地道呢,你看了就知道的。 3、金庸《天龙八部》、《笑傲江湖》作为一个人,应该有童话般的幻想;作为一个男孩子,应该有对英雄气概的崇拜。金庸的书有中国最大的读者群,上至学者政客,下至贩夫走卒。书里有历史、有英雄、有爱情、有传统文化,更何况可读性强,恨不能一口气就读完。这样的书岂能不读? 4、房龙《地理》地理课本很枯燥,可房龙《地理》却写得通俗而又有趣味,让你能看下去,这就是这本书的最大优点,也是他的所有书的优点。 5、房龙《人类的故事》房龙关于世界历史和文明史的一本通俗读物,影响甚大。上下五千年,纵横数万里。房龙给了我们一双观看浓澜壮阔的历史长河的眼睛——理性、睿智而宽容。都说历史是枯燥的,看这本书,相信你不会有这种感觉。 6、余秋雨《文化苦旅》虽然我不喜欢余秋雨这个人,也不喜欢他的雕琢与堆砌,但我不得不承认,他的文章很有文化味儿,也得很好,很适合年轻人看。当然,当你书读得再多些,年龄再大些,你可能更喜欢周作人的文化散文。 7、辛丰年《乐迷闲话》这个八旬老人不是音乐家,也不是乐评家,只是一个业余古典音乐迷,却写出了许多音乐家或乐评家们根本写不出的音乐随笔。文章里充满对音乐的真爱,也充满古典音乐方面的知识,喜欢西洋古典音乐的人不容错过。 8、《古文观止注译》清代吴楚材、吴调侯编选,所选文章语言凝练、短小精悍、大多是千古传诵之作。是300年来影响最大的古代散文选本,至今无法超越。这本书里有注释,有译文,可以带你轻松地进入传统文化之门。对于里面喜欢的名篇,是需要背诵的。 9、传世经典文白对照《聊斋志异》《聊斋志异》应该是符合时下年轻人的口味的,有鬼狐神怪之类的魔幻元素,有各式各样的爱情故事,还有对当时(其实也是现在)社会丑恶的批判。


绝密★启用前:2015年6月8日15:00 2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一卷 英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday in stead of a lot of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day late, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t got any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed. Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static (静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually,this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set. When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the set is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble.


河北省2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科数学 注意事项: 1. 本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效.。 4. 考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一.选择题:共12小题,每小题5分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1、已知集合2 {|230}A x x x =--≥,{|22}B x x =-≤<,则A B ?= A. [2,1]-- B. [1,2)- C. [1,1]- D. [1,2) 2、32(1)(1)i i +=- A. 1i + B. 1i - C. 1i -+ D. 1i -- 3、设函数()f x 、()g x 的定义域都为R ,且()f x 是奇函数,()g x 是偶函数。则下列结论中正确的是 A. ()f x ()g x 是偶函数 B. |()|()f x g x 是奇函数 C. ()|()|f x g x 是奇函数 D. |()()|f x g x 是奇函数 4、已知F 为双曲线C: 223(0)x my m m -=>的一个焦点,则点F 到C 的一条渐近线的距离为 A. 3 B. 3 C. 3m D. 3m 5、4位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六周日都有同学参加公益活动的概率为 A. 18 B. 38 C. 58 D. 78 6、如图,圆O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的 始边为射线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 做直线OA 的垂线,垂足 为M ,将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示成x 的函数()f x ,则 ()y f x =在[0,]π的图像大致为

2014高考英语真题 全国卷2 完形填空 试题及答案详解

2014高考英语真题全国卷2 完形填空试题及答案详解 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top 1_, but on their way back conditions were very 2 . Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon 3 alone, he would probably get back 4 . But Simon decided to risk his 5 and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳). As they 6 down, the weather got worse. Then another 7 occurred. They couldn't see or hear each other and, 8 , Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was 9 for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. Joe's 10 was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. 11, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to 12 . In tears, he cut the rope. Joe 13 into a large crevasse(裂缝) in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldn't walk, but he 14 to get out of the crevasse and started to 15 towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers 16_. Simon had 17 the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be 18 , but he didn't want to leave 19_. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joe's voice. He couldn't 20 it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive. 1. A.hurriedly B.carefully C.successfully D.early 2. A.difficult B.similar C.special D.normal 3. A.climbed B.worked C.rested D.continued 4. A.unwillingly B.safely C.slowly D.regretfully 5. A.fortune B.time C.health D.life 6. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4a8718701.html,y B.settled C.went D.looked 7. A.damage B.storm C.change D.trouble 8. A.by mistake B.by chance C.by choice D.by luck 9. A.unnecessary B.practical C.important D.impossible 10. A.height B.weight C.strength D.equipment 11. A.Finally B.Patiently C.Surely D.Quickly 12. A.stand back B.take a rest C.make a decision D.hold on


英语 2018年高三试卷 英语 简答题(综合题)(本大题共4小题,每小题____分,共____分。) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/carers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/carers will be asked to sign to confirm their child’s choices.

21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A. OUT. B. WBP. C. CRF. D. POT. 22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London. B. See a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23. How long does Potty about Potter last? A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days.


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 全国课标1理科数学 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准 考证号填写在答题卡上. 2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每个小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动, 用橡皮搽干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,写在本试卷上无效. 3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上,答在本试题上无效. 4. 考试结束,将本试题和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一.选择题:共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的一项。 1. 已知集合A={x |2 230x x --≥},B={x |-2≤x <2=,则A B ?= A .[-2,-1] B .[-1,2) C .[-1,1] D .[1,2) 2. 32 (1)(1)i i +-= A .1i + B .1i - C .1i -+ D .1i -- 3. 设函数()f x ,()g x 的定义域都为R ,且()f x 时奇函数,()g x 是偶函数,则下列结论正确的是 A .()f x ()g x 是偶函数 B .|()f x |()g x 是奇函数 C .()f x |()g x |是奇函数 D .|()f x ()g x |是奇函数 4. 已知F 是双曲线C :2 2 3(0)x my m m -=>的一个焦点,则点F 到C 的一条渐近线的距离为 A B .3 C D .3m 5. 4位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六、周日都有同学参加公益活动 的概率

A .18 B .38 C .58 D .78 6. 如图,圆O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的始边 为射线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为M ,将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示为x 的函数()f x ,则y =()f x 在[0,π]上的图像大致为 7. 执行下图的程序框图,若输入的,,a b k 分别为1,2,3,则输出的M = A . 203 B .165 C .72 D .158 8. 设(0, )2π α∈,(0,)2 π β∈,且1sin tan cos βαβ+= ,则 A .32 π αβ-= B .22 π αβ-= C .32 π αβ+= D .22 π αβ+= 9. 不等式组1 24x y x y +≥??-≤? 的解集记为D .有下面四个命题: 1p :(,),22x y D x y ?∈+≥-,2p :(,),22x y D x y ?∈+≥, 3P :(,),23x y D x y ?∈+≤,4p :(,),21x y D x y ?∈+≤-. 其中真命题是 A .2p ,3P B .1p ,4p C .1p ,2p D .1p ,3P 10. 已知抛物线C :2 8y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 是l 上一点,Q 是直线PF 与C 的一个焦


2014高考英语完形填空基础练习(64)及答案 完形填空练习 The sculpture, a plastic bottle of melted ice from Antarctic, was the creation of the American-born artist and writer Wayne Hill. But one light-fingered (善于扒窃的), and maybe 1 visitor to the exhibition may have 2 the point that the sculpture was intended to be a strong 3 on the danger of global 4 . The visitor is believed to have 5 the piece 6 considering the danger to the Antarctic icecap. The police have been 7 to look into the mystery of the 8 water bottle, which disappeared at a festival at Dartington Hall in southern Devon. They are not sure if the thief knew the water was 9 of a sculpture and drank it as a 10 or if he 11 it for an ordinary bottle of water. Officers 12 say that someone 13 think the piece was just a/n 14 bottle and threw it away. It was Wayne Hill who brought back two litres of melted ice from the west Antarctic and designed a bottle to 15 it. A notice on the bottle described where the water was from and 16 the words: “Weapon of Mass Destruction”, because of the 17 that melting icecap could bring. Hill said, “ 18 the fact that it was designed to look like an ordinary object, it was clearly 19 out as an exhibit (展品). If you put something on a base, people usually 20 it as a piece of art and treat it with respect.” Hill said he was considering making another identical piece. 1. A. thirsty B. curious C. frightened D. surprised 2. A. missed B. realized C. discussed D. grasped 3. A. desire B. anxiety C. comment D. belief 4. A. change B. warming C. pollution D. climate 5. A. bought B. drunk C. seen D. loved 6. A. instead of B. as for C. more than D. except for


2018年高考全国二卷英语答案2018高考新课标全国 2卷英语试题及答案 适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、陕西、重庆、海南省(全国Ⅱ卷:语、数、英;单独命题:政、史、地、物、化、生) 绝密★启用前【考试时间:6月8日15: 00-17:00】 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C 1. What does John find difficult in learning German? A. Pronunciation. B. Vocabulary. C. Grammar. 2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student. 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. At a ticket office. C. On a train. 4. What are the speakers talking about? A. A restaurant. B. A street. C. A dish. 5. What does the woman think of her interview?


数学试卷 第1页(共18页) 数学试卷 第2页(共18页) 数学试卷 第3页(共18页) 绝密★启用前 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷1) 理科数学 使用地区:河南、山西、河北 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上. 2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.写在本试卷上无效. 3.回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效. 4.考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合2{|230}A x x x =--≥,{|22}B x x =-<≤,则A B = ( ) A .[2,1]-- B .[1,2)- C .[1,1]- D .[1,2) 2. 3 2 (1i)(1i)+=- ( ) A .1i + B .1i - C .1i -+ D .1i -- 3.设函数()f x ,()g x 的定义域都为R ,且()f x 是奇函数,()g x 是偶函数,则下列结论中正确的是 ( ) A .()f x ()g x 是偶函数 B .|()|f x ()g x 是奇函数 C .()f x |()|g x 是奇函数 D .|()()|f x g x 是奇函数 4.已知F 为双曲线C :223(0)x my m m -=>的一个焦点,则点F 到C 的一条渐近线的距离为 ( ) A B .3 C D .3m 5.4位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六、周日都有同学参加公益活动的概率为 ( ) A .18 B .38 C . 58 D . 78 6.如图,圆O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的始边为射线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为M .将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示成x 的函数()f x ,则 ()y f x =在[0,π]的图象大致为 ( ) A . B . C . D . 7.执行如图的程序框图,若输入的a ,b ,k 分别为1,2,3.则输出的M = ( ) A . 203 B . 72 C .165 D .158 8.设π(0,)2α∈,π(0,)2 β∈,且1sin tan cos β αβ+=,则 ( ) A .π32αβ-= B .π 32αβ+= C .π22αβ-= D .π 22αβ+= 9.不等式组1, 24x y x y +??-?≥≤的解集记为D ,有下面四个命题: 1p :(,)x y D ?∈,22x y +-≥; 2p :(,)x y D ?∈,22x y +≥; 3p :(,)x y D ?∈,23x y +≤; 4p :(,)x y D ?∈,21x y +-≤. 其中的真命题是 ( ) A .2p ,3p B .1p ,2p C .1p ,4p D .1p ,3p 10.已知抛物线C :28y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 是l 上一点,Q 是直线PF 与C 的一个 交点,若4FP FQ =,则||QF = ( ) A .72 B .3 C .52 D .2 11.已知函数32()31f x ax x =-+,若()f x 存在唯一的零点0x ,且00x >,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) A .(2,)+∞ B .(1,)+∞ C .(,2)-∞- D .(,1)-∞- 12.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某多面体的三视图,则该多面体的各条棱中,最长的棱的长度为 ( ) A .B .6 C .D .4 第Ⅱ卷 本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第13题~第21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22题~第24题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分. 13.8()()x y x y -+的展开式中27x y 的系数为 (用数字填写答案). 14.甲、乙、丙三位同学被问到是否去过A ,B ,C 三个城市时, 甲说:我去过的城市比乙多,但没去过B 城市; 乙说:我没去过C 城市; 丙说:我们三人去过同一城市. 由此可判断乙去过的城市为 . 15.已知A ,B ,C 为圆O 上的三点,若1()2 AO AB AC =+,则AB 与AC 的夹角为 . 16.已知a ,b ,c 分别为ABC △三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边,2a =,且(2)(sin b A +- sin )()sin B c b C =-,则ABC △面积的最大值为 . 三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分12分) 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,11a =,0n a ≠,11n n n a a S λ+=-,其中λ为常数. (Ⅰ)证明:2n n a a λ+-=; (Ⅱ)是否存在λ,使得{}n a 为等差数列?并说明理由. 姓名________________ 准考证号_____________ -------------在 --------------------此--------------------卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ----------------


2016普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 英语 A Heroic Driver Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009. Larry was 41 along 165 north after delivering to one of his 42 . suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out. The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had 49 an emergency call. They 50 heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. 51 the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay 52 until the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her neck. Once fire and emergency people arrive, Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him and the other man go. One thing is 59 —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His 60 most likely saved the woman’s life. 41. A. walking B. touring C. traveling D. rushing 42. A. passengers B. colleagues C. employers D. customers 43. A. Since B. Although C. As D. If 44. A. each B. another C. that D. his 45. A. flames B. smoke C. water D. steam 46. A. used B. disabled C. removed D. abandoned 47. A. got hold of B. prepared C. took charge of D. controlled 48. A. came down B. came through C. came in D. came over 49. A. returned B. received C. made D. confirmed 50. A. then B. again C. finally D. even 51. A. Starting B. Parking C. Passing D. Approaching 52. A. quiet B. still C. away D. calm 53. A. for B. so C. and D. but 54. A. explode B. slip away C. fall apart D. crash 55. A. as if B. unless C. in case D. after 56. A. stepped forward B. backed off C. moved on D. set out 57. A. woman B. police C. man D. driver 58. A. forbidden B. ready C. asked D. free 59. A. for certain B. for consideration C. reported D. checked 60. A. patience B. skills C. efforts D. promise
