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通常情况下只需列出项目的资助号即可,不必标注具体的项目名称。如:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.60171009),the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(Grant No.G2000077405)and the Key Project of Science and Technology of Shanghai(Grant No.02DZ/5002).

对于国家自然科学基金资助项目,通常只需要统一标注“National Natural Science Foundation of China”和项目的资助号即可,不必再分别标“注面上项目”(General Program),“重点项目”(Key Program),“重大项目”(Major Program)等进一步信息。


国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):National High-tech R&D Program of China(863Program);

国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划):National Program on Key Basic Research Project(973 Program)

国家985重点建设项目:Key Construction Program of the National“985”Project

“九五”攻关项目:National Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the9th Five-Year Plan Period

国家基础研究计划:National Basic Research Priorities Program of China;

国家科技攻关计划:National Key Technologies R&D Program of China;

国家攀登计划—B课题资助:Supported by National Climb—B Plan

国家重大科学工程二期工程基金资助:National Important Project on Science-PhaseⅡof NSRL


国家教育部科学基金资助:Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China

教育部科学技术研究重点(重大)项目资助:Key(Key grant)Project of Chinese Ministry of Education

国家教育部博士点基金资助项目:Ph.D.Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China

高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(缩写:RFDP)

国家教育部博士点专项基金资助:Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China

中国博士后科学基金:Supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

国家教育部回国人员科研启动基金资助:Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China

国家教育部留学回国人员科研启动金:Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,State Education Ministry(SRF for ROCS,SEM)

跨世纪优秀人才计划国家教委《跨世纪优秀人才计划》基金:Trans-Century Training Programme Foundation for the Talents by the State Education Commission

国家教育部优秀青年教师基金资助:Science Foundation for The Excellent Youth Scholars of Ministry of Education of China

高等学校骨干教师资助计划:Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education of China


中国科学院基金资助:Science Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国科学院重点资助项目:Key Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国科学院知识创新项目:Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;

中国科学院“九五”重大项目:Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the9th Five-Year Plan Period;

中国科学院百人计划经费资助:One Hundred Person Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国科学院院长基金特别资助:Special Foundation of President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国科学院西部之光基金:West Light Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国科学院国际合作局重点项目资助:Supported by Bureau of International Cooperation,Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国科学院上海分院择优资助项目:Advanced Programs of Shanghai Branch,the Chinese Academy of Sciences;


国家自然科学基金(面上项目;重点项目;重大项目):National Natural Science Foundation of China(General Program;Key Program;Major Program);

国家杰出青年科学基金:National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars;

国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目:Supported by Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC

海外及香港、澳门青年学者合作研究基金:Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese,Hong Kong and Macao Young Scholars


日本科学技术厅科学家交流项目:Japan STA Scientist Exchange Program

海峡两岸自然科学基金共同资助:Science Foundation of Two sides of Strait

“九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目:National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the9th Five-Year Plan Period;

核工业科学基金资助:Science Foundation of Chinese Nuclear Industry

北京正负电子对撞机国家实验室重点课题资助:BEPC National Laboratory

兰州重离子加速器国家实验室原子核理论中心基金资助:Supported by Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics,National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator of Lanzhou

北京市自然科学基金资助:Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation

河南省教育厅基金资助:Foundation of He’nan Educational Committee

河南省杰出青年基金(9911)资助:Excellent Youth Foundation of He’nan Scientific Committee 黑龙江省自然科学基金资助:Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China

湖北省教育厅重点项目资助:Educational Commission of Hubei Province of China

江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目:Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province.

山西省归国人员基金资助:Shanxi Province Foundation for Returness

山西省青年科学基金资助:Shanxi Province Science Foundation for Youths

上海市科技启明星计划资助:Shanghai Science and Technology Development Funds

东南大学基金资助:Foundation of Southeast of University

华北电力大学青年科研基金资助:Youth Foundation of North-China Electric Power University

华中师范大学自然科学基金资助:Natural Science Foundation of Central China Normal University 西南交通大学基础学科研究基金资助:Foundation Sciences Southwest Jiaotong University



This work was supported by a grant from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863Program)(No.)


General Program(面上项目),Key Program(重点项目),Major Program(重大项目)

This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.)3国家“九五”攻关项目(No.)

This work was supported by a grant from the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the9th Five-Year Plan Period(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from the Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the9th Five-Year Plan Period(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from the Key Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.)


This work was supported by a grant from the National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the9th Five-Year Plan Period(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from the Ph.D.Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from Advanced Programs of Shanghai Branch,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(973Program)(No.)


This work was supported by a grant from National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No.)


This work was supported by a grant from Joint Research Fund for Young Scholars in Hong Kong and Abroad(No.)



Supported by Science Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences


Supported by Major Subject of The Chinese Academy of Sciences(项目编号:)


Supported by Special Foundation of President of The Chinese Academy of Sciences


Supported by Bureau of International Cooperation,The Chinese Academy of Sciences


Supported by100Talents Program of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

Supported by One Hundred Person Project of The Chinese Academy of Sciences


Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

Supported by Knowledge Innovation Program of The Chinese Academy of Sciences


Supported by West Light Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences(项目编号:)


Supported by BEPC National Laboratory


Supported by Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics,National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator of Lanzhou


Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(项目编号:)

[Supported by NSFC(项目编号:)]


Supported by Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(1991483)


Supported by Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC(项目编号:)


Supported by Major State Basic Research Development Program(项目编号:)Supported by China Ministry of Science and Technology under Contract(项目编号:)Supported by State Key Development Program of(for)Basic Research of China(项目编号:)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助

Supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China


Supported by National Important Project on Science-PhaseⅡof NSRL


Supported by National Climb—B Plan


Supported by National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar


Supported by State Commission of Science Technology of China(科委)

Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China


Supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation


Supported by Science Foundation of Two sides of Strait(项目编号:)


Supported by Science Foundation of Chinese Nuclear Industry


Supported by Science Foundation of The Chinese Education Commission(教委)

Supported by Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China


Supported by Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China


Supported by Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars,Ministry of Education of China 国家教育部优秀青年教师基金资助

Supported by Science Foundation for The Excellent Youth Scholars of Ministry of Education of China 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助

Supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China

Supported by Doctoral Program Foundation of Institutions of Higher Education of China



Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China


Supported by Educational Commission of Hubei Province of China


Supported by Excellent Youth Foundation of He’nan Scientific Committee(项目编号:)河南省教育厅基金资助

Supported by Foundation of He’nan Educational Committee


Supported by Shanxi Province Science Foundation for Youths(项目编号:)


Supported by Shanxi Province Foundation for Returness


Supported by Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation


Supported by Shanghai Science and Technology Development Funds(项目编号:)


Supported by Youth Foundation of North-China Electric Power University


Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Central China Normal University


Supported by Foundation of Southeast of University(项目编号:)


Supported by Foundation Sciences Southwest Jiaotong University(项目编号:)


Supported by Japan STA Scientist Exchange Program(项目编号:)

项目管理(全英文)试题 - 有翻译

一、名词解释(5*2=10) PMI, Project Management Institute, 美国项目管理学会 PMP, Project Management Professional, 项目管理专业人员认证 PMBOK, Project Management Body of Knowledge, 项目管理知识体系 PLC, project life cycle, 项目生命周期 RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书 WBS, Work Breakdown Structure, 工作分解结构 CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法 PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique, 计划评审技术 AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法 AON, Activity-on-node, 单代号网络图 CPI, Cost Performance Index, 成本绩效指数 (挣值(EV)/实际成本(AC)) RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix, 职责分配矩阵 P&L, Profit and loss损益 VAT, value-added tax, 加值税、增值税 QA, Quality Assurance, 质量保障 二、填空题(5*2=10)。 1. A project is an endeavour to accomplish a specific objective through a unique set of interrelated tasks and the


中英文对照外文翻译文献 中英文对照外文翻译 The Internet is Applicated in Real Estate The Real Estate Industry and the World Wide Web: Changing Technology, Changing Location.The Internet, in its Web based graphics version, has captured the imagination of both consumers and businesses. Its convenience, speed, low cost and versatility are being exploited on a daily basis in ever-changing ways. Together with its capacity to transform existing businesses, promote new businesses and facilitate exchange of information and data, its other striking attribute has been the speed with which this new technology has spread throughout the global economy. Keywords:The internet;Real Estate;Applicated The number of computer hosts grew by more than ten-fold between 1995 and early 1999. The number of Web sites increased almost 100-fold, to over two million, between 1995 and 1998.By the year 2000, there will be approximately 400-500 million Internet users in the world, and the total number of Web sites will exceed five million. This new technology has the potential for affecting the real estate industry directly and indirectly. Directly, it may become a tool that allows a real estate business to expand its information and sales network. Indirectly, it may change the location equation where and how firms do business which in turn will affect the role of firms involved in real estate development, investment and transactions. Measuring the Spread of the Web


经典文档下载后可编辑复制 湖北文理学院 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 题目有限元热分析的陶瓷离合器 专业车辆工程 班级Xxx 姓名Xxxx 学号2010138xx 指导教师 职称Xxx 副教授 2014年2月25日

Fethermal analysis of a ceramic clutch 1. Introduction Abrasive dry running vehicle clutches are force closure couplings. Torque and speed transmission are ensured by the frictional force generated between two pressed surfaces. Reasons for the application of ceramic as a friction medium include good heat and wear resistance properties, which provide the opportunity to drive higher pressures, and a low density. Thus, an increasing power density is enabled with a parallel minimization of construction space. Measurements with a first prototype of a clutch disk using ceramic facings were performed at Karlsruhe University in a laboratory specialized in passenger car drive system testing. In the course of analysis the finite element (FE) model was to be constructed with the knowledge of measurement data and measurement conditions. Calculations were intended to determine the temperature distribution of the clutch disk and its environment at each moment in time corresponding to measurements. It is essential to be familiar with the temperature range in order to examine the wear characteristics of the system. Thus, important information is derived from measurement data. In critical load cases, the highest expected temperatures must be forecast in space and time in order to protect measuring instruments close to the location of heat generation. The goal of this study is to analyze and modify the clutch system to provide better operating conditions by improving the heat conduction and convection of the system or to increase the amount of the energy converted into frictional heat. Furthermore, it is desired to find better design solutions for more efficient clutch systems. Calculations were performed by the Cosmos Design Star software. During model development, great care had to be taken for proper simplification of geometry, the selection of element sizes, and the correct adjustment of time steps due to the substantial hardware requirements for transient calculations. Changes in thermal parameters such as the surface heat convection coefficient and thermal load had to be taken into consideration on an on-going basis in terms of time and location. The two sides of the analyzed test clutch system can only be managed by two independent models linked by heat partition,


工程建设项目管理流程 项目建议书立项可行性研究报告环评设计工作阶段(初步设计、技术设计、施工图设计)建 设准备阶段(三通一平、施工招标)施工安装阶段生产准备阶段(招收和培训生产人员、组 织准备、技术准备、物资准备)竣工验收阶段后评价阶段 1、项目建议书阶段 项目建议书是业主单位向国家提出的要求建设某一项目的建议文件,是对工程项目建设的轮 廓设想。项目建议书的主要作用是推荐一个拟建项目,论述其建设的必要性、建设条件的可 行性和获利的可能性,供国家选择并确定是否进行下一步工作。 项目建议书的内容视项目的不同而有繁有简,但一般应包括以下几方面的内容: (1)项目提出的必要性和依据。 (2)产品方案、拟建规模和建设地点的初步设想。 (3)资源情况、建设条件、协作关系等的初步分析。 (4)投资估算和资金筹措设想。 (5)项目的进度安排。 (6)经济效益和社会效益的估计。 项目建议书按要求编制完成后,应根据建设规模和限额划分分别报送有关部门审批。按现行 规定,大中型及限额以上项目的项目建议书首先应报送行业归口主管部门,同时抄送发展委。行业归口主管部门根据国家中长期规划要求,从资金来源、建设布局、资金合理利用、经济 合理性、技术政策等方面进行初审。行业归口主管部门初审通过后报发展委,由发展委从建 设总规模、生产力总布局、资源优化配置及资金供应可能、外部协作条件等方面进行综合平衡,还要委托具有相应资质的工程咨询单位评估后审批。凡行业归口主管部门初审未通过的 项目,发展委不予批准;凡属小型或限额以下项目的项目建议书,按项目隶属关系由部门或 地方发改委审批。 项目建议书经批准后,可以进行详细的可行性研究工作,但并不表明项目非上不可,项目建 议书不是项目的最终决策。 2、可行性研究阶段 项目建议书一经批准,即可着手开展项目可行性研究工作。可行研究是对工程项目在技术上 是否可行和经济上是否合理进行科学的分析和论证。 (1)可行性研究的工作内容。可行性研究应完成以下工作内容: 1)进行市场研究,以解决项目建设的必要性问题; 2)进行工艺技术方案的研究,以解决项目建设的技术可能性问题; 3)进行财务和经济分析,以解决项目建设的合理性问题。凡经可行性研究未通过的项目, 不得进行下一步工作。 (2)可行性研究的报告的内容。可行研究工作完成后,需要编写出反映其全部工作成果的“可行性研究报告”。就其内容来看,各类项目的可行性研究报告内容不尽相同,但一般应包 括以下基本内容: 1)项目提出的背景、投资的必要性和研究工作依据; 2)需求预测及拟建规模、产品方案和发展方向的技术经济比较和分析;


Automobile Brake System汽车制动系统 The braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes. Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set. The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the c ar. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure). Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.


U2-S1什么是项目管理? 建筑项目管理不仅需要对设计和实施过程有所理解,而且需要现代管理知识。建设项目有一组明确的目标和约束,比如竣工日期。尽管相关的技术、组织机构或流程会有所不同,但建设项目同其他一些如航天、医药和能源等准等领域的项目在管理上仍然有共同之处。 一般来说,项目管理和以项目任务为导向的企业宏观管理不同,待项目任务的完成后,项目组织通常也会随之终止。(美国)项目管理学会对项目管理学科有如下定义:项目管理是一门指导和协调人力物力资源的艺术,在项目整个生命周期,应用现代管理技术完成预定的规模、成本、时间、质量和参与满意度目标。 与此形成对照,一般的工商企业管理更广泛地着眼于业务的更加连贯性和连续性。然而,由于这两者之间有足够的相似和差异,使得现代管理技术开发宏观管理可以用于项目管理。 项目管理框架的基本要素可以用图2-1表示。其中,应用宏观管理知识和熟悉项目相关知识领域是不可或缺的。辅助性学科如计算机科学和决策科学也会发挥重要作用。实际上,现代管理实践与各专业知识领域已经吸收应用了各种不同的技术和工具,而这些技术和工具曾一度仅仅被视作属于辅助学科领域。例如,计算机信息系统和决策支持系统是目前常见的宏观管理工具。同样,许多像线性规划和网络分析这样的运算研究工具,现在广泛应用在许多知识和应用领域。因此,图2- 1反映了项目管理框架演变的唯一来源。 具体来说,建设项目管理包含一组目标,该目标可能通过实施一系列服从资源约束的运作来实现。在规模、成本、时间和质量的既定目标与人力、物力和财力资源限制之间存在着潜在冲突。这些冲突应该在项目开始时通过必要的权衡和建立新备选方案来解决。另外,施工项目管理的功能通常包括以下: 1. 项目目标和计划说明书中包括规模、预算安排、进度安排、设置性能需求和项目参与者的界定。 2. 根据规定的进度和规划,通过对劳动力、材料和设备的采购使资源的有效利用最大化。 3. 在项目全过程中,通过对计划、设计、估算、合同和施工的适当协调控制来实施项目各项运作。 4. 设立有效的沟通机制来解决不同参与方之间的冲突。 项目管理学会聚焦九个不同独特领域,这些领域需要项目经理所具有的知识和关注度: 1. 项目宏观管理,确保项目要素有效协调。 2. 项目范围管理,确保所需的所有工作(并且只有所需的工作)。 3. 项目时间管理,提供有效的项目进度。 4. 项目成本管理,确定所需资源和维持预算控制。 5. 项目质量管理,确保满足功能需求。 6 . 项目人力资源管理,有效地开发和聘用项目人员。 7 . 项目沟通管理,确保有效的内部和外部通信。 8. 项目风险管理,分析和规避潜在风险。 9. 项目采购管理,从外部获得必要资源。


Drive force control of a parallel-series hybrid system Abstract Since each component of a hybrid system has its own limit of performance, the vehicle power depends on the weakest component. So it is necessary to design the balance of the components. The vehicle must be controlled to operate within the performance range of all the components. We designed the specifications of each component backward from the required drive force. In this paper we describe a control method for the motor torque to avoid damage to the battery, when the battery is at a low state of charge. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In recent years, vehicles with internal combustion engines have increasingly played an important role as a means of transportation, and are contributing much to the development of society. However, vehicle emissions contribute to air pollution and possibly even global warming, which require effective countermeasures. Various developments are being made to reduce these emissions, but no further large improvements can be expected from merely improving the current engines and transmissions. Thus, great expectations are being placed on the development of electric, hybrid and natural gas-driven vehicles. Judging from currently applicable technologies, and the currently installed infrastructure of gasoline stations, inspection and service facilities, the hybrid vehicle, driven by the combination of gasoline engine and electric motor, is considered to be one of the most realistic solutions. Generally speaking, hybrid systems are classified as series or parallel systems. At Toyota, we have developed the Toyota Hybrid System (hereinafter referred to as the THS) by combining the advantages of both systems. In this sense the THS could be classified as a parallel-series type of system. Since the THS constantly optimizes engine operation, emissions are cleaner and better fuel economy can be achieved. During braking, Kinetic energy is recovered by the motor, thereby reducing fuel consumption and subsequent CO 2 emissions. Emissions and fuel economy are greatly improved by using the THS for the power train system. However, the THS incorporates engine, motor, battery and other components, each of which has its own particular capability. In other words, the driving force must be generated within the limits of each respective component. In particular, since the battery output varies greatly depending on its level of charge, the driving force has to be controlled with this in mind. This report clarifies the performance required of the respective THS components based on the driving force necessary for a vehicle. The method of controlling the driving force, both when the battery has high and low charge, is also described. 2. Toyota hybrid system (THS) [1,2] As Fig. 1 shows, the THS is made up of a hybrid transmission, engine and battery. 2.1. Hybrid transmission The transmission consists of motor, generator, power split device and reduction gear. The power split device is a planetary gear. Sun gear, ring gear and planetary carrier are directly connected to generator, motor and engine, respectively. The ring gear is also connected to the reduction gear. Thus, engine power is split into the generator and the driving wheels. With this type of mechanism, the


5.1 现场布置 5.1 Site Layout 5.1.1项目组织机构图 5.1.1 Project Organization Chart 5.1.2组织机构说明

5.1.2 Introduction of Organization 根据本工程的特点,本着“精干、高效”的原则组建南苏丹Magwi-Lobone公路项目部,项目经理为项目的第一责任人。 In accordance with features of the project and under the principle of “high capability and efficiency”, establish the Southern Sudan Magwi-Lobone Highway Project Department, and the project manager is the primary person in charge of the project. 项目部下设: The Project department comprises: ◆决策层:项目经理、项目副经理、总工程师; ◆Decision-making level: Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, General Project Engineer; ◆管理层:施工部、技术部、合同部、财务部、QHSE部、机物部、行政部; ◆Management level: Construction Dept., Technology Dept., Contract Dept., Financial Dept., QHSE Dept., Mechanical Materials Dept., Administration Dept.; ◆工区作业层:根据本工程特点,按照工区管理作业队及班组的形式。设置4个工区,即土方一工区、土方二工区、路面工区、综合工区。 ◆Work area operation level: in accordance with features of the project and as per work area’s form to manage operation teams and groups, set up 4 work areas, namely Earthwork area I, Earthwork area II, Road pavement area, Complex processing area. 5.1.3主要管理层的主要工作内容及职责 5.1.3 Main Work Content and Duties of Main Management Level 施工部:负责施工现场的调度及生产组织等。负责测量队的归口管理及协调工作。


Study on Project Cost Control of Construction Enterprises By: R. Max Wideman Abstract With the increasing maturity of construction market, the competition between construction enterprises is becoming fierce. The project profit is gradually decreasing. It demands that all construction enterprises enhance their cost control, lower costs, improve management efficiency and gain maximal profits. This paper analyses the existing problems on project cost control of Chinese construction enterprises, and proposes some suggestions to improve project cost control system. Key Words :Construction enterprises, Project management, Cost control After joining the WTO, with Chinese construction market becoming integrated, the competition among architectural enterprises is turning more intense. Construction enterprises must continually enhance the overall competitiveness if they want to develop further at home and abroad construction market. Construction Enterprises basically adopt the "project management-centered" model, therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen project cost control. 1.The Current Domestic Project Cost Classification and Control Methods Cost refers to the consumption from producing and selling of certain products, with the performance of various monetary standing for materialized labor and labor-consuming. Direct and indirect costs constitute the total cost, also known as production cost or manufacturing cost. Enterprise product cost is the comprehensive indicator to measure enterprise quality of all aspects. It is not only the fund compensation scale, but also the basis to examine the implementation of cost plan. Besides, it can provide reference for product pricing According to the above-mentioned definition and current domestic cost classification, construction project cost can be divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs include material cost, personnel cost, construction machinery cost, material transportation cost, temporarily facility cost, engineering cost and other direct cost. Indirect costs mainly result from project management and company's cost-sharing, covering project operating costs (covering the commission of foreign projects), project's management costs (including exchange losses of


工程项目管理 12 成本控制,监视和会计 12.1 成本控制问题 在项目的实施过程中,项目控制的常规程序和记录的保持已成为项目经理和其他参加者在建筑过程中不可缺少的工具。这些工具提供了两个作用,它记录了项目相关的财务往来,同时给项目经理提供项目的进展情况和存在的问题。项目控制的问题在项目的一个老的定义中总是被总结为“结束预算后大部分模糊相关的活动的汇集”。⑴项目控制系统的任务是给这些问题的存在和程度一个公平的提示。 在这章中,我们讨论与项目过程中资源运用、会计、监控相关的问题。在这次讨论中,我们强调会计信息在项目管理中的作用。项目账户的解释在项目完成之前通常不是很直接的。正因为这种账户说明太晚以至于不能影响项目管理,甚至到了项目结束之后,会计结果可能还是不清晰的。因此,为了成本管理的目的,项目经理需要知道要怎样说明会计信息。然而,在考虑管理问题过程中我们需要讨论一些常见的会计体系和条约,尽管我们的目的不是提供一个对会计程序的全面调查。 项目控制目标的局限性应该作为重点。项目控制程序主要是为了辨析实际与项目计划的偏差而不是建议可能的办法来节省成本。这个特征是项目控制变得重要的先进阶段的具体反映。项目成本的节省主要是在项目计划和设计期间,在实际建筑阶段,变动可能会推迟项目进度并代之费用的无节制增加。实际上,项目控制的重点是履行原定计划或说明实际与计划的偏差,而不是成本的重大改善和节省,它只是在建筑计划过程中经常发生变动时的援助行为。 最后,要讨论一下与信息的综合化相关的问题。项目管理的活动和功能事务是紧密相连的,尽管许多情况下技术不能促进项目活动的全面或联合的考虑。

例如,项目进度表和成本账户通常是被分离的,结果项目管理者必须从关于项目的不同报告和他们自己的观察角度来综合一个全面的观点。特别是,经理常常被迫推测因改变进度表而带来的费用增加,而不是获得为进度表的调整而提供的帮助。各种类型信息的交流和综合化可以提供一定数量的有益作用,虽然他在项目控制规程的常理过程中要特别注意。 12.2 项目预算 为了项目的成本控制,建筑计划的伴生的现金流动估计可以为税后的项目监控提供参考依据。为了进度表,可以将各个单独活动的进展和完成重点工程所获得的成就与工程进度相比,以监控项目的进展程度。合同和施工规范为估计和保证建筑所必须的质量提供标准。最终或详细的成本估计为项目期间财政表现的评估提供参考依据。在将费用列为详细成本估计的基础上,可以认为项目是在财政控制下的。特定类别成本的超支提示了可能存在的问题并且对可能遇到的问题提出确切的提示。建筑计划和控制所发生的费用重点在于最终成本估计所包括的类别,这个焦点对一些少量活动或大量重复活动如铺车行道这类工程最为适宜。 为了控制或监测的目的,原始的详细成本估计被特地转换成方案预算,并且在随后被作为管理的指南。详细成本估算中的具体项目成为工作成本因素。项目过程中酸发生的费用被分类别记录在具体成本账户以便于于是成本比较。因此,单独的成本账户一般代表成本控制的基本单元。不可避免地,成本账户也许被分开也许被划入那些与特殊预定活动和特殊成本账户相关的工作元素中。 除了成本数额之外,关于每个工作账户上的材料数量和劳力投入也会被特别保留在方案预算中。通过这个信息可以将实际材料使用率和劳力与预期要求相比较。结果,可以分析出特殊项目上的费用超支或节约的原因,或许是单价的变化,或许是劳动生产率变化或材料消耗的变化。


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

科技文献翻译 题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 研究建设项目的工程造价 摘要 在工程建设中,中国是拥有世界最大投资金额和具有最多建设项目的国家。它是一 项在建设项目管理上可以为广泛的工程管理人员进行有效的工程造价管理,并合理 确定和保证施工质量和工期的条件控制施工成本的重要课题。 在失去了中国建筑的投资和技术经济工程,分离的控制现状的基础上,通过建设成 本控制的基本理论为指导,探讨控制方法和施工成本的应用,阐述了存在的问题在 施工成本控制和对决心和施工成本的控制这些问题的影响,提出了建设成本控制应 体现在施工前期,整个施工过程中的成本控制,然后介绍了一些程序和应用价值工 程造价的方法在控制建设项目的所有阶段。 关键词:建设成本,成本控制,项目 1.研究的意义 在中国,现有的工程造价管理体系是20世纪50年代制定的,并在1980s.Traditional 施工成本管理方法改进是根据国家统一的配额,从原苏联引进的一种方法。它的特 点是建设成本的计划经济的管理方法,这决定了它无法适应当前市场经济的要求。 在中国传统建筑成本管理方法主要包括两个方面,即建设成本和施工成本控制方法 的测定方法。工程造价的确定传统的主要做法生搬硬套国家或地方统一的配额数量 来确定一个建设项目的成本。虽然这种方法已经历了20多年的改革,到现在为止,计划经济管理模式的影响仍然有已经存在在许多地区。我们传统的工程造价控制的


附录一:文献翻译 载重汽车变速箱 变速箱主要指的是汽车的变速箱,它分为手动、自动两种,手动变速箱主要由齿轮和轴组成,通过不同的齿轮组合产生变速变矩;而自动变速箱AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。功能为:一、改变传动比;二、在发动机旋转方向不变情况下,使汽车能倒退行驶;三、利用空挡,中断动力传递,以发动机能够起动、怠速,并便于变速器换档或进行动力输出。 手动变速箱主要由齿轮和轴组成,通过不同的齿轮组合产生变速变矩;而自动变速箱AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。 其中液力变扭器是AT最具特点的部件,它由泵轮、涡轮和导轮等构件组成,直接输入发动机动力传递扭矩和离合作用。泵轮和涡轮是一对工作组合,它们就好似相对放置的两台风扇,一台主动风扇吹出的风力会带动另一台被动风扇的叶片旋转,流动的空气——风力成了动能传递的媒介。如果用液体代替空气成为传递动能的媒介,泵轮就会通过液体带动涡轮旋转,再在泵轮和涡轮之间加上导轮以提高液体的传递效率。由于液力变矩器自动变速变矩范围不够大且效率偏 手动变速器(MT) 手动变速器,也称手动挡,即用手拨动变速杆才能改变变速器内的齿轮啮合位置,改变传动比,从而达到变速的目的。踩下离合时,方可拨得动变速杆。如果驾驶者技术好,装手动变速器的汽车在加速、超车时比自动变速车快,也省油。 自动变速器(AT) 自动变速器,利用行星齿轮机构进行变速,它能根据油门踏板程度和车速变化,自动地进行变速。而驾驶者只需操纵加速踏板控制车速即可。 一般来讲,汽车上常用的自动变速器有以下几种类型:液力自动变速器、液压传动自动变速器、电力传动自动变速器、有级式机械自动变速器和无级式机械自动变速器等。其中,最常见的是液力自动变速器。液力自动变速器主要是由液压控制的齿轮变速系统构成,主要包含自动离合器和自动变速器两大部分。它能够根据油门的开度和车速的变化,自动地进行换挡。 无级变速器(CVT) 无级变速器是由两组变速轮盘和一条传动带组成的。 因此,其比传统自动变速器结构简单,体积更小。另外,它可以自由改变传动比,从而实现全程无级变速,使汽车的车速变化平稳,没有传统变速器换挡时那种“顿”的感觉。 无级变速器属于自动变速器的一种,但它能克服普通自动变速器“突然换挡”、油门反应慢、油耗高等缺点。 变速器是法国雷诺(Renault)发明的 普通自动变速箱 优点:使驾驶轻松惬意 缺点:不够智能,相对费油,不利于改装 普通自动变速箱是自动挡车普遍使用的变速箱形式,它的简称AT(全称是Auto
