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WEF -- Buyout Report (EXEC-SUMMARY) with Harvard (Josh Lerner_2008-01)

WEF -- Buyout Report (EXEC-SUMMARY) with Harvard (Josh Lerner_2008-01)
WEF -- Buyout Report (EXEC-SUMMARY) with Harvard (Josh Lerner_2008-01)


In the past few decades, the private equity industry has grown both in terms of size and geographic reach. Despite the growing global impact of private equity, there is limited research on these developments that stakeholders can reference. It is, perhaps, not surprising that in markets as diverse as China, Germany, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States, important questions have arisen about the impact of private equity on employment, managerial time-horizons, the overall health of companies and the economy more generally.


While the leveraged buyout transactions of the 1980s were scrutinized in a number of important academic analyses, it is fair to acknowledge that the studies examining buyouts 25 years ago had two important limitations which the current research has attempted to address. First, the bulk of the older research focused on a relatively small number of transactions in the US and, to a lesser extent, in the UK. But the buyout market today is no longer primarily a US and UK phenomenon, as evidenced by this research. Non-US private equity has grown to be larger than US private equity in the last few years, with growth in Continental Europe being particularly pronounced. The second limitation of the older research on private equity relates to the fact that the industry has grown and evolved since the 1980s. Almost all of the published studies have focused on the industry’s formative years.

The World Economic Forum’s research project on the “Global Eonomic Impact of Private Equity” sought to analyse private equity transactions, meaning equity investments by professionally managed partnerships that involve leveraged buyouts or other equity investments with a substantial amount of associated indebtedness (as opposed, for instance, to venture capital investments in start-ups).

The goal was to complete a rigorous study of the impact of these investments around the world, prepared by a tightly organized consortium of leading international scholars.

This volume of Working Papers comprises a series of (I) large-sample studies and (II) case studies.

Several key choices were made at the outset of the project. Given the tight one-year time-frame for the research, the project drew on already existing databases about the private equity industry (such as Capital IQ, Dealogic and VentureXpert), as well as information from complementary databases compiling information on such activities as bankruptcy, employment and patenting. Inevitably, this meant that the large-sample studies in this volume of Working Papers focused primarily on the most developed markets, with particular emphasis on the UK and US. It is our intention that this study serve as an initial effort, and that subsequent efforts will entail greater scrutiny of proprietary documents from market participants, as well as a greater focus on emerging private equity sectors.

The large-sample studies covered the following broad topics: t he demography of private equity firms: the number,

duration and outcomes of these transactions

t he willingness of private equity-backed firms to make

long-term investments, with a particular emphasis on

investment in innovative activities

t he impact of private equity activity on the employment of existing establishments, as well as the tendency to

open new facilities

t he consequences of private equity investment for the

governance of private firms

The research team also complemented these studies with

a variety of case studies, which examined these issues and others. Reflecting a desire to gain a more global perspective, these studies focused on companies across a variety of geographies, with a particular emphasis on Germany, the UK and emerging private equity markets such as China and India.


A. Key findings: Demography study

The first study examines the nature of the 21,397 private equity transactions that could be identified between 1970 and 2007, as well as the outcome of these transactions.

The study had three broad goals. The first is to provide descriptive evidence on the growth and changing nature of the private equity market, going beyond the previous analysis of US going-private transactions. In the process, the research team builds the most comprehensive (to their knowledge) database to date on worldwide leveraged buyout (LBO) transactions, a)




executive summary

JoSH LeRNeR Harvard Business School ANURADHA GURUNG World Economic Forum USA

which can be used for further research of this phenomenon. Secondly, the study analyses the extent to which leveraged buyout transactions are successfully exited, and whether exit success has varied across time periods, regions and deal characteristics. Thirdly, and most importantly, the study focuses on the longevity, or “staying power”, of leveraged buyouts. Among the key findings are the following:

? P rivate equity investment activity has accelerated.

More than 40% of the buyouts in the sample have

taken place since 1 January 2004. The total value of

firms (both equity and debt) acquired in leveraged

buyouts is estimated to be $3.6 trillion over the sample

period, of which $2.7 trillion worth of transactions

occurred between 2001 and 2007.

? P ublic-to-private transactions, which have been the focus of earlier buyout research and media attention, only

account for 6.7% of all transactions. Measured in terms of dollar value, public-to-private transactions represent

28% of the firms acquired. The vast majority of buyouts are acquisitions of private firms and corporate divisions.? N on-US private equity activity has grown to be larger than that of the US in the last few years. The growth

of Continental European buyouts has been particularly

pronounced. Still, LBO transactions outside North

America and Western Europe are relatively few and

only account for approximately 12% of global LBO

transactions in number and 9% in value over the

period from 2001 to 2007.

? T he caricature of buyouts occurring in old and declining industries does not reflect the rise of buyout activity in

high-growth, “high-tech” sectors in the last decade. In

fact, buyouts have always taken place in a wide range

of industries, although mature industries such as

chemicals, machinery and retailing still provide

popular buyout targets.

? I POs account for 13% of private equity investment exits, and this exit route seems to have decreased in relative

importance over time. The most common exit route is trade sales to another corporation, accounting for 39% of all

exits. The second most common exit route is secondary buyouts (24%), which have increased in importance over the last decade consistent with anecdotal evidence.

? 6% of buyout transactions end in bankruptcy or financial restructuring. While this number implies a lower success rate compared to bankruptcy rates among US publicly

traded firms, it also suggests that buyouts have a lower average default rate than US corporate bond issuers, and substantially lower than the default rates among average junk bond issuers.

? P rivate equity investors have a long-term ownership bias.

58% of the private equity funds’ investments are exited

more than five years after the initial transaction. So-called “quick flips” (i.e. exits within two years of investment by

private equity fund) account for 12% of deals and have

decreased in the last few years.

? T he number of businesses operating under private equity ownership has grown rapidly. The number of firms

entering LBO status has been substantially higher than

the number of firms leaving LBO status over time every

year since 1970. As a result, at the beginning of 2007,

close to 14,000 firms worldwide were held in LBO

ownership, compared to fewer than 5,000 in 2000

and fewer than 2,000 in the mid-1990s. The LBO

organizational form seems more long term than

temporary: almost 40% of all LBOs remain in this

organizational form 10 years after the original leveraged buyout was announced. In addition, the length of time

firms remain private has increased in recent years.

B. Key findings: Long-run investment study

This study was motivated by the lively debate about the impact of private equity investors on the time horizons of the companies in their portfolios. The private status, according to some, enables managers to proceed with challenging restructurings without the pressure of catering to the market’s demands for steadily growing quarterly profits, which can lead to firms focusing on short-run investments. Others have questioned whether private equity-backed firms take a longer-run perspective than their public peers, pointing to practices such as special dividends to equity investors. They suggest private equity investors are likely

to encourage steps that boost short-run performance at the expense of sustained corporate growth.

In this study, one form of long-run investment was examined: investments in innovation. Innovation offers an attractive testing ground for the issues delineated above due to various factors. These factors include the long-run nature of R&D expenditures, their importance to the ultimate health of firms and the extensive body of work in the economics literature that has documented that the characteristics of patents can be used to assess the nature of firms’ technological innovation. Moreover, patents can be used to study both public and private firms, which is important when studying private equity transactions.

The authors examine the impact of private equity investment on the patenting behaviour of 495 firms worldwide with at least one successful US patent application filed from three years before to five years after a later-stage private equity investment.

Key findings include:

? F irms that undergo a buyout pursue more economically important innovations, as measured by patent citations, in the years after private equity investments. In a baseline analysis, the increase in the key proxy for economic

importance is 25%.

? P rivate equity-backed companies maintain comparable levels of cutting-edge research. Post-buyout, these

businesses display no deterioration in the extent to

which their research is basic or fundamental, as

measured by patent originality and generality.

? T he quantity of patenting does not appear to

systematically change after private equity transactions.? I nnovation becomes more targeted post-buyout.

The patent portfolios of firms become more focused

in the years after private equity investments.

? P rivate equity-backed firms concentrate on core technologies. The increase in patent importance, as

denoted by patent citations, is greatest in the patent

classes where the firm has had its historic focus and where it increases its activities after the private equity investment.

C. Key findings: Employment study

The impact of private equity on employment arouses considerable controversy. Critics have claimed huge job losses, while private equity associations and other groups have released several recent studies that claim positive effects of private equity on employment. While efforts to bring data to the issue are highly welcome, many of the prior studies have significant limitations, such as the reliance on surveys with incomplete responses, an inability to control for employment changes in comparable firms, the failure to distinguish cleanly between employment changes at firms backed by venture capital and firms backed by other forms of private equity, difficulties in disentangling organic job growth from acquisitions, divestitures and reorganizations

at firms acquired by private equity groups, and an inability

to determine where jobs are being created and destroyed.

In this study, the research team constructed and analysed

a dataset in order to overcome these limitations and, at the same time, encompass a much larger set of employers and private equity transactions. This study examines US private equity transactions from 1980 to 2005. The study utilizes the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) at the US Bureau of the Census to follow employment at virtually all private equity-backed companies in the US, before and after private equity transactions. Using the LBD, it was possible to analyse employment at both the firm level and establishment level. Establishments in this context means the specific factories, offices, retail outlets and other distinct physical locations where business takes place. The LBD covers the entire non-farm private sector and includes annual data on employment and payroll for about 5 million firms and 6 million establishments, including 5,000 US firms (target firms) and 300,000 establishments (target establishments) that were the subject of a buyout. Employment at target establishments was tracked for five years before and after the private equity transaction, irrespective of whether these establishments are owned and operated by the target firm throughout the entire time period around the private equity transaction. Each target firm and each target establishment is matched against other firms and other establishments that are comparable in terms of industry, age and size. These comparable firms and establishments served as the control group.

Among the key results were:

? E mployment grows more slowly at target establishments than at the control group in the year of the private equity transaction and in the two preceding years. The average cumulative employment difference in the two years before the transaction is about 4% in favour of controls.

? E mployment declines more rapidly in target

establishments than in control establishments in the wake of private equity transactions. The average cumulative

two-year employment difference is 7% in favour of

controls. Just as was the case before the private equity transaction, growth at controls is higher in the three years after the private equity transaction. In the fourth and fifth years after the transaction, employment at private equity-backed firms mirrors that of the control group.

? P ost-transaction, buyout establishments seem to create roughly as many jobs as peer group establishments.

Gross job creation (i.e. new employment positions) in

the wake of private equity transactions is similar in

target establishments and controls. The difference

in net employment is attributable to higher gross job

destruction rates in targets.

? F irms backed by private equity have 6% more greenfield job creation than the peer group. Greenfield job creation in the first two years post-transaction is 15% of employment for target firms and 9% for control firms. It appears that the job losses at target establishments in the wake of

private equity transactions are partly offset by substantially larger job gains in the form of greenfield job creation by

target firms.

D. Key findings: Governance study

The final study examines the boards of companies which have been taken from public to private ownership to learn more about the governance model of private equity investors. There has been almost no scrutiny of these boards or comprehensive analysis of how they differ systematically from those of public companies.

This study constructs a new dataset, which follows the board composition of all public-to-private transactions in the UK from 1998 to 2003. Out of 142 such transactions, 88 were sponsored by at least one private equity fund. The research team looked at the change in the composition of the board when the company became private and any subsequent change throughout the period in which the private equity fund was still involved. The public-to-private transactions were compared to private equity transactions where there was no private equity sponsor: i.e. pure management buyouts (MBOs), or buyouts backed by non-financial sponsors.

The key findings are as follows:

? W hen a company goes private a fundamental shift in the board composition takes place. The board size and the presence of outside directors are drastically reduced. The authors do not find a significant difference in the change in the board size of MBOs and LBOs, but the composition is very different. In the case of private equity deals, outside directors are replaced by individuals employed by the

private equity sponsors. In the case of pure management buyouts, the outside directors disappear and only

management is left.

? P rivate equity board members are most active in complex and challenging transactions. Private equity groups

appear to adjust their board representation based on the anticipated challenges in the investments (for instance,

companies that showed a particular need for monitoring even when they were public).

? T he presence of LBO sponsors on the board may also depend on the “style” of the private equity firm: certain

firms rely less on their own partners or employees and

more on outsiders. If more than one PE firm is sponsoring the investment, then the proportion of LBO sponsors on the board is larger, presumably because each sponsor

wants to have a representative on board.

? P rivate equity investors remain actively engaged with their portfolio businesses in the years after the transaction. The percentage of LBO sponsors sitting on the board only

slightly decreases over time post-transaction.


The large-sample studies were complemented by in-depth analyses of a total of six private equity transactions in Western Europe (namely, Germany and the UK) and the emerging economies in Asia (namely, China and India). These case studies are intended to highlight particular transactions as illustrative examples, rather than be representative of all private equity-backed transactions

in these regions and sectors.

A. European cases

In Europe, the authors focus on one transaction in Germany (Messer Griesheim) and one in the UK (New Look). When the Messer Griesheim deal closed in 2001, it was the largest private equity deal in Germany and the largest industrial buyout in Europe at the time. The company was owned by pharmaceutical giant Hoechst and the founding family. Goldman Sachs and Allianz Capital Partners bought out Hoechst, with the family remaining as a shareholder. As a divisional buyout of a large industrial company, the case study represents a typical case of firm restructuring

in Germany at that time. The case offered three interesting areas for analysis: First, employment was a key topic, since the major restructuring efforts and divestitures undertaken post-buyout implied reductions in employment. In addition to analysing sheer employment numbers, additional indicators regarding employment were identified and analysed, allowing for a rich discussion on this complex topic. Secondly, Messer Griesheim offered an interesting setting to discuss the impact of private equity on corporate governance through the interplay between family owners, industrial companies and private equity investors. Thirdly, the opportunity for a family to regain control over parts of its original company via private equity was investigated within the case study.

In April 2004, New Look was taken private through a buyout supported by Apax Partners and Permira; it represented one of the largest UK buyouts in that year. First, a key area of analysis was the impact on corporate governance through the public-to-private transaction. The case offered a rich base for a discussion of the impact of private equity on strategic decision-making and corporate governance. A comparison was undertaken of New Look’s corporate governance while the company was still publicly listed to the period when it was privately held. Secondly, as with the Messer Griesheim case, employment development post-buyout was an important topic of study. Thirdly, the refinancing undertaken after the buyout was analysed,

as significant payouts to the equity holders, as well as a recapitalization, took place within three years post-buyout.

B. Chinese cases

The two China cases, China Glass Holdings and Little Sheep, profile two different types of private equity investment in China: the former is a buyout transaction, but with uniquely Chinese characteristics that reflect the country’s legal and economic realities; the latter is a classic growth capital private equity investment. Leverage was not a factor in either transaction. Yet both cases present strikingly similar stories of some key factors that are critical for private equity success, especially in emerging market environments where the industry is far newer and less well established than

in North America or Europe. Rather than focusing on the financial analytics of private equity transactions, these cases concentrate primarily on the post-investment role played by the two private equity funds as they worked closely with senior management of their portfolio companies to build value, enhance competitiveness and strengthen their capacity to gain access to international capital markets.

The case of China Glass Holdings describes the privatization and subsequent restructuring of a state-owned glass manufacturing enterprise that was purchased in its entirety by Hony Capital, a Chinese private equity fund which ultimately successfully completed an IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In sharp contrast, Little Sheep tells the story of an entrepreneur whose hobby turned into one of the largest and best-known restaurant chains in China. Unlike the new and wholly Chinese Hony Capital, 3i Group plc, the private equity investor in Little Sheep, is a well-established global private equity firm founded 60 years ago in Britain. 3i enabled Little Sheep to tap into industry and management expertise that enhanced its ability to professionalize its business practices.

C. Indian cases

The two India cases, Subhiksha and Bharti Tele-Venture, provide insights into why India has attracted more private equity investment recently than any other emerging market country. Total investments increased almost 700% between 2004 and 2006, from $1.1 billion to $7.5 billion, and 2007

is expected to be another record-breaking year. This meteoric growth has been fostered by a combination of country-specific factors including India’s sustained rapid economic growth, burgeoning domestic consumer markets, established public equity market and human capital and competitiveness in high-growth sectors.

Within the context of these favourable factors, the cases focus on private equity transactions in two high-growth, but unsettled sectors of the Indian economy: retail (the Subhiksha case), and mobile telecom (the Bharti Tele-Ventures case). Both these transactions involved minority rather than control investments by the private equity firms involved, i.e. ICICI Venture in the Subhiksha and Warburg Pincus in the Bharti Tele-Ventures transaction. ICICI Venture is one of India’s largest and most successful domestic private equity groups, while Warburg Pincus is a global private equity firm founded in New York in 1966. In both transactions, leverage was not a factor. On the contrary, the cases illustrate that for economies like India that are in the midst of major structural changes, there are ample opportunities for more traditional “growth capital” investments in companies that are expanding rapidly, especially in sectors such as retail and telecommunications that are undergoing consolidation.

Putting it all together

While each study has its own distinct focus, and – as acknowledged above – there is a need for further study into various topics and across different geographies, the project has important implications for how to think about the role that private equity plays in the economy. T o the authors, four broader (albeit tentative) observations emerge from the works:? T he substantial periods that firms remain under private equity control, the robust long-run investments in

innovation as measured by patents and the flexible

governance structures (with small boards dominated by managers and investors) appear consistent with the view that the LBO organizational form is a long-run governance structure for many firms.

? T he employment study has mixed results. It suggests that employment falls more rapidly at target establishments

post-transaction. At the same time, private equity targets engage in more greenfield job creation than controls.

Private equity also accelerates the pace of acquisitions

and divestitures. These results regarding private equity’s impact on employment – as well as those in the innovation study – fit the view that private equity groups act as

catalysts for change in the economy.? T he discussion of many aspects of private equity’s impact on the economy has been characterized by confusion along many dimensions. As the employment study highlights,

the evidence supports neither the apocalyptic claims of

extensive job destruction nor arguments that private equity funds create huge amounts of domestic employment.

? A lthough LBO transactions outside North America and Western Europe only accounted for approximately 12% of global LBO transactions in number and 9% in value

over the period from 2001 to 2007, private equity activity in emerging economies is expanding and maturing,

particularly for minority and growth capital investments.

As illustrated by the cases, there are different sets of

dynamics in place for domestic and global private equity players in China and India.

While these studies represent a first step, one of the most important challenges to address is the ongoing need for rigorous and unbiased evaluations of the broader consequences of private equity investments and the potential of this form of ownership to facilitate corporate restructuring globally in a responsible manner. There is clearly a need for further research that is outside the US and Western Europe and that addresses additional questions such as the implications of private equity on productivity and wages. We hope to approach these issues in the next volume

of Working Papers.


生物质能及其在我国的发展空间 内容摘要:世界能源危机和全球环境日益恶化迫使人们开发可再生的能源。生物质能源作为一种可再生的新能源已经受到世界各国的高度重视。针对国内外生物质能的发展现状,本文概述了生物质能源的概念,并分析了我国对生物质能的利用,主要包括:沼气及沼气发电、农林生物质发电、生物固体成型燃料等。 关键词:生物质;生物质能;产业;沼气;生物质发电;生物质燃料;能源作物 一.概述 近年来,在能源危机、保护环境和可持续发展的呼声中,可再生的清洁能源以 及能源的多元化倍受关注,生物质能成为其中的一个新亮点。 为了促进可再生能源的开发利用,增加能源供应,改善能源结构,保障能源安全,保护环境,实现经济社会的可持续发展,中国已经制定并实施了《可再生能源法》。可再生能源是清洁能源,是指在自然界中可以不断再生、永续利用、取之不尽、用之不竭的资源,它对环境无害或危害极小,而且资源分布广泛,适宜就地开发利用。根据《可再生能源法》的定义,目前主要包括太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能、地热能和海洋能等非化石能源。中国可再生能源资源非常丰富,开发利用的潜力很大,其中生物质能的开发潜力更大。 生物质能一直是人类赖以生存的重要能源,它目前是仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气而居于世界能源消费总量第四位的能源,在整个能源系统中占有重要地位。据有关专家估计,生物质能极有可能成为未来可持续能源系统的重要组成部分,到下世纪中叶,采用新技术生产的各种生物质替代燃料将占全球总能耗的40%以上。 生物质能是蕴藏在生物质中的能量,是绿色植物通过叶绿素将太阳能转化为化学能而贮存在生物质内部的能量。煤、石油和天然气等化石能源也是由生物质能转变而来的。生物质能是可再生能源,通常包括以下几个方面:一是木材及森林工业废弃物;二是农业废弃物;三是水生植物;四是油料植物;五是城市和工 业有机废弃物;六是动物粪便。在世界能耗中,生物质能约占14%,在不发达地区占60%以上。全世界约25亿人的生活能源的90%以上是生物质能,直接燃烧生物质的热效率仅为10%~30%。生物质能的优点是燃烧容易,污染少,灰分较低;缺点是 热值及热效率低,体积大而不易运输。

纷享销客用户使用手册 管理员第二版

纷享销客用户使用手册-管理员) 第二版 (

1 1

目录 创建企 业 (3) 邀请同 事 (4) 纷享管理后 台 (6) 部门与员 工 (7) 权限管 理 (11) 帐号安 全 (14) 应用管 理 (15) 企业设 置 (16)

外勤签到设置 (19) 考勤签到设置 (21) 报数系统后台管理 (23) 版本说明: 1 纷享销客用户使用手册版本:V4.7.0 日期:2015.11.19 版本更新: 文档版更新日更新概 新人V2.0 2015/11/19 王创建文档 学琳

纷享销客用户使用手册 创建企业企业第一个注册用户即为企业后台管理员,企业创建成功后,登录前往管理后台进行管理操作。 进入纷享销客官方网页,点击立即注册,进入注册流程,通过手机注册进入企业创建界面,填写企业名称,填写当前注册用户姓名和密码,点击创建。企业创建成功后,系统生成企业帐号方便登录。 纷享销客用户使用手册 邀请同事点击中部黄色指引系统指引会引导管理员前往邀请同事,管理员登录进入企业,条中的[邀请同事],弹出窗口提供给管理员两种邀请方式,一是通过手机号码或邮箱发送邀请,二是直接生成邀请链接复制黏贴给同事。.纷享销客用户使用手册

如果管理员没有通过引导方式邀请,也可在移动端设置-邀请同事,通过微信、短信、邮箱的方式调取本机的应用快速发出邀请。管理员可在此界面进行用户注册同事接受邀请并进行注册,提交信息给管理员,审核,审核通过的同事就正式加入当前企业,等待权限等其他设置。.纷享销客用户使用手册 纷享管理后台和应用,管理管理员登录进入企业后,网页导航栏包括功能模块:工作、CRM员还会拥有管理后台入口,点击[管理]进入管理后台,需要再次输入密码,确保后台管理的安全。企业信管理员可通过管理后台进行部门与员工维护、权限设置、账号安全管理、纷享提供用户分类管理员设定,公告管理、息维护、删除信息管理、日志统计等;不同权限的管理员分门别类的对各自模块继续维护和管理。.纷享销客用户使用手册


浅谈生物质能的应用 生物质能是蕴藏在生物质中的能量,是绿色植物通过叶绿素将太阳能转化为化学能而贮存在生物质内部的能量。煤、石油和天然气等化石能源也是由生物质能转变而来的。生物质能是可再生能源,通常包括以下几个方面:一是木材及森林工业废弃物;二是农业废弃物;三是水生植物;四是油料植物;五是城市和工业有机废弃物;六是动物粪便。在世界能耗中,生物质能约占14%,在不发达地区占60%以上。全世界约25亿人的生活能源的90%以上是生物质能。生物质能的优点是燃烧容易,污染少,灰分较低;缺点是热值及热效率低,体积大而不易运输。直接燃烧生物质的热效率仅为10%一30%。目前世界各国正逐步采用如下方法利用生物质能: 1.热化学转换法,获得木炭、焦油和可燃气体等品位高的能源产品,该方法又按其热加工的方法不同,分为高温干馏、热解、生物质液化等方法; 2.生物化学转换法,主要指生物质在微生物的发酵作用下,生成沼气、酒精等能源产品; 3.利用油料植物所产生的生物油; 4.把生物质压制成成型状燃料(如块型、棒型燃料),以便集中利用和提高热效率。 生物质能一直是人类赖以生存的重要能源,它是仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气而居于世界能源消费总量第四位的能源,在整个能源系统中占有重要地位。有关专家估计,生物质能极有可能成为未来可持续能源系统的组成部分,到下世纪中叶,采用新技术生产的各种生物质替代燃料将占全球总能耗的40%以上。 目前,生物质能技术的研究与开发已成为世界重大热门课题之一,受到世界各国政府与科学家的关注。许多国家都制定了相应的开发研究计划,如日本的阳光计划、印度的绿色能源工程、美国的能源农场和巴西的酒精能源计划等,其中生物质能源的开发利用占有相当的比重。目前,国外的生物质能技术和装置多已达到商业化应用程度,实现了规模化产业经营,以美国、瑞典和奥地利三国为例,生物质转化


生物质能的现状及发展 商学院

生物质能的现状及发展 一、生物质能概述 化石资源的过度消耗引发了能源和环境危机, 寻找不可再生资源的替代品成为人类社会生存发展面临的重大问题。生物质能源环境友好, 可再生, 并且有丰富的存量, 且从生物质出发, 获得多种形态的能源成为了研究热点和投资热点。生物质是指由光合作用产生的各种有机体。生物质能则是以生物质为载体的、蕴藏在生物质中的能量, 即绿色植物通过叶绿素将太阳能转化为化学能而贮存在生物质内部的能量形式。它除了可以提供燃烧热, 还可以制成种类繁多的重要化工品及气、液、固的能源形态, 尤其是可以作为交通燃料的制备原料。生物质的研究在推动化学工业和能源燃料可持续发展中已经并将继续发挥重要作用。生物质资源按其来源分类可分为: 一是木材及森林; 二是农业废弃物; 三是水生植物; 四是油料植物; 五是城市和工业有机废弃物; 六是动物粪便。生物质的应用和开发在政策层面上引起了各国的重视, 我国在生物能源产业发展十一五规划中, 突出了五个方面: 1.提高能源植物的数量和质量;2. 从原料到技术发展燃料乙醇工业。3.加快生物柴油产业化的步伐。4.推进生物质发电和供热。5.促进生物质转化为致密成型燃料。利用生物质能方式主要有: 一是热化学转换技术, 获得木炭焦油和可燃气体等高品位的能源产品,分为高温干馏、热解、生物质液化等方法; 二是生物化学转换法, 主要指生物质在微生物的发酵作用下, 生成沼气、酒精等能源产品; 三是利用油料植物所产生的生物油;四是直接燃烧技术, 包括炉灶燃烧技术、锅炉燃烧技术、致密成型技术和垃圾焚烧技术等。 二、生物质资源量 1.全球的生物质资源 生物质能仅次于三大化石能源位列第四, 存量丰富且可再生,具备很大的发展前景。全球每年经光合作用产生的生物质约1700 亿吨, 其能量相当于全球能量年消耗总量的 10 倍, 而作为能源的利用量还不到总量的1% ,开发潜力巨大。目前来自生物质的能量约占全球消耗能量的14%。其中发达国家每年 3%左右的能源来自生物质能, 发展中国家生物质利用约占这些国家能源消耗的 35%。按照一些国际能源组织测算, 随着化石能源的枯竭和价格的增长, 到 2015 年, 全球总能耗有 40%来自生物质能源。 2.我国的生物质资源 据估计, 我国每年产生的生物质总量有 50 多亿吨(干重), 相当于 20 多亿吨油当量, 约为我国目前一次能源总消耗量的 3 倍,目前我国商品化的生物质能源仅占一次能源消费的 0.5%左右。即使考虑到中国有坚持“不与人争粮、不与粮争地”的原则, 秸秆、畜禽粪便等农业农村废弃物和林木枝桠等林业废弃物发展生物质能源的存量仍然很大。据 2003 年不完全统计, 我国每年仅可收集的农业废弃物及禽畜粪便资源就可达 10 亿吨, 其中农作物秸秆总量则有 6.5 亿吨,除部分作为造纸原料、炊事燃料、饲料肥料和秸杆还田之外, 可作为能源用途的秸秆约 3.5 亿吨,折合 1.8 亿吨标准煤, 可以转化为 1 亿吨燃料酒精


摘要:针对生物质能源的开发利用对于中国发展的重大意义,从生物质能源的概念入手,简明概述了生物质能特点,利用及利用途径,以及开发利用生物质能对中国的意义。 关键词:生物质能源;开发;利用;意义 20世纪70年代以来,面对常规矿物能源的日益枯竭和环境的逐渐恶化,世界许多国家将目光逐渐转移到了具备可再生、环保、可转化等优点的生物质能源上。改革开放以后,中国也逐步迈上了发展生物质能源的轨道。进入21世纪,谁能把握住生物质能源开发利用的先机,谁将在未来的国际竞争中立于不败之地。因此,应该提高对发展生物质能源重要性的认识,为顺利开展生物质能源的开发利用创造有利环境。 1 生物质能源的概念 生物质是一种通过大气,水,大地以及阳光有机协作产生的可持续性资源。生物质如果没有通过能源或物质方式被利用,将被微生物分解成水,二氧化碳以及热能散发掉。 生物质产业是指利用可再生或循环的有机物质,包括农作物、树木、能源作物和其他植物及其残体、畜禽粪便、有机废弃物等为原料,进行生物基产品、生物燃料和生物能源生产的产业。 生物质能是以生物质为载体的能量,即通过植物光合作用把太阳能以化学能形式在生物质中存储的一种能量形式。碳水化合物是光能储藏库,生物质是光能循环转化的载体,生物质能是惟一可再生的碳源,它可以被转化成许多固态、液态和气态燃料或其它形式的能源,称为生物质能源。煤炭、石油和天然气等传统能源也均是生物质在地质作用影响下转化而成的。所以说,生物质是能源之源。 2.生物质能的特点 1) 可再生性 生物质能属可再生资源,生物质能由于通过植物的光合作用可以再生,与风能、太阳能等同属可再生能源,资源丰富,可保证能源的永续利用; 2) 低污染性 生物质的硫含量、氮含量低、燃烧过程中生成的SOX、NOX较少;生物质作为燃料时,由于它在生长时需要的二氧化碳相当于它排放的二氧化碳的量,因而对大气的二氧化碳净排放量近似于零,可有效地减轻温室效应; 3) 广泛分布性 缺乏煤炭的地域,可充分利用生物质能; 4) 生物质燃料总量十分丰富 生物质能是世界第四大能源,仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气。根据生物学家估算,地球陆地每年生产1000~1250亿吨生物质;海洋年生产500亿吨生物质。生物质能源的年生产量远远超过全世界总能源需求量,相当于目前世界总能耗的10倍。我国可开发为能源的生物质资源到2010年可达3亿吨。随着农林业的发展,特别是炭薪林的推广,生物质资源还将越来越多 3.生物质能的利用 生物质能一直是人类赖以生存的重要能源,它是仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气而居于世界能源消费总量第四位的能源,在整个能源系统中占有重要地位。有关专家估计,生物质能极有可能成为未来可持续能源系


生物质能源的开发利用及其意义 N090204131 周小冬 摘要:针对生物质能源的开发利用对于中国发展的重大意义,从生物质能源的概念入手,简明概述了生物质能特点,利用及利用途径,以及开发利用生物质能对中国的意义。 关键词:生物质能源;开发;利用;意义 中国是一个人口大国,又是一个经济迅速发展的国家,21世纪将面临着经济增长和环境保护的双重压力。因此改变能源生产和消费方式,开发利用生物质能等可再生的清洁能源资源对建立可持续的能源系统,促进国民经济发展和环境保护具有重大意义。 1 生物质能源的概念 生物质是指利用大气、水、土地等通过光合作用而产生的各种有机体,即一切有生命的可以生长的有机物质通称为生物质。它包括植物、动物和微生物。广义概念:生物质包括所有的植物、微生物以及以植物、微生物为食物的动物及其生产的废弃物。有代表性的生物质如农作物、农作物废弃物、木材、木材废弃物和动物粪便。狭义概念:生物质主要是指农林业生产过程中除粮食、果实以外的秸秆、树木等木质纤维素(简称木质素)、农产品加工业下脚料、农林废弃物及畜牧业生产过程中的禽畜粪便和废弃物等物质。特点:可再生性。低污染性。广泛分布性。 生物质是指通过光合作用而形成的各种有机体,包括所有的动植物和微生物。而所谓生物质能(biomass energy ),就是太阳能以化学能形式贮存在生物质中的能量形式,即以生物质为载体的能量。它直接或间接地来源于绿色植物的光合作用,可转化为常规的固态、液态和气态燃料,取之不尽、用之不竭,是一种可再生能源,同时也是唯一一种可再生的碳源。生物质能的原始能量来源于太阳,所以从广义上讲,生物质能是太阳能的一种表现形式。目前,很多国家都在积极研究和开发利用生物质能。生物质能蕴藏在植物、动物和微生物等可以生长的有机物中,它是由太阳能转化而来的。有机物中除矿物燃料以外的所有来源于动植物的能源物质均属于生物质能,通常包括木材、及森林废弃物、农业废弃物、水生植物、油料植物、城市和工业有机废弃物、动物粪便等。地球上的生物质能资源较为丰富,而且是一种无害的能源。地球每年经光合作用产生的物质有1730亿吨,其中蕴含的能量相当于全世界能源消耗总量的10-20倍,但目前的利用率不到3%。 2 生物质能的分类 依据来源的不同,可以将适合于能源利用的生物质分为林业资源、农业资源、生活污水和工业有机废水、城市固体废物和畜禽粪便等五大类。


生物质能源的发展现状与前景综述 曾令谦 (江西师范大学生命科学学院江西南昌 330022) 摘要生物质能源是倍受世界各国重视的可再生能源。文中介绍了生物质能源的优越性、多种类别及性能。本文综述了发展生物质能源的战略意义以及发展前景。文中列举了世界某些代表性国家或区域发展生物质能取得的成就,以及对比了我国对生物质能的发展及研究。与传统能源相比较,突出了发展生物质能能源的重要意义,以及广阔的市场前景。21世纪生物质能源必定成为世界各国争相开发利用,生物技术将有重大的进展和突破。 关键词:生物质能源 , 优越性 , 前景 , 战略意义 Abstract biomass energy is highly valued around the world renewable energy sources. This paper introduces the advantages of biomass energy, a variety of categories and performance. This paper reviews the development of biomass energy strategic significance and development prospect. This paper enumerates some typical countries in the world or the achievement of regional development of biomass energy, and compared the biomass can development and research of our country. Compared with the traditional energy, highlights the importance of developing biomass energy, and broad market prospect. Biomass energy in the 21st century must be rushed to the development and utilization of countries around the world, biotechnology will have significant progress and breakthrough. Keywords: biomass energy ,the superiority ,prospect ,strategic significance 1生物质能的优越性: 在包括太阳能、地热、风能、水能(水流、潮汐、热对流等)和生物质能的各种可再生能源中,相对来讲生物质能源的地区性限制和可控制性均比其他种类的再生能源有更多优势。凡是有阳光和水的地方均可通过人工集约培植获得生物质,并以多种形式将其转化成清洁、便于贮藏、运输的可再生能源。由于其比较优势较多,生产成本又低,所以近数十年来倍受世界各国重视。我国在2005年2月28日颁布了中国可再生能源法,其中第4条规定:国家将可再生能源的开发利用列为能源发展的优先领域。第12条又说:国家将可再生能源开发利用的科学技术研究和产业化发展列为科技发展与高技术产业发展的优先领域。这充分体现了可再生能源的开发将成为我国基本能源国策。生物质能源比其他几种再生能源有更大的群众参与性、多形式的可转换性和相对较少的开发投入性,这是在多种形式的再生能源中生物质能源被国家优先给予考虑的原因。从全世界范围看,生物质能源利用在各种形式的可再生能源利用的总份额中所占比重也最大,北欧一些国家已有大范围把生物能源转化成电力的经验[1]。


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中国生物质能发展现状与展望 在我国,生物质发电主要包括城镇生活垃圾焚烧发电、农林生物质发电、沼气发电。“十三五”以来,我国生物质发电规模逐年上涨。根据国家能源局数据,截至2019年底,全国已投运生物质发电项目1094个,累计并网装机容量2254万千瓦,其中,垃圾焚烧发电1202万千瓦,农林生物质发电973万千瓦,沼气发电79万千瓦。2019年生物质发电量为1111亿千瓦时,同比增长22.6%,占全部电源总发电量1.5%。发电年平均利用小时数达5181小时,生物质发电量显著提升,年利用小时数保持较高水平(见图1、图2)。

2019 年中国生物质发电总投资规模约508 亿元,其中农林生物质发电投资约97 亿元,生活垃圾焚烧发电投资约398 亿元,沼气发电投资约13 亿元。 农林生物质发电。开发规模:截至2019年12月,我国农林生物质发电项目374个,并网装机容量973万千瓦,年发电量468.1亿千瓦时,年上网电量406亿千瓦时,全行业平均发电小时数为4811小时。农林生物质发电行业累计投资总额达970亿元,年产值约360亿元。当前,农林生物质发电站生物质发电总装机容量的近45%,依然是我国生物质发电的主要技术方向,是农林生物质能源化利用的主要形式(见图3)。 区域分布:我国农林生物质发电主要分布在秸秆资源丰富的农业大省。累计装机容量排名前五名的省份依次是山东省、安徽省、黑龙江省、湖北省、江苏省,合计占全国装机容量的54.4%(见表1)。

主要技术:农林生物质直燃发电系统主要由直燃锅炉、汽轮机、发电机组、给料系统、除尘除渣系统等组成。生物质发电与燃煤发电系统较为类似,但生物质燃料具有高氯、高碱、高挥发份、低灰熔点等特性,燃烧时易腐蚀锅炉,容易结渣和结焦,因此生物质锅炉是生物质发电的核心设备。目前国内生物质直燃发电锅炉采用的燃烧方式主要为层燃技术和循环流化床技术,层燃技术主要为振动炉排和往复炉排。 城镇生活垃圾焚烧发电。开发规模:截至2019年12月,我国城镇生活垃圾焚烧发电项目504个,并网装机容量1202万千瓦,年发电量609.6亿千瓦时,年上网电量498.6亿千瓦时,年处理垃圾量约1.3亿吨。城镇生活垃圾焚烧发电行业累计投资总额达2600亿元,年产值约506亿元(见图4)。 区域分布:我国城镇生活垃圾焚烧发电项目主要分布在中东部地区。累计装机容量排名前五名的省份依次是广东省、浙江省、山东省、江苏省、安徽省,合计占全国装机容量的58.9%(见表2)。


生物质能的开发与利用 摘要:随着化石燃料的短缺和其使用时产生的污染问题的加剧,生物质能以其可再生、低污染、分布广泛等特点,日益受到世界各国的重视。本篇论文从生物质能的概念入手,综合国内外对生物质能利用现状分析其优势、利用技术及开发研究前景。 21世纪被誉为是“生物能源时代”,是生物的世纪,是科学技术飞速发展新世纪。可持续发展是当前经济发展的趋势所在,面对化石能源的枯竭和环境的污染,生物能源的开发利用为经济的可持续发展带来了曙光。 (一)新能源之生物质能研究背景 当代社会使用最广泛的能源是煤炭、石油、天然气和水力,特别是石油和天然气的消耗量增长迅速,已占全世界能源消费总量的60%左右。但是,石油和天然气的储量是有限的,许多专家预言,石油和天然气资源将在40年、最多50—60年内被耗尽,而煤炭资源虽然远比石油和天然气资源丰富,但是直接应用煤炭严重污染环境。因此,为避免能源危机的出现,以化石能源为基础的常规能源系统正逐步持久的、多样化的、可以再生的新能源系统过渡。 我国自然资源总量排世界第七位,能源资源总量约4万亿吨标准煤,居世界第三位。在能源领域面临的主要挑战是:(1)人均能源资源占有量不足,且分布不均;(2)人均能源消费量低,单位产值的能耗高;(3)能源构成以煤为主;(4)工业部门消耗能源占有很大的比重;(5)农村能源短缺,以生物质能为主;(6)从能源安全

角度考虑,我国能源面临挑战;(7)能源品种结构不合理,优质能源供应不足;(8)能源工业技术水平有待进一步提高;(9)节能提效工作亟待加强等。 为此已出台的发展可再生能源的相关方钭政策、规章制度:1992年国务院批准的《中国环境发展十大对策》中明确提出,要“因地制宜地开发利用和推广大阳能、风能、地热能、生物质能等新能源”;连续在四个国家五年计划中将生物质能利用技术的研究与应用列为 重点科技攻关项目。国家先后制定了《可再生能源法》、《可再生能源中长期发展规划》、《可再生能源发展“十一五”规划》和《可再生能源产业发展指导目录》、《生物产业发展“十一五”规划》,提出了生物质能发展的目标任务,明确了相关扶持政策。科技部将生物柴油技术列入“十一五”国家863计划和国际科技合作计划。 在众多新能源中,生物质能拥有其独特的“至美”之处——既环保、安全。可再生,在于它是可再生能源领域唯一可以转化为液体燃料的能源。如甜高粱,不仅可以通过能量转换替代化石液体燃料,保障能源安全,同时还能保障粮食安全,而且还能吸收二氧化碳,加工过程中无污染,原料得以物尽其用。 虽然现阶段生物能源的开发利用处于起步阶段,生物能源在整个能源结构中所占的比例还很小,但是其发展潜力不可估量。(二)生物质能概论 生物质是指通过光合作用而形成的各种有机体,包括所有的动植物和微生物。而所谓生物质能(biomass energy ),就是太阳能


生物质能的利用现状及展望 摘要: 在概述生物质能概念、特性及开发利用生物质能意义的基础上,重点从生物质能的直接燃烧、物化转化、生化转化、植物油技术和利用生物质合成新产品等几方面来介绍国内外生物质能利用的现状,最后展望生物质能研究的主要方向。 关键词:生物质能化石能源可持续发展展望 现今世界,石油价格居高不下,能源、电力供应趋紧,而化石能源和核能贮量有限且会对环境造成严重的后果,因此,各国政府和科学家对资源丰富、可再生性强、有利于改善环境和可持续发展的生物资源的开发利用给予了极大的关注。有许多国家都制定了相应的开发研究计划,例如,日本的新阳光计划、印度的绿色能源工程、美国的能源农场和巴西的酒精能源计划等。一个新兴的生物质产业正在全球范围蓬勃兴起。据专家估计,生物质能源将成为未来能源的重要组成部分,到2015年9全球总耗能将有40%来自生物质能源,主要通过生物质能发电和生物质液体燃料的产业化实现。在2004 年制定的国家中长期科技发展规划(2005-2020)中,“农林生物质工程”被列为重大专项之列,并作为国家能源战略的重要组成部分。 随着我国经济的快速发展,我国的能源消耗与日激增。现在,我国能源年消耗量占世界能总消耗量的20%以上,而且呈现上升的态势,我国2004 年进口石油1.2 亿吨。我国生物多样性丰富,据调查,我国有油料植物为151科697 属1554 种,其中种子含油量大于40%的植物有154 种。且我国的可开发生物质资源总量为7t左右标准煤,其中农作物秸秆约3.5 亿t,占50%以上。因此,加大生物质能源的开发利用,进行农业生物质能源发掘利用,不仅可解决农民的增收和“三农”问题,还可解决21 世纪中国面临的能源短缺、环境污染、食品安全等重大社会经济问题,乃至为全面建设“小康”社会目标的实现做出重大贡献,即生物质能源的开发利用直接关系到我国的可持续发展。 1 生物质能的概念及特性 1.1 生物质能的概念 生物质能是太阳能以化学能形式贮存在生物质体内的一种能量形式,它以生物质为载体,直接或间接地来源于植物的光合作用。它分布广泛、产量巨大、可


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管理员可通过管理后台进行部门与员工维护、权限设置、账号安全管理、企业信息维护、删除信息管理、公告管理、日志统计等;纷享提供用户分类管理员设定,不同权限的管理员分门别类的 对各自模块继续维护和管理。 [1]管理后台首页展示员工统计数据,待审核的邀约,待分配部门的员工,未激活的员工,今 日登录的员工数; [2]安全数据统计,显示设备数据,和异常帐号数据 [3 [4] [1] [2] [3]添加员工:点击进行员工新建,填写姓名,昵称(默认与姓名一致),手机,登录帐 号(默认与手机号一致),设置初始密码,一个员工可从属多个部门,填写

其职务,选择直属上级(审批审核),新建用户默认为办公版,如当前企业购买了营销版 帐号,则可进行帐号设置。 [4]导入:点击导入,按照弹窗中的操作步骤提 示进行成员的批量导入操作,下载模版,补 充完成后上传即可;还可勾选是否发送短信 通知已创建的用户,方便员工及时收到通知[5] 传说中的小黄条 [6]员工列表信息包括:姓名,帐号,部门,职务,手机,创建时间及账户版本类型 (批量)选择员工记录时,可进行如上图操作:禁止登录,允许登录,批量编辑归属部门,重置密码,停用帐号, 激活提醒,设置版本类型。


对我国生物质能源发展现状和趋势的分析 ◎王朝华 摘要:本文在介绍国际生物质能发展趋势和特点的基础上,分析我国生物质能发展和利用的现状以及发展过程中存在的主要问题。最后,从增加农民收入和优化能源利用结构的角度,提出我国生物质能进一步发展的建议。 关键词:生物质能源替代农民收入 生物质(bioma ss)是所有的土地和水生植物以及有机废物的总和。工业革命以来,大部分发达国家的能源需求通过燃烧煤、石油、天然气等化石燃料来满足。但是,生物质仍然是欠发达国家的主要能量来源。再生能源和新能源都有一个共同特征,即皆为物理态能量和仅能用于转化热与电的产品。生物质能则与众不同,它是太阳辐射能经植物加工转化的、唯一的一种化学态能量,以植物为载体,具有良好的稳定性和储能性。它既含能量,又有物质性载体,可以生产能源和非能源的物质性产品,具有原料上的多样性,如作物秸秆、林业剩余物、畜禽粪便、加工业的有机废水废渣、城市垃圾等有机废弃物以及利用低质土地种植的各种能源植物等等。除此以外,它还具有产品上的多样性,其能源产品既有物理态的热与电,又有液态的生物乙醇和生物柴油、固态的成型燃料、气态的沼气等,还有非能源的生物塑料等材料以及系列生物化工产品。生物质能生产过程也是有机废弃物和有机污染源的无害化和资源化过程,故兼有环保及资源循环利用的双重功能,生产与消费过程中的全部生命物质和能量均可进入地球生物圈循环系统,就连释放的二氧化碳也可重新被植物吸收,是真正意义上的“零碳”,可以促进农村经济发展,增加农民收入,因此,对发展中国家有特殊意义。 一、国际生物质能源的发展趋势和特点 近几年的高能源价格刺激和能源安全的考虑使生物质能真正为各国政府高度重视。各国对发展生物质能源的主要考虑有不同的侧重,但两个主要原因相同,即能源替代和环境保护。根据2007世界可再生能源报告,全球生物乙醇产量从2005年的330亿公升增长到2006年的390亿公升;其中,美国的产量为183亿公升,增幅达22%,超过巴西。巴西的燃料乙醇消费量从2005年的150亿公升增长到2006年的175亿公升,燃料乙醇供应了非柴油机动车燃料的41%,巴西机动车中有70%左右采用“混合燃料”。欧盟的燃料乙醇产量增长迅速,2006年增长了77.8%,但绝对数相对于巴西和美国仍然较少。 2006年生物柴油产量的增长幅度远远高于乙醇。生物柴油的产量从2005年的39亿公升增长到2006年的60亿公升,增幅达53.9%;其中,欧盟的生物柴油占了世界总量的75%,产量从2005年的3.6亿公升增长到2006年的4.5亿公升,增长了25%,其增长主要由德国、法国、意大利和波兰引导。2006年德国的生物柴油产量为2.8亿公升,占近一半的全球总产量。 2006年全球生物质能电力装机容量达到45GW,比2005年增加约2.3%。其中,德国、匈牙利、荷兰、波兰和西班牙等国家生物质能电力生产的年增长率在50%-100%之间;澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、丹麦、意大利、韩国、新西兰和瑞典的年增长率在10%—30%之间。生物质能电力装机容量主要在欧盟和美国,各自占了世界生物质能装机容量的22.2%和16.9%。但发展中国家也有一些小项目在进行,例如泰国的“小电力生产商’’计划让泰国至2005年底建成50个生物质电力项目,总装机容量达到1GW。甘蔗渣电厂在其他一些国家,如菲律宾和巴西的制糖工业中得到发展。世界范围内生物质发电站,预计到2020年将会增加30000MW以上。 生物质产业已成为投资的一个热门领域,华尔街的投资商们已经接受生物乙醇是一种相对安全的长期投资项目的观点。世界自富比尔·盖茨投资8400万美元购买了太平洋乙醇股票,年产30万吨的乙醇厂就设在加州旧金山附近;硅谷阳光微软系统(Sun Microsystems)的创始人V inod K hosla的风险投资和以Ma ra thon为代表的石油、能源工业界也大举进入燃料乙醇生产领域。自1999年13134号总统令发布后,美国的森林工业即开始了与电力、石油、化工公司合作,利用林木废弃物生产能源及化工产品,美国国际石油公司等也开始剥离石油资产,用于生物质能源产品开发。B P、C a rgill、杜邦、壳牌等世界许多化学工业和石油工业在内的许多公司都在开发新的工艺技术,并建设生产厂,以便在快速增长的燃料乙醇汽油和生物柴油等领域占有一席之地。 生物质产业不仅是对化石能源的替代,有效地保护环境, 12 --


OA及纷享销客使用说明及相关规定 为规范销售公司日常管理,自2017年2月14日起启用OA及纷享销客进行工作汇报及各项工作管理具体工作流程及规定如下: 一.OA: 1.关于日常报货: A.操作方法: OA主界面---选择上方“销售通道”----“海利尔药业专区”---“远程报单”----选择左侧“新建订单”---进入界面1(下图)---选择“付款客户”(点击空格旁边的蓝色“选择”)---选择对应的客户----选择审批人(全部选择李建国(闲农),在权限栏的最后一个)---点击右上角“保存”(完成后为界面2,下图)-----点击右上角,最后一个“选择产品”----进入界面3(下图)-----点击左侧的“选择产品”---进入界面4(下图)----中间位置“产品名称”右侧的空格填写产品名称,然后点击搜索---进入界面5(下图)----选择需要的产品规格,点击对应列后面的“选择”--系统自动返回界面3---填写“数量”“交货日期”,如有特殊情况填写备注---点击右上角“保存”----进入界面6(下图)-----确认无误后,点击右上角“提交审核”即可。(如有修改,可根据提示进行修改。)---审核人审批完毕以后---查询订单在“远程报单”界面的左侧“已审核订单”,其他订单模式等。 B.特别说明: 1)订单形成后,审核完毕的下一步是进入ERP系统,需要取消订单时联系物流部杨梅0532--58659206。(如只是为了测试系统或学习系统发货数量为0,备注栏填写测试,这样的不必提醒) 2)非现款客户发货必须经由杨博淘副总裁审核后方可发货。 界面1 界面2 界面3 界面

4 界面5 界面6 2.关于推广费/市场问题反馈 OA主界面---业务平台--国内制剂专区--销售类申请---“推广费备案”;“推广费报账”“市场问题反馈”等按照相关规定要求填写上报----选择“青岛闲农”中的“王延辉经理”即可;价格上浮部分,申请上报----选择“青岛闲农”中的“李建国经理”即可。费用额度超过1万都要申请上报----选择“集团副总裁”中的杨博淘总”即可 3.关于OA其他应用: A.出差申请/请假:OA--业务平台-国内制剂专区-人资类申请--“出差/培训申请”“请假申请”,按照相关表格,详细填写清楚,销售人员上报李建国经理,市场及生测人员上报王延辉经理。 B.差旅费申请:OA--业务平台-国内制剂专区-付款类---根据差旅费报账表内容填写完成---销售选择李建国经理、市场选择王延辉经理-----交办即可。(该表最好在邮寄差旅费的同时提交) 二.纷享销客: 1.关于纷享销客日汇报: A.操作方式: 进入纷享销客主界面---下方“工作”--进入界面,选择右上方“+”--选择日志---“发日志”--填写工作总结、明日工作计划---左下角“抄送范围”(所有闲农人员选择“青岛闲农”“杨博淘”)---右下角“点评人”(销售人员选择李建国、市场及生测人员选择王延辉)。---点击右上角“发送” B.相关规定: 1).日汇报要求每天晚上20点之前按照以上操作方式进行发布。并随时跟进领导们的批示。迟报的在纷享销客“青岛闲农-日常交流”群里发10元红包自罚。


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4110593367.html, 我国生物质能产业发展现状及展望 作者:吴逸民 来源:《农业工程技术·新能源产业》2011年第08期 1、前言 随着全球石油、煤炭的大量开采,能源日益枯竭库,存量不断减少,能源短缺和随之而来的环境污染日渐引起人们的关注,并已成为制约我国经济社会又快又好发展的瓶颈。改善能源结构,利用现代科技开发生物质能源来缓解能源动力,减少污染物排放等问题刻不容缓。我国政府及有关部门对生物质能源利用也极为重视,已将“大力发展生物质能”列入国家“十二五”规划。 2、我国生物质能产业发展现状及前景 现阶段我国的生物质能应用主要集中在沼气利用,生物质直燃发电,工业替代燃料和交通运输燃料这四方面。 2.1沼气利用 近年来沼气利用在中国发展迅速,在中央投资的带动下,各地也加大投入,形成了户用沼气、小型沼气、大中型沼气共同发展的新格局。沼气开发利用现在不仅能解决农民的烧柴问题,更重要的是我国的沼气发展正从分散式农户经营向产业化方向转变。2008年山东民和牧 业建成了一个利用鸡粪为原料的3MW热电联产沼气工程;2009年安阳贞元集团通过与丹麦技术资金伙伴合作,以养殖场,公共污粪和秸秆为原料在安阳建立了一个年产400万m3的车用气的沼气项目。从目前情况看,通过生物发酵产沼气的技术相当成熟,但是现阶段还存在沼气工程总体规模较小效益不高,产气不是很稳定,特别是在北方冬季产气明显不足,和沼气副产品市场需求不足等因素约束。 2.2生物质直燃发电 生物质直燃发电是最早采用的一种生物质开发利用方式,也是消耗量最大、最直接、最容易规模化和工业化的能源利用方式。早在2004年,山东单县、河北晋州和江苏如东这三个地方就开始了生物质直燃发电的试点示范,而2006年《可再生能源法》的施行更极大促进了生物质直燃发电行业的发展,年投资额增长率都在30%以上,到2010年我国生物质直燃发电量


OA及纷享销客使用说明及相关规定为规范销售公司日常管理,自2017年2月14日起启用OA及纷享销客进行工作汇报及各项工作管理具体工作流程及规定如下: 一.OA: 1.关于日常报货: A.操作方法: OA主界面---选择上方“销售通道”----“海利尔药业专区”---“远程报单”----选择左侧“新建订单”---进入界面1(下图)---选择“付款客户”(点击空格旁边的蓝色“选择”)---选择对应的客户----选择审批人(全部选择李建国(闲农),在权限栏的最后一个)---点击右上角“保存”(完成后为界面2,下图)-----点击右上角,最后一个“选择产品”----进入界面3(下图)-----点击左侧的“选择产品”---进入界面4(下图)----中间位置“产品名称”右侧的空格填写产品名称,然后点击搜索---进入界面5(下图)----选择需要的产品规格,点击对应列后面的“选择”--系统自动返回界面3---填写“数量”“交货日期”,如有特殊情况填写备注---点击右上角“保存”----进入界面6(下图)-----确认无误后,点击右上角“提交审核”即可。(如有修改,可根据提示进行修改。)---审核人审批完毕以后---查询订单在“远程报单”界面的左侧“已审核订单”,其他订单模式等。 B.特别说明: 1)订单形成后,审核完毕的下一步是进入ERP系统,需要取消订单时联系物流部杨梅0532--58659206。(如只是为了测试系统或学习系统发货数量为0,备注栏填写测试,这样的不必提醒) 2)非现款客户发货必须经由杨博淘副总裁审核后方可发货。 界面1 界面2 界面3 界面4

界面5 界面6 2.关于推广费/市场问题反馈 OA主界面---业务平台--国内制剂专区--销售类申请---“推广费备案”;“推广费报账”“市场问题反馈”等按照相关规定要求填写上报----选择“青岛闲农”中的“王延辉经理”即可;价格上浮部分,申请上报----选择“青岛闲农”中的“李建国经理”即可。费用额度超过1万都要申请上报----选择“集团副总裁”中的杨博淘总”即可 3.关于OA其他应用: A.出差申请/请假:OA--业务平台-国内制剂专区-人资类申请--“出差/培训申请”“请假申请”,按照相关表格,详细填写清楚,销售人员上报李建国经理,市场及生测人员上报王延辉经理。 B.差旅费申请:OA--业务平台-国内制剂专区-付款类---根据差旅费报账表内容填写完成---销售选择李建国经理、市场选择王延辉经理-----交办即可。(该表最好在邮寄差旅费的同时提交) 二.纷享销客: 1.关于纷享销客日汇报: A.操作方式: 进入纷享销客主界面---下方“工作”--进入界面,选择右上方“+”--选择日志---“发日志”--填写工作总结、明日工作计划---左下角“抄送范围”(所有闲农人员选择“青岛闲农”“杨博淘”)---右下角“点评人”(销售人员选择李建国、市场及生测人员选择王延辉)。---点击右上角“发送” B.相关规定: 1).日汇报要求每天晚上20点之前按照以上操作方式进行发布。并随时跟进领导们的批示。迟报的在纷享销客“青岛闲农-日常交流”群里发10元红包自罚。
