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[1]ASHRAE 。( 2001年)。 ANSI / ASHRAE / IESNA标准90.1-2001除低层住宅建节能标准。佐治亚州亚特兰大:美国的暖气学会,制冷与空调工程师。[2]大麦, CD ; Deru , M. ;Pless, S. ; Torcellini , P. (2005)。商业建筑节能性能测量和报告的程序。技术报告NREL/TP-550-38601 。

[3]Golden,co :国家可再生能源实验https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4611295818.html,/docs/fy06osti/38601.pdf 中电联。( 2005年)。TDV公司经济学方法论。

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4611295818.html,/title24/2005standards/archive/rulemaking/documents/ tdv / 。萨克拉门托,加利福尼亚:加州能源委员会。

[4]博尔德。( 2006年)。太阳能交通指南,大厦服务中心,博尔德,科罗拉多https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4611295818.html,/files/PDS/codes/solrshad.pdf

Zero Energy Buildings: A Critical Look at the Definition1


A net zero-energy building (ZEB) is a residential or commercial building with greatly reduced energy needs through efficiency gains such that the balance of energy needs can be supplied with renewable technologies. Despite the excitement over the phrase “zero energy,” we lack a common definition, or even a common understanding, of what it means. In this paper, we use a sample of current generation low-energy buildings to explore the concept of zero energy: what it means, why a clear and measurable definition is needed, and how we have progressed toward the ZE

B goal.

The way the zero energy goal is defined affects the choices designers make to achieve this goal and whether they can claim success. The ZEB definition can emphasize demand-side or supply strategies and whether fuel switching and conversion accounting are appropriate to meet a ZEB goal. Four well-documented definitions—net-zero site energy, net-zero source energy, net-zero energy costs, and net-zero energy emissions—are studied; pluses and minuses of each are discussed. These definitions are applied to a set of low-energy buildings for which extensive energy data are available. This study shows the design impacts of the definition used for ZEB and the large difference between definitions. It also looks atsample utility rate structures and their impact on the zero energy scenarios


Buildings have a significant impact on energy use and the environment. Commercial and residential buildings use almost 40% of the primary energy and approximately 70% of the electricity in the United States (EIA 2005). The energy used by the building sector continues to increase, primarily because new buildings are constructed faster than old ones are retired. Electricity consumption in the commercial building sector doubled between 1980 and 2000, and is expected to increase another 50% by 2025 (EIA 2005). Energy consumption in the commercial building sector will continue to increase until buildings can be designed to produce enough energy to offset the growing energy demand of these buildings. Toward this end, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has established an aggressive goal to create the technology and knowledge base for cost-effective zero-energy commercial

buildings (ZEBs) by 2025.

In concept, a net ZEB is a building with greatly reduced energy needs through efficiency gains such that the balance of the energy needs can be supplied by renewable technologies. Despite our use of the phrase “zero energy,” we lack a common definition—or a common understanding—of what it means. In this paper, we use a sample of current generation lowenergy buildings to explore the concept of zero energy—what it means, why a clear and measurable definition is needed, and how we have progressed toward the ZEB goal.

Zero-Energy Buildings: Boundary Definitions and Energy Flows At the heart of the ZEB concept is the idea that buildings can meet all their energy requirements from low-cost, locally available, nonpolluting, renewable sources. At the strictest level, a ZEB generates enough renewable energy on site to equal or exceed its annual energy use. The following concepts and assumptions have been established to help guide definitions for ZEBs.

Grid Connection Is Allowed and Necessary for Energy Balances


B typically uses traditional energy sources such as the electric and natural gas utilities when on-site generation does not meet the loads. When the on-site generation is greater than the building’s loads, excess electricity is exported to the utility grid. By using the grid to account for the energy balance, excess production can offset later energy use. Achieving a ZEB without the grid would be very difficult, as the current generation of storage technologies is limited. Despite the electric energy independence of off-grid buildings, they usually rely on outside energy sources such as propane (and other fuels) for cooking, space heating, water heating, and backup generators. Off-grid buildings cannot feed their excess energy production back onto the grid to offset other energy uses. As a result, the energy production from renewable

resources must be oversized. In many cases (especially during the summer), excess generated energy cannot be used.

We assume that excess on-site generation can always be sent to the grid. However, in high market penetration scenarios, the grid may not always need the excess energy. In this scenario, on-site energy storage would become necessary. Prioritize Supply-Side Technologies to Those Available On Site and

within the Footprint

Various supply-side renewable energy technologies are available for ZEBs. Typical examples of technologies available today include PV, solar hot water, wind, hydroelectric, and biofuels. All these renewable sources are favorable over conventional energy sources such as coal and natural gas; however, we have developed a ranking of renewable energy sources in the ZEB context. Table 1 shows this ranking in order of preferred application. The principles we have applied to develop this ranking are based on technologies that:

? Minimize overall environmental impact by encouraging energy-efficient building designs and reducing transportation and conversion losses.

? Will be available over the lifetime of the building.

? Are widely available and have high replication potential for future ZEBs.

A good ZE

B definition should first encourage energy efficiency, and then use renewable energy sources available on site. A building that buys all its energy from a wind farm or other central location has little incentive to reduce building loads, which is why we refer to this as an off-site ZEB. Efficiency measures or energy conversion devices such as daylighting or combined heat and power devices cannot be considered on-site production in the ZEB context. Fuel cells and microturbines do not generate energy; rather they typically transform purchased fossil fuels into heat and electricity. Passive solar heating and daylighting are demand-side technologies and are considered efficiency measures. Energy efficiency is usually available for the life of the building; however, efficiency measures must have good persistence and should be

“checked” to make sure they continue to save energy. It is almost always easier to save energy than to produce energy.

Determining a project’s boundary, whi ch can be substantially larger than the building footprint, is an important part of defining on-site generation sources. The question arises as to whether this larger area should be considered for on-site renewable energy production. Typically, the only area available for on-site energy production that a building has guaranteed as “its own” over its lifetime is within its footprint. To ensure this area is available for on-site production, many states, counties, and cities have solar access ordinances, which declare that the

right to use the natural resource of solar energy is a property right. For example, the City of Boulder, Colorado has a solar access ordinance that guarantees access to sunlight for homeowners and renters in the city. This ordinance protects the solar

access of existing buildings by limiting the amount of shadow new development may cast on neighboring buildings, and maintains the potential for using renewable energy systems in buildings (City of Boulder 2006). Using a neighboring field to generate electricity is not as favorable as a roof-mounted PV system; the area outside the building’s footprint could be developed in the future; thus, it cannot be guaranteed to provide long-term generation.

Wind resources for ZEBs are limited because of structural, noise, and wind pattern considerations, and are not typically installed on buildings. Some parking lots or adjacent areas may be used to produce energy from wind, but this resource is site specific and not widely available. Similar to PV generation in an adjacent parking lot, the wind resource is not necessarily guaranteed because it could be superseded by future development.

Renewable sources imported to the site, such as wood pellets, ethanol, or biodiesel can be valuable, but do not count as on-site renewable sources. Biofuels such as waste vegetable oil from waste streams and methane from human and animal wastes can also be valuable energy sources, but these materials are typically imported for the on-site processes.

The final option for supply-side renewable energy sources includes purchasing “green credits” or renewable sources such as wind power or utility PV systems that are available to the electrical grid. These central resources require infrastructure to move the energy to the building and are not always available. Buildings employing resources 3 and 4 in Table 1 to achieve zero energy are considered off-site ZEBs. For example, a building can achieve an off-site ZEB for all these definitions by purchasing wind energy. Although becoming an off-site ZEB can have little to do with design and a lot to do with the different sources of purchased off-site renewable energy, an off-site ZEB is still in line with the general concept of a ZEB.

Zero-Energy Buildings: Definitions

A zero energy building can be defined in several ways, depending on the boundary and the metric. Different definitions may be appropriate, depending on the project goals and the values of the design team and building owner. For example, building owners typically care about energy costs. Organizations such as DOE are concerned with national energy numbers, and are typically interested in primary or source energy. A building designer may be interested in site energy use for energy code requirements. Finally, those who are concerned about pollution from power

plants and the burning of fossil fuels may be interested in reducing emissions. Four commonly used definitions are: net zero site energy, net zero source energy, net zero energy costs, and net zero energy emissions.

Net Zero Site Energy: A site ZEB produces at least as much energy as it uses in a year, when accounted for at the site.

Net Zero Source Energy: A source ZEB produces at least as much energy as it uses in a year, when accounted for at the source. Source energy refers to the primary energy used to generate and deliver the energy to the site. To calculate a building抯total source energy, imported and exported energy is multiplied by the appropriate site-to-source conversion multipliers.

Net Zero Energy Costs: In a cost ZEB, the amount of money the utility pays the building owner for the energy the building exports to the grid is at least equal to the amount the owner pays the utility for the energy services and energy used over the year.

Net Zero Energy Emissions: A net-zero emissions building produces at least as much emissions-free renewable energy as it uses from emissions-producing energy sources.


ZEB Definitions Applied to a Sample of Current Generation Low-Energy Buildings

Each of these leading-edge case study buildings demonstrates the progress toward achieving ZEB goals in real-world examples. Only the Science House has achieved the site and source ZEB goal because it is a small building with a relatively large PV system. The other one-story buildings—Zion, BigHorn, and TTF—could achieve ZEB within their roof areas for all the definitions except cost ZEB. ZEB is not feasible for the two-story buildings unless their loads are further reduced. For Oberlin (currently closest to meeting a ZEB goal in a two-story building), the annual PV production is still less than the best-case energy consumption scenario. Oberlin is currently installing another 100-kW PV system in the parking lot (total installed DC capacity will be 160 kW), which will be tied into the b uilding’s electrical system. We expect that the building will achieve a site, source, and emissions ZEB, but that a cost ZEB will be difficult to reach without further demand management controls. To accomplish a ZEB, the PV system has been extended past the building footprint.

None of our sample commercial buildings could clearly be cost ZEBs with the

current rate structures. Zion could be the closest because of its aggressive demand management, favorable utility rate structure, and efficient use of energy. A cost ZEB is the most difficult ZEB goal to reach because typical commercial rate structures do not allow for net metering such that exported electricity can offset all other utility charges. To reach a cost ZEB goal, the credit received for exported electricity would have to offset energy, distribution, peak demand, taxes, and metering charges for both electricity and gas use。


[1]ASHRAE. (2001). ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential. Atlanta, GA: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

[2]Barley, C.D.; Deru, M.; Pless, S.; Torcellini, P. (2005). Procedure for Measuring and Reporting Commercial Building Energy Performance. Technical Report

NREL/TP-550-38601. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Lab


[3]CEC. (2005). Time Dependent Valuation (TDV) Economics Methodology. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4611295818.html,/title24/ 2005standards/archive/rulemaking/documents/tdv/. Sacramento, CA: California Energy Commission.

[4]City of Boulder. (2006). Solar Access Guide, Building Services Center, Boulder, Colorado https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4611295818.html,/files/PDS/codes/solrshad.pdf, last accessed May 2006.

文章来源:National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Conference Paper NREL/CP-550-39833 June 2006


翻译期末作业论文 浅析科技英语中长句的翻译 A brief analysis on translation of long sentence in scientific English 浅析科技英语中长句的翻译 摘要 如今随着社会的不断发展,科学技术也越来越尖端并且正在不断的更新中。同时随着经济全球化发展,各国的科学技术也在互相补足与融合。而这时候,为了能有更准确的理解,标准的科技英语翻译工作自然就成了科学技术的重要生产力。科技英语翻译的重要性也越发突出。本文将分析科技英

语中长句和复合句的使用及分类,然后重点解析科技英语中长句的几种翻译技巧,从而能将复杂的科技英语中长句准确的译为汉语。 引言 科技英语是用来陈述自然界、科技界所发生或出现的事情, 描述其规律、特点、过程等的语言, 其表达客观准确、逻辑性强、结构严谨。为了更好地记录自然界的现象和科技界的动态, 用来记录的句子往往偏长、结构复杂。所以在科技英语的翻译实践中遇到的具体问题之一就是科技英语长句的翻译,那么如何处理长句呢?这不仅需要掌握一定量的词汇,而且最重要的必须掌握相应的翻译技巧方可能更准确的翻译。本文包含五个部分:首先,介绍了科技英语中长句的特点;其次,讲述了科技英语中长句和复合句的分类;再次,则分析了科技英语中长句的应用和在科技英语中英语长句的优点;接下来,这也是本文的重点,也就是浅析了科技英语中长句的几种翻译技巧;最后,则是全文的一个总结概述。 1.科技英语中长句的特点 科技英语的特点主要是术语繁沉、论证严密,翻译时要特别注意逻辑是否严谨、术语是否准确、表达是否简练明确。在实践过程中,科技英语长句的翻译是一个比较复杂、棘手的难题。不仅限于并列句和复合句,简单句有时也很长,它的一个重要特点就是修饰语较长,这些修饰语一般都是短语和从句,它们或是位于名词后面的短语或从句,或是位于动词后面的短语或从句。 因此,为了兼顾译文的准确性和可读性,我们就要掌握一定的方法和技巧。 2.科技英语长句的分类 2.1Sentence with a number of subordinate clauses of different levels. E.g.Perhaps the factor thatmakes a positive outcome most likely is the clear recognitin by the Japane se government and business community that there is an emergent need for innovation, and a wide agreem entthat the national interest requiredthatmajor effort be concentrated in this area. 也许,带来积极结果的因素很大可能上是日本政府和商业界对当前急切需要创新和国家利益要求需在该领域投入更多的努力的认知。 2.2The sentence with a series of past-modifiers, like a chain E.g. Each cylinder is encased in a water jacket, which forms part of circuit through which water is


a common way to construct steel truss and prestressed concrete cantilever spans is to counterbalance each cantilever arm with another cantilever arm projecting the opposite direction,forming a balanced cantilever. they attach to a solid foundation ,the counterbalancing arms are called anchor arms /thus,in a bridge built on two foundation piers,there are four cantilever arms ,two which span the obstacle,and two anchor arms which extend away from the obstacle,because of the need for more strength at the balanced cantilever's supports ,the bridge superstructure often takes the form of towers above the foundation piers .the commodore barry bridge is an example of this type of cantilever bridge 一种常见的方法构造钢桁架和预应力混凝土悬臂跨度是每一个悬臂抗衡预测相反的方向臂悬臂,形成一个平衡的悬臂。他们重视了坚实的基础,制约武器被称为锚武器/因此,在两个基础上建一座桥桥墩,有四个悬臂式武器,这两者之间跨越的障碍,和两个锚武器哪个延长距离的障碍,因为为更多的在平衡悬臂的支持力量的需要,桥梁上部结构往往表现为塔墩基础之上形成的准将巴里大桥是这种类型的例子悬臂桥 steel truss cantilever support loads by tension of the upper members and compression of the lower ones .commonly ,the structure distributes teh tension via teh anchor arms to the outermost supports ,while the compression is carried to the foundation beneath teh central towers .many truss cantilever bridges use pinned joints and are therefore statically determinate with no members carrying mixed loads 钢桁架悬臂由上层成员和下层的紧张压缩支持负载。通常,结构分布通过锚武器的最外层的支持紧张,而压缩抬到下方的中央塔的基础。桁架悬臂许多桥梁使用固定的关节,是静定,没有携带混合负载的成员,因此 prestressed concrete balanced cantilever bridges are often built using segmental construction .some steel arch bridges are built using pure cantilever spans from each sides,with neither falsework below nor temporary supporting towers and cables above ,these are then joined with a pin,usually after forcing the union point apart ,and when jacks are removed and the bridge decking is added the bridge becomes a truss arch bridge .such unsupported construction is only possible where appropriate rock is available to support the tension in teh upper chord of the span during construction ,usually limiting this method to the spanning of narrow canyons 预应力混凝土平衡悬臂桥梁往往建立使用段施工。一些钢拱桥是使用各方面的纯悬臂跨度既无假工作下面也临时支撑塔和电缆上面,这些都是再加入了一根针,通常在迫使工会点外,当插孔删除,并添加桥梁甲板桥成为桁架拱桥,这种不支持的建设,才可能在适当情况下的岩石可用于支持在施工期间的跨度弦上的张力,通常限制这狭隘的峡谷跨越方法 an arch bridge is a bridge with abutments at each end shaped as a curved arch .arch bridges work by transferring the weight of the bridge and its loads partially into a horizontal thrust restrained by the abutments at either side .a viaduct may be made from a series of arches ,although other more economical structures are typically used today 在拱桥桥台的桥梁,是一个在一个弧形拱状,每年年底。拱桥通过转移到由部分在两边的桥台水平推


小议科技英语翻译技巧 科技文体崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。科技文章文体的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。那末,科技文章的语言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻译时需要探讨的问题。现分述如下: 一、大量使用名词化结构 大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实。而非某一行为。 Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发展固体排水的原理。 句中of displacement of water by solid bodies 系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方强调displacement 这一事实。 The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。 If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss, can be considerably reduced. 炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。 科技英语所表述的是客观规律,因之要尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,要使主要的信息置于句首。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。 名词化结构the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 强调客观事实,而"谓语动词则着重其发射和接受的能力。 二、广泛使用被动语句 根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态。这是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态,例如:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。此外,如前所述,科技文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部份。这也是广泛使用被动态的主要原因。试观察并比较下列两段短文的主语。 We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance .It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,


土木工程专业英语课文原 文及对照翻译 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

Civil Engineering Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities. 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities. 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782, Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the term civil engineering has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 Scope. Because it is so broad, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. Depending on the type of project, the skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement—water, sewer, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project. Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and


南京航空航天大学 EST论文题目科技英语翻译之增补法

科技英语翻译之增补法 摘要 增补是科技英语翻译中为确保译文的规范、明确、地道而经常使用的方法。在翻译科技英语文献时,经常会遇到照字面直译无法保证汉语译文的通顺、明晰,有时就需要增添补充必要的词语。通常按照目标与的行文表达习惯,采取“增补”、“重复”、“一词多译”的方式。 关键词:增添、重复、一词多译 Abstract Supplement is the translation of EST translation norms, to ensure clear, authentic and frequently used method. In the translation of English for science and technology literature, often encounter literally literal translation can not guarantee the Chinese translation of the fluent, clear, sometimes need to add supplement necessary words. Usually according to writing goal and the habit of expression, adopt a "supplement", "repeat", "one word more translation" mode Key words:supplement、repeat、one word more translation


土木工程专业英语原文 及翻译 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

08 级土木(1) 班课程考试试卷 考试科目专业英语 考试时间 学生姓名 所在院系土木学院 任课教师 徐州工程学院印制 Stability of Slopes Introduction Translational slips tend to occur where the adjacent stratum is at a relatively shallow depth below the surface of the slope:the failure surface tends to be plane and roughly parallel to the slips usually occur where the adjacent stratum is at greater depth,the failure surface consisting of curved and plane sections. In practice, limiting equilibrium methods are used in the analysis of slope stability. It is considered that failure is on the point of occurring along an assumed or a known failure surface.The shear strength required to maintain a condition of limiting equilibrium is compared with the available shear strength of the soil,giving the average factor of safety along the failure surface.The problem is considered in two dimensions,conditions of plane strain being assumed.It has been shown that a two-dimensional analysis gives a conservative result for a failure on a three-dimensional(dish-shaped) surface. Analysis for the Case of φu =0 This analysis, in terms of total stress,covers the case of a fully saturated clay under undrained conditions, . For the condition immediately after construction.Only moment equilibrium is considered in the analysis.In section, the potential failure surface is assumed to be a circular arc. A trial failure surface(centre O,radius r and length L a where F is the factor of safety with respect to shear strength.Equating moments about O:


翻译是把一种语言里已经表达出来的事物用另一种语言准确流畅地进行重新表达的过程。与其他题材的文章相比,科技专业文章在内容、表达形式和风格上有很大的差别,具有科技性强、专业性强、逻辑严密、表达要求简练的特点,在翻译上力求准确全面、严谨明确和通顺简练。 1科技英语翻译遵循的基本原则 从科技文章的特点来看,大多具有以下几个特征:述说事理、逻辑性强、结构严密、术语繁多,语言严谨、数据精确。这就要求译文必须概念清楚、条理分明、逻辑正确、数据无误,尤其对定义、定律、公式、图表、结论等更应特别注意。科技英语作为特殊英语的一个分支,在词汇构成、遣词造句等方面都有其自身的特点,其语法结构不十分严密、语言习惯和汉语也有不少差别、词汇量大、词语繁多,因此科技英语翻译起来比较困难。另外,科技文章比较重视叙事逻辑上的连贯及表达上的明晰与畅达; 避免行文晦涩,避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语翻译力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词,而是大量使用科技词汇、专业技术用语,译者应尊重客观事实,不能随意改动数据、回避不易翻译的文字,更不能加进自己的主观想象,进行自由翻译。 我国著名翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”三准则一直为不少翻译工作者所接受。 “信”指的是译文要忠实于原文,“达”是指译文的通顺达意,“雅”指的是译文的用词修辞。三准则体现了译文和原文信息等值这一基本要领。 “信、达、雅”的翻译准则对各种英语文体的翻译实践都具有指导意义,是衡量一篇译文好坏的标准,也同样适用于科技文献的翻译。由于科技文章特有的文体特征,与其他类文章相比,其“达”和“雅”的内涵不同,它要求在准确传达信息的基础上,使译文更加简洁明快,流畅通顺。2科技英语翻译的基本方法


Chapter 10 Construction Management 建设管理部门 10.1 the procurement and implementation of structural steel for buidings begins with the owner`s decision to use steel as the primary structural system for the building 采购和实现的钢结构的建筑开始与业主的决定使用钢作为主要结构系 统的构建 this decision is generally made early in the design process in conjunction with the architect and structural engineer for the project 10.1 这个决定通常是在设计过程中尽早做出会同建筑师和结构工程师的项目 the construction manager or design-build firm advises the owner on material availability 设计、建设施工经理或公司建议业主在材料的可用性 costs, suitability 成本、适用性 and scheduling aspects of the structural frame types和调度方面的结构性框架类型 in many cases 在许多情况下 the construction manager or design-build firm consults with steel fabricators for preliminary pricing设计、建设施工经理或公司担任钢铁制造商为初步定价scheduling, and layout information that is used in deciding which structural system to utilize 调度和布局信息,用于决定哪些结构系统利用 Structural Design 结构设计


东大学外国语学院2013-2014学年第二学期 《科技英语翻译》课程论文 课程号:1400622-100 任课教师于德英成绩

摘要:文章主要就科技英语的特征、科技英语翻译的标准和方法进行了探讨,说明了加强科技英语翻译研究和探索的日益重要性。旨在提醒科技翻译者在实践基础上加强理论研究,以便更好更准确地做好翻译工作。 关键词:科技英语翻译;标准;方法 随着国际学术交流的日益广泛,科技英语已经受到普遍的重视,掌握科技英语的翻译技巧是非常必要的。科技英语 (English for Science and Technolgy ,简称EST)作为一种重要的英语文体,与非科技英语文体相比,具有词义多、长句多、被动句多、词性转换多、非谓语动词多、专业性强等特点,这些特点都是由科技文献的内容所决定的。因此,科技英语的翻译也有别于其他英语文体的翻译。 一、首先要拥有一本好的科技词典 学习普通英语几年以后,你大约掌握几千个单词的词汇量,这时你就会发现英语拥有极其丰富多彩的词汇,但在科技文章中,又会对大量的专业词汇和术语而头疼。有些词晦涩难懂,大而长,看起来吓人,如posttention(后张拉力),prefabricate(预制),意义比较简单,只要查一下词典就行。有些词在文章中起着举足轻重的作用,所以翻译时选择在具体语言环境中最恰当。一本好的科技词典可以成为你的良师益友,为此笔者推荐《英汉道路词典》《汉英科技大词典》两本较好的词典。 二、在翻译时采用增词法和词序处理法 1.根据句法上的需要:由于英汉两种语言表达方式存在差别,在英语中需要省略的成分而在汉语中需要补出才能符合汉语的习惯。例如:在翻译案例中增词现象“与普通的线波相比,微波有较高的频率,从而被用于跨远距离定期发送成千上万的电话和的电视节目“,比原文中增添了“与普通的线波相比”“从而被”等词,来更好的表达原文。 2.根据意义上的需要:(1)英语复数名词的增译:复数名词前后增译“许多”、“一些”等,使其复数意义更明确;(2)英语中表示动作名词的增译:翻译时可根据上下文语境,补充一些表示动作意义的名词:“作用”、“现象”、“方案”等;(3)在英语名词或动名词前后增译汉语动词:(4)增译解说性词:英语中常因惯用法或上下文关系。省去了不影响理解全句意义的词句。为了使译文清晰起见,翻译时必须增译一些词。 3.词序处理法英汉两种语言的词序规则基本相同,但也存在着某些差别。不同的英语句子,在翻译中的词序处理方式也常常不同。例如:” are used routinely in sending thousands of telephone calls and television programs across long distances从远距离发送成千上万的电话和电视节目。这里将“across long distance”(从远距离)改序翻译为“发送成千上万电话和电视节目”之前较为合理。三.句型的使用 1.非限定动词的应用和大量使用后置定语如前所述,科技文章要求行文简练,结构紧凑,往往使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列分句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;介词+动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。这样既可缩短句子,又比较醒目。 2.大量使用常用句型科技文章中经常使用若干特定的句型,从而形成科技文体区别


浅析科技英语翻译的术语 科技术语翻译历来是另许多科技公司或科技翻译工作者头痛却不得不面对的问题,应用语言学的研究表明,当一篇文章的生词量超过总词汇量的7%时,阅读起来就非常费力。而若这些生词为关键词,则生词占总词汇量的5%就会让读者感到文章理解起来困难。一般认为,科技英语文章中的术语(含科技新词和转义词)相对其他词汇而言所占的比率大致为4%-5%之间,这也难怪许多的译者在科技术语处止步。随着新技术、新材料、新设备和新工艺的不断产生,科技新名词、新术语大量涌现,比比皆是。目前使用的英汉科技词典,包括哪些专业性很强的分类词典,已很难全面满足科技翻译的需要,选收新词往往要落后至少3年,而且很多词典本身的质量尚需提高。因此,翻译达人认为有必要对科技术语翻译做一个相对系统的分析。 任何语言符号都是由概念(所指,signified)和音响形象(能指,signifier)结合而成。《剑桥国际英语词典》对术语这一概念的定义是“special words or expression used in relation to a particular subject or activity”,即某一学科中运用的专有名词或表达方式。顾名思义,科技术语就是科技技术领域中的专有此或表达方式,然而,与一般语言符号不同的是,科技术语的理解往往要比其它语言符号更为艰深和费力一些。正如德国语言雪娇洪堡特所说:语言是有限符号的无线运用。现在人们一般不再使用像deutrrium氘,tritium氚等这类生僻的词汇为科技术语命名,而是注重“挖潜”。科技术语的构成途径主要有以下三条:一是非科技术语转化为科技术语,如:shield本意为古代作战时使用的“盾”,现在则多指“盾构”(开掘隧道用语),而在磁化工艺中则译作“屏蔽”,又如swan neck 作为科技术语应译作“鹅颈管”或(弯管);二是利用


第一课土木工程学 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他


科技英语翻译论文精编 W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

浅谈科技英语翻译的忠实性摘要:随着各国科学技术交流的不断深化,科技英语翻译的任务也日益艰巨。由于科技文章文体具有清晰,准确,精炼,严密的特点,忠实性成为科技英语翻译必须遵 守的原则。要确保忠实性的实现,在翻译过程中就应遵循分析,转换和重构的 “三步走战略”,使译文具有可读性。 关键词:翻译重视性原则原文译文 翻译有直译和意译之分,直译比较倾向于保持原文的结构成分和意义的某些隐含成分;而意译则注重意义的准确传达,如果必要,可以不顾及原文的结构成分和意义的某些隐含成分。鉴于科技英语文体的特点,进行翻译时,采用直译方式居多,但并不排除意译的使用。无论是直译还是意译,忠实是必须遵守的原则。 早在18实际末叶,国外的着名翻译理论家泰特勒在《翻译的原则》一书中提出了着名的三原则;A,译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容;B,译文的风格,笔调应与原文的性质相同;C,译文应该像原文一样流畅自然。他强调的是译文与原文在思想,风格,笔调,行文等方面的对等,实质上就是“忠实性”中“一致性”的反映。这是忠实性最初也是最重要的阶段。在进行案例翻译过程中,译者客观地分了原文内容,也谨以科技文体要求。用中文再现了空气三大污染物的来源及危害。 但是在翻译过程中,译者发现根据原文做出的译文有多处不符合汉语使用规范。意识到翻译的忠实性不只停留在对原文的完全对等输出状态。翻译时还应考虑译文读者的接受力,这样译文才有可读性和可接受性。科技英语文章大量使用名词化结构,广泛使用被动语句,常用前置性陈述,但是汉语行文结构中少有这样的语法现象。如果按原文结构翻译,译文将有些句子主语缺失,陈述对象前后不一致等弊病。因此,译者在翻译过程中,补全了原文缺失的主语,宾语,以及意义,对有些句子语序做了调整,使其更符合汉语读者的


Structural Systems to resist lateral loads Commonly Used structural Systems With loads measured in tens of thousands kips, there is little room in the design of high-rise buildings for excessively complex thoughts. Indeed, the better high-rise buildings carry the universal traits of simplicity of thought and clarity of expression. It does not follow that there is no room for grand thoughts. Indeed, it is with such grand thoughts that the new family of high-rise buildings has evolved. Perhaps more important, the new concepts of but a few years ago have become commonplace in today’ s technology. Omitting some concepts that are related strictly to the materials of construction, the most commonly used structural systems used in high-rise buildings can be categorized as follows: 1.Moment-resisting frames. 2.Braced frames, including eccentrically braced frames. 3.Shear walls, including steel plate shear walls. 4.Tube-in-tube structures. 5.Tube-in-tube structures. 6.Core-interactive structures. 7.Cellular or bundled-tube systems. Particularly with the recent trend toward more complex forms, but in response also to the need for increased stiffness to resist the forces from wind and earthquake, most high-rise buildings have structural systems built up of combinations of frames, braced bents, shear walls, and related systems. Further, for the taller buildings, the majorities are composed of interactive elements in three-dimensional arrays. The method of combining these elements is the very essence of the design process for high-rise buildings. These combinations need evolve in response to environmental, functional, and cost considerations so as to provide efficient structures that provoke the architectural development to new heights. This is not to say that imaginative structural design can create great architecture. To the contrary, many examples of fine architecture have been created with only moderate support from the structural engineer, while only fine structure, not great architecture, can be developed without the genius and the leadership of a talented architect. In any event, the best of both is


2013040391116 On Translating of Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English Wang Jin Dun A Paper Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B. A. Supervised by Chen Zhi Wei College of Foreign Languages and Literature BeiJing LiGong University May, 2017

重声明 本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。 本人签名: 日期:

摘要 论文首先简短地介绍了一下科技英语翻译的特点,说明了被动语态在科技英语翻译中的重要地位,鉴于汉语和英语中的被动语态句子意义有很大的差别,本文讨论了被动语态自身有什么样的语言特点以及如何正确使用被动语态。值得注意的是,译者在翻译之前应该弄清楚句子的结构,译者应该有自己的认知基础,而不是盲目翻译,应符合他们的认知。而且翻译技巧也很重要,英语被动语态翻译成中文的技巧可以帮助英语学习者更好地理解英语文章的流畅性和表达。其次讲述了被动语态在科技英语中的使用和它在科技英语中所起的作用以及为什么被广泛使用。本文最后重点探讨了在翻译科技英语中被动语态应遵循的原则和方法。只有通过这些翻译技巧将英语被动句翻译成汉语主动语态,才能使科技英语的翻译更加平滑并且符合汉语的表达。 关键词:被动语态科技英语翻译
