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国外访学导师评语 篇一:访学年度总结2015 Founded in 1955 NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY School of Materials Science and Engineering 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 国家公派出国留学人员最终总结报告 Final Report (May. 2014–May. 2015) written by xxx 07/April/2015 To: 国家留学基金管理委员会 CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL (CSC) (电话Tel.: 0086-10-66063191; 传真Fax: 0086-10-66063195) ? 基本信息(Basic Information) ? 学习总结(Study Report): During the visiting period of 12 months, I learned a lot. I grasped the xxxxx. My research project is xxxxx. Some research results are as follows.

1. xxxxx 2. xxxxx 3. xxxxxx 4. xxxxxx 5. xxxxxx 6. xxxxxx 7. xxxxxx 8. xxxxxxx 9. xxxxxx 10. xxxxxx Two full papers entitled “xxxx”and “xxxx”, have been submitted to the International Journals of “xxxx”and “xxxx”. Moreover, I attended an International Meeting held in Singapore, and submitted an abstract to an International Meeting which will be held in Austria on Sep. 2015. I also attended about 20 times public seminars on advance materials and over 20 times seminars of research group. 本人签名Signature: 日期Date: 二、导师/合作者评语Professor’s Evaluation: 导师签名Signature: 日期Date:


国外博士导师推荐信 国外博士导师推荐信 出国留学硕士博士生导师推荐信 To: EPU Committee From: Prof. ****** College of Resource Environment and Tourism ****** University Beijing 100048, China. Tel: Ref. Recommendation letter for ****** Date. Dec. 2014 Dear ******, I take great pleasure to write this letter of reference for ******, a doctoral candidate of Geographic Information System at the Key Laboratory of 3D Information Acquisition and Application in ** University. As her doctoral supervisor, I have witnessed her performance well and potential of advanced studies. Since Sep.

2013, Ms. ** has been engaged in the research of automated texture mapping of building models based on oblique photogrammetry. I’ve learned that she also participated in some research projects about the calibrations of multi-sensor integration including airborne LiDAR, POS and Camera during her graduate study. Through a series of projects practice,she has excellent programming ability, favorable research ability and strong theoretical knowledge of GeoInformation science. She masters the the entire workflow of advanced mapping methods including oblique photogrammetry,airborne LiDAR, etc. In nearly 3 years of cooperating with her, she has showed good communication skill, strong sense of responsibility, team work spirit, passions at scientific research, and the ability of quick learning. Ms. ** has quite an active and precise mind. She can independently lead a team of certain


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 phd,cv,模板 篇一:申请国外博士个人简历(cV)模板 xxx gender:male dateofbirth:10/20/1987add:nanjinguniversityofinform ationscience synthesisofcarbohydratecompoundscontainingβ -aminoalcoholviahey Reaction; thesynthesisandapplicationsofoxazolidinonecompounds. mainResponsibility: searchliterature,optimizeexperimentalmethodsunderth eguidance; carryoutreactionsandpurifytheproducts. march-december20xx

1.Researchprojects: designandapplicationsofFunctionalmacrocycliccompoun ds(college studentsscienceandtechnologyinnovationtrainingproje ctsofjiangsuprovince (no.xxxandno.xxxx)) 2.chinesepatent: thesynthesisandapplicationsofmacrocycliccompoundsco ntainingthe structureofarylamine(applicationno.xxxxxxxxx.x). 3.publication synthesisandcharacterizationofthenovelshape-persist entnanosizedcavity macrocycle,syntheticmetals20xx,xxx,xxxx-xxxx. Researchinterests syntheticorganicchemistryinnaturalproducts; asymmetricsynthesis. englishproficiency


国外英文简历模板 Film Editor Resume Template Todd Holtry 8736 West Rodeo Ave Los Angeles, CA 90192 (203)555 - 3281 __________________ OBJECTIVE Motion Picture Film Director. EXPERIENCE "Shoot Out." Director. New Wave Films, 2001. Executive Producer: Scott Bailey Winner, American Film Academy, Best Cinematography "Slow Dance on the Killing Ground." Director. InMax, 1998. Executive Producer: Oprah Saunders "Fragments of Reality." Director. Island Productions, 19992. Executive Producer: Sandra Green "Sporting Beasley." Director. Independent Production, 1990. Winner, Best Short Film, Solar Film Festival EDUCATION University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA B.A., Film Studies, 1990 REFERENCES


感受1. 我个人觉得文章和科研经历还是非常重要的,外导在看了我的CV后,我想他就心里可能就打算要我了。因为我有5年国内著名设计院的工作履历。后面要求发邀请函、研究计划和入学通知书等事情都非常顺利。 感受2. 一定要让外导知道自己的潜力,所以和外导套磁过程中一定要充分展示自己的想法,可以提及自己所做的科研以及可能可改进的地方,与外导一同讨论。 感受3. 加强联系渠道,大多数同学都只是使用Email。因为时差和回复的技巧性导致最后失败的不在少数,那么这是时候最简单最有效的途径就是电话。可以使用skype进行经常性的联系。要迅速回复邮件,机不可失。所以我经常在套磁的时候几天不合眼。将email与手机闹钟绑定,半夜2,3点钟起床回复邮件。 感受4. 多了解一些套磁的技巧,还是非常管用的。例如信件的名字要起的好,小木虫上已经有很多的经验了,我给所有的外导的信的题目都是Prof. XXXX,全部命中。然后至少强读5篇该外导的最新的论文,探寻他的科研热点,解读他的兴趣兴致所在。 感受5. 最重要的一点,坚持的力量是多么强大的,在任何时候都不能放弃自己的信念,想出国就一路走到底,我也是最后才确定将麻省理工作为自己的联培学校,并跟家人多次商讨一致决定的结果。CSC不成功,可以走全奖,所以我当初的设想是要是CSC失败了,我还是会申请出国的,而且博士阶段CSC的机会只有一次,要力求把握好的话,只能申请名校,要top5。 广撒网,重点培养,寻求top5。切记重点培养! 下面是我的套磁信,请虫友们批评指正。 Email的subject:XX Prospective Visiting PH.D Student Financed by China Scholarship Council 第一封套磁信: Dear Prof. My name is XXX, a 1st year Ph. D student from School of XXX, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. XXX, and my major is XX Engineering. I write this email to inquire whether an open position as a visiting Ph.D student is available. Recent years, China government encourages Chinese student to do the research study abroad and will pay us sufficient living expense($1700 per month). Hence I think it's a good chance for me to join an international leading research team to continue my research career. I think it's much helpful to open my mind. As I know, you are the leading scientist in this field of Offshore Engineering. Your research on this field deeply attracts me. So I write to you to see if you can offer me a chance to enter your group under your supervision for further education. My CV is attached in the attachment. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards,


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除csc国内导师推荐信 篇一:20XX年联合培养博士研究生国内导师推荐信 20XX年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目 联合培养博士研究生国内导师推荐信 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――申请人姓名:博士所在年级及博士毕业时间:国内所学专业/研究方向:拟留学专业/研究方向: 拟留学国别、单位: 导师推荐信内容(联合培养博士生国内导师应提交推荐信,主要内容包括:对申请人推荐意见;重点对申请人出国学习目标要求、国内导师或申请人与国外导师的合作情况及对国外院校、导师的评价等)。如: 基金委: **同志近两年来一直在进行**方面的研究工作,在**等

方面具有较好的工作积累。自****开始,就读本所在职博士,研究课题为****,本申请项目为其研究课题的重要组成部分。目前,在****研究方面,已公开发表第一作者scI论文一篇,另有一篇已投递。对于本申请项目,也进行了相关的前期探索性研究,取得了一些有意义的成果。同时,****同志作为研究骨干参加了****项目“****”,发挥了积极的作用。另外,作为主要研究人员,还参加了国家自然科学基金、****等课题的研究工作,具有较丰富的科研经验,已具备了独立 承担科研课题的能力。 鉴于此,特推荐其申请国家自然科学基金项目。如获资助,可保证其具有充足的工作时间用于本项目的研究,提供一切项目研究中所需的实验和分析测试设备,并就项目执行过程中出现的问题,给予诚恳地建议。 国内导师签字:日期:备注:国内导师意见由受理单位按要求扫描上传至国家留学基金管理委员会信息平台篇二:联合培养博士研究生国内导师推荐信 武汉大学20XX年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目 联合培养博士研究生国内导师推荐信 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――申请人姓名:博士所在年级及博士毕业时间:国内所学专业/研究方向:拟留学专业/研究方向:


个人简历 CURRICULUM VITAE Note: Please complete this form in English. If you wish to be considered as a bilingual or trilingual candidate, please complete separate forms in each language. 备注:请用英文填写申请表。如具备双语或多门外语,请使用每种语言单独填表。 1. FAMILY NAME FIRST NAME 2. I.D Card No. 3. DATE OF BIRTH (day/month/year) 4. NATIONALITY 5. GENDER MALE □FEMALE □ 6. MARITAL STATUS SINGLE □MARRIED □DIVORCED □WIDOWED □ 7. CURRENT ADDRESS 8. PERMANENT ADDRESS 9. CONTACT INFORMATION Mobile: ( ) Home: ( ) E-mail: 10. EMERGENCY CONTACT: NAME PHONE NUMBER RELATIONSHIP 11. KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER LANGUAGES (Good, Useful, A little) LANGUAGES READ WRITE SPEAK LISTEN AND UNDERSTAND GRADE (IELTS, TOEFL, TEM, CET) Recent Photo 最近照片


申请联合培养博士给国外导师联系 我打算申请的是联合培养博士生,今年博二。昨天,我刚收到外方导师的邀请函,申请的学校一般,但对方导师是我们领域的大牛。在***有很多同学要我的邮件,看来大家对这比较关注。因此,我把我的申请过程在这里整理一下,顺便把通讯邮件附上。 原来担心对方名气太大了,恐怕不要我。也听别的同学说,这一步是比较耗时间的。所以开始时,我做好了被拒的心理准备。10月18日发出我的申请邮件,打算没有消息一周后再发下一封申请信。申请函的内容如下: Email 标题:Application letter for XX from Harbin Institute of Technology in P. R. China Dear Prof. XX: I'm XX, a 2nd year PhD candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. XX. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in XX in the world. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have been attached. My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers in the journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition, 2 papers were submitted. And now I'm doing XX. I am not applying a full time PhD programme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-education experiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type of co-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The study period abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have to accomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology), so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University. And this programme runs like this, students meet the application requirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area is among the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire an official invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, all I need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The date of enrollment I'm considering is September/October 2010. In order to make sure I can catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all the application stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January, 2010. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter from USA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to make sure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if you can't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon as possible! Yours sincerely, 但是没想到,我的这个过程出奇的顺利:在电子子邮件发出的三天后,大牛给我回信,非常高兴的接受了我的申请,回信如下:


Dear Professorx, I am a 2rd year PhD Candidate from xUniversityin P.R.Chinaand I am now applying for Joint-Supervision PhD student program. The committee told me that I should contact one potential advisor who can guide my research before I submit my application. Thus I write this letter to you to enquire the possibility for me to do research with you under your supervision. I learned your field of study and experience from the website and your papers. I am really interested in your field and your researches did inspire me a lot. The area I am now focusing on is the research on the……In this research, I am planning to…… One thing should be mentioned is that the china scholarship council(CSC) will provide financial support for my research in the U.S., which include both the daily expenses and the transportation cost. If you have any question, please contact me via this email (xiaokuikuihnu@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/497288722.html,). And you can learn more about me in the attachment (CV).Thanks for sparing time to read my letter. I am looking forward to your reply. Thanks.


高校研究所科研人员英文简历模板 导语:简历的整洁度,美观度,完整度决定了这是否是一份好简历,今天WTT就为大家带来高校研究所科研人员英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 高校研究所科研人员英文简历模板 Donald Jobs Research Area: Bio-pharmacy TEL: (+86) 138-0013xxxxx Date of Birth: February. 1987 Political Status: Member of munist Party of China Education Graduation: 20XX.06 Georgia Institute of Technology 09/20XX-06/20XX Study abroad, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jobs University 09/20XX-06/20XX

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dr. Jobs University 09/20XX-06/20XX Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biological Science and Technology Tutor: Mr.Jobs; Research Area: Bio-pharmacy CSC Scholarship 06/20XX Scholarship for Outstanding Students 12/20XX Research Projects Research on Antigen Presenting with Phage Display 04/20XX-06/20XX Conduct survey of literature and liaise with other labs Coordinate upkeep and sterility of laboratory glassware municated findings and draft weekly progress reports to Professor Smith 04/20XX-02/20XX 04/20XX-03/20XX Research Achievements


高校科研岗位英文简历模板 导语:简历的整洁度,美观度,完整度决定了这是否是一份好简历,今天小编就为大家带来高校科研岗位英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 高校科研岗位英文简历模板 Education Graduation: 2015.06 Georgia Institute of Technology 09/2013-06/2014 Study abroad, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jobs University 09/2010-06/2015 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dr. Jobs University 09/2006-06/2010 Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biological Science and Technology Tutor: Mr.Jobs; Research Area: Bio-pharmacy CSC Scholarship

06/2013 Scholarship for Outstanding Students 12/2007 Research Projects Research on Antigen Presenting with Phage Display 04/2013-06/2015 Conduct survey of literature and liaise with other labs Coordinate upkeep and sterility of laboratory glassware Communicated findings and draft weekly progress reports to Professor Smith 04/2012-02/2013 04/2011-03/2012 Research Achievements Defect recombination induced by density-activated carrier diffusion in nonpolar InGaN quantum wells journal paper Appl. Phys. Lett, 103, 123506(2013) Reducing the efficiency droop by lateral carrier confinement in


xx 大学“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”研修计划 Research Plan for CSC Scholarship Program, xx University 姓名/Name 学号/Student ID 性别/Gender 出生年月日/Date of birth 所在学院/College 所学专业/M ajor 国内导师/Domestic superivsor 留学国别/Hosting foreign country 留学院校/Hosting foreign institution 留学院系/Hosting faculty or department 国外导师/Hosting foreign supervisor 学习期限/Duration of study __months (from mm/yy to mm/yy) 研究课题名称Research Title: 科研课题背景介绍Research Background: 申请人国内科研准备工作概述Theoretical R eview : 出国学习预期目标The Goals Of The Research: 科研方法The E xperimental Methods: 科研工作时间安排Time Plan : 回国后工作/学习计划The Study/W ork Plan After R eturning To China: 国内导师签字Signature Of Domestic S upervisor : Date(yy/mm/dd) : 国外导师签字Signature Of Hosting Foreign S upervisor: Date(yy/mm/dd):

CSC 公派申请资料清单

附件三: 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目 申请者需向学校提交的申请材料清单 1.《国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目攻读博士学位申请表》 或《国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目联合培养博士申请表》 2. 中文成绩单复印件 3. 最高学历/学位证书复印件 4. 主要科研成果复印件 5. 国外导师简介 6. 获奖证书复印件 7. 外语水平证明复印件 8. 攻读博士学位学习计划/联合培养博士联合培养计划 9. 邀请信/入学通知书复印件 10. 外方收取学费明细表/免学费证明/费用说明 11.国家留学基金委立项奖学金项目要求提供的其他材料 12. 有效身份证复印件 13. 国内导师推荐信(联合培养博士生申请人需提供) 14. 两封专家推荐信(攻读博士学位研究生申请学费资助人员需提交) 备注:申请时请按顺序用燕尾夹夹好,无需装订。

2015年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目 申请者需向学校提交的申请材料要求 1.《华南理工大学国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目攻读博士学位申请表》《华南理工大学国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目联合培养博士申请表》 2. 中文成绩单复印件 包括本科、硕士(如有)、博士(如有)所有阶段,直至最近一学期的成绩。成绩单需加盖各阶段所在学校教务部门公章,中文版本。 3. 最高学历/学位证书复印件 已经获得的最高学历证明(毕业证)和学位证明(学位证)复印件。 应届本科毕业生无需提供。硕博连读博士生应提供大学本科学历、学位证书复印件。如最高学位在国外大学/教育机构获得,可无需提供最高学历证书复印件。 4. 主要科研成果复印件 需提供主要科研成果清单及摘要,请勿提供整篇论文。所有科研成果清单及摘要均需校内导师签名确认。主要包括申请参与科研及学术论文发表情况(应列出作者排名)。切勿提交论文、著作全文,提供论文、著作概述即可(每项成果简介最多不超过两页)。 5. 国外导师简介 主要包括国外导师的教育、学术背景;目前从事科研项目及近五年内科研、论文发表情况;在国外著名学术机构任职情况等,原则上不超过一页。国外导师简历需由其本人提供并签字,特殊原因外方导师不能签字,可由国内导师或相关专家审核签字。应届本科毕业生无需提供。如应届本科毕业生拟在国外进行硕博连读,暂时无法确定国外导师,可暂不提供,但需在《申请表》“国外导师”栏中加以说明。如有多位导师的情况,请提交由实际指导教师提供并签名的简历。A4纸,不超过3页。 6. 获奖证书复印件 最近5年内所获最高级别奖项,最多不超过3项; 7. 外语水平证明复印件


自己成功申请第二批CSC,在一篇帖子里说过要是自己中了CSC就会写一篇关于CSC申请的大总结,现在我将我自己申请CSC过程中的一些过程记录下来,与大家分享,另外也回馈与小木虫,感谢小木虫这段时间内的帮助与指导! 我申请的是西欧小国——比利时,我将我自己联系导师过程中自己的情况说下: (1)我是硕博连读的,今年博士一年级,没拿到学校的硕士毕业证; (2)没有雅思或者托福成绩; (3)GPA较高,3.6左右; (4)文章情况:4篇SCI(导师都是第一作者,其中第二作者1篇(化工类顶级期刊),第三作者2篇,第四作者1篇(研究方向较为权威的期刊)),EI会议第一作者1篇。 在联系比利时外导之前,由于我是硕博连读的,所以就打算第一批是进行联合培养,申请了加拿大的一所大学,大学名气不高,由于对CSC的政策非常不了解,所以到最后也没能理解CSC的三个“一流”的原则。我发给教授CV后,教授虽然对我很满意,但是由于课题方向和免学费的要求等原因,与加拿大外导师联系了近3个月后,外导说由于免费用这一条无法满足学校的要求,所以直接被拒了,不发邀请函,这与自己第一次联系外导没经验有关,不过也正是这一次的经验教训,也让我了解了如何更好的联系外导,当然还要得益于好友gamy和beibei版主等人的大力帮助。 在进行联合培养之前,我采取的策略是选择几个不同国家地区的教授进行联系,不过我每批次联系的教授不会超过3个,没有采取海投的策略。 第一个外导没联系成功后,又陆续联系了加拿大和美国的几个教授,得到的回复都是no,没办法,人品不佳的时候,吃口饭也能噎死人。到了3月份初的时候,第一批时间快截止的时候,我的雅思还没考,邀请函也没有,啥都没有。总之,失败对我来说已经是注定了,没法改变了,但是我还是没有放弃,转变方向,继续投了欧洲国家的大学,我发现比利时的一个研究院的方向和我国内的博士课题非常相像,外导师也是大牛,但是后面外导回复说手上没有相应的课题。 眼看实在是没办法了,第一批时间就快到了,我就放弃了联合培养,打电话到研究生院主管老师那边详细询问了CSC的政策,我还询问了有没有第二批联合培养的政策呵呵,不过研究生院老师说可以考虑下申请第二批攻博,呵呵这下给了明灯了,又看到了希望,所以我就和自己的导师商量了下,问了他能否愿意让我出国攻博。那时我的胆子小,和导师相处了4年了(大三暑假就进实验室和导师做实验,硕士两年,博士一年),仍然没摸清导师对我出国的看法,问了我师兄,我师兄说老板支持出国,最后我和老板打成一致意见,和老板商量说我要进行博士转硕士答辩,放弃学校的博士学位(比利时大学要求有硕士学位),老板当场同意转硕士答辩呵呵。学校规定转硕士后,博士的学籍不再保留,这也就意味着出不了国,我就得乖乖的走人,呵呵,另谋出路了呵呵。 后面就是自己重新确定了国外的大学,将目标锁定在欧洲非英语国家,另外对自己的研究方向重新做了修改,方向和在国内的研究方向有一定的差别。这时,我开始大量查看文章,将国外不同大学的教授发的文章都细细查看,对这些教授所在的大学做了记录,并对这些大学按照CSC提供的500强的排名榜做了排名。最后就选定了比利时的大学,另外对还比利时大学的教授的名气做了调查,发现是个大牛呵呵,这时,我想我应该走运了。 后面就是精心做了CV,直接发email联系比利时大学的外导,过了2天,教授就回复了,看了我的CV,教授问我想要做什么,是做访问呢还是攻读博士学位? 我向教授解释了想攻读博士学位的意愿后,同时,在邮件里写了个长长的信,信中我直接和外导阐述了我想做的博士课题以及对课题的研究内容与方法等内容,另外我与教授说了


Dear Prof. xx: I’m ×××, a 1st year PhD candidate from Lanzhou University of Technology, . As I’m top student in my department, I am eligible to receive a national wide scholarship of China, which will support those PHD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in Germany. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on alkaline rocks and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers, and your group is one of the leading groups in the world in that area. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV has been attached. My research area is mainly about igneous petrology, and recently I am very interested in alkaline rocks, especially in the petrogenesis of coexisting SiO2 –undersaturated and -oversaturated alkaline rocks. I have published 1 journal paper and 2 conference papers during my master stage. In addition, a paper is being revised and other two are being prepared. I want to apply for a full time PHD programme, but I’m not sure if there is a position in your group. This programme will be supported by China Scholarship Council. The study period abroad varies from 36 months at least to 48 months at most. Then I will accomplish my doctor degree at University of xxx. And this programme runs like this, students meeting the application requirements can apply this programme, and my university and research area is among the main supporting universities and areas. Students must acquire an official invitation letter from the prospective tutor/university. Therefore, all I need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The date of enrollment I'm considering is September/October 2012. In order to make sure I can catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all the application stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January, 2012. And because it will cost a long time to mail your invitation letter from Germany to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to make sure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if you can't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon as possible! Yours sincerely, ××× Dear Pr. ~~~~ It is my great pleasure to invite your PhD Student, Mr !!!, to work for one year from September 2012 in our Department of Chemistry at the@@@. I had recently the opportunity to extensively communicate by e-mail with @@@ in English and I can
