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Comparative Analysis of mRNA and Protein Expression of Popdc1 (Bves) During Early Development in the


Comparative Analysis of mRNA and Protein Expression of Popdc1(Bves)During Early Development in the Chick Embryo?

Angela Torlopp,?Stephanie S.Breher,?Jan Schlu¨ter,?and Thomas Brand*?

The isolation of the Popeye gene family was based on its preferential expression in striated muscle tissue. Recently,a monoclonal antibody against chick Popdc1(also known as Bves)became available and was used in this study to comparatively analyze the expression pattern of Popdc1at both the protein and mRNA level during early chick https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4617557509.html,ing whole-mount immunohistochemistry,expression in the heart was ?rst observed at Hamburger and Hamilton(HH)stage10in the presumptive left ventricular segment. Cardiac expression was con?ned to differentiated cardiac myocytes,and undifferentiated myocytes at the anterior and posterior pole showed little expression.After looping,the outer curvature myocardium showed prominent Popdc1staining,whereas the inner curvature was unlabeled.Despite previous reports, Popdc1protein was not detectable at any time point in the proepicardium,epicardium,or the smooth muscle layer of the coronary vessels.Whole-mount in situ hybridization using a full-length Popdc1probe detected novel expression domains,which have not been described previously.Popdc1mRNA was found in Hensen’s node at HH stage4,and by HH stage5?,expression became asymmetric.In addition,Popdc1 mRNA was found in pharyngeal endoderm and in the notochordal plate.Subsequently,beginning at HH stage9,Popdc1mRNA expression was found in the cardiac mesoderm and expression was maintained in the heart in a pattern very similar to the one observed by antibody staining.Developmental Dynamics235: 691–700,2006.?2006Wiley-Liss,Inc.

Key words:Popdc1;Bves;Popeye genes;chick embryo;proepicardium;epicardium;cardiac myocytes



Members of the Popeye domain con-taining gene family were identi?ed in-dependently by two groups using a subtractive hybridization approach aiming at the isolation of novel heart-restricted cDNAs in the chick embryo (Reese et al.,1999;Andre′e et al., 2000).Orthologues were identi?ed in other vertebrates(Hitz et al.,2002; Ripley,2004),lower chordates(David-son and Levine,2003;Davidson et al.,

2003),as well as insects(Lin et al.,

2002).In invertebrates(Drosophila),a

single gene seems to be present;in

lower chordates(Ciona intestinalis),

two genes have been identi?ed;and

three genes,popdc1(also designated

as Pop1,Bves),popdc2,and popdc3,

constitute the vertebrate Popeye gene


popdc3genes are present on the same


man,10in mouse,and chromosome3

in chick)and are organized as a tan-

dem;both genes are separated by ap-

proximately17kB in mouse and man

and9kB in the chick(Andre′e et al.,

2000).The popdc2gene is on a sepa-

rate locus on chromosome3in man,

chromosome16in mouse,and chro-

mosome1in the chick genome(An-

dre′e et al.,2000).

?This article was accepted for inclusion in Developmental Dynamics235#1–Cardiovascular Special Issue

Cell and Molecular Biology,Technical University of Braunschweig,Germany

Grant sponsor:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG);Grant numbers:BR1218/9-4,GRK1048(Organogenesis).

?Present address for all authors is Cell and Developmental Biology,University of Wu¨rzburg,Germany.

*Correspondence to:Dr.Thomas Brand,Cell and Developmental Biology,Theodor-Boveri-Institute,University of Wu¨rzburg, Am Hubland,D-97074Wu¨rzburg,Germany.E-mail:thomas.brand@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de


Published online27January2006in Wiley InterScience(https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4617557509.html,).

DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS235:691–700,2006?2006Wiley-Liss,Inc.

The Popdc proteins have a novel structure lacking any known protein domain;however,one typical signa-ture of this family is a 70amino acid long hydrophobic domain close to the N-terminus,which by computer algo-rithms is predicted to form three transmembrane helices.Recently,it was shown that these putative trans-membrane domains are indeed func-tional (Knight et al.,2003).In addi-tion to this transmembrane domains,a conserved 150amino acid long se-quence is present in each Popdc pro-tein and was termed the Popeye do-main (pfam04831).Analysis of the membrane topology of the Popdc1pro-tein established that the amino termi-nus of Popdc1protein is extracellular and the carboxyl terminus is cytoplas-mic (Knight et al.,2003).Recent evi-dence suggests that Popdc1protein can form homodimers and the dimer-ization motif is part of the Popeye do-main (Knight et al.,2003;Vasavada et al.,2004).It has been proposed that Popdc proteins might act as a modu-lator of cell adhesion;however,its bio-chemical interaction partner or its ex-act function presently is unknown (Reese et al.,1999;Wada et al.,2001,2003).A null mutation for Popdc1in mice has been reported (Andre ′e et al.,2002).In these mice,there was no em-bryonic lethality and normal viability during postnatal life.However,null mutants displayed an impaired ability to regenerate skeletal muscle (Andre ′e et al.,2002).

The cloning of chick popdc1and

popdc2and recent analysis in the case of the mouse popdc3gene revealed the presence of several different isoforms that are generated by alternative splicing (Andre ′e et al.,2000;Breher et al.,2004).These splice isoforms en-code proteins that differ at the car-boxyl terminus.In case of the mouse popdc3gene,alternative splicing also occurs in exons that encode the trans-membrane domains and the Popeye domain (Wiegand et al.,unpublished).Thus,each popdc gene generates mul-tiple splice isoforms.

The Popdc1and Popdc2transcripts are strongly expressed in myocardium and skeletal muscle as visualized by Northern blot and in situ hybridiza-tion (Andre ′e et al.,2000;Breher et al.,2004).By reverse transcriptase-poly-merase chain reaction (RT-PCR),Popdc1transcripts at low levels are also detectable in stomach,gut,brain,kidney,lung,and spleen (Andre ′e et al.,2000).On the basis of the LacZ staining pattern in tissues of mice with a ?-galactosidase knockin into the popdc1locus,expression in the lung is con?ned to smooth and cardiac muscle cells lining pulmonary veins (Fleige et al.,unpublished observa-tions).Expression in stomach and gut is con?ned to the smooth muscle cell layer of the digestive tract.Searching of the expressed sequence tag (EST)database as well as results of SAGE data consistently revealed expression in cell types other than striated and smooth muscle cell types,including for example the embryonic pancreas or melanocytes.A polyclonal anti-serum (D033)directed against a con-served peptide of Popdc1detected in the chick embryo a protein that is prominently expressed in the proepi-cardial organ as well as smooth mus-cle cells of the coronary arteries (Re-ese et al.,1999).The expression of Popdc1in proepicardial cells was cor-roborated further by the demonstra-tion of expression of Popdc1both at mRNA and protein level in a rat epi-cardial cell line (Wada et al.,2003).However,until today expression in the proepicardium and later in the epicardium remains controversial.No expression of popdc genes was found in the proepicardium of the chick em-bryo by RT-PCR analysis (Breher et al.,2004).Moreover,only in the case of bone morphogenetic protein


Fig.1.Western blot and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)analysis of Popdc1expression during early chick embryogenesis.A:The Popdc1antibody recognizes the cytoplasmic domain of recombinant Popdc1protein.Western blot of bacterial lysate after 2hr induction (?)of Popdc1-MBP fusion protein production.As a control,lysate of a noninduced bacterial culture (?)was used.B:Western blot analysis of Popdc1expression using homogenates of embryonic day (E)7chick embryonic organs.Li,liver;Lu,lung;St,stomach;In,intestine;Bm,breast muscle;Lm,leg muscle;Ht,heart.Only in heart tissue was Popdc1protein detected.C:Detection of Popdc1protein in chick embryos between Hamburger and Hamilton (HH)stages 4and 12.Homogenates from whole embryos of the indicated stages were subjected to Western blot analysis using the Popdc1antibody.Popdc1protein was not detectable in total embryo homog-enates before HH stage 11.D:RT-PCR analysis of Popdc1expression.RNA was isolated from whole embryos at HH stages 4–12.Popdc1mRNA was ampli?ed using primers detecting all known Popdc1splice isoforms.In addition,primers for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphhate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)were used to verify the integrity of RNA samples.


2–induced trans-differentiation of proepicardial cells to the myocardial cell lineage,popdc gene expression be-came detectable in this cell type (Schlu ¨ter et al.,manuscript in prepa-ration).A monoclonal antiserum di-rected against the carboxyl-terminus

of Popdc1yielded no evidence for ex-pression of Popdc1in the


Fig.2.Developmental series showing Popdc1mRNA localization in chick embryos from Hamburger and Hamilton (HH)stages 4to 11.All views of embryos are ventral;anterior is at the top;posterior is at the bottom.A:Popdc1is expressed in Hensen’s node at HH stage 4.B:At HH stage 5?,Popdc1expression in Hensen’s node becomes asymmetric being stronger on the right than on the left side.In addition,expression is seen in the anterior pharyngeal endoderm.C:At HH stage 7,left–right (L-R)asymmetric expression in the notochord is seen.D:At HH stage 8,symmetric expression in the notochord is seen.I:At HH stage 9(7somites),Popdc1expression is con?ned to the anterior segment of the right heart ?eld (arrow).At this stage of development,no expression is seen on the contralateral side (arrowhead).J–L:Arrowheads demarcate the extension of the expression domain along the anteroposterior (A/P)axis.J:At HH stage 9(9somites),expression is con?ned to the presumptive left ventricular segment.Note the different length of the expression domain on the left and right side.K:At HH stage 10(11somites),expression extends further rostrad and caudad.Intensity of expression as well as the extension along the A/P axis differs between the left and right side.L:At HH stage 11(13somites),Popdc1expression has further extended along the A/P axis.E–H,M–P:Transverse sections through the embryos shown in (A–D and I–L).Plane of sectioning is indicated in the individual panel.Arrows in F,G,M demarcate the right-sided expression domain,whereas arrowheads demarcate the absence of expression on the left side.Ec,endocardium.L-R indicates left–right orientation of the embryo.[Color ?gure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4617557509.html,.]


with the exception of embryonic day6 heart(DiAngelo et al.,2001;Vasavada et al.,2004).Moreover,no evidence was found for coronary artery expres-sion using this antibody(Vasavada et al.,2004).Likewise,the knockin of LacZ into the?rst coding exon of the popdc1gene in the mouse revealed no evidence for Popdc1expression in the proepicardium and epicardium or any other nonmuscle cell type of the heart at any time point during embryonic development(Andre′e et al.,2002).An-other monoclonal antibody(B0846)di-rected against Popdc1detected sev-eral epithelial structures in the early chick embryo(Wada et al.,2003;Osler and Bader,2004).This result was sur-prising because the mRNA expression of Popdc1has been reported to start at Hamburger Hamilton(HH)stage11 (Andre′e et al.,2000).

To study Popdc1expression during early chick embryogenesis and to?nd out whether expression of Popdc1pro-tein and mRNA do coincide,we ana-lyzed the expression of Popdc1protein using a monoclonal Popdc1antibody (DiAngelo et al.,2001).To analyze and compare protein expression pattern with that of the mRNA,a full-length chick Popdc1A probe was used for whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis.In the heart,Popdc1mRNA was detectable approximately7.5hr earlier than the protein.Thus,mRNA and protein expression differed tran-siently,which suggests a possible posttranslational control of Popdc1 protein.Both,mRNA and protein analysis revealed a consistently weaker expression level in the newly added anterior and posterior heart segments than in segments that were derived from the primary heart?elds (Kelly and Buckingham,2002;Abu-Issa et al.,2004).Consistent with our previous reports,we found no evi-dence for Popdc1expression in the proepicardium,epicardium,or in the coronary vasculature.Surprisingly, analysis of mRNA expression revealed novel early noncardiac expression do-mains of Popdc1;however,no expres-sion was found at the protein level. Thus,Popdc1mRNA and protein ex-pression differ in the early chick em-bryo;however,in the heart,Popdc1 mRNA and protein localization was similar.RESULTS

Recently,the characterization of a

monoclonal antibody directed against

Popdc1has been reported(DiAngelo

et al.,2001;Vasavada et al.,2004).

The initial description of Popc1pro-

tein expression using this antibody,

however,failed to analyze Popdc1pro-

tein expression during early chick em-

bryonic development.We?rst charac-

terized the antigen speci?city of this

antibody.Western blot analysis with

protein extracts of bacteria expressing

the cytoplasmic part of chick Popdc1

as a fusion protein with maltose-bind-

ing protein revealed that this mono-

clonal antibody recognized the cyto-

plasmic domain of Popdc1protein

(Fig.1A).In addition,detergent ex-

tracts of various organs of embryonic

day7chick embryos were subjected to

Western blot analysis(Fig.1B).We

found exclusive Popdc1protein ex-

pression in the heart sample.Two im-

munoreactive protein bands were vis-

ible,a major protein band of58kDa

and minor protein band of approxi-

mately55kDa.After substituting de-

tergent extraction by an extraction

buffer containing urea,immunoreac-

tive bands were also seen in case of

the skeletal muscle samples(data not

shown),suggesting that popdc1pro-

tein in skeletal muscle is crosslinked

to some other protein complex that

cannot be dissolved by detergents

only,as has been previously reported

(Vasavada et al.,2004).To determine

the developmental time of?rst Popdc1

protein expression,chick embryos of

HH stage4to12were subjected to

Western blot analysis using the


protein expression was found to start

at HH stage11.We next compared the

timing of protein expression with

Popdc1mRNA expression by RT-PCR

analysis using a set of primer that will

amplify all known Popdc1splice iso-

forms.In contrast to the Popdc1pro-

tein expression,Popdc1mRNA ex-

pression was detectable already at

HH stage4(Fig.1D).The expression

level increased at HH stage5and sub-

sequently decreased until HH stage7.

At HH stage8,the expression level

rose again and reached its maximum

at HH stage12(Fig.1D).The mono-

clonal Popdc1antibody detects pro-

tein expression at HH stage11,

whereas the Popdc1mRNA is already

detectable by HH stage4.

Since we have reported previously

that Popdc1is?rst expressed at HH

stage11in the chick embryo,we made

use of a full-length Popdc1A(Popdc1

splice isoform A,previously named

Pop1A)cRNA probe to perform whole-

mount in situ hybridization of chick

embryos between HH stage4and HH

stage11(Fig.2).Consistent with the

PCR data,we saw expression in Hens-

en’s node already at HH stage4(Fig.

2A,E).The expression domain within

Hensen’s node became asymmetric at

HH stage5,being consistently stron-

ger on the right side of the node(Fig.

2B,F).In addition,expression was

found in the anterior pharyngeal

endoderm in the head process.At HH

stage7(2somites),expression in

Hensen’s node still persisted;how-

ever,it was symmetrical at this time

of development(Fig.2C).Of interest,

Popdc1was also expressed in the

forming notochord.Expression was

found to be asymmetric being consis-

tently stronger on the right side(Fig.

2C,G).At this time of development,

expression was also present in the

ventral foregut.At HH stage8,ex-

pression persisted in the notochord

(Fig.2D,H).At HH stage9(7somites),

an asymmetric expression domain in

right heart?eld was observed(Fig.

2I,M).At HH stage9(9somites),

when the tubular heart has formed,

Popdc1expression was con?ned to the

presumptive left ventricular segment

(Fig.2J,N).The expression domain on

the right side of tubular hearts at HH

stage9/10(Fig.2J,K)was consistently

stronger and extended over a longer

distance along the anteroposterior

(A/P)axis.At HH stage10(11

somites),expression expanded ros-

trally and caudally(Fig.2J,O).At HH

stage11(13somites),the Popdc1ex-

pression domain included the right

ventricular and atrial segments,how-

ever,myocardium of the conus as well

as the sinus venosus did not show


To compare the pattern of expres-

sion of the mRNA with the protein,we

subjected chick embryos between HH

stage4and20to whole-mount immu-

nohistochemistry.No expression was

seen in embryos younger than HH

stage10(Fig.3A and data not shown).

At HH stage10,faint expression in


the embryonic heart was visible(Fig. 3B–D).At HH stage11,robust Popdc1 expression within the cardiac myo-cytes of the atrial and ventricular seg-ment of the tubular heart was seen (Fig.3E,K).Between HH stage12and 15,a rostrad extension of the expres-sion domain was observed and in-cluded?rst the proximal and subse-quently also the distal part of the out?ow tract(Fig.3F–H,O).However, Popdc1was not expressed in the sinus venosus at this time of development (Fig.3L).At HH stage18,myocar-dium of the outer curvature showed strong expression,while the inner cur-vature myocardium had little to none expression(Fig.3I,M).At HH stage 20,the entire myocardium was strongly labeled by the Popdc1anti-body;however,upon sectioning through the ventricular myocardium, the compact layer showed slightly higher expression than the trabecular layer(Fig.3J,N).By this time of de-velopment,the distal out?ow tract myocardium also showed Popdc1ex-pression(Fig.3P).

The presence of Popdc1in the pro-epicardium and in the epicardium is a controversial issue(Andre′e et al., 2000,2003).We have shown previ-ously that microdissected proepicar-dium does not express any of the three popdc genes,when analyzed by RT-PCR(Breher et al.,2004).We used the Popdc1antibody to address this con-troversy.Staining of frozen sections of a HH stage19embryo revealed the absence of Popdc1protein in the pro-epicardium as well as in mesothelial cells that have made contact to the ventricular myocardium(Fig.4A,B). Also at the mRNA level,we found no evidence for proepicardial expression of Popdc1(Fig.4C,D).

We also analyzed expression of Popdc1in later stages of heart devel-opment.At day7,Popdc1expression was present in atrial and ventricular cardiac myocytes but was not found in the epicardium,endocardium,or the atrioventricular cushions(Fig.5A).Of interest,at this time of development, atrial myocardium expressed higher levels of Popdc1protein than ventric-ular myocardium.Costaining of Popdc1and cytokeratin revealed ex-clusive detection of Popdc1in cardiac myocytes and absence of expression in the epicardium at day6,7,and9of development(Fig.5B–D).Previous re-

ports claimed that Popdc1is ex-

pressed in the coronary vasculature.

We therefore analyzed Popdc1expres-

sion in a day18heart and found no

evidence for expression in the coro-

nary vessels by costaining of Popdc1

and smooth muscle?-actin(Fig.5E).

These data demonstrate that Popdc1

protein as recognized by this monoclo-

nal antibody was exclusively present

in cardiac myocytes.


This study analyzed Popdc1expres-

sion during early chick embryogene-

sis.In the heart,Popdc1mRNA and

protein expression were temporally

separated by approximately7.5hr.

Both,mRNA and protein analysis re-

vealed a consistent weaker expression

level in the newly added anterior and

posterior heart segments,suggesting

that the level of Popdc1expression is

correlated with the extent of myocar-

dial differentiation.Consistent with

our previous reports,Popdc1expres-

sion was not found in the proepicar-

dium or later in the epicardium.

Surprisingly,analysis of mRNA ex-

pression revealed novel expression do-

mains of Popdc1at HH stage4in

Hensen’s node and,subsequently,in

the notochord.At the protein level,no

expression was found in these struc-

tures.Thus,Popdc1mRNA and pro-

tein expression differ in the early

chick embryo.

Popdc1Displays Left–Right

Asymmetry in Hensen’s Node

We found asymmetric expression in

Hensen’s node at HH stage5.At this

time of development,many genes such

as?broblast growth factor(FGF)8

(Boettger et al.,1999),Sonic hedgehog

(Shh;Levin et al.,1995),ActRIIa

(Levin et al.,1995),N-Cadherin(Gar-

cia-Castro et al.,2000),BMP4(Mon-

soro-Burq and Le Douarin,2001),Pcl2

(Wang et al.,2004),and NCX-1(Li-

nask et al.,2001)display left–right

(L-R)asymmetric expression domains

in Hensen’s node in the chick embryo.

These asymmetries,although subtle,

are of functional signi?cance,because

any alteration in their expression pat-

tern results in aberrant L-R axis for-

mation(reviewed in Brand,2003).Ac-


N-Cadherin are all expressed on the

right side of the Hensen’s node;how-

ever,each of these genes also display

expression in the primitive streak.In

contrast,Popdc1and NCX-1expres-

sion is con?ned to Hensen’s node(Li-

nask et al.,2001).At the moment,it is

unknown whether any of the signaling

or regulatory factors asymmetrically

expressed on the right side up-regu-

late Popdc1expression,or whether

Popdc1asymmetry is generated by a

down-regulation of Popdc1expression

on the left side.The null mutant for

Popdc1did not provide any evidence

for an involvement of this gene in set-

ting up the L-R axis(Andre′e et al.,

2000,2003).Of signi?cance in this re-

gard is our recent?nding that Popdc2

in the mouse is expressed in the node

(Froese et al.,unpublished observa-

tions).Nonetheless,coexpression of

Popdc1with N-Cadherin in Hensen’s

node is an interesting?nding,because

Popdc1has been implicated in modu-

lating cell–cell interaction(Wada et

al.,2001;Andre′e et al.,2003).Re-

cently,it has been described that,not

only molecular asymmetries are

present during HH stages4–7,but

that Hensen’s node and its descendent

structures such as the forming noto-

chord also display morphological

asymmetries(Dathe et al.,2002).

Whether Popdc1might be involved in

modulating epithelial polarity in this

context is an interesting question and

should be analyzed further.We also

found expression of Popdc1in the

forming notochord,which is a struc-

ture that is generated by a convergent

extension mechanism(Domingo and

Keller,1995).In this regard,it is note-

worthy that treatment with a morpho-

lino against Popdc1interferes with

convergent extension in Xenopus em-


Tubular Hearts Diplay L-R

Asymmetric Expression of


L-R asymmetry was also observed

within the heart?eld.Between HH

stage9and stage10,the right heart

?eld displayed stronger Popdc1ex-

pression than the contralateral side.

Of interest,Popdc2in the chick also

showed asymmetric expression,but it

was the left side that showed stronger

expression(Breher et al.,2004).Many






Fig.5.Absence of popdc1protein expression in the epicardium or coronary arteries of midges-

tation and late stage hearts.A:Transverse section through a chick embryonic heart at embryonic

day7.Expression is con?ned to cardiac myocytes.No staining is observed in the atrioventricular

septum(AVS),valvular tissue(arrowheads),or in the epicardium(E,arrows).B–D:Immuno?uores-

cent detection of Popdc1(red label)in cardiac myocytes and absence of staining in the epicardial

cells,which were identi?ed by an antibody directed against cytokeratin(green label)in sections of

day6heart(Hamburger and Hamilton[HH]stage28;B),day7heart(HH stage31;C),and day9

heart(HH stage35;D).E:Immuno?uorescent detection of Popdc1(red label)in cardiac myocytes

and absence of staining in smooth muscle cells,which were identi?ed by staining with an antibody

directed against smooth muscle?-actin(green label)in a section of a day18embryonic heart(HH

stage44).B–E:Sections were counterstained with4?,6-diamidine-2-phenylidole-dihydrochloride

(DAPI;blue label).A,atrium;C,cardiac cushion tissue;CV,coronary vessel;Ec,endocardium;LA,

left atrium;LV,left ventricle;N,neural tube;RA,right atrium;RV right ventricle;V,ventricle.


genes display L-R asymmetric expres-sion during early heart formation.The transcription factor Pitx2is expressed in the left portion of the cardiac cres-cent and in the left side of the heart tube(Campione et al.,2001).In the precardiac mesoderm,the extracellu-lar matrix molecules hLAMP and?ec-tin on the left and JB3on the right side are asymmetrically distributed (Smith et al.,1997).In frogs and ze-bra?sh,BMP4is predominantly ex-pressed on the left side(Breckenridge et al.,2001).Consistent with our ob-servation of asymmetric expression in the presumptive left ventricular seg-ment is the observation that the left and right heart?eld have unequal contributions to the tubular heart along the A/P axis.The right heart ?eld has a greater contribution to the rostral end(presumptive left ventri-cle)of the tubular heart and less to the caudal end(Stalsberg,1969).In addi-tion,there are some differences in temporal progression of cardiac differ-entiation between the left and the right side(Satin et al.,1988).Signi?-cantly,the?rst contractions in the tu-bular heart are observed in the right margin of the ventricular portion at the late9-to10-somite stage(Sakai et al.,1996).Whether and how this re-lates to asymmetric Popdc1expres-sion in the heart requires further analysis.

Popdc1Expression in the Tubular Heart Seems to Be Associated With

Differentiated Cardiac Myocytes

Popdc1also displayed a restricted ex-pression pattern along the A/P axis.Initially,expression at the mRNA

level was con?ned to the left ventric-

ular segment at HH stage9.Subse-

quently,expression gradually ex-

tended both caudally to include the

atrium and rostrally to include?rst

the future right ventricle,the conus,

and?nally the truncal region of the

out?ow tract.The stepwise addition of

positively stained cardiac segments is

also seen at the protein level.When

heart looping progressed,there was a

higher level of Popdc1expression in

the myocardium of the outer curva-

ture and less in the inner curvature,

consistent with our previous descrip-

tion at the mRNA level(Andre′e et al.,

2000,2003).It has been proposed that

the myocardium of the outer curva-

ture is the future chamber myocar-

dium,whereas the inner curvature

myocardium represents remnants of

primary myocardium(Christoffels et

al.,2004).Genes such as Nppa,

Chisel,and Cx40in the mouse heart

are representatives of a chamber-spe-

ci?c gene expression program,which

is under the control of various tran-

scription factors of the Tbx gene fam-

ily(Habets et al.,2002;Singh et al.,

2005).To what extent Popdc1expres-

sion at the post-looping stage is under

the control of this chamber-speci?c

gene expression program is an unre-

solved question.At embryonic day7,

myocytes in the compact layer appar-

ently had a higher level of expression

than trabecular cardiac myocytes and

the atrium displayed higher levels of

expression than the ventricular myo-

cardium.It is well known that gene

expression in the compact layer is

modulated by signaling factors de-

rived from the epicardium.

Popdc1Is Not Expressed in

the Proepicardium or in the


Previously,Popdc1has also been

named bves(blood vessel/epicardial

substance),based on its expression in

the proepicardium,the epicardium,

and its derivatives the coronary arter-

ies(Reese et al.,1999).We have re-

ported previously that none of the

three Popdc cDNAs were detected by

PCR ampli?cation of mRNA isolated

from microdissected proepicardia

(Breher et al.,2004).We now show

that that there is no evidence for

Popdc1expression in the proepicar-

dium,or subsequently in the epicar-

dium,both at the mRNA and protein

level.Moreover,we show here that

Popdc1is not found to be expressed in

the smooth muscle layer of the coro-

nary vessels.Expression of Popdc1in

the proepicardium has been observed

previously by immunohistochemical

staining using antibodies directed

against conserved peptide sequences

within the cytoplasmic domain of the

Popdc1protein(Reese et al.,1999;

Wada et al.,2001,2003;Osler and

Bader,2004).At present,we do not

know whether these monoclonal anti-

bodies detect only Popdc1or whether

these antibodies crossreact with some

other antigen that is expressed in the

proepicardium.In addition,it was

proposed recently that Popdc1is ex-

pressed in the early gastrula in the

epiblast and later in various epithelial

structures such as neural tube and

somites(Osler and Bader,2004).Our

RNA localization does not provide any

evidence for expression in the epiblast

at HH stage4but rather very speci?c

expression in Hensen’s node and sub-

Fig.3.Whole-mount immunostaining for Popdc1protein in chick embryonic hearts of Hamburger and Hamilton(HH)stage9to20.All views of embryonic hearts are ventral;anterior is at the top;posterior is at the bottom.A:HH stage9(9somites).B:HH stage10(10somites).C:HH stage 10(11somites).D:HH stage10(12somites).E:HH stage11(13somites).F:HH stage12(15somites).G:HH stage14.H:HH stage15.I:HH stage 18.J:HH stage20.Arrowheads in E–H demarcate the anterior border of Popdc1expression.K–P:Transverse sections through the embryos shown in E,G,I,J.Plane of sectioning is indicated in the individual panel.A,atrium;CL,compact layer;EC,endocardium;FG,foregut;G,Gut;NT,neural tube; TL,trabecular layer;V,ventricle.

Fig.4.Popdc1at mRNA and protein level is not expressed in the proepicardium or epicardium.A:Transversal cryostat section through a Hamburger and Hamilton(HH)stage19embryo immunostained for Popdc1and counterstained with Mayer’s hematoxylin.Strong staining is observed in cardiac myocytes(M)of the ventricle,whereas the sinus venosus myocardium(SV)and the proepicardium(P)are unstained.Boxed area is shown enlarged in A?.B:Section through a HH stage18heart showing immunoreactivity in cardiac myocytes but not in proepicardial mesothelial cells.C:Whole-mount in situ hybridization of a HH stage18embryo heart showing an unlabeled proepicardium(arrow).In contrast,the myocardium is labeled by the Popdc1 probe.Plane of sectioning is indicated by a bar.D:Transverse section of the embryo shown in C.A–atrium,C,cardiac cushion tissue;Ec, endocardium;M,myocardium;N,neural tube;P,proepicardium;V,ventricle;SV,sinus venosus.


sequently expression in the forming notochord and in the pharyngeal endoderm.Thus,the easiest explana-tion for these divergent results ob-tained with the D033and B0846anti-bodies,generated and characterized by the Bader laboratory(Reese et al., 1999;Wada et al.,2001,2003;Osler and Bader,2004),is that these anti-bodies do crossreact with another pep-tide unrelated to Popdc1.Alterna-tively,there might exist Popdc1 isoforms generated by alternative splicing that are not recognized with the antibody used in this study.

In a previous study of Popdc1pro-tein expression using the same mono-clonal antibody,it was reported that Popdc1was transiently expressed at day6in the epicardium(Vasavada et al.,2004).We were unable to con?rm this?nding and,rather,show here that Popdc1is exclusively expressed in the cardiac myocyte and is not ex-pressed in the epicardium,particu-larly not at day6of development. These differing results are probably due to some technical reason. Popdc1Antibody Does Not Recognize the Early Noncardiac Expression Domains of popdc1mRNA There are some differences between mRNA localization and protein detec-tion in our data.The early expression of Popdc1at the mRNA level in Hens-en’s node and in the notochord as well as in pharyngeal endoderm is not seen by antibody staining.One possibility is that the Popdc1mRNA is not trans-lated before the heart reaches a func-tional state.There are some prece-dents for this:both smooth muscle ?-actin and Troponin T mRNA are de-tected already in the early heart?eld, whereas translation only occurs shortly before contraction starts(Co-las et al.,2000;Antin et al.,2002).An alternative explanation would be that the protein produced by the mRNA that is present in early gastrulating embryos is not detected by the anti-body used here.The isoforms for Popdc1that are known presently are generated through alternative splic-ing and differ at the carboxyl termi-nus(Andre′e et al.,2000,2003).In case of the related gene popdc3in the mouse,we have obtained evidence re-cently for the presence of an alterna-

tive splicing event within the Popeye

domain.These splice products may

not be recognized by the monoclonal

antibody used here.To distinguish be-

tween these alternatives,we will

characterize the splice isoform pro-

duction in case of the Popdc1gene

during chick development.



Chick Embryos

Fertilized chicken eggs(White Leg-

horn,Gallus gallus)were obtained

from Lohmann,Cuxhafen.Eggs were

incubated at38°C and75%relative

humidity.Staging of the embryos was

performed according to Hamburger

and Hamilton(Hamburger and Ham-



For immunohistochemical detection of

Popdc1,a monoclonal antibody(3F11-

D9-E8)developed by Melinda Duncan

(DiAngelo et al.,2001)was obtained

from the Developmental Studies Hy-

bridoma Bank developed under the

auspices of the NICHD and main-

tained by The University of Iowa,De-

partment of Biological Sciences(Iowa

City,IA52242).Chick embryos were

?xed for2hr with4%paraformalde-

hyde,sucrose in?ltrated,and embed-

ded in OCT.Ten-micrometer sections

were taken on Superfrost slides.The

sections were?rst pretreated with

0.3%hydrogen peroxide in MeOH/

Aceton(1:1)for30min at room tem-

perature to block endogenous peroxi-

dase,washed for2–3min with water,

and incubated with blocking solution

(5%horse serum in1?phosphate

buffered saline[PBS]).This procedure

was followed by an incubation with

the3F11-D9-E8monoclonal antibody

at a1:10dilution.After several

washes with PBS,the sections were

incubated with a1:200dilution of a

horseradish peroxidase conjugated

horse anti-mouse antibody(Vector

Laboratories).After several washes

with PBS and0.05M Tris(pH7.6),

the immunoreaction was color devel-

oped using diaminobenzidine.Some

sections were counterstained with

Mayer’s hematoxylin.

For immuno?uorescent detection of

Popdc1and costaining of Popdc1with

smooth muscle?-actin(clone1A4,

mouse monoclonal smooth muscle

?-actin antibody SIGMA)or cytokera-

tin(clone LU-5,mouse monoclonal

pan-cytokeratin antibody Acris anti-

bodies),the frozen sections were incu-

bated with blocking solution and sub-

sequently with antibodies directed

against Popdc1(1:10dilution),cyto-

keratin(1:200),or smooth muscle

?-actin(1:200).Popdc1was detected

with a donkey anti-mouse antibody

conjugated with Alexa Fluor555(Mo-

lecular Probes)and binding of the cy-

tokeratin and smooth muscle?-actin

antibodies were detected with a don-

key anti-mouse Fab fragment conju-

gated to?uorescein isothiocyanate

(Dianova).After the?nal wash,nuclei

were counterstained with4?,6-diami-




Embryos were washed three times in

PBS and?xed in a methanol/dimethyl


overnight.Endogenous peroxidase was

blocked by incubating the embryos with






1:1)for2hr at room temperature.Un-

speci?c binding sites were blocked by

incubating the embryos2?1hr in2%

BSA,0.1%Triton X-100in PBS at room

temperature.Embryos were incubated

overnight in a1:200dilution of the

3F11-D9-E8antibody in TBST(0.8g of

NaCl,20mg of KCl,25mM Tris-Cl,


horse serum.After5washes for1hr

with TBST,the embryos were incu-

bated with a1:200dilution of a horse-

radish peroxidase conjugated horse

anti-mouse antibody(Vector Laborato-

ries).After5washes for1hr with

TBST,the immunoreaction was color

developed using diaminobenzidine.For

cryostat sectioning,the embryos were

in?ltrated overnight at50°C with a

7.5%gelatin/15%sucrose solution and

snap-frozen in dry ice–cooled isopen-


Whole-Mount In Situ


Whole-mount in situ hybridization

was carried out as described(Andre′e


et al.,1998).For expression analysis of Popdc1,a1.4-kb full-length cDNA clone(ChEST59k12)was identi?ed in the ChickEST Database(Boardman et al.,2002)and obtained from the MRC geneservice.For cryostat sectioning, the embryos were in?ltrated over-night at50°C with a7.5%gelatin/15% sucrose solution and snap-frozen in dry ice–cooled isopentane.The section shown in Figure4D was counter-stained with Fast Red.

Western Blot

For biochemical analysis,tissues were lysed in RIPA buffer(1?PBS,1%Ige-pal Ca-630[Sigma],0.5%Natrium-desoxycholate,0.1%sodium dodecyl sulfate[SDS],10?l/ml of a protease inhibitor cocktail;Roche).Each sam-ple(40?g of protein)was run on a 10%SDS polyacrylamide gel and elec-troblotted to a nitrocellulose mem-brane(Bio Trace;Pall).The mem-brane was blocked in5%skim milk, 1?TBS,and0.1%Tween-20and then incubated with a1:1,000dilution of the monoclonal3F11-D9-E8Pop1an-tibody.The membrane was washed three time with1?TBS-0.1% Tween-20solution and then incubated with a1:1,000dilution of a horserad-ish peroxidase–conjugated horse anti-mouse antibody(Vector Laboratories). in1?TBS,0.1%Tween-20,5%milk solution.The membrane was again washed three times,immersed in sub-strate solution(ECL,Amersham)for1 min,and then exposed to X-ray?lm. PCR Analysis

For RNA isolation,chick embryos of the indicated stages,from which the ex-traembryonic tissue had been removed were used.cDNA was synthesized from DNase treated total RNA by using AMV reverse transcriptase.PCR was performed by using the primer pairs: Popdc1fwd,5?-TTGCTCACCGTAGGA-TGTGC-3?;and Popdc1rev,5?-CGG-TTCATCTGAGTTGATCG-3?.cDNA in-put was controlled by ampli?cation reactions with glyceraldehydes-3-phos-phate dehydrogenase(GAPDH)primer: GAPDHfwd5?-ACGCCATCACTATC TTCCAG-3?,GAPDHrev5?-CAGGCC-TTCACTACCCTCTTG-3?.The PCR products were size separated on1% agarose gels.Production of a Maltose

Binding Protein–Popdc1

Fusion Protein

The carboxyl-terminus of Popdc1was

ampli?ed by Ex-Taq polymerase

(Cambrex Bioscience)using primers:





TTC-3?.The resulting fragment was

restricted with Eco RI and Xba I and

subcloned into pMal-2vector(New

England Biolabs).The resulting plas-

mid was transformed into BL21cells.

For the production of Popdc1fusion

protein,the recombinant bacterial

cells at logarithmic growth were in-

duced with IPTG for2hr.For control

purposes,cells that had not been in-

duced by IPTG(0hr)were used.In

each case,500-?l cell suspension was

centrifuged and the resulting cell pel-

let was taken up in SDS sample buffer

and size-separated on a12%SDS-

PAGE.The resulting gel was pro-

cessed for Western blot analysis.


This project was funded by Deutsche


9-4,“Functional Characterization of

the Popeye gene family”and GRK1048



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