当前位置:搜档网 › 大内科科室中英文翻译




1、消化科: Department of Gastroenterology

消化科简介: Introduction of Gastroenterology Dept.

2、消化内镜科: Center of Digestive Endoscopy

消化内镜简介: Introduction of Digestive Endoscopy Center

3、肝病科:Department of Liver Disease

肝病科简介: Introduction of Liver Disease Dept.

4、心内科: Department of Cardiology

心内科简介:Introduction of Cardiology Dept.

5、呼吸科: Department of Respiration

呼吸科简介: Introduction of Respiration Dept.

6、脑病中心: Encephalopathy Center

脑病中心简介: Introduction of Encephalopathy Center

7、肾内科:Department of Nephrology

肾内科简介: Introduction of Nephrology Dept.

8、体检中心: Physical Examination Center

体检中心简介: Introduction of Physical Examination Center

9、儿科: Department of Pediatrics

儿科简介: Introduction of Pediatrics Dept.

10、针灸康复科:Department of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation 针灸康复科简介: Introduction of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation

11、风湿病科: Department of Rheumatology

风湿病科简介: Introduction of Rheumatology

12、老年科: Department of Geriatrics

老年科简介: Introduction of Geriatrics Dept.

13、内分泌科: Department of Endocrinology

内分泌科简介: Introduction of Endocrinology Dept.

14、血液内科: Department of Hematology

血液内科简介: Introduction of Hematology Dept.

15、肿瘤内科: Department of Medical Oncology

肿瘤内科简介:Introduction of Medical Oncology Dept.

16、普内科: Department of Internal Medicine

普内科简介: Introduction of Internal Medicine Dept.


室内设计空间-中英文对照 General: 一般 Plan - 平面图 Elevation -立面图 Section - 剖面图 Detail Drawing- 大样图 Ceiling Plan - 天花图 Plan: 平面 lighting layout Plan - 灯光设计图 Electrical Layout Plan - 电图 (一般指带有电制-socket 的图) Fire Service Layout Plan - 消防系统 MVAC Layout Plan - 空调系统 Detail Drawing: 详图 Floor Pattern Detail - 地板图 Stone Pattern Detail - 石图 Schedule: ( 附助图表 ) Lighting Schedule - 灯具表 1\ Florescent Light 2\ Spot Light (directional /non-directional) 3\ Light trough Socket Schedule - 电气表 Window and Door Schedule - 门窗表 Hardware Schedule - 五金器具表 Sanitary fixture Schedule - 洁具(卫生设备)表 家居篇: Living Room - 客厅 Dining Room - 饭厅 foyer - 玄关 Kitchen – Bath - 厕所、浴室 Study - 书房 Store - 贮物室 Master Bed Room - 主人房 Guest Bed Room - 客房 Suite - 套房 Balcony - 露台


1、颅脑 大脑 cerebrum 大脑纵裂 longitudinal cerebral fissure 大脑皮质 cerebral 大脑镰 falx cerebri 大脑导水管,中脑水管 cerebral aqueduct 中脑 midbrain, mesencephalon 小脑 cerebellum 小脑幕 tentorium cerebelli 丘脑,视丘 thalmus 延髓 medulla oblongata 侧脑室 lateral ventricle 第三脑室 third ventricle 第四脑室 fourth ventricle 第五脑室 fifth ventricle 脑桥,桥脑 pons 脑干 brain stem 间脑 diencephalon 中间块 intermidiate mass 尾状核 caudate nucleus 脉络丛 choroid plexus 胼胝体 corpus callosum 脑岛,岛叶 insula 大脑脚 cerebral peduncles 大脑外侧沟(窝、裂) lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure 穹窿 fornix 透明隔 septum pellucidum 透明隔腔 cavity of septum pellucidum 额叶 frontal lobe 顶叶 parietal lobe 枕叶 occipital lobe 颞叶 temporale lobe 缘叶 limbic lobe 大脑动脉环 Willi's artery circle 大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery 大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery 大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery 基底动脉 basilar artery


信用证条款中英文对照——基础 27: Sequence of total 序列号 1/1 指只有一张电文 40A: Form of documentary credit 跟单信用证形式IRREVOCABLE 不可撤消的信用证 20: Data of issue 12345678 信用证号码 31C: Date of issue 开证日精 2002XXXX 31D: Date and place of expiry 信用证有效期 2002XXXX BENEFICIARY 'S COUNTRY 有效地 50: Applicant 信用证开证审请人(你们的客户名)ABC CO., LTD. CHINA 59: Beneficiary 受益人(你们公司名) EFG CO., LTD. ADDRESS 32B: Currency code amount 信用证项下的金额 USD XXXXXXX, 41D: Available with 议付适用银行 ANY BANK BY NEGOTIATION 任何议付行 42C: Draft at 开汇票 XXX DAYS AFTER SIGHT FOR FULL INVOICE V ALUE 见票XXX 天付款(发票全额) 42A: Drawee 付款人 ABOCCNBJXXX AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA, XXX BRANCH 某农业银行某支行 43P: Partial shipment 是否允许分批装运 ALLOWED 可以 43T: Transshipment ALLOWED 允许转运 44A: Taking charge 装船港口 XXXXXX PORT 44B: For transportation to 目的港 CHINESE PORT 44C: Latest date of shipment 最后装船期 2002XXXX 45A: Description goods and/or services 货物/ 服务描述 GENERAL MERCHANDISE 日用品 46A: Documents required 须提供的单据文件 1. COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE 一式三份商业发票 2. FULL SET OF CLEAN ON BOARD B/L MARKED FREIGHT PREPAID MADE OUT TO ORDER OF SHIPPER AND NOTIFYING APPLICANT


医院科室英语翻译大全 2010-11-16 16:10:59 责任编辑:悠然来源:浏览次数:1539 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科 psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科

thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部 in-patient department: 住院部 nursing department: 护理部 consulting room: 诊室 waiting room: 候诊室 emergency room: 急诊室 admitting office: 住院处 operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科 blood bank: 血库 dispensary; pharmacy: 药房 ward: 病房 laboratory: 化验室牤


常用室内设计词汇-中英文对照 室内设计-interior design 室内设计师- interior designer 建筑-architecture 建筑师-architect 景观-landscape 家具-furniture 灯光-lighting 照明-illumination 家居设计-residential design 商业设计-commercial design 软装-FF&E(furniture fixture and equipment) 人体工程学-ergonomics 空间-space 精品酒店-boutique hotel 草图-draft or sketch 规格-specification 汇报或讲解-presentation 渲染或着色-rendering 透视-perspective 规范-code 对称-symmetry 不对称-asymmetry 轴线-axis 空间篇 住宅类 客厅,起居室—living room 餐厅-dinning room 玄关-foyer 卧室-bedroom 主卧-master bedroom 次卧-second bedroom 客卧-guest bedroom 厨房-Kitchen 厨岛kitchen island 书房-study room 衣帽间-cloakroom 卫生间-bathroom , toilet , bath 储藏室-storage 楼梯-stair 阳台-balcony 花园-garden 露台-patio 商业类 1办公类 接待处- reception 候客区-waiting Area or lounge 会议室(小型的)-meeting room or seminar 会议室(大型的)-conference room 办公室- office 经理办公室manager office 开放式的工作区-work area 多功能室-multi-function room 2酒店类 入口-entrance 出口-exit 大堂-lobby 前厅-vestibule 过道-corridor 休闲区,等候区-lounge 宴会厅-ballroom 客房-guestroom 套间-suite 行政套房-executive suite 总统套房-presidential suite 健身中心—fitness center or gym 瑜伽-yoga 泳池-swimming pool Spa 咖啡厅-cafe 酒吧-bar 餐厅-restaurant 备餐-pantry 电梯-elevation or lift 卫生间-restroom 男-men's 女women's 影院-cinema 商务中心-business center 行李间-luggage store 盥洗室-lavatory 3其他类 天花-ceiling 长廊-pavilion 零售店-retail store 大厅(堂)-hall 展览-gallery


常用医学英文缩写对照表 AB ACEI ACT AG AMI ANA ARDS ASO ATP AVNRT AVRT BB BEE BT BuN C3 CBC CCU CHE CK CPAP CPR CT CVP DBP DCT DIC DM EF ENT FDP FUO GNS Hb HCO3- HCT HIV Holter IABP IHSS 实际碳酸氢盐 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 激活凝血时间 离子间隙 急性心梗 抗核抗体 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 抗链球菌溶血素“0” 三磷酸腺苷 房室结折返性心动过速 房室折返性心动过速 缓冲碱 基础能量消耗 出血时间 尿素氮 补体C3 血常规 心血管监护室 胆碱酯酶 肌酸磷酸激酶 持续正压通气 心肺复苏 凝血时间 中心静脉压 舒张压 双氢克尿噻 弥散性血管内凝血 舒张期杂音 射血分数 耳鼻喉科(五官科) 纤维蛋白原降解产物 不明原因发热 葡萄糖生理氯化钠溶液 血红蛋白 碳酸氢根 红细胞比容 人类免疫缺陷病毒 24h动态心电图 主动脉内气囊反搏术 特发性肥厚型主动脉瓣下 NTG OB P(A-a)O2 P2 PaCO2 PAMPA PaO2 PCAP PCWP PEEP pH PPD Prn PT qh qid qn qod RF RI RR S3 S4 SaO2 SB TPN SBE SBP SGOT SGPT SK SM T3 T4 TAT TIL tid t-PA TPN TSH 硝酸甘油 隐油 肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差 肺动脉第二心音 动脉二氧化碳分压 氨甲苯酸 动脉氧分压 肺小动脉压 肺毛细血管压 呼气末正压 酸碱度 结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物 必要时 凝血酶原时间 每小时1次 每天4次 每晚1次 隔日1次 类风湿因子 胰岛素 呼吸频率 第3心音 第4心音 血氧饱和度 标准碳酸氢盐 全胃肠外营养 亚急性细菌性心内膜炎 收缩压 血清谷草转氨酶 血清谷丙转氨酶 链激酶 收缩期杂音 三碘甲状原氨酸 甲状腺素 抗蛇毒血清 短暂脑缺血发作 每天3次 组织型纤溶酶原激活物 全肠道外营养 促甲状腺激素

医学报告 中英翻译版.pdf

101 of 121 Laboratory General Checklist 07.28.2015 实验室常规检查表 supervisory review of work, reassignment of duties, or other actions deemed appropriate by the biorepository director.工作的监督检查, 分配职责,或采取其他行动,似乎是生物研究者们最欣赏的 Evidence of Compliance 合规的依据: ?Records of corrective action to include evidence of retraining and reassessment of competency ?纠正措施包括培训和评估能力证据记录,记录关于培训和 评估的胜任的积极行为 PHYSICAL FACILITIES 物质设施; Inspector Instructions: 检查员指示: ●Floor plan and equipment locations地面计划及设备位置 ●Overview of Building Automation System (BAS), if available如 果有可能,可以建筑自动化系统(BAS) ●Physical facility (adequate space, acceptable temperature/humidity, areas clean, adequate storage areas, adequate emergency power)物理设施(适当的空 间,可以接受的温度/湿度,清洁,充足的存储区域,足够 的应急电源) ●Perimeter security and access security to specific specimen collections ●确保周边安全性和特定的样本集的访问安全 ●Is the work area sufficient for you to perform your duties safely and accurately?你的工作是否足够安全、准确地履行你的职 责?



医院科室英语翻译大全 2010-11-16 16:10:59 责任编辑:悠然来源:浏览次数:1539 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科

psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科neurology department: 神经科neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracic surgery department: 脑外科 department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科 registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部

in-patient department: 住院部nursing department: 护理部consulting room: 诊室waiting room: 候诊室emergency room: 急诊室admitting office: 住院处operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科blood bank: 血库dispensary; pharmacy: 药房ward: 病房

室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 自然 简约—对室内设计现象分析

室内设计外文翻译外文文献英文文献自然简约—对 室内设计现象分析 附件2:外文原文 Natural simplicity - on interior design Analysis Abstract: The natural, simple interior design show is a way of life, it allows us closer to nature, more emphasis on functionality, more concerned about life itself. create a poetic space. Keywords: minimalism; space; grade; interior design; feeling Ancient times, Chinese wooden framework architecture of ancient India, the Orient, Europe, building caves in ancient Greece, ancient Rome and so on decorative stone building closely integrated with the components, with the main building, however. dissolved into Europe in the early seventeenth century Baroque times and the mid-eighteenth century the Rococo era, began with the interior decoration of the main building separated from the main building external and internal fitting-out period in the use of the mismatch, thus leading to the main building and interior decoration of the separation, in the construction of the French court architecture and aristocratic mansion, the new occupation "decorative artisan" was born, the building's internal frequency continuous modification, fixed the main building, the replacement building, "clothing" the time has come. Baroque-style architecture of


1.POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历 2.Biographical data:一般项目: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4e19129818.html, Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race 姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族 4.Occupation Date of admission Informant History 职业入院日期病史叙述者病史 5.Chief complaint主诉 6.History of present illness现病史 Past history既往史: 7.Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases 平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史8.Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation 预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现 9.allergen: Trauma: Surgery: 过敏原外伤史手术史 10.Review of systems: (Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy) 系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) 11.Respiratory system:呼吸系统 12.Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing 咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘 13.dyspnea chest pain 呼吸困难胸痛 14.cadiovascular system: 循环系统 15.Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope 心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥 16.edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention3 m4 G: a6 ] h 下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压 Digestive system: 消化系统 Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting; L. N) o# e w! A$ H* W 食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea 8 G1 d; G# P$ `( ] 腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻8 t) }/ q7 i' v# ]6 V hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice% c2 h& ^) w% r/ G% s# i9 c- h 呕血黑便便血黄疸 Urinary system: 泌尿系统 Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia 腰痛尿频尿急尿痛7 D) {2 U/ K# ?5 L9 L V9 G dysuria hematuria nocturia polyuria oliguria facial edema 排尿困难血尿夜尿多尿少尿面部水肿Hematopoietic system 造血系统 Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleedig 乏力头昏牙龈出血" j9 w, N. P5 j m! C subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis ' z$ {% i; V4 r7 {- S 皮下出血骨痛鼻衄0 b* ?5 ] ~ R* a# b( A" g e* H Metabolic and endocrine system: 代谢及内分泌系统 Excessive appetite anorexia sweats cold intolerance 食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒" f8 X: \! j |4 A r6 z polydipsia tremor hands change of character obvious obesity 0 [: z) L! A& M/ {+ y$ l 多饮双手震颤性格改变显著肥胖* D* N. t& S& i# | p- _& ] - E. ^% k" v5 ]6 A* g emaciation hirsutism hair losing pigmentation 消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着: N d4 x! B5 R chang of sexual function amenorrhea 性功能改变闭经. T' J. A; Y, Z# ]2 f Musculoskeletal system - \+ }/ L6 H8 e8 A9 H; {# G


标识标牌中医院科室牌中英文对照(五) 心理咨询Psychology Consulting 佝偻病专科Rachitis Dept. 神经、脊柱Neurology Rachitis 神经科Neurology 贵宾(特需)门诊VIP Clinic 体检中心Physical Examination Center 风湿专科Rheumatism 挂号须知Notes for Registration 请便后冲水Please Flush After Use 请勿吸烟Please No Smoking 未经批准不得进入No Admittance 严禁吸烟No Smoking 医患沟通园地Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds 在此候诊Waiting Aera 暂停服务Service Suspended 急诊部 急救分中心办公室Office of Branch Emergency Center 急救中心Emergency Center 抢救室Emergency Treatment Room 急诊诊疗室Emergency Room 急诊化验室Emergency Laboratory 急诊收费Emergency Cashier 急诊药房Emergency Pharmacy 输液室Infusion Room 抢救监护室First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室Emergency Instrument Room 医师办公室Physician’s Office 观察区Observation Ward 医技科室 药剂科Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室Pharmacy Office 药剂科会议室Meeting Room of Pharmacy 制剂研究室Preparation Research Room


毕业设计英文资料翻译 Translation of the English Documents for Graduation Design Interior Design Susan Yelavich Interior design embraces not only the decoration and furnishing of space, but also considerations of space planning, lighting, and programmatic issues pertaining to user behaviors, ranging from specific issues of accessibility to the nature of the activities to be conducted in the space. The hallmark of interior design today is a new elasticity in typologies, seen most dramatically in the domestication of commercial and public spaces. Interior design encompasses both the programmatic planning and physical treatment of interior space: the projection of its use and the nature of its furnishings and surfaces, that is, walls, floors, and ceilings. Interior design is distinguished from interior decoration in the scope of its purview. Decorators are primarily concerned with the selection of furnishings, while


常用缩写 AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm 腹主动脉瘤 ABFB, aortobifemoral bypass 主双股动脉旁路术 ABI, ankle-brachial index 踝肱指数 ACA, anterior cerebral artery 大脑前动脉 ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme 血管紧张素转化酶 ACT, activated clotting time 活化凝血时间 ADA, American Diabetes Association 美国糖尿病协会 ADP, adenosine diphosphate 二磷酸腺苷 AEF, aortoenteric fistula 主动脉肠道瘘 AF, atrial fibrillation 房颤 AFB, aortofemoral bypass 主股旁路术 AGE, advanced glycosylation end product 高级糖基化终末产物 AHA, American Heart Association 美国心脏病协会 AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 健康保健研究及质量控制委员会AI, aortoiliac 主髂 AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 AKA, above-knee amputation 膝上截肢术 AMP, adenosine monophosphate 单磷酸腺苷 APC, activated protein C 活化蛋白C APG, air plethysmography 空气体积描记术 aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time 活化部分凝血酶原时间 ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker 血管紧张素受体阻滞剂 ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 ARF, acute renal failure 急性肾衰 ASA, acetylsalicylic acid 阿司匹林 ATN, acute tubular necrosis 急性肾小管坏死 ATP, adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷 AVE, arteriovenous fistula 动静脉瘘 AVG, arteriovenous graft 动静脉移植物


Department of ophtalmology眼科children hospital儿童医院 E.N.T.department耳鼻喉科 tumour hospital肿瘤医院 Department of stomatology口腔科 chest hospital 胸科医院 Department of urology泌尿科 field hospital野战医院 Department of orthopedic骨科 isolation hospital隔离医院 Department of traumatology创伤科military hospital陆军医院 Department of endocrinology内分泌科municipal hospital市立医院Department of anesthesiology麻醉科maternity hospital产科医院Department of dermatology皮肤科mental hospital精神医院 Department of infectious diseases传染病科infectious hospital传染医院Department of pathology病理科

Department of psychiatry精神科 affiliated hospital附属医院 Department of orthopacdic surgery矫形外科training hospital教学医院 Department of cardiac surgery心脏外科 out-patient department门诊部Department of cerebral surgery脑外科 In-patient department住院部 Department of thoracic surgery胸外科Nursing department护理部 Department of plastic surgery矫形外科Admission office住院处 Department of physiotherapy理疗科Discharge office 出院处 electrotherapy room电疗科 Registration office挂号处 heliotherapy room光疗科 Reception room, waiting room侯诊室 wax-therapy room蜡疗科 Consultation room诊察室


客厅 Livingroom 卧室 Bedroom 书房 Study 阁楼 Loft 楼梯 Stair 楼梯间 Stir Well 玄关 Entrance 卫生间 Bathromm 厨房 Kitchen ground plan 平面图 floor, storey 层 ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor) flat 套 (美作:apartment) stair well 楼梯间 lift shaft (美作:elevator shaft) fire escape 防火梯 staircase 楼梯 goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气 ventilation shaft 通风井 air conditioning 空调 air-conditioned 带空调的 flooring (一块)地板 floorboard 地板(总称) parquet 木条地板 herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板 tile 瓷砖 terrazzo 磨石子地 wall 墙 main wall 承重墙 partition wall 隔断墙 plastering 抹灰 skirting board 壁脚板 to whitewash 粉刷 facade 建筑物正面 window 窗 basement 地下室 penthouse 遮檐,披屋 attic, garret 阁楼 kitchen 厨房 dining room 饭厅 living room 起居室 lounge 吸烟室,大厅 bathroom 浴室 toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱 fireplace 壁炉 gutter 排水沟 drainpipe 雨水管,落水管 ceiling 天花板 flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园 roof 屋瓦顶 tile, roof tile 瓦 sand 沙 cement 水泥 mortar 灰泥 plaster 石膏 concrete 混凝土 reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土 gravel 碎石 brick 砖 slate 石板 marble 大理石 beam 梁,木梁 girder 钢梁 corrugated iron 波状钢 timber 木料,木材 pipes 钢管 wiring 电器设备 promoter 创办人 architect 建筑师 quantity surveyor 施工技术员 draftsman 绘图员 civil engineer 道路工程师 builder 建筑工人 foreman 工头 master builder 营造商,建筑工程队队长 (master) bricklayer 泥瓦匠,砌砖工匠 hodman, hod carrier 小工 plasterer 抹灰工 welder 焊工 joiner 工匠 electrician 电工 glazier 玻璃工匠 plumber 管道技工 plumber's mate 管道工 painter, decorator 油漆工 crane driver 吊车司机



医院各科室中英文对照 急诊室——Emergency Room 医院——Hospital 内科病房——Medical Ward 外科病房——Surgical Ward 儿科病房——Pediatric Ward 接生房——Labor and Delivery 手术室——Operation Room (OR) 心脏重症室——Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 重症室——Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 内科重症室——Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)

初生婴儿重症室——Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 儿科重症室——Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) 外科重症室——Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) 末期护理——Hospice 居家健康服务、药疗、物理治疗等——Home Health Service 化验所(进行化验研究)——Laboratory 门诊手术中心(一般非严重性手术)——Outpatient Surgical Center 药房(药物、医疗用品)——Pharmacy 医疗服务——Health Care Provider 医生——Physician 针灸——Acupuncture 过敏性专科——Allergy and Immunology 麻醉科——Anesthesiology

心脏科——Cardiology 心胸外科——Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 脊椎神经科——Chiropractic 结肠直肠外科——Colorectal Surgery 牙科——Dentistry 皮肤科——Dermatology 内分泌科——Endocrinology 家庭科——Family Practice 肠胃科——Gastroenterology 普通全科——General Practice 普通外科——General Surgery 老人病专科——Geriatrics


室内设计在环境上可持续的实践 摘要:本文旨在探讨在现代室内设计准则未保障环境可持续发展的前提下,室内设计师如何运用促使环境可持续的室内设计方案。为了给可持续室内设计的教育战略提供基础,本文研究环境可持续室内设计的实践。 关键词:可持续发展;可持续室内设计;室内设计实践 1 引言 目前,室内设计师已经认识到可持续室内设计的重要性,开始着手解决环境问题。尽管一些室内设计师在设计中采用环保的解决方案,但研究、探讨在还未完成它的可持续发展设计准则时这些方案如何作为设计组件而适用。这一实践将为可持续发展的室内设计教育战略提供基础。室内设计教育工作者会鉴别不常用的可持续设计元件,发展提高对具体元件认识的教学方法,同时继续教育课程也可开发室内设计从业者。因此,本研究探讨环境可持续室内设计的实践。 1.1 环境可持续室内设计 室内设计已被定义为创造性问题的解决过程:一个具有创造性、建设性行为的过程。它是一种有意识的思考过程,将学术知识与想象力结合在一起。其设计过程可以被看作是一系列的步骤或阶段顺序,既有传统的室内设计方法,也包括利用规划、原理图设计、设计开发、合同文件和合同管理等可持续室内设计,在设计完成之前,我们需要在各阶段都花心思。 在传统室内设计准则中,室内设计师创造、发展、交流那些具有功能性和审美情趣的室内环境解决方案。室内设计师通过这个过程以求达到功能性质量的室内空间,并为人类的感官提供美学感受。在室内设计工程中,成本是做决定时另一重要的方面。然而,环境问题和支持环境可持续设计的需求已经纳入了传统室内设计准则的范围内。 研究表明在传统室内设计准则中,装潢材料主要根据客户的喜好、需求、美学和成本二选择,材料对环境的影响并未视为像其他选择标准同等重要。室内设计师在选择材料是往往根据制造商的销售资料而很少寻找相互矛盾的信息。许多室内设计师对材料性能影响环境的知识只有有限认识。对于设计的发展,环境问题在室内材料和产品的选择和说明中是尤为重要的。 能否实现可持续发展, 重视创造环境可持续发展的设计标准等因素是十分重要的,但这并不意味着可以忽视其他传统的室内设计标准。环境、经济和社会必须长期彼此保持平衡,可持续发展。尽管就像Firey所说,是什么构筑了可持续室内设计没有单方面的定义,但在环境、经济和社会中存在连续的权衡和谈判。因此,本文旨在将可持续室内设计定义为一种将所有系统和材料与整体效果相结合的室内设计,以求减少对环境和居住者的负面影响,增加建筑物对环境、经济和社会的积极作用。但是需指出目前环境问题在设计过程阶段还为有
