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Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)(共 42 分)

I. Fill in the blanks according to the pictures given.(根据所给图片,完成句子):(共 5 分) 1. Here is a for you. 2. George would like to be a like his father.

3. Kitty usually takes a to go to Pudo ng.

4. This sig n mea ns we must n/ (根据所给音标,完成句子)

5. I don / like because they are too spicy. II. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions. (共5分)

1. We not to pollute the air. / pem I S /

2. Last Sun day, Jane visited the Shan ghai _________ with her friends.

3. He ate a __________before going on work ing. /sn?k/

4. _________ are everywhere around us. /ru:lz/

5. It takes my father 30 __________ to get to his office. /'m ?n?ts / '(选择最恰当的答案):(共14分) un cle. He lives in Tokyo. A the B a 2. Kitty?s dog is black. ___ A. It?s B. Its 3. My father likes _____ . A play ing the badm inton C to play the badm inton 4. Jane is a frien dly girl. She is always kind to ______ . A. others B. other C. another D. the other 5. We have already ______ America. A. be in B. gone to C. bee n to D. come to

6. There? only ____ butter in the fridge now. Let ?s go and buy some.

III. Choose the best answer ( 1. We have

C an

D / ___ nose is big. C. Her D. Hers

B to play badm

intons D play ing badm inton

A. a little

B. pie nty of

C. a lot of

D. a few

( )7. The baby is sleeping. Let ? go into the room _____ .

A. quite

B. quickly

C. quiet

D. quietly

( )8. Mr. Brown always goes to school _____ .

A. takes a bus

B. on foot

C. walks

D. by a bus

( )9. My diet is not as _____ as yours.

A. healthy

B. health

C. healthily

D. healthier

( )10. _____ a re the apples in all?

A. How many

B. How

C. Where

D. How much

( )11. I usually have bread _____ milk _____ b reakfast.

A. of, for

B. for, with

C. with, for

D. and, of

( )12. There must be ____ in this detective story. Do you think so?

A. someth ing stra nge

B. stra nge someth ing

C. anything stra nge

D. stra nge anything

( )13. .Please do not make any noise in the library.

A. make a little sound

B. keep quiet

C. have a short talk

D. talk

( )14. --- Shall we have a picnic this Saturday?

A. Yes, we do.

B. That?s a good idea.

C. Thank you.

D. Yes, we can.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词


1. We often go ___________ in the coun tryside. (cycle)

2. Today is my __________ birthday. (twelve)

3. I like to eat ___________ rice dumpli ngs with meat. (salt)

4. The old lady is walk ing slowly __________ the road. (cross)

5. We must not sing ___________ at ni ght. (loud)

6. Miss Guo is their class teacher. She teaches _________ En glish. (they)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共12分)

1.1 have already seen the film.(否定句)

I ________ see n the film ________ .

2. I?d like to be a nurse.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _ like to be a nu rse?

3. I don't want to be a fireman because I don?t like to put out fires.(对戈U线部分提问) you want

to be a firema n?

4. Mum s ays, ,Don?t play with fire again, Jack.?(保持原句意思)

Mum tells Jack ________________ play with fire aga in.

5. Samuel spe nt an hour to do his homework yesterday. (改为同义句)

________________ Samuel an hour to do his homework yesterday.

6. Eddie?l stay in Guangzhou for three days.(戈U线提问)

How ________________ Eddie stay in Guan gzhou?

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)(共38 分)I. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):(共28 分)

A. True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F



The ways people eat are really different between western and eastern coun

tries. The reas on for that is the differe nt dining tools and menus.

Easterners use chopsticks (筷子),or sometimes even grasp (抓住)rice

straightly with hands as Indians do. The thin and long chopsticks can't be used to

cut food, so we usually use our teeth to act as kni ves. We hold our food, meat or

vegetables with the chopsticks, bite off (咬掉)a part of it and rema in the other part on the chopsticks. That's the usual way we eat. We also hold up our bowls whe n we are havi ng rice or soup. Japanese hold bowls to have miso (日本豆面酱)soup without spoons. But all those habits are rude in wester n coun tries.

In the West, whe n you are eat ing, bowls and plates can't leave the tables. Food should be cut by kni ves. Of course your mouth can't touch the plates and bowls. So the regular process is like that. You cut the meat on the plate with fork and knife, send the meat cube into your mouth with fork and nothing will be retur ned back but the fork alone.

True or false:

()1. The ways people eat are really differe nt only because of the menus.

()2. Easter ners use chopsticks and forks.

()3. Easter ners use chopsticks to hold food, meat or vegetables.

()4. In the West, food should be cut by kni ves.

()5. Some of the eati ng habits easter ners have are rude in wester n coun tries.

B. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(共5分)


Little Peter is a boy of nine. He bega n to go to school whe n he was six, and now he is in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school but he is

ofte n late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late,

so he can?t get up on time in the morning.

This term, Mrs Black, Peter?s aunt, works in Peter?s school. She is strict with Peter and often tells the boy to obey the school rules and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he hurried to school, it was a quarter past eight. His aunt was wait ing for him at the school gate.

“ You are ten minu tes late for the first class, Peter. ” Mrs Black

said an grily.

ofte n late for class? ”“ Every time, whe n I get to the street corn er, I always sposa. gusays,


()1. Peter is in school for about ______________ years.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

()2. Peter is ofte n late for school because _______________

A. he likes watchi ng TV

B. he does n? t like to go to school

C. he sleeps well at ni ght

D. he can?t get up on time in the morning

( )3. Mrs Black is a _______________

( )4.The first class begi ns at

A. ten to eight

C. five past eight

( )5. The guide-post is for

A. drivers

B. Peter

C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passag e 选择最恰当的单词或词语完 成短文):(共6分)

Carol and Susan are very good friends. They are in the same __1__ at school and they often visit each others home at weekends. Now they are __2__ eight years old. Carol ?> mother has got a new baby. Carol is very __3__ to have a little sister. So she is always talk ing about her to Susa n. At first Susa n is very __4__ in the new baby because she does n ?t have any brothers or sisters. But __5__ some time she begins to get tired of Carol ? endless talking (喋喋不休地谈论 )about it. But Carol didn ?t know that her friend felt very bored. What ________ 6_ ____ S usan do? ( )1. A. grade B . table C. class D. group (

)2. A. all B . two C. both D. either (

)3. A. angry B . sorry C. surprised D. glad (

)4. A. in terest ing B . in terested C.happy D. pleased (

)5. A. before B . for C. after D. at ( )6. A. should B. is C. does D. must

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) :(共6分)

Hainan Island is very beautiful. It is f _______ 1 ___ away from Shanghai. But many people

s 2 their holidays on Hai nan Isla nd. The w _________ 3 _____ t here is ni ce. It?s warm and wet all the year round. There are many kinds of fruits there. People like eating the fruit very much. Hainan Isla nd is also famous for its beautiful beaches. People can swim, dive, c ________ 4___ shells and make s ___ 5 ___ there. I?m going there with my pare nts this wi nter holiday.

We?re going there by pla ne. It will cost us 3,000 Yua n. I?m sure we?ll have a good t __ 6_ there.

1. f _________

2. s ________

3. w ________

4. c _________

5. s___________

6. t __________ E. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) :(共6分)

Childre n from all over the world like to celebrate ( 庆祝)their birthdays. America n childre n are of no differe nee. America n childre n usually celebrate with a party. They in vite their friends to join the party. The party may not be held on the exact date of birthday if it comes on a school day. It may be held on the closest weeke nd in stead.

Today two kinds of parties are the most popular. One is held at home.

Parents make their house beautiful with balloons and coloured paper. They

prepare a special birthday meal. The childre n play games. The other one

is held away from home. Some are at a special restaura nt.

A. worker

B. teacher

C. doctor

D. mother

B. eight D. a quarter past eight

C. stude nts

D. teachers

The childre n eat pizza and ice cream. The waiters, who serve the food, also si ng and tell jokes to the childre n. Other parties may be held at a park, a movie theatre or some other places.

Every birthday party has a birthday cake with can dles on it. There is one can dle for each year of a birthday boy or girl $ age. When the can dles are lighted, every one sings the special birthday song: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.

1. Do all America n childre n celebrate their birthdays at home?

2. If their birthdays are on school days, whe n will they hold their birthday parties?

3. When childre n hold the parties at home, who may be very busy?

4. If childre n hold the parties at a restaura nt, what will the waiters do?

5. Accord ing to the third paragraph, if you are twe nty, how many can dles do you n eed?

6. Who would you like to celebrate your birthday? Why?

II. Writing (写话):(共10 分)

Write at least 50 words about the topic Good eating habits ” (以'良好的饮食习惯"为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

Suggested questions:

What do you usually do before/after eat ing food?

What do you usually eat?

What do you think of your eating habits ?

What should we do to have good eat ing habits?
