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English plays a more and more important role in the world nowadays. In the 21st c entury, with the development of society and science and technology, especially, afte r China entered into the WTO, China has a more important position in the world. T hough college English teaching in our country gets greater progress in recent years, it still has many serious problems. For example, to a great extent the college Engli sh teaching ignores the subjective positions of students in English learning, and the college English teaching is greatly influenced by test-oriented education. Most colle ge students can’t communicate with foreigners in English freely. The current college English teaching is in contradiction with the quick development of modern society, so it is very imperative to reform the college English teaching. The author puts for ward four solutions to the problems of the college English teaching, namely, ①cultiv ation of English learners autonomy, ②“student-centered” in English teaching, ③usi ng the multimedia to teach in the process of college English teaching, ④training th e college students’ English comprehensive application abilities.

Key Words

College English teaching; problems; test-oriented education;solutions; subjective posi tion;


英语在当今世界发挥着越来越重要的作用。在21世纪,随着社会的进步和科学技术的发展,特别是中国加入世贸组织后,中国有更多的机会与世界各国交流了,中国在世界上发挥着越来越重要的作用。尽管我国的大学英语教学取得了很大的进步,但仍然存在很多问题,比如,忽视大学生在学习英语中的主体地位;忽视学生兴趣的培养;大学英语教学当中仍然存在着较强的应试教学的色彩,其结果是尽管学了很多年的英语但却不能用英语与外国人熟练地交流。当前的大学英语教学与现代社会的快速发展存在着很多矛盾,因此改革大学英语教学就成了当务之急。就当前大学英语所存在的问题,作者提出了一系列的解决办法: ①增强学习者自主性,②教学中坚持以学生为中心,③利用多媒体增大课堂容量和提高兴趣,④培养大学生的英语综合运用能力,




English is a lingual communication tool that plays a more and more important role i n China. In the 21st century, with the development of society and science and tech nology, especially, after China entered into the WTO, China has more opportunities to communicate with other countries in the field of economy, politics, science, cultur e, etc. The world develops and changes so quickly, so does China. Consequently, th e severe condition requires that the college students should have the superior Englis h level. In recent years, our country makes great progress in college English teachi ng, but at the same time it still has some problems. College English teaching does not lessen the color of the test-oriented education, and people still regard the “CET -4 and CET-6” as key points to evaluate students’ English proficiency, and “60 mark s is enough”. And some teachers ignore the subjective posit ion of students. So thes e problems hinder the college students from heightening their English level, and it i s very imperative to solve these problems, so as to improve their college English co mprehensive application abilities.

I. Problems of Contemporary College English Teaching

A. The Neglect of Students’ Subjective Position

People emphasize the teaching functions excessively. Accordingly, they ignore studen ts’ subjective position in college English teaching, and it seriously hinders their devel opment of individuality and exertion of innovative spirit. A famous educator Wei Shu sheng said: the intelligent people would become extremely stupid when he is in a p assive position. The teaching activities will become tedious if it has no students’ par ticipation. In our country most teachers attach importance to their own positions in college English teaching; they have plentiful experience in holding the teaching and controlling the classroom, but they ignore the importance of students’ subjective pos itions. Most teachers spend much time in explaining, but they seldom give students enough time and space to practice their English; students have few opportunities t o go to the platform, so their courage and interest decrease. And most teachers sel

dom lead students to learn English by themselves, and help them to master the cor rect study methods, they only infuse knowledge into them, and they can’t motivate their interest in learning English. Thus, it is difficult for them to improve their Englis h comprehensive application abilities.

B. The Neglect of Cultivation of Students’ Interest

To stimulate and keep the students’ interests in learning college English is a import ant aim for the college English teaching, at the same time it should try its best to help the college students cultivate their interest. Einstein said that interest is the be st teacher, and this tells us that interest is very important for us; it enables studen ts to acquire plentiful knowledge. Moreover a Russian famous educationalist Ushinski indicated that the study which has no any interest will prevent students from purs uing the truth, so we can say that if we want to learn the college English well, we must have enough interest in it. But on one hand, the college English teaching in our country ignores t he cultivation of students’ interest in learning English and teach ers don’t pay more attention to the reaction of students, so we can say that it is a cramming education. (It means in the process of teaching, the teacher only explain s knowledge correctly and clearly, but he ignores the reaction of students). On the other hand college students are afraid of the thousands of words, especially, the ba ld grammars rules. They can’t get enjoyment from the English learning. In their min ds, learning college English isn’t the real need and happiness, but a heavy task and a burden for them. The college English is so terrible and repulsive for them that t hey can’t learn it well. Now we can conclude that interest is important for the colle ge students. As teachers, they should try their best to foster students’ learning inter est.

C. Mute English

Though we have made progress in English, mute English still exists in our country and many other Asian countries; as a result it seriously influences many countries’ developments of English level. In our country most students hardly link English lear ning with their future employment; they only take the present into account, so it ca uses many students only to repeat a lesson, accumulate the words, and to a great extent, they neglect the practice of oral English. Of course their oral English will be come poorer, and they are not able to open their mouths to speak it freely. Mr. Zh ang Yujin has studied English for nearly 70 years. Once said “Many students have l earned English over 10 ye ars, but nearly 90 percent of students can’t use it freely (translated).” According to the investigations, we find that most companies are not

satisfied with students’ English comprehensive abilities, especially with their oral Engl ish, to be concrete, the companies deem that there are only 5 percent of students are good at oral English, but 37 percent of them are extremely poor in it. (Zou Yo ngzhen,1998.2). These college students can read, write, but they can not communic ate with others in English. So they are incapable of making good use of English to improve their English level. These college students who are not good at spoken Eng lish don’t like communicating with the good students, because they think that they will lose their faces during the communication. In fact, maybe the poor students ca n learn some beneficial methods from their communication; it is useful for them to improve their spoken English. And the college English teaching lays more stresses o n the accuracy and integrity of English and grammar. This concept seriously mislead s the students. In their opinion, English study requires integrity and accuracy, and t he spoken language also should be integrated and correct, the students have heavy pressure. Consequently they have no enough courage to speak English. The mute English heavily hinders the college students from improving oral English.

D. Impact of Test-oriented Education

Test-oriented education indicates that it separates from the real needs of developme nts of society and human. The final aim of test-oriented education is to pass the e xamination. It seriously breaches the development of students’ physical and mental health. And it only attaches great importance to the good students. To a great exte nt, it ignores most students, so it is easy to hurt their esteem, confidence and their interest in learning English. As a matter of fact, it is an eliminative education.

At present, the college English education does not reduce the influence on the test-oriented education, on the contrary, they regard CET-4 and CET-6 as keys, and dee m that 60 marks is enough, and this kind of wrong concept can’t reach the aim of applications of college English teaching. The oriented-education has no flexible teac hing methods. The students can’t use the knowledge flexi bly by this hidebound met hod. For example, though many students have accumulated a large number of word s, most of them can’t recognize them when they meet them in some concrete cont exts or in communications, as a result they know these words but can’t use them. As assistant premier Li Lanqing said that many students have learned English for ab out eight years or twelve years, but they can’t read the English books skillfully, esp ecially, their listening and speaking are very poor. They can’t communicate with fore igners directly; therefore it is easy for them to lose their confidence and interest in English. In order to pass the CET-4 and CET-6, most students cheat on an examin ation, so their marks can not reflect their own English level correctly. Sun Fuchu, a

famous English professor in Qinghua University, has taught English for nearly 30 y ears, and he has about a thousand students, he is an experienced English teacher. At present, he is anxious about the actualities of college English in our country. He said that college English has already become a test tool completely, he even appe aled that the Ministry of Education should cancel the examination of CET-4 and CET -6. We can see the test-oriented education has bad influence on students.

The best education is the individual education, but the test-oriented education can’t let the students obtain the individual development, therefore under this condition of test-oriented education, students’ life is very tedious; their only activity is to study. And they are short of necessary skills of social communication and human commun ication, so they are not easily accustomed to the new circumstances and facing the trouble, and they have no enough ability to solve the problems by themselves. At the same time, their psychology endurance is very weak. Students’ ability can’t deve lop completely under the test-oriented education. The test-oriented education hinder s the development of students’ individual character, and we can say that it cuts the throat of their creativity. Under the mode of test-oriented education, the education al aim is very narrow, the method is stiff, and the college will become an educatio n machine soon or later. The college English teaching ignores the development of s tudents’ individual character, so it is i mpossible for students to train and enrich thei r character sufficiently. At present, most countries think that the most important ai m for future education is to pursue the educational creativity, and the future educat ion needs a loose, democratic and colorful atmosphere, but the mode of test-oriente d education provides a close, narrow school prison for college students. Of course, students are not able to acquire free, sufficient development from it. It is difficult f or students to become a creator but an operator under this kind of college English teaching.

E. Student’s Passive Position in Learning English

At present, most students are in the passive position in college English learning. Th ey do not know what position they are in, and that is, they have no clear thought of their positions. They are lacking of the consciousness of participation in the Engli sh teaching. According to the investigations we can conclude that most of students believe that the study is accomplished by the explanations of teachers, but few stu dents deem that they should accomplish the study by themselves or do it through t heir own endeavors. So this wrong idea leads them to ignore their subjective positi ons.

Some educationalists in our country change the educational idea actively according t

o Deng Xiaoping’s motto (The education should face the modernizations, face the w orld and future), and they suggest that the student-centered is a teaching principle; consequently, students should study how to learn it actively. But in our country m any students are prone to depend on their teachers; they seldom conclude the cont ents, key points, difficult points and questions by themselves, and they are accusto med to accepting the ready-made conclusions. It is obvious that they don’t preview and review the English book; they seldom digest the knowledge by themselves, bu t wait for the teacher to help them digest it in class. In class they infrequently thin k over the problems, and they have no habit that cooperates with teachers actively, when the teacher asks them to answer the questions, they just keep silence and wait for the correct answers. So their thoughts are very confined, and have no nov el ideas. They just hope that the teacher can do it for them, and it heavily prevent s them from improving their English level. Some investigations reveal that nearly 6o percent of students are not used to learning by themselves, making some preparat ions and asking teachers some key or difficult questions. Most of them have no gre at ambition; they only pay attention to current condition, and hope that they can p ass the examination. In their minds, 60 marks is enough. Simply speaking, they are improvident men. They want to sail with the wind in their life; they dread trouble. These students ignore their position of learning college English, so it is difficult for them to learn it well.

II. The Counter-measures to College English Teaching

Our college English teaching has some problems, in order to meet the needs of dev elopment of society; we must improve college stud ents’ English level, so it is urgent for us to reform college English teaching.

A. The Cultivation of English Learners Autonomy

The college students in the 21st century take on heavy responsibilities and pressure s, especially; they should master certain English knowledge, so it is necessary for th em to know how to have the ability of English autonomous learning .The learners a utonomy means the students have ability to be responsible for their own study. (Ho lec 1981:3).Because the ability of English autonomous learning can effectively impro ve the quality, level, efficiency and innovation ability of study. In order to meet the demands of developing and studying in the future the teachers should help the stu dents cultivate the autonomic learning. Xu jinfen (2004a)、Dai Junrong(2004)and Zho u zhizhong(2004) have carried on the investigation on our country’s college student

s’ autonomous abilities, and the result indicated that, our college students’ autonom ous abilities are generally lower. So we should take measures to improve the colleg e students’ autonomous learning.

1. The Preconditions and Bases of Learners Autonomy

The learners autonomy requests the students to have two preconditions factors: the willingness and the ability, namely the students are willing to undertake the respon sibilities of his own English learning, even to undertake the responsibilities that belo ng to the teachers’, To be concrete, students’ responsibilities include: deciding on st udy goals, choosing study methods and evaluating study process and so on, only in this way can the students truly carry out their autonomous study. (Littlewood 199 6). At the same time, it is important for English learnerss to know the essence of l anguage leaning correctly (Cotterall 1999:508), and it is also an important spiritual prop for students to persist in learning English.

2. How to Cultivate the English Learners Autonomy

2.1. Instructing Students to Master the Right Study Method.

The college English has its individual characters, so we should master proper metho ds. The learning of college English should be accomplished by the cooperation of st udents and teachers. The teacher not only considers the teaching method and teach ing contents but also considers the characters of students’ physiology and psycholog y. Teache rs should try their best to attract the students’ attention. Because the teac hers teach students in order to let students learn it by themselves, therefore the te achers should attach great importance to the subjective position of the students, an d change t he classroom role during the lesson so as to mobilize the students’ initiat ive. Teachers ought to try their best to create more opportunities to stimulate the s tudents to think the question independently. For example, the teachers should creat e the proper condition for students when they explain the context, and instruct the student to find and solve the problems on his own .There is a good saying: the te acher should not give golden and silver mountains to students but give them a gol den key to open the knowledge treasury, so the teacher should instruct them to m aster the right study method.

2.2. Helping Students Form a Good Study Habit

A good study habit has very important functions for the students to gain the study success. Renowned educationalist Mr. Ye Shengtao said: “What is education, simply speaking, education is to form a good habit …”.Therefore, it is important for teache

r to help students to form a good study habit. An independent learner should have the following good habits: making good preparations initiatively, liking asking teach er questions, trying his best to think about and solve the problems on his own, ma king proper study plan and method, learning to conclude and generalize the content s, knowing how to find the technique.

2.3. Stimulating Students’ Initiatives of Learning College English

According to the investigation on 369 university students, it indicates that, the stude nts’ learning initiative is not high universally, and this is an important obstacle for s tudents to improve their English level. The initiatives of learning English play a very important role in the English learners’ autonomy. So how to stimulate their initiativ es is an important task for us .First, the teacher not only gives compliments to the good students but also gives more encouragement to the students who are in a pl ight. Second, the teacher should respect them and help them to set up confidence. Third, the teacher ought to let the students see their progress and achievement cl early. Fourth, the teacher has responsibilities to pay attention to the interests of tea ching contents and forms so as to cultivate the interest of learning college English, and the teacher should collect the students’ suggestions, and exchange views.

B. “Student-centered” in English Teaching

College students can improve their English abilities through student-centered teachin g mode. Student-centered mode emphasizes the function of students in teaching act ivities. To some extent, college students’ role of audience and spectators and suppo rting ro les are changed into leading roles. At the same time, teachers’ central and a uthoritative positions have changed.

Teachers become directors and organizers in teaching, and teachers’ jobs are to hel p and guide students in teaching. The teachers give suitable encouragement to stud ents when they are dealing with some difficult problems, and guide them to find th e correct methods gradually. It is inevitable for students to make some mistakes wh en they solve the difficult problems, so teachers ought to help them to set up confi dence, and it is the teachers’ responsibility to rectify their mistakes in time. “Studen t-centered” requires that teachers should master proper teaching methods, and be p roficient in English, and understand students’ English level, and they also realize the importance of students’ position in college English teaching. The teachers should n ot let the students remember knowledge mechanically; on the contrary, they should mobilize their interest to grasp it flexibly. In recent decades, the education literatur e has described a wide variety of student-centered instructional methods and offere

d countless demonstrations that properly implemented student-centered instruction l

e ads to increase motivation to learn, greater retention o

f knowledge, deeper understa nding, and more positive attitudes toward the subject bein

g taught(Bonwell and Eise n 1991; Johnson Johnson and Smit

h 1991a, b; Mckeachie 1986; Meyers and Jones 1993).

C. Using the Multimedia to Teach in the Process of College English Teaching

In 2003, according to relative investigations, there were more than14,000,000 stude nts in the college, which outnumbered the proportion of English teacher, and the n umber of students is still increasing, but the number of teachers’ does not change. So using t he traditional English educational model can’t satisfy the teaching require ment and the teaching quality. According to the investigation on the Guangdong Pro vince universities, there are 60-120 students in a class, on one hand, the students are from different places, so their English level is different, on the other hand, beca use of so many students, the teachers can’t organize the students to practice their spoken English effectively, moreover the teachers have more tasks. Under this condi tion, it is difficult for students to obtain the enhancement in their English proficienc y. Paramskas (1999) believed that under the multimedia teaching the students can make a lesson plan and choose the study method correctly, simultaneously; it can i ncrease students’ inte rest in learning English.

1. Fostering Students’ Interest by Using Multimedia

Using the multimedia teaching can stimulate their interests in English. A famous scie ntist Einstein said: “interest is the best teacher”. That is to say if a person is intere sted in a thing, he pursues its knowledge actively, and has a great passion to expl ore, and practice it, at the same time he acquires the amused mood and experienc e from it. So both modern educationalist and ancient educationalist attach importanc e to the function of interest. Consequently, first and foremost our task is to cultivat e the students’ interest during the English teaching. The students seldom have enou gh interest under the mechanical pattern, but the modern society requires that the college students should have high English level. The appearance of multimedia teac hing helps the college students enhance their English level more easily. Under the multimedia pattern teaching, the teachers have ability to prepare all kinds of teachi ng materials, the various teaching software, video, and VCD programs for students. The teacher can arrange students to find some interesting contents, to be concrete: downloading the listening materials, English songs, movies and so on. Using multim edia teaching enable the students to learn English with enjoyment, moreover these

methods can improve their listening, and oral English. Decid and Ryan (1985, quote s from Dickinson 1995) believed that, under the multimedia teaching condition, the study contents become more interesting and visible.

2. Reducing the Teachers’ Pressure by Using Multimedia

The multimedia teaching not only can motivate students’ interest in learning English, but also can reduce teachers’ heavy pressure and workload. All of us know that th e number of students is out of proportion to the number of English teachers. And t he teachers need to make a lesson plan according to different students. In order to get abundant information and gain the progress of English learning, the teachers w ill consult the massive materials to acquire relative information. They will do many t edious jobs, so it is difficult for teachers to do them well, but the multimedia can h elp teacher to solve these problems. The multimedia provides varied information for teachers; consequently, the teacher can find the relative information easily and qui ckly with definite aims.

D. Training the College Students’ English Comprehensive Application Abilities

1. Teaching the Students in Accordance with their Ability

According to the students’ different a bilities of English listening, speaking, reading, writing, the Ministry of Education stipulated the curriculum request in which the req uirements of college English teaching should be divided into three levels, namely ge neral requirement, superior requirement, and maximal requirement. The different coll ege students have different English levels; they have different aims, so it can assur e students’ English comprehensive application ability to acquire enough improvement s. This kind of method can let them see their progress clearly, and it can strengthe n their confidence in learning English.

2. Strengthening the Oral English and Listening

Language study is different from other subjects. It needs practice. At present, our c ollege students are poor in English, especially, in their listening and oral English. St udents should realize the importance of oral English and listening, and train their lis tening and oral English in their daily lives, the students should have enough patienc e and willpower in the process of the practice, and practice as much as they can, because practice makes perfect. Having a large enough vocabulary is the base to i mprove English comprehensive application ability. Teachers have responsibilities to te ach students grasp the proper study strategy, and teach them to accumulate vocab ulary and use them into communications flexibly. Because many students have no c

ourage to speak English in class, they feel nervous and shy, so teachers ought to h elp students to get over the shyness and build up the courage to speak it. The tea chers may find some interesting materials for students, and organize the English cor ner and establish the English club for students. In comparison with other students, college students have more spare time, and they can hold some activities about En glish, to be concrete, the competition of English songs, and English dramas, and En glish evenings, and so on. These methods not only motivate their interest but also i mprove their listening and oral English.

3. Carrying out the English Contest

In order to demonstrate the Chinese younger generations’ English proficiency and ar ouse the whole nation to learn English, the China Central Committee Television (CC TV), the Foreign Language Teaching and the Research Press sponsor the CCTV Cup national wide English speech contest each year. It unfolds the contemporary univer sity student elegant demeanor, sharpens English comprehensive capacity. So we kno w that the English contest is so important for us. The English contest can consolida te the English knowledge that has been learned, and it is able to increase the spok en English ability and confidence at the same time. In order to obtain satisfied resu lt the students need to get sufficient preparations before contest, they will look up the dictionary and collect massive information. So the English contest not only can i mprove the abilities of hearing, speaking, reading, writing, and translation but also c an train the abilities of memory, imagination .So it is easy for students to increase their English comprehensive application ability through the contest.


With the quick development of our economy, our country gains more opportunities t o communicate with other countries, especially after the entry into the WTO. Englis h is the main language tool in the world and its functions become more and more prominent. So our country has higher demands upon college students.

We must know that college English teaching has made great progress in the recent years. But it is far from being satisfactory. There exist some problems in current c ollege English teaching: college English teaching ignores the subjective position of st udents; it ignores the cultivation of students’ interests in learning English; the mute English also hinders the progress of English seriously.

It is urgent for us to find some effective methods to solve these problems. Cultivati ng English learners autonomy is the first step. College students have enough abilitie

s and time to learn it by themselves. Self-study is an effective way to improve their English levels. It can show their ability and increase their confidence, and it also c an enrich their school life. Student-centered teaching mode must be utilized in Engli sh teaching. We should attach great importance to the students’ position. Stu dents and teachers should discuss the college English learning together. Multimedia can be of great help in the process of college English teaching, because it is not only mor e vivid but also more interesting for them. And it can decrease teachers’ heavy a nd tedious tasks. It is crucial to train college students’ English comprehensive applicati on abilities in different ways.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor------Sun Peng. During my le arning of English Language Teaching, he gives much advice on my study, and offer s me many opportunities to do my teaching practice. Because of those opportunities, I can accumulate many practical experience and precious theories for my paper. In the process of composing this paper, he gives me much academic and constructive advice, and helps me to correct my paper.

At the same time, I want to thank my roommates, who offer me excellent environ ment to write my paper. I hope I can apply my knowledge to my job in the futur e.


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[19] 郑金洲.自主学习[M]. 福建教育出版社, 2005.


大学英语教学模式 相关合集:英语教学论文 相关热搜:英语教学小学英语教学中学英语教学大学英语教学 本文以《大学英语课程教学要求》对某大学商学院学生的实际需求为依据,对金融、经济专业大一、大二学年的英语教学模式和策略进行探究,旨在探讨一种既切合学生的实际需求和实际水平,又符合语言学习规律的行之有效的教学模式,为独立学院的英语教学提供经验与借鉴。本文认为,独立学院以培养复合型、应用型人才为目标,以适合时代要求为目标对大学英语教学模式进行改革,改革内容应该主要侧重于创新教学理念,强调以人为本;改进评价方法,以素质教育为主;传统与现代教学手段相结合,侧重策略分析。 进入21世纪,社会的快速进步对于经济发展、科学研究和对外交流提出了更高的要求,未来中国将在更加广阔的领域中更加深入地融入国际舞台,经济、文化、政治和教育等各个领域的对外交流与合作日益频繁。时代的进步,社会的发展对大学提出了新要求,独立学院在回应这种要求时,应以课程为突破口,通过调整课程设置、更新教学内容、提高教学质量、完善课程评价体系等措施来增强大学人才培养的职能,回应社会对独立学院培养复合型、创新型人才的要求,从而达到教育改革的目标。 本文以《大学英语课程教学要求》对某大学商学院学生的实际需求为依据,对

金融、经济专业大一、大二学年的英语教学模式和策略进行探究,旨在探讨一种既切合学生的实际需求和实际水平,又符合语言学习规律的行之有效的教学模式,为以后独立学院的英语教学提供经验与借鉴。 根据创新人才培养所需的通识与专业、共性与个性、探究与实践教育协调发展的教学理念,大学课程改革应遵循创新人才培养的基本规律,以学生为本,以培养创新意识、创新精神、创新能力为主要目标,把课程模式的改革与大学生的知识、能力、素质的培养有机结合起来。随着大学英语教学改革的不断推进,根据教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,高效的英语教学模式应着力于研究课程要求和学生需求而因材施教,通过策略分析,运用有效策略和方法来达到这些要求和满足这些需求已具备的和尚欠缺的条件与因素来确定教学重点和教学方法,调动学生在英语教学中的主体作用,培养学生的英语生成能力、运用能力和交际能力,同时探讨外语教师在课堂上的角色定位及应起到的核心作用。 某大学商学院是一所本科层次的全日制独立学院,以金融、经济专业为主。大学英语覆盖大学一、二年级,其课程的指导思想是注重学生综合运用能力的培养,全面提升大学生听、说、读、写、译各项语言技能已成为大学英语教学的核心任务。学生普遍期望在大学期间,可以根据自己的能力和兴趣,或加强口语和听力方面的训练,或加强英语写作方面的训练,或加强翻译能力方面的训练,或拓展文化视野,或提高语言交际能力,或根据自己的专业侧重专门用途英语的学习。学校以培养复合型、创新型和应用型人才为目标,以适合时代要求为目标对大学英语教学模式进行改革,改革内容主要侧重以下几个方面。


陕西师范大学大学英语教学改革方案 (试行) 一、改革背景 教育部办公厅在2006年4号文件中指出,大学英语教学改革是教育部“高等学校教学改革与教学质量工程”重要组成部分。大学英语教学改革在引领和推动中国高等教育教学改革、全面提高人才培养质量方面,做出了积极的贡献,具有重要的战略意义。 2007年教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》(简称《要求》)又一次指导和推动全国各高校在教学理念、课程设置以及教学方法等方面的变革,可以总结为以下四个方面的变化: 教学要求:大学英语教学应贯彻分类指导、因材施教的原则,以适应个性化教学的实际需要。 《要求》指出,大学阶段的英语教学要求分为三个层次,即一般要求、较高要求和更高要求。大学英语课程的设计应充分考虑听说能力培养的要求,并给予足够的学时和学分;应大量使用先进的信息技术,开发和建设各种基于计算机和网络的课程,为学生提供良好的语言学习环境与条件。 根据《要求》,大学英语教学评估还应包括对教师的评估。应全面考核教师的教学态度、教学手段、教学方法、教学内容、教学组织和教学效果等。 《要求》建议,高校应建立完善的教学文件和教学管理文件;大学英语课程要融入学校的学分制体系,尽量保证在本科总学分中占10%(16学分左右,目前我校大学英语是12个学分,不到整个必修课144个学分的10%);完善教师的聘任管理,确保师生比合理;建设年龄、学历和职称结构合理的师资队伍。 教学目标:大学英语教学的目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 教学模式:基于计算机和课堂的英语多媒体教学模式。 基于计算机和课堂的英语教学模式是为了帮助我国大学生达到大学英语教


学校管理中存在的主要 问题 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

一、学校管理中存在的主要问题(一)学校管理机制不够完善 学校管理的不完善制约着学校的持续发展,由于长期缺少经营管理的有效方法,导致教师在工作岗位上没有激情和动力。学生和教师是教育教学活动中最为重要的两个核心,从目前学校管理现状来看,学校对于学生的管理相对比较严格,但是却很少对教师实施系统性的管理。在素质教育的背景下,教师在教育教学活动中发挥着引导性的作用,如果忽视了对教师的管理,在很大程度上影响到学校教学质量的提升。 (二)缺乏良好的师生关系 由于长期采用教师讲、学生听的教学模式,给学生成长和教师的发展带来极大困扰,师生关系得不到缓和,使得教学不能顺利有效地完成。 1.过分注重硬件管理 校长室在教育教学管理中,过分重视硬件设施的建设,并将其作为学校管理的重中之重,但是在对小学文化、师生关系等方面的管理没有引起足够的重视。一些学校将学校管理简单地归纳为,硬件管理、教学管理、行政管理等层面,而对学校文化建设、师生精神培养没有给予足够的关注。 2.没有重视师生关系的建设

师生关系是教育教学关系中最为主要的关系之一,在管理中,对师生关系的管理并没有给予更多的重视,导致学生和教师之间的沟通十分匮乏。同时重强制管控,忽视了师生民主意识的提高,在实际工作中依然采取指令式的管理模式,而缺乏与管理对象之间的有效沟通,造成了管理者与被管理者之间的紧张氛围,制造出人与人之间的矛盾,不利于构建学校内部的和谐关系,使得师生之间的关系乃至教师和学校管理者之间的关系受到很大负面的影响。 二、如何提高小学学校管理工作质量 (一).深化教学管理改革,提高决策水平 1、“决策是管理的心脏。”学校的管理水平与学校领导的决策水平有着密不可分的关联,领导的决策水平高,学校的管理水平才能提高,学校的教学质量才能有突飞猛进的发展。做出好决策的方法主要有:(1)做决策之前要认真并客观地分析出现的问题,不能将问题一概而论。(2)决策要具有可行性,从实际出发,并结合长远的利益考虑。(3)决策制订要因时而定,因地制宜。决策的制订常常受到时间以及环境的影响,有时遇到一些刻不容缓的问题,决策就需要及时地作出;有的时候遇到的是有关教学方法改进上的问题,那么决策的制订就要经过实践才能制订出来。 2、教学理念要与时俱进。任何管理活动的开展或者强化过程都需要首先在理念层面进行更新,实施新时期的教育教学实践活动的过程中,先进化的理念能够发挥巨大的指引作用。若要不断深入开


大学英语写作课怎么上 要上好大学英语写作课除了积累经验以外还要吸取别人的授课方法。下面是给大家整理的大学英语写作课怎么上,供大家参阅! 大学英语写作课怎么上1 关键,备课环节 上好大学英语写作课,关键是备好课,俗话说“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,从中引申出来意思就是准备工作容不得半点马虎。备好课主要做到备课程、备学生、备方法。一要备好课程。我们知道,单列的写作课往往只有几节课,且安排在学期末;可以说,写作课是检验学生一学期的课程内容的标尺,包括学生的单词积累、逻辑思维和行文习惯。因此,在备课时,笔者目的明确,所教的写作内容决不允许局限于课本的例题,而要在各种文体(说明文、论说文和应用文)上加料,突出主题延伸;如笔者在备书信写作课时,就会把书信的各种类别找出来,并自己归纳其格式;;日期的写法+称呼+内容+结束语。二要备好学生。大学生写作水平参差不齐,层次有上中下,必须采取的策略是抓小放大促中间,达到教学的总体均衡;具体操作是备课内容重点放在学习层次较为一般的中下层学生,容易的题目占比增大,体现为从易到难、由有感性向理性逐渐过渡;同时积极参阅历年全国大学语言四六级考试真题,参考《大学英语实用写作课程》[1]等教辅,使得备课内容切合实际、内涵丰富,学生能既能“吃饱”,又容易消化。如我采编的写作常用过渡词(学生运用起来方便快捷),(1)

对照/but、whereas、however ……(2)让步/nevertheless、although……(3) 原因/because 、since 、for ……(4)结果/so、thus、hence等等。三要备好方法。针对不同的写作课程内容,采用不同的教学方法备课:描写文和记叙文写作课程;;讲授法、探究法,论说文;;讲授法、练习法,应用文;;探究法、讨论法;并利用PowerPoint或Authorware软件将课程内容制作幻灯片,加插动画、视频、音频和解说手段,力求内容生动、直观、有趣,学生容易接受。 2 重心,施教环节 我们知道,教学目标的实现很大程度上依赖课间教学。为实现成果转化的最大性,笔者会在课堂上采用各种不同的教学法或多种教学法穿插进行。特别在讲授应用文写作时笔者多采用探究启发式教学法,因为应用文类别多、各有格式,导致学生很容易混淆。 谈大学英语写作教学中的几点体会一、大学英语写作教学的现状分析1、对英语写作重视程度欠缺 在大学英语教学中,仍然是教师占主导地位,在语言知识的输入与输出地关系上,大多数学校的学生仍然是被动的知识接受者,即所获取的语言知识大多是听力、阅读等输入型的言语信息,一旦接触到语言输出环节(说和写),学生就会感觉到力不从心。 在教学环节中,从教师的角度来看,在听说课上,他们的主要精力用于对学生听的训练,而让学生说的机会甚少;在读写课上,由于课堂时间所限,教师将大部分时间用来传授基本的语法知识和词汇用


教学工作中存在的问题及整改措施 一、教务处常规工作中存在的问题 1、教师业务学习只停留在表面上,不能扎实有效。 2、过分依赖制度,忽视教师专业发展的需要。 3、教务工作人员缺少,常规工作检查欠到位。 4、常规工作安排与落实缺少系统化管理。 5、教务工作人员缺乏一定的服务意识。 6、教务管理人员在大多时间里被一些琐碎的事务性工作所拖累,在常规教学的检 查、研究、指导上精力不足,下的功夫不够。尤其是教学管理人员要努力把精力放在教学工作的管理研究当中。 7、教师存在结构性短缺。如地理、生物、历史课任教师由其它专业教师兼任。 8、考试安排欠合理。 9、功能室缺少。 10、大班额教学给教师加重了负担。 二、教学常规考核制度方面 1、只注重终结性考核评估,不注重过程考核评估。 2、评价方式单一化。 3、考核制度比较陈旧、缺乏科学性,不能够有力地促进当前的教学工作快速发 展。 4、原来考核制度与绩效考核存在一定的矛盾。 三、非中考科目科任教师管理与考核 1、因中考指挥棒的缘故,非中考科目的课人教师认识不到位。 2、非中考科目的课人教师无压力、无动力。 四、教研教改 1、校本培训方式单一化。 2、骨干教师和名师培养力度不够。 3、课题研究不能全面开展。 4、教改实践活动欠力度。 五、图书阅览与教辅资料 1、学校图书藏书资料不丰富,资料陈旧,不能向全体学生开放。 2、学校对教师征订教学资料数量少,倾斜力度不够,不能发挥阅览室正常功能。 3、个别教师有征订课外复习资料,加重学生负担,不能正常反馈。 六、教学硬件设施的不足是制约我校教学工作的客观因素。 一是没有教师专用电脑,学生所用微机老旧,数量严重不足,这给教师查阅资料、获取信息及学生正常开设微机课都带来不小的困难。


中英写作比较在大学英语写作教学中的运用英语写作是一种综合运用英语知识的实践活动,又是一项创造性的技能,是听、说、读、写四项技能中最难掌握的一项,一直是我国大学生英语学习的薄弱点。在句子、段落、语篇思维模式层面上进行对比分析,让学生了解英文写作和中文写作表现出的种种差异,在教学中进行针对性的指导和训练,有利于中国学生了解各种英语文体写作的特点,掌握英语写作 的规律,写出规范的英语文章。 一、英汉句子层面差异的比较 如何写规范的英语句子?大致有五个要求:一是完整(Unity),要求句 子表达单一、完整的思想;二是连贯(Coherence),句子各部分之间有清楚而合理的联系;三是简洁(Conciseness),句子中不应该有不必要的词;四 是强调(Emphasis),重要的意思都应该在表达时予以强调;五是多样(Variety),要求写作者使用多样化的句型。 中国大学生在写作句子时容易出现的失误有以下两种:一是句子缺乏连贯,代词指代不清楚,修饰语和被修饰语的关系不明确,在人称、数、时态、语态或语气上造成混乱。二是句型缺少变化,不会把短句、长句、简单句、并列句、复合句、圆周句、松散句交错使用,也不会使用一些问句、祈使句或感叹句,通常是把几个长短相同、结构相似的句子连在一起,显得非常单调。 在句子结构上,英语是形合型(Hypotaxis)语言,句子要以主谓结构为主干,以谓语动词为中心通过大量反映形式关系的动词不定式、分词、介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词等把句子其他成分搭配起来,说话人想强

调什么,就开门见山地说出来,如态度、观点、结论等,然后再把理由、事实、条件、原因、例证等一步步交代,形成一个头短尾长的排列。 汉语则属于意合型(Parataxis)语言,人的思维和句子语序是自然合拍的,句子的语序基本上反映了思想的过程,就是按事件发生的先后顺序来叙述,先发生的先说,后发生的后说,按顺序先把条件、事实、理由等内容交代周到,最后下结论,说出重要信息。 在主语结构上,英语是主语凸显(Subject-prominent)语言,英语的五种基本句型都是主语优先,而汉语则是主题凸显(Topic-prominent)语言。英语的主语必须是名词或名词性的结构,汉语的主语几乎什么词都可以充当,原因是汉语的主语只是一个“话题”,任何事物都可以成为话题,名词性事物可以是话题,动词性、形容词性、数词性及表述情景事物的词语也可以是话题。 在语序排列上,英语五种基本句型的主干成分语序与汉语是一致 的:SV(主语+谓语),SVP(主语+动词+表语),SVO(主语+谓语+宾 语),SV.IO.DO(主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语),SVOC(主语+谓语+宾语+补语)。掌握这个规律对中国学生写作英语句子提供了便利条件。 英汉句型在语序排列上的差异表现在修饰语的前置与后置以及多重修饰语在句中的配列次序。英语修饰语可以前置也可以后置,汉语的修饰语一般都需要前置,英语的后置可能性便利了句子的扩展,汉语的前置倾向限制了句子的长度。 定语修饰语的位置:英语中只有单个的形容词、名词、分词或数词等作定语时放在中心词的前面,复杂的定语都需要放在中心词之后,甚至有


摘要:近年来,大学英语的教学问题越来越受到人们的重视,人们对于大学英语教学改革的期望越来越迫切。目前大学英语教学中存在着一些问题阻碍了大学英语教学的改革进程,主要表现为教学模式传统单一;大学生英语口语和文学阅读能力不高;英语教师自身的问题等等。这些原因都导致了大学英语教学问题的出现,找到存在的问题并采取相应的对策,对于大学生英语水平的提高和大学整体英语素质的提升有重要的作用和意义。 关键词:大学英语教学;存在的问题;解决策略 随着改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济的发展,社会对于人才的需求越来越旺盛,同时对于人才的综合素质也要求越来越高,尤其是对英语的实际应用能力。然而,我国高校毕业生的英语素养和能力难以满足社会的需求,英语教学费时低效,学生口语能力和文学阅读能力差,成为了大学英语教学中比较普遍的问题,导致的结果就是学校整体英语水平不高,学生整体英语素养差,英语的实际应用能力差。与社会的需求相比,我国大学的英语教学急需找出存在的问题,并针对这些问题找出解决策略。 一、大学英语教学中存在的问题 1、大学英语教学方式传统单一 大学英语教学方式传统单一造成两个不良后果,一是使学生失去学习兴趣和信心,产生厌学情绪;二是过分强调教师的主导地位,加重教师的负担。 从大一开始培养学生的英语学习兴趣非常重要,刚入学的大学生充满着憧憬和激情,希望自己能在大学生活中获得更多的知识和能力的锻炼。在英语学习上更是希望能说出一口流利的英语,能与外国人进行沟通交流。然而,实际情况是所有的非英语专业的大学生必须在两年时间内学完大学英语的课程,时间紧,任务重,老师以完成教学任务为主要的教学目标,在课堂上仍然讲单词,分析句式,朗读课本,这种强烈的反差导致大学生一开始就对英语的学习失去了兴趣,自然就会产生厌学的情绪。 传统的大学英语课堂,教师的教学压力大、任务重,教学过程中的说、写、读都是教师一个人在做,这不仅增加了教师的教学负担,还忽视了师生的互动,导致学生的主体地位的缺失。目前大学英语的教学模式仍是教师在上面讲,在黑板上写,学生在下面听,有时候教师会应用多媒体进行教学,但也仅限于做课件,变化不大,收到的实际效果也不是很理想,这些工作都要教师一个人在课上完成。在课堂上,师生缺乏互动,课堂气氛沉闷,学生主体地位缺失。教师是学生学习的促进者。这是新课改对教师角色扮演的新要求,新课改要求教师把重心转移到提高学生的学习能力上来。首先要求教师要改变过去过于强调知识传输的倾向,原先课堂教学的主要方式是灌输-训练,在这样的教学模式下,教师是知识的权威,控制着知识和信息的传播内容和传播式,学生始终处于被动的地位。这些就导致了在课堂教学中学生的主体性地位缺失。 2、大学生英语口语和文学阅读能力不高 随着我国市场经济的发展,社会上更是需要既懂商务又能熟练应用英语的人才,很多企业和行业在招聘时除了对应聘者要求业务能力高,取得英语四六级证书外,还要求应聘者能够熟练地用英语进行表达和沟通。然而,大学生们从中学到大学,英语考试只考笔试,从不重视英语口语的学习,因为考试对于英语口语没有硬性要求,练不练口语对学校的升学没有什么影响,因此,从学校的角度就忽视了英语口语教育这一环,学生学了几年英语之后,还是不会张嘴说英语,仍然缺乏使用英语的口头交际能力。 3、教师自身的原因 提高学生的英语综合素质,很大程度上取决于教师的专业水平和职业素养。有些教师的教育观念比较落后,习惯于传统的教学模式而不愿意做出改变,这也是大学生英语课堂沉闷


谈谈学校教学管理中出现的问题及改进方法 战胜自我 摘要:学校教学管理是一项涉及环节多,任务繁重而细致的工作。搞好教学管理可以促进教学过程的规范化和有序化,提高教育教学质量,为学校其他各项工作的正常顺利进行保驾护航。本文主要从目前学校教学管理的现状和存在问题出发,分析问题产生的根源,并提出了相应的解决对策。 教育教学工作是学校的中心工作,是学校贯彻国家教育方针,实现教育目标的基本途径。全面提高学生的思想道德品质、科学文化素质、劳动技能和身体心理素质,促进学生全面发展。通过中干培训的理论学习,就学校现状分析,谈谈学校教学管理改进意见。 一、当前学校教学管理的现状 从当前学校教学管理的内容上来看,主要内容是教学常规管理。教学常规管理在这里指的是对教师个人的备、讲、练、批、辅、考等方面的基本要求和对教师教学工作量化检查的制度,这是进行过程性管理,保证正常的教学秩序和教学质量重要的一环,也是教师天天面对的日常工作和检查的内容,各学校教学管理制度都对此制定了具体要求和检评办法,下面分别浅析存在的问题。 1、过分依赖制度,忽视教师专业发展的需要 由于诸多因素的影响,教师从事教学研究的主动性不强,积极性不高,于是各学校便主要依靠制度管理强制推进。这种强制推进的办法,对教师的主观能动性没有得到应有的尊重和重视。如备课则要求书写认真与否,环节完备与否以及量的要求;上课是否讲普通话,学生是否发言积极,教学效果是否好,回答问题正确率是否高,作业次数是否达标和是否有批有改,每个单元是否进行考测、讲评小结;教师相互间听课要达多少节次,组织教师业务学习要达多少次,组织教研活动要有多少次等都写进了教学管理制度中,且与津贴、评优、推先等利益挂钩。显然,过分依赖制度管理,忽视了教师的专业发展的需要。 2、教学管理常停留于形式,没有促进教师的专业发展 从各校教学常规管理的进程中看,仍停留于形式的多,没有促进教师的专业发展。主要体现为: (1)、备课:一是个别教师上课不带教案,说教案放在家里没带来;二是个


大学英语应用文写作教学中的几点总结 应用文写作是英语语言在各种实际社会生活中的写作运用, 实用英语种类繁多,用途各异,篇幅有长有短,内容既有严肃而正式的各种证明材料、证书,也有各种日常生活中常用的自传简历,卡片英语,书信,日记以及论文写作知识等。教学过程中既涉及到语言知识,也涵盖了社会和文化知识。 1. 应用文写作原则 实用英语写作和普通英语写作一样,要求表达清晰而完整的思想,而不同于造句、改错、单句翻译。因此,仅仅具备一般语言知识还是不够的,实用英语写作除了掌握语言知识外,还要注意思想内容、题材选择、逻辑条理、书写格式等方面的知识。 在语言方面,应当在原有基础上提高思想表述的准确性、生动鲜明性以及趣味性;在思想内容方面努力做到言之有物、观点清楚、条理分明。要注意大量地进行摹拟练习。必须牢记某些固定短语,更要熟练掌握缩略语。 实用英语写作要求写作者严肃认真,一丝不苟,从遣词造句到谋篇布局,都应当仔细琢磨,反复推敲。要写好英语应用文,首先要有扎实的语言基本功、包括掌握常用词汇和基本语法;其次要多读英语应用文典范文章。如果说英语口语的提高取决于听力,那么英语应用文写作能力的提高则取决于阅读能力。写作者要大量阅读,并把听与说,读与写有机结合在一起。某些常用客套语、固定词组、常用缩略语要背诵、烂熟于心。对英语电报、电传的参考用语 也要死记硬背。最后,掌握实用英语写作的基本方法,是按固定格式模仿练习,相应改变人名、地名、日期、单位等。可以说,这是应用文写作的捷径。英语实用写作的大忌是先写中文,然后逐字译成英文。这样写出的文章必定十分生硬。实用英语文章的写作,应当用英文进行思考,用英语进行构思、排列、设计段落。尤其不应生造不合英语习惯的句子。这样做,自以为得计,其实效果适得其反。在实际交往中,西方人与中国人有不少差异,实用英语写作的作者要更有效地了解中西方文化背景。比如中国人一般不当着客人的面打开礼品,而是等客人走后才拆开礼品,西方人则当着客人的面打开礼品并赞不绝口,使客人高兴。中国人在邀请赴宴的请柬上写个“谢”字,人家就知道你不来,这叫“谢绝”。如果在请柬上写上“忝陪末座”,人家就会恭候大驾。这与西方人不同。西方人要专门回信,表示接受或婉拒。现代中国人一般不发回贴。以上是英语实用写作中的基本指导原则。这些基本原则是十分重要的,但在具体写作过程中,写作者还应当注意以下一些问题,即了解并掌握英语应用文写作的一些要求与步骤。 2.应用文写作过程中学生易犯的错误及对策 问题一:许多学生在学习中并没有对应用文的格式引起足够的重视,或由于缺乏平时的训练,写出来的作文往往格式混乱,不符合英文习惯。例如把日期写在信函的右下角,并按照汉语习惯写成年,月,日的格式;把称呼直接写成了单位名称;写地址时总是按照汉语习惯由大到小排列等。在平时作文练习中还发现许多学生存在着字迹潦草,书面凌乱,乱涂乱改,不注意字母的大小写及标点符号乱用等不良习惯。


浅谈如何提高大学英语高效课堂的教学模式 大学英语学习中我们常常会听到这样的反馈:“这个知识点我讲了都不知道多少遍了,学生们照样还是错”。由此可见,我们的课堂教学在很多情况下都是低效甚至是无效的。课堂教学作为教学的基本途径,是学生获取知识,培养能力和铸造思想的主要途径,因此,我们必须要实现课堂教学的有效性。 一、现阶段大学英语课堂的现状 在我国经济不断发展的同时,教育也在逐步的开展和深入中。我国对大学英语教育方面进行了相关的改革,使得传统的教学模式大大减弱,在新型教育模式下,大学英语课堂教学改革的主题是让同学们积极主动的融入到英语课堂中。 二、大学英语课堂教学中出现的问题 1、学生热情高但是学习效率低 在大学英语教学过程中,學生对大学英语英语的学习表现出很高的热情,但是事实情况并没有像他们想象的那么好,学生在课堂上的主体地位被忽视,教师教学没能成功调动学生学习英语的积极性,也正是由于英语的基础性知识理论性极强,导致学生在学习计算机知识时感觉复杂难懂,学生在开始时就对英语的学习缺乏主观解决问题的能力,之后就会在遇到复杂难理解问题的时候一味地持躲避和退缩,在以后英语的学习中也会缺乏主动求知和解决问题的勇气和决心。教师在教育的过程中只为培养一些英语专业的学生才用功的准备课程资料,认真教学,这个问题也充分体现了大学英语教师不负责任的表现。 2、专业英语教师大量缺乏 在教育教学过程中,教师理所应当的作为学生学习的引领者,学生在课下预习时和课堂上遇到问题和困惑时都需要教师专业性的解答,但是大多数院校的英语教师只是在基本英语方面有明显的优势,却不是经过专业培训的专业型英语教师。专业的英语教师应在英语的“听说读写”上相当精通。这些问题明确的说明我国对教师的业务水平,知识水平有很高的要求,所以说优秀教师资源的短缺也是英语学习中存在的又一大问题。 三、融洽的师生关系是提高学生对英语兴趣的重要条件 1、培养师生间融洽的感情。 有古语曾说“亲其师才能信其道”,老师和学生的关系不仅仅体现在课堂上的知识传授,还有平日里的情感交流,真正良好的师生关系都是通过日常一点一滴建立起来的,和谐平等的教师和学生间的关系是营造良好的课堂上课气氛的基础条件,也是提高课堂教师教学效果的根本保证。然而教师也要在与学生的沟通中


教学中存在的问题及改进措施 一、存在的问题 1、教师的积极性没有得到充分发挥 (1)教师对学校的发展前景很关心,学校应该制定一个切实可行的近期规划和远期规划,使教师对学校美好的未来充满希望。 (2)加强服务意识,解除教师后顾之忧,使教师能全身心地投入到教学中去。 (3)把关教师、骨干教师、问题教师、新上岗教师的工资待遇都一样,心理不平衡;应聘教师只按课时计酬,感觉自卑。 (4)由于奖励与处罚措施的随意性和不连续性,力度不大,且缺乏合理、公平、公正,教师的工作热情忽冷忽热。 (5)由于教学设备的落后,学校利用现代化教学手段进行教学的氛围不浓。 (6)由于教学交流太少,教师的教学理念陈旧、方法简单。 2、常规教学的要求与落实严重脱节 主要表现在以下几方面: (1)备课:教案环节不全,教材研究不深,一个教案上几节课,用资料代替教案,甚至出现短短几句话算一节教案的应付差事现象。 (2)上课:课堂教学方法简单,手段不多,不组织课堂教学,一言堂。实验器材没有得到充分,课堂上出现用嘴说实验,黑板上画实验的现象。 (3)作业:作业量及批阅量严重不足,对学生收交作业没有严格要求和约束,作业批阅不规范,甚至出现以资料代替作业本现象。

(4)辅导:相当一部分教师的辅导课的内容和目的不明确,教师只起个维持秩序的作用。对学生的学法指导不够,学生不知道该怎么学习,学习效率不高。学生不知道什么是基础,怎样学就算抓基础。 (5)考试:学生考试作弊现象十分严重,不良的考风直接影响着学生的学风。 3、教学资源的不足,严重影响着课堂教学的正常进行 (1)一堂体育课,操场上集中了四、五个班近三、四百名学生上课,由于器械太少,只有少数能参与活动,大多数学生只能站着看,个别学生满学校乱跑,教师无法管理。 (2)一个微机教室共72台计算机,且相当一部分损坏无法使用,一堂八十人左右的信息课近一半学生无法正常上课,学生只好上自习或满学校乱跑,教师无法管理。 4、教研组工作薄弱,教学研究活动开展很少。 (1)部分教师缺乏对新课标、高考考试大纲进行学习、研究、讨论,导致教学目的不明确,难易尺度把握不准,凭经验进行教学,教学随意性很大。 (2)青年教师的培养目标不明确,指导不到位,相当一部分青年教师多年教学水平没进步。 二、改进措施 1、加强教师队伍建设 (1)统一思想,明确方向 学校的生存在于各项工作的良性循环,其根本原因在于高质量、


《现代大学英语中级写作》,徐克容,外语教学与研究出版社 英语写作中级(上)课程教案 I 授课题目:Unit One We Learn As We Grow 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of exemplication: → Definition → Kinds of examples → Sources of examples 2、To learn to outline expositive essays 知识点:→ The definition and introduction of exposition and essay. →Exposition is explanatory writing. It’s purpose is to explain or clarify a point. → An essay is a related group of paragraphs written for some purpose (二)熟悉:→ Practice the basics of exemplification → Practice outlining 知识点:→Patterns of exposition, the choice of examples, the choice of appropriate examples, the organization of an exemplification essay: →Types of essays, basic structures of an expositive essay, elements of the expositive essay → Types of outline, rules concerning outline (三)了解:→Patterns of exposition, types of essays, types of outline process analysis, cause-effect analysis, Comparison and contrast, classification, definition and analogy,narrative essays, descriptive essays, expositive essays and argumentative essays 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:Exemplification,types of outline; 难点:Sentence outline and topic outline 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容


摘要:本文阐述了在大学英语学习过程中学生学习和教师教学中存在的一些问题,指出学生应该对英语学习持正确的认识和态度,而教师应转变教学观念,创造“以学生为中心”的教学环境。 关键词: 大学英语英语学习英语教学 语言,随着全球化进程加快,英语已经在世界上成为最强势的语言,北京申奥成功更是激励越 来越多的人学英语。社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。许多国家在基础教育发展中也把英语作为重要的组成部分,并将其摆在突出地位。我国一些发达地区的大城市从小学三年级就开设英语课,还有部分城市在小学一年级就开设了英语课。一、大学英语学习阶段学生存在的普遍问题 我国自改革开放以来,英语教育规模不断扩大,近几年各类英语社会办学层出不穷,如雨后春笋般发展迅速,尤可见国人对英语学习的热情和重视程度。我们要肯定的是,英语教育教学取得了显著成就,然而,英语教育的现状尚不能适应我国经济建设和社会发展的需要,与时代发展的要求还存在差距。在大学校园里表现为,绝大部分学生英语语言运用能力差,花大量时间学习英语但却收效甚微,究其原因,与传统的教学指导思想、教学内容和教学模式,不重视学生英语运用能力培养以及学生是否对英语学习持正确的认识和态度有关。 目前在大学里,所有非英语专业的学生必须花两年的时间完成大学英语的课程。大学英语课堂上,几乎都是以讲单词,讲句子为核心,依然没有脱离中学英语教学方法和模式。对于刚跨入大学校园的学生们来说,他们对大学生活中学习问题上的全新期待和盼望与老旧的教学模式形成强烈反差,自然会导致产生厌学情绪。有这样一个现象,老师认为学生基础很差,于是把课文里最细节最基本的语法和词汇作为课堂的中心,而学生对于这些知识在中学时代就已接触,早已产生厌烦情绪,在潜意识中总觉得自己在学一些无用之物,至于为什么会无用,主要原因在于高考对于学生心理有相当大的影响。以前学英语完全是为了应付高考,导致学生从一开始就有一种错误认识:学习英语就是为了考试。到了大学,虽然没有高考在等着,但是又出现了大学英语四六级考试,并且与学位挂了钩。没有合格的大学英语四级成绩就没有学位证书,有相当一部分大学生在大四的时候依然没有拿到合格的英语四级考试成绩,他们也就顺理成章地失去了拿到学位的资格,进而又关系到毕业之后的求职问题,学英语成了他们苦不堪言的劳役,这在学生心理上又继续造成负面影响,加上专业课负担重,许多学生就形成了很强烈的厌学情绪,心理相当矛盾。一方面,明明觉得英语没用,纯粹浪费时间;另一方面,又知道不学好英语是不能通过考试不能拿到可以过关的四级分数,于是就拿不到学位证书的。在这种状态下学习,当然效率会很低,当然会导致该学的东西学不好,进一步让老师更把注意力放在词汇和语法上,最后当然又进一步加深了学生厌学的情绪。另外,大学生在英语学习上急于求成的心态也颇为常见,因而缺乏持久和深厚的动力,学习热情的高涨和消退几乎同样迅速,在大多数情况下学习的热情和积极性只能保持不太长的时间,有太多的人太快地知难而退,这种问题的出现与学生依赖心理有很大关系,大部分学生把能否学好英语寄希望于大学英语课堂上有限的五十分钟,忽略了自身在课后自觉主动学习英语的环节,而这一环节在特定的大学学习阶段里又往往起着置关重要的作用。课后,学生很少有机会像中学时代那样再得到任课老师和班主任的辅导、监督。而大学英语课程要求与中学英语课相比有很大跨度。因此,学生唯有在课余时间进行大量的自主学习,才有可能在大学阶段使自己的英语水平和英语应用能力有质的飞跃。 当然,学生在课后也并非完全没有自主学习,只是方法上有些欠缺。比如,不少学生直接认为学英语就是背单词,他们课后的英语自主学习往往就是从背单词开始,形式单一,时间长了就觉得枯燥乏味毫无兴趣,今天背了明天忘,毫无成就感而言,仅背单词这一项就挫伤了


浅谈如何提高大学英语课堂教学效果 " 论文关键词:大学英语课堂效果积极性 论文摘要:大学英语课堂问题多多,挫伤了学生的学习积极性,影响学生英语水平的提高。应从激发兴趣、搞活气氛、注重参与和强化自主学习四个方面提高大学英语课堂效果。 大学课堂教学,是学生增长知识,学习科学,了解自然、社会,发展能力的学习场所,也是教师传授知识、教导学生的主要舞台,在学生增长知识、了解自然和社会中占有重要的地位。课堂教学的好与差直接影响到教学质量和学生的成绩,同时也间接影响到学生今后走向社会的角色。因此,英语作为一门必修课,如何提高大学英语课堂效果至关重要。 一、英语课堂存在的问题 (一)传统的大学英语教学模式 传统的大学英语教学模式一直遵循以教师为主的原则,教师授课方法雷同,教学模式单一。为了防止学社听不懂,教师反复讲解单词分析语法,不够了解学生的想法与爱好,设计课堂活动无法投学生所好。课堂气氛沉闷,缺少课堂活动。课堂教学内容或话题偏离实际,上课内容过时。教师给学生很少介绍西方文化和国外的趣事。课堂学习目标不明确,教师讲课重语法知识轻语言能力的提高。有的甚至翻译课文,不给学生提供充分思考和吸收的余地。而学生忙于机械记录,很少参与语言实践,造成整个课堂气氛枯燥。

(二)学生学习积极性不高 学生学习主动性较差,甚至有厌学情绪;学生的学习目标和态度不一致,希望提高英语水平,却不愿意多付出时间和努力。当问及有趣的教学内容与学习目标不一致或矛盾时,学生让老师想办法解决这个问题。学生希望老师多给他们表现的机会,多些课堂互动,但当老师组织课堂讨论等活动时,学生不积极参与,往往保持沉默。理论上,学生明白要学好英语主要靠个人努力,加上科学有效的学习方法;学生们往往期待老师们有神奇的力量,能让他们高效地学习,而他们自己无需付出太多的努力。 (三)学生应试倾向明显 高考对学生的心理有很大影响,学生那时起就有一种错误认识:学习英语就是为了考试。到了大学,某些大学把大学英语四、六级和学生的学位挂钩,大学英语四、六级证书甚至关系到以后的求职问题,这样学生们就是为了考试而学习英语,学习英语对他们来说是一种负担。大学英语四、六级通过率的压力下老师进一步把注意力放在了教授语法和词汇上,加重了学生的厌恶情绪。有些老师想搞创新在课堂上开展一些英语活动,反而被学生视为浪费时间,没用。 二、提高大学英语课堂效果的策略 (一)激发英语学习动机,保持持久学习动力 教育学家乌申斯基说:”没有任何兴趣,被迫进行的学习,会扼杀学生掌握知识的意愿。”因此,老师必须关心爱护学生,以自己的爱心换取学生爱戴;教师还必须具有良好的教态,流利标准的口语,工整


试析如何取得良好的大学英语课堂教学效果 【摘要】大学课堂教学,是学生增长知识,学习科学,了解自然、社会,发展能力的学习场所,也是教师传授知识、教导学生的主要舞台,在学生增长知识、了解自然和社会中占有重要的地位。课堂教学的好与差直接影响到教学质量和学生的成绩,同时也间接影响到学生今后走向社会的角色。因此,英语作为一门必修课,如何提高大学英语课堂教学效果至关重要。 【关键词】大学英语教学;课堂教学效果 【Abstract】College classroom teaching, students increase their knowledge, learning science in society, capacity development and learn, but also the teachers to impart knowledge, teach students the main stage, growth in student knowledge and understanding of nature and society plays an important role. Good and bad classroom directly affects the quality of teaching and student achievement, but also indirectly affect the role of students in the future to the community. Therefore, English as a compulsory subject, how to improve the college English teaching is essential. 【Key words】College English teaching; classroom teaching 很多学生把大学英语学习视为通过四、六级考试的手段,一旦通过考试,对英语的学习也到此为止。为了提高大学英语课堂教学的效果,避免以考试为导向的英语学习,本文作者结合实践教学工作提出了几点建议,以期能够形成师生互动的交互式教学模式,取得良好教学效果。 很多学生抱怨大学英语很难学,上课很枯燥,学了几个学期后,收获不大。对于学生而言,学习英语不仅仅是为了通过大学英语四级或者六级考试,更重要的是用语言进行交流。如果大学英语课堂仅仅是以使学生通过考试作为目标,那么课堂流失的学生将会越来越多,所以教师应当转变教学理念,提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。为了改变这种情况,本文旨在从课堂教学的策略出发,通过简单的讲解,能够提高大学英语课堂教学的效果,从而达到学生与教师双赢的目的。 一、与学生保持良好关系 1、平等对待每个学生。 良好的学习效果是需要建立在和谐、民主的课堂环境中的,这就要求我们平等、公正地对待每名学生。高度关注学生的个体差异,帮助每个学生优化自己的学习过程,这是我们做好课堂教学工作、提高课堂学习效率的基础,也是我们作为人民教师的基本职业操守。平等对待每位学生也有助于建立良好的师生关系,让学生在大学英语学习中体会到民主、信任、亲情和关爱,从而使他们积极的情感激发出来。


学校教学质量存在的问题及策略教学质量既是教学工作的核心问题,也是学校适应和立足社会的生命线.近年来,必须全面提高中小学教学质量的呼声越喊 越响,但实际却收效甚微.究其原因,一是教学质量等于学生考分的质量观仍未根本改变;二是教育行政部门和学校尚未建立起科学的、操作性强的教学质量评价体系;三是市场经济对师生价值观的负面影响.因此,针对目前社会上尚未形成新的教学质量观,考分的指挥棒效应仍十分显著,大纲、教材及考纲、考试又高度统一的状况,只能从学校自身着手,通过优化学校的教学环境,转变质量观,深化教学管理和改革,变分数教育为素质教育,来实现真正意义上的教学质量的逐步提高. 一、教学方面存在的问题 1、没有强烈的质量意识。每一个教师都应该明白一个道理,自己的教育教学工作,不能不看重学生成绩,又不能只看重学生成绩,在今天的学校招生体制之下,没有成绩,学生就过不了今天的关,就不可能被高一级的优质学校所录取,学生就失去了进一步深造的机会;只有成绩,学生就过不了明天的关,如果教师只把眼睛盯着学生的考试成绩,用应试教育的一切手段提高学生的升学成绩,这就要培养出高分低能的学生,这类学生中的一部分只有今天而没有明天,他们只是考试的机器,不适应激烈竞争的未来,失去了进一步发展的动力。所以说,教师不但要注重学生的考试成绩,更应该考虑学生的未来。也就是说,教师为了让现实顺利考入高一级学校,今天学生一定要有

一个优异的升学成绩;教师为了学生的未来,还要大力开发学生的潜能,发挥学生的特长,培养学生的动口、动手、动脑的能力,能够把学得的知识内化为能力,给学生一个美好的未来。我们教师明白了这个道理,有了这种质量意识之后,也就有了工作的着力点。现在我们学校有些老师,既不抓教学成绩,也忽视了对学生习惯能力的培养,一味地埋怨学生素质是如何的之低,家长不怎样配合。教知识时不推敲教法,考完之后不注意复习巩固,这样,质量从何而来。 2、常规方面,原有的好做法没有继承下来,又缺乏创新精神,造成了如今的人云亦云,应付差事的局面。具体表现:不能按时进教室,更谈不上候课;踩点上班或铃响后进校园,司空见惯;课前缺少对教材的研发,对所讲授课程的准备,讲到哪里到哪里;坐着上课或上早读,屡见不鲜;各自为政,单打独斗,互相听课,互相学习的风气没有形成;缺乏有效的规划,没有时间钻研教育理论,没有时间接待家长,没有时间找差生谈心,也没有时间进行体育锻炼。 3、高效课堂方面,有部分老师还是套用传统的教学方法,课前不预习,课堂不设疑,整节满堂灌,不留检测题。导学单、训练单没有,学校如果硬要,那就印点卷子完成任务。高效课堂我们制订了管理制度,各科设定了教学模式,还制定了操作性很强的各科预习办法,这些都成了纸上谈兵,没有落实。 二、希望与解决问题的策略 我们学校还是有一批兢兢业业、刻苦钻研的老师,在平凡的岗位上,默默奉献,用自己的行动,体现着教师的风范。薛芳霞老师、李
