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1. My dad was a man of few words, and never _______ me on the values of determination, perseverance, and faith.

A) lectured B) expressed C) talked D) addressed


2. It was a question that had ________ him since he was a child. For solving it, he determined to be a scientist.

A) shocked B) fascinated C) stressed D) frightened


3. There is no agreement on how to ________ this item.

A) define B) identify C) impress D) express


4. To my ________, he knows me. It is just the second time that we meet with each other.

A) amusement B) amazement C) aspiration D) perception


5. It scared me that a car suddenly ________ in front of me.

A) pulled in B) dashed off C) pulled out D) faded away


6. The thief ________ the house and took the money and jewelry away.

A) drove into B) spilt out C) slipped into D) stared at


7. He did not wish to drive the crisis ________ the point of no return.

A) till B) under C) for D) beyond


8. When did that style come back ________ fashion?

A) out B) for C) in D) with


9. John is a good man. He is very ________to help.

A) kind B) busy C) alert D) keen


10. To be citizens in China, we have a duty to ________ the law.

A) uphold B) control C) figure D) recognize


11. After studying abroad for nine years, he misses his families very much. He is ________ for home.

A) longing B) missing C) wishing D) waiting


12. When the judge asked her if she was guilty or not guilty. She ________ her shoulders, looked the judge in the eye, and said, “Not guilty.”

A) waved B) squared C) opened D) broadened


13. The children _______ more to her than anything else in the world.

A) beg B) hesitate C) matter D) request


14. Our trip plans are still up _______ the air.

A) above B) to C) among D) in


15. You can ________ write or phone to him.

A) either B) also C) neither D) not


1.Scientists think they’ve ________ a way to save the tigers―but it will cause a change in the way conservation is done.

A) come up with B) made up of C) do away with D) get rid of


2. The company was in a big crisis because it faced a big ________ in its profits.

A) change B) decline C) trouble D) demand


3. There is a growing ________ that Chinese government gradually extends retirement age.

A) tide B) shortfall C) trend D) estimate


4. The government ________ a plan to rebuilt the old city.

A) suggested B) constructed C) reversed D) proposed


5. This project will protect large areas of land where ________ plants and animals can also use as habitat.

A) a variety of B) a series of C) a plenty of D) a flock of


6. She has ________ a new idea for dealing with the problem.

A) make out B) figure out C) find out D) help out


7. Now it seems that this ________ method is simply too expensive, and hence impractical.

A) on-end B) for-good C) once-for-all D) out-trouble


8. Watching him ________ up the cliff, everyone was breathless with anxiety.

A) climbed B) climbing C) to climb D) be climbing


9. She went on working despite the fact ________the doctor had told her to rest.

A) though B) what C) that D) which


10. Someone may be trying to take ________ of you

A) benefit B) action C) interest D) advantage


11. They have only a fine distinction ________ them.

A) between B) from C) across D) among


12. The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to ________ their work.

A) convey B) display C) survey D) relay


13. I received an encouraging ________ to my homework.

A) response B) correction C) reply D) criticizing


14. There is, ________ addition, one further point to make.

A) to B) in C) with D) by


15. You had better ________ to hospital at once.

A) went B) to go C) go D) going


1. Spain was cited as the most popular holiday ________.

A) satisfaction B) destination C) amusement D) intention


2. The company is ready to meet the _______ of the next few years.

A) opportunity B) obstacle C) challenge D) failure


3. Happiness is the way. So, ________ every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special.

A) treasure B) pleasure C) experience D) endure


4. I ________ customers on the phone and rarely meet them face-to-face.

A) dawn on B) deal with C) hold on D) put up with


5. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no ________ to avoid it.

A) approach B) means C) skill D) way


6. ________ my perspective, I will accept this job.

A) From B) In C) By D) For


7.Suddenly it dawned ________ me that they couldn’t possibly have met before.

A) on B) above C) with D) behind


8. Nowadays people look to technology as a/an ________ source of satisfaction.

A) perceptive B) alternative C) option D) choice


9. Wear clothes that ________ adequate protection against the wind and rain..

A) result B) provide C) derive D) prevent


10. In a ________ burst of anger, the man threw all the things in order to get away.

A) suffer B) sorrow C) sudden D) suddenly


11. Waste products from factories can be made into road-building


A) matter B) substance C) subject D) material


12. ________ is a large amount of data stored in a computer system so that you can find and use it easily.

A) Figure

B) Number

C) Accounting

D) Database


13. I sometimes get up at 3 or 4 in the morning to ________ the net.

A) surf

B) soak

C) sink

D) soar


14.Don’ t ________ your old ideas. Be ready to accept some new ones.

A) admit to

B) add up to

C) cling to

D) look to


15. The ________ you practice, the better you can understand

A) much

B) more

C) many

D) plenty


1. The moment the clown appeared on stage, the ________ laughed.

A) audience

B) audiences

C) listener

D) listeners


2. The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the _______ of the killer.

A) personality

B) pattern

C) identity

D) behavior


3. The incomes of both ________ and urban residents have increased steadily.

A) root

B) rural

C) racial

D) ready


4. More and more people ________ computer science for its efficiency.

A) pleased with

B) familiar to

C) appeal to

D) interested in


5.“I ________ just want to quietly challenge myself and prove that I’m capable of more. ”

A) on end

B) or something

C) all the more

D) sort of


6. Like many of the ________she plays in her comedy, Drew is easygoing and laughs a lot.

A) characters

B) persons

C) speakers

D) viewers


7.“Life is very interesting in the end; some of your greatest pains become your greatest ________.”Drew said.

A) initials

B) weaknesses

C) products

D) strengths


8. After the overthrow of the government, the country was ________.

A) in mess

B) in chaos

C) in place

D) in order


9. Not all authors are pleased being thrown into the ________.

A) neon

B) spotlight

C) shot

D) insight


10. They built a robot which was ________ understanding spoken commands.

A) capable of

B) able to

C) accessible in

D) workable for


11.She’ll be our tour guide because she is ________ this city..

A) familiar to

B) familiar with

C) unfamiliar to

D) unfamiliar with


12. Jim has already got a BA and a MA, and now he is getting the PhD ________.

A) in his arm

B) on his shoulder

C) on hand

D) under his belt


13. Many citizens do not ________ in their local events, as they pay more attention to the national news.

A) catch up

B) caught up

C) get caught up

D) caught


14. ________ the 20th century, country music has grown into one of the most original and lasting American musical forms.

A) From

B) During

C) Throughout

D) Upon


15. We chose the house for our home ________ we saw it

A) as long as

B) as soon as

C) no sooner than

D) for fear that


Passage 1 The emotional, social, and intellectual traits of personality

become apparent to others through behavior. Usually you need to get to know a person well enough before you can discover the full depth that person’s personality. Explaining why personalities develop as they do is not easy. That is because two influences are at work: heredity and environment. And no one knows which one has the greater effect, in fact the combination of these influences may not be the same for every person. Heredity is the set of characteristics that you inherit from your parents and ancestors. “He’s just like his father, ”Mrs. Miller always says about her son Tod, now 17. Since Tod’s father died when the boy was one year old, heredity explains the resemblances, for evidently, Tod has had no opportunity to learn these traits from his father. Other aspects of personality are shaped by what goes on around a person. Environment----the circumstances, objects and conditions that surround people----also has an impact on personality. This influence is very strong and very complicated. Home life, for example, affects children’s personality as they grow. People who feel loved and secure are likely to develop more positive personality traits than those who are troubled as they grow up. That is why divorce is a harmful social practice that exerts a negative effect on the growth of young children. Personalities make people interesting. We are different due to our personalities. Some personalities are more pleasing than others. What about you? Are you satisfied with your personality? Adolescence (青春期) is a time for personality development. For young university students, shaping your personality as you want it to be may be easier now than later, for you are changing while you are learning. Just as an athlete builds skills you can build the personality you want to have but only if you are determined to do so.

16.People’s behavior may display their personalities _______.

A) intellectually, socially as well as philosophically

B) emotionally, mentally and physically

C) not only emotionally but also intellectually

D) socially, intellectually as well as emotionally


17. The story about Tod explains that________.

A) heredity sometimes has a strong influence on personality

B) environment always influences personality in human history

C) the son usually takes after his father in his personality

D) human beings can never change their personality as they want to 参考答案:A

18. Divorce often has a negative effect on the growth of young children because________.

A) broken families are likely to develop less desirable personalities

B) home life is indispensible (必不可少的) for every young people in


C) single parent families invariably contribute to the boring personalities

D) broken families can not provide love and security for the young children


19. Personalities makes people interesting because ________.

A) most of people have the same personality

B) some personalities are more pleasing than others.

C) different people have different personalities

D) there are some interesting rules in personalities


20. From this passage we know ________.

A) an athlete don’t need to build their personalities while training

B) the college student have to change their personalities while learning

C) one can build the personality he wants to have with determination

D) the ole people can never adjust their personalities even with determination


Passage 2

For a long time people believed that the only way to learn a language was to spend a great deal of time in a country where it was spoken. Of course it is clear that Students who go to England, America, or Australia to learn English have great advantage over others, but a large number of students cannot afford to do so. Some students go to the opposite extreme and think they can teach themselves at home with dictionaries. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language and vice versa, and it is impossible for any translation method to provide students with natural forms of a language in speech, let alone produce good pronunciation and intonation. Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and making them do exercises where they continually have to change one word in a sentence. If we were parrots or chimpanzees, these methods might be successful. A large number of theorists seem to think it is a pity we aren’t, because it would make it easier to use their methods. In my personal opinion, no one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and relate them to their own lives. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication. What people want to say and write in another language is probably very similar to what they want to say and write in their own. What they listen to and read cannot be a formula. It must be real.

21. In the past it was believed that the only way to learn a language well is to _________.

A) live in a country where the language is spoken

B) wear the clothes of the language-speaking country

C) behave as if people in the language-speaking country

D) practice the sentence pattern as much as possible


22. It is _______to believe each word in English has a precise equivalent in Chinese.

A) critical

B) funny

C) correct

D) wrong


23. Behaviorists believe that _______.

A) it would be easier for the parrot to learn a new language

B) human being can learn a new language by sentence pattern practice

C) learning a new language relates to some theories based on it

D) human being can learn a new language as the parrot or chimpanzees 参考答案:D

24. The author takes that a good command of a language needs

A) interest

B) money

C) communication

D) theory


25. From this passage, we can infer that________.

A) Animals are more clever in language learning

B) formula is the key to learn a foreign language well

C) effective communication should be base on the real life

D) reading and writing is a must in language learning


1. The school has a ________ for high standards of discipline.

A) reputation

B) reproduction

C) accusation

D) population


2. Although he pretended to ________, he was laughing in his sleeve.

A) symbolize

B) sympathize

C) realize

D) satisfy


3. Compared with developing countries, developed countries ________ more energy.

A) purchase

B) complete

C) consume

D) endure


4.I’m happy to ________ you that you have been promoted to captain.

A) conquer

B) warn

C) capture

D) inform


5. He gave his son some money for the ________ of his school books.

A) purchase

B) product

C) requirement

D) motivation


6. Some teachers ________ stress on language study, some emphasize self-learning, and others stress the importance of ability improving.

A) pay

B) gain

C) set

D) lay


7. He was ________ this accident, and was taken away by the police.

A) in charge

B) responsible for

C) considerate of

D) short of


8. I think the shipping company and the insurance company

should________ this loss.

A) be connected with

B) be fed up with

C) make up for

D) put up with


9. As time went on, people came to be _______ the seriousness of China's


A) aware of

B) sensitive to

C) tired of

D) serious about


10. Too much packaging is doing serious ________ to the environment.

A) benefit

B) damage

C) contribution

D) profit


11. This kind of training is not effective, and is ________ of resources as well.

A) considerable

B) wasteful

C) workable

D) productive


12. When water ________, this place will be dry and crops will die.

A) runs out

B) breaks up

C) springs up

D) tracks down


13. University students are encouraged to have their textbooks

________ by selling them second-hand.

A) relearned

B) reformed

C) reused

D) rebuilt


14. It turned out ________ better than I had expected.

A) so

B) some

C) too

D) far


15. I can graduate ________ I get all the credits..

A) as long as

B) in case

C) in that

D) as though


Caution: Bumpy Road Ahead Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the “real world.” I t is my belief that college students need to be taught more skills and information to enable them to meet the challenges that face everyone in daily life. The areas in which students need training are playing credit game, planning their personal financial strategy, and consumer awareness. Learning how to obtain and use credit I probably most valuable knowledge a young person can have. Credit is a dangerous tool that cab of tremendous help if it is handled with caution. Having credit can enable people to obtain material necessities before they have the money to purchase them outright. But unfortunately, many, many young people get carried away with their handy plastic credit cards and awake one day to find they are in serious financial debt. Learning how to use credit properly can be a very difficult and painful lesson indeed. Of equal importance is learning how to plan personal budget. People have to know how to control money; otherwise. It can control them. Students should leave college knowing how to allocate their money for living expenses, insurance, savings, and so forth in order to avoid the “Oh, no! I’m flat broke and I don’t get paid again for two weeks!” anxiety syndrome. Along with learning about credit and personal financial planning, graduating college students should be trained as consumers. The consumer market today is flooded with a variety of products and services of varying quality and prices. A young person entering the “real world” is suddenly faced with difficult decisions about which product to buy or whose services to engage. He is usually unaware of such things as return policies, guarantees, or repair procedures. Information of this sort is vital knowledge to every living. For a newly graduated college student, the “real world” can be a s cary place to be when he or she is faced with such issues as handling credit, planning a budget, or knowing what to look for when making a purchase and whom to purchase it from. Entering this “real world” could be made less painful if people were educated in dealing with these areas of daily life. What better place to accomplish this than in college?

16. According to the writer, graduating students_________.

A) will not be able to earn enough money to support themselves

B) will find it hard to get a job with only knowledge gained from college

C) have insufficient skills and knowledge to get an well-paid job

D) do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with the realities of life


17. The writer points out that many young people ________.

A) start buying too much on credit before they get a paid job

B) have to depend on credit to purchase the material necessities

C) do not know the power of credit and easily run into financial debt

D) fall into debt due to ill-advised use of credit cards


18. Students suffer from an anxiety syndrome because ________.

A) they run out of money and can’t cover their living expenses

B) they don’t have their parent’s financial support

C) they are worried about tha t they don’t get paid on time

D) they can’t afford to buy insurance for themselves


19. The word “budge” in paragraph 3 means________.

A) month savings

B) living affairs

C) living expenses

D) working hours


20.To “train students as customers” means to enable them to


A) plan their spending carefully so that they won’t go broke in the future life

B) make wise purchasing decisions and learn clearly about the consumer services

C) handle their credit card with caution and don’t buy unnecessary things

D) cope with their financial problem with the information of various kinds


21.The “real world” can be a scary place for the newly graduates because ________.

A) they have to borrow money from the bank when they find no job

B) they have try to endure the painful daily life on their own

C) they have to face many living issues such as proper use of credit

D) they must to find a better place to learn more about the real world 参考答案:C

22. According to the writer, ________.

A) students can be best trained in business and economies in the future society

B) students should be trained to enter the real world after their graduation from college

C) College is the best place to train students to deal with their future financial issues

D) students should be taught to cope with their difficulties after

graduation from college


23.According to the passage, student NEEDN’T training in such areas as _________.

A) making money easily

B) proper using credit card

C) planning their personal budges

D) consumer awareness


24. Credit can be very helpful if _________.

A) it is used by the students

B) it is handled with caution

C) it is transferred into cash

D) it is controlled by the parents


25. Students should leave college knowing how ________for their daily life to avoid the anxiety syndrome.

A) to arrange their life

B) to make use of their time

C) to allocate their money

D) to deal with people around them


1.The players’ behavior on the field is ________ to bring the game into dispute.

A) unlikely

B) likely

C) usefully

D) possibly


2. Among her friends, ________ dress and a relaxed manner are the rule.

A) survival

B) casual

C) endless

D) fruitless


3. We give (a) 10% ________ for immediate payment in cash.

A) deduce

B) decrease

C) discount

D) decline


4. The media is accused of infringing on people’s ________.

A) problem

B) profession

C) property

D) privacy


5. They will change their act when they ________ the seriousness of the problem.

A) find out

B) make sure

C) meet with

D) bring about


6. When my ship comes in, I ________ to take a year's holiday traveling around the world.

A) intend

B) anticipate

C) witness

D) scan


7. They are launching out into a ________ of scientific experiments.

A) group

B) series

C) plenty

D) set


8. The doctor did not reveal the truth ________ her husband.

A) for

B) with

C) to

D) up


9. Most people say they are concerned ________ losing their privacy.

A) about

B) for

C) with

D) above


10. Due to the popularity of Internet, many people began to ________ from writing letters to electronic mails.

A) transfer

B) access

C) convey

D) switch


11. This is one of the most ________ lessons I have ever learned.

A) upcoming

B) valuable

C) convenient

D) available


12. If you have no idea about it, ________ a dictionary.

A) trace

B) consult

C) demand

D) value


13. In these communities loyalty to the family is placed at a ________ .

A) priority

B) poverty

C) premium

D) proverb


14. Her parents urged her to sign up ________ a computer course.

A) for

B) after

C) with

D) in


15. It is high time _________ you got a job and settled down.

A) that

B) when

C) what

D) as


Passage One Parties, drinking, eating----oh, and working----all help pass the time, but deep down there’s something you are really ____1____ to find, but you can’t put your ____2____ on. ____3____ you have been looking for, my friend is the ____4____ to throw yourself into the world of University Societies, and discover the huge ____5____ of activities which thrive in a city like Oxford. ____6____ you want to pursue a(n) ____7____ interest or develop new ones, your first move should be to check out the bewilderingly large array of c lubs at the OUSU Freshers’ Fair. With your Freshers’ Fair, you can get your hands on a brand-new edition of the comprehensive guild ____8____ all things at Oxford. If you miss the Fair, don’t’ ____9____: you can see what societies are offered in the Oxford

Directory. Take a while to ____10____ through----it’s your one major chance to find out about what goes on in the university.

16. A) willing B) eager C) reluctant D) happy


17. A) eye B) ear C) finger D) hand


18. A) What B) Where C) That D) Though


19. A) option B) chance C) possibility D) choice


20. A) scale B) flock C) range D) group


21. A) If B) Although C) Even though D) Whether


22. A) pursing B) existing C) lasting D) enduring


23. A) to B) of C) for D) from


24. A) discourage B) dishearten C) despair D) disappoint


25. A) browse B) get C) pull D) bring



企业内部控制操作实务练习题一、单项选择题 1.下列关于组织结构特点说法错误的是()。 A.所有问题的集体决策或联签制度 B.避免业务重复或职能重叠 C.明确岗位职责 D.不相容职务分离 正确答案:A 答案解析:重大问题的集体决策或联签制度是组织结构的特点。 2.企业人力资源管理应当关注()风险。 A.人力资源缺乏或过剩、结构不合理、开发机制不健全 B.力资源激励约束制度不合理、关键岗位人员管理不完善 C.人力资源退出机制不当 D.以上全部 正确答案:D 3.为了达到控制目的,验收入库的职能必须由独立于()的人员来承担。 A.请购 B.采购 C.会计部门 D.以上全部 正确答案:D 4.下列关于无形资产的说法中错误的是()。 A.无形资产是现代企业生存和发展的一种宝贵资源 B.企业应当建立无形资产业务的岗位责任制,明确相关部门和岗位的职责、权限,确保办理无形资产业务的不相容岗位相互分离、制约和监督 C.无形资产投资预算的编制与审批不需要分离 D.企业应当对无形资产业务建立严格的授权批准制度,明确授权批准的方式、权限、程序、责任和相关控制措施 正确答案:C 答案解析:无形资产投资预算的编制与审批需要分离。 5.下列关于收款控制的说法中错误的是()。 A.企业应当及时办理销售收款业务。对以银行转账方式办理的销售收款,应当通过企业核定的账户进行结算 B.企业应当将销售收入及时入账,不得账外设账,但可以坐支现金 C.企业应当按客户设置应收账款台账,及时登记并评估每一客户应收账款余额增减变动情况和

信用额度使用情况. D.企业应当定期与往来客户通过函证等方式,核对应收账款、应收票据、预收账款等往来款项 正确答案:B 答案解析:企业应当将销售收入及时入账,不得账外设账,不得擅自坐支现金,应当避免销售人员直接接触销售现款。 6.企业开展研发活动应当关注下列()风险。 A.研究项目未经科学论证或论证不充分 B.研发人员配备不合理或研发过程管理不善 C.研究成果转化应用不足、保护措施不力 D.以上全部 正确答案:D 7.企业应当依照国家招投标法的规定,应该遵循的原则不包括的是()。 A.公开 B.适当 C.平等竞争 D.公正 正确答案:B 8.企业对担保申请人可以提供担保的是()。 A.担保项目不符合国家法律法规和本企业担保政策的 B.财务状况恶化、资不抵债、管理混乱、经营风险较大的 C 与其他企业存在较大经济纠纷,面临法律诉讼但有能力承担赔偿责任的 D.已进入重组、托管、兼并或破产清算程序的 正确答案:C 9.对财务报告的真实性、完整性负责的人员是()。 A.企业负责人 B.注册会计师 C.投资债权人 D.会计 正确答案:A 10.对预算执行的考虑因素中不包括的是()。 A.权责明确、权责相当 B.责任可控 C.有效激励 D.预算预警机制


试卷类型:限时测试试卷考试时间:150分钟查看成绩 一、单项选择题(本类题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分。每小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。) 1.企业及时、准确地收集、传递与内部控制相关的信息,确保信息在企业内部、企业外部之间进行有效沟通的是()。 A.内部监督 B.风险评估 C.控制活动 D.信息与沟通 A B C D 【答案错误】× 2.下列各项中,企业战略目标一般是()。 A.稳定的 B.动态的 C.具体的 D.详细的 A B C D 【正确答案】:A 【解析】: 企业战略目标一般是稳定的,但是它的具体目标却是动态的。具体目标会随着内部和外部条件的变化而重新调整,以便和战略目标相协调。 3.企业及时识别、系统分析经营活动中与实现内部控制目标相关的风险,合理确定风险应对策略的是()。 A.内部环境 B.风险评估 C.控制活动 D.内部监督 A B C D 【答案错误】× 4.下列各项中,属于销售与收款业务的相关岗位及人员设置重点检查的内容是()。 A.是否存在销售与收款业务不相容职务混岗的现象 B.销售合同的授权批准手续是否齐全


A B C D 【正确答案】:A 【解析】:监督销售与收款业务相关岗位及人员的设置情况,应重点检查是否存在销售与收款业务不相容职务混岗的现象。 5.下列各项中,属于企业风险中最常见的形态是()。 A. 财产风险 B. 人身风险 C. 责任损失风险 D. 财务风险 A B C D 【正确答案】:A 【解析】: 我们将企业的风险概括为:财产风险、人身风险和责任损失风险等。财产损失是企业风险中最常见的形态。 6.下列各项中,属于授权批准控制要求的是()。 A.单位应合理设置会计及相关工作岗位,明确职责权限 B.单位内部的各级管理层必须在授权范围内行使职权和承担责任 C.单位应明确账、证、表的处理程序 D.单位应建立和完善会计档案保管和会计工作交接办法 A B C D 【答案错误】× 7.专项监督的范围和频率应当根据风险评估结果以及一项监督的有效性等予以确定,这项监督指的是()。 A.日常监督 B.专项监督 C.审计监督 D.所有权监督 A B C D 【答案错误】×


企业内部控制审计指引练习题及答案 一、单选题 1、2008年财政部等五部委发布《企业内部控制基本规范》后,于()发布了企业内部控制配套指引(应用指引、评价指引和审计指引),要求上市公司每年出具内部控制评价报告和内部控制审计报告。 A、2009年 B、2010年 C、2011年 D、2012年 【正确答案】B 2、()是指会计师事务所接受委托,对特定基准日内部控制设计与运行的有效性进行审计。 A、内部控制审计 B、内部监督 C、外部监督 D、控制测试 【正确答案】A 3、()是指一个或多个控制缺陷的组合,可能导致企业严重偏离控制目标。 A、一般缺陷 B、重要缺陷 C、重大缺陷

D、设计缺陷 【正确答案】C 4、下列各项中,属于对控制的监督的是()。 A、授权与批准 B、业绩评价 C、对运营报告的复核和核对 D、职权与责任的分配 【正确答案】C 5、下列关于控制缺陷的说法中,正确的是()。 A、重要缺陷是内部控制中存在的、可能导致不能及时防止或发现并纠正财务报表出现重大错报的一项控制缺陷或多项控制缺陷的组合 B、重大缺陷是内部控制中存在的、其严重程度足以引起负责监督被审计单位财务报告的人员关注的一项控制缺陷或多项控制缺陷的组合 C、内部控制存在的缺陷,按其严重程度分为设计缺陷和运行缺陷 D、内部控制存在的缺陷包括设计缺陷和运行缺陷 【正确答案】D 6、下列关于内部控制缺陷整改的说法中,正确的是()。 A、如果被审计单位在基准日后对存在缺陷的控制进行了整改,整改后的控制运行了足够长的时间,注册会计师即可将其视为内部控制在基准日不存在重大缺陷 B、注册会计师确定整改后控制运行的最短期间需要根据控制的性质和与控制相关的风险,无须运用职业判断


八年级上册学英语报纸答案八年级上册学英语报纸答案 【篇一:八年级下册英语报纸答案】 txt>1. what ' s lily playing? 2. how many kites does bob have? 3. what are they doing to raise mon ey? 4. what job is ala n in terested in? 5. which is ellen ' s favourite snow globe? 二.听小对话,选择正确的答案(10% ) 听第一段对话,回答6-7小题。 6. when is alan ' s birthday? a. march. 3rd b. march 13th. c. march 20th. 7. how will ala n celebrate his birthday? a. have a try b. go out for dinner. c. see a film

听第二段对话,回答8-10小题。 8. where is the new sports cen tre? a. on straight road b. on long street. c. beside the school 9. what sport can people play at the sport cen tre? a. basketball b. volleyball c. swimmi ng 10. how much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 18? a. 40 yua n b. 50 yua n c. 60 yua n 三、听独白,完成信息表(10%)


2015年~2017年高考语文病句试题汇编及解析 考点:辨析并修改病句。能力层级为表达运用E ⒈下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()(3分)【2017新课标Ⅰ卷】 A.根据本报和部分出版机构联合开展的调查显示,儿童的阅读启蒙集中在1-2岁之间,并且阅读时长是随着年龄的增长而增加的。 B.为了培养学生关心他人的美德,我们学校决定组织开展义工服务活动,三个月内要求每名学生完成20个小时的义工服务。 C.在互联网时代,各领域发展都需要速度更快、成本更低的信息网络,网络提速降费能够推动“互联网+”快速发展和企业广泛收益。 D.面对经济全球化带来的机遇和挑战,正确的选择是,充分利用一切机遇,合作应对一切挑战,引导好经济全球化走向。 ⒉下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()(3分)【2017新课标Ⅱ卷】 A.截至12月底,我院已经推出了40多次以声光电技术打造的主题鲜明的展览,是建院90年来展览次数最多的一年。 B.书法是我国优秀的传统文化,近年来在教育部门大力扶持下,使得中小学书法教育蓬勃发展,学生水平大幅提高。 C.我国传统的“二十四节气”被列入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》,使得这一古老的文明再次吸引了世人的目光。 D.这家公司虽然待遇一般,发展前景却非常好,许多同学都投了简历,但最后公司只录取了我们学校推荐的两个名额。 ⒊下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()(3分)【2017新课标Ⅲ卷】 A.今天参观的石窟造像群气势宏伟,内容丰富,堪称当时的石刻艺术之冠,被誉为中国古代雕刻艺术的宝库。 B.传统文化中的餐桌礼仪是很受重视的。老人常说,看一个人的吃相,往往会暴露他的性格特点和教养情况。 C.在那些父母性格温和、情绪平和的孩子身上,往往笑容更多,幸福感更强,抗挫折能力更突出,看待世界也更加宽容。 D.经过几代航天人的艰苦奋斗,中国的航天事业开创了以“两弹一星”、载人航天、月球探测为代表的辉煌成就。 ⒋下列各句中没有语病的一句是()(3分)【2017天津卷】 A.为迎办第十三届全国运动会,市容园林系统集中力量营造整洁有序、大气靓丽、优质宜居的城市形象。 B.随着厂商陆续推出新车型,消费者又再次将目光聚焦到新能源车上,不少新能源车的增长在15%到30%左右 C.河道综合治理工程完成后,将为尽早实现京津冀北运河全线通航打好基础,并将成为北运河的一个重要旅游节点。 D.当人类信息以指数级别爆炸式增长时,我们需要能深度学习的人工智能为我们提供协助,帮助我们让生活更加便捷轻松。 ⒌下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()(3分)【2017浙江卷】 A.国产大飞机C919首飞成功后,各参研参试单位纷纷表示,要发奋努力把大型客机打造成建设创新型国家和制造强国的标志性工程。 B.《朗读者》开播后,许多光电名嘴、企业职工、机关干部、退休教师、留学生吟诵社


下列不属于行政事业单位内部控制的目标的是() A.合理保证单位经济活动合法合规 B.资产安全和使用有效 C.财务信息真实完整 D.实现利润最大化 正确答案:D 经济活动风险评估至少()进行一次;外部环境、经济活动或管理要求等发生重大变化的,应及时对经济活动风险进行重估。 A.一个月 B.半年 C.一年 D.五年 正确答案:C 关于行政事业单位内部控制评价与监督说法错误的是() A.内部监督应当与内部控制的建立和实施保持相对独立 B.单位负责人应当指定专门部门或专人负责对单位内部控制的有效性进行评价并出具单位内部控制自我评价报告 C.单位应当根据本单位实际情况确定内部监督检查的方法、范围和频率 D.内部监督是单位实施内部控制的基础 正确答案:D 关于行政事业单位建设项目招标的说法错误的是()

A.单位的工程项目一般应当采用非公开招标的方式,择优选择具有相应资质的承包单位和监理单位 B.单位可根据项目特点决定是否编制标底 C.单位应当采取签订保密协议、限制接触等必要措施,确保标底编制、评标等工作在严格保密的情况下进行 D.单位和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议 正确答案:A 下列关于行政事业单位固定资产内部控制基本要求说法正确的是() A.不相容岗位和职务分离 B.人员配备应考虑专业素质和职业道德 C.审批人应当根据固定资产业务授权批准制度的规定,在授权范围内进行审批 D.对于审批人超越授权范围审批的业务,经办人应先行办理,事后向上级部门报告 正确答案:D 不属于行政事业内部控制单位评价与监督分类的是() A.单位内部监督 B.社会监督 C.政府监督 D.企业监督 正确答案:D 行政单位支付可以收回的订金,应当通过()科目核算。 A.预付账款 B.预收账款


《内部控制学》课后练习 第一章内部控制产生与发展 一、单选题: 1.()是对现代内部控制研究开展得较早,而且最富有研究成效的国家。 A、美国 B、中国C、日本D、越南 2.美国专门研究内部控制问题的委员会() A、IIA B、AICPA C、COSO D、IMA 3.我国对内部控制的系统研究开始于() A、20世纪80年代末 B、20世纪80年代初 C、20世纪90年代末 D、20世纪90年代初 4.内部控制是由于()的需要而产生的 A、企业内部管理 B、上级机关 C、企业对个投资D、市场环境5.在财务收支和企业的经济活动尚未发生之前进行的控制是() A、事前控制 B、事中控制 C、事后控制 D、职能部门控制 6.提请聘任副总经理和财务负责人是() A、出资者的控制 B、董事会的控制C、总经理的控制D、职能部门的控制 7.内部控制以()作为主要的管理对象 A、人B、工艺流程 C、产品D、货币 8.内部控制学属于()学科 A、管理学科B、经济学科 C、自然学科D、 9.重要开支要求两个人或两个部门同时签字,或者部门之间相互签字是() A、实物牵制B、程序性牵制C、体制牵制D、簿记牵制 10.内部控制的主体是() A、企业的全体人员B、投资人C、董事会D、总经理 二、多选题: 1.内部控制的主要特征() A、内部控制是一门综合性的管理学科 B、内部控制的主体包括企业的全体人员 C、内部控制以制度制定、制度执行和制度执行效果的考核为主要管理手段 D、内部控制的目标是防止风险,把企业风险带来的损失降低到最低程度。 2.内部控制按控制对象分类() A、实体物资的控制 B、业务过程的控制 C、事前控制 D、董事会的控制 3.内部控制有以下()重要作用。 A、规范会计行为,保证会计信息的真实和完整。 B、维护资产的安全和完整。 C、提高工作效率和经营成效。 D、保证国家法律、法规和企业内部规章制度的贯彻执行。 E、为宏观经济运行提供良好的微观基础。 4.内部控制的发展经历了以下几个阶段() A、内部牵制B、内部控制论C、内部控制结构论D、内部控制框架论 5.COSO委员会在《内部控制——一体化框架》中,将内部控制的组成分为()五要素


学英语报答案 篇一:学英语报纸12期答案 第二版 同步课堂 Unit 1 1 connect; to 2 C 3 B 4 to dray mother ary’s Ⅲ. 1. came 2. him 3. joined 4. Their 5. sent 6. y favorite star is Jackie Chan. He is a great actor. I like him very much. I think his movies are exciting and he is a friendly movie star. Most of his movies are very successful action movies. I like his movies best. Jackie Chan is one of the most popular stars in the ay. B. In March. C. In November. D. In September. 8. A. $30.B. $ 300. .C. $60.D. $ 600. 9. A. Because it's funny.B. Because it’s exciting. C. Because it’s scary. D. Because it’s sad. 10. A. Never. B. Every day. C. Once a ike Green is a special artist. 16. He is from America.

17. He can create art any students c from poor families and they ______ afford school lunches, so the government is trying to help them. A. needn’t B. shouldn't C. can’t D. mustn’t 27. China plans to let tourists ______ the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea this year. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited 28. I asked ti Green an hour to fix up his bicycle yesterday. A. cost B. paid C. spent D. took 30. Breakfast is ______ meal of the day. It provides us r Miller agrees. “It is a41 r Miller noost importantly, I45the classroom. This, of course, r Mendel discovered ost people hope that this r Mendel discover ake better medicine.B. Make them get jobs. C. Make maps for them. D. Make them attractive. 54. e. B. ovie with? C. Yes, you are right D. How wonderful the movie was! E. obile phones. G. So the movie was boring, wasn’t it? (三) 阅读短文,完成第II卷第五大题的66~70小题,


病句修改——2016年中考试题汇编及参考答案 【2016·北京卷】 4.为影响校团委“新春致敬子弟兵”的倡议,有位同学给边防战士写了一封慰问信。下面是信中的一段文字,其中字、词、句各有一处错误,请把你找出来。(3分) 新春佳节,万家团圆,你们却依然坚守在住过最北端的边防线上。那里风雨交加,天气恶劣,但你们舍小家为大家,克服重重困难,为我们站岗巡逻。迷们的钢铁之躯为万家和乐奉献着自己的青春。 字:_______ 词:_____ __ 句:________ 【2016·天津卷】 3.下列句子中,没有病句的一项是()(2分) A.有关领导在会议上明确要求,各部门必须尽快提高传染病防控工作。 B.曹文轩获“国际安徒生奖”,实现了中国作家在该奖项上零的突破。 C.随着部分地区高大树木的减少,使某珍稀鸟类只能选择在高压电塔上筑巢。 D.在巡检排查过程中,我市电部门解决并发现了居民用电方面的问题。 【2016·浙江省杭州卷】 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A.本着“服务G20,奉献G20”作为目的,杭州市政府发出志愿者征集令,希望广大市民以主人翁姿态踊跃报名。 B.执法人员近日加大了对上市蔬菜抽样检测,以防止不合格农产品出现在百姓的餐桌上,确保舌尖上的安全。 C.史铁生以亲身经历为基础,描写了他多年来在地坛公园观察到的风景、世态以及对人生独特而深刻的感悟。 D.一篇有关中国人在5000年前就酿制啤酒的论文在《美国国家科学院学报》发表,第一作者是位90后的杭州姑娘。 【2016·福建省福州卷】 2.下面这段文字中画线的句子有语病,请改正。(3分) 福州地铁1号线全线采用标准化、统一化的设计手法,设计5座了主题车站。每座主题主题车站均有艺术展示墙,墙面分别选用镇海雄风、屏山古韵、闵都春韵等进行装饰,充分体现了福州地铁福满闽都、有福之州的线路文化特征。 修改后的句子: 【2016·福建省泉州卷】 历史文化名城泉州,各种艺术形式异彩纷呈。梨园剧种是现宋元南戏的活文物。南音溯源晋唐,是我国中原的古乐遗响。提线木偶则举世闻名的优秀艺术形式。民间花灯、剪纸等________________,美不胜收。而泉州石雕技术之高,艺术之妙,在国内另辟蹊径,独树


第五章内部控制 一、单项选择题 1、内部控制隐含的基本概念包括下列两项: ①系统成本不应超过预期取得的收益。 ②整体控制程序带来的影响不应妨碍营运效率。 下列哪种内部控制体现了以上两概念?() A、限制。 B、管理层责任。 C、数据处理方法。 D、合理保证。 2、下列哪项行为违反了内部控制的基本原则?() A、取信的职员将收到的支票与随支票寄来的原文件对比,并确认,然后注释出支付的金额,最后每天向出纳递交支票(包括一个现金收入清单)的存款。 B、取信的职员将收到的支票与随支票寄来的原文件对比,并确认,然后注释出支付的金额,最后每天将随支付而来的原文件(包括一个现金收入清单)记录到应收账款明细分类账。 C、在周末,收银出纳为本周收到的全部现金收据制作存单。 D、总账部门比较从出纳收到的为可用于未计科目的现金编制的简要会计分录,以及应收账款部门记录明细分类账的分批总数。 3、为了正确地进行职责分配,计算机部门的哪个职位应对重新处理数据处理过程中发现的错误负责?() A、部门经理。 B、系统分析员。 C、电脑程序员。 D、数据控制组。 4、在将一个新客户的汇款地址输入到甲公司电脑数据库的时候,员工错误地输入了一个不存在的邮政区号,结果,邮寄给新客户的第一个月的账单又退回了甲公司。如果当时采取下述哪一项措施,将最有可能发现甲公司电脑数据库的输入错误? () A、限制性测试。 B、有效性测试。 C、奇偶校验。 D、记录数目测试。 5、以下的控制哪个可以用来检测到那些从来没有发生却被银行记录的存款?() A、尽可能早些将收入制证、记账。

B、查相关其他的内部会计科目(即稽核应收账款或销售)。 C、合并现金收款点。 D、第三方执行银行对账。 6、控制是管理层通过以下哪一项的适当及有效活动实施的结果?() A、计划、组织和指导组织活动。 B、确定需求,确定可供选择的行动方案,制定衡量业绩的标准,并将结果与预定标准相比较。 C、授权和检查业绩,并与计划业绩的实现对比。 D、确定经营的效率和经济性,包括目的和目标是否已经达到。 7、如果内部控制被良好的设计,那么以下哪两种任务应当由两个不同的人执行?() A、批准坏账核销,应付账款明细账和控制的账户合并。 B、发放工资支票和确认赊销的回款。 C、记录现金收入日记账和现金支付的总账。 D、记录现金收入和编制银行对账单。 8、已知精度区间,样本能够反映总体的可能性由下列哪项得知?() A、点估计。 B、抽样误差。 C、置信水平。 D、误差率。 9、下列哪种会计和管理技术最不可能帮助内部审计人员评价各个利润中心使用资源的经济性和效率?() A、成本差异分析。 B、弹性预算。 C、作业管理。 D、联合成本分摊。 10、从现代内部审计的角度来看,下面哪一项是内部审计活动最重要的好处?() A、保证公布的财务报表是正确的。 B、保证欺诈活动将被检测。 C、保证该组织符合法律规定。 D、保证日常的经营得到合理的控制。 11、下列哪项是电子数据处理系统的内部控制系统的缺点?() A、数据控制小组审核并测试程序,然后再处理计算机发现的错误。

部编中考 语文 修改病句专项训练含答案(Word版)

部编中考语文修改病句专项训练含答案(Word版) 一、中考语文专项练习:修改病句 1.学校开展“崇尚英雄精忠报国”主题活动,请你根据下列材料,完成后面的问题。 材料一:学校开展“崇尚英雄精忠报国”主题活动,对全校同学做了中学生了解英雄人物情况的问卷调查,以下是调查结果的数据统计: 材料二:《现代汉语词典》中“英雄”的解释如下:不怕困难,不顾自己,为人民利益而英勇斗争,令人钦佩的人。 材料三:川航机长刘传健在万米高空客机驾驶舱玻璃脱落的危急情况下,驾驶飞机奇迹返航。中国民航局表彰他具有“高超的技术水平和职业素养”。能够在生死一线之际成为英雄,源于他日常工作中精益求精的专业精神和出类拔萃的专业能力。 (1)请简要概括材料一中图表的主要信息。 (2)校学生会下发了关于开展主题班会的活动通知,其中有些问题,请你帮助修改。 通知 全校各班级: 兹定于2019年4月22日下午4:00,【甲】以班级为单位召集一次主题班会。班会内容包括集体观看宣传片、诵读英雄革命家书和讨论“我”心目中的英雄。【乙】要求精心组织好这次主题班会,实现班会活动全覆盖,广泛动员学生参与。 学生会2019年4月18日 ①【甲】处画线句中存在词语搭配不当的问题,应将“________”改为“________”。 ②【乙】处画线句中存在语序不当的问题,应把“________”与“________”调换顺序。 ③通知中存在一处格式错误,修改意见为:________。 (3)主题班会“论英雄”环节,同学们展开了自由讨论。请你结合所给材料,对同学们的讨论作总结发言。 小辉:古代的民族英雄如岳飞、戚继光等,勇武过人,谋略超群,实在值得钦佩。 小丹:那些动漫、电影里的英雄像超人、钢铁侠,才叫厉害,每次都能拯救地球。 小薇:那些为了民族独立和人民自由幸福而流血牺牲的人民英雄们,才是真英雄。 【答案】(1)当前,中学生对古代英雄、革命英雄、动漫、电影英雄了解较多,对当代英雄了解较少。 (2)召集;召开;广泛动员学生参与;实现班会活动全覆盖;把日期写在署名的正下方(3)总结发言:同学们,英雄不光是勇武过人、谋略超群、拥有超能力、为人类流血牺牲


企业内部控制应用指引第15号——全面预算选择题: 1.预算管理工作机构一般设在()。财会部门 2.企业对一定期间经营活动、投资活动、财务活动等作出的预算安排为()。全面预算 3.应当定期组织预算执行情况考核,将各预算执行单位负责人签字上报的预算执行报告和已掌握的动态监控信息进行核对的是()。预算管理委员会 4.为了对各预算执行单位和个人进行考核,切实做到有奖有惩、奖惩分明,企业应当建立严格的预算执行()。考核制度 5.企业完成全面预算草案编制工作的时间是()。预算年度开始前 6.预算管理委员会编制好全面预算草案后,负责审核企业的全面预算草案的是()董事会 7.履行全面预算管理职责的是()。预算管理委员会 8.预算管理委员会中履行日常管理职责的是()。预算管理工作机构 9.对预算管理工作机构在综合平衡基础上提交的预算方案进行研究论证的是()。预算管理委员会 10.企业用来作为组织、协调各项生产经营活动的基本依据是()。年度预算 判断题: 1.全面预算是企业对特定时期经营活动、投资活动、财务活动等作出的预算安排。()错误 2.企业全面预算一经批准下达,各预算执行单位应当认真组织实施,将指标层层分解,按纵向落实到内部各部门、各环节和各岗位。错误

3.企业应当加强对预算执行的管理,落实预算执行责任制,确保预算刚性,严格预算执行。()正确 4.企业应当在预算年度开始时完成全面预算草案的编制工作。()错误 5.企业应当加强资金收付业务的预算控制,及时组织资金收入,严格控制资金支付,对于超预算或预算外的资金支付,应当实行严格的审批制度。()正确 6.企业预算管理工作机构应当加强与各预算执行单位的沟通,运用财务信息和其他相关资料监控预算执行情况,及时向企业负责人报告。()错误 7.预算管理工作机构一般设在财会部门。()正确 8.企业预算管理委员会制定的全面预算草案需要提交给董事会。()正确 9.企业应当建立和完善预算编制工作制度,明确编制依据、编制程序、编制方法等内容,确保预算编制依据合理、程序适当、方法科学,避免预算指标过高或过低。()正确 10.预算管理委员会只负责拟定预算目标。()错误 企业内部控制应用指引第16号——合同管理 选择题: 1.不适用企业内部控制应用指引第16号--合同管理的是()。企业与职工签订的劳动合同 2.企业与自然人、法人及其他组织等平等主体之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议是(合同 3.上级单位应当加强对下级单位合同订立、履行情况的()。监督检查 4.企业严格履行合同应当遵循的原则是()。诚实信用 5.负责审核业务承办部门起草的合同文本的部门是()。法律部门

课堂练习 内控练习题

一、案例分析-内部控制制度及评审 1. 2008年5月22日,财政部、证监会、审计署、银监会、保监会联合发布《企业内部控制基本规范》(以下简称基本规范),自2009年7月1日起在上市公司基本规范事宜。2008年6月A上市公司召开董事会,以研究贯彻执行基本规范的事宜。会议责成A公司(上市公司)召开董事会,研究贯彻执行基本规范事宜。会议责成A公司经理层根据基本规范中关于建立与实施内部控制的五项原则,抓紧拟订本公司实施基本规范的工作方案,报董事会批准后执行。2008年8月,A公司经理层提交了基本规范实施方案。其要点如下: 要求;从内部控制理论的方法角度,指出A公司经理层提交的基本规范实施方案各要点中的不当之处,并简要说明理由。 (1)明确控制目标。本公司实施内部控制的目标,是保证经营管理合法合规、资产安全完整、财务报表真实可靠,确保聘请会计师事务所进行内部控制审计后获得标准无保留审计意见。 (2)优化内部环境。严格按照《公司法》建立规范的公司治理结构,明确董事会、经理层、监事会在决策、执行、监督等方面的职责权限。为此,建议在董事会下增设审计委员会,由总会计师兼任委员会主任;同时,成立本公司内部控制领导小组,由总会计师兼任组长,全权负责本公司内部控制的建立健全和有效实施;在完善公司人力资源政策方面,以业务能力作为选人、用人的决定性标准,培养一支能力过硬的职工队伍。 (3)开展风险评估。紧密围绕设定的控制目标,全面系统持续地收集相关信息,结合本公司实际情况,及时进行风险评估。考虑到外部风险的复杂性和多变性,加之本公司风险分析力量不足,拟对外部风险忽略不计,重点识别和分析内部风险,根据定性分析结果,主要采取风险规避策略应对风险。 (4)严格控制活动。综合运用手工控制与自动控制、预防性控制与发现性控制相结合的方法,采用相应的控制措施,将风险控制在可承受范围之内。同时,强化绩效考评控制,将全体员工实施内部控制的情况作为绩效考评的参考指标。 (5)加强信息沟通。建立信息与沟通制度、明确内部控制相关信息的收集、处理和传递程序,确保信息及时沟通。充分发挥信息技术在信息与沟通中的作用,只要将单一的会计电算化向全面ERP管理系统转化,将控制流程“固化”在信息系统之中,就能杜绝错误和舞弊现象发生。 (6)强化内部监督。研究制定内部控制监督制度,规范内部监督程序、方法和要求。突出内部监督重点,主要将与财务会计工作密切相关的业务环节和控制流程纳入监督范围。增强监督检查的针对性,把开展专项监督摆在首要位置。重


2015年各地高考病句真题训练 1.(2015·课标全国卷Ⅰ)下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( ) A.为纪念抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,从现在起到年底,国家大剧院宣布将承办31场精心策划的演出。 B.根据国家统计局发布的数据,4月份我国居民消费价格指数出现自去年12月以来的最大涨幅,但仍低于相关机构的预测。 C.这部小说中的“边缘人”是一个玩世不恭、富有破坏性却真实坦白的群体,人们面对这类形象时会引起深深的思索。 D.为进一步保障百姓餐桌安全,国家对施行已超过5年的《食品安全法》作了修订,因加大了惩处力度而被冠以“史上最严”的称号。 【答案】B 【解析】本题从语序不当、结构混乱、成分残缺三个角度考查对病句的辨析。A项语序不当。“从现在起到年底”,应该放到“国家大剧院宣布”之后,修饰限定承办演出的时间段。C项句子前两分句的主语是“边缘人”这类形象,而最后一个分句把主语偷换成了“人们”,造成句子结构混乱,可以把最后一个分句修改为“这类形象会引起人们深深的思索”。D项成分残缺。“被冠以‘史上最严’的称号”前缺主语,可在“因加大了”前加“新《食品安全法》”。 2.(2015·课标全国卷Ⅱ)下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( ) A.“地坛书市”曾经是北京市民非常喜爱的一个文化品牌,去年更名为“北京书市”并落户朝阳公园后,依旧热情不减。 B.“丝绸之路经济带”横跨亚、非、欧三大洲,其形成与繁荣必将深刻影响世界政治、经济格局,促进全球的和平与发展。 C.在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。 D.父亲住院期间,梅兰每天晚上都陪伴在他身旁,听他讲述一生中经历的种种苦难和幸福,她就算再忙再累,也不例外。 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查辨析病句。A项偷换主语,“依旧热情不减”的主语应为“北京市民”。C项一面对两面,把“能”改为“能否”。D项“她就算再忙再累,也不例外”表述不当,可改为“就算再忙再累,也会这样做”。 3.(2015·四川卷)下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )


第七章内部控制及其评价 一、单选题 1. 内部控制无论如何设计和执行只能对财务报告的可行性提供合理保证,其原因是()。 A. 建立和维护内部控制是丙公司管理层的职责 B. 内部控制的成本不应超过预期带来的收益 C.在决策时人为判断可能出现错误中 %华 @会计¥网??校 D.对资产和记录采取适当的安全保护措施是丙公司管理层应当履行的经管责任 2.下列与现金业务有关的职责可以不分离的是()。 A. 现金支付的审批与执行 B. 现金保管与现金日记账的记录 C.现金的会计记录与审计监督 D. 现金保管与现金总分类账的记录 3.在了解控制环境时, C 注册会计师通常考虑的因素是()。 A. 内部控制的人工成分 B. 内部控制的自动化成分 C. 丙公司董事会对内部控制重要性的态度和认识 D. 会计信息系统 4.下列情形中,最有可能导致C注册会计师不能执行财务报表审计的是()。 A.丙公司管理层没有清晰区分内部控制要素 B.丙公司管理层没有根据变化的情况修改相关的内部控制 C.丙公司管理层凌驾于内部控制之上 D.C 注册会计师对丙公司管理层的诚信存在严重疑虑 5.C 注册会计师没有义务实施的程序是()。 A.查找丙公司内部控制运行中的所有重大缺陷 B.了解丙公司情况及其环境 C.实施审计程序,以了解丙公司内部控制的设计 D.实施穿行测试,以确定丙公司相关控制活动是否等到执行 二、多选题。 1 在了解戊公司控制环境时, E 注册会计师应当关注的内容有( )。 A. 戊公司治理层相对于管理层的独立性 B.戊公司管理层的理念和经营风格 C. 戊公司员工整体的道德价值观 D.戊公司对控制的监督 2.戊公司下列控制活动中,属于经营业绩评价方面的有()。 A.由内部审计部门定期对内部控制的设计和执行效果进行评价 B.定期与客户对账并发现的差异进行调查 C.对照预算、预测和前期实际结果,对公司的业绩复核和评价 D.综合分析财务数据和经营数据之间的内在关系 3.在了解戊公司内部控制时, E 注册会计师通常采用的程序有()。 A. 查阅内部控制手册 B.追踪交易在财务报告信息系统中的处理过程 C. 重新执行某项控制 D.现场观察某项控制的运行 4、在识别和了解被审计单位内控后,注册会计师对控制的评价结论可能是() A所设计的控制单独或连同其他控制能够防止或发现并纠正重大错报,并得到执行 B 控制本身的设计不合理,但得到了执行 C 控制本身的设计是合理的,但没得到执行 D控制本身的设计就是无效的或缺乏必要的控制 5、在测试控制运行的有效性时,注册会计师应当从下列()方面获取关于控制是否有效 运行的审计证据。 A 控制是否存在B控制在测试时是如何运行的 C控制由谁执行D是人工控制还是自动化控制 6、对控制测试的程序包括() A 询问 B 检查和观察 C穿行测试 D 重新执行


2015年高考语文病句试题汇编及解析整理人: 恩施高中xx (2015年新课标Ⅰ卷高考真题)下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分) A.为纪念抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,从现在起到年底,国家大剧院宣布将承办31场精心策划的演出。 B.这部小说中的“边缘人”是一个玩世不恭、富有破坏性却真实坦白的群体,人们面对这类形象时会引起深深的思索。 C.根据国家统计局发布的数据,4月份我国居民消费价格指数出现自去年12月以来的最大涨幅,但仍低于相关机构的预测。 D.为进一步保障百姓餐桌的安全,国家对施行已超过5年的《食品安全法》作了修订,因加大了惩处力度而被冠以“史上最严”的称号。 答案: B【解析】本题考查正确使辨析语病的能力。 A.状语位置不当。“从现在到年底”调至“将”前。 C.主客颠倒。应是引起人们深深的思索。 D.偷换主语,应该在“因加大惩处力度”前加“这部法律”。 (2015年新课标II高考真题)下列各句中.没有语病的一句是(3分) A.“地坛书市”曾经是北京市民非常喜爱的一个文化品牌,去年更名为“北京书市”并落户朝阳公园后,依旧热情不减。 B.“丝绸之路经济带”横跨亚、非、欧三大洲,其形成与繁荣必将深刻影响世界政治、经济格局,促进全球的和平与发展。

C.在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。 D.父亲住院期间,梅兰每天晚上都陪伴在他身旁,听他讲述一生中经历的种种苦难和幸福,她就算再忙再累,也不例外。 答案: B【解析】A前后主语不一致。可将“热情”改为“魅力”。C两面对一面,可改为“能否激发人们的爱国热情”。D“也不例外”表述不当,可改为“也会这样做”。 (2015年安徽高考真题)下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(4分) A.具有自动化生产,智能识别和系统操控等功能的工业机器人,正成为国内不少装备制造提高生产闹效率,解决人力成本上涨的利器。 B.引导有运动天赋的青少年热爱并且投身于滑雪运动,从而培养这些青少年对滑雪运动的兴趣,是北京冬奥申委正在关注的问题。 C.要深化对南极地区海冰融化现象和在南极上空大气运动过程的认识,就必须扩大科学考察区域,加强科研观测精度,改进实验设计方法。 D.各级各类学校应高度重视校园网络平台建设,着力培养一批熟悉网络技术、业务精湛的教师,以便扎实有效地开展网络教育教学工作。 答案: D【解析】A成分残缺,可在“上涨”后面加“难题”。B不合逻辑,一般先培养了兴趣,才会热爱并投身于某项运动。C搭配不当,“加强”与“精度”不搭配,可将“加强”改为“提高”。。 (2015年重庆高考真题)下面一段话有三个句子,其中一句有语病,请指出并针对语病进行修改,修改后的句子要保持原意。(4分) ①在长江三峡中,瞿塘峡最为雄奇险峻,峡内有不少令人惊叹的名胜古迹。②在瞿塘峡北岸绝壁上,有一条沿江修建、全长65千米的古栈道,连通


2015年继续教育多选题练习及答案 二、多选题 1、内部控制建立与实施过程中相关的文档记录有:内控环境相关主要文档、风险评估相关主要文档、控制活动相关主要文档、信息与沟通相关主要文档、监督检查相关主要文档等。以下属于控制活动相关主要文档的有(AC)。? ?A:财务会计报告流程 ?B:绩效考核文档 ?C:销售与收款循环控制文档 ?D:公司财务报告 2、企业建立与实施内部控制,应当遵循的原则(ABCDE) ?A:全面性原则 ?B:重要性原则 ?C:制衡性原则 ?D:适应性原则 3、企业应当制定和实施有利于企业可持续发展的人力资源政策。人力资源政策应当包括下列内容(ABCD)。 ?A:员工的聘用、培训、辞退与辞职 ?B:员工的薪酬、考核、晋升与奖惩 ?C:关键岗位员工的强制休假制度和定期岗位轮换制度 ?D:掌握国家秘密或重要商业秘密的员工离岗的限制性规定 4、审计委员会负责人应当具备(ABC) ?A:相应的独立性 ?B:良好的职业操守 ?C:专业胜任能力 ?D:良好的专业技能 5、企业应当通过编制内部管理手册,使全体员工掌握( ABC)等情况,明确权责分配,正确行使职权。 ?A:内部机构设置 ?B:岗位职责 ?C:业务流程 ?D:财务状况 6、企业应当制定和实施有利于企业可持续发展的人力资源政策。人力资源政策应当包括下列内容(ABCD)。 ?A:员工的聘用、培训、辞退与辞职

?B:员工的薪酬、考核、晋升与奖惩 ?C:关键岗位员工的强制休假制度和定期岗位轮换制度 ?D:掌握国家秘密或重要商业秘密的员工离岗的限制性规定 7、企业识别外部风险,应当关注下列因素:(ABCD ) ?A:经济形势、产业政策、融资环境、市场竞争、资源供给等经济因素。 ?B:法律法规、监管要求等法律因素。 ?C:安全稳定、文化传统、社会信用、教育水平、消费者行为等社会因素。 ?D:技术进步、工艺改进等科学技术因素。 8、企业应当综合运用(ABCD)等风险应对策略,实现对风险的有效控制 ?A:风险规避 ?B:风险降低 ?C:风险分担 ?D:风险承受 9、下列属于风险降低的方法有:( AB) ?A:平衡抵销法 ?B:本币计价 ?C:远期外汇买卖 ?D:外汇期权交易 10、企业采购业务的不相容岗位至少包括(ABCD)。 ?A:请购与审批 ?B:供应商的选择与审批 ?C:采购合同协议的拟订、审核与审批 ?D:采购、验收与相关记录 11、下列关于不相容职务的说法中,正确的有(ABCD)。 ?A:授权进行某项经济业务和执行该项业务的职务要分离 ?B:保管某些财产物资和对其进行记录的职务要分离 ?C:保管某些财产物资和使用这些财产物资的职务要分离 ?D:执行某些经济业务和审核这些经济业务的职务要分离 12、以下属于预防性控制的有(ACD) ?A:职责分离 ?B:盘点 ?C:设置权限 ?D:正确性校验
