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合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,合肥230009北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心,北京100097摘要:为研究超声辅助提取对豆渣中水不溶性大豆膳食纤维提取效率及物理特性的影响,该文以超声波为辅助,在液料比、超声功率强度、超声温度和超声时间4个单因素试验的基础上,通过四元二次通用旋转组合设计试验优化超声辅助提取水不溶性大豆膳食纤维的工艺条件,并采用扫描电镜、红外光谱仪等对超声辅助、酸溶碱沉、酶解辅助提取所获得的水不溶性大豆膳食纤维产品进行了物理特性表征。优化试验结果表明,在液料比35 mL/g、超声功率强度600 W/g、超声温度50℃、间歇性超声处理累计时间50 min条件下水小溶性大豆膳食纤维提取率较高,达92.11%。物性分析结果显示,与酸溶碱沉、酶解辅助提取的水不溶性大豆膳食纤维相比,超卢辅助提取的水不溶性大豆膳食纤维具有更高的持水力、溶胀力、结合水力和结合脂肪能力以及更丰富的空间网状结构。研究结果揭示,超卢辅助提取法不仪能够提高豆渣中水不溶性大豆膳食纤维的提取率,而且对其加工性能有很好的改进作用。


10.3969/j.issn. 1002-6819.2011.09.067

TQ028A1002 -6819(2011 )-09-0387-06




事食品乍物化学研究。合肥 台肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,230009.

Email: llihuapan@163.com







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Ultrasound-assisted extraction of insoluble dietary fiber from soybean and its physical properties

Pan LihuaXu XuelingLuo Jianping



作者:潘利华, 徐学玲, 罗建平, Pan Lihua, Xu Xueling, Luo Jianping

作者单位:潘利华,罗建平,Pan Lihua,Luo Jianping(合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,合肥,230009), 徐学玲,Xu Xueling(北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心,北京,100097)



英文刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering




1.Espinosa-Martos I;Ruperez P Indigestible fraction of okara from soybean:composition,physicochemical properties and in vitro fermentability by pure cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteriurm bifidum 2009(05)

2.Catalina O M;Delia P M;Celina R G Evaluation of soy hulls as a potential ingredient of functional foods for the prevention of obesity 2010(02)

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5.徐波;宋恒祥酶法生产大豆IDF的研究[期刊论文]-食品研究与开发 2002(06)

6.Patist A;Bates D Ultrasonic innovations in the food industry:From the laboratory to commercial production[外文期刊] 2008(02)

7.李娜;宁正祥;祝子坪豆渣膳食纤维的制备及性能研究[期刊论文]-食品科学 2009(20)

8.Sudha T B;Thanikaivelan P;Ashokkumar M;Chandrasekaran B Structural and thermal investigations of biomimetically grown casein-soy hybrid protein fibers[外文期刊] 2011(02)

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13.Chen X P;Wang W X;Li S B Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of Lingzhi polysaccharides using response surface methodology and its inhibitory effect on cervical cancer cells 2010(10)

14.Wilson R H;Smith A C;Kacurakova M The mechanical properties and molecular dynamics of plant cell wall polysaccharides studied by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy 2000(03)

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引用本文格式:潘利华.徐学玲.罗建平.Pan Lihua.Xu Xueling.Luo Jianping超声辅助提取水不溶性大豆膳食纤维及其物理特性[期刊论文]-农业工程学报 2011(9)
