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初三英语期末复习测试卷(牛津版9A )

A 、en ough books ; en ough easy

B 、eno ugh books ; easy eno ugh

C 、books enough ; easy enough

D 、books enough ; enough easy

( )23. Could you please tell me

our tickets? ----------------

A 、where do we show

B 、where we do show

C 、where we to show

D 、where to show

( )24. Do you mind

the door? ___________ A 、my opening B 、me to open

C 、mine opening

D 、to open

( )25. ---Is there in the box? ---No,


A 、something ; anything

B 、anything ; something

C 、anything ; nothing

D 、nothing ; anything

( )26. Which _______ you rather _________ , tea or coffee?

A. would, to dri nk

B. would, like

C. would, \

D. would,dri nk

( )27. Don't eat

meat. If you do so ,you'll get fat. ____________ __________

A 、too much ; much too

B 、much too ; too much

C 、much too ; much too

D 、too much ; too much

( )28. ________ useful advice he gave us !

A. How

B. What

C. What a

D. How a

( )29. My mother asked me to go shopp ing yesterday .In this sentence

“ to go shopp ing ” is

A. Object

B. Predicative

C. Adverbial

D. Object compleme nt

)30. ---- I like my teacher very much. He is very kind _______ us.

---- O h, that's very kind ________ him. A. of; to B. to; of

C. to; to

D. of; of

)31. Sim on hardly speaks En glish, _______ ?

A. is he

B. is n't he

C. does he

D. does n't he

)32. ---- How many stude nts liste ned to the teacher carefully en ough in the class?

A. Nobody

B. None

C. Someo ne

D. Some one

)33. I don't know how to ____ with this problem and what to ______ w ith these bad

apples. A. do; do

B. deal; deal

C. deal; do

D. do; deal

A 、to buying ; to giving C 、buy ; give

)22. There are

B 、to buy ; to give

D 、buying ; to giving

in the reading room ,but many of those books

、单项选择(共 15分,每小题1分)

)21.1 prefer

her some prese nts

her some money. are n't

to read. -----------------------

()34. I thi nk this talk is worth _________ .

A. to liste n

B. to liste n to

C. liste ning

D. liste n

( )35. ------- I have no choice but _______ my homework.

----- I agree with you. We stude nts can do no thi ng but ____ it.

A. do; finish

B. to do; to finish

C. to do; finish

D. do; to finish



What is your favourite colour ? Do you like yellow, orange , or red ? If you do , you must

be an optimist (乐观者),a leader or an active person who enjoys life. Do you prefer grey and blue?

The n you are probably quiet, shy and you'd rather follow tha n 36 . You seem to be a ------------- pessimist (悲观者).

Colours 37 our moods, there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes most __________________

people feel more 38 and warmer tha n a dark gree n on e. It seems that a red dress br ings

warmth and cheer. On the other hand, black is depressing ( 令人压抑的).A black bridge 39

the River Thames , near London , used to be the scene of more suicides ( 自杀)than other bridges in the area un til it 40 gree n. The n umber of suicide attempts fell sharply at on ce,

perhaps it would have falle n eve n more if the bridge had bee n done 41 pink or baby blue.

Light and 42 colors make people not only happier but also 43 . It is a true fact that

factory workers work better, harder, and have 44 accide nts whe n their machi nes are pain ted

ora nge rather 45 black or dark gree n. ---------------

( )36 A go back B

. come C. lead D. thi nk

( )37. A. i nflue need B

. don't in flue nee C. in flue nee D. effect

( )38. A. cheerful B

. cheer C. n ervous D. worried

( )39. A. on B. i o ver C. cross D. through

( )40 A pain ted


. is pain ted C. got D. was pain ted

( )41. A. with B

. by C. in D. to

( )42. A. dark B

. bright C. clear D.good

( )43. A. active B

. .more quiet C. more active D. much active

( )44. A. little B

. .less C. fewer D. more

( )45. A. to B


tha n C. for D. not



In the past,when people had problems,they went to their families or friends to get advice.

Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows ,TV programs and telephones hot lines ,too. A hot line is a teleph one line that offers a direct way of getti ng in touch with advisers. Most hot lines are completely anonym ous ----- c allers do not have to say their n ames or telepho ne n umbers. Most hot lines are usually free, too. Callers do not have to pay for advice or the phone calls --------- eve n if

the calls are long distanee. At some hot lines, the advisers are volunteers. Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work. Usually the advisers are full -job people with years of educati on and experienee, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line. All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.

( )46. When people call the hot line advisers, they . ________

A. ofte n give their n ames and telepho ne n umbers

B. gen erally have to pay for the long dista nee calls

C. usually pay nothing for most of the calls and advice

D. always try to get in touch with the volu nteer advisers

( )47. How do the hot line advisers work?

A. They do what the callers tell them to do.


B. They listen to the callers and take their advice.

C. They give the callers advice.

D. They go to the callers' houses to help them.

( )48. The writer of the article seems to think that . ________

A. with hot lines people won't get advice from their families or frie nds

B. hot lines help the callers a lot

C. people had better pay for the advice and pho ne calls

D. the hot line advisers will solve all of the callers' problems


TV Programs


6 21 NEWS 19 $ 20 MILLION PRIZE Game Show 53 THE NEW DOCTORS FilmGra nt are Men del and Judy George doctors in love in a big -city hospital. 55 24 HOURS

Talk Show in space describes her woma n The first work on the space stati on.

6:30 NEWS 7 10 2


6 FilmLa nee wants Betty to marry him.

He gives her a week to decide. MONEY

TALK 19 Talk Show David Mon toya, the head

of City Bank, discusses the high cost of liv ing. He describes the ways to save mon ey.

55 CHINESE COOK Cook ing Mr. Li talks about how to cook Sichua n chicke n.


55 Talk ShowChildre n discuss latest kids films. 7:00 NEWS

10 6 LIVING TODAY 9 )(纪录片Docume ntary A Can adia n stude nt describes his first trip to West China.


Talk )采访Ken Cleveland interviews( . He visits her one

sin ger Gloria Estefa n . hun dred-room houseMEND IT YOURSELF 31 Home

Repair Jack and Julie talk about how to repair a broke n win dow.



A match in Wimbled on, En gla nd.

( )49.What ki nd of program is 24 HOURS?

A. Talk Show.

B. Film.

C. Game Show.

D. Cooki ng.


( )50.What's on Cha nnel 19 at 6:30?





( )51.Who does Ken Clevela nd in terview?

A. A stude nt.

B. A cook.

C. A rich sin ger.

D. A tennis player.


Jenny felt more con fide nt about her life after read ing about her star sig n. She always followed the advice for her star sig n, Virgo.

One Mon day, it said, “ Be careful not to an swer phone calls this week, or you could miss a great opportu nity (机会)!” "I think I'm patie nt eno ugh not to an swer the phones for a week, thought Jenny. Twenty minutes later, her mobile phone rang. It was from her company. They were calli ng to tell her that she was n eeded to go to the office early that day, but Jenny did not an swer the phone. When she arrived at the office,

her boss was angry because Jenny, his only secretary( 秘书), was four hours late. He became eve n an grier whe n he knew that she did not an swer any pho ne calls for the whole day.

When the same thing happe ned the n ext day, Jenny's boss became impatie nt and told her to go home! During the rest of the week, Jenny did not an swer any phone calls. She missed 20 phone calls on Sun day and felt sad that she did not speak to an ybody on her birthday.

On the follow ing Mon day morning, Jenny rushed dow nstairs to get the n ewspaper and read

her star sign's advice for the new week. She felt she was very silly after reading an apology( 道歉)for last week's mistake in the n ewspaper. Virgo's advice should be “ Be careful to an swer pho ne calls this week. ”

“ Not” was put in by mistake!

( )52. Jenny felt after reading the advice for her star sign. _______

A. patie nt

B. con fide nt

C. wise

D. powerful

( )53. Jenny was asked to go home on . ________

A. Mo nday

B. Tuesday

C. Friday

D. Sun day

( )54. What was the main reason that Jenny's boss got very angry?

A. Jenny was late for work.

B. Jenny did n't know she was wrong.

C. Jenny did n't an swer the pho ne calls for a whole day.

D. Jenny had a bad star sig n.

( )55. In fact, the n ewspaper wan ted the Virgos . _________

A. to an swer all pho ne calls

B. not to an swer any pho ne calls

C. to an swer as many phone calls as they wan ted

D. not to an swer any phone calls from the compa ny





56.ln our school, we usually have a ____________ (week) class meet ing on Tuesday

after noon.

57. Sandy does n't like to go fishi ng. She is an _________ ( patie nt) girl.

58. The birthday present he sent me is very (value). ----------------------------

59. Green represents new life and (grow). ------------------------------

60. Some stude nts like to use yellow stati onery because it is the color of (wise).

61. The stude nts are prepar ing for the ______ (come) exams.

62. Our En glish teacher was very __________ (satisfy) with our study.

63. Last ni ght I stayed up un til 12 o'clock, so now I'm very _________ (sleep).


64. Thank you for offer ing me some useful (建议). -------

65. We are all interested in the first ____________ (克隆的)sheep, Dolly.

66. It seems (不公平的)on him to make him pay for everything. ----------------------

67. My brother ofte n ________ (吵架)with my father whe n he was you ng.

68. I am very worried that Tom has n't ____________ (回复)to my e-mail.

69. The football match will be covered ____________ (以现场直播的方式).

70. His words yesterday _______________ (使想起)me of my school life.


71. His brother is on ly six years old. He has difficulty (read) the story books.

72. “ Hero” is an ancient (古代的)costume film ____________ (direct) by Zhang Yimou.

73. While ____________ ( jog) arou nd the park, Tom found a dying dog .

74. My computer does n't work. I will have it ____________ (repair) tomorrow.

75. Kids don't know how (achieve) a bala nee betwee n work and play.



Every one n eeds frie nds, and if you f 76 to make frie nds, you should think whether there -------------------- is anything wrong with your pers onal qualities.

To make friends, you must be friendly. A cheerful person smiles. A smile always makes the

others like you. Smile at some one and you are s 77 to get a smile back from him. ----------------------

A friendly person tries his b 78 to make the others feel at home. Put yourself in their ------------------------ place and make them feel welcome.

Try to r 79 n ames. It makes your new frie nds feel happy whe n you call them by their --------------

n ames, because you don't forget them.


If you do not a 80 with other people, you should still be frie ndly. Do not argue, b 81 ------- discuss. You always lose frie nds if you argue too much. And you should think m 82 of others

than of yourself.

It is importa nt for tee nagers to have one o 83 a group of good frie nds. This is very --------------------

importa nt in childre n's grow ing up, because frie nds can discuss things which are too d 84 to

say to their family members.

F 85 , don't believe those who leave their frie nds whe n they are in trouble. A frie nd in ------------

n eed is a frie nd in deed.

76. f 77.s 78. b 79. r 80. a ----------------

81. b 82. m 83.o 84.d 85. F


二、21-25 DBDAC 26-30 DABDB 31-35 CBCDC

三、36 -40 CCABD 41-45 CBCCB

四、46-48 CCB 49-51 ADC 52-55 BBCA

五、56、weekly 57、impatient 58、valuable 59、growth 60、wisdom

61、coming 62、satisfied 63、sleepy 64、advice/suggestions 65、cloned

66、unfair 67、quarrel(l)ed / argued 68、replied 69.live 70、reminded

六、71、reading 72、directed 73、jogging 74、repaired 75、to achieve

七、76、fail 77、sure 78、best 79、remember 80、agree

81、but 82、more 83、or 84、difficult 85、Fin ally


( )1. Do you mi nd ______ ? -----------

A. I smok ing

B. my smok ing

C. my smoke

D. me to smoke ( )2. Don't be _______ , this is not a ______ t raffic. -------------

A. surprise, surpris ing

B. surprise, surprise

C. surprised, surpris ing

D. surpris ing, surprised

( )3. You each ______ g ood sense of humour. --------

A. with

B. has

C. have

D. are

( )4. The room is safe to _______ .------------

A. live in

B. livi ng in

C. live

D. live with

( )5. Hobo has lots to eat and drink. “ lots”is _______ . ----------

A. subject

B. object

C. attributive

D. predicative

( )6. It's _____ for us ______ polite in class. --------- ----------

A. i nteresti ng, to become

B. importa nt, to

C. good, to

D. n ecessary, to be

( )7. Whe n you feel ____ to watch TV by the n, you are all right.-


A. eno ugh good

B. eno ugh well

C. well eno ugh

D. good eno ugh

( )8. If it isn't yours, it must be ______ . -----------

A. somebody else

B. somebody else's

C. else somebody

D. else's somebody ( ) 9. Some people _____ that people born un der the same star sig n -- ------ share.similar characteristics.

A. don't believe; /

B. believe; don't

C. don't hope; /

D. believe; does n't

( )10. Thanks for ______ the new chairperson --------

A. recomme nd me as

B. recomme nding me as

C. recomme nd me for

D. recomme n ding me for

()11. “Do you mind if I sit here?”“____ .It's for Mr. Brown. ” ------------ A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not

()12. “Are these enough for you all? “ ____ ” ------------

A. Much more

B. Many more

C. More many

D. Too much
