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拼音本 英语本
拼音本 英语本


八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版 好好做八年级英语作业本,在成绩面前永不满足,不断追求更进一步的理解,不断对自己提出更高的学习目标。下面给大家分享一些人教版八年级上册英语作业本的答案,大家快来跟一起欣赏吧。 八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版(一) Unit3SectionA即时训练2 Ⅰ、1、唱歌比赛 2、想要 3、跑得快 4、唱得清楚 5、工作努力的 Ⅱ、6 - 10 C B B C D Ⅲ、11、I enjoy reading. 12、His English is not as good as mine. 13、More than one boy knows how to play computer games. 14、She is a little smarter than before. 15、In some ways,the job is difficult. 八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版(二) Unit3SectionB即时训练3 Ⅰ、1、look different

2、make me laugh 3、do the same things 4、care about 5、get good grades Ⅱ、6 - 10 B C C A A Ⅲ、11、the tallest 12、runs slower than 13、How,bag is 14、Who,to meet 15、parents 八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版(三) Unit3SectionB即时训练4 Ⅰ、1、long straight hair 2、只要 3、触动你的心 4、和相似 5、be different from Ⅱ、6 - 10 C D D C B Ⅲ、11、They make us forget the past. 12、The man who is singing is my favorite star. 13、Though it was raining,we were still working. 14、I beat him in swimming yesterday.


《Unit 1 Festivals around the world Warming Up & Reading》Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He ________ (award) the Nobel Prize and received a reward of several thousand dollars. 2.The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes ________ (fix) on the wall. 3.You like Jazz very much, but do you know ________ origin of Jazz? 4.I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly ________ give up his job. 5.The oldest man in my village has a firm ________ (believe) in the value of cold baths. 6.With time going on, changes will take ________ as we have expected. 7.I am a bit worried because it seems ________ our boss has found out something about the accident in the workshop. 8.Although I admire you ________ your work on soil, I think you should apologize ________ the villagers ________ the water pollution. 9.She looks forward to ________ (walk) in the flower-lined garden every spring. 10.The old man living here is usually serious ,so some naughty boys decided to play a trick ________ him the other day. 11.________ fun it is to have a chance to experience life in space! 12.Every now and then I went to the library ________ (collect) information about the subject. 13.She hopes to gain some experience ________ working abroad for two years. 14.Many people were starved ________ death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies. 15.Please don't do anything harmful ________ our nature, or we humans will have no fun ________ each other. 答案:1.was awarded 2.fixed 3.the 4.or 5.belief 6.place 7.as if 8.for; to; for 9.walking 10.on 11.What 12.to collect 13.by 14.to 15.to; with Ⅱ.选择短语并用其适当的形式填空 be covered with; take place; in memory of; dress up; as though; play a trick on; look forward to; day and night; have fun with; either ... or 1.I do not hope that this thing ________ again. 2.The stone pavilion (公园中的亭) is ________ a famous poet. 3.Do I need to ________ for the concert? 4.Sometimes the boys would ________ their teacher. 5.We ________ your visit. 6.The boss made them work ________. 7.He loves to learn, travel, and ________ others. 8.She dolled herself up ________ she were a girl of eighteen. 9.The bandit (土匪;强盗) in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, ________ alone ________ in a group. 10.The country which ________ cherry tree flowers looks as though it is covered with pink snow. 答案:1.takes place 2.in memory of 3.dress up 4.play a trick on 5.look forward to 6.day and night 7.have fun with 8.as though 9.either; or 10.is covered with Ⅲ.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.He is always ________________________ (对我们搞恶作剧) and we find him ______________________ (难以相处). 2.________________________ (随着时间的流逝), it is becoming larger and larger.(with复合结构) 3.He opened his mouth ________________________ (似乎要说什么). 4.________ he could not come ________(要么……要么……)he did not wan t to. 5.Most of the people ________________________(被邀请来参加晚会的)were his old schoolmates.


拼音和英语能同时学吗? 幼儿园开设英语课已经有年头了。实践证明,如果只要求看图说出一些英语词汇、能进行简单的会话,不必要会阅读、会写字,那么,幼儿学英语是可行的。 近年来,也有一些幼儿园还开设了汉语拼音课,虽然说不是正规课程,但也在逐渐增多。这样就出现了一些问题: 首先,幼儿能同时学习英语和汉语拼音吗? 先要了解一下英语和汉语拼音各是什么?学习它们各有什么用? 英语是一种语言。学会了英语,可以和说英语的人交流,可以了解这些国家的人文风貌、可以阅读英语书籍,还可以用英语来思考问题呢! 汉语拼音呢?它本身不是一种语言,而是学习汉语语音的工具或“拐棍”。一个汉字有音(语音)、形(字形)、意(意思)三个方面。靠着拼音,可以解决学习语音的问题(音),但不能解决认识字形、理解字意的问题。 利用拼音,还可以帮助学好普通话、用电脑打出汉字呢!对于小学儿童,学会拼音,可以利用它加速识字和阅读,变难为易。 那么,孩子同时学习拼音和英语行吗?原则上讲,让孩子学习汉语拼音,单学“拼读”(比如ma是ma;ba是ba),不是为汉字注音(这时还不学汉字呢!),是可以和学英语同时进行教学的。这是因为两者的教学方法完全不同。 教英语时,比如教rabbit(小兔子)这个词,老师一边拿出画有兔子的图片或毛绒玩具,给儿童看,一边反复说着这个词,让儿童跟读;或者通过玩游戏来教这个词,让儿童学会读它。教问候语,比如教“good morning”“how are you”时,老师只要做出一个问候的“场景”,有几个人在场,老师先说,再让儿童模仿说,这样就学会了。孩子们根本看不到词,看不到字母,只是听音学说词;教拼音时,儿童只看到拼音字母卡或在黑板上写的拼音字母和四声的符号,看不见实物、图片、汉字,等于只抽象地学“拼音”。从看见字母到模仿发音,学习的任务就完成了,非常抽象,儿童不感兴趣。 虽然英语和汉语拼音可以同时进行教学,但是,从两三岁到六七岁这个年龄段儿童的心理特征(形象思维占主导位置、有较大的好奇心、机械记忆等)来看,我主张,在幼儿园阶段,幼儿还是只学英语一种较好。因为:第一,学习英语借助实物或图片、有教


八下英语作业本答案外研版(2019) Module 2 Unit 1 1 I.watched,watched,enjoyed,enjoyed,wanted,wanted,invited, invited,looked,looked,entered,entered,wrote,wrote,took,taken, drove,driven,rode,ridden,saw,seen,swam,swum II.1.have 2.has 3.has 4.Have,haven’t 5.Has,hasn’t III.One possible version:the kites fly up the sky,passing by 2 I.1.afford 2.wonderful https://www.sodocs.net/doc/529966992.html,petition 4.prize 5.experience 6.Dream II.1.experience 2.invited 3.tried 4.prize 5.have entered III.1.Has Dad had dinner yet?Yes,he has already had dinner. 2.Has Mary finished her homework yet? Yes,she has just finished her homework. 3.Have Betty and Tony made an apple pie yet? Yes,they have already made an apple pie. 4.Have the students ever visited the US? No,they have never visited the US. 5.Has your uncle ever traveled around the world? No,he has never traveled around the world. 6.Have you ever played tennis? No,I have never played tennis. Unit 2 1 I.1.all over the world 2.count down 3.at this moment 4.for example 5.be different from 6.in many aspects\ways 7.a fifteen-year-old American boy II.1.Does,write 2.speaks,has,been 3.Have,read,will read 4.will be,grows 5.is dancing III.略


拼音英语专题 本人在此贴出一些讨论phonics的贴子,欢迎感兴趣的家长朋友们来交流讨论 Phonics FAQQuestion 1 什么是Phonics?- Phonics,即字母拼读法(又译自然拼音)是自然形成的一种发音规则,它主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系,是美国、加拿大本土孩子的必修课程。在初级英语中70%的单词在拼读时都是有规律可循的。一旦掌握了这种发音规则就不必去翻查字典而能够顺利地将单词读出。一旦孩子们学习了这种不用音标的发音规律可以很快学会拼读不认识的单词,提前进入阅读领域,使英语学习变得简单、快乐、有趣。 ˎ̥ ˎ̥ - 在现存各种“活着”的文字中,几乎都具有某种特殊的“内在”机制,来呈现其文字符号和语音之间的关系,以方便使用者使用;以中文为例,在中文“六书”中,占一般文字极高比例的“形”与“声”两个部分,前者大略指示“意义”,后者指示“语音”;中文字这种“文字符号”和“语音”之间的准确性如何,有待考证,但国人常有“有边读边,没边读中间”是不争的事实;另一个明显的例子是日文,日文是标准的拼音文字,只要熟悉片假名的五十音,即便初学者也可以由文字符号掌握其语言。 - 英文当然也具有特殊的“内在”机制。虽然其文字符号和语音之间的关系,不是百分之百完全对应,但稳定性也相当高。大部分英文字(尤其是适合初学者的英语读物中的词汇),都可以直接根据字母(letter)所代表的音来发音,如cat,pet,sand,name 等。我们所通称的Phonics,指的就是教授存在英文字中,字母(letter)和语言(sound)的对应关系,这也是“字母拼读法”名称的由来。 Question 2


新课标八年级上册英语寒假作业答案人教版 一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个(5%) ()1. A. bike B. dive C. big () 2. A. books B. bags C. cakes () 3. A. tail B. day C. hat () 4. A. pine B. baby C. pain () 5. A. whales B. sharks C. sperm 二、写出下列单词的比较级(5%) 1. many 2. new __ 3. fast 4. easy 5. big. 6. weak 7. large 8. happy 9. good 10.little 三、选出下列每组单词中不同的一个(5%) ()1. A. feet B. finger C. teeth () 2. A. long B. age C. weight () 3. A. foot B. centimeter C. gram () 4. A. seal B. whale C. fish () 5. A. heavier B. long C. thinner 四、选择题(10%) ()1. _______ tail is longer. A. He B. She C. His () 2. I’m ____________ than you. A. heavier and taller B. heavy and taller C. heavier and tall () 3. My arms are longer than ________. A. you B. yours C. your () 4. -How _______ are your feet? -I wear size 17. A. old B. size C. big () 5. My legs are longer than ________. A. Mike B. Mike’s C. Mikes’() 6. I’m 3 ________ taller than you. A. cm B. m C. km () 7. Zhang Peng is five ________ tall. A. foots B. feets C. feet () 8. His legs are 85 cm ________. A. length B. long C. longer () 9. The baby has only 6 _______. A. tooths B. teeth C. tooth ()


课时作业(26) 综合知识检测 Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.They reached an agreement that would be ________ (benefit) to both sides. 答案beneficial 2.I have a very busy life with no time ________ (sit) around feeling sorry for myself. 答案to sit 3.________ (badly wound), the whale soon died. 答案Being badly wounded/Having been badly wounded 4.Please look after my house during my ________ (absent). 答案absence 5.I saw James ________ (hold) up in the water by Old Tom. 答案being held 6.Anyone will be punished if he ________ (obey) the laws. 答案disobeys 7.I could see he was terrified of ________ (abandon) by us. 答案being abandoned 8.I am happy ________ (find) many things I can do. 答案to have found/to find 9.________ pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and


2020年八年级上册英语作业本答案参考 Unit7 ①Ⅰ. 1.make a fruit milk shake 2.put the strawberries into the blender 3.cut up two apples 4.pour the milk into the glass 5.peel three bananas 6.turn on the TV Ⅱ. 1.(F)peel the bananas 2.(E)cut up the bananas 4.(D)pour the milk into the blender 5.(B)turn on the blender 6.(C)drink the milk shake Ⅲ. E D A B F C ②Ⅰ. A.tomato watermelon teaspoon strawberry ingredient potato B.salad cabbage onion fish chicken C.beef tea milk mutton yogurt honey Ⅱ. 1.How many tomatoes do they need to make the salad? 2.How much yogurt should you pour into the milk shake? 3.How often did johnson write to his pen pal last year? 4.How long are the Browns staying in Tokyo? Ⅲ. make,idea,need,two,enough,watermelons,how much milk,else,four,honey,yogurt,teaspoons,cup of ③Ⅰ. joining,First,Next,Then,beef,After,Finally,minutes Ⅱ. how,flour,butter,How much,mix,tomato sauce,sausage,beef,How long,before Ⅲ. First,peel the fruit,cut the fruit into pieces,put,Finally ④Ⅰ. 1.butter 2.lettuce 3.relish 4.sandwich Ⅱ. 7—2—4—8—6—5—3—1 Ⅲ. two chicken breasts,some salt,two eggs,some peanut oil,some lemon juice,some sugar ⑤Ⅰ. 1.peel,cut,up 2.How do you make 3.teaspoons,yogurt 4.Mix up Ⅱ. 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A ------------------ Unit8 ①Ⅰ. 1.got 2.went 3.cleaned 4.stopped 5.watched 6.bought 7.studied 8.were 9.was 10.ate 11.made 12.thought 13.talked 14.had 15.read Ⅱ. 1.His sister went to the aquarium last Sunday 2.Did Tina take a taxi to the airport yesterday 3.They went to the beach with Mr Li last week 4.Where did she have the birthday party yesterday Ⅲ. 1.D 2.F


《Unit 2 Healthy eating Warming Up & Reading》 Ⅰ.语法填空 1.He sat in his company ________ (feel) very frustrated. 2.I'm ________ (curiosity) to know what has happened there. 3.I haven't the ________ (strong) to lift this stone. 4.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man live ________ (health). 5.You shouldn't eat too much ________ (sugar) food. 6.Being too proud of a small success is his biggest ________ (weak). 7.Tina is overweight. Her mother told her not to eat any ________ (fat) food. 8.Come inside Yong Hui's ________ (slim) restaurant. 9.Wang Peng felt more ________ (hope) as he drove back home. 10.Want to feel fit and ________ (energy)? 答案:1.feeling 2.curious 3.strength 4.healthily 5.sugary 6.weakness7.fatty 8.slimming 9.hopeful 10.energetic Ⅱ.用适当的介词或副词填空 1.________ the end of the street there is a history museum. 2.The doctor will be free ________ ten minutes. 3.The robber wanted to get away ________ money, only to be caught. 4.We prepared the room ________ the party. 5.The wine is made ________ grapes. 6.Every day people throw ________ lots of rubbish. 7.The beauty of the city is more ________ words can describe. 8.He is doing research ________ American literature. 9.I'm tired ________ having the same kind of food every day. 10.It will be an easy thing for you to win ________ your kingdom in this game. 答案:1.At 2.in 3.with 4.for 5.from 6.away 7.than 8.on 9.of 10.back Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I'm ______________________________ and hope to lose some weight before Christmas.(diet) 我打算下周节食,并且希望在圣诞之前能够减轻一些体重。 2.You ______________________________ the disadvantages.(balance) 你必须权衡好生活在农村的利与弊。 3.If you place orders now,we would ______________________________.(discount n.) 如果你现在订购,我们会给你九五折。 4.John strongly hopes to ______________________________.(win) 约翰强烈希望能重新赢得他父亲对他的爱和信任。 5.If you cheat in the exam ______________________________.(get) 如果你考试作弊,你将不会逃脱惩罚的。 6.There ______________________________ when you are very tired.(nothing) 当你非常疲劳的时候,没有什么比好好休息一下更好的了。 7.______________________________, so no one believes him.(lie n.) 他经常撒谎,所以没人相信他。 8.I can't ______________________________ in this way.(have) 我不允许他们这样浪费时间。 答案:1.going on a diet next week 2.have to balance the advantages of living in the country against 3.give you a 5% discount 4.win back his father's love and trust again 5.you'll never get away with it 6.is nothing better than a good rest 7.He often tells lies 8.have them wasting their time Ⅳ.完形填空


精心整理英语音标与汉语拼音的比较 英语中的音标类似于汉语拼音。英语中共有48个音素,分为元音音素和辅音音素两种,其中元音音素有20个,辅音音素有28个。元音音素类似于汉语拼音的韵母,辅音音素则类似于汉语拼音的声母。 元音音素20个为:/i://i//e//?//a://Λ//?://?//u://u/ /? d?//tr [b] [w]– .而 过程中, [j] 学会了辅音音素的发音还不能进行正常的拼读,我们还需要掌握元音音素的发音.英语中的元音音素就相当于汉语拼音中的韵母.在学习的过程中,我们可以与韵母对照进行学习.英语中的元音音素共有20个,分别为:单元音12个,双元音8个.其中单元音又分为短元音和长元音.短元音 有:[i][[][C][u][Q][e][A];长元音有:[i:][[:][C:][U:][B:];双元音 有:[ei][aI][CI][au][[u][i[][Z[][u[].[B:]和[Q]的发音与汉语拼音中的韵母B可以对照学 习,[B:]音长,口型大;[Q]音短,口型小.同样[[:]和[[]与拼音e对照学习;[i:]和[i]与拼音i;[C:]和[C]与Bo;[U:]和[u]与u;[e],[A]和[aI]与Bi等等.双元音是由两个单元音组成的, 如:[i[]=[i]+[[];[u[]=[u]+[[]等等,因此只要掌握了单元音,双元音的学习就迎刃而解.总之,英语音素都可以找到相对应的汉语拼音进行对照学习,这样既简单又容易,同学们学习起来得心应手. 通过把英语音标与汉语拼音一一对应的方法,我们可以发现学习音标的发音并不困难,虽然发音时音位差别很大,但并不要紧.


八年级上册英语作业本答案2020年 不管八年级英语作业本题目有多少,都要按时完成,而且都要有质量的完成。学习啦为大家整理了八年级上册英语作业本答案,欢迎大家阅读! Unit1SectionA即时训练1 一、学习导引 1、我昨天早上七点起床。 我妈妈上周末去购物了。 3、Ididn'tgotoNewYorkCityonvacation DidyougotoNewYorkCityonvacation Yes,IdidNo,Ididn't 二、即时训练1 Ⅰ、1、度假 2、待在家 3、去沙滩了 4、拜访我的叔叔了 5、买了一些特别的东西 6、做了一些有趣的事情 Ⅱ、7、did 8、go 9、went 10、stayed

11、did 12、do l3、did 14、stay 15、didn'twant Ⅲ、16、WheredidTinagoonvacation 17、Iwenttothebeachyesterday 18、DidKevinplaytennislastweekend 19、Iwasonvacationlastmonth 20、DidJuliestudyfortestslastFriday Unit1SectionA即时训练2 Ⅰ、1、Howwasyourvacation? 2、喂了一些母鸡 3、keepadiary 4、dosomethingfun 5、没人看上去很无聊。 Ⅱ、6-10CCACB Ⅲ、11、didn'tbuyanything 12、Whatdidyoudo 13、hedidn't 14、Howwas 15、Did.study Unit1SectionB即时训练3

人教版三年级英语下册 课时作业含答案Unit 1

人教版三年级英语下册课时作业含答案CONTENTS Unit 1Welcome back to school! Unit 2My family Unit 3 At the zoo Recycle 1 Unit 4 Where is my car? Unit 5Do you like pears? Unit 6How many? Recycle 2 Words in each unit Vocabulary Useful expressions

第一课时 一、给下列图片选出合适的单词。 A. girl B. China C. the UK D. boy ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. 二、给下列汉语选出合适的翻译。 ()1. 朋友 A. friend B. have ()2. 中国 A. the UK B. China ()3. 新的 A. new B. today ()4. 男孩 A. girl B. boy ()5. 欢迎 A. welcome B. thanks 三、给下列句子选出合适的答语。 ()1. Good morning, boys and girls. A. Good morning, Miss White! B. Welcome! ()2. I’m Lily. I’m from the UK. A. We have two new friends today. B. I’m Mike. I’m from the US. ()3. Hi, I’m Mike. I’m from Canada. What about you? A. I’m nine. B. I’m from China.


英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是由26个字母拼出来的,而在成千上万的不同拼法中,基本发音因素却只有39-47个,这说明26个字母与基本音素间是有着一定的关联的。但是,英语是属于比较深奥的拼音文字,也就是说26个字母与基本音素之间没有一对一的对应关系,而是一对多和多对一的复杂关系,这对学习英语词汇的发音和拼写无疑增加了难度。尽管如此,人们还是总结出了很多发音规律,这些规律对于绝大多数英文词汇都是适用的,这就是自然拼音法。在美国,孩子们在学校都首先要掌握自然拼音法,在小学三年级前要把基本法则全部掌握,并成为熟练的阅读者。掌握了自然拼音法的基本规律后,学生们就需要靠大量的阅读来增加词汇量,丰富自己头脑里字母与发音的对应关系,从而能够对不认识的新的不规则发音的词汇的发音做出正确的猜想,到了这个阶段,就可以说已经完全掌握了英语阅读了。 一、引言 与课程改革前的小学英语教材相比,课改后的教材其内容含量和单词量都增加了很多。记忆单词成为学生和教师最头疼的问题,相当一部分学生靠死记硬背记单词,其效果可想而知。长此下去,不但学生学习英语的兴趣会下降,学习英语的自信心也将受到不小的打击。笔者认为,从小学低年级开始就利用自然拼读法(Phonics)进行语音和单词教学,是将学生从死记硬背的沉重负担中解脱出来的好办法。 二、自然拼读法概述 自然拼读法的基本原理是要求学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合(即这些字母和字母组合在单词中的发音,而不是它们的名称音,如在自然拼读法中,辅音字母b代表/b/,而不是读/bi:/;元音字母组合ai、ay等代表/eI/),以及一些英语拼写和读音关系的基本规律,让学生看到一个英语单词,就能读出来;或者,想到一个单词,就能按照规律拼写出来,即做到见其形,知其音;听其音,知其形。 在英国、美国、加拿大等英语为母语的国家和新加坡、中国香港等英语为官方语的国家和地区,自然拼读法是小学语文课程的必修内容。学生学会了此法,掌握了发音与拼写之间的对应关系,就可以自己进行阅读,学习和记忆单词就会事半功倍。正如自然拼读法教学专家Blevins(1996)认为的那样,自然拼读法包含了字母音和形之间的关系,是向学生讲授英语中最普遍的音形关系,使之能够解读或拼读单词。这种解读单词的能力是阅读成功的关键因素。 三、自然拼读法的优越性 (一)有效利用汉语拼音的正迁移作用 小学低年级(一般从二年级起)的学生已掌握汉语拼音,用拼音朗读和阅读的能力基本形成。由于汉语拼音中有许多音与英语的发音相似,如英语中的辅音与汉语拼音中的声母发音都很相似,汉语拼音的ao 与英语中的元音/au /的发音基本相同,等等,及早采用自然拼读法进行语音教学,就可以利用汉语拼音对音素教学产生的正迁移作用,有效地帮助学生掌握英语字母和字母组合的发音。 (二)避免学习国际音标带来的干扰 国际音标与自然拼读法采用的都是音素(phonemic)教学,但前者学习48个音素,是以另外一套书面符号来代表音素。这对小学生而言,无疑加重了负担。自然拼读法则学习国际音标48个音素中的44个,是以字母和字母组合来代表音素,学习者只要记忆一套符号(英语字母)即可。这样就可以弥补因学习国际音标而需兼顾音、形两组符号的缺陷。掌握了自然拼读法,小学生就可以不需要借助音标就能认读单词,从而少学一套符号,减轻学习负担。


英语作业本7年级上答案2020 活动一: 1. 单项选择。 (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) A 2. 补全对话。 (一) (1) are (2) fine (3) thanks (4) What's (5) It's (二) (6) nice (7) Is (8) This (9) Welcome (10) Thank 活动二: 1. 请选择下表中的单词完成对话,填在对话后的横线上。 (1) me

(2) pen (3) you (4) your (5) color 2. 完成句子,每空一词。 (1) What color is, white (2) What's, a computer game (3) the key, lost, found (4) Please call, at, morning (5) is, cousin, these, parents (6) What's (7) What is 3. 阅读理解 (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) F 活动三: 1. 句型转换。 (1) Are they, they are (2) What is this (3) Is he, he is (4) photo of (5) Thanks for the photo of your family.

2. 完成对话:在对话后面的句子中选出准确的答案填入空白处。 (1) C (2) E (3) A (4) B (5) D 活动四: 1. 选择题。 (1) D (2) A (3) B (4) A (5) A 2. 改错,把错误的选项写在前面的括号里,然后将其改正在后面的横线上。 (1) B 去掉are (2) C 改为at (3) B 改为playing (4) B 改为plays (5) B 改为buy 3. 用代词填空。 (1) your (2) your (3) My (4) my (5) Her (6) your (7) it (8) its


课时作业本七年级英语上答案2019 III.1.What 2.What 3.What colour 4.How 5.How many 4 I.圈词略 Things in the classroom:bag,book,pen,pencil,desk 1 I.略 Colours:green,white,black,red,yellow II. 1.What’s this,telephone,How do you spell it, II. 1.afternoon 2.book 3.hello 4.teacher 5.GOODBYE What colour,You’re welcome 6.CLASS 7.MORNING 8.FRIEND III. 1.Good afternoon,Mr Chen. 2.My name is Tom 2.What’s this in English,window,W-I-N-D-O-W, is it,white,How do you spell it Porter.\I’m Tom Porter. 3.Hello,Daming. Starter Module 4 IV. 1.中国中央电视台 2.体育 3.信息技术 4.千米 5.联1 I. Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday, 合国 6.(美国)全国篮球协会 7.略 8.略 Saturday 2 I. 1.Hello,my name’s Lingling. 2.Good afternoon,Miss Zhou II. 1.day 2.Saturday 3.tomorrow 4.Tuesday 5.Today 3.Can you spell it,Mike? 4.How are you,Carla? III.略 II. 2 1 3 6 4 5 2 I. 2---d 3---c 4---a III.1.Good morning,your name,spell,H-E-N-R-Y It’s cold in winter. 2.How,fine,are you,Fine,thanks It’s cool in autumn. 3 I. 1.She is 2.Her 3.His name 4.to meet 抄写略It’s warm in spring. II.1.b 2.d 3.c 4.e 5.a II. 1.weather,cold 2.like,summer,it’s 3.What’s the III.1.Good


1、元音 (1)单元音:①///////i//u//e/与汉语单韵母对照 ②/a://://://i://u:/// a o e i u ü 说明:先读汉语单韵母,并注意排序,再利用这个排序记英语单元音,易记。 (2)双元音:①/ai//ei//au///(/ju:/)与汉语复韵母对照:ai ei ui ao ou iu ②/i////u ③/i/ 说明:根据汉语复韵母排序来记双元音第①组,英语中无ui;/au /与ao, //与ou的写法不同;/ju:/是双元音。 第②组的相同点是都带//,第③组只有一个,直接记就行了。 2、辅音 (1)辅音总数:/b//p//m//f//v//d//t//n////l//g/k//h/ ///tF//F//V//dz//ts//s//W/

/z//T//j//w//dr//tr//r/ 与汉语拼音对照: b p m f d t n l g k h jq x zh ch sh r z s y w 说明:1.根据汉语声母排序来记英语辅音音标,汉语声母b、p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h与英语辅音/b/、/p/、/m/、/f/、 /d/、/t/、/n/、/l/、/g/、/k/、/h/基本一致;汉语声母j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、z、c、s、w与英语音标/dz/、/ts/、/s/、/W/、/j/、/w/作比较;/dr/、/tr/、/r /单独记。 2.汉语拼音b、p、m、f的发音比英语音标/b/、/p/、/m/、/f/多一个//音;j、q、x、z、c、s、r比英语音标/dF/、/tF /、/F/、/dz/、/ts/、/s/、/W/、/z/、/T/隔开一个/i/音。
