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1F First Floor一樓

2F Second Floor二樓

A / G At Grade平面段

AB Anchor Bolt錨栓

AC Asphalt Concrete瀝青混凝土

ACOUS Acoustical隔音

ACP Asbestos Concrete Pipe石棉管

AG Above Ground地面上

ALT Alternative交錯 / 排列 / 替代ALUM Aluminum鋁

AZ Azimuth方位角

B Bench台階

B1First Basement地下一層

B2Second Basement地下二層

BC Beginning of simple Circular Curve單曲線起點

BL Boundary Line邊界線

BM Bench Mark水準標準點/水準點BM Beam梁

BOF Bottom Of Footing基礎底面

BOT Bottom底(層)

BOX Box Culvert箱涵

BRG Bearing支承

BRK Brick磚

BSMT Basement地下室

BSR bottom simulating reflector海底仿擬反射器

BT Bent彎

BVC Beginning of Vertical Curve豎曲線起點

C.I.P Cast Iron Pipe鑄鐵管

C.I.P Cast-iron Pipe鑄鐵管

CAB Cabinet室/廚/箱

CB Catch Basin陰井

CC Point of Curve to Curve曲線連結點

CCM Cut and Cover Method明控覆蓋工法

CE Civil Engineering土木工程

CF Point of Contra-flexure撓曲點

CGR Concrete Grouted Rock混凝土砌卵石

CGS Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons預力鋼鍵坐標(重心)CH Chainage測鍊

CI Cast Iron鑄鐵

CIP cast-in-place場鑄式

CIPC Cast in Place Concrete場鑄混凝土

CJ Control Joint/Construction Joint控制縫/施工縫

CL Center Line中心線


CLD Clothoid克羅梭曲線

CLG Ceiling天花板

CLL Clearance Line淨高線

CMU Concrete Molded Unit混凝土空心磚

CMU Concrete Masonry Unit混凝土磚

COL Column柱

CONC Concrete混凝土

CONST, JTConstruction Joint施工縫/收縮縫

CONT Continuous繼續

CORR Corridor通路 , 走廊

CS Point of Curve to Spiral/Cutting Slope緩曲線起點/開挖坡面

CT Column Tie-bar柱箍筋

CT Point of Curve to Tangent/Cable Trough切線點/電纜槽

CW Curtain Wall帷幕牆

D&B Drill and Blast鑽炸法

DET Detail詳細

DGL Designed Ground Level設計地面高程

DIA Diameter直徑

DIM Dimension尺寸

DL Dead Load呆重/靜重

DWL Dowel桿/預留鋼栓

EA Each每…..個

EDM Electronic Distance Measurement電子測距

EGL Existing Ground Level現地高程

EJ Expansion Joint伸縮縫

EL Elevation高程

EL Elevation(Height)立面

ELEV Elevation View立視

ELVR Elevator電梯

EMB.PL Embedded Plate預埋底板

EOP End of Platform月台終端

EP Earth Pressure Cell土壓計

EQ Equal Space等距

EQ earthquake地震

ESCA Escalator電扶梯

ETP Existing Top of Pavement現有舖面頂

EW Even Way雙向

EXC Excavation開挖

EXH Exhaust排氣

F.S Full Superelevation全超高

Fc Allowable Compressive Strength of Concrete混凝土容許抗壓強度

Fc’Compressive Strength of Concrete混凝土設計抗壓強度

FD Floor Drainage地板落水/地板排水

FFL Finished Floor Level粉刷裝修樓地板完成面高程FGL Finished Ground Level粉刷裝修地面完成面高程FHC Fire Hydrant Cabinet消防箱

FIN Finish/ Finished粉刷/完成

FL Floor樓板(層)

FL FLASH蓋板/遮雨板

Fs Allowable Tension Stress of Steel鋼材容許應力


Fy Minimum Yield Stress of Steel鋼材最低降伏應力強度

GA Gauge軌距/板厚

GALV Galvanized鍍鋅

GEB Guided Expansion Bearing導向伸縮支承

GIP Galvanized Iron Pipe鍍鋅鐵管

GL Glass玻璃(材料)

GL Ground Level地面高程、地基高程

GPC Granite Precast人造花崗石

GPS Global Positioning System衛星定位系統

GRC Glassfiber Reinforced Concrete玻璃纖維化混凝土

GRC Glass Reinforced Fiber Concrete玻璃纖維強化混凝土GW Guide way導向運輸系統

GWL Ground Water Level地下水位

GYP Gypsum石棉/石膏版

HC Heel of Crossing橫斷面交趾點

HG Hinged鉸接

HH Handhole人孔

HHWL Highest High Water Level最高洪水位

HIP Horizontal Intersection Point水手交連點

HL Horizontal Line水平線

HP High Point高點

HSB High Strength Bolt強力螺栓

HTS High Tensile Strand高拉力鋼索

HTW High Strength Wire高拉力鋼線

HW Height of Water水深

HWL High Water Level高水位

HWY Highway公路

HYP Hydraulic Piezometer水壓計

I Invert仰拱

I.F.Inner Face內面

ID Inside Diameter內徑

IE Invert Elevation仰拱高

INL Inlet進水井

IP Intersection Point交連點

IPI In Place Inclinometer傾鈄計

JB Junction Box接線盒

JT Joint接縫

KO Knock Out預留開口(孔)

LAV Lavatory化粧室

LC Lean Concrete低強度混凝土

LCC Length of Circular Curve曲線長

LL Live Load活載重

LoC Load Cell荷重計

LP Low Point低點

LR Local Road縣鄉道

LS Length of Spiral緩和曲線長

LVC Length of Vertical Curve豎曲線長

LWL Lower Water Level低水位

MF Mirror Finish鏡面粉刷

MK Mark記號/標記

MS Main Station主站

MSL Mean Sea Level平均海平面

MVC Middle of Vertical Curve豎曲線中點

MWL Mean Water Level平均水位

N North北

NATM New Austrian Tunnel Method新奧工法

NF Near Face近側面

NGEB Non-Guided Expansion Bearing非導向伸縮支承NWL Normal Water Level常水位

OC On Center中心點

OD Outside Diameter外徑

OF Out Side Face外側面

OF Outer Face外面

OFS Offset支距

OGL Original Ground Level原地面線

OPNG Opening開孔

OPP Opposite反向

OW Observation Well觀測井

PC Prestressed Concrete預力混凝土

PCC Portland Cement Concrete無筋混凝土

PCE Plain Concrete普通混凝土

PCO Pile Cut Off椿頭打除

PED BRIG Pedestrian Bridge人行橋

PED U/P Pedestrian Underpass人行地下道PERP Perpendicular垂直

PF Platform月台

PG Pressure Gauge壓力計

PG Profile Grade縱坡

PI Point of Intersection交連點

PL Property Line產權線

PLAT Platform月台

PROJ Projection投影圖

PS Principal Station主站

PSC Prestressed Concrete預力混凝土PSCP Prestressed Concrete Pipe預力混凝土管

PT Point點

PVCP P.V.C. Pipe塑膠管

PVI Point of Vertical Intersection豎曲線交點

R Riser/Radius階梯踏高/半徑RAL Rail Level軌道高程

RB Rock Bolt岩錨

RC Reinforced Concrete鋼筋混凝土

RCB Reinforced Concrete Box鋼筋混凝土箱涵RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe鋼筋混凝土管RCW Reinforced Concrete Wall鋼筋混凝土牆

RD Roof Drainage屋頂落水(排水)REINF Reinforcement強化/鋼筋

RF Roof屋頂

RG Reinforcing Bar Strain Gauge鋼筋應變計

RL Reference Line參考線

RM Room房間

ROW Right Of Way路權

RQD Rock Quality Designation岩石品質指導

RR Roller滾動支承

RR Rail Road鐵路

RW Retaining Wall擋土牆

RWDP Rain Water Down-Pipe雨水落水管

S Slope/Scale坡度/比例

SB Sound Barrier隔音牆

SC Point of Spiral to Curve緩和曲線交點SCH Schedule時程

SCR Station Control Room車站控制室

SE Super Elevation/Structure Engineering超高/結構工程SEL Selection選擇

SFL Structural Floor Level結構樓版完工面SG Surrounding Ground外圍地面

SGL Single單一

SHC Shotcrete噴凝土

SHLD Shoulder路肩

SL Sea Level海平面

SM Settlement Marker沈陷計

SNR Sanitary Napkin Receptacle衛生紙收集箱

SNV Sanitary Napkin Vending衛生紙販賣機

SOP Setting Out Point定位點

SP Spiral/Steel Pipe螺筋/鋼管

SPA Spacing間距

SPEC Specification規範

SQ Square廣場

SR Settlement Rod沈陷椿

SRC Steel Reinforced Concrete鋼骨鋼筋混凝土SRC Steel Reinforced Concrete鋼骨混凝土

SRC Structure Reinforced Concrete結構混凝土

SS Stainless Steel不銹鋼

SSP Stainless Steel Pipe不銹鋼管

ST Street街

STA Station測站/樁號/車站STIR Stirrup箍筋

STL Steel鋼

STOR Storage貯藏

STR Stairs樓梯

STR Straight直通

STT Strain Transducer應變感應計

SUSP Suspended懸吊式

SYM Symmetrical對稱

SYS System系統

T&B Top and Bottom頂層及底層

T.H.Top Height上半斷面

T.I.Temporary Invert臨時仰拱

T/R Top of Rail軌道頂

T/W Top of Wall牆頂

TBM Tunnel Boring Machine全斷面隧道鑽掘機TC Point of Tangent to Curve切線交點

TERR Terrazzo磨石子

THK Thickness厚

TI Tiltmeter傾斜計

TOC Top of Concrete混凝土頂面

TOG Top of Grout灌漿頂面

TOPO Topography地形圖

TP Turning Point轉點

TRAN Transverse橫向

TS Point of Tangent to Spiral切線緩和曲線交點TT Point of Tangent to Tangent切線與切線交點

U/G Under Ground地下

UD Under Drain下水道


US Unapparent Section隱藏段面

UT Utilities公共管線/公共設施VE Value Engineering價值工程

VEH BRG Vehicular Bridge車行橋

VEH U/P Vehicular Underpass車行地下道

VENT Ventilation通風

VERT Vertical垂直

VG Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge振動應變計VOL Volume冊/容量

VR Vibrating Rod振動桿

W West / Width西向/寬度

W Window/Water Supply窗/自來水


W/C Water Cement Ratio水灰比

W/O Without不含….

WC Water Closet沖水馬桶/廁所WD Wood木料

WL Wall Line牆面線

WL Water Level水位/水平面WP Working Point工作點

WP Warm up Point起動點

WS Water Surface水面

WT Weight重量

WWF Weld Wire Fence熔接鋼絲網WWL Warning Water Level警戒水位
