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civilization 文明














Some of the earliest human civilizations arose in southern Mesopotamia, in what is now southern Iraq, in the fourth millennium B.C.E. In the second half of that millennium, in the south around the city of Uruk, there was an enormous escalation in the area occupied by permanent settlements. A large part of that increase took place in Uruk itself, which became a real urban center surrounded by a set of

secondary settlements. While population estimates are notoriously unreliable, scholars assume that Uruk inhabitants were able to support themselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city, which could be reached with a daily commute. But Uruk’s dominant size in the entire region, far surpassing that of other settlements, indicates that it was a regional center and a true city. Indeed, it was the first city in human history. 一些人类最早的文明崛起于公元前四千年的米索达比亚的南部(如今的伊拉克南部)。在公元前四千年的后半期,在乌鲁克城的南部附近被永久定居点占据的区域急剧的增加, 大部分的增长都发生在乌鲁克城内,使其成为了一个真正的城市中心并被一些次要的定居点包围着。虽然众所周知人口估计数是不可靠的,学者们认为乌鲁克居民每天往返城市和城市周边的田地,可以通过周边田地的农业生产来养活自己。但是乌鲁克在整个区域拥有压倒性的面积优势,远远超过了其他的定居点,这说明它是这个地区的中心,是一个真正的城市。事实上,它是人类历史上的第一个城市。


The vast majority of its population remained active in agriculture, even those people living within the city itself. But a small segment of the urban society started to specialize in nonagricultural tasks as a result of the city’s role as a regional center. Within the productive sector, there was a growth of a variety of specialist craftspeople. Early in the Uruk period, the use of undecorated utilitarian pottery was probably the result of specialized mass production. In an early fourth-millennium level of the Eanna archaeological site at Uruk, a pottery style appears that is most characteristic of this process, the so-called beveled-rim bowl. It is a rather shallow bowl that was crudely made in a mold; hence, in only a limited number of standard sizes. For some unknown reason, many were discarded, often still intact, and thousands have been found all over the Near East. The beveled-rim bowl is one of the most telling diagnostic finds for identifying an Uruk-period site. Of importance is the fact that it was produced rapidly in large amounts, most likely by specialists in a central location. 乌鲁克的绝大部分的人口甚至包括住在城市里面的人仍然从事农业活动。但是由于这个城市是地区的中心,城市社会中的小部分人开始专门从事非农业的工作。在生产部门内部,专业工匠的类型有了增加。在乌鲁克时期早期,未装饰的实用陶器的使用可能就是大量专业化生产的结果。在公元前四千年早期的乌鲁克的考古遗址Eanna中,有一种陶器风格出现了,它是这个时期的最大特点,这种陶器被叫做“斜面边碗”。这种在模具中粗糙的制作而成的碗相当的浅,因此只有有限的几种尺寸。由于一些未知的原因,很多碗都被丢弃,通常这些碗都是完整的,在近东已近发现了数千只。斜面边碗是鉴别是否属于乌鲁克时期遗址的最具标志性的发现之一。一个重要的事实是斜面边碗是被大规模生产出来的,极有可能是专业工匠在集中在一个区域进行生产。


A variety of documentation indicates that other goods, once made by a family member as one of many duties, were later made by skilled artisans. Certain images depict groups of people, most likely women, involved in weaving textiles, an activity we know from later third-millennium texts to have been vital in the economy and to have been centrally administered. Also, a specialized metal-producing workshop may have been excavated in a small area at Uruk. It contained a number of channels lined by a sequence of holes, about 50 centimeters deep, all showing burn marks and filled with ashes. This has been interpreted as the remains of a workshop where molten metal was scooped up from the channel and poured into molds in the holes. Some type of mass production by specialists was involved here. 各种文件材料说明,曾经作为家庭义务而制作的其他商品后来被有技术的工匠的生产替代。一些图片描绘了数群人,很有可能是女人,在从事于纺织的活动,从公元前三世纪的资料中我们得知这一活在经济中起着重要的作用并且在管理中处于中心的地位。同样,一个专门生产金属的作坊在乌鲁克被挖掘出来,它包含许多水渠,一系列洞穴成线状排列在水渠边。这些洞大约有50厘米深,都有燃烧的痕迹,里面填满了灰烬。这些遗迹被解释为作坊的遗迹,融化的金属从水渠中舀出来倒入洞中的模具,专业工匠的大规模生产被用到了这里


Objects themselves suggest that they were the work of skilled professionals. In the late Uruk period (3500-3100 B.C.E.), there first appeared a type of object that remained characteristic for Mesopotamia throughout its entire history: the cylinder seal. This was a small cylinder, usually no more than 3 centimeters high and 2 centimeters in diameter, of shell, bone, faience ( a glassy type of stoneware), or various types of stones, on which a scene was carved into the surface. When rolled over a soft material---primarily the clay of bullae (round seals), tablets, or clay lumps attached to boxes, jars, or door bolts---the scene would appear in relief, easily legible. The technological knowledge needed to carve it was far superior to that for stamp seals, which had happened in the early Neolithic period (approximately 10,000-5000 B.C.E.). From the first appearance of cylinder seals, the carved scenes could be highly elaborate and refined, indicating the work of specialist stone-cutters. Similarly, the late Uruk period shows the first monumental art, relief, and statuary in the round, made with a degree of mastery that only a professional could have produced. 这些物品说明这些是熟练的专业人员的作品。在后乌鲁克时期(公元前3500—3100年),第一次出现了一种在整个美索不达米亚历史时期都是很有特色的物品—滚筒印章。它是个小的圆筒,通常不到3厘米长,直径2厘米,材料为贝壳,骨头,彩陶(一种玻璃质的粗陶器)或是各种石头,在其表面刻着一个场景。当滚筒印章滚过柔软的材料(主要是被系在箱子、罐子或是门栓上的圆玺黏土,石碑,粘土板)时,这个场景就会简单清晰的以浮雕的形式出现在上面了。雕刻滚筒印章所需的技术知识远高于雕刻在新石器时代早期(大约公元前1万到5千年)出现的图章封印的技术知识。首次出现的滚筒印章,雕刻的场景图像非常的细巧精致,显示出这是专业的石头雕刻者的作品。同样的,在乌鲁克时期晚期出现的第一个石碑艺术品,浮雕,和圆形雕塑艺术,只有专业人士用较高








n.扩大, 增加






n.居民, 居住者




a.占优势的, 支配的


vt.超越, 胜过


vt.显示, 象征, 指示,


n.片段, 部分


a.城市的, 都市的


vt.专门从事; 专攻






n.特性, 特征, 特色; a.特性的, 特有的




vt.丢弃, 抛弃


adj.尚未被人碰过的, 完整的,


a. 显著的,


v.识别, 鉴定


n.工匠, 技工




a.生命的, 重要的,


vt.挖空, 挖出






n.圆筒, 圆筒状物




n.平板,碑, 匾






n.团, 块; 小方块




a.清晰的, 易读的


a.优良的; 优秀的




n.纪念碑, 纪念物, 石碑


2001年1月第二篇 Questions 10-17 at least one carpenter, joiner, sawyer, and cooper in woodworking; a weaver and a tailor 5) an assistant, the rural artisan provided the neighborhood with common goods from furniture to shoes to farm equipment in exchange for cash or for “goods in kind” from the customer’s field, pasture, or dairy. Sometimes artisans transformed material provided by the customer wove cloth of yam spun at the farm from the wool of the family sheep; made chairs or tables 10) from wood cut in the customer’s own woodlot; produced shoes or leather breeches from cow, deer, or sheepskin tanned on the farm. Like their farming neighbors, rural artisans were part of an economy seen, by one historian, as “an orchestra conducted by nature.” Some tasks could not be done in the winter, other had to be put off during harvest time, and still others waited on raw materials that were 15) only produced seasonally. As the days grew shorter, shop hours kept pace, since few artisans could afford enough artificial light to continue work when the Sun went down. To the best of their ability, colonial artisans tried to keep their shops as efficient as possible and to regularize their schedules and methods of production for the best return on their investment in time, tools, and materials. While it is pleasant to imagine a woodworker, for example, 20) carefully matching lumber, joining a chest together without resort to nails or glue, and applying all thought and energy to carving beautiful designs on the finished piece, the time required was not justified unless the customer was willing to pay extra for the quality— and few in rural areas were, Artisans, therefore, often found it necessary to employ as many shortcuts and economics as possible while still producing satisfactory products.


托福阅读难句专业翻译一 1. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might. 戴着面具身着盛装的人们,经常扮演各种其他人物、动物或超自然生灵,并且作为一个扮演者所能做的,就是期盼一个在狩猎或战役中获胜、降雨的来临,阳光的重现的结果。 2.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth. 但是这些事实不能解释这个令人感兴趣的问题,就是为什么在一个特殊的靠近他们出生的地方如此的集中了这么多怀孕的鱼龙。 3.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instruments capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brilliance. 十九世纪一系列持续的机械进步,包括踏板的传入、金属结构的完善和钢丝最完美的质量,最后产生了一种能容纳无数音调-从最精致的和弦到一个成熟管弦的声音或从一个清澈的歌声到辉煌的敲击乐的效 果-的乐器。 4.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1972 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. 虽然我们习惯于谈到1972年以前的电影是无声的,但用一句完全感性的话来说电影从来就不是没有声音的。 5.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualifications for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces. 多年以来电影音乐的选择程序完全掌握在导演和音乐督导手中,通常拥有这些权力的主要资格并非是自身的技艺和品味而更多的是因为拥有大量的个人音乐素材库。 6.Rather, they were made of a top layer of woolen or glazed worsted wool fabric, consisting of smooth, compact yarn from long wool fibers, dyed dark blue, green, or brown with a bottom layer of a coarser woolen material, either natural or a shade of yellow.


TOEFL阅读高难度句子举例解析及翻译 摘要:托福阅读中也会出现一些考验大家的托福阅读难句,遇到这些句子的时候,要在平时新托福阅读中注意积累,觉得用得到的要记下来,以下总结的托福阅读中的几个高难度句,希望对大家有所帮助。 "Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary. A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right. Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships." 很多同学,看到上面的“we view the people as ends in themselves”和“we perceive people as means to ends”就彻底晕菜了。这个其实是可以理解的,这两句话实际是哲学家Kant(康德)关于道德的哲学思想。我们先来看看康德是怎么说的: Humanity According to Kant, there are different ways to state what our duty is. One of them involves the idea of a law. Another involves the idea of humanity, or human reason. Morality says that you should never treat rational human beings merely as means to your end. Whenever you use someone’s skills or services to your own end, you should always also treat that person as an end in him- or herself. 翻译:康德认为,有不同的方式来陈述我们的职责。其中一个是涉及法律。另外一个是涉及人性和人道。道德论认为,你永远不应该把一个理性的人只是作为你达到你的目的中间手段。当你用其他的服务和技能作为你达到你的目的是,你应该尊重他们作为个体而不是你的手段而已。 分析:这里的mean实际上是一个途径,一个中间过程。如果我们把他人视为达成某种目标的中间途径,那就不是道德的。end在这里是终点,自身的结果。只有把他人视为end才是尊重别人才是道德的。 其实这个道理很简单。就是我们常说的:不已结婚为目的谈恋爱都是耍流氓。你不已结婚为目的,就是把女孩当成means了,所以很不道德。你如果是以结婚为目的话,就是当成ends了。


老托福阅读真题及答案解析 托福从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核。托福频道为大家提供了这四个方面的资料,希望对大家有所帮助。 Aviculturists, people who raise birds for commercial sale, have not yet learned how to simulate the natural incubation of parrot eggs in the wild. They continue to look for better ways to increase egg production and to improve chick survival rates. When parrots incubate their eggs in the wild, the temperature and humidity of the nest are controlled naturally. Heat is transferred from the bird's skin to the top portion of the eggshell, leaving the sides and bottom of the egg at a cooler temperature. This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching. Nest construction can contribute to this temperature gradient. Nests of loosely arranged sticks, rocks, or dirt are cooler in temperature at the bottom where the egg contacts the nesting material. Such nests also act as humidity regulators by allowing rain to drain into the bottom sections of the nest so that the eggs are not in direct contact with the water. As the water that collects in the bottom of the nest evaporates, the water vapor rises and is heated by the incubating bird, which adds significant humidity to the incubation environment. In artificial incubation programs, aviculturists remove eggs from the nests of parrots and incubate them under laboratory conditions. Most commercial incubators heat the eggs fairly evenly from top to bottom, thus ignoring the bird's method of natural incubation, and perhaps reducing the viability and survivability of the hatching chicks. When incubators are not used, aviculturists sometimes suspend wooden boxes outdoors to use as nests in which to place eggs. In areas where weather can become cold after eggs are laid, it is very important to maintain a deep foundation of nesting material to act as insulator against the cold bottom of the box. If eggs rest against the wooden bottom in extremely cold weather conditions, they can become chilled to a point where the embryo can no longer survive. Similarly, these boxes should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures that are also fatal to the growing embryo. Nesting material should be added in sufficient amounts to avoid both extreme temperature situations mentioned above and assure that the eggs have a soft, secure place to rest. 1. What is the main idea of the passage ? (A) Nesting material varies according to the parrots' environment. (B) Humidity is an important factor in incubating parrots' eggs. (C) Aviculturists have constructed the ideal nest box for parrots. (D) Wild parrots' nests provide information useful for artificial incubation. 2. The word "They" in line 2 refers to


精选45句托福阅读长难句翻译及词汇注释 (涵盖部分句子简化题翻译) 1.The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment(沉积物)-laden(装满的)river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing(沉积)the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope(斜面). 虽然是较为小型的,但类似的事情也在当下发生,无论什么地方的、大量携带沉积物的河水或溪流从山谷中流至较为平坦的地带,都会随着流速的减慢会沉淀下它的携带物。 河流通常以扇形蔓延,使沉积物以一种平滑的扇形斜面的形式沉积。 2.In lowland country almost any spot on the ground may overlie(躺在某上) what was once the bed of a river that has since become buried by soil; if they ar e now below the water’s upper surface (the water table), the gravels (石子,砂砾)and sands of the former riverbed, and its sandbars(沙洲,堤坝), will be saturated(浸湿)with groundwater. 在地势较低的城市里,地面上几乎所有曾是河床的地方都被土壤掩埋。如果曾是河床的地方现在处于河流(的上表面)之下,旧时河床的石砾、沙子和沙洲就会被地表水浸湿。 3.But note that porosity(孔隙度)is not the same as permeability(渗透率), which measures the ease with which water can flow through a material; this depends on the sizes of the individual cavities(腔,洞)and the crevices (裂缝,缺口)linking them. 但是要注意的在测量水可以从一种材料间通过的轻松程度的时候,孔隙度并不等同于渗透率。这个要依材料中每个独立的洞和裂缝的大小而定。 4.If the pores(毛孔,气孔)are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain(使液体流走)away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films(薄膜), too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held. 如果气孔很大,其内部的水分会以滴的形式存在,水分会由于过重、不能被表面张力持住而流走。反之,如果气孔很小,其内部的水分会以薄膜的形式存在,水分太轻以至于不能克服固定它们的表面张力,因此水分就会被以膜的形式保留。 5.But the myths that have grown up around the rites(隆重的仪式或典礼)may continue as part of the group’s oral(口头的; 口述的)tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced(分离)from these rites.


2000年5月第五篇 Questions 41-50 According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, Line such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although support to individual members. Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members. They give orders and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment of the group’s goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to (25) suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a mote (30) distant respect.

托福TPO52 三篇阅读翻译!!倒序!!

3.Early Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa 在更新世末期(大约公元前10000年),食品生产的技术可能已经在非洲西部和中部 的热带雨林的边缘地区使用,在那里非洲山药等根茎型植物的普遍使用,使人们认识到自己种植食物的好处。这种原始形式的“蔬菜栽培”(块根植物和树本作物的种植)可 能已经成为了一种经济传统,基于这种传统,夏季降水谷类作物的种植也采用嫁接的办法,这种种植技术已经在撒哈拉沙漠南部边界地区的草原南部被使用。随着撒哈拉 沙漠在公元前5000年之后干涸,游牧民族(牧民)向南沿着主要河道迁移到了西非和苏丹的热带草原地带。 直到公元前3000年,正如埃及文明发源于尼罗河流域一样,这些游牧民族定居在了离南部很远的东非高原地区的中心。东非高原是理想的养牛场所,如今也是像马赛人(肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的游牧狩猎民族)这样的有名的牧牛民族的家园。直到大约公元前3300 年,第一批牧牛人出现时,高地上居住着狩猎采集者,他们居住在平原附近的山区。和其他地方的情况一样,在非洲,牛是饲养起来很费劲的动物。如果要饲养各种规模 的牛群的话,这些牛至少每24小时就需要喝一次水,而且需要大片的牧场。饲养的秘 诀在于仔细挑选放牧场地,尤其是在季节性降雨会导致全年牧草质量有明显差异的环境中。即使是规模适中的牛群也需要大片的土地和相当大的可移动性。为了获得这样的土地,经常需要牛群移动相当远的距离,甚至是从夏季牧场移动到冬季牧场。同时,放牧人不得不让牲畜在有舌蝇出没的地带吃草。唯一能够保护人类和牲畜,不患上昏 睡病(一种由舌蝇传播的疾病)的办法,就是避免在这些地区定居或者放牧——对非 洲东部和中部地区的牧民来说,这个办法严重地限制了他们的迁移。结果是,小牛群迅速地向南部地区迁移,在那里人们可以放牧。在谷类农业占领最南部的撒哈拉沙漠之前,非洲东部和南部稀树草原地区的一些依靠狩猎和采集生活的人可能已经饲养了牛群和其他家养动物,他们将牲畜作为礼物交换,或者通过劫掠放牧的邻居,来获得这些牲畜。 和主流观点相反:没有所谓的“纯粹”的牧民,即只依靠牧群生存的社会。撒哈拉沙漠地 区为了躲避干旱而向南迁移的牧民,几乎肯定的是他们也在种植高粱、小米和其他热带降雨作物。到公元前1500年,谷类作物已经广泛分布于整个撒哈拉沙漠南部的稀树 草原带。小型农业社区遍布在草原和西非东部森林的边界处,这些小型农业社区都依赖于所谓的轮耕法。这种形式的农业包括清理林地,焚烧清理过的地块上的那些被砍倒的灌木丛,将灰烬混合在土壤中,然后在这些制备好的土地上耕种。几年后,土地耗尽了养分,于是农民们继续前进,开辟新的林地,让原来的荒地休耕。轮耕法,也 被称为“刀耕火种”,高度适用于没有犁的稀树草原地区的农民,因为这种方法能够消耗 最少的能量。

新托福阅读长难句120句(分析 译文)

新托福阅读长难句120句(分析+译文 12月16日 1. Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface,the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space. (定语后置in some ways… 由于完全没有光,而且承受着比在地球表面大数百倍的极大压力,深海底部对人类而言是一个充满敌意的环境,在某些方面就像外层空间一样险恶和遥远。 分句1:Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures 分句2:hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface 分句3:the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans 分句4:in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space 分句2修饰分句1结尾的短语intense pressures, 分句1是分句3的原因状语 分句3是整个长句子的主句 分句4是分句3的后置定语,修饰分句3的a hostile environment to humans 整个句子结构是: 原因状语+主句+后置定语 这是主句前后分别有状语和定语的修饰成分,但是本句其实不是复合句。句子的核心意思是深海对于人类而言是一个充满敌意的环境。


托福阅读总是做错的2个常见易错原 因分析 托福阅读总是做错?2个常见易错原因分析。今天给大家带来了托福阅读总是做错的2个常见易错原因分析,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读总是做错?2个常见易错原因分析 托福阅读易错原因:没有认真背单词 单词量不足除了影响对全文理解外,还直接影响托福阅读里面的很多词汇题的解答。所以,托福一定要背单词,单词真的是王道。而且,考生考托福是为了什么?不就是为了出国吗?从这个根本目标出发,单词的积累也是重要的。 或许有人会问,看哪本托福词汇书? 实际上,市面上常见的任何一本单词书拿来应对考试都不会有什么问题。关键在于是否能持之以恒,坚持长时间不间断的记忆词汇。有人或许会问,专业词汇到底看不看,看的话当然最好,不看只要不影响理解*并解答题目也不是不行。当然如果考生时间比较紧张的话,专业术语词汇还是建议混个脸熟就足够了。 托福阅读易错原因:不熟悉*长度与句子架构

托福阅读中的长难句非常讨厌,也是干扰考生理解*的罪魁祸首之一。其实要想适应托福阅读考试中的长难句,就是多进行句子分析,或者多看阅读*。这里必须要强烈推荐托福官方真题,原因是考生对付阅读需要把ETS出题的角度和考题给出的正确选项都研究透了,才能保证练习的质量,而研究官方真题也是真正可以提高我们阅读能力的途径。 如果某一道题你做错了,那么请你对完答案之后,多花两分钟的时间来思考你的选项和给出的正确选项之间有什么差别?是语气不对?还是我们没有从那一段的整体把握的角度来做出正确的判断?亦或是其它什么原因?哪句话是解题的核心?我们通过这句话能获得或者说提炼什么有效的信息? 托福考试之阅读备考方法介绍 1. 托福考前几条建议 有时间和条件的话,建议考生可提前去看考场,熟悉考试的实战环境,并准备好考试所需证件; 托福考试正式考试时间为北京时间九点,考生们至少应提前半小时,即8:30前到达考场,因为在托福考试开始之前还要签署保密协议、寄存个人物品、排队等候拍照、核对身份等操作,千万不要因迟到而影响考试心态,无法正常发挥。



新托福真题TPO27阅读翻译及词汇整理 摘要:新托福真题TPO27阅读翻译及词汇整理,下面是小马过河为同学们搜集整理的新托福真题TPO27阅读翻译及词汇整理的相关信息,小马小编整理过来,供同学们参考。 Crafts in the Ancient near East古代近东的手工艺 本文为最新的托福真题TPO第27套阅读第一篇,文章反映了托福“古代社会文明”类型的阅读的特点,阅读中的学科词汇很典型,对我们准备托福的阅读有很重要的参考意义,备战托福的同学不可错过。 学科词汇总结words craft手工艺 urban城市的 civilization 文明 settlement定居点 agriculture农业 pottery实用陶器 textile纺织品

mold模具 carve雕刻 relief浮雕 clay粘土 utilitarian实用的 elaborate精心制作的 refined精制的文章翻译translation 一、人类历史上的第一个城市乌鲁克兴起。 Some of the earliest human civilizations arose in southern Mesopotamia, in what is nowsouthern Iraq, in the fourth millennium B.C.E. In the second half of that millennium, in thesouth around the city of Uruk, there was an enormous escalation in the area occupied bypermanent settlements. A large part of that increase took place in Uruk itself, which became areal urban center surrounded by a set of secondary settlements. While population estimatesare notoriously unreliable, scholars assume that Uruk inhabitants were able to supportthemselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city, which could bere ached with a daily commute. But Uruk’s dominant size in the entire region, far surpassingthat of other settlements, indicates that it was a regional center and a true city. Indeed, it wasthe first city in human history.一些人类最早的文明崛起于公元前四千年的米索达比亚的南部(如今的伊拉克南部)。在公元前四千年的后半期,在乌鲁克城的南部附近被永久定居点占据的区域急剧的增加, 大部分的增长都发生在乌鲁克城内,使其成为了一个真正的城市中心并被一些次要的定居点包围着。虽然众所周知人口估计数是不可靠的,学者们认为乌鲁克居民每天往返城市和城市周边的田地,可以通过周边田地的农业生产来


托福阅读长难句解决方法解析 托福阅读长难句解决方法 首先:长句子。 A few art collectors Tames Bowdoin of Boston, William Byrd of Virginia, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries,especially aspiring artists,and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement. A few art collectors introduced European art traditions to those colonistsand established in their respective communities the idea and the need. 对于这样一个句子,大家要做的就是找到这个句子的核心主干(即主谓宾)注意后半部分嵌入了倒装句established in their respective communities the idea and the need,establish是及物动词,后面却加了介词in,说明此处有倒装,还原正常语序应是established the idea and the need in their respective communities。倒装出现的意义在于idea和need在原句中的后置定语(即蓝色划线部分)太长,为了防止头重脚轻。 在原句中,是有人名是并列的不知道大家有没有发现,也是本句主语art collectors的同位语。其中还有一部分是colonists的非谓语动词后置定语,还一个部分是插入语用来进一步解释art collectors。 综上所述,本句运用了多种语法结构(并列,倒装,同位语,后置定语,插入语)把主干部分分割得支离破碎,如果对这些语法结构不熟悉的同学肯定会一下子摸不着头脑。而如果能够尽最大努力把握其用法,那么对阅读的速度和正确率的提升都有很大帮助。 以上这个句子我们就可以这样翻译:几位艺术收藏家(此处省略几位艺术家名字)将欧洲艺术传统介绍给那些被特许参观他们画廊的殖民者,尤其是有抱负的艺术家们,并在他们各自的社区建立了艺术具有价值的观念和致力于鼓励其发展的机构的需要。 其次:长文章 新托福阅读的文章篇幅一般都是在700字以上,而这么长的文章主要就是由简单句和一些复杂的长难句组成,除了句子理解外,为了更好的解题考生还应该了解文章段落和文章结构。面对比较长的段落和文章,要在短时间内快速抓住重点信息,做对题目,那么对文章的行文套路要有非常清晰的把握。下面以一篇OG真题文章Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States的段落为例来讲解。


【阅读题型】托福阅读指代题实例解析(一) 托福阅读中的指代题是出镜率相当高的题型之一,此外,在非托福的各种考试中,学生也常常会遇到类似的指代题,所以掌握指代题的题型分类和解题技巧对考学来说都是非常重要技能。 例一:It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yet adapted for life in the open ocean. It probably bred and gave birth on land. The word “It” in the passage refers to (A) Pakicetus (B) fish (C) life (D) ocean 例二:The popular is replacing the folk in industrialized countries and in many developing nations, Folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent, usually because the popular item is more quickly or cheaply produced, is easier or time saving to use, or lends more prestige to the owner. The word “their” in line 26 refer to (A) folk (B) nations (C) countries (D) objects 例三:It quickly proved a financial success as well. The prosperity of the Erie encouraged the state to enlarge its canal system by building several


托福阅读:长难句翻译训练 1. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. 2. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind. 3. However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. 4. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it. 5. Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could he slowed down. 6. With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations. 7. Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect (智能) and emotion, and determine the human character. 8. Contraction of front and side parts as cells die off was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty and seventy-year-olds. 9. The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. 10. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant. 1、系好安全带能够挽救性命,它能将丧生和重伤的概率减少一半以上。 2、但是司机有责任确保14岁以下的孩子不要坐在前排,除非他们系好了安全带。
