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Chapter 14 Research Analysis and Critique Sample Research

Chapter 14 Research Analysis and Critique Sample Research
Chapter 14 Research Analysis and Critique Sample Research

Chapter 14: Research Analysis and Critique

Sample Research Critique #1


The Assignment

Research Analysis

Research Critique

Sample Research Analysis & Critique



Research Description

Research Design

Results and Conclusions

Research Critique

The Assignment:

The purpose of this optional assignment is to help you synthesize course concepts and apply them to research in your particular field of interest (that is, your specific program, be it Rehabilitation Counseling, Gifted and Talented, Secondary Ed, Special Ed, Adult Ed, Early Childhood, Rehabilitation of the Blind, Instructional Resources, Elementary Ed, or some other program). (If you are without a program, simply focus on any field or topic that would benefit you.) I’m certain you are in a position now to connect what you’ve learned in this course to published research in your area of interest. This can be accomplished by answering some questions and then writing a short review or critique of published research.

Research Selection

Your task is to locate a published research report that we haven’t worked with in this course. You can locate it anywhere, on the Web or in the printed journals in a library. It must be empirical, that is, contain data used to answer a research question or test a

research hypothesis. The inclusion of data and its analysis (quantitative or qualitative) is a requirement, so that excludes mere reviews of research or opinions from consideration. Don’t worry about working with an article that won’t count. If it includes data, it’ll count.

I hope that you find a data-based research report that might help you in your other classes. Many of you know the leading journals in your field better than I do. The “best” journals are probably print-only (at least for now), so you may want to make that trek to the library. But again, you don’t have to—any research report in a journal off the Web is fine. (Recall from a previous assignment that there are good sites which direct you to full-text online research reports available on the Web.)

This assignment involves careful reading of Chapter 14.

Research Analysis

1. State the complete reference for the research (including the author, title, journal, pages, and URL, if applicable).

2. Write a paragraph describing the researchers’ constructs (if any), their operational definitions, their different types of variables (as relevant, including independent, dependent, attribute, and key extraneous ones), and the research hypothesis (or research question).

3. Write a paragraph describing the type of research, the sample, and the instrumentation (measures).

4. Write a paragraph describing how the researchers addressed the issue of bias and control, the type of research design they used, and (very briefly) how they analyzed their data (the type of statistical tests, qualitative approaches, etc.).

5. Write a brief paragraph describing the researchers’ results and conclusions.

Research Critique

Now that you’ve fully dissected (analyzed) this research report and understan d it well, you are in a good position to write a brief critique or critical review, focusing on its purpose, your overall reaction, salient methodological issues, noteworthy weaknesses and strengths, and an overall recommendation (like whether anyone should pay attention to it or whether it should have even been published). Think of this task in the same way you would a book review (except it’s a research review): You tell the reader what the research is all about and then you make some judgments based on reasonable criteria. Book reviews help people decide whether they want to read the book. Similarly, research reviews help people decide whether they should attend to the research and possibly change their thinking or practice as a result. It seems like this critique or review could be done in about 3 to 5 pages.

Let me also add that reviews are not easy. You are not expected to spend 50 hours, but you know for sure how plodding it is to read research. And you know how slow technical writing is. This assignment will clearly take more than an hour, but not 30 hours, I’m sure, depending on how comfortable you are with all the terms and being able to “think

like a researcher.” Because you can choose a research report in your field of interest, it should be a bit easier to analyze and critique than the articles referenced in the text or, for sure, Russell and Haney. That’s because you’ll have greater familiarity with the jargon and related literature since you’ve been exposed to it in your program classes.

Sample Research Analysis & Critique #1 (used with permission):

Research Analysis and Critique of Dona Bailey, a graduate student at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock

1. Citation

Beccue, B., Vila, J., & Whitley, L. (2001). The effects of adding audio instructions to a multimedia computer based training environment. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 10(1), 47-67.

This is available online at https://www.sodocs.net/doc/545996466.html,/dl/files/JEMH/JEMH112177.pdf

2. Descriptions


Constructs are factors that cannot be observed directly. To be useful in answering experimental research questions and testing hypotheses, constructs must be defined operationally, or measured and described as a quantifiable value.

In this study, the most important construct is learning. “How much” learning occurs as a result of the treatment is the foremost research question used in the study. The other two

constructs considered are the students’ perceptions of the instructional material and the students’ attitudes toward the lab session.

Operational Definitions

Operational definitions are measurements used to define constructs. Constructs must be measured quantitatively in order to be useful in hypothesis testing.

In this study, the most important construct, learning, is defined as a measurement or test score indicating performance achievement in the treatment group and the control group. In this case, learning is measured by a student’s test score. A student’s test score is used to indicate the amount of material retained or the amount learned.

The other two constructs of interest in this study, student perceptions and attitudes, were operationally defined by collecting qualitative feedback from the treatment group about how students regarded the instructional material if it had audio added and the students’ attitudes toward the lab session if audio was added. This qualitative feedback was collected in the form of comments from students in the treatment group. Collecting qualitative information resulted in an inability to statistically test this part of the information. This inability is discussed further in section 6 – Research Critique.

Independent Variable

An independent variable is a factor that is applied in the treatment group and controlled for in the control group so its effect can be measured using the dependent variable. This

study’s independent variable is the addition of audio instructions to an existing multimedia computer lab exercise. The treatment group received the addition of audio instructions, and the control group’s lab exercise had no audio.

Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the study variable that may be influenced or changed because of the independent variable. This study’s dependent variable is the measure of students’ performance achievement, or the test score students receive on the posttest. More specifically, the study’s authors look at the amount of change in pretest and posttest scores.

Attribute Variables

Attribute variables are subject characteristics. The attribute variables considered in this study are gender and age. The study’s authors are concerned if the addition of audio instructions significantly changes students’ performance based on the demographics of gender and age.

Extraneous Variables

Extraneous variables are controlled influences. I do not recognize that there are any extraneous variables in this study.

Research Hypothesis

The researchers stated, “Based on the review of literature it was hypothesized that the additional audio component would be beneficial to the student’s lab learning experience” (p. 50). Because of the operational definition of the construct learning, this means that it was hypothesized that the addition of audio instructions would raise students’ test scores in the treatment group.

Here are the four null hypotheses that are detailed in the text of the study (pp. 61 and 62):

Ho 1. There is no significant difference in the performance of students who received audio instructions in addition to the lab manual instructions and students who did not.

Ho 2. There is no significant difference in the attitudes and perceptions of students who received audio instructions in addition to the lab manual instructions and students who did not.

Ho 3. There is no significant difference in the performance between males and f emales who received audio instructions in addition to the lab manual instructions and students who did not.

Ho 4. There is no significant difference in the performance among students of differing ages who received audio instructions in addition to the lab manual instructions.

Research Questions

The study’s authors stated, “The major purpose of this study was to determine if the addition of an audio component had an effect on the learning and attitudes of the students” (p. 50).

The study’s authors wrote, “The principal question investigated was: Does the addition of audio instructions increase the amount of material retained in a multimedia lab?” (p. 56).

The authors continued, “Does the addition of audio instructions change the students’ perceptions of the lab material? Does the addition of audio instructions change the students’ attitudes toward the lab material? Does the addition of audio instructions change the students’ performance based on demographics?” (p. 56).

3. Research Description

Type of Research

This study is quantitative research, meaning it is based on, and analyzed using, numbers and measurements. The study is also practical research, in that it is a blend of theoretical and problem-based research. It has a theoretical component because it is ultimately aimed toward defining the best methods for creating multimedia CBT materials, and it also attempts to improve a course where students were not performing well (p. 49).

It seems to me that this study is teacher research (meaning it is an activity intended to improve teaching practice in the specific applied computer science course) hoping to be

traditional research that will improve methods and understanding of creating and developing multimedia CBT materials in higher education.


The subjects for this study were 86 students enrolled in an applied computer science course at a midwestern university (the name was not specified, but the researchers teach at Illinois State University, in Normal, IL). The full population for the study was the entire enrollment in the applied computer science course. The course had five lecture sections consisting of approximately 40 students each. Each lecture section was divided into two labs, each of which met at different times during the week. Because of the way in which courses were already organized, the researchers used the intact groups (the lecture sections divided into two labs) and randomly assigned (the researchers label the procedure as “randomly dividing,” p. 56) the two lab sections within each lecture section to treatment or control groups. This procedure resulted in five control groups and five treatment groups of approximately 20 students each.

All students were required to participate in the lab for the course, but students were not required to participate in the study, and many students elected not to participate. All in all, this method of obtaining a sample is sometimes called a “convenience” sample instead of a random sample. This is discussed further in section 6 – Research Critique.

There are two pages of tables of group demographics presented in the study (pp. 57 and 58). The treatment group sample size was 37, and the control group sample size was 49.

Both groups were primarily male, but in the same proportion (the treatment group h ad 27 males to 10 females, and the control group had 37 males to 12 females).


Data for this study was collected only during week seven of an applied computer science course. In this study, three types of data were collected:

Test data in the form of students’ scores on pretests and posttests. Pretests were given to all students in the lecture session of the class during week six, which was the week prior to treatment. Posttests were given in the lecture session during the week following the lab activity. This was the typical test schedule for the course. The authors did not include a description or analysis of the pretest or posttest reliability or validity.

Qualitative data were collected from subjects in the treatment group. This was presented via questions on computerized screens at the end of the lab session. These questions were concerning the students’ perceptions and attitudes about the lab’s audio component.

Another type of data was an electronic log file that tracked when a student played each audio clip and if the student repeated the clip. The authors thoroughly described the audio component intervention that was the study’s independent variable. Audio instructions consisting of 60-second clips were presented to only students in the treatment group. The audio instructions matched the information presented in the lab manual except

that the wording was made “conversational” so it would sound natural when spoken. A professional radio performer was chosen to record the audio clips. Students were required to listen to all the audio clips and to listen in a specified order. After the clip had been played once, it could be played an unlimited number of additional times. This information was kept in a log file for each student.

4. Research Design

Bias and Control

There seem to be a number of bias issues in this study. The largest and most critical bias is the problem of non-randomness. The process of selecting subjects for a sample is not random, as discussed under Sample in section 3 – Research Description. Also, the process of forming treatment and control groups is not random (as discussed under Sample in section 3 – Research Description).

In a section titled “Limitations of the Study,” the researchers acknowledge three problems (p. 61):

The design was unbalanced (the treatment group had 37 subjects, and the control group had 49) because intact groups were used from the course.

Using intact groups resulted in the authors’ inability to properly randomize the sample selection and group formation.

Students were able to interact during the week when the research was done, meaning students in the treatment and control groups may have discussed their participation in, perceptions of, and attitudes about the study between the pretest and the posttest.

I agree that these are bias problems in the study, and I believe there are others the researchers do not discuss. One bias that seems to further invalidate the sample selection is the large number of students who elected not to parti cipate in the study. Of the potential 200 students who were eligible for inclusion in the study (five lecture sections of 40 students each), only 86 elected to participate. Who were the students who agreed to participate? What was their motivation? Who were the students who did not participate? Were they likely the best students? Maybe the worst students? Also, it’s not clear when the students elected not to participate. Did they initially agree and then decline for some reason? There’s no way to know the answer to any of these questions from the information reported in the study, but allowing opting out is a far from random method of selecting a sample.

The researchers report the treatment group subjects wore headphones during the study’s lab session, but wrote nothing about wearing headphones being a biasing factor. However, wearing headphones seems to me to be a problem in the study. In college, students may have concerns about how their hair looks and, depending on the style of the headphones, may not want to wear headphones. When the treatment group students put

on headphones in the lab, they were different from students in the control group and students who were not participating in the study, so the authors and any other study observers were not blind. Moreover, the subjects themselves could not forget for the amount of time of the intervention that they were subjects in a study. The treatment group subjects may have been experienced the Hawthorne effect, in which subjects behave differently because they know they are being studied. The Hawthorne effect is normally neutralized by including a control or placebo group. In this case, however, there was a control group, but no headphones were used by anyone else.

The last kind of bias that seems to be a problem is actually part of the way the researchers chose to try to bring control to the study. The researchers wrote that part of the demographic information collected about students was self-reported high school GPA and percentile ranking at time of high school graduation (p. 56). (I also noticed when this information is presented in tabular format on p. 58, it is not labeled as self-reported. This seems to me to be an error in the way in which the report is written.) The researchers wrote that this self-reported high school information was used as a “covariant measure” in the statistical analysis to remove biases due to the nonrandom selection of the lab groups. Self-reported information is a very poor basis to use for trying to remedy and control subject selection.

This list of biases poses numerous threats to internal validity in this study.

Research Design

This study is definitely an experimental design because it is based on an intervention. However, instead of using a truly experimental method, meaning properly applying an independent variable with proper random assignment to groups, this study uses a quasi-experimental method where there is a manipulated intervention but no true random assignment. The design loses a great deal of power because of its nonrandom sample. This problem alone means the study has little external validity, or applicability to a larger population.

Data Analysis

The research design used an ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) test to compare the pretest scores with posttest scores for the treatment and control groups. The text of the study indicates that “dependent measures” included pretest and posttest scores, while the “covariant measure” was “student reported high school grade point average (GPA)” (p.

61). Tabular data shows th e means and standard deviations for each group for pretest and posttest scores, along with the amount and percentage change between the two (p. 63).

5. Results and Conclusions

The results of the ANCOVA test revealed no significant difference in posttest scores for treatment group students, so the first null hypothesis, no performance differences for students in each group, was not rejected. Both groups increased their scores from pretest to posttest, and the treatment group students had a greater increase in scores than the control group, but the increase was not significantly different.

The second null hypothesis, no difference in the attitudes and perceptions of students in each group, could not be quantitatively analyzed because only qualitative data w as collected from students in the treatment group.

Results showed no significant difference in performance for males and females, so null hypothesis three was not rejected. Null hypothesis four was not rejected since results showed no significant difference based on age categories.

The researchers concluded that adding an audio multimedia component results in no significant difference in learning. The researchers also used qualitative data about perceptions and attitudes along with observations made at the time of data collection to draw additional conclusions and make recommendations. The researchers concluded (p.

64), “Based on observation of the subjects, the researchers theorized that the pace set by audio might be helpful for slower learners and detrimental to fast learners who want control of their learning environment.”

The researchers also made recommendations for future research (p. 64). Some of their recommendations are to collect data from a larger, more randomly selected population in differing subject areas, using varying subjects of differing technical levels.

6. Research Critique

I spent a long time looking for a study with hypotheses concerning multimedia components of instructional materials. When I found this study and when I initially considered it, I thought it looked impressive and valid. When I had thoroughly digested its sections, however, I think overall the study is a bit of a mess.

The abstract is written in a way that seems much cleaner than the full study. The literature review is very interesting to me and seems very professional. However, there is a section at the beginning of the study that, after I had completed reading the study and understood it all, I think is where things began to go wrong. The authors wrote that a course that had previously been a lecture course had been revamped into a lecture plus lab course. After two semesters of the new course structure, students were not performing as well as expected (p. 49). The authors wrote in this section that the major pu rpose of the study was to determine if adding an audio component would improve student performance in this particular course situation (p. 50). In another section, the study’s purpose is stated to be an investigation of whether the addition of an audio component in multimedia CBT results in students achieving higher test scores (p. 55). This seems to be a question about a generalized situation. These two scenarios are very different. Trying to improve a specific class situation where there are already specific students having difficulties is very different from a “clean,” generalized situation with new material and fresh students. True experimental research must be conducted in a fresh, unbiased situation, not brought in as a remedy for a situation that has already gone wrong.

Overall, I think this is a study that wants to be theoretical research, but needs to be goal oriented in order to try to improve the specific course situation. Because of these restrictions, the specific student population was already in place before the study was created. No wonder the researchers used “intact groups” from the specific class.

It’s unfortunate that there are so many problems with this study. The basic research questions are very good, and not enough research has been done studying the effects of multimedia instructional materials in higher education.

To the researchers’ credit, the treatment seems well designed, and since I know that creating multimedia instructional materials is very time consuming, I feel certain the researchers spent a lot of time and deliberation on the audio component used for treatment.

This study should be reworked, improved, and conducted again. The aspects that should be improved are:

Obviously a truly random sample needs to be used.

The biases discussed in previous sections need to be controlled. Using a random sample would improve many of these issues.

A quantitative survey instrument should be developed and used to collect attitudinal and perceptual data instead of collecting qua litative information.

The survey should be used to collect data from both groups of students, instead of only the treatment group, so that attitudes and perceptions about the instructional materials and methods can be compared for the two groups.

A longer amount of time and exposure to the treatment needs to be used. Data for a complex research question cannot be gathered in one week’s meeting of a college class. Exposure to a complex treatment cannot be completed in one lab session. Using at least one semester of data seems more appropriate.

The rules for playing the audio clips should be redesigned. Why are students forced to play all the clips and to play them in a certain order? Allowing students to set their own rules about utilizing the audio component and then analyzing the data recorded in the log file seems like a much richer source of information.

Finally, this area of research is uniquely tied with what is known about learning styles. I expect that there is not one answer to the question of whether the addition of an audio component in multimedia CBT results in students achieving higher test scores. Based on the amount of information understood about the variety of learning styles, I don’t think that is a surprising or extraordinary predictio n. For this study to be done in the very best way so that findings and conclusions could be truly useful, it should include studying the

ways in which individual learners utilize audio instruction components. To carefully include that aspect would necessitate another careful reworking of the research design, but it seems that would be possible using care and deliberation.


爱惜粮食从我做起教学 反思 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

《爱惜粮食从我做起》主题教育课反思 爱惜粮食是中华民族的传统美德。可如今生活水平提高了,学生将粮食视为取之不尽的,很难体会到粮食的来之不易,因此浪费粮食的现象无处不在。 在设计这节课时,我结合“光盘行动”和学生身边浪费粮食现象,做到遵循“回归生活,关注孩子的现实生活”的教学理念。在教学中通过认知、活动、辨理、讨论、等教学方法去感受、体会、领悟粮食来的真不容易,去爱惜粮食。本节课通过激趣导入、明理辨析、联系生活实际,指导行为、实践延伸这五个步骤分层逐步地实现教育目的。课后,我也认真地反思了自己在这节课的教学得失。首先,在这次的研讨课收获甚多。 一、课前准备充分,教学思路清晰 为了让学生了解粮食浪费现象,让粮食来之不易的观念直入学生心中,首先,我大量收集资料,聚焦浪费现象,来引发学生思考。其次,了解粮食是怎样诞生的,观看农民伯伯种水稻的过程,让学生感受粮食的来之不易。同时,让学生体验插秧苗,让孩子在模拟的劳动情境中体会劳动的辛苦,懂得粒粒皆辛苦的道理。再是,用真实的数据,震撼学生心灵;用触目惊心的画面,引发学生内心共鸣要爱惜粮食。最后是明理辨析、联系生活实际,指导行为、实践延伸。 二、紧跟时代,联系实际 从学生的生活实际出发,通过自身的浪费引发学生思考,让学生正视身边的浪费现象,进一步感受身边浪费粮食现象的普遍性和严重性。教育学生生活中做到珍惜粮食,不浪费粮食。 当然,在这节课里,还存在着许多不成熟的做法:

1.让学生体会中庄稼的辛苦时,让学生说出粮食生产的过程,只是思考过程并看图片,没有条件亲身体会,学生体会不了农民耕种的辛苦,这是一次失败的体验教学。 2.一些课件设计不够好。如:非洲饥饿儿童图片,震撼力不够,如果能配上音乐、讲述,效果可能会更好。但由于个人的信息技术尚还欠缺,很多添加音乐、配上语言的课件不会制作。再如:辨理的选材也是不够说服力。 通过这次主题班会尝试,我明白了品德与生活的教学就是要为孩子架起通向生活的桥梁,把学生与真实的社会生活紧密地联系起来,有意识的把学生带回到真实的生活中去,去观察、感受、体验、分析、反思他们的生活,并以其引导和提升自己的真实生活的重要性。


转自龙空。感谢墨文诚的分享—— 这篇帖子的主要目的是让更多刚刚写作的新手了解小说的基本结构,并且知道如何去用写作技巧完善自己的小说,同时也是对我自己学习写作技巧的一种总结和深化。(感谢小说写作教程:虚构文学速成全攻略这本书) 当然,在写作这条举步维艰的路上,我同样只是刚刚起步,所以如果你有什么想法或者建议请加,让我们共同进步!本群欢迎您的加入! 在探讨写作技巧之前,我有一个问题想问你们,你们知道什么是小说的基本结构? 我猜你现在一定很不屑一顾的告诉我,这个问题太简单了!开始!中间!结尾! 的确,这个问题实在是太简单,太基础了,甚至看上去我问的问题真的很愚蠢!但是为什么同样是这三个基本元素构成的小说,有的会大卖而有的不会呢? 这就是我们接下来讨论的问题。 为了更好的理解,我把这三个元素扩展延伸开来:开始=吸引力、中间=期待感、结尾=满足感。现在他们不再是定义而变得鲜活起来,也明确了每个部分应当实现的目标。 什么是小说的吸引力?就是能吸引读者的注意力!当你创造出的主要角色遇到非解决不可的问题时,这就是吸引力!你要让你的读者产生这样的想法:我真想知道主角是如何解决这个难题的!

什么是小说的期待感?你要让读者感到将有更多有趣的事情将要发生!因为读者希望主角成功,也因为希望主角成功,所以主角必须行动起来,要去克服重重困难,一个接一个的障碍! 什么是小说的满足感?当你的主角通过他竭尽其能的手段终于克服了一个又一个的障碍后,也就迎来了故事的结局。不管最后的结局是喜是悲,读者都对故事的完整性而感到满足。 现在我又有了一个新的问题,我们应该如何在小说的每个阶段达到应有的目标呢? 让我们再来把三个要素深化一下:开始=吸引力=冲突、中间=期待感=行动、结局=满足感=解决问题。 在讲解之前,你先看看下面这个故事: 王瑞喜欢班上的一个女生,他和他的朋友说:“如果我能跟她在一起,真的太美妙了!你看她很漂亮也很温柔!” 于是他的朋友鼓励他:“你要是真的喜欢她,就一定要去表白!” 终于有一天王瑞鼓起勇气表白了,那个女生听完他的表白很羞涩的点了点头说道:“其实我也喜欢你!” 于是他们手拉着手走在了一起。 你看这个结局多么的美满幸福,可是这个故事有趣吗?可信度高吗?你有幸福感吗? 没有!什么也没有!


《感恩父母》教学反思(一) 本校校本课程研修主题《让学生学会知恩、报恩、施恩》旨在通过让学生了解父母之爱,感受父母之情,体验亲情的无私和伟大,即让学生懂得为什么要感恩父母。让学生学会如何去理解父母、尊敬父母、体谅关心父母,与父母和谐相处,从现在做起从点滴以实际的行动来回报父母。最后将这节课的内容直接推向学生自己的生活,让他们在生活中学会感恩。 本节课从课堂教学过程及学情反馈问卷来看,教学目标完成得比较好。教学中在以下几个方面做了一些尝试,收到了较好的效果。 首先,课前反复让学生倾听歌曲,在脑海中留有一定的印象,然后在课程即将结束时再放一次音乐,并让学生随着音乐一起唱,而是在学生深入理解感恩内涵后更深刻地与音乐的一种融合,此时学生边唱边回想整节课的内容,也是对所学内容的一种整理和加深。 最后,就在以上的基础上,将感恩推向学生生活,让学生有感而发,有情可诉,回味自己的成长历程,感恩过去给予过自己帮助的人或物,也能怀着一颗感恩的心更好的面对以后的人生道路,实现学生在阅读中有所成长的目标。 记得有人说过,“教学永远是一门遗憾的艺术”。课后反思发现这堂课在以下几个方面可以继续改进: 首先,这节课的容量特别大,有几个环节可以更加精炼这样做方能使课堂更紧凑,效率更高。 其次,在活动最后我有感而发也给大家讲了一个自己的故事,其实很多学生听了之后很有感触,但是因为时间没有办法让他们更好的交流彼此的体会,分享自己的心情。前面的环节如果更加紧凑,有足够的时间,他们会谈得更好、更丰富,也就会有更精彩的思维碰撞、更多的课堂生成。 最后,在评价学生的时候注重对学生思考内容的评价,忽略了学生回答问题的声音大小,也应引起注意。


《西顿动物故事的结局》群文阅读活动目标: 1、采用“群文阅读”形式,促进个性化阅读与合作性阅读的融合。 2、通过比较阅读感受西顿作品的悲剧结局,体会悲情情,引起心灵共鸣。 3、创编结局,感受结局对整个故事的意义。 活动准备:色 1、课前阅读西顿动物小说《遛蹄的野马》、《泉原狐》、《信鸽阿诺》。 2、多媒体课件制作。 3、小组阅读单和小圆片。 活动过程: 第一板块:聚焦结局,探究发现 1、今天的阅读课,我们来读西顿的动物故事。(出示题目《泉源 狐》《信鸽阿诺》《遛蹄的野马》)这三篇文章都是西顿动物小说的节选。因为篇幅很长,所以提前让大家读了,简单地介绍一下故事情节。 2、介绍得不错,现在我们可以切入正题了,来聊一聊动物故事的 结局。 (板书:动物故事的结局)3、用快速浏览的方式继续阅读这三个故事,重点关注结尾部分,分别用一个词语概括出故事的结局,写在结尾处。 4、小组讨论故事的结局,完成小组阅读单。 任务单 题目故事结局 《泉源狐》毒子离乡 《信鸽阿诺》葬身隼爪

《遛蹄的野马》跳崖身亡 5、组际分享:(选两组贴于黑板,预设《泉原狐》比较) 6、故事的结局都已呈现在我们眼前,把这三个结局联系起来看看,再联系一下故事,你发现有什么相同点,又有什么不同点? 预设:相同点——主人公都可怜地死去,非常悲惨;都受到了人类的迫害; 不同点——死去的方式各不相同;造成这样结局的原因也不同。 第二板块:结局背后,各述喜恶 1、尽管死的原因不同、方式不同,结局却都充满了悲情色彩。对于 西顿这样的写法,作为一个读者,你喜欢吗?喜欢的用这个手势,不喜欢的用拳头。 2、跟与你观点相同的同学就近组合成三到五人的小组,去交流探讨 喜欢抑或不喜欢的理由,看哪组理由最充分。 合作提示: ◆说说理由。 ◆整合理由。 ◆写关键词。 3、组际交流,贴关键词,分享理由。 4、喜欢不喜欢,理由都很充分,都是你们真实的阅读感受。有人 是这样诠释西顿动物故事的悲剧结局的。(链接资料:西顿动物小说充分尊重动物的个性,没有任何人为虚构。在生存的本能前提下,它们不虚不假,真性真情。对于一些精神层面的执著,动物们比人要真实、勇敢,它们甚至不在乎死亡,因为比死亡让它们更在意的东西有很多,比如自由、尊严、忠诚、信任……)小结:的确,西顿动物故事的悲剧结局是来源于现实世界里动物们真实的情感和生存状态,真实的总会被存在,感动的总会被喜欢,所以西顿动物小说风靡世界一百多年,全球销量上亿册。


小学生感恩教育个案 一教育案例 案例:我班有位男生名叫李文轩,从刚接到这个班,我就对他印象深刻,他上学爱迟到,在学校里常常同学关系不好,还喜欢动手打同学,懒惰、常常不完成作业,上课不守纪律、爱随意下座位,是一个行为很差、习惯不好的学生。而且在接受老师的批评教育时,也常表现出一幅满不在意的样子。 还有一次,上课铃刚响,他和同学兴冲冲地跑向教学,刚要进门的时候,他竟然向前面的学生推去,使同学嘴皮都磕破了,当问起他原因时,他理所当然地说:“我妈妈说的,同学欺负我,打得赢就打,打不赢就跑,这样同学才会欺负我。” 二、行为原因剖析 通过对李文轩的观察,我也发现他的个性鲜明,自制能力差,做事缺乏耐心,使得他自由、散漫、爱捣蛋,这些心理障碍直接损害了他本应和谐的人际关系,损伤了他和同学间的情谊,使同学们对他产生了厌恶的情绪。 (1)家庭的教育缺失 通过与家长的沟通,我也发现他的家庭环境不是很好,父亲是再婚,母亲是他父亲的第二个妻子,母亲对他管教方法不当,平时不重视对他的管教,每次放学总能看见他和他的姐姐在校门口逗留,父亲忙于生计,母亲对他也很少关心,年迈的爷爷又是一个瞎子,对他的管教

也显得无能为力,所以经常与姐姐在外玩耍,这学期开校没多久,他的父亲又和他的母亲离异了,在这样残缺的家庭中慢慢地成长,造成了他过于偏激的性格。 (2)孩子缺乏感恩的意识 他不懂得去关心他人,缺乏感恩之心。由于他感恩意识淡薄、家庭和社会责任感弱化,对他人挑剔多,尊重理解少……。当然像李文轩这样的孩子也并不是一个特例,很多家庭的孩子存在这样的现象,他们不懂得感恩他人,在生活中显得格外的自私,他代表着现代孩子们的共性,新时代的孩子们多是缺少感恩的心的。 这就折射出他本身最需要的内容就是感恩教育。作为班主任,我会努力把“感恩教育”作为教育他的切入点,对他实施全方位的“感恩教育”。让他从爱父母、爱老师、爱同学、爱身边人的开始,对给予自己关怀和帮助过的人抱有感激之心,使“滴水之恩当报涌泉”的情感在该生心目中生根、开花、结果。并以此增强他的感恩意识、责任意识、奉献意识,努力提升他的思想道德素质 三、感恩教育的具体措施 我分三个层次来实施感恩教育,首先教育学生感谢父母的养育之恩,其次是感谢老师的教育之恩,再则是感恩社会。 1在教育学生要感谢父母养育之恩时,我采取下列措施:(1)以通过诵读《弟子规》《三字经》《千字文》等经典,大力弘扬中华民族的传统美德,并且教育学生从爱父母做起,学会做人。(2)要求


《燕子》课后随记 金土完小靳深 “一身乌黑光亮的羽毛,一对俊俏轻快的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了活泼机灵的小燕子。”──多么优美的文字,多么生动的描述,在我摇头晃脑地为学生朗读《燕子》一课时,却发现学生们并没有被我的激情、被书中的文字所感染。为什么呢?燕子可是学生们经常见到的,而文中又描写得这么形象、这么可爱,怎么会引不起学生的共鸣呢?就在我产生疑问时,我发现班里多半学生的目光都瞅向窗外。原来,窗外正有几只燕子在叽叽喳喳,我突然意识到,该让学生走进大自然,去把书中的语言文字和自己的观察体验相结合。让学生学会看风景、学会做文章。 “小燕子,穿花衣,年年春天来这里……”儿时的歌谣被孩子们快乐地哼唱着,在阳光下,在校园里,学生们尽情地寻找着燕子的足迹,品味着字里行间的描述和自己眼中看到的风景的异同。“老师,你看,小燕子真长着剪刀似的尾巴。”“老师,你瞧,燕子斜着身子在天空中飞过,跟书中写的一样。”看着孩子们因为兴奋而涨得通红的小脸,我的心情豁然开朗。 第二天上课,我惊喜地发现,所有的孩子竟然都能把课文非常有感情地背诵了。看着他们摇头晃脑、怡然自得的神情,我有了深深的领悟──课堂教学是一个用生活验证和丰富知识的过程,语文教学更是一个诗意的旅程,教师应是一个称职的导游,而真正看风景的人是学生。记得有一首歌唱到:“风景这边独好,祖国分外妖娆。”而我想说的是:让学生用自己的眼睛和心灵去看风景,风景哪边都好,生活无限美妙!

《2. 古诗两首》教学后记 本课教学采用了“合──分──合”的方式,将两首古诗有机地整合在一起,共同突显“春”这一主题。开课伊始,便将两首古诗和盘托出,让学生通过自读自悟,发现两首诗之间的共同点──都描写了春天,都写到了春风这一事物──从而引出“二月春风似剪刀”,以此导入对《咏柳》一诗的教学。又以“二月春风裁出了……裁出了……裁出了一个万紫千红的春天(出示:万紫千红总是春)”过渡到《春日》一诗。两首古诗的分开教学看似独立,其中又有着千丝万缕的联系,自始至终不离“春”这一主题,为二次整合铺垫基础。 课末,将两首古诗再次整和,进行对比参读。使学生领会到:《咏柳》如细笔勾勒,由一柳而见出整个春天;《春日》则如泼墨挥毫,渲染出春天的“无边光景”,“万紫千红”。然而此处对比的实质并非为求异,而为探求两首古诗内在精神之一致,即对春天的赞美和热爱。至此,学生对春的感悟和热情得以升华,此时,让他们写下心中对春的感受便如水到渠成,一蹴而就。课堂氛围达到高潮。 除了两首古诗之间的整合,本课教学还巧妙地引入朱自清的散文《春》,使古今诗文得以整合。课始,以“盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。”导入新课,揭示了整节课的主题,奠定了课堂的情感基调。课末,以《春》的结尾三段丰富了春的内涵,提升了学生的情感。在这儿,诗、文各有自己独特的语言个性,又具有相同的精神内涵。“诗”是“文”的浓缩,“文”是“诗”的诠释,其有效结合,使学生置身于更广阔的语文空间,营造了课堂的浓浓春意。另外,新旧知识的整合在本堂课中也有体现。课前谈话让学生背诵已学的描写春天的古诗,照顾到了学生的“最近发展区”,课终鼓励学生阅读和摘录有关春天的美诗文是对课堂教学的延伸拓展。


【题记:这是朋友给我讲的真实故事的其中一则,其中的两位主人公皆是朋友的同学。这么些天来我就一直在酝酿某种情感,我在想,应该用自己的笔触,采用怎样的写作手法将其原汁原味的呈现于读者的视野心间?思索再三,终是谈不上什么写作技巧,还是想为这则故事添些枝加些叶,但力求接近生活的真实!】 (一) 他的画就如他的眸子,深邃却又不失其清澈,意蕴悠远,总是易使人浮想联翩,恍若梦境! 若熙已经在他的画展前足足站了三个多小时,直到来参观画展的同学、老师零零散散的散去,她才踩着一路的轻歌,不紧不慢的踱回教室! 这个被全校公认的“未来的画家”一直是她的骄傲! 冯慕轩,他就像他画里的风景,让她沉醉。若用一个很贴切的词来形容他们之间有小到大走过的历程,那就是“青梅竹马”! 慕轩一直很内向,不擅交流,表达,只是把思想寄于画间。庆幸的是,他们住对门,有更多可以相处的机会,但每晚和若熙一同写作业,除了探讨些学校的情况,班级的琐事,从不涉及其它。若熙更是腼腆的如一剪弯月,映照着他的眸子,盈盈然听其略带磁性的嗓音如流淌的优美乐曲。 带着一点点的遗憾,也带着如许的知足,高三的生活即将结束,毕业的脚步款款而来,面临着最后的冲刺,他们是否还能够像小学、初中、高中这样同步一个学堂?慕轩想过,凭若熙的能力,名牌大学触手可及;若熙也想过,普通大学相对于慕轩的功底也没有什么问题,可是......可是什么呢?担心?还是恐惧分离? 若熙心底那份隐秘的情感在这个关键的时刻是那样的急于表达和宣泄!可是她无从知晓慕轩的心思,一直以来,他的心思就在他的画里,而他却一直在她的梦里!终于,她找到了一个恰当的时机告诉给了她的闺蜜!对他的欣赏,对他的渴慕,对他的依恋,对他的沉迷...... 闺蜜默然,在未来还未决定的最后阶段,情感太苍白无力。 (二) 若熙如愿以偿的拿到了另一个城市一所名牌大学寄来的录取通知书!慕轩意料之中的留在了本地! 临别,慕轩送她到了车站,他嗫嚅着,颠三倒四的重复着一句话:注意身体,路上注意安全! 若熙凝视着这个伴他走了十二个春、夏、秋、冬的大男孩,竟无语凝咽!别过脸,她无奈的一转身迅疾的踏进了车,门合上的瞬间,他挥动的双手永远留在了她含泪的视线里! 车行驶的越来越远,慕轩的身影却越来越清晰,就像若熙的心,一直与他相依。 “我每天会发信息给你,一定要回!把你的情况如实的告诉我啊?”随着短信息的发送,若熙知道,她的日子里又多了一项日程,那就是牵挂和殷殷的期盼! 慕轩还真的挺听话,每天一条短信,最多的内容是他的画展,有一次,他竟然给她打了一个小时的电话,只是想要告诉她,他的画在市组织的画展中获奖,并拿了500元的奖金!若熙在电话里捕捉着他的快乐!她默默聆听着,是的,从始至终她就知道,慕轩一定能行,他的天赋和灵性融进了画里,他的灵魂融进了画里.....


爱护自己的名誉教学反思 2019-05-16 本学期,我担任了三年级的《品德与社会》学科。通过这几周的教学,我深刻的体会到,《品德与社会》这门学科的重要性及综合性,如何上好品德课,希望每一节课学生都有所收获,是我努力的目标。本节课主要的学习目标是使学生理解和懂得自尊、自爱,培养学生分辨是非、美丑,爱护自己的名誉,学习反省自己的生活和行为。上完课后,感觉自己很多地方做得不够,根据听课^领`导的指导及自己的反思把我的问题归结如下: 一、由于刚接触这门学科,对于这门学科的教学方法还不是很熟悉,所以我上课讲的太多,学生说的少,容易上成说教课,导致课堂气氛不够活跃,学生思维受限,表达能力得不到提高。教师应该在这里只起到提问,引导的.作用,让学生明理,然后导行,更多的发挥学生的主动性,提高学生的兴趣。 二、本课中我用到了图片,还有视频进行引导,来让学生去发现,分辨什么是美,什么是丑,一堂课上下来,感到图片与视频的内容有些重复,可以选取其中的一部分作为引导,或者由视频直接导入即可。可以把更多一些的时间放在拓展维护国家名誉这部分,用故事,儿歌等加强学生的爱国主义教育,维护国家名誉。 三、要与学生的生活紧密联系。三年级学生还不能从字面上理解自尊,名誉等词,要使学生理解和懂得自尊、自爱,就要把教学内容与学生生活实际有机结合起来,通过最大限度的与学生的生活紧密结合,深入浅出引导,这样才能达到目标。我这节课结合教材中的事例大做文章,贴近学生的生活不够,应由事例、图片的引导,延伸到现实生活中,延伸到孩子们自己身上,应该主要解决学生生活中实际存在的问题,并不是一味讲道理。最主要的要让学生发现自己及周边的事情,反省自己的生活和行为,最终使他们懂得应该怎样维护自尊,珍惜名誉。 总而言之,通过课后反思把教学实践中的“得”与“失”加以总结,变成自己的教学经验。在不断总结经验教训的基础上,不断提高自身的整体素质,争取努力上好每一节《品德与社会》课,让孩子们在娱乐中学到一点知识,懂得一点道理,得到一点感悟,引发一点思考,在轻松中感到学习的快乐。


主题班会感恩母亲教学反思 20XX年5月7日,第二次月考后,在政教处的安排下,我和实习生经过精心策划举办了一场励志型的主题班会——《成功无捷径,学习当奋斗》。这是一节学生、老师,两方参与的班会课,针对的是月考过后部分学生心情浮躁,思想懒惰,不爱学习的现象。课后,我进行了认真的反思,可以说,结果既在我的预料之中,又超出了我事先的设想,使我自身也深受启发。 为了确保学生活动的顺利实施并取得预期的成果,本节课重点设计了一些活动,让学生充分参与其中。 上课前,主持人播放《真心英雄》这首歌,这样可以帮助学生尽快进入角色。正式上课之后,首先是给学生和家长列出了几个问题,使孩子对妈妈的了解,和妈妈对孩子的了解形成对比,从学生身边的事入手,做到了课程资源的生活化。第二个环节,是一段视频的播放,这个视频讲述的是一个从未出过远门的母亲为了女儿,在语言不通的情况下,三天的时间里跨越了三个不同的国家的艰辛历程,学生通过这段视频能够直观感受到母爱的力量。第三个环节,是学生的诗歌朗诵,本着以事实打动学生的目的,这个环节材料的选取做到了真人真事。第四个环节,将养育子女比喻成长跑,学生当堂体验,更能够深刻的感受到母亲的坚持和付出。第五个环节,由以上环节,学生此时对母亲已经有了深刻体会,因此给出时间,

让他们自由抒发自己内心的情感。第六个环节,感受到了母爱,认识到了母爱的伟大还不够,学生们还要学会去回报自己的妈妈,因此设计了学生合唱《烛光里的妈妈》,并在唱歌的过程中将之前写的明信片送给自己的妈妈。最后,在学生的合唱中结束本课教学。 爱无处不在,我们的爱心教育也时刻不能停止,教会孩子如何做人远比只教会孩子如何读书学习重要。这堂课的成功之处在于,孩子们于忙碌的学习生活中,充分体会到了母亲的艰辛付出,认识到了母亲的关爱无处不在,仿佛春雨润物,细细无声。正因如此,更应该懂得感恩,学会感恩。不足之处是:1、对于“感恩社会”方面没有进行深入地挖掘延伸,只局限于对父母的感恩。2、没能现场请家长代表发言,谈谈作为母亲,对这节课的感受,对孩子的期许,如果能加强学生与家长之间的互动交流,相信这节课的最后能更出彩。 总之,通过本节课的教学让我深受启发,促使我在今后的教学中不断探索教学方法,提高教学水平。 点评:本节课力求通过合理的教学设计、依托情境导入、巧妙组织、打造亮点力争体现“以学生为主体”的教育理念。 本次主题班会,旨在弘扬中华民族“百善孝为先”的传统美德,在设计环节时,教师依循认识规律,使学生从感性的形象认识上升到理性高度,从生活中的点滴入手,发现、理解并感悟到


学生自我反思与评价: 一、光阴似箭,日月如梭。一眨眼的工夫,一个学期就很快就过去了,又迎来了新的一年,新的学期,又有新的工作等着我们来学,等我们来消化,去理解.在上个学期,我没有好好去学习,去理解,所以在上个学期的考试才会考得那么糟糕,那么差。不过,现在又是新的一年,新的学期,我要整装待发,要以一个全新的我去迎接这个学期的起点站,奋发图强,永不停步。 二、本人能严格遵守学校纪律,有较强的集体荣誉感,乐于助人,关心同学,与同学相处融洽;学习上刻苦努力,思维活跃。是一个正直诚恳,听话懂事,诚实质朴的学生。老师和同学都很喜欢我。学习上虽然很努力,但学习方法不是最佳,所以成绩还不够理想。希望在以后的学习和生活中,能探索出适合我自己的高效的学习方法。 三、我能够尊敬师长,团结同学,基本上能遵守校纪校规。本人自控力还可以,但是也要提高自身的分析识别能力。以后我会在各个方面能够独立自觉,自己管理自己。在学习上,我有提高各科成绩的良好愿望,但这不能只是口头上说说而已,我要用自己的行动来表明我的决心,迎接每一个崭新的明天! 四、本人在校热爱祖国,尊敬师长,团结同学,乐于助人,是老师的好帮手,同学的好朋友。我学习勤奋,积极向上,喜欢和同学讨论并解决问题,经常参加班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。在家尊老爱幼,经常帮爸爸妈妈做家务是家长的好孩子,邻居的好榜样。这个学期,我学到了很多知识,思想比以前有了很大的提高,希望以后能做一个有理想,有抱负,有文化的人,为建设社会主义中国做出自己的努力。当然我也深刻认识到自己的不足,字写的不是很好,有时候做事情会只有三分钟热情,我相信只要克服这些问题,我就能做的更好。 五、在这个学期里,我不能像上个学期一样浪费时间,不懂得珍惜时间,所以,我要在这个学期里自我反思,要珍惜现在的时间,不会再浪费时间了。老师讲的课我没有听懂或者是没有听清楚,下课后,我要马上跑去问老师,直到弄懂课时,要专心听讲,不可以跟前后左右讲小话,要勤做笔记,把老师讲过的重点记下来。回到家里,把今天老师讲过的课文复习一遍,再做老师布置的作业。我会在这个学期里好好学习,争取用优秀的成绩汇报爸爸妈妈。 六、本人能自觉遵守中学生守则,积极参加各项活动,尊敬师长,与同学和睦相处,关心热爱集体,乐于帮助别人,劳动积极肯干,自觉锻炼身体,经常参加并组织班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。 七、考试技巧贵在练习。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的复习计划,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。平日生活学习中学会积累,语文积累好词好句,数学也要多积累难的题目,英语则是语法项目。对做完形填空等练习题也是提高英语的好方法。 八、各科老师,我希望老师不要对我失去信心,虽然我这次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的实力。下一次考试,我一定会努力的! 九、金无足赤,人无完人.十全十美的人在现实生活中是不存在的。可是每个人都有优点,也有缺点。既有长处,也有短处。我一定会努力借鉴别人的优点和长处。在期末考试中,我的成绩并不理想,从现在的这一刻起,我要从零开始,把所有的精力都放在学习上。确立目标。争取在下次考试中考一个理想的成绩。 十、通过这一学期的学习,让我明白了许多道理。我为了一个团结友爱的班集体而感到高兴自豪。我为有许多乐于助人的同学而感到欣慰,我爱我的班集体。 十一、面对未来,我充满希望,相信只要有真心付出,就一定能有所回报,我会在下个学


教学反思: 1、感恩不仅仅是感谢帮助过自己的人,用心感受生活,善于发现事物的美好,感受平凡中的美丽,品味幸福的点点滴滴,这也是感恩。现在的小学生,都生活在爱的怀抱里,但不了解周围的亲人、老师、朋友给予他们的爱。通过本次班会课唤起他们的感恩之心,并引导学生通过抒发真情实感的习作来重新构筑健全的人格,懂得爱的无私、伟大、纯洁,激发学生爱的情感,培养他们理解、宽容、谦让、诚实的待人态度和庄重大方、热情友好、礼貌待人的文明行为举止,而且由此及彼感悟到要对学校、对社会、对祖国感恩,达到一定教育效果! 2、让学生一起主持,有利于调动学生积极参与的兴趣,从而活跃了活动气氛。 3、播放感恩的歌曲《母亲》《感恩的心》和出示与父母相处的快乐图片,创设了情景气氛,让学生一下子打开了记忆的匣门,沟起自己和家人一起度过的幸福时光,从而奠定了爱父母的感情基础。 4、借感恩的小故事,充分让学生知道做父母的不容易,再次唤起学生内心深处的孝敬之心,从而自然而然地对父母产生感激之情。 5、同唱感恩的歌,兼用手语表演,让学生加深对“感恩”的理解和熏陶,从而真正理解了“感恩”的魅力和重要性。 不足之处: 对“为什么感恩”只是轻描淡写地带过,没有让学生充分理解,这时,如果我能再多举一些古今名人“感恩”的例子。如:“小子路借米敬母”、“陈毅探母”、“钱学深回国感恩”和“鸦有反哺之举”“羊有跪膝之恩”。学生可能会比较容易明白。 我想这一次主题班会我的体会还是比较多的。 首先,主题班会贵在“认真”二字。要想开好一次主题班会,让它成功,让它发挥它应有的德育功能,从班会的设计、构思、准备、组织到实施,甚至多媒体材料的选择运用以及主持人的讲稿写作,都需要花费班主任和学生大量的心血。反正这一次主题班会我是非常重视的,作为班主任也事无巨细地操办了本次主题班会,所以最后还算起到了一些教育效果。其次,就是主题班会的设计上,一定要有针对性,要贴近学生生活和思想实际,真实性是很重要的。这一点,不


篇一:《珍爱生命热爱生活》教学反思 七年级上册第一单元《珍爱生命热爱生活》(复习课)教学反思 20XX年10月27日,学校安排 听我的考核课,我是思品备课组的第一个,按既定教学计划,第九周开始复习七年级内容,针 对思品学科特点和开卷考试要求,我设计了学思导纲,将复习内容及要求以纸质形式展现给学 生,以便于学生复习和保存。我的设想是通过本节复习,引导学生在加深对重要观点原理的理 解、识记的基础上,对分散在其他单元章节中的相关知识点进行梳理归类和整合,以便形成知 识体系,提升学生知识迁移和综合运用能力。 课堂 上,我按计划运行,由于学生学过的时间较长、加上当时离中考还远学生压根儿不重视,我对 学情把握不准,第二、三两个环节进展不顺利,我不得不指导学生重新整理问题及答案要点、 监督学生做好笔记,时间远远超出了我的设想,但这也给我一个很好的提醒:七八年级的复习 课必须认清学情,踏踏实实抓双基,认认真真抓落。因为有了九年级的复习级强化训练,学生 的知识迁移和运用能力有所提高,第四环节进展还顺利,虽然学生的答案要点不够全面和准确, 但基本没有审错题等大的偏差。价值判断第二小题有难度,多数学生能清晰的找到答题要点之 一:生命的重要性,只有极少数学生能想到另一角度:生命的价值在于创造和奉献,得分率能 达到近70%。情景分析题第1题学生失误较多,表现为学生思路较窄,角度单一,多数学生只 想到只想到与本节内容联系最密切的生命角度,对于同违法犯罪作斗争这一角度多数学生想不 到,少数学生想到了正义这一点,却不能用政治语言表述出来,反映出学生的发散思维欠缺, 在阅读分析抓住关键问题点、运用所学知识解答方面还有欠缺。为此我针对学生展示中暴露的 问题进行了重点点播,引导学生对第1小题进行改正补充并现场让学生梳理审题思路及答题 要点,进一步检查学生的理解运用情况。第2小题由于难度较大我现对题目要求和答题技巧 进行了提示,引导学生班独立思考、内抢答效果还不错,多数学生能踊跃发言,只是当真的让 他们把答案整理出来时,不少学生无从下手、有的比较凌乱缺乏条理,因此指导督促学生整理 笔记的环节不能忽视,否则很难适应开卷考试的要求。由于前面内容耗时较多,课堂检测环 节就没办法按原计划处理了,我只好改变策略,把它改为课后作业,第二天通过作业批阅照样 对学生的课堂学习情况作了较为全面客观的了解处理,剩余的问题作为学生的复习作业。虽然 没有完整的完成预定教学目标,但我也没有为完成教学任务而完成教学任务,我始终坚持以生 为本关注学生状态、重视课堂效果,以学生对知识的掌握情况为施教尺度,关注学生的学,以 此及时调整自己的教学设计,注重细节,讲究实效,绝不让学生吃夹生饭。 这节 课从课文内容梳理、挖掘、整合到问题的设计,我觉得比较适合思品学习成绩前35%的学生, 他们一直处于积极思考认真作答、整理的状态,笔记整理调理完整。 和能力,笔记很难记全、记调理,对知识的掌握也就可想而知了,更有个别学生错别字都很常 见,这样的笔记有多少参考价值,他们又能真正掌握多少、学会多少?本届学生的学习基础和 习惯远比我想象的更差,对于公然不记笔记、不写作业的该从何处入手转变他们?仅九年级一 年的时间、单靠教师单方面的努力能有多少收获?实在不敢奢望。 篇二:珍爱生命班会课反思 “珍爱生命.健康成长”班会课后反思 6月30日第20周的星期一在升国旗前,我们班前几周 一周都在排练小品和诗歌朗诵的同学悄悄问我:“老师,我们今天上班会公开课吗?”“我还不 能确定,我去问一下曾老师。”其实这节班会公开课早就该上了,由于种种事情一拖再拖,一 直拖到现在学期末。虽然自己也在用心改了一次又次教案和课件,学生也在为排练班会中的节 目准备了好久,但是总是自信心不足,感觉很多方面还不够好。而我也一直不能给主管此件事 的曾老师有个交代,心里总是不舒服。在学生的催问下,我终于再次向曾老师表明上公开课的


《感恩的心》教学反思 武汉市第三寄宿中学肖黄琼 本校校本课程《在成长中读写,在读写中成长》旨在通过阅读,让学生对与自己成长相关的一些话题有深入地认识和理解,从中得到人生的启迪和感悟,逐渐形成正确的人生观与世界观。本节课首先从学生感兴趣的音乐进入,激趣的同时也快速引入我们这节课的主题——感恩。然后通过同主题的三篇阅读片段,让学生从同龄人的作品中来理解感恩的内蕴,从中获得成长的启迪;再则欣赏视频《2007感动中国十大人物之一——李丽》,在为学生树立感恩榜样的同时让学生更深层次去体会“感恩让生命更精彩”内蕴,懂得感恩,学会感恩。最后将这节课的内容直接推向学生自己的生活,让他们畅所欲言地谈自己想要感恩的对象和感恩行动。 本节课从课堂教学过程及学情反馈问卷来看,教学目标完成得比较好。教学中在以下几个方面做了一些尝试,收到了较好的效果。 首先,课前反复让学生倾听歌曲《感恩的心》,在脑海中留有一定的印象,然后在课程即将结束时再放一次音乐,并让学生随着音乐一起唱,这一次聆听和跟唱不是一种简单的重复,而是在学生深入理解感恩内涵后更深刻地与音乐的一种融合,此时学生边唱边回想整节课的内容,也是对所学内容的一种整理和加深。 其次,选择的三篇同主题的文章对于学生的阅读来讲比较具有代表性,第一篇《爱,让我懂得感恩》比较贴近学生的日常生活,容易引起学生的共鸣;第二篇选取了霍金感恩生活、感恩苦难的片段,给学生树立感恩典型形象的同时,拓展了学生的思维,明确感恩的对象不仅仅是身边的人,还可以是一些抽象的事物,挫折、苦难,让学生坦然面对学习和生活中的一些困难。第三则材料则从正反两方面的对比告诉人们应常怀感恩之心,并将感恩付诸实际行动。于是在课堂上学生通过阅读比较异同点很快明确了感恩的内涵和人应该学会感恩,去感恩。在此基础上还让学生找出文中最打动自己的地方,去获得一种情感的体验和认同,将学生对感恩的理性认识和感性认识融合在一起。学生也在课堂上学会了一种阅读方法——将同一主题的文章对比阅读,比较异同点,加深对话题的理解和认识。 再则,在学生对霍金有了印象的基础上,以一段视频向学生们介绍心灵强者李丽,让学生明确感恩让生命更加精彩,也只有感恩的人才能更好的实现自己的人生价值。然后让学生调动自己的阅读积累跟大家分享感恩的故事,将感恩的榜样由点到面的铺开,让学生明确感恩的力量的强大。这一环节学生的课堂积极性很高,迫不及待的向大家讲述自己知道的故事。人们常说榜样是无声的语言。而这种无声的语言往往比有声的语言更有力量。尤其是对于青少年学生而言,他们的可塑性大,模仿性强,有了生动具体的形象作为榜样,便容易具体地领会感恩的内涵,容易受到感染,容易随着学、跟着走。


“珍爱生命.健康成长”班会课后反思 6月30日第20周的星期一在升国旗前,我们班前几周一周都在排练小品和诗歌朗诵的同学悄悄问我:“老师,我们今天上班会公开课吗?”“我还不能确定,我去问一下曾老师。”其实这节班会公开课早就该上了,由于种种事情一拖再拖,一直拖到现在学期末。虽然自己也在用心改了一次又次教案和课件,学生也在为排练班会中的节目准备了好久,但是总是自信心不足,感觉很多方面还不够好。而我也一直不能给主管此件事的曾老师有个交代,心里总是不舒服。在学生的催问下,我终于再次向曾老师表明上公开课的意识,曾老师当机立断:”今天第一节就可以让大家去你班听课。”而我还是有些不自信,怕上不好,曾老师立即看出了我的心思:“那就我和两个级长一起去听一听。”于是在我的前期准备还算充分,但是自信心还不是很足,,心里准备还不是很充分的情况下上了这节“珍爱生命,健康成长”的班会课。 本节班会上我由小时候家中的两只小鸟痛失小宝宝的故事导入,然后讲到前不久在网上看到的新闻母亲节几位妈妈寻子的故事开始,引出“珍爱生命.健康成长”的主题。在此环节自我感觉这种导入的过程及想法还好。但是由于自己一直想着都到第20周了,可能上不了这个班会课了,所以心里上对这些内容没有提前一点时间再熟悉一下,所以在讲故事的环节中讲得还不够生动和清楚,学生似乎听得也不是很清楚。因此在与学生互动过程中,当我问“这两只小鸟似乎在等着什么”,在问学生时,学生竟然说等待生命,而不是说在等待它

们的孩子。 另外,由于老师的指导水平和学生的素质有限,虽然学生对诗朗诵《生命的顽强》稿子已经背得很熟练,但是感情演绎得还不是很到位,表现还不够大气。演小品的学生,个别学生还是不够放得开,还需要多历练。 当然在此次班会课中,给我感受最深的是:对学生的教育不能只是说教,要多利用班会课,精心设计班会,给学生搭建一个平台,学生将会非常热情地投入其中,在排练与表演的过程中,学生得到了锻炼,感受到付出与体验的快乐。就拿诗歌朗诵来说,我只把稿子给了班上的语文课代表,让她去找班上的同学,大家一起排练,老师从中进行了简单的指导。小品的排练我只是把我的想法告诉班上一位同学,然后让他去找班上愿意表演的同学,我戏称此同学为“陈导”。把权力放手给学生,让他们下午放学后排练,老师只给一些指导性的意见,更多的语言靠他们自己去想,去体会。 我感受到此次班会课虽然谈不上是什么非常成功的班会课,但是它让所有学生不仅在课堂上有了珍爱生命的意识和观念,而且在如何健康成长,如何保护自己方面增强了安全知识和智慧,同时让学生们在班会中得到了锻炼,我想这些都是非常重要的!而我自己,也能在这个过程中感受到教育的力量,感受到孩子们的可爱,感受到自己价值的体现,从中感受到教学的快乐! 2014-07-06


学会感恩 ---------作文教学反思 在一次作文课上,我对学生说:?再过几天就是母亲节了,在这个特殊的日子里,让我们给父母写一封信,好吗??立刻有学生嘀咕道:?有什么好写的,天天在一起的,写什么信呀!?连很多在考试面前也绝不皱眉绝无二话的学生也露出了为难的神情。有人问:?写多少字??我说:?大家在父母的养育下已生活了近六千个日子,即使将每十天浓缩成一个字,起码也得六百字左右。?这回,很多学生干脆明确的抗议了:?这么多字呀,写什么呀!?我说:?主题是感谢父母的辛勤付出。父母把我们养到这么大,多不容易啊!?有的同学终于有些不情愿地拿起了笔。可是,一会儿的时间,有的同学突然发现了?护身符?似的惊喜地叫道:?可是,俗语说,‘大恩不言谢’啊!?底下马上就有许多人应和。 这件事让我感触颇深。我想,如果父母看到或听到这些,该做何感想?是的,父母之恩的确不是几声谢谢所能回报的。但,问题的实质不在此,而在于:很多孩子对父母从心底里缺少或根本就没有过?感谢?的冲动。 为什么?父母的付出不够多吗?十几年如一日,他们无怨无悔的几乎包揽了孩子生存环节中所有能包揽的东西,期间有多少动人的亲情可歌可泣?!但孩子们为什么就没记住呢? 我想,这不能排除父母自身的原因:因为父母们对自己缺少原则的付出表现得天经地义,所以孩子们对自己从父母身上得到的也就感觉里所当然,既然是理所当然的事,又怎能奢望心灵的震动?

由此我不禁想起一个公益广告中两句令人深思的话,一是:父母该为孩子做些什么?二是:孩子该为父母做些什么?我想,父母可能不仅该去想想该为孩子做些什么,更该去想想该怎样的为孩子去做。而对孩子来说,他们的父母应该做的,出了自己的事自己做,减少生活和心理的依赖以外,最重要的可能首先是打破一种从小到大不变的?自我中心?和?接受、拿来主义?的惯性,学会感激,心存感恩。只有这样,他们才会在每天坐在饭桌前的时候,思想不是聚焦在?眼前的饭可不可口?,而是想到父母为此忙碌的身影;只有这样,他们才会在从父母手中接过洁净的衣服时,而不是思忖这衣服的样式是否过时,而是想起父母很晚了还在洗衣服的身影;只有这样,他们才会在一次次从父母手中接过零用钱时,脑中立时闪现的不是这钱比其他同学多还是少,而是想到父母为此已怎样的节省了自己的开支;也只有这样,他们在跨进家门时,不是过多的在乎迎接自己的是不是父母的笑脸,而是想到劳累一天的父母更需要孩子的热情招呼…… 真的,作为一个初中的孩子,应该学会感激了,感激生活,感激社会,尤其感激给我们生命并无私付出、任劳任怨的父母,别总以为现在的一切都是应该的。因为年龄和学业的关系,我们现在还不可避免的要依赖父母的关心和帮助,也还不能对家庭对父母在物质上给予报答,但有一个方面我们的作用是不可替代的,那就是:宽慰愉悦父母的精神,营造亲情弥漫的动人氛围。因为,我们是他们的希望所在。 所以我在学生中间提出一个倡议:进行感恩行动。学会感恩,才


《劳动成果要珍惜》教学反思 11月25日上午,许宏首席教师工作室暨学军片品德教研活动在学军小学求智校区举行。这一次的教研活动主题是“基于儿童文化,共建生态课堂”,前三节课的执教老师个人素质都很强,至少在教态和课堂驾驭能力上都是“有套有路”,不比我的“野路子”。尤其是苏峰老师最令我佩服,能够在临时换了授课班级的情况下,仍能依靠文本,突出学生意识和目标意识,开启智慧的课堂,很好地符合了这次教研活动的主题。中午是师傅结合课堂教学的主题研讨。师傅提出,要让儿童成为儿童,就要走进儿童,了解儿童的文化特点。我就在思考,我们平时的课堂是否就注意到儿童心理特征和文化特点,在我们的教学中经常能看到富有儿童表征的点滴,可有时就这样漠视了。农村孩子还是很淳朴的,许多“小大人”的行为表现还是家庭社会给他们的影响,面对这些因素,我们的德育工作有时显得十分苍白无力。无论是品德教学,还是德育工作,要面对的问题还是十分复杂的,这个时候就觉得自己的理论水平有限,导致实际工作缺少依据。所以,师傅提出在工作中要“寻找理论支撑点,多学习各种教育知识”,看来以后要向师傅学习更多的理论知识和实践经验。就像一直以来,我就希望让学生成为真正的“中华式儿童”,在品德教学和德育工作中寻找民族的根。像《劳动成果要珍惜》这一课中,就想把《弟子规》中有关名言警句介绍给学生,几次试教中,这一内容糅合得都不是很自然,主要还是自己“剑术”不精,说教就大于体验,脱离了儿童文化,想砍掉又有点不舍,这方面今后还得多向师傅取经。 下午第二节是我执教的《劳动成果要珍惜》。课上,我从前一课的劳动者话题聊起,讲到身边无处不在的劳动成果,再根据学生的课前调查内容,主要交流“食堂工作人员、自己老师、求智巷协警、医务人员”的劳动成果背后的感人故事,体会这些劳动成果的来之不易。最后结合教材中“以俭素为美的司马光”故事,出示《弟子规》中的几句话,体会名言对我们珍惜劳动成果的帮助。还算顺利地把课上下来了,但自己感觉到硬伤还是很多。课后,特级教师黄黎明老师在点评中就指出,应该胆子再大一点,教学再放开一点,六年级学生可以尝试探究教学法,以一个片段作为引领,其他内容可以放手让学生选择一个自主讨论再交流,教师应在学生发言的基础上出示图片提示小结。我想,主要是自己“剑术”不纯,很多还是现学现卖,所以每一步都谨小慎微,生怕漏了哪个环节,又怕放


群文阅读《故事里巧妙的结局一组》 (2013-12-27 13:30:38) 转载▼ 分类:教学设计 故事里巧妙的结局一组 何玲 姓名何玲年级六年级议题 群文阅读 ——故事里巧妙的结局一组 选文篇目及来 源选自《学语文之友》上的《摩尔根掉井里去了》、《老鼠夹》、 《遗嘱与狗》 教学目标1、把握故事的主要内容。 2、知道故事真相到最后点出,这么安排的好处。 3、巧妙的故事结局带给我们的启示。 4、掌握并正确运用各种阅读方法。 教学重点 把握三个故事的主要内容。 掌握并正确运用各种阅读方法。 教学步骤一、谈话引入,激发兴趣 1、孩子们,都喜欢听故事吗?(想)今天,老师给你们带来一个很有趣的故事,名字叫《摩尔根掉井里去了》。听—— 2、PPT出示故事题目,听讲故事。 3、老师过渡:咦,故事听到这里却没有了结尾,聪明的你们有兴趣来猜一猜吗? 二、学生猜想结尾。 1、学生猜想 预设:(1)消防队员救出了摩尔根。


摩尔根掉井里去了 (美)史梯曼徐建华/译 男孩比尔住在爷爷家。这天,爷爷外出干活,比尔便像往常一样,和他的好朋友摩尔根在家门前的枯井边玩耍。 可是没过多久,摩尔根却不小心掉进了枯井里!比尔连忙走过去,俯身向黑漆漆的井里探望:井很深,什么也看不见。 就在这时,一个老人经过这里,看见比尔向井里俯着身子。 “你在看什么?”老人问。 “摩尔根掉井里去了。”比尔说。 “摩尔根是谁呀?”老人问。 “摩尔根,我的好朋友。”比尔回答。 “我希望你的朋友没有伤着。”老人走到了井边,关切地说,“井下的孩子没事儿吧?” 这时,黑漆漆的井里传来了摩尔根“哇哇哇”的声音,这在老人听起来像是在说“我没法爬上去”。因为老人已经很老了,所以他的耳朵并不是太好使。 这时,爷爷的邻居,一位大叔打井边经过。 “这儿发生了什么事?”邻居问。 “摩尔根掉井里去了。”老人答道。 当邻居从老人的口中得知摩尔根是男孩的好朋友时,马上说:“小孩子千万别到井边玩耍。”然后转身对比尔说,“摩尔根准是比你笨多了。” 接着,邻居的太太也走了过来。
