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英语作文:说”谢谢”To Say “Thank You”

英语作文:说”谢谢”To Say “Thank You”
英语作文:说”谢谢”To Say “Thank You”

Saying “thank you” is not easy for Chinese people, because they are less to express their feelings. When we learn a foreign language, “thank you” is probably the first thing to learn, it is important to make a good impression upon other people,

especially across cultural communication.


So, what exactly are we supposed to say when feel grateful to others, sometimes thank you maybe not good enough or it may distance the communication. For instance, when we are helped by others, if they are strangers, “thank you” would be appropriate, but if they are someone who we are so familiar with, then saying thank you in Chin asounds a little weird, they will think you don’t treat them as friends. So what is the better way to express your gratitude? We can buy them a drink or invite them to have dinner at home, it also promote your intimacy.


“Thank you” can be useful, as it is able to build a bridge for people to communicate, Chinese people are not get used to expressing gratitude directly, while the western people prefer the directly way, that’s cultural difference. I suggest people saying

out“thank you” naturally, making it a habit.




小学英语语法及习题 一、名词复数规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men,woman-women,policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,mouse-micechild-children,foot-feet,. tooth-teethfish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______ watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________ tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice___________ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________ 二、一般现在时 一般现在时基本用法介绍 【No. 1】一般现在时的功能 1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。 3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 一般现在时的构成 1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如: I am a boy.我是一个男孩。 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如: We study English.我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。 一般现在时的变化 1. be动词的变化。 否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。 如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。 一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。 如:-Are you a student? -Yes. I am. / No, I'm not. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike? 2.行为动词的变化。 否定句:主语+ don't( doesn't ) +动词原形(+其它)。如: I don't like bread. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句。如: He doesn't often play. 一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。如: - Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如: - Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.


如何用英语表示感谢 1. 表示感谢的常用套语: It‘s very kind of you. 你太好了,多谢你了。 I‘m much obliged to you. 非常感谢。 Much obliged [appreciated]. 非常感谢。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 Thank you very much indeed. 真是太感谢你了。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Thanks a lot. 多谢。 Thanks very much. 非常感谢。 Thanks so much. 非常感谢。 Many thanks. 多谢。 2. 回答感谢的常用答语: Not at all. 别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话。 You are welcome. 不用谢。 Please don‘t mention it. 不用客气;不用谢。

It‘s [It was] a pleasure. 不用客气;不用谢。 A pleasure. 不用客气;不用谢。 It is (was) my pleasure. 别客气,这是我高兴做的。 My pleasure. 不客气,这是我高兴做的事。 Pleasure is (was) all mine. 不客气;不用谢。 No trouble at all. 没什么;别客气。 No problem. 不客气;不用谢。 It‘s [It was] nothing. 没什么;不客气。 Think nothing of it. 没什么。 That‘s all right. 没什么;不用谢。 That‘s OK. 没什么;不用谢。 Any time. 不用谢;不客气;有事说一声。 「交际指南」 1. 在英美国家,人们回答称赞或赞扬时,通常是用感谢,但是在中国,当别人赞扬我们时,我们往往是谦虚地说:“不行,不行”或“哪里,哪里”。而在英语中,那是绝对不能用 No, No;Just so so;Not good. 之类的话来回答赞扬的。


农村小学英语教学存在的问题与对策目前农村孩子上学的趋势是家庭条件稍好的都到城镇去就读,主要原因是农村教学质量没城镇好,尤其是农村的英语教学更是导致农村学生数量减少的最主要原因。作者在本镇教学期间发现了一些农村学校英语教学中存在的问题并结合自己多年的教学经验就这些问题给出了一些相应的建议,希望对农村从事英语教学的同行有所帮助。 一、英语师资水平普遍较低 在日常教学中,大多数教师用的是老方法,教师管教,学生管背,其基本教学模式仍为“open your books-listen to me-read after me-recite”.这种教法的直接后果是学生只会死记硬背,而运用语言进行口头交流的能力得不到提高。造成这种情况的原因是:教师思想不解放,自身素质不高。 农村学校学生英语差的最主要原因是教师,大部分教师都不是正规学校毕业本身业务能力就很差,学生刚开始接触英语,就被教师引入歧途,使学生对英语产生了畏难情绪并且失去兴趣,应号召一些有爱心、能吃苦、业务能力强的正规院校的毕业生去农村学校任教。如果教师问题不解决,一切教学改革都是空谈。 教师作为素质教育的实施者,应积极主动地成为素质教育的参与者,而不是消极,被动的旁观者,要彻底地解放思想,打破应试教育的束缚,同时要提高自身的素质。农村中小学的英语

教师在听,说等方面相对较薄弱,就无力去提高学生的运用能力。因此各级主管部门应把农村中小学的英语教师的培训工作当做 一项工程抓,切实抓紧,抓落实。教师在不断的系统培训,学习过程中,主动地接受新的英语教学理论和教学方法,借此不断提高业务水平适应素质教育的需要。同时政府应号召一些有爱心、能吃苦、业务能力强的正规院校的毕业生去农村学校任教。 二、农村学生外语学习的心理和行为偏差 在农村初中英语教学中发现约有25%-30%的学生无法适应这一阶段的外语学习,他们一开始对英语怀有好奇心,也满怀希望学好英语。然而,随着字母阶段的学习结束,他们的好奇心也随之而去,对英语产生厌学情绪,对接踵而来的困难一筹莫展,渐渐地挫伤了他们的积极性,有相当数量的学生开始怀疑自己是不是学习外语的材料,动摇了学习外语的决心,也丧失了自信心,产生了明显的心理抑制障碍,由此两极分化日趋严重,听说读写能力明显差于城镇学生。 那么出现农村学生这种心理和行为偏差的原因何在? (一)目的不明确,盲目好奇 农村学生因为地域和环境等因素见识狭窄,开始时,对应用感到新鲜,带着好奇开始学英语,但是又没有目的。随着困难的日渐增多,好奇心也随之而去,日积月累,厌烦或反感取而代之。 (二)缺乏动机,学习时冷时热


Holidays and Travel A: Hello! You looked so happy, what happen to you? B: I have finished the last final examination,Now the winter hoilday is coming ,I can relax myself .How about you ? A:I am fine,The spring festival is coming sonn. Hh? B: Oh, yeah. That’s my favorite festival. When I was a child, I could get toys, different kinds of snack food and gift money. A: Me too. But do you have any plan for a travel in the winter holiday? B: yeah, I want to go to Hong Kong, the city calleded as “the Pearl of the Orient” Have you ever been to Hong Kong? A: Not yet. A great pity. B:Do you know, Hong Kong has a natural attraction to visitors like me. In particular the story of Suzie Wong and the legacy of superstars like Bruce Lee have long captured my curiosity. A: It seems you know pretty well about Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also had a reputation as a Shopper’s Paradise。 A: Yeah.This is the reason why I choose HongKong for travel.I will buy a present for my mum,Her birthday is coming soon. B:Oh,That’s great.What time do you start your trip? A:Next weekend.What about you?Do you have any travel plan in the holiday? B:yeah,Harbin is the best place for me to trivel. A: I see. Harbin Was rated as the most suitable for tourism city in in winter holiday . B: Yes.With 190-day freezing season and its bittly cold winters,the harbin is know as a ‘coty of ice’.But the bittly cold never cools the local people ‘s enthusiasm for enjoy the winter’s scenery and all kinds of winter activities. Harbin is best known for its appealing winter landscape,stimulating winter sports and various dazzling ice and snow art works. A:I know harbin is the Ice and snow world in the winter. B:yeah, Its very beauitiful. A: Wow, it sounds so great. I hope that you’ll enjoy yourself in the coming Spring Festival. B: The same to you!


小学生语法专项练习题 名词练习 一.写出下列单数名词的复数形式 _______ 答案:1 oranges 2. Boxes 3. women 4. tomatoes 6. boys 7babies 9. Photos 10 classes 11. feet 12 houses 13 pens 14 cars 15 horses 16. radios 17 dishes 18 children 二.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式 ________ _________ 答案 1. doctor 2 city 3 piano 4. ear 5. church 6. leaf 7 tooth 8zoo 9brush 10 knife 12 pear 三.请从括号里选出正确的答案 1. Please give me__(two /two cups of )coffee. 2. There are a lot of___(sheep /sheeps ) on the farm. 3. I’d like some__ (bread / breads ) and___ (potato /potatoes). 4. Look! There is a ___(mouse /mice) in the corner. 5. He bought_____(a piece of /a piece ) paper. 6. “Where is___ (Woman’s / Women’s) Room?” asked Susan. 7. ____ (The girl’s/The girls’ ) hobby is drawing. 8. Aunt Lucy sent_____ (a child’s /a children’s ) book to me. 红色为答案 冠词练习 一.在空格内填上a或an


英语表达道歉与感谢的句子 1. 对不起。Sorry about that。 A: Ouch, my foot! 哎呀,我的脚!B: Sorry about that. Are you all right? 对不起。你没事吧? 2. 实在抱歉。I’m terribly sorry。 = I’m so sorry。 = I’m really sorry。 A: I’m terribly sorry. 实在抱歉。B: Forget it. 没事的。 3. 真抱歉,给你添麻烦了。I’m sorry to trouble you. A: I’m sorry to trouble you。真抱歉,给你添麻烦了。

B: Think of it no more。 别再想它了。 4. 实在对不起,让您费心了。I’m sorry for troubling you。 = I’m sorry I’ve troubled you。 A: I’m sorry for troubling you。 实在对不起,让您费心了。 B: It was nothing。 这没什么。 ■“I’m sorry for + 名词/动名词”是“因为……而对不起”的意思。 5. 请原谅我。I beg your pardon。

A: I beg your pardon。 请原谅我。 B: Write it off。 这事一笔勾销吧。 ●write off“注销,取消” 6. 我真蠢。That was stupid of me. A: Did you bring my novel? 把我的小说带来了吗? B: Oh, I forgot again. That was stupid of me。 哎呀,我又忘记了。我真蠢。 ■这一句是自责时的用语,类似的说法还有“Silly me。”。


浅谈农村小学英语自然拼读法 肇庆市怀集县马宁中心小学林明娴 摘要:著名英语教育专家胡春洞教授说过:“语音是存在的物质基础,英语语音教学是整体教学发展的起点,也是教学的第一关,并始终影响着以后的其它教学。”如何提高语音教学的成效,让学生听得懂、说得出、用得好呢?对于小学英语教学来说,课堂是教学的主阵地,帮助学生形成有效的英语语音学习策略是每位英语教师的职责,也是新课程标准所制定的学习目标之一。 关键词:语言环境专业素质方法 著名英语教育专家胡春洞教授说过:“语音是存在的物质基础,英语语音教学是整体教学发展的起点,也是教学的第一关,并始终影响着以后的其它教学。”自然规范的语音、语调将为有效的口语交际打下良好的基础.在小学英语教学中,教师应特别重视语音教学。小学阶段语音方面的教学目标是:培养学生具有按照规律自然拼读,记忆单词的意识,使学生逐步做到“见词能读,听音能写”。 我在小学英语教学实践中发现,语音教学的效果不尽如人意。一些学生没有学好语音,不会诵读,也就难以朗读单词和句子。学生学习英语出现两极分化、掉队,其中一个重要原因就是学生未学好语音,没有过好语音关。因为学生语音未学好,发音不准,听音能力差,不仅学不会口语,甚至连听课、记单词、读句子都有困难,从而对英语学习不感兴趣,产生畏难情绪,甚至放弃学习,丧失学习英语的兴趣和信心。如何提高语音教学的成效,让学生听得懂、说得出、用得好呢?对于小学英语教学来说,课堂是教学的主阵地,帮助学生形成有效的英语语音学习策略是每位英语教师的职责,也是新课程标准所制定的学习目标之一。以下是我在课堂教学中对自然拼读法的一些见解。 一、创造良好的语音环境,强化口语练习 我们发现:语音好的学生,听说读的能力都很强;语音差的学生,听说读往往障碍重重。所以语音是英语教学入门阶段的重点。要想学生学好语音,就必须要让他们开口说。在我们这里,课堂上很少听到男生的声音,一直以来英语学得好的都是女生,这是因为女生在课堂上大胆开口说、读,男生就怕读错,同学取笑。久而久之,让男生开口说就很难了,所以男生的成绩一直没有得到提高。那么创造良好的语音环境,强化口语练习就很有必要。首先坚


两人简短的英语口语对话 a: greg thinks he’s a really tough guy on the football field. b: so why is he crying like a baby after being tackled? he’s not such a he-man after all. a: greg认为自己是橄榄球场上的猛将。 b: 那为什么他被人抱住并摔倒时会哭得跟个孩子似的?他毕竟还不是堂堂男子汉。 a: jimmy is a big man on the wrestling circuit. b: he’s as hard as nails. everyone knows that. but when he is with his children, he turns into a big, soft teddy bear. a: jimmy是摔跤联赛上不可一世的人。 b: 谁都知道他很结实。不过,当他和孩子们在一起的时候,他会变成温柔的大玩具熊。 a: serena williams is a tiger around the court. b: strong, powerful, and able, she’s the most favored tennis player for this season. a: serena williams可是球场上的虎将。 b: 强壮,有力量,技艺高超——她是这个赛季最为人看好的网球运动员。

a: isn’t dolph lundgren in that cartoon film, he-man? b: yeah, he plays the master of the universe. but surely no one is really that strong. a: 那部卡通电影he-man里有dolph lundgren。 b: 是的,他演宇宙的主宰。不过当然没有后人真的那么强壮。 a: your eight-year-old daughter looks strong and radiant. b: yes, she is very lusty and robust. i have been feeding her meat and vitamins since she was just a baby. a: 你八岁的女儿看上去健壮有活力四射。 b: 对,她精力充沛得很。她小的时候我就让她吃肉和维他命。 a: look at sunny over there. she certainly has bloomed these last few years. b: yes, she looks much happier and healthier. a: 瞧瞧sunny,她这些年越活越水灵了。 b: 可不是,她看上去快活、健康多了。 a: toby looks sturdy of body and stout of heart. b: that’s because you need better glasses. he’s broken his leg. a: tody看上去身强体健。


测试题-ch1 一:虾米宝典之be动词用法填空 我用____,你用_______, ______用于她他它, 单数名词用_______, 复数名词全用______。 二:在下面的题目中填上恰当的be动词。 1. I ________from Australia. 2. She _______ a student. 3. Jane and Tom _________my friends. 4. My parents _______very busy every day. 5. I _______ at school. 6. He ________ at school. 7. We ________ students. 8. They ________ from China. 9. Yang Ling ________ eleven years old. 10. Where ________ your friends? 11. How old __________ you last year? 12. Which dog ________ yours? 13. Ten and two ________ twelve. 三:填出主格和宾格 四:填空第一组 1、 is a teacher. (她) 2、 is a good boy. (他) 3、 is in the classroom (它) 4、 are very smart today. (你) 5、 (你们) are students. 6. Jim is English. ________ (I) like playing with _______(he). 7.I love ________(they)very much. 8.Miss Li often looks after________(she). 9.They are waiting for__________(they). 10.Do you like Li Ming? No, ______(I) don’t like _____(he). 五.填空第二组 1. _________ don’t know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we ) 2. So many dogs. Let’s count _________. ( they ) 3. I have a lovely brother. _________ is only 3.


关于“感谢”的英语表达方式 一、英语国家的致谢习俗 “致谢”是世界各国人民都遵循的礼仪规范,但是由于各国的风俗习惯不同,“致谢”的方式和客套用语也有所不同,有时可能会相去甚远。 在英语国家,“致谢”用语用得极为广泛,大至巨大的帮助、馈赠等,小至回答询问、指路、传递东西等,即使夫妻之间,父母子女之间等也常用到它。比如丈夫外出,妻子为其取来衣物,或者儿子为父亲拿来他要读的报纸等,对方都可以用Thank you. 之类的话作为答谢。在公共场合Thank you. 之类的话更是用得极广。比如:当老师为你解决一个疑难问题时,你要致谢;当别人告诉你去某地的路怎么走时,你要致谢;在公共汽车上别人给你让座时,你要致谢;当女招待给你端来一杯茶时,你要致谢;当你走近一扇弹簧门时,走在你前面的人会主动帮你拉住弹簧门不松手,直到你进门为止,此时你要致谢;当你向电梯走去时,电梯里的人会为你按住电扭使之为你敞开,这时你也要致谢;在超级市场或一般商店,当你购物后付款时,店员会对致谢,此时你若对他(她)的服务很满意,你也会对他(她)致谢。所有这些场合,致谢用语用得极为普通,你要是生活他们中间,你会发现他们的嘴很甜,感谢之词不绝于口。 二、英语常用致谢用语 1、英语中通常用来表示感谢的客套用语有: It’s very kind of you. 你太好了;多谢你了。 I’m much obliged to you. 非常感谢。 Much obliged [appreciated]. 非常感谢。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 Thank you very much indeed. 真是太感谢你了。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Thanks a lot. 多谢。



农村小学英语的现状 摘要: 农村小学英语的开设,为农村孩子文化素养的提升给予了广阔的平台,缩短了与城市的差距。但在现实教学实践中,农村小学英语教学的情况不容乐观。本文从农村的特点及小学生英语学习实际情况出发,指出当前农村小学英语教学中存在的一些突出问题,提出了对其的反思与对策,为我们的老师和孩子解决困惑,力争让我们农村小学英语进一步有效、健康地发展。 关键词:小学英语困难与困惑反思与对策 (一)、英语学习环境的欠缺 小学英语重在说,在交流中感受语言的魅力。农村环境缺少英语交流的场所与氛围,学生在家里学习只是为了完成家庭书面作业,而真正在课堂上感受的机会不多。而农村的活动场地广,孩子回到家很容易成群结队地在水泥场上,广阔的田野里“疯”、“野”,却很少会在一起交流、讨论一下任何所学知识,操练一下英语会话,玩玩英语游戏。 (二)、家庭教育的短缺 “父母是孩子的第一任教师”,这一定程度上说明了家庭教育的重要性。但是农村的家长知识水平普遍偏低,对英语更是知之甚少。地区外出打工现象普遍,孩子大都由祖父母看管,对儿童开展英语家庭教育的可能性几乎为零。与城市相比,农村学校教育和家庭教育的脱节也加大了英语教育开展的难

度,有很多孩子的家长虽然知道英语非常重要,但不知道如何去指导孩子,也就是说缺乏在家教育孩子英语的能力。(三)、英语师资的匮乏 师资力量缺乏可以说是农村小学英语教学的一大软肋。当前农村学校严重缺少英语教师,工作量普遍过重,一般都要担任多个班和跨几个年级的教学,甚至兼教语文、数学等科目,每周担任20节课左右,这样花在教材钻研、教学设计、课堂管理、学生辅导的时间和精力也相对地减少了。况且现有的英语教师大部分是转岗培训出来的,甚至许多老师连转岗培训也不曾有,只是找一个英语基础略好的兼课罢了。 (四)、农村小学英语配套设施跟不上 农村小学英语从软件上得不到很好的满足,间接影响学生学习的效果。再者,从学校的硬件设施考虑,英语教学设备、设施、图书、音像、教具不能到位,教师上课什么都没有,仅靠一张嘴、一块黑板、一支粉笔,一些学校没有语言配套卡片、磁带、挂图、活动手册,更别说一些音像设备了。这样的条件与城市相比,简直是天堂与地狱。这直接影响了教学的效果、学习的态度及学习的热情。 多年的教学实践我深知:在农村,想要依靠学生的自觉,借助家长的帮助来拓展英语学习的时间和空间,那是很困难的。为此,我一直在苦苦思索:如何让英语融入学生的生活,让学生在真实的语言氛围中学习、使用英语?面对小学英语教


【篇一】两人英语口语对话短文阅读 杨: I heard that you bought an apartment, is that true? 我听说你买了套公寓,是真的吗? 李: Yes, my girlfriend threatened not to marry me without an apartment. 是的,我女朋友扬言说没有房子就不嫁给我。 杨: Come on guy. Please not be so sad, now you are a man who has a house. 振作点,伙计,别这么悲哀,现在你是有房一族了。 李: The problem is that I need to pay the bank 6000yuan per month till I am 55yesrs old. 问题是我每个月需要支付银行6千元,直到我55岁。 杨: Eh, house really costs too much today. 呃,现在房子真的太贵了。 李: Everything costs more than before. Every day I wake up and I start to calculate how much I should earn today to pay all the bills, I think it’s better to die. 所有的东西都比以前贵了。每天我一睁开眼就要开始计算今天我要挣多少钱,才能够付清账单,我认为还不如去死。 杨: Please don’t say so. The average price for grave is 50000 per square meter while apartment is only 20000. 千万别这么说。坟墓的均价是5万每平方,房子的均价只有2万。 李: My god! Live or die, both are affliction for such a poor man like me. 我的天哪!对于像我这样的穷人而言,活着或者死去都是一种折磨。 【篇二】两人英语口语对话短文阅读


一、写出下列动词的过去式 1. Is-was 2. Are-were 3. Have-had 4. Go-went 5. Do-did 6. stop –stopped 7. See-saw 8. Sit-sat 9. stay-stayed10. Eat-ate11. Thank-thanked 12. Decide-decided 13. feel-felt14. Make-made15. Cry-cried16.know-knew 17.catch-caught18.draw-drew 19.study-studied20.stay-stayed 二、单项选择:从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10) ( )1. My father ________ ill yesterday. A. isn't Baren't C. wasn't D. weren't ( )2. ________ your parents at home last week﹖ A.Is B.Was C. Are D.Were ( )3. The twins ________ in Dalian last yearThey ________ here now. A.are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was ( )4.________ your father at work the day ________ yesterday? A. Was; before B.Is; before C.Was; after D.Is; after ( )5—Who was on duty last Friday﹖— ________. A. I am B. I was C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasn't ( )6. I cleaned my classroom ___________. A. with three hours B. three hours ago C. in three hours D. three hours before ( ) 7. I came _______ my house two days ago. A. back on B. back to C. to back D. back ( ) 8. —___________? —He did some reading at home. A What does your father do yesterday evening B. What does your brother do in the school C. What did your brother do over the weekend D. Where did your brother go last Sunday ( ) 9. —What did you do ________ ? —I went to the movies. A. next morning B. over the weekend C. in the weekend D. next Monday ( ) 10. The koala sleeps _______, but gets up _________. A. during the day; at the evening B. at day ;during night C. in the day; during the evening D. during the day ; at night 三、用括号中所给词的过去式填空。 1. I had (have ) an exciting party last weekend.


感谢信用英语怎么说 篇一:英文感谢信开头 感谢信开头段常用句式和套话iamwritingtoextendmysinceregratitudefor...iamwritingtoexpre ssmy thanksfor... iamwritingtoshowmysincereappreciationfor...iwouldliketoconv eyin thislettermyheartfeltthankstoyoufor...ifeeldeeplyindebtedto youandireallydontknowhowtothankyouenoughfor yourhelp. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话

imustthankyouagainforyourgeneroushelp.iammostgratefulforyou r selflessdonation. mytruegratitudeisbeyondthewordsdescription.ifeelmostobliged tothank youoncemore.pleaseacceptmygratitude,nowandalways.★例:directions:afterbeinginvolvedinanaccident,youwerelookedafte rbyanotherperson. writealetter: 1)mentioningwhathappenedintheaccident, 2)tellingthepersonaboutyourrecovery,and 3)expressingyourthanks.youshouldwritewithnolessthan100words onanswersheet2.donotsignyour


浅谈农村小学英语教学 ————赖 一、小学开设英语课的背景要求 (一)、小学开设英语课是社会发展的需要 21世纪,知识经济的发展使人类进入了一个学习社会。科学技术发展迅速,国际竞争也日趋激烈,世界范围的综合国力的竞争,主要是科学技术的竞争,而现代科学技术的主要标志是信息技术。众所周知,当今国际上,英语已成为世界性的通用语言,学习英语已不仅是与国际发展接轨的需要更是我们学好科学知识的重要工具。而我们国家要想更好的对外开放跟上国际时代潮流,就首先应当使我国公民具备使用外语的基本技能。 如何才能更有效地提高外语的教学质量?为了解决这一社会需要,教育部决定,把小学开设英语课程作为21世纪初基础教育课程改革的重要内容,并就小学开设英语课程提出了具体指导意见,制订了《小学英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》。 (二)、小学开设英语课程有助于民族素质的提高 小学一、二年级的学生正处于7、8岁的少年时期。这个年龄段的孩子具有好奇、好动、爱表现、模仿等特点。他们喜欢新鲜事物,对陌生语言的好奇心能激起他们对外语的兴趣,他们喜欢引起别人的注意,希望得到老师的表扬,他们爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动。处于这个年龄段的儿童学习外语时有许多成人甚至中学生所不具备的优越性。例如:模仿力、可塑性强等。因此,在小学开设英语课也可以充分发挥小学生学习语言的潜力,通过对外语的学习提高他们的思维、品德、文化、和心理素质。外语课可以使小学生了解其他国家和民族的优秀文化传统;可以更好地发展他们的思维,开阔视野,丰富他们的知识与经历;也可以提高他们的各种修养,形成国际竞争意识,使他们长大后更适应社会、经济、文化、科技的发展和满足以后国际交往的需要。 二、农村小学的特点 农村小学的生源主要来自于附近的一些行政村,与城里小孩相比会有一定的差别。因而农村小学生在学习英语时存在一定的困难。通过调查,主要可分为以下几个原因: 1、农村孩子比较胆小,羞于说英语。农村小学的学生土生土长,从小受周围特定环境与家庭教育的影响,与城市小孩相比,往往会显得更加胆小拘谨、不善言谈,缺少自信心理,又害怕会说错被老师批评,并且易落于机械的条文背诵的俗套,因而羞于说英语也不太敢说英语。 2、农村小学教学方法、手段落后于城市小学,在农村小学中还存在使用传统的英语教学方法的情况,而这种“满堂贯、英译汉”的教学方法,不仅使课堂气氛沉


Holiday A: Hi, Belly. Have you bought the train ticket for the winter vacation? B: Not yet, what about you, Maria? A: Yes, of course. I bought a ticket yesterday. I’m so happy the Spring Festival is around the corner. Do you know the origin of Chinese New Year? B: Yeah, a little. Spring Festival starts from the beginning of the Spring. It’s the first day of lunar calendar. It’s the most important and popular festival in China. A: Yeah, Spring Festival is also my favorite, because I could have a long holiday. B: It’s really true. By the way, what do you usually prepare for the festival? A: In my family, we need to clean the house and buy enough food in order to guarantee having a good holiday. B: Yeah, we will do the same thing and I am always the one who is asked to do the cleaning. A: Oh, you are so diligent. And what do you usually do at the New Year’s Eve? B: First, of course, we must have a big dinner. All people in my family make dumplings together.


小学英语语法代词练习题及答案解析 1.I have a big brother. __________name is Paul. A. His B. Her C. He D. Your 2.﹣Are Sandy and Kate___ good friends? ﹣Yes,they are.Please look after ___. A.your; their B.your; them C.yours; theirs D.you;them 3.——Excuse me. Is this your ruler? ——No, it’s not ______. It’s Lucy’s. A. hers B. his C. mine D. yours 4.“ Is this your schoolbag? ”“ No, it isn’t. It’s________.” A. he B.she C. his D. her 5.--- Is that girl Ann? --- No,_____ isn’t._____ name is Mary. A. it; Her B. he; Her C. she; His D. she; Her 6.Miss Li is ______ English teacher. She likes______ very much. A. our, we B. our, us C. us, our D. us, us 7.— Excuse me, is this Lucy’s book ? — No, this is ____. ____is over there .
