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American culture B

American culture B

American civil rights

The mid- 1950s to the mid- 1960s, African Americans against racial discrimination and racial oppression, fight for the rights of political, economic and social equality of mass struggle movement. The United States is the largest number of African-American minority , has long been racial discrimination , at the bottom of society .

Black civil rights movement leader Martin Luther Reverend King was born in Atlanta, Georgia , his father was pastor , his family was generous , is a middle-class , able to receive a good education. Kim obtained a doctorate from Boston University in 1955 , and seen the south racial inequalities , making him actively involved in the civil rights movement in adulthood . September 1957 , the occurrence of whites in Little Rock, Arkansas in force to prevent black school events, cause blacks outcry . Little Rock District Court declared the city's secondary school to accept blacks , autumn black and white mixed schools . September 2 , Arkansas Ao Foe r ? Faubus to " riot " in the name , to send 200 armed National Guard in high school nearby hillock cloth to prevent black students enrolled. In order to avoid worsening of the situation , Eisenhower intervened , requiring Arkansas to make concessions , but were refused . September 23 , under the governor's provoking , surrounded by more than 1,000 white schools , so has enrolled eight black students were forced to leave school . September 23 the same day, Eisenhower issued Proclamation No. 3024 declaring : . " I will use all the powers of the United States , including all the armed forces needed to prevent any prejudice to the implementation of legal acts and orders of the Federal Court " in September 24, 2009, the President ordered the 101st Airborne Division camp marched Little Rock , there have been more than 1,000 paratroopers and down so that the State guard adapted for the federal troops , commanded by the federal government . Eisenhower called it since rebuilt , because the central southern racial confrontation which led to military control of precedent. Until November 27 , the last batch of troops Airborne Division was evacuated Little Rock. Little Rock event is a sign of the rise of the black movement after the war , it portends the struggle against racial discrimination will vigorously started.

Little time around , blacks also launched a public place and shared struggle against apartheid cause . Early December 1955 , Martin Luther Reverend King led the Montgomery bus boycott movement , and soon sprea d to 35 cities. December 1 , black female tailoring worker Rosa ? Paco Cousins passengers in Montgomery city bus , for refusing to sit next to whites were detained . December 5th Court " whites accounted for trespassing special seat ," in violation of quarantine laws and was sentenced to imprisonment for 14 days. Under the leadership of Pastor Kim , blacks hold high the " Do not take the bus from the future " slogan, bus boycott , after a long struggle , November 13, 1956 , the U.S. Supreme Court determined that segregation on buses , that is unconstitutional.

February 1, 1960 , in Greensboro , North Carolina Agricultural College four black students drinking coffee at Wolfe department store dining counter, white waiter refused to provide and to oust them , thus precipitating launched into the recoil movement , it quickly spread to Tennessee , South Carolina fall , Virginia , Florida , North Carolina state . Subsequently, it spread to other public places. In the motel corridor " sleep " in the park "into the swim " in the public library " admission " in theater " into the concept of " casino "into the gambling " in the hammam " bath ." Movement in April 1963 , in the most severe segregation in Birmingham , Alabama , the outbreak

of the struggle of black protest , forcing the authorities to accept blacks requirements. In August, the city's largest ever held demonstrations in Washington , 250,000 blacks and white sympathizers held jobs and fight for freedom "freedom march ." Under enormous pressure of the civil rights movement , the U.S. Congress in 1964 through the " Civil Rights Act" in 1965 by " electoral rights law ," the official end to legislate restrictions on voting rights of African Americans and various aspects of public facilities racial discrimination and apartheid .

Black Panther Party is an anti-racist activism , political equality organizations fight . It was founded in October 1966 in Oakland , California , the city of two black students Merritt College Newton and Bobby Huey is the founder . Black Panther Party organized armed patrols , most of its members from the lower black area , they call themselves the vanguard of the black revolution .

African-American civil rights movement for people to see the course of America's struggle for democracy , so that people very mixed feelings and admiration American life . American civil rights movement embodies the American dream , the American people an equal life. Conducive to the stability of American society and enrich the content of American constitutionalism , defended the authority and dignity of the United States Constitution .
