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BBC News with Gaenor Howells

Banking shares have fallen in a number of markets amid continuing fears about the impact of the eurozone debt crisis. In London, shares in two partly state-owned banks fell over 7%. Across the Atlantic, shares in Bank of America lost nearly 5%, and a large American investment fund, MF Global, filed for bankruptcy protection. Michelle Fleury reports from New York.

The collapse of MF Global isn't seen as a serious risk to the financial system so much as a cautionary tale. MF Global's problems stemmed from its $6.3bn investment in sovereign bonds issued by European countries, including Portugal, Italy and Spain. The medium-sized broker didn't have enough capital if its bet on Europe turned bad. Given that so many people think that's a real possibility, investors took fright. Last week, shares in MF Global fell more than 60% after the financial firm reported a big loss.

Earlier, a report by the International Labour Organisation warned that the global economy was on the verge of what it called a new and deeper jobs recession.

The Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou says Greece will hold a referendum on the bailout deal agreed at the European summit last week. Mr Papandreou gave no details of the proposed referendum in an address to Socialist MPs, but said he'd also seek a vote of confidence in the Greek parliament. The deal agreed by eurozone members was designed to cut Greece's debt by about $140bn.

The United States is stopping its financial contributions to the United Nations cultural agency Unesco after the Palestinians were admitted to the organisation as a full member. A US State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, said a $60m payment to Unesco due to be made in November would not go ahead. From Washington, Paul Adams reports.

Washington is in a bind. It regards Unesco as a valuable UN agency and gives it around $70m a year, or a fifth of its annual budget, but it's also bound by strict laws passed in the 1990s by an overwhelmingly pro-Israel Congress. Looking uncomfortable, Victoria Nuland said the administration wanted to continue working with the agency but recognised that its membership would be compromised if it failed to pay its contributions. She expressed concern over the loss of US influence and the possibility that the same scenario might unfold with other UN agencies.

The interim leadership in Libya has named a new prime minister. Abdul Raheem

al-Keeb, a businessman from Tripoli, beat four other candidates in a poll held by the National Transitional Council. He's expected to appoint a cabinet in the coming days which will govern Libya and prepare the ground for general elections. Earlier, the Secretary General of Nato, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, took part in events in Tripoli to mark the formal cessation of the bombing campaign that helped topple Colonel Gaddafi.

World News from the BBC

In the United States, the trial has begun of an American soldier accused of leading a renegade army unit that deliberately targeted and killed unarmed civilians in Afghanistan. Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs pleaded not guilty to 16 charges at the opening of his court-martial. He's accused of leading what's been termed a "kill team" in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar in 2010. Three other soldiers have agreed to testify against Staff Sergeant Gibbs.

The former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has started his chemotherapy treatment for throat cancer. His doctors say his chances of being cured are very good. The cancer is in its early stages and hasn't spread to other parts of his body. The treatment is expected to last four months and will cause Lula to lose his hair and trademark beard.

A court in Russia has awarded two families $100,000 each in compensation after their

daughters were accidentally switched at birth. The two families - one of which is Muslim, the other Russian Orthodox Christian - are considering buying properties close to each other as the children, who are now 12, have said they don't want to change families. Daniel Sandford reports from Moscow.

The two girls were born 15 minutes apart in December 1998 in the same hospital in the small town of Kopeysk. But unknown to their parents, they were swapped at birth accidentally. This only emerged when the woman who thought she was Irina's mother arranged a DNA test because her former husband was refusing to pay maintenance. The test showed that neither of them was her parent, and further research uncovered the hospital's mistake.

The dean of St Paul's Cathedral in London has become the second senior cleric to resign since anti-capitalist protesters set up camp at the cathedral two weeks ago. The Dean Graeme Knowles says that mounting criticism of how the situation had been handled had made his position untenable.

BBC World Service News



这一活动名为“地球时间”,由世界自然保护基金和澳大利亚最大报纸之一的《悉尼先驱晨报》联合发起。大约2000家企业和53万户居民报名参加了“地球时间”活动,自觉断电一小时。除标志性建筑外,悉尼城区许多高楼也纷纷熄灯,整个城市变黑了不少。不过路灯和紧急照明装置仍没有熄灭,港口的照明也一切如常。“熄灯”对悉尼人的生活并无太大影响。 除此之外,还有人利用全城不少地方熄灯的便利观看星空。几百个市民提前预约,在熄灯期间前往悉尼天文台,利用这一小时更好地观看星空。天文台负责人说,很多市民都为有在黑暗中观察地平线的机会感到激动。 播读提示 这条消息的标题是《悉尼全城熄灯一小时》,副题是《为减少温室气体排放》。看过这条消息后要确定重点在什么地方。在标题中我们已经了解了消息的新鲜点所在,这就是受众所关注的新闻事实的要点。 再看消息的层次,三个段落自然成为三个层次,三个层次为我们播读时脉络的清晰提供了基础,三个层次之间要做短暂的停顿处理,切忌不要一气呵成。一片的结果会使受众听得茫然。 第一个层次是消息的导语,播得要醒目。什么时间,什么地点,什么人,什么事,什么原因,原文交代得很清楚。一般来说,消息要素中的发生了什么事是重点。其他的新闻要素并不是不重要,同样要求依次交代清楚。这条消息导语交代事件的先后顺序应该是这样的:(1)集体断电一小时;(2)澳大利亚悉尼市数万户商家和居民;(3)以引起人们对温室气体排放导致全球变暖的关注;(4)3月31日晚

7时30分;(5)天黑之后,悉尼歌剧院等标志性建筑等纷纷熄灯。可以用声音的高低、吐字力度的强弱来区分。 第二层次把新闻事实稍加梳理后,弱强调“熄灯对悉尼人的生活并无太大影响”。 第三个层次是新闻的结尾段,也是对新闻事实的补充,播清楚即可,声音运用可在中声区稍下部分,稍偏低些。


经典英语美文欣赏80篇(适用于成人) 英语美文欣赏80篇 01-The Love of Beauty 英语美文欣赏80篇 02-The Happy Door 英语美文欣赏80篇 03-Born to Win 英语美文欣赏80篇 04-Work and Pleasure 英语美文欣赏80篇 05-Mirror,Mirror-What do I See 英语美文欣赏80篇 06-On Motes and Beams 英语美文欣赏80篇 07-An October Sunrise 英语美文欣赏80篇 08-To be or not to be 英语美文欣赏80篇 09-Gettysburg address 英语美文欣赏80篇10-First Inaugural Address

英语美文欣赏80篇11-American black bears 英语美文欣赏80篇 12-Coal-fired power plants 英语美文欣赏80篇 13-Statistics 英语美文欣赏80篇 14-Obtaining Fresh water from icebergs 英语美文欣赏80篇 15-The source of Energy 英语美文欣赏80篇 16-Vision 英语美文欣赏80篇 17-Folk Cultures 英语美文欣赏80篇 18-Bacteria 英语美文欣赏80篇 19-Sleep 英语美文欣赏80篇 20-Cells and Temperature 英语美文欣赏80篇21-Youth 英语美文欣赏80篇 22-Three Days to See 英语美文欣赏80篇 23-Companionship of Books 英语美文欣赏80篇24-If I Rest,I Rust 英语美文欣赏80篇 25-Ambition 英语美文欣赏80篇 26-What I have Lived for 英语美文欣赏80篇 27-When Love Beckons You 英语美文欣赏80篇 28-The Road to Success


在国际新闻报道中,英语新闻翻译占了相当大的比重。在英语新闻中,“标题被视作报道全文的缩写”,为了尽量吸引读者,编辑往往运用各种修辞手段,力争使新闻标题更具吸引力。这为英语新闻翻译带来挑战。翻译者需调动各种翻译手段,力争把原标题的意义和风格以汉语形式再现出来。为此,翻译时应兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题意义,尤其是要透过字面理解其深层意义;在不曲解原意的情况下发挥汉语特点,以增强译文可读性;在文化背景缺失的情况下,注意译文的可接受性。 一、直译或基本直译新闻标题 直译和意译孰是孰非在我国译界争论不休,迄今未有定论。笔者以为,两种译法各有长短,翻译中需视实际情况而定,扬长避短。但无论直译还是意译,都应把忠实于原文内容放在首位。就英语新闻标题翻译而言,笔者以为,如果英语标题的含义明白,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,可考虑采用直译或基本直译。比如: Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕泳将喜夺首金 UK soldest person dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五 以上三则新闻标题属于直译或基本直译,没有洋腔洋调,显得很自然流畅。又如:Ugly Duckling N-Shipat Last GetsHappy Home 丑小鸭核动力船终于找到安乐窝 这则新闻讲述的是某国一艘核动力船,因许多国家担心核污染而拒绝让其靠岸,所以只得在海上到处漂泊,历经周折之后最终被获准在一港口停泊。原标题中以调侃的语气将这艘核动力船比喻成安徒生笔下的“an ugly duckling”(丑小鸭),这也是广大中国读者早已熟悉的典故,故译文采用了“拿来主义”的直译手法,读者一看也就明白怎么回事了。 二、翻译中添加注释性词语 英语报刊的新闻标题往往迎合本国读者的阅读需要,而且由于思维习惯与中国人不同,英语新闻标题的表达方式也与中文有所不同。因此,翻译过程中必须充分考虑到“内外有别”的原则和我国读者的阅读心理,对国人可能不太熟悉的有关信息、文化背景知识以及不符合国内读者阅读习惯的表达方式进行必要的变通,该删则删,该增则增。正如刘宓庆先生在《文体与翻译》中说的:“即使是明白、易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需加上逻辑主语,或电讯中有关的人的国籍、事件发生的地点等等,总之必须增补介绍性、注释性词语以利中国读者的理解,避免读者产生误会。”例如: For Beslans children, alegacy of nightmares (俄罗斯:)劫后相逢,别城孩童仍似恶梦中


新闻类阅读之解题技巧点拨 ▲新闻类文本阅读考点分解如下: 1、分析新闻的文体特征。 2、筛选并整合新闻的信息。 3、分析新闻思想内容。 4、鉴赏新闻的表现手法。 5、评价新闻的社会功用。 6、探究文本反映的人生价值和时代精神。 文体特点: (1)基本特点:迅速及时、内容真实、语言简明。 (2)最主要的特点:“用事实讲话”。 (3)基本结构:标题、导语、主体、背景、结语。 标题、导语、主体是消息必不可少的,背景和结语有时则蕴涵在主体里面,结语有时可省略。 点拨 (一)分析文本的文体特征 1、导语的作用: ①概括事实; ②激发兴趣(悬念); ③情感基调(全文); ④情感态度(作者); ⑤引出下文(铺垫) 2、标题的作用: 标题:准确、凝练、新颖、醒目。 引题(引标):交待形势,烘托气氛,说明背景等。 正题(主标):揭示新闻事实,对内容的高度概括。 副题(副标):对正题补充说明。 (1、分析新闻标题的表达技巧及其作用 (2、分析新闻标题对表达新闻主题的作用 (3、分析新闻标题对吸引读者的作用 (4、分析新闻标题对表达记者观点和感情的作用 3、背景作用 新闻背景是指新闻事实发生发展的历史条件和环境条件。历史条件指事实自身的历史状况,环境条件指事实与周围事物的联系。 介绍背景,有利于了解新闻发生发展的来龙去脉,加深对新闻的认识和理解,深化新闻的主题,并有丰富内容、增加知识性和趣味性的作用。 (1.补充情况,事实充分,帮助我们全面、完整地理解所报道的新闻事实 ( 2、突出主题,阐述意义,有助于提高新闻价值。 (3、提供知识,引发兴趣。 (4、借用背景,表明作者观点。

(二)、分析文本的主要表现手法(20XX年山东19题) 1、表达方式:叙述、描写、抒情、议论 新闻一般采用”倒金字塔”式结构(即先说结果,再说重要事实,最后说次要内容),但有的通讯叙述方比较灵活多变,有顺叙、倒叙、中间或许还会有插叙、补叙等叙述方法,这就要求我们在阅读时特别关注。 (叙述方式作用)方法小结 (1)顺叙(按事情发展先后顺序)脉络清楚、印象深。作用:叙事有头有尾,条理清晰,连贯性强。 (2)倒叙(先写结果,再交待前面发生的事。)作用:造成悬念、吸引读者,避免叙述的平板单调,增强文章的生动性。 (3)插叙(叙事时中断线索,插入相关另一件事。)作用:对叙事起补充衬托作用,丰富形象,突出中心例如:《她只能活七小时》 提问:这篇报道以顺叙的方式写作,并特别突出的时间,有什么好处? 2修辞手法 2010 广东卷《让法律保护阳光》请在画线部分任选两处,指出其所用修辞方法,并分析所用修辞方法在文中的表达效果。(4分) ①拟人(手法)的修辞方法生动形象(效果)地表达出可再生能源没有被开发(内容) 一般技巧:手法+内容+效果 3、表现手法:对比、衬托、象征等 补充:引用的作用 (1)有助于增强新闻的真实性, (2)有助于新闻报道的权威性, (3)使报道更客观,从而增强了说服力, (4)增强艺术感染力和情感冲击力,增强感染力。 (三)、分析新闻的语言特色(20XX年山东21题) 提问方式: 1.新闻要求语言准确,请结合***部分简要分析。 2.新闻的语言一般是客观平实的,本文是否也这样,请举例分析。 3.新闻的语言一般是客观平实的,而这篇报道却有所不同,请对文中划线部分作简要赏析。 方向:(看清题目要求) 客观平实(新闻的真实性) 1)是根据采访经过突出真实性; 2)是根据对新闻现场的客观反映突出真实性; 3)是根据准确的数据突出真实性; 4)从细节描写作用的角度思考 主观倾向(手法) (四)、分析新闻中的时间(20XX年山东19题) 这篇报道以顺叙的方式写作,并特别突出的时间,有什么好处? 思路点拨: (1)渲染了紧张气氛,现场感强, (2)时间对新闻人物的作用, (3)时间对情感表达的作用,


关于经典英语美文摘抄 【篇一】关于经典英语美文:美国革命的历史意义 The Historical Significance of American Revolution The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in the ascent of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency can be regarded as the outstanding example not only of the birth of a new way of life but of nationalism as a new way of life. The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of modern Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a new nation. Here, in the popular rising against a "tyrannical" government, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. With the American nation, for the first time, a nation was born, not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the whole world. 美国革命的历史意义


英语新闻报道范例 看别人是如何写新闻报道的,你用英语是否也能够写的出来呢?下面是给大家整理的英语新闻报道范例,供大家参阅! Hillary Clinton, reentering the political fray months after her 2016 campaign loss, will soon launch a political organization aimed at funding "resistance" groups that are standing up to President Donald Trump, sources with knowledge of the plans tell CNN. 据熟知内情的消息来源向CNN透露,在2016年竞选败北数月后,希拉里;克林顿再度参与到了政治斗争中来,她将马上成立一个政治组织,旨在资助那些对抗唐纳德;特朗普总统的“抵抗”团体。 Clinton, according to the sources, is currently working with former aides and donors to build an organization that will look to fund and invest in groups that have impressed her since her 2016 election loss. 据消息来源表示,希拉里目前正在与前助手们和捐赠者们协力成立一个组织,该组织将会寻求资助及投资那些在她2016年败选后给她留下深刻印象的团体。 Clinton identified herself as part of the so-called resistance earlier last week, and that was not in passing.


新闻英语标题翻译:语态 英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式中的助动词“be”,通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来引出动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题里就可直接表示被动意义,读者切忌将之误解为该动词的过去式。如: Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife. (A Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With A Bread Knife.) 餐刀威逼下,18岁少女遭强暴。 Van Goghs Recovered After Theft. (Van Goghs Are Recovered After The Theft.) 梵高名画窃而复得。 Father Jailed For Murder Of Daughter. (Father Is Jailed For The Murder Of His Daughter.) 谋杀亲生女儿父亲锒铛入狱。 其实,读者在广泛接触英语报刊时会发现,新闻标题使用动词主动语态的频率远远超过被动语态。因为从修辞学角度而言,主动语态比被动语态更加生动多彩且富有感染力,所表达的意义更为直接,或更具有说服力,使读者感到真实可信,读来朗朗上口,流利自然。英语新闻标题只有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时才使用被动语态,突出强调宾语部分,以引起读者注意。这是因为读者读报时的心理状态同看书或查阅资料时的情况不尽相同。人们往往是在就餐时或上班途中、候车、饭后用茶等较空闲时看报的,阅读时思想往往不是完全集中的。只有当他们看到一条特别能引起他们兴趣的标题时,才会把注意力全部集中起来,全神贯注的看下去。因此,英语新闻标题有时为突出动作的承受者通常采用被动语态,目的在于抓住读者的注意力。


关于经典英语美文摘抄 【导语】在英语教学中,开展经典美文教学不仅能提高学生的文学水平,而且能提高学生的语文素养,对培养学生的语言素养和人文素养具有极大益处,更能丰富学生的精神世界,磨炼学生的意志。本文是由小编整理的关于经典英语美文,希望对大家有帮助! 【篇一】关于经典英语美文:美国革命的历史意义 The Historical Significance of American Revolution The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in the ascent of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency can be regarded as the outstanding example not only of the birth of a new way of life but of nationalism as a new way of life. The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of modern Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a new nation. Here, in the popular rising against a "tyrannical" government, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. With the American nation, for the first time, a nation was born, not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the whole world.

新闻播报 英文

F:Hello, it’s Monday , March 25th. Welcome to today’s Morning News. I’m Fay. S:I’m Sky.Today’s topic is earth hour. F:Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. S: Based on an idea successfully executed in Thailand in 2005, it was pioneered by WWF Australia and the Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, and achieved worldwide participation in 2008. F: Earth Hour 2013 held on March 23, 2013 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during participants' local time. Hundreds of millions of people turned off their lights for one hour, on the same night, all across the world in a huge, symbolic show of support. S:.Australia's biggest city, Sydney, has switched off its lights for an hour as the Earth Day climate change protest gets under way across the globe. F:This year, Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking part for the first time.The Kremlin due to switch off its lights at 16:30 GMT along with 90 other landmark buildings in Moscow.One person wrote on Twitter: "Sydney Harbour bridge is in darkness for Earth Hour. You can even see the stars!" S:Many cities and provinces across Vietnam, including capital Hanoi, central Da Nang and southern Ho Chi Minh City, joined in the world's Earth Hour 2013 by turning off unnecessary electrical devices for one hour.A campaign for the Earth Hour 2013 had been launched across Vietnam with the slogan, "You and I Together We Act" F:The United Nations participated in Earth Hour on Saturday by turning off the lights at its offices around the world for one hour.This is the fourth year that the United Nations joins hundreds of millions of people around the world in switching off the lights.


现代文阅读(新闻类)的答题技巧 一、掌握新闻文体的相关知识 (一)新闻的文体特征 1.文体特点: (1)基本特点:迅速及时、内容真实、语言简明。 (2)最主要的特点:“用事实讲话”。 2.基本结构:标题、导语、主体、背景、结语。标题、导语、主体是消息必不可少的,背景和结语有时则蕴涵在主体里面,结语有时可省略。 ①标题:要求准确、凝练、新颖、醒目。形式有单行标题,多行标题。多行标题--引题(引标):交待形势,烘托气氛,说明背景等。正题(主标):对一则消息内容的高度概括。副题(副标):往往是重要事实,结果的提要。 ②导语:消息的第一句话或第一段话以凝练简明的语言,概述新闻的主要内容或事实,鲜明地揭示新闻的中心。写法常见的有叙述式、描写式、评论式、提问式、结论式等。 ③主体:对导语内容进行展开和补充,是消息的躯干。按事情发生发展的先后顺序安排层次,按事物之间的逻辑关系安排层次。 ④结语:消息的最后一句话或一段话,有的消息,事实说清楚了,就不需要结尾。它可对全文内容作概括性小结;可用带有启发激励性的语言作结;可对发展趋势作预测;可提出值得深思的问题。 3.六要素:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过、结果。 二、解读新闻文本的几点方法

根据新闻特点我们在复习时可采用如下的六个步骤: 1.看标题信息,揣摩新闻类型; 2.抓记叙要素,了解大致内容; 3.理行文线索,分清段落层次; 4.辨叙述方式,领会布局特点; 5.挖中心主旨,理解文本意义; 6.析表现手法,以供鉴赏探究。 第一步“看标题信息”,类似作文审题;而“摩揣记叙类型”,则是指阅读的审题目标要比作文单一。即通过对题意的揣摩,要能辨出该文的记叙对象,是人物新闻还是事件新闻,是消息还是通迅。 第二步“抓记叙要素”,这是由文体特点决定的。因为新闻的内容,无论哪种类型,一般都离不开人物、时间、地点和事情的起因、发展、结果这六个要素。 第三步“理行文线索”,即领悟文章的脉络、顺序,目的是理清作者的行文思路,借此可准确地划分全文的段落层次。针对考纲当中C层级的分析综合“分析语言特色,把握文章结构,概括中心意思”的考点。 第四步“辨叙述方式”,即辨析文本主要采用的叙述方式,消息一般都是采用“倒金字塔”式,这跟一般的记叙文不同。而通迅的叙述方式就比较灵活多变,有顺叙、倒叙,中间或许还会有插叙、补叙等叙述方法。这就要求我们阅读时要特别关注了。 第五步“挖中心主旨”,目的是针对考纲当中D层级的鉴赏评价“评价文本的主要观点和基本倾向”、“评价文本产生的社会价值和影


经典英语美文欣赏50篇关于爱家的英语美文欣赏 不要太注意家庭的外观及形式,最主要的,是要注重家庭里特有的,充满了爱、温暖与明朗的气氛。了关于爱家的英语美文,欢迎阅读! Home is a warm noun, because it means a place full filled with love and support. Home is not just a place where we live in, but a place where families support each other and show their love to others. When we have something happy, we first want to bring them home and share the happinesswith families. On the contrast, if we get into trouble, home is the first place where we look for support and fort. In short, home is not just a house we live in; moreover, it's our home of spirit. I was panic a while absolute being, stand Be frightenning into inaction simultaneously, stare greatly eyes to looking at father and mother, the in the mind worries very much they will blame me.Just at I daze of time, father said a words:"Unimportant of, ground(from year to year) and peaceful!"


新闻英语标题翻译:欣赏及汉译 我们在阅读英语报刊时,不仅要学会看借新闻标题,而且最好还能善于欣赏并翻 译新闻标题,惟有如此,我们才能较正确地理解英语新闻标题的词汇、语法及修辞等 特点,判断出标题的寓意。 欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题时应该兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题,领悟其妙处;适 当照顾译文特点,增强可读性;重视读者的接受能力。欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题,对 于不太熟悉英语国家历史、文化背景的读者来说,有时并不是很容易的。许多妙不可 言的精彩之处,一疏忽就可能从眼皮底下滑过去。因此,这就要求我们平时注意积累,不断熟悉英语国家的历史掌故、文艺作品以及英语的修辞手段等等。一旦真的领会并 译出了英语标题中作者苦心营造的深奥内涵,那份喜悦不亚于数学家攻克一道难题。 一、直译或基本直译 如果英语标题的含义明白、直接,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则可直译或基本直译。如: Looking Back To Look Ahead. 回首往昔展望未来。 America's Careening Foreign Policy. 摇摆不定的美国对外政策。 Bill Clinton Assumes Office In White House As Us President. 比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统。(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌 大权。) Olympics Begin In Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold. 奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌。

二、添加注释性词语 即使是明白易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需酌情加上逻辑主语,或新闻人物的国籍、消息的事发地点等等。总之,应兼顾中英语新闻标题之异同,适当增补有关介绍性、注释性词语以利读者理解,避免产生误会。例如: Li Elected Cppcc Head. 李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席。 Lewis, Xie Voted World's Top Two. 路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)。 Emperor's Visit A Milestone In Bilateral Ties. 天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑。 Quake Death Toll Tops 5000. (日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千。 Young Wheelers, Big Dealers. 青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾。 三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom.


随着全球化的发展,中国与世界在政治、经济、文化等各方面的交流日益增多,越来越多的人去关注国际信息。新闻媒体的发展给予我们渠道去关注国际新闻,而英语新闻报道的翻译让我们能更好地掌握国际信息。新闻标题是新闻的重要部分,做好新闻标题的翻译就极为重要。本文介绍了英语新闻标题的一些基本信息,如新闻标题的定义、功能等。同时结合实例,详细分析英语新闻标题在词汇、语法及修辞手法等层面的特点。最后根据英语新闻标题在不同层面的特点提出一些英语新闻标题翻译的原则以及在实际翻译过程中的翻译技巧及方法。 1.中英文新闻标题的总论 在信息化时代,新闻是人们生活不可缺少的一部分,新闻标题是新闻内容的高度浓缩,也是吸引读者视线的关键所在,在国际报道中,新闻占了相当大的鼻中隔,而英语新闻更是重中之重,标题被当做英语新闻报道全文的精炼概括,为了吸引读者关注,往往采用各种手法来提升新闻标题的吸引力。同时给新闻标题的翻译带来不少挑战。 1.1标题的定义 新闻标题是新闻的眼睛, 也是新闻的重要组成部分。新闻标题是新闻文本对新闻内容加以概括或评价的简短文字。其字号大于正文,作用是划分、组织、揭示、评价新闻内容、吸引读者阅读。按不同的分类标准可以分不同的种类 1.2.中英文标题对比 1.2.1.共同之处 a).它们都是新闻的重要组成部分,是对全部新闻内容的浓缩和提炼,使读者能在短时间内选择新闻,阅读新闻和理解新闻。 b).新闻报道讲究客观公正,但是新闻标题具有明显的政治倾向,媒体编辑往往利用制作标题的机会借题发挥,在概括或浓缩新闻内容的同时,巧妙的融入自己的政治倾向,借以体现媒体的政治方针,宣传自己的政治主张,便于引导舆论。 c).中英文标题在写作方面,都十分的精炼,含义深邃。 1.2.2.差异之处 a).英语新闻相对较长,占字空间较大,所以标题必须十分简单。但中文相对含义比较丰富。


新闻阅读答题技巧 新闻的文体特点 基本特点:迅速及时、内容真实、语言简明。 最主要的特点:用事实讲话”。 基本结构:标题、导语、主体、背景、结语。 标题、导语、主体是消息必不可少的,背景和结语有时则蕴涵在主体里面,结语有时可省略。 1.人物通讯 人物通讯即具体、形象地报道人物事迹、经历的通讯。 一是善于通过选择典型材料、组织安排材料,来表现人物思想感情、性格风貌、精神境界,透视人物内心世界,并且善于站在时代高度对人物进行观照。 二是写出人物的个性,不与别人笔下形象相似。 人物通讯还要善于通过人物的行动、语言、心理和典型细节等来表现人物。 2.事件通讯 事件通讯是详尽、具体而形象地描写新闻事件的通讯。它具有新闻性、典型性、完整性、形象性等特点。一般有一个中心事件,其它人物或事件都围绕这一中心事件展开。 事件通讯以写具有典型意义的正面事件为主,但也有揭露性的事件通讯。 新闻类文本阅读考点 1?分析新闻的文体特征; 2.筛选并整合新闻的信息; 3.分析新闻思想内容; 4?鉴赏新闻的表现手法; 5.评价文本的主要观点和基本倾向;

7.对文本的某种特色作深度的思考和判断; &探究文本反映的人生价值和时代精神; 9?探讨作者的写作背景和创作意图; 10.探究文本中的某些问题,提出自己的见解。 一、分析新闻的文体特征 基本特征:结构特征、语言特征、新闻特点(时效性、真实性、受众性) 1 把握新闻结构 题型:新闻的各个基本组成部分的作用? 新闻的各个基本组成部分:标题、导语、主体、背景、结语。 (1)标题 标题的好处:新闻类文本的标题要求醒目、突出,达到吸引读者的作用,或者能很好地概括文本内容,凸显感情倾向,彰显主题。回答此类问题可从这两方面考虑。 例:《人前我是乖乖仔一上贴吧就爆粗》 这篇题为一个爱吴XX的女生的告白”,来自百度广州某重点小学的贴吧,作者署名为 爱的泪太苦”。紧随其后的是一条写着你有病!”的回帖。——《人前我是乖乖仔一上贴吧就爆粗》节选 题目:新闻的标题被喻为新闻的眼睛”,标题是否精彩,直接关系到能否激发读者的 阅读欲望。试析本文标题发妙处。 参考答案:这一标题巧妙运用了对比的手法,人前”与上贴吧”、乖乖仔”与粗暴”形成鲜明的对比,高度概括了新闻的重要内容,语言简练而且形象生动。 方法小结 标题的好处: 1?分析新闻标题的表达技巧及其作用;


经典英语美文阅读范文欣赏 以书为伴 A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. 通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以的为伴。 A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age. 好书就像是你的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。它是最有耐心,最令人愉悦的伴侣。在我们穷愁潦倒,临危遭难时,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一如既往地亲切。在我们年轻时,好书陶冶我们的性情,增长我们的知识;到我们年老时,它又给我们以慰藉和勉励。 Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, Love me, love my dog. But there is more wisdom in


优秀的经典英语美文欣赏 我们可以多多看看一些英语的文章来提升我们的英语作文,今天就给大家分享一下英语美文欣赏,欢迎参考 一位母亲写给女儿的信 dear girls, 我亲爱的孩子们, you're so young right now, but i hope these letters will be helpful to you one day when you're older. there is so much i wish i could ask my mother now that i am a grown woman. there is so much we never got to talk about. i'm planning on being around for you well into your lives and adulthood, but even so, i think having these letters will be useful in some way. who knows how things might change down the road, and at least you'll have your 34-year-old mother's thoughts down on paper. 你们现在如此稚嫩,但我希望将来某一天等你们长大了,这封信将会对你们有帮助。作为一个成年女人,我也有很多想问我妈妈的问题,有很多我和她从未谈及过的事情。在你们的成长中,我会在你们身边帮你们过好生活长大成人,但即使这样,我认为这封信也能通过


VOA慢速英语听力练习(学案) Most US Front-Line Workers Are Women, Minorities Step 1 Words in This Story front line(s) –n.the most important and active position in a job or field of activity essential–adj.extremely important and necessary pandemic–n.an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide area or throughout the world invisible–adj.impossible to see delivery–n.the act of taking something to a person or place tendon–n.a tough piece of tissue in your body that connects a muscle to a bone customer(s) –n.someone who buys goods or services from a business insurance–n.an agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money equal to the value of something (such as a house or car) if it is damaged, lost, or stolen quarantine(d) –v.to keep (a person or animal) away from others to prevent a disease from spreading anxiety–n.fear or nervousness about what might happen pistol(s) –n.a small gun made to be aimed and fired with one hand Step 2 Listen and fill in the missing words. It is becoming clear that the coronavirus crisis has had a major effect on the people working on the front
