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The squares of Dalian

Dalian is renowned for its emerald lawns and for its blooming flowers. The best way to see these splenders in all their delights is to visit one of Dalian''s squares. The urban area of Dalian has approx. 70 squares -- that forms the striking feature of its town planning, which outshines any other major city in China.

The numerous squares can be compared to inlaid pearls, or, resemble musical notes written in one''s imagination. The comeliness of the Sea Melody Square, the manliness of Xinghai Square, the elegance of Zhongshan Square and the meaningfulness of the Renmin Square, all present a galaxy of pleasure to one''s eyes, intoxicate one''s heart and crystallize into a dulcet memory.

As the city''s drawing room, the citizens flock to these squares to relax, to communicate, and to exercise. Similar to an cosmopolitan European city, many of these squares are frequented by doves and have beautiful fountains, some even have Greek sculptures and Parisian lamps in them.

Zhongshan Square (中山广场)

Built up in 1899 by Russians, this''s the oldest square in Dalian. Its name evolved from the "Nicholas Square" under Tsarist Russian concession, to "Big Plaza" within the Japanese colonization, and then "Zhongshan" (the formal name of Mr. Sun Yat-sen) after the Liberation (1945).

About 100 years ago, a group of Russian architects fascinated with France culture came to Dalian with the construction blueprint of Paris. They dreamed about rebuilding an oriental Paris here, hence the architectural style of the city was formed--to take squares as the center and radiate outwards, with Zhongshan Square being the focal point.

The square is also the first musical square in China. In 1995, 36 sets of audio systems were equipped around it. At every dawn and dusk, people crowd here to play Chinese chess, kick shuttlecocks, dance, do Taijiquan or see an outdoor movie, watch an entertainment show or enjoy concerts companied by the flowing music in the air.

Renmin Square (人民广场)

The square, formerly known as Stalin Square, was built for commemorating the Red Army of the Soviet Union''s liberation over northeastern China. In 1999, the cenotaph in the center was moved to Lushun Soviet Army Martyr Cemetery, where memorial facilities for the Army are concentrated.

Instead of the cenotaph a white marble waterfall cloister was built, and the musical fountain in front of it ranks the largest of its kind in the city.

Every morning under the backdrop of the fountain mist one can view cheerful dancing of the natives. Women troopers who appear in fixed period are another highlight.

North of the Square is located the City Hall.

Youhao Square (友好广场)

In Chinese, "youhao" means "friendship". The square was built in the Tsarist Russia colonial period, and changed its name to "West Plaza" under Japanese reign. Later for the sake of commemorating the friendship between PRC and the Soviet Union, the name of "Youhao" was initiated, and after renovation, in 1996 a giant "crystal ball" was set up. The ball is said to stand

for the image of the city as the "China''s Northern Pearl", and the five colors of the "hands" upholding it represent the five different ethnic colors from the five continents.

Xinghai Square(星海广场)

Xinhai Square was erected in 1997 to commemorate the reversion of Hong Kong. It sits at the center of the Xinghai business district, and maybe is roughly as big as two Tian?ˉanmen Squares in Beijing.

The design of the square combines Chinese tradition and modern concepts: A tall, straight and pure-white marble ornamental column stands at the pivot of the square, ranking the largest across the country. The column is 19.97 meters high, with a 1.997 diameter, indicating that it was built in the year HK returned to the motherland. The base of the column has 8 carved dragons, and the arch is carved with another huge dragon, implying that Chinese are descendants of the dragon.

To the north of the square lies Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Center and to its south is the sea. Nearby the sea is located the city centennial sculpture. The sculpture is just like an opened book, and on it is written the history of the city, showing that the locals are confident to open a new historic page and march into the new era.

The square has become a major stage for city galas like the Fashion Festival and the Spring Festival Fireworks &. Firecrackers Gathering. On the other side, if you know the history that only several years ago, the site of the square was covered by a large-scale stinking dump and at that time the

land-value of it was under RMB1000, while at present the value has risen to over RMB10,000 -- what will you think of the city''s creativity?

Victory Plaza (胜利广场)

Someone said that Dalian is the "drawing room of the Northeast China",

and to apply it in this way we can say Victory Plaza is the drawing room of Dalian. Located in front of the central railway station, the Plaza is a point where any visitor to the city has to pass. Just like what they had drummed up in the ads, the Plaza is a comprehensive shopping mall that sets

multi-functions like dining, recreation and shopping under one roof. On a Romanesque square in the north of the Plaza many art shows and commercial promotions are held.

Olympic (奥林匹克广场)

In 1932, Liu Changchun, a Dalian local resident, competed in the 10th Olympic Games held in Los Angeles. Liu was the first Chinese to take part in the Games. Decades have passed, the spirit of sport loving is inherited and now Dalian is known as a "Soccer City" and the "Home of Track & Field". In September 1999, Mr. Samaranch, Chairman of the Int''l Olympic Committee of the day, attended the foundation-stone laying ceremony for the Square. To the south of the square stands the city''s central stadium where its soccer team calls home.

Haizhiyun Square(海之韵广场)

Haizhiyun means sea melody in English. The square is located at the eastern entrance of Binhai (Seaside) Rd. It faces the vast sea to the north, and is backed by a barrier-like mountain to the south; to its east is Laojiangou Bathing Beach, and to the southwest is the newly-built Huale Street. Built in June 1996, it has won the grand award for sightseeing planning in the National Art Design Competition.

There is a main sculpture and 26 super-realistic sculptures that are divided into 9 groups on the square. The fact that such amounts of super-realistic sculptures are set on one square is rare not only in China but also throughout the world.

Navy Square(海军广场)

The square was set up in Sept. 2000. It''s the third square named after navy following the ones in the U.K. and the U.S.A


大连星海广场游记作文 本文是关于大连的话题作文,仅供大家参考! 盼望着,盼望着,五月初五终于来到了,今天是端午节,我高兴极了!因为爸爸答应带我到星海公园去玩,我特别高兴。接下来是小编为您整理的大连星海广场游记学生作文,希望对您有所帮助。临近四月,学校组织我们春游,目的地就是星海广场。一下车,映入我们眼帘的便是华表。老师说:“华表是在1997年为纪念香港回归所建的。华表高19.97米,直径1.997米,底座有八条龙,柱身雕有一条腾飞的龙,寓意中国九州人民团结互助,努力奋进。华表地面由999块四川红大理石铺成,刻有二十四节气和十二生肖。 它还是由汉白玉制成,是中国最大的华表。”听到这儿,我们立刻跑向华表,找到自己的属相,互相给对方拍照留念,说不定还会带来好运。不知是谁说了一句:“我们到那边看看吧。”大家的目光一齐投向那边。“那是百年城雕。”老师说,“它是为了纪念大连建市100周年而建的,它分为两个部分:一是足迹浮雕,二是台式广场。 足迹浮雕上有1000双脚印,最前面的是当年出生婴儿的脚印,最后的是百岁老人的脚印,是按年龄排列的,见证了大连的沧桑历史。”我们跑上了台式广场发现就是一本天书,一个字也没有,这是为什么?我们跑去问老师。 老师说:“这本书是要靠后人的行动去书写,你们要努力呀!”“噢,原来是这样!”我们站在台式广场上。海风拂过我们的

脸颊,浪花拍打着礁石,伴着海鸥清脆的叫声,我们的心绪逐渐变得平静下来。看海面上,海鸥俯冲下去,溅起阵阵浪花。极目远望,天很蓝,海也很蓝,海天一色。我为我生活在这样美丽的海滨城市而感到自豪。 盼望着,盼望着,五月初五终于来到了,今天是端午节,我高兴极了!因为爸爸答应带我到星海公园去玩,我特别高兴。 到了星海公园,我看到了五颜六色的花朵,我让爸爸给我照了几张相,就向公园里面走去。 我们玩了5个游戏,就上海边了。 大海真蓝啊!我看到那无边无际的大海,就飞快地跑了过去,刚跑过去就有了一个大浪冲过来,吓死我了。之后我们就去喂鸽子,到了那里我的一双眼睛都不够用了,许许多多的鸽子都在那里,我拿起食物就为它们。 可是一天很快就过去了,我只好依依不舍得回家了。 感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!


三一文库(https://www.sodocs.net/doc/575547623.html,) 〔大连星海广场的作文〕 星海广场是位于大连南部海滨风景区的一个广场,是大连市的城市标志之一,原是星海湾的一个废弃垃圾填埋场。下面就是小编整理的大连星海广场的作文,一起来看一下吧。 大连星海广场的作文篇一我的家乡大连,是一个引人入胜的浪漫之都。在大连,有一个广场,那不是一个普通的广场,而是一个让我们所有大连人都引以为豪的亚洲第一大广场――星海广场。 来到星海广场,你定会被那巍然矗立的华表所吸引。华表的底座由十二生肖组成,许多人都来到自己的生肖前拍照留念。华表后面是一条甬道,一条长长的喷水池伴随着甬道,将甬道隔开,远看就像一条玉带镶嵌在碧绿的草原上;远处是许多各式各样的建筑,这些建筑犹如一个个巨人,不分昼夜的保护着星海广场。 甬道的前方是百年脚印,这百年脚印是由刚出生的婴儿到一百岁的老人,多则上千人,光着脚踩出来的,代表大连成立一百周年走过的风风雨雨。 百年脚印把我们带到了一个巨大的书页前。这书页远远看去,就像一本翻开的书,上面的游人就像一个个汉字,讲

述着大连翻天覆地地变化。大连人民通过不断创造、改善,使大连这座百年老城变成如今的繁花都市。走到书页上,发现书页还是一座滑梯,许多大人和孩子都尽力地往书页上面爬,然后再哧溜一下滑下来,一路欢声笑语不断;书页又像一座高山,游人们战战兢兢地爬到书页最高处,紧紧抓住书页的边缘,生怕一不小心掉下去,就像探险一样,充满了刺激感;书页更像一座了望塔,在书页高处,尽情地享受海风吹拂的感觉,俯瞰整个星海广场,所有美景都会尽收眼底,到处都是迷人的风光。啊!海是那么蓝,又是那么宽广,蓝的就像是天空的一部分,宽的好像和天空接在一起。 夜幕降临,华表后方的喷泉变换着色彩,喷出美丽的水柱,而那淘气的水滴多么像一颗颗精美的珍珠,在五彩的舞台上跳着欢快的舞蹈。夜空上挂着无数颗小星星,它们穿着一身挂满黄色灯泡的衣裳,手拿一个小灯笼,正对着海面照镜子梳妆打扮呢。片刻,海面就像穿着一身金色的衣服一样,十分迷人,把星海广场装扮的更加楚楚动人。如果这时候坐在大书页上观海,一定会非常惬意吧! 这就是美丽的星海广场,这就是我爱的星海广场。朋友们,你们看了我的介绍后,你们也一定会爱上这美丽、迷人,又充满诗情画意的星海广场吧! 大连星海广场的作文篇二临近四月,学校组织我们春游,目的地就是星海广场。一下车,映入我们眼帘的便是


比较宽松,舒服的游览时间是5--7天。 不过如果你的假期有限,可以依据自己的假期时间来安排行程,不过3—4天是肯定需要的。那么接下来我就来写写对于大连自由行的一些个人的理解和建议。 第一天:无论你是坐火车,还是坐飞机,先找个地方安顿下,然后就可以开始你第一天的行程了。 第一天抵达大连,你一定对这座城市充满了好奇,一定想知道哪里最好玩,哪里一定去,哪里有大连特色的小吃,对吗?那么好,第一天就给自己定一个大体了解大连这座城市的行程吧。 大连最著名的就是“海”了,也是大连的主题。所以第一天让自己感受一下大连“海”的魅力吧。你可以选择乘坐大连的环城旅游巴士,巴士从每年4月底至10月底运营。全长30公里、运行时间90分钟。 具体路线如下:大连火车站——人民广场——会展中心——大连贝壳博物馆——森林动物园——付家庄——燕窝岭婚庆广场——北大桥——鸟语林——虎滩乐园——港湾桥——中山广场 共12个站,你可以随意上下车,随时随地观光赏景。整条线路采用日制票,可凭当日车票在途经任意站点多次上下,不需要再额外购票。票价是:10元/人。 巴士首班时间为8时,末班时间为17时,平日发车间隔为30分钟,周末及节假日发车间隔为20分钟,遇雨雪等恶劣天气会停运。 基本上,乘坐这个巴士,大连最有名的滨海路基本上你已经游遍了。但是问题是:玩的不精,不细,有些景点还需要再次游览,如:老虎滩海洋公园。 当然你也可以选择自己玩玩。根据住宿地点的不同来选择。但是大体上,就是滨海路加上市内广场游玩为主,来了解大连。 下面的这段是我给在家住的客人推荐的游玩路线,很多客人反映很好,也在这和大家分享一下。 我们的旅舍距离付家庄和老虎滩都很近。从旅舍步行15分钟就可以到达付家庄了,在那里感受下大连的海和海风。 然后从付家庄坐车到森林动物园,森林动物园就不要进了,一是门票太贵,信价比不高;二是里面会需要大半天的游览时间,游览完毕估计你也没太多的体力去看大连的市内了,所以不建议。 不过从森林动物园就可以步行到大连最有名的星海广场了。来大连星海广场一定要去。这段路很舒服,树阴,木桥,杨柳,海风,是份很惬意的享受。 路过贝壳博物馆的时候拍个照,那个城堡式的博物馆,我是觉得很美。 到了星海广场感受下,大连最大的市内广场。之后你就可以坐上大连的有轨电车(也叫铛铛车)202路开始你的大连市区广场之旅。(我的豆瓣里有照片可以看看哦) 有轨电车202路线如下: 星海广场—会展中心—富国街—攻城街—解放广场—锦辉商城—兴工街(终点) 这时应该是中饭时间了,建议在锦辉商城下车,那里是大连两大商业街之一的西安路。商场,小吃,饭店应有尽有。


亚洲最大的城市广场位于大连南部海滨风景区的星海广场,星海湾改造工程启幕于1993年7月16日,市政府利用建筑垃圾填海造地114公顷,开发土地62公顷,形成了总占地面积176万平方米的亚洲最大城市公用广场,工程竣工于1997年6月30日。 Xinghai Square is the largest city square in Asia. Xinghai Square is constructed in July 1993.The government filled in the sea of 114 hectares and made 62 hectares land, then the Asia’s largest city square is funded, total 176 hectares. The project is finished in June 1997. 广场中央设有全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997米,以此纪念香港回归祖国,华表底座和柱身共饰有9条巨龙,寓意九州华夏儿女都是龙的传人。 In the center of the square, there is the largest white marble ornamental column in China. The height is 19.97m, diameter 1.997m. This number is used to commemorate the return of Hongkong to China. The column base and body has total 9 dragons, means all of Chinese people are the descendants of the dragon.


Ladies and Gentlemen; Welcome to my hometown Dalian city. And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Sophie. or Miss Liu , and on my left hand is our driver Mr. Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe. Today,we are going to the Star Sea Square. Now, we’re at the outskirts of Dalian, it will take us 30 minutes’ drive to get there. This Star Sea square is built in 1997, general Zhan field area is a maximal at present complete Asia public square 1100000 in total square meter. The square is divided into two parts, one is Ornamental Column Square, and the other one is Hundred Year City Carves. Now we are in the Ornamental Column Square. This is that one commemorates the Hong Kong’s return project. In its center is the maximal white marble of the whole nation ornamental column. 19.97 meters of height, 1.997 meters of diameter, without exception in commemoration of Hong Kong return in 1997. The ornamental column’s base has 8 dragons, and the column shaft also has a dragon, that means we are descendants of the dragon. The center of the public square follows the example of Beijing Temple of Heaven surrounding the mound design. It is being accomplished by 999 pieces of red marble and is carving the Ten Heavenly Stems, Terrestrial Branch, the 24 Solar Terms and Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs. It is always said that if you take photos when you are standing on your self’s animal of the y ear it will bring about good luck. What’s more, the thing embracing the public square vicinity’s is a large-scale music fountain. By the four sides of the square, there are 9 big different shape of Ding(ancient Chinese cooking vessel). On each Ding, one Chinese word is carved. The 9 words in total mean “Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation”. Now, let’s move on to the next part, Hundred Year City Carves. It is composed of two parts, the front part is footmark emboss, the back part is to resemble the book form table model public square that capital turns open. Everybody of us can see many footmarks in front of us, depending on footmark emboss. But these footmarks are not


有关星海广场百年浮雕的历史浮沉简述 今天我们一行四人来到这次社会实践活动的目的地:大连市星海广场。这次我们实践活动的主题就是探究有关百年浮雕的历史足迹。 在人来人往中,我们找到了几位年迈的老者,通过那些和蔼的“浮雕历史的见证者”的介绍,我们更加认识到了历史滚滚车辙的印记。 受到欧陆建筑风格的影响,大连的城市布局与中国其他传统的城市很不同。在大连,城市不是由井字形的道路构成的,而是与巴黎类似,由众多的城市广场、环绕广场以及从广场放射出的道路组成。每一个城市广场都是大连的秀丽名片,比如人民广场上的女骑警、友好广场上的大玻璃足球,而星海广场更是堪称亚洲最大的滨海广场。 面积超过了两个天安门广场大小的星海广场,耸立的汉白玉华表、雕琢着天干地支等图案的大理石、沉稳的九鼎、环绕的宫灯……一切都是那么气势不凡。 广场的北面是星海会展中心,这让星海湾成为大连的会展区。广场的南面是百年城市雕塑,雕塑是一本翻开的书,雕塑前有1 00对类似香港“星光大道”的脚印,象征着大连走过一百多年的城市历史。沿着这100对脚印,就走到了海边的沙滩上,柔柔的海风拂面而来,硬和软的交界,是那么的无声无息。

矗立广场中央的全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997米──以此表达人们在97那年的喜悦心情﹔华表底座饰面雕有8条龙,柱身雕有1条巨龙,意指中国古有九州,华夏儿女都是龙的传人﹔华表顶端坐着金光闪闪的望天吼,高2.3米。 广场中心部分借鉴北京天坛圜丘的设计理念,由999块大理石铺装而成,红色大理石的外围饰以黄色大五角星──有星有海,是“星海湾”的象征,红黄两色更象征着炎黄子孙﹔大理石面分别雕刻着天干地支、二十四节气、十二生肖等图案,还雕有9只造型各异的鼎,每只鼎上各有一个魏碑体的大字,共同组成“中华民 族大团结万岁”象征着中华民族的团结与昌盛﹔广场周边的5盏大型宫灯,各高12.34米,由汉白玉柱托起,光华璀璨,与华表交相辉映 先如今,百年城雕已经和星海广场融为一体,但两者的建设时间和意义还是有差别的。百年城雕是为纪念大连建市百年而建,于1999年9月19日揭幕,而星海广场是1997年为纪念香港回归而建的。在星海广场外环还有30组体育运动雕塑,这些雕塑和百年城雕都是由同一家来自北京的公司设计的。 来过星海广场的游客和市民都会被百年城雕的独特造型而吸引,“这些脚印是怎么印到铜块上去的呢?”围绕着百年城雕的设计、建设以及脚印的采集,这一切到底是怎么回事呢? 9300多块大理石板拼成弧形“天书”: 我们平常所说的百年城雕是一个综合性的雕塑,包括“千人足迹”


大连周边单日徒步爬山线路推荐 来自: 猥琐的坏蛋(这家伙很懒,什么都没留下……) 2013-08-28 20:12:34 ps:※本帖内容均来自网络,并无实际依据,仅供参考,路线有待确认并非楼主亲身实地考察,出发前请详细确认途径线路及环境,以免发生意外…… 欢迎大家纠错,补充,提建议(排列不分先后,找到一个加一个,起点和终点可以互换,耗时视队伍行进速度而定,以下内容仅供参考) 一、大连国际徒步大会线路 10公里路线:华表广场-3号东路-国宝桥-滨海西路-八一路-滨海中路-七六零试验场-滨海中路-王子饭店门前 20公里路线:星海广场---滨海路---付家庄公园---燕窝岭---老虎滩---石槽---棒棰岛公园正门---迎宾路--迎宾路---大夹山停车场(终点) 30公里路线:星海湾广场—付家庄—燕窝岭--滨海路--老虎滩海洋公园—石槽--棒棰岛宾馆正门--海之韵广场南门--滨海路--十八盘--国际会议中心(东部港区终点) 二、高新徒步登山大会路线 20公里路线:大有恬园区前广场—大有恬园中心景观路—屹馨街—百合精品园—第一樱桃园—大刘家—国家森林公园木栈道—百合精品园—大有恬园区前广场 25公里路线:大有恬园区前广场—大有恬园中心景观路—屹馨街—石山沟—歪砬山—朝阳寺—西郊国家森林公园—西郊国家森林公园木栈道—百合精品园—大有恬园区前广场 三、老虎滩---傅家庄(秀月峰) 很好的线路,景色也美,南面是大海,山路明显,四季皆宜的线路。 耗时:约3小时左右

四、秀月峰 1、环绕秀月峰 在秀月峰转一个圈,是很好的线路,景色也好,95%林荫山路。耗时:约5小时左右 2、登秀月峰 登山线路推荐:仲夏客舍--秀月峰--老虎滩.其间需要上下多个山头,在山脊可以鸟瞰老虎滩海景,耗时:约4小时左右. 五、莲花山(动物园所在地) 从图书馆上山,到星海湾,很好的线路,能看到星海广场、大海,能进到动物园一期里,夏季走很好,耗时:约2.5小时左右。 六、西山 徒步爱好者的圣地,这一带群山连绵,但荆棘很多,一定要按照前人走出的山路行走,否则你会伤痕累累的。 西山揽胜这个线路南边俯瞰星海湾东边俯瞰金沙滩北边到达大连森林动物园索道中间点,俗称海螺山。从老森林动物园东门向同香山庄(北石道街)和白云新村附近的环卫公园都有路可走,既有水泥路也有山路,可谓山势不抖但其乐无穷的道路,是一条健身休闲的好路,如果走最长线或是往返都可以有大约10公里的路程 线路1、西山水库----凌水镇的百合山庄,耗时:约6小时左右 线路2、西山水库----柳树,耗时:约4小时左右 线路3、西山水库---牛角山,耗时:约5小时左右 线路4、西山水库-----朝阳寺,耗时:约4小时左右 七、金龙寺公园 看活动总结,小组好像已经多次走过,现在貌似收费了门票15元,但好像可以从其他地方逃票进去,还请去过的前辈介绍一下 由于是国家级的森林公园,园内禁止明火、吸烟,而且中途没有食品店,所以尽量提前准备食品和水。厕所很少。 公园非常大,植被茂密,途中有部分岔路,但主山路只有一条,沿指示行走即可。建议秋季成熟季节游玩,景色更怡人 推荐路线: 1、鞍子岭---城山—旅顺北路,耗时:约6小时左右 2、鞍子岭----老座山----旅顺北路,耗时:约5小时左右 3、鞍子岭-----鱼皮砬子---旅顺北路,耗时:约6小时左右


大连景点英文导游词 篇一:大连英文导游词 半日游导游词 行车路线: 大连港—港湾桥—人民路—中山广场—延安路—大外—胜利路—观景台(停车15分钟)--胜利路—花园广场—五四路—鲜花大世界门口(停车15分钟)—附属医院后身—五四路---中山路—星海广场(停车20分钟)--滨海路---北大桥(停车10分钟)--老虎滩群虎雕像(停车,卫生间15分钟)--中南路—朝阳街—鲁迅路—友谊商城(40分钟) BusRoute 1.dalianHarbor 2.HarborBridge 3.RenminRoad 4.zhongshanSquare 5.Yan‘anRoad 6.dalianUniversityofForeignLanguages 7.ShengliRoad 8.GreenmountainViewingPlatform(parkingfor15minutes) 9.ShengliRoad

10.GardenSquare 11.wusiRoad 12.atthegateofTheFreshFlowerworld(parkingfor15minutes) 13.Backoftheaffiliatedhospital 14.wusiRoad 15.zhongshanRoad 16.XinghaiSquare(parkingfor20minutes) 17.BinhaiRoad 18.northBridge 19.TigerSculpturesonTigerbeach(parking,toiletfor15minutes) 20.zhongnanRoad 21.chaoyangStreet 22.LuxunRoad 23.FriendshipShoppingmall(40minutes) (码头引导客人上车,清点人数致欢迎词)首先自我介绍:我叫XXX,我来自XXX旅行社,我们的司机师傅姓X,我们可以称呼他X师傅,大家今天在大连的游览就是由我们两位为大家服务。(Guidethegueststogetonthebusatthedock,countthenumberoftheguests,mak eaself-introductionanddeliverawelcomingspeech) Goodmorningtoeveryone!Firstofall,i ‘dliketointroducemyselftoyou:i'm....,fromchinaTravelagency.ourdr ivertodayis….wecallhim......welcometothebeautifulcoastalcityofdalian!Pl


星海广场导游词 外滩是上海的窗口,是上海的像征,是上海历史的凝聚。他集中体现了上海作为中国最大的经济中心城市,国际现代化大都市的特点。又能体现出上海作为历史文化名城的特点。外滩景区是自然景观和人文景观相融合的风景区,又是西方古典风情与中国现代风情相得益彰的风景区,也是中国近代文化与现在文化交相辉映的风景区。 各位游客: 大家好!欢迎来到天津星海广场。 亚布力滑雪旅游度假区是国家AAAA级景区,位于尚志市亚布力镇东南20公里,距哈尔滨市193公里,距牡丹江市120公里,301国道支线直达景区。度假区由长白山脉张广才岭的三座山峰组成,即海拔1374.8米的主峰大锅盔山、海拔1258米的二锅盔山、海拔1000米的三锅盔山。下面是为大家收集的关于亚布力滑雪场导游词,欢迎大家参考借鉴。 星海广场建于1997年,总占地面积共110万平方米,是目前全亚洲最大的广场,这是一个纪念香港回归的工程,广场中间有全国最大的汉白玉华表.高19.97米,直径1.997米,均为纪念香港1997年回归.华表的底座有8条龙,柱身雕有一条龙,象征我们都是龙的传人

广场中心效仿北京天谭圜丘的设计,由999块红大理石铺成,大理石上刻着天干,地支,24节气和12生肖.站在自己的生肖上摄影可以带来好运,环绕广场周围的是大型音乐喷泉。 从广场中央大道的中心点北行500米就是大连会展中心,南行500米就是蔚蓝的大海了.中央大道红砖铺地,两侧绿草如茵.星海广场被倚都市,面临大海,令人心胸开阔. 现在呈现在我们面前的是大连百年城雕-.城雕由两部分组成,前面一部分是足迹浮雕,后面部分是像一本翻开的书的形状的台式广场. 大家可以看到,在足迹浮雕上面有很多脚印,这些脚印不是平白无故雕刻上去的,而是由1000个真人踩出来的,每一双足迹都有一个有名有姓的主人。 在人民英雄纪念碑的南面是毛主席纪念堂,原来在那里曾有一座门,明代叫大明门,清代叫大清门,民国时又改为中华门,解放后拆除,1976年毛主席逝世后在其基址上建起了庄严肃穆的毛主席纪念堂。纪念堂建成于1977年,是为纪念伟大领袖毛主席而建,现在毛主席的遗体安然地躺在水晶棺中,供人们凭吊、瞻仰、表达深深的敬意。 各位游客,现在我们来到了华清池的大门。进入门内,只见湖中央有一尊雕塑。不用问,这就是此处的主人公杨贵妃了。此


The squares of Dalian Dalian is renowned for its emerald lawns and for its blooming flowers. The best way to see these splenders in all their delights is to visit one of Dalian''s squares. The urban area of Dalian has approx. 70 squares -- that forms the striking feature of its town planning, which outshines any other major city in China. The numerous squares can be compared to inlaid pearls, or, resemble musical notes written in one''s imagination. The comeliness of the Sea Melody Square, the manliness of Xinghai Square, the elegance of Zhongshan Square and the meaningfulness of the Renmin Square, all present a galaxy of pleasure to one''s eyes, intoxicate one''s heart and crystallize into a dulcet memory. As the city''s drawing room, the citizens flock to these squares to relax, to communicate, and to exercise. Similar to an cosmopolitan European city, many of these squares are frequented by doves and have beautiful fountains, some even have Greek sculptures and Parisian lamps in them. Zhongshan Square (中山广场) Built up in 1899 by Russians, this''s the oldest square in Dalian. Its name evolved from the "Nicholas Square" under Tsarist Russian concession, to "Big Plaza" within the Japanese colonization, and then "Zhongshan" (the formal name of Mr. Sun Yat-sen) after the Liberation (1945). About 100 years ago, a group of Russian architects fascinated with France culture came to Dalian with the construction blueprint of Paris. They dreamed about rebuilding an oriental Paris here, hence the architectural style of the city was formed--to take squares as the center and radiate outwards, with Zhongshan Square being the focal point. The square is also the first musical square in China. In 1995, 36 sets of audio systems were equipped around it. At every dawn and dusk, people crowd here to play Chinese chess, kick shuttlecocks, dance, do Taijiquan or see an outdoor movie, watch an entertainment show or enjoy concerts companied by the flowing music in the air. Renmin Square (人民广场) The square, formerly known as Stalin Square, was built for commemorating the Red Army of the Soviet Union''s liberation over northeastern China. In 1999, the cenotaph in the center was moved to Lushun Soviet Army Martyr Cemetery, where memorial facilities for the Army are concentrated.


大连星海广场美景作文汇总 在我们的家乡大连有很多美丽的地方,但是最引人入胜的应该就是大连的星海广场了。大连星海广场美景作文汇总,我们来看看下文。大连星海广场美景作文一 大连是个物产丰富的城市,但提起风光景色,那当然要数星海广场了。 在星海广场,你会感到空气清新,风景优美。向前走一段路,你会看见一个书状的水泥建筑立在广场中间。那个庞然大物名叫“百年城雕”,据说,在巨大的百年城雕底下埋藏了一封信,将会在100年后被挖出来。 在百年城雕的旁边,有一片一望无际的大海。远远望去,蓝蓝的天和一望无际的大海好象连在了一起,美丽极了。 这就是美丽的星海广场,我们家乡的星海广场! 不用说我是多么喜欢星海广场了,我很想知道百年城雕是怎么建起的? 每当我来到星海广场时,总会不禁赞叹道:“星海广场真美啊!”大连星海广场美景作文二 去年暑假,我随爸爸妈妈到盼望已久的海滨城市----大连旅游。有幸参观了被人们誉为亚洲最大的广场——星海广场。星海广场位于大连市南部海滨风景区,建成于1997年6月30日香港回归之际。从占地面积看,可谓是亚洲第一,总占地面积110万

平方米,是北京天安门广场的两倍,由此就可以看出其独有的大气和恢弘的气势。 来到星海广场,广场中央有一座全国最大的汉白玉华表,它和天安门前的华表很相似,十分庄严!华表上雕有九条巨龙,寓意是九州华夏儿女都是龙的传人。广场四周有九只大鼎,每只鼎上各刻有一个大字。组成一句话:“中华民族大团结万岁”,象征着中华民族团结昌盛。广场周边的5盏大型宫灯,由汉白玉柱托起,光华璀璨,与华表交相辉映。 华表后面是一条甬道,一条长长的喷水池伴随着甬道,将甬道隔开,远看就像一条玉带镶嵌在碧绿的草原上;远处是许多各式各样的建筑,这些建筑犹如一个个巨人,不分昼夜的保护着星海广场。 甬道的前方是足迹浮雕——百年脚印,这百年脚印是由刚出生的婴儿到一百岁的老人,多则上千人,光着脚踩出来的,代表大连成立一百周年走过的风风雨雨。每一双足迹有一个有名有姓的主人。据说里面还有时任大连市长薄熙来的脚印。这些脚印自北向南通向大海,是按着年龄排序的,排在第一行是1899年大连建市那年出生的,最后一行是1999年出生的。这1000双脚印表明了大连的百年历史是由勤劳奋进的大连人民创造的。 百年脚印把我们带到了一个巨大的书页前。这书页远远看去,就像一本翻开的书,上面的游人就像一个个汉字,讲述着大连翻天覆地地变化。大连人民通过不断创造、改善,使大连这座百年

金石滩 英文介绍

(Romantic Golden Pebble Beach) Introduction Dalian is r enowned for its honor as a “Garden City", while in the city there is a place called "Backyard Garden of Dalian"--the Golden Pebble Beach National Tourist Resort. The Resort was approved by China State Government in 1992, and in 2001, it was ranked as a 4A national tourist attraction. It can also be called a 4 "S" resort -- a resort with elements of "Sea", "Shine", "Sand" and "Stone". For the last unfamiliar element, one would be surprised at the figure and color of exotic rocks here along the seaside--according to geological experts, it is a typical glacial epoch sea karst physiognomy. The Resort covers a land area of 62 km, maritime space 58 km, and is 58 km away from downtown Dalian. The former mayor of Dalian Mr. Bo Xilai compares the resort as an "Oriental Hawaii". A Disney-style amusement land has been set up in centre of it. Attractions Golden Pebble Golf Club The club is composed of two links and each has 18 holes. The first link was designed by the leading American designer Mr. Peter Thompson. In 1999, U.S. and Hong Kong golf digests ranked it as the 6th of the world's top golf courses. At the 7th hole, when one tees off, the ball flies over an arm of the sea to the next hole. It is so challenging that many call it the "Devil Path". Golden Rock Park In 1996, when hardhats were digging groundsill for a hotel at the site, groups of golden rocks were found, hence the work stopped, and after 5 years of meticulous digging, a marvelous rock park appeared before the eyes of the public. Experts said that the rock had taken shape some 600 million years ago. Figures of those rocks are craggy and rugged, some look like dogs and some resemble eagles, so the Park is also called "a concretionary zoo". Walking in the park, grown-ups can take a glimpse into the past while children will enjoy the unusual formations. Waxworks Museum Right in centre of the Resort located a white European style building -- it is the Dalian Waxworks Museum. Such world celebrities as the Michael "Air" Jordan, Hollywood's Leading Lady Julia Robert, action star Jakie Chan, former America president Bill Clinton, the computer tycoon Bill Gates all have their waxen images there. Famous scenes of some worldwide masterpieces such as Jane Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, and the


星海广场 百科名片 星海广场 亚洲最大的城市广场位于大连南部海滨风景区的星海广场,原始是星海湾的一个废弃盐场。星海湾改造工程启幕于1993年7月16日,市政府利用建筑垃圾填海造地114公顷,开发土地62公顷,形成了总占地面积176万平方米的亚洲最大城市公用广场,工程竣工于1997年6月30日。广场中央设有全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997米,以此纪念香港回归祖国,华表底座和柱身共饰有9条巨龙,寓意九州华夏儿女都是龙的传人。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/575547623.html,/scene/v...旅游信息: 目录 宁夏石嘴山星海广场 辽宁大连星海广场简介 编辑本段宁夏石嘴山星海广场

星海广场位于石嘴山市大武口老城区东南,毗邻星海湖和新区行政中心, 总占地面积7万平方米,其中,硬化面积3万平方米,绿化面积4万平方米。广场中央设有主席台,后侧居中为和谐盛世宝鼎,主席台前是长达百米的“山水之间”大型文化景观地雕,地雕两侧设有宽1.5米观光步道和宽6米跌水,形成长68米、宽17米的大型音乐喷泉。广场两侧建有12根紫铜柱雕,分别雕刻贺兰雄关、大漠长河等13大自然景观;南北两侧的历史文化园和工业文化园,以红砂岩浮雕,全景式、艺术化地再现了我市历史文化传承脉络和工业发展史,展现了石嘴山美丽的山川面貌和取得的辉煌成就。 编辑本段辽宁大连星海广场简介 广场中心由999块四川红色大理石铺设而成,红色理石的外围 星海广场(11张) 是黄色大五角星,红黄两色象征着炎黄子孙。广场周边还设有5盏高12.34米的大型宫灯,由汉白玉柱托起,光华灿烂,与华表交相辉映。广场四周,雕刻了造型各异的9只大鼎,每只鼎上以魏碑体书有一个大字,共同组成"中华民族大团结万岁",象征着中华民族的团结与昌盛。从中心广场南行,便是"百年城雕"。百年城雕的尽头是打开的书形广场,面对无垠的大海,寓意着百年后的大连又翻开了新的一页。从中心广场北行,则是会展中心,它是集展览、会议、贸易、金融、娱乐为一体的具有国际一流水平的现代化建筑。贯穿广场南北的中央长廊,建有喷泉水景大道。整个广场绿草茵茵,每隔20米的航标石柱灯一线排开直通大海,典雅肃穆,宁静致远。中心广场面积4.5万平方米,这是一个纪念香港回归的工程。广场中心全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997米。华表底座附有八条龙,柱身雕着一条龙,九条龙寓意中


星海广场作文 星海广场作文 我的家乡大连,是一个引人入胜的浪漫之都。在大连,有一个广场,那不是一个普通的广场,而是一个让我们所有大连人都引以为豪的亚洲第一大广场――星海广场。 来到星海广场,你定会被那巍然矗立的华表所吸引。华表的底座由十二生肖组成,许多人都来到自己的生肖前拍照留念。华表后面是一条甬道,一条长长的喷水池伴随着甬道,将甬道隔开,远看就像一条玉带镶嵌在碧绿的草原上;远处是许多各式各样的建筑,这些建筑犹如一个个巨人,不分昼夜的保护着星海广场。 甬道的前方是百年脚印,这百年脚印是由刚出生的婴儿到一百岁的老人,多则上千人,光着脚踩出来的,代表大连成立一百周年走过的风风雨雨。 百年脚印把我们带到了一个巨大的书页前。这书页远远看去,就像一本翻开的书,上面的游人就像一个个汉字,讲述着大连翻天覆地地变化。大连人民通过不断创造、改善,使大连这座百年老城变成如今的繁花都市。走到书页上,发现书页还是一座滑梯,许多大人和孩子都尽力地往书页上面爬,然后再哧溜一下滑下来,一路欢声笑语不断;书页又像一座高山,游人们战战兢兢地爬到书页最高处,紧紧抓住书页的边缘,生怕一不小心掉下去,就像探险一样,充满了刺激感;书页更像一座了望塔,在书页高处,

尽情地享受海风吹拂的感觉,俯瞰整个星海广场,所有美景都会尽收眼底,到处都是迷人的风光。啊!海是那么蓝,又是那么宽广,蓝的就像是天空的一部分,宽的好像和天空接在一起。 夜幕降临,华表后方的喷泉变换着色彩,喷出美丽的水柱,而那淘气的水滴多么像一颗颗精美的珍珠,在五彩的舞台上跳着欢快的舞蹈。夜空上挂着无数颗小星星,它们穿着一身挂满黄色灯泡的衣裳,手拿一个小灯笼,正对着海面照镜子梳妆打扮呢。片刻,海面就像穿着一身金色的衣服一样,十分迷人,把星海广场装扮的更加楚楚动人。如果这时候坐在大书页上观海,一定会非常惬意吧! 这就是美丽的星海广场,这就是我爱的星海广场。朋友们,你们看了我的介绍后,你们也一定会爱上这美丽、迷人,又充满诗情画意的星海广场吧! 星海广场作文 大连是个物产丰富的城市,但提起风光景色,那当然要数星海广场了。 在星海广场,你会感到空气清新,风景优美。向前走一段路,你会看见一个书状的水泥建筑立在广场中间。那个庞然大物名叫“百年城雕”,据说,在巨大的百年城雕底下埋藏了一封信,将会在100年后被挖出来。 在百年城雕的旁边,有一片一望无际的大海。远远望去,蓝蓝的天和一望无际的大海好象连在了一起,美丽极了。
