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Supplement is the translation of EST translation norms, to ensure clear, authentic and frequently used method. In the translation of English for science and technology literature, often encounter literally literal translation can not guarantee the Chinese translation of the fluent, clear, sometimes need to add supplement necessary words. Usually according to writing goal and the habit of expression, adopt a "supplement", "repeat", "one word more translation" mode

Key words:supplement、repeat、one word more translation


摘要 (2)

第一章为补足原文词汇含义而增补 (4)

1.1 对抽象名词进行增补 (4)

1.2 对普通名词进行增补 (4)

1.3 对形容词及名词定语进行增补 (5)

1.4 对动词进行增补 (5)

第二章为明确原文语法概念而增补 (6)

2.1 增补表示复数概念的词语 (6)

2.2 增补表示动词时态、语态、语气的词语 (6)

2.3 增补连词 (6)

2.4 增补原文省略的成分 (7)

第三章为满足汉语语法修辞的要求而增补 (8)

3.1 增补句子成分 (8)

3.2 增补概括词 (8)

3.3 重复增补 (9)

3.4 修辞增补 (9)

第四章总结与展望 (10)


1.1 对抽象名词进行增补



Observation 观察结果

Reduction 还原反应/作用/过程

Resonance 共振现象


In rapid oxidation aflame is produced.




The complex automatic control system monitors over the process by means

of computers.



1.2 对普通名词进行增补



The arrows in the leads identify the materials.



Prior to the 1960s knowledge of the atmosphere above about 30 km was

based largely on inferences from ground-based observations.




1.3 对形容词及名词定语进行增补



This new type of TV set is really fine and inexpensive.


Since conduction is by both holes and electrons,the junction transistor is






1.4 对动词进行增补



A pulsed laser system has been tested on a satellite.



Clearly,cool temperature slows down the action of bacteria.




2.1 增补表示复数概念的词语


Sensor switches are located near the end of each feed belt.



The first electronic computers went into operation in 1946.

第一批电子计算机于1946年投入使用。(增补“批”字表示数量之多)2.2 增补表示动词时态、语态、语气的词语



Even before the Second Five-year Plan ,China was already producing all

kinds of lathes ,machines,apparatus and instruments.



The first stage of a rocket is thrown away only minutes after the rocket takes




2.3 增补连词



Ordinary glass must be first achromatized to become optical glass.




Liquids contract in freezing ;water is an important exception to this rule.



2.4 增补原文省略的成分



Reactions of the first kind are called exothermic reactions and those of the

second kind endothermic reactions.


在第二个分句中省去了“are called”,因此增补“叫”字,进行重复)Example:

High temperatures and pressure changed the underground organic materials

into coal,petroleum and natural gas.




3.1 增补句子成分



It was found that there is a slightly colder threshold for seeding effect to

occur for silver iodide than for dry ice.



某些英语介词如“despite”、“in spite of”等后面常常只用不带任何修饰的名词或名词短语。这类结构在翻译时需要根据上下文的逻辑关系增补必要的词语(多为动词)使其语义鲜明。


In spite of the hardships,real efforts and progress are being made.




The researchers heat-treated this kind of material.

科研人员对这种材料进行了热处理。(增补“对”字,将宾语提前)3.2 增补概括词



The thesis reviewed the developments accomplished in direct reduction,BOF

process and continuous casting.



3.3 重复增补



During the 19th century,the theories of tidal and acoustic gravity ascillations

were subjects of great interest.





All of these scores are higher than could be obtained by predicting

temperatures of the previous to persist unchanged.



3.4 修辞增补



Thereby the higher latitudes are prevented from becoming increasingly

colder and the low latitudes from becoming increasingly hotter.









2010年1月 第26卷 第1期 江苏教育学院学报(社会科学) Journal of J iangsu I nstitute of Educati on(Social Science) Jan.,2010 Vol,26 No.1科技英语论文写作原则3 林 静 (泰州职业技术学院基础部,江苏泰州 225300) [摘 要] 科技英语在语法、词汇、句子以及篇章等方面都与普通英语有很大的差异。写好科技英语论文必须掌握准确、简洁及清晰等三原则。 [关键词] 科技英语; 准确; 简洁; 清晰 [中图分类号] H315[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1671-1696(2010)01-0133-04 科技英语是科技交流的通用语言,是我国科技研究与国际接轨的重要传输工具。有些作者虽然有独到的见解和有价值的研究成果,但是在言语表达上有着明显的不足,而只有表达准确、清晰、简明的科技论文才能产生影响,才能使别的科学工作者进行鉴别、学习、重复,从而促进学科发展。本文以生物科技英语论文为例,探索撰写科技英语论文的原则:准确、简洁及清晰等三原则。 一、准确性原则(Accuracy) 科技文章不同于文学作品,它不要求辞藻华丽,描写细腻。但它要求词能达意,并且表达得十分准确,使读者不致捉摸不准或甚至产生误解。当然,要达到准确,很大程度上有赖于作者的英语水平,要求作者能对英语的词、词组、句子正确地运用。 1.词的准确。 科学技术的发展取决于事实和思想的准确传递。写作的最大障碍不是如何正确使用语法,而是用词不准引起语意含糊。因为文字编辑可以帮助你改正语法错误,却很难校正语意含糊或者核对实验是否属实。 (1)词义要确切。科技论文中,词义必须准确,尽量选用单词的首要含义,避免利用单词不常见、不正式或文学含义。使用简单的词可以减少用词不准确而引起的错误。[1](P.122)因为,简单的词多是常用词,而生僻词的用法往往吃不准。无论简单词或生僻词,单凭感觉是不保险的。因此,作者要养成勤查词典的习惯,如affect和effect意思是不一样的,不可互换。这在一般英语原版词典的解释中可以看出来。同样,科学论文中content和concentrati on是不同的,也不能用level来替代。comp rise也不等于constitute。判别这些词的用法,普通词典过于笼统,唯有查词典、有关专业书籍和刊物才能区分。 (2)认真区别同义词。认真区别同义词,避免用词造作或混淆不可以彼此替换的同义词,如:避免使用ascertain,建议使用deter m ine,establish。 在科技文章中除了术语外,许多非术语也往往有特定的含义,不能任意更换。如在一般文章中sig2 nificant一词可解释为“有意义的”、“重要的”、“有效的”、“值得注意的”,而在科技文章中它只是指“统计学上显著的”,不宜作它用。又如app r oxi m ately在科技上是指数值十分近似。若只是一个很粗略的估计就不能用它,而只能用about或r oughly。 (3)注意起修饰、限制作用单词的位置。有些词则因为位置不妥而意义不同,甚至产生歧义。如only 既可作形容词,又可作副词,要紧密靠近所修饰的词。如: They exa m ined only six rats.(他们检查了仅6只 — 3 3 1 — 3[收稿日期]2009-09-15 [作者简介]林 静(1975-),女,江苏无锡人,泰州职业技术学院基础部讲师。


南京航空航天大学 EST论文题目科技英语翻译之增补法

科技英语翻译之增补法 摘要 增补是科技英语翻译中为确保译文的规范、明确、地道而经常使用的方法。在翻译科技英语文献时,经常会遇到照字面直译无法保证汉语译文的通顺、明晰,有时就需要增添补充必要的词语。通常按照目标与的行文表达习惯,采取“增补”、“重复”、“一词多译”的方式。 关键词:增添、重复、一词多译 Abstract Supplement is the translation of EST translation norms, to ensure clear, authentic and frequently used method. In the translation of English for science and technology literature, often encounter literally literal translation can not guarantee the Chinese translation of the fluent, clear, sometimes need to add supplement necessary words. Usually according to writing goal and the habit of expression, adopt a "supplement", "repeat", "one word more translation" mode Key words:supplement、repeat、one word more translation

科技英语论文实用写作学习心得 (5000字)



ON-LINE DIAGNOSIS OF MARINE DIESEL CRANKSHAFT CRACK BASED ON MAGNETIC MEMORY* LI HAN-LIN, LIN JIN-BIAO, CAI ZHEN-XIONG, LU YONG (Marine Engineering Institute, Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian 361021) Abstract: This paper summarized recent diagnosis methods of marine diesel crankshaft crack and introduced the fundamental principle, development and application of metal magnetic memory testing (MMMT) diagnosis technology. Compared with other methods, a scheme developed from MMMT combined with torsional signal to make on-line diagnosis of crankshaft crack was proposed, and the on-line diagnosis experimental platform of diesel was designed. Finally, comments were also made on the on-line MMMT method. Keywords: marine diesel; crankshaft; crack; metal magnetic memory 1Introduction Most of the crankshaft cracks on ocean marine diesel are deeply latent and difficult to detect artificially. In general, while the crack develops to a certain extent it will rupture and cause destructive breakage1. If inchoate stress concentration and tiny crack of crankshaft are detected on-line by Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods, the diesel can be stopped before the full development of the crack and thus rupture can be avoided. A new NDT method, MMMT developed rapidly recent years with advantages in such areas as cheap and simple sensors, measuring without impacting diesel operation and long-term on-line detection. Therefore, there will be a great foreground to use MMMT in crankshaft crack detection. 2Dynamic Diagnosis of Crankshaft Crack 2.1 Static Diagnosis of Crankshaft Crack Crankshaft crack is one of the fatal faults in diesels. There are some static NDT methods to diagnose crankshaft crack2such as Ultrasonic Testing, Radiographic Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Penetrate Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Optical Holography,and Microwave Testing. These methods have taken an important part in crankshaft quality control and accident prevention. However, on the other hand there are several disadvantages of these methods. Firstly, all of them must find cracks already formed and can not detect unexpected ones. Secondly, they are unable to make on-line detection and fault diagnosis. Thirdly, most of them need surface pretreatment of the facilities before inspection. Finally, the accuracy of detection is affected by crankshaft configuration and personal skill. 2.2 Dynamic Diagnosis of Crankshaft Crack At present there are some methods to diagnose shaft cracks on-line: rotor engine vibration displacement method, train wheel shaft temperature testing, acoustic emission and tortional vibration signal testing. However, vibration displacement method is unfit for diesel crankshaft crack diagnosis due to the strong vibration from reciprocating movement which makes it difficult to survey displacement and acceleration. Although there is local high temperature on the cracks, it is hard to inspect the change of the crankshaft temperature due to the high temperature of the lube oil in the diesels. Acoustic emission method is still in developing as great noise from diesel operation makes it difficult to measure high frequency acoustic wave emitted by crack. Therefore at present it is feasible to diagnose crankshaft crack on-line by using torsional vibration signal. * This research is supported by Nature Science Funding Project of Fujian Province A0410022.


英语科技论文 China's energy security problems and response measures Wufei Qin (Guangxi University Materials Science and Engineering) Nanning,Guangxi 530004 Abstract: With economic development and industrialization, accelerated urbanization, China's growing demand for energy, but many are non-renewable energy, we also face the serious problem of energy shortage. In this paper, in several aspects of energy security, China is faced with major issues and solve the energy crisis caused by a variety of measures. Key words: Energy Energy crisis Energy Technology In the 21st century, China's national economy maintained strong momentum of rapid development.People's living standards are improving. And the demand for energy is increasing, Our contry’s oil production of about 165 million tons, 1.6 billion tons of coal production, but still can not meet the national economy the needs of rapid development, China has become a net oil importing countries, imports of 9000-10000 tons of oil annually. The world also face the grim situation of energy https://www.sodocs.net/doc/586715030.html,cking of energy may cause serious consequences, we must have a clear head, a sense of crisis and urgency. 1 The problems of energy security of our country


英语科技论文写作 目录 第一章概论 (2) 1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成 (2) 1.2 英语科技论文的分类及特点 (3) 1.3 英语科技论文的文体特点 (4) 第二章英语科技论文语言表达的规范与技巧 (8) 2.1 如何使表达准确 (8) 2.2 如何使语义连贯 (9) 2.3 英语科技论文常用句型结构 (12) 第三章英语科技论文的结构组成 (14) 3.1 标题 (16) 3.2 作者和联系方式 (17) 3.3 摘要 (17) 3.4 关键词 (18) 3.5 引言 (18) 3.6 论文主体 (21) 3.7 结论 (26) 3.8 附录 (28) 3.9 致谢 (28) 3.10 参考文献 (29) 第四章摘要的撰写 (30) 4.1 摘要的种类和特点 (30) 4.2 摘要的内容和结构 (31) 第五章最新科技信息的获取 (37) 第六章科技论文的发表 (39) 6.1 投稿过程的工作 (39) 6.2 评审过程的工作 (40) 6.3 出版过程的工作 (41)

第一章概论 科技论文是科学研究成果的一种展示,是作者以论文的形式向外界公布自己的科学研究成果。科技论文的撰写与发表是科学研究中一项极其重要、不可马虎的工作,对于非英语母语的作者,如何用英文准确、清晰地表达研究内容和获得的成果,如何使论文顺利发表,成为必须面对的问题。本课程详细介绍论文写作与发表过程中的一系列具体工作,以期对大家今后的写作提供一些有益的帮助。 1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成 英语科技论文的整体组织结构和语言风格规范尤为重要,和建造楼房一样,写一篇论文也需要一份蓝图。英文科技论文蓝图最常见的是所谓IMRAD结构,即:◇Introduction ◇Methods ◇Results and Discussions IMRAD结构的论文简单、清晰、明了并且逻辑性强,因而这一结构被近代学者广泛采用。这种结构的论文,首先阐述研究的课题和研究的目的,有了清楚的定义以后,再描述研究的方法、试验手段和材料,最后对结果和结论进行详细讨论。作者的任务就是将上述信息,根据IMRAD蓝图介绍给读者。 除了文章的结构以外,语言的使用也是非常重要的因素。科技英语与通常的文学语言有明显的不同,它的特点在于客观、直叙、简练、准确,所叙述的过程具有很强的可操作性。它有三个重要原则: ◇ABC原则:Accuracy(准确)、 Brevity(简洁)、 Clarity(清晰)◇The Three C’s 原则:Correct(正确)、 Concise(简洁)、 Clear (清楚) 文学和艺术都有很大的娱乐性,目的是为了愉悦(entertain)读者。所以文艺作品使用很多的形容词、副词及很多没有清楚定义的词。他们喜欢用enormous、immense、tremendous、huge、large来形容大,用tiny、small、little、petit、light来形容小。政客(politician)也一样,他们不用准确的语言,他们喜欢用acceptable、reasonable、satisfying来形容结果,也常用一些不确定、模棱两可的词perhaps、maybe来评论事情。这种风格、这些词汇在科技论文里是不能使用的。科技论文需要的是清楚、准确、尽可能量化的表达方式。 对于我们来说,第一步需要写出语法上正确的句子(Correct Sentences),不少人写出的英语句子,使用中国式英语表达方式,词法或语法不通,称为Chinglish(Chinese English)。投到国外杂志的科技论文常常被退回来修改,国外


Research on Trigonometric Leveling Freedu School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University,Wuhan430079,China E-mail:1111111111@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/586715030.html, Abstract —As the total station trigonometric leveling can survey without the restrictions oftopography. So, we can use it to survey the third &fourth order level survey in some special areas.In this article, we propose a new total station measuring method from combining the defect of traditional measurementmethods. The advantages of this method is that it can improve the precision without measuring height of device and prism, and it canreplace the third and fourth level of measurement under certain conditions. This method can greatly improve efficiency and shortenthe project duration in the construction survey . Keywords- trigonometric leveling ;total station ;error analysis I. I NTRODUCTION Engineering construction often relates to height measurement. Thetraditional measurement methods are leveling surveying andtrigonometry trigonometric leveling. Although the two methods have their own characteristics, but there are shortcomings.With the widespread use of the Total Station and using the track rod with the total station method to measure the elevation of the increasingly popular, traditional trigonometric leveling method has shown its limitations.After a long journey, a new trigonometric leveling method has been summed up.This approach combines the advantages of two traditional approaches to further improve the accuracy of the trigonometric leveling and tosurvey faster. This article systematically expounds the principle of traditional trigonometric leveling methods and the new methods, compares their advantages and disadvantages, and analyses the main errors and measurement accuracy in the process of trigonometric leveling. II. P RINCIPLE OF T RADITIONAL T RIGONOMETRIC L EVELING AND THE N EW M ETHOD The basic formula of the traditional trigonometric leveling: tan B A H H D i t α=++- (1) where A H is the elevation of a known point, B H is the elevation of the unknown point, D is the horizontal distance between the two points, αis the vertical angle when observe from point A to point B,i is instrument height, t is the height of the prism. For traditional methods, total station must be set up in the known elevation point. At the same time, you must measure out the height ofboth the instrument and the prism if you want to measure the elevation of the unknown points. If we can measure the elevation of the measured point while set point of total station arbitrarily like leveling surveying, instead of set it on a known elevation point, and do not measure out instrument and prism,speed of measurement will be faster. As shown in the figure 1, assuming that the elevation of the point A is known, the elevation of the point B is unknown, here we measurethe elevation of other points by total station. Figure 1. Diagram for trigonometric leveling Firstly, seen by trigonometric leveling principle: (tan )B A H H D i t α=-+- (2) where i, t is unknown, but one thing is sure that once the instrument set, value of i will remain unchanged.At the same time choose tracking lever as a reflecting prism, assume that the value of t is also fixed. Seen from formula (2), tan B A H i t H D W α+-=-= (3) By formula (3),the value of W will remain unchanged in any station. And while both A H and tan D αare known, it is possible to calculate the value of W . Operation of this new method is as follows: Shown in Figure 2, elevation of point A is known, elevation of point B is unknown, and the instrument is set up at point C between A and B. The instruments sight point A to get the reading 1V . That 1V =1D 1tan α, and calculate the value of W, W = A H +1D 1tan α. At this time related constants such as elevation of station, instrument height and prism height can beof any value, not necessary to set before measuring. And then set elevation of point Cto W , set the instrument height and prism height to 0. Then elevation of point C is known. Finally sight the target point B and measured its elevation, that is 22tan B H W D α=+ (4) Therefore, using the new method, elevation of point B is 1122tan tan B A H H D D αα=-+ (5)


科技英语论文写作学习心得 作为一名刚刚步入科研工作的学生,深切的感触到,科研的进步在于科研工作之间交流,讨论,阅读。而面对全球众多的科研工作者来说,本领域学者之间的交流,最多的形式不过于是以文字形式进行传播的科研文章,各个国家学者的文章是大家相互学习的最有效的途径。那么面对不同种族,不同语言,文字的科研工作者来说,要想让更多的相关领域的人们读到自己的文章,对自己的研究成果进行审阅。他们就需要用一种大家都可以看的懂的文字来将自己的文章展现在相关的科研平台上以供大家的查看和检索。英语作为世界各国人们交流的一种流通语言,同样可以用来作为科研领域学术文章流通的工具。那么如何写好一篇英文的科技论文,如何让那些非英语为母语和以英语为母语国家的科研人员可以读懂你的文章,不会对你所达的内容产生歧义,以达到科研学术结论供大家参考的目的,这其中的方式与技巧,必然与我们平常的英语写作形式,写作以及口语表达习惯有着很大的区别。每一个科研学者都需要自己去阅读和学习,英文科技论文当中大家定性的相关规定与方法,从而了解到其他的科研学者是通过什么样的写作模式将自己的科研成果通过英文的方式让更多的人看到,了解并去传播的。 通过对研究生阶段的这门科技英语论文写作课程的学习,让我认识到虽然自己已经经历过从中学到大学的十多年的英文学习,对英文这门语言来说也算是有课一定的掌握,但面对科技论文的写作时发现其有着自己的一套详细而又独特的写作方法,面对这种新颖的写作特点,既觉得新奇有感觉到了有点难受,特别是当面对最后的大作业中文文献翻译成英文时候,深深的感受到其翻译中给我带来的艰难。在课堂上,老师生动,幽默而又不失严厉的教学模式,对学生高标准,严要求,本着对学生负责的态度通过与学生互动对每一个知识点进行讲解,之后又通过在课堂上及时的实战练习,将学过的知识点直接进行应用练习,让学生很快就可以掌握其翻译要领,这样有条有理的教学方法,必然是一个有着多年教学经验的老教师才可以展现出来的风采。教学内容上老师较多将在学术文章中可能遇到的情况进行了举例讲解,如面对实验方法,实验设备,实验数据的分析和结果等语法表达,以及对一篇文章所要具有的结构,主题,除此之外,文章开头的背景,研究课题的意义,目的,价值,研究方法的描写,其中在英语论文的书写中多使用到的语法,时态等都通过不同例句进行分析和学生一起学习。其中的每一个知识点对以后遇到的可能的写作都有着很实用的价值。 教学中的每一个环节老师都主动和大家交流互动,引导大家的思维开放,用自己积累的方式与单词将一句话表达清楚,整个过成让人心情愉悦,轻松。其次,课堂上还着重讲解了在引用文章,引用他人的结论时可能出现的问题及技巧,如何通过时态的不同和使用将不同的内容引用的合理,其中的有些规定在科技文章的写作中如果要想表达的准确,明了还是很有必要的,而这个在自己私下的阅读和练习中是很难以注意到的。在用词造句上,口语与书面语的差别,和使用方法也同样通过例句的分析比较传授给学生,让我深刻的感受到书面语言的正式,严谨。在句型上通过对一段长句的划分析,每一个单词的词性和多意的理解,进行揣摩构造,表达出自己想要讲述的内容,并在课堂上老师多次带领学生一起对一整篇已经在科学杂志期刊上发表过的文章进行现场导读讲解,使学生可以完全跟进老师自己的阅读习惯和模式,以达到将自己的英文方面的技能的到传授的目的。在课堂的结束阶段,老师又对以往大家在英文科技论文写作中经常遇到的各种问


Online Learning vs. Offline Learning Abstract Because of the 2019 novel corona virus (2019-nCoV) epidemic, online learning is popular, while the development of science and technology for online learning provides the possibility. Online learning and offline learning comparison have become a hot topic. Their advantages and disadvantages also let people think deeply.After various investigations, it is concluded that although online learning is very popular, it has also proved that offline learning is irreplaceable. Key Words: online learning ,offline learning ,advantages,disadvantages. Introduction With the development of online and offline learning technology, two different ways of learning have emerged. During the 2019 novel corona virus (2019-nCoV) epidemic, "suspension of classes is not suspended". Online learning has become the way of learning for many students, and online education is also highly regarded. But everything has its advantages and disadvantages. At present, both online education and offline education have advantages and disadvantages. Body Ⅰ. Offline learning Offline classroom is a face-to-face teaching activity between teachers and students in a fixed classroom with the help of blackboard, chalk and multimedia courseware. Most of school education is offline teaching, which has many advantages. First of all, offline teaching is still the main way of learning at present, and the teacher is a person with professional teacher qualification after special study. Therefore, both the discipline and the level of teacher's ethics are relatively guaranteed. Secondly, face-to-face teaching between teachers and students enables students to better immerse themselves in the classroom atmosphere, which is advantageous carries on the learning activity in the students, and teachers can supervise and urge students to a certain extent. Finally, teachers and students participate in the classroom together, teachers can understand students' study condition well, and adjust the teaching content and difficulty according to the students' classroom generation classroom generation, which makes teaching more flexible. However, there are also some deficiencies in offline education.


英文科技论文写作是进行国际学术交流必需的技能。一般而言,发表在专业英语期刊上的科技论文在文章结构和文字表达上都有其特定的格式和规定,只有严格遵循国际标准和相应刊物的规定,才能提高所投稿件的录用率。 针对《发动机稀燃汽油机的氢气直接喷射燃烧和排放研究的特点》并综合网上查找资料,总结出了一套写作框架。 这套框架基本能够依次回答以下问题: Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题? Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题? Results(结果):发现了什么? Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么? Conclusions-结论/总结 英文科技论文的基本格式包括: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s) and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgements-致谢,可空缺 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 下面把各个部分的注意事项做如下阐述。 1.Title(论文题目) 论文题目力求做到长短适中,概括性强,重点突出,一目了然。 论文题目一般由名词词组或名词短语构成在必须使用动词的情况下,一般用分词或动名词形式。题目中介词、冠词小写。 具体写作要求如下: (1)题目要准确地反映论文的内容。作为论文的“标签”,题目既不能过于空泛和一般

化,也不宜过于繁琐,使人得不出鲜明的印象。为确保题目的含义准确,尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词,如“rapid”,“new”等;(2)题目用语需简练、明了,以最少的文字概括尽可能多的内容。题目最好不超过10 ~ 12个单词,或100个英文字符(含空格和标点),在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,主副题名之间用冒号(:)隔开(3)题目要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色,明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出。为表达直接、清楚,以便引起读者的注意,应尽可能地将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头。题名中应慎重使用缩略语。尤其对于可有多个解释的缩略语,应严加限制,必要时应在括号中注明全称。对那些全称较长,缩写后已得到科技界公认的,才可使用。为方便二次检索,题名中应避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式、不常用的专业术语和非英语词汇(包括拉丁语)等。 (4)由于题目比句子简短,并且无需主、谓、宾,因此词序就也变得尤为重要。特别是如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当,就会影响读者正确理解题目的真实含意。 2.Author(s)(作者姓名) 按照欧美国家的习惯,名字(first name) 在前,姓氏(surname / family name / last name) 在后。但我国人名地名标准规定,中国人名拼写均改用汉语拼音字母拼写,姓在前名在后。因此,若刊物无特殊要求,则应按我国标准执行。如果论文由几个人撰写,则应逐一写出各自的姓名。作者与作者之间用空格或逗号隔开。例如: Wan Da, Ma Jun。 3.Affiliation(s) and address(es)(联系方式) 在作者姓名的下方还应注明作者的工作单位,邮政编码,电子邮件地址或联系电话等。要求准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息顺利地与作者联系。 4.Abstract(摘要) 摘要也称为内容提要,是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其作用主要是为读者阅读、信息检索提供方便。 论文中的研究体系、主要方法、重要发现、主要结论等,简明扼要地加以概括。 摘要的构成要素: 研究目的——准确描述该研究的目的,说明提出问题的缘由,表明研究的范围和重要性。 研究方法——简要说明研究课题的基本设计,结论是如何得到的。 结果——简要列出该研究的主要结果,有什么新发现,说明其价值和局限。叙述要具
